Industrial personnel include workers. Categories of production personnel

The most numerous and main category production staff- these are workers of enterprises - persons (workers) directly involved in the creation material assets or work related to the provision of production services and the movement of goods. Workers are divided into main and auxiliary. Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person belonging to certain social groups.

The term “personnel” unites employees of all departments of the organization. There are different approaches to the classification of personnel: by profession or position of the employee, by level of management, category of workers, etc. The basic classification is by category of workers depending on their participation in the production process: workers and employees (Fig. 2.1.). The production staff in labor activity physical labor predominates.

Management personnel carry out labor activities with a predominant share of mental labor and are divided into two groups: managers and specialists. Fundamental difference The difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees subordinate to them. In turn, managers are divided into linear ones, responsible for making decisions on all management functions (director, shop manager, foreman), and functional ones, implementing individual management functions. In addition, managers are distinguished by management levels (top, middle and lower managers).

Managing people for all successful organizations - large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service-based is critical. There is no doubt that human resources management is one of the the most important aspects theory and practice of management.

Rice. 2.1. Personnel classification.

Industrial production personnel are personnel who are engaged directly (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in industrial production activities.

The main workers include workers who directly create the marketable (gross) output of enterprises and are engaged in the implementation of technological processes, i.e. changes in shape, size, position, condition, structure, physical, chemical and other properties of objects of labor.

Auxiliary workers include workers engaged in servicing equipment and workplaces in production shops, as well as all workers in auxiliary shops and farms.

Auxiliary workers can be divided into functional groups: transport and loading, control, repair, tool, housekeeping, warehouse, etc.

Managers are employees holding positions of enterprise managers (directors, foremen, chief specialists, etc.).

Specialists - workers with higher or secondary specialized education, as well as workers who do not have special education, but occupy a certain position.

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Personnel are persons who are included in labor relations within a specific legal entity. This is the personnel of the enterprise, which includes employees, owners and co-owners.

Main characteristics of personnel

Before qualification, you need to understand who exactly belongs to the personnel. Personnel are characterized by these characteristics:

  • Involvement in labor relations. The latter must be documented. In particular, an employment agreement must be drawn up.
  • Characteristics on the basis of which activities are carried out. For example, this could be qualifications, specialty, education, experience.
  • Having a goal for the activity. The goals of the specialist’s work must be correlated with the goals of the enterprise.

Personnel management is distinguished by such features as:

  • Integration into the overall management structure.
  • Compliance with the existing corporate culture.
  • Availability of job planning and employee training.
  • Accounting professional qualities and employee performance evaluation.
  • Centralization of management processes.

Employees who are not registered at the enterprise in any way will not be considered personnel.

Regulatory rationale

Personnel categories are regulated by “Instruction on the number of workers at enterprises” No. 17-10-0370, approved by the State Statistics Committee on September 17, 1987. The key document is also the Classifier of Occupations No. 367, approved by the State Standards Decree of January 26, 1994. The Ministry of Health and Social Development has issued several orders that approve qualification categories:

  • Order No. 525 of August 6, 2007. Establishes criteria for assigning staff representatives to a particular qualification group.
  • Order No. 248n dated May 29, 2008. Establishes qualification levels for employees.
  • Order No. 247n dated May 29, 2008. It also establishes qualification levels, but this time relative to managers and specialists.

IN regulations These personnel groups are identified:

  • Positions of workers and employees for which no professional education is required.
  • Positions that require primary or secondary education.
  • Managerial positions that require initial professional education.
  • Specialties for which you need higher education(qualification “bachelor”).
  • Positions for which you need to have a higher education with the qualification “certified specialist” or “master”.

The need for education is determined depending on the specifics of the activity. Complex intellectual work requires the availability of appropriate knowledge and skills. Basic education is sufficient to perform simple work.

Main categories of personnel

Personnel is a collection of employees of various specializations included in the staff. It is divided into two main categories: production and non-production. Production personnel engage in labor, the result of which is expressed in material form. For example, these could be people working on the creation of cars or the construction of buildings. Let's consider the components of the first category:

  • Workers. Their activities are mainly physical in nature. These employees specialize in producing goods or servicing production. For example, these could be builders, cooks. Workers are further divided into two categories. These are the main personnel employed in the main production workshops. These are also support staff. Its representatives work in procurement or service shops.
  • Employees. Their activity is mainly mental in nature. The result of their work is the identification management problems, formation of new information flows, making various decisions in the field of management. An example of this category could be accountants, lawyers, and managers. Employees are further divided into three categories. These are the managers of the enterprise itself or its divisions. This group also includes deputy managers. These are specialists: engineers, economists, accountants. The third group is the employees themselves (junior technical staff, accountants and clerks).

The second category is non-production personnel. It refers to employees employed on non-industrial farms. That is, the result of their work is not the creation of something material. Examples of non-production personnel are workers in housing and communal services, canteens, and clinics.

Categories of managers

Production managers are divided into these categories:

  • Linear. These managers make decisions affecting all functional areas of activity. Examples: general manager, supervisor maintenance, shop manager.
  • Nonlinear. These are functional managers who perform specific management functions. Examples: financial director, manager responsible for personnel.

Managers are divided by management levels:

  • Grassroots level. For example, master.
  • Middle level. Heads of department and workshop.
  • Senior management. Director or his deputy.

Lower-level managers manage small departments, middle-level managers manage large departments, and senior managers manage the enterprise as a whole.

Classification of enterprise personnel

Personnel are divided into categories depending on specific characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Property relations. There are owners (founders) of a legal entity. They own a share of the enterprise and profit from its activities. There are also hired employees.
  • Degree of involvement in production activities. Production personnel are involved in activities directly, non-production personnel - indirectly.
  • Place of main service. Employees may or may not be on the staff of the enterprise.

Some employees differ from others in the specifics of their activities and the characteristics of their labor relationships with enterprises.

Additional classification

Let's consider additional categories for dividing personnel into groups:

  • Forms of production activity (for example, building a building or creating wells).
  • Tariff categories (from one to eight).
  • Qualification classes (from one to three).
  • Payment models for work (for example, classic, piecework, bonus).
  • Level of mechanization of activities (manual or automated work).
  • Production areas (senior, senior assistant).

The following positions can also be classified:

  • Positions: manager or specialist.
  • Position: senior and junior.
  • Level of qualification (1-3 grade).

NOTE! In Russia there is a main Classifier of professions.

Depending on what the position belongs to one or another category

There are the following characteristics that influence the attitude of a position to a particular category:

  • Level of education.
  • Skill level.
  • Having professional experience.
  • Employment registration (for example, a person can work part-time).
  • Specificity of activity (physical or intellectual).
  • Presence of subordinates.
  • Place of work.

As a rule, personnel can be clearly qualified. The structural composition of employees is determined depending on the characteristics of a particular event.

The personnel of an enterprise is a collection individuals, associated with the company as legal entity in relations regulated by a rental agreement. It is a team of workers with a certain structure corresponding to the scientific and technical level of production, the conditions for supplying production with labor and established regulatory and legal requirements. The category “enterprise personnel” characterizes personnel potential, labor and human resources of production. It reflects the totality of workers of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both the main and non-core activities of the enterprise.

The quantitative characteristics of the company's personnel are primarily measured by such indicators as payroll, attendance and average number of employees. Headcount employees of a company - this is an indicator of the number of employees payroll for a certain date, taking into account employees hired and departed for that day. Attendance is the estimated number of employees on the payroll who must report to work to complete a production task. The difference between turnout and payroll composition characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, etc.).

To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average number on the payroll is used. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators. The average number of employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number calendar days month.

In addition to the number of employees, a quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of the company and its internal divisions can also be represented by the labor resource fund in man-days or man-hours, which can be determined by multiplying the average number of employees by the average duration of the working period in days or hours.

The qualitative characteristics of the company's personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees. The structural characteristics of the company’s personnel are determined by the composition and quantitative ratio individual categories and groups of enterprise employees. Depending on the functions performed, workers manufacturing enterprise are divided into several categories and groups. Workers in trade and public catering, housing, medical and health institutions, educational institutions and courses, as well as pre-school education and cultural institutions on the balance sheet of the enterprise are classified as non- industrial personnel enterprises.

Personnel of the enterprise directly related to the production process, i.e. occupied main production activities, represent industrial production personnel, which are divided into two main groups - workers and employees..

Depending on the nature of work activity, the company’s personnel are divided into professions, specialties and skill levels. Workers of each profession and specialty differ in their level of qualifications, i.e. the degree of mastery by workers of a particular profession or specialty, which is reflected in qualification (tariff) categories and categories, which at the same time characterize the degree of complexity of the work.

The professional and qualification structure of the company's employees is reflected in the staffing table - a document approved annually by its head and representing a list of employee positions grouped by departments and services, indicating the rank (category) of work and official salary.

Strategic planning involves tracking trends in personnel development, as well as determining the strategic need for labor resources that arises in the process of implementing certain global production plans.

Dedicated special attention issues of determining long-term needs for personnel of various qualifications, choosing forms of financing education, developing in-house training programs so that the strategic goals of the organization are achieved on time and with the greatest competence. Main focus strategic planning personnel thereby becomes ready for large, long-term and expensive measures in the field of training and development of the labor potential of the enterprise.

Within current planning issues of dismissals, retirements, maternity and sabbaticals, staff turnover, etc. The main feature of current planning is its efficiency, i.e. ensuring readiness to respond quickly to small changes. In fact, current planning is planning for the replacement of the retirement of labor resources. The main element of either strategic or current planning is the identification of labor resource needs. Along with fairly clear issues of replacing staff departures (determining the average level of staff turnover, the number of retirements and long-term leaves), there are specific procedures for determining needs that reflect business development. It is this aspect that is the most difficult and interesting.

Planning the number and composition of personnel

A quantitative characteristic of the labor potential of an enterprise and its internal divisions can also be represented by the labor resource fund (LRF) in man-days or man-hours, which can be determined by multiplying the average number of employees (ALN) by the average duration of the working period in days or hours ( Trv):

Frt = Chsp * Trv.

The required number of workers and their professional and qualification composition can be determined by: the production program, the planned increase in labor productivity and the structure of work.

The calculation of the number of personnel can be current or operational and long-term or long-term.

Current staffing needs.

The total need of the enterprise for personnel A is determined as the sum:

H is the basic need for personnel, determined by the volume of production;

DP - additional need for personnel.

The basic need of an enterprise for personnel H is determined by the formula:

OP - production volume;

B - output per worker.

More specific calculations are made separately for the following categories:

· workers - piece workers (taking into account the labor intensity of the product, the working time fund, the level of compliance with standards)

· temporary workers (taking into account assigned zones and labor intensity of work, staffing standards, labor intensity of standardized tasks, working time fund)

· apprentices (taking into account the need for training new workers and planned training periods)

· service personnel (based on standard standards and staffing table)

· management personnel (determined based on controllability standards).

The additional demand for DP personnel is the difference between the total demand and the availability of personnel at the beginning of the billing period.

Enterprise personnel planning.

The enterprise's personnel needs should be planned by groups according to categories of workers.

The quantitative characteristics of the enterprise's personnel are measured by such indicators as the list, average and attendance number of employees. The payroll reflects the movement of the number of all employees, permanent and temporary, hiring and dismissal from work, etc. To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average payroll number is calculated. As a rule, it is used in calculating average labor productivity, average wages, staff turnover, etc. Turnout refers to the number of workers who actually show up for work during the day.

The required number of core workers is determined by:

Labor intensity of the production program;

Production standards;

Workplaces based on service standards.

The number of auxiliary workers can be determined by the following methods:

According to the labor intensity of the work;

According to service standards;

By number of jobs.

The number of employees is determined based on the available industry average data, and in their absence, according to the standards developed by the enterprise. It should be noted that headcount standards, depending on the scope of their application, should be developed not only for each individual management function and the enterprise as a whole, but also for individual types of work and positions.

The number of managers is determined by the size of the enterprise, its industry characteristics, management standards, etc. Terms and definitions

Chapter 3. Calculation of the number of personnel

Calculation of the number of main workers

Based on labor intensity

Psp = tpl / Fpl * Kin, where

tpl is the planned labor intensity of the production program.

Fpl - planned fund of time

one average worker.

Kvn - coefficient of fulfillment of production standards.

A well-chosen workforce is one of the main tasks of an entrepreneur. This should be a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to recognize, understand and implement the plans of the enterprise management. Only she is the key to success entrepreneurial activity, expression and prosperity of the enterprise.

For the functioning of an economy at any level, a certain number, composition and structure of workers are necessary, i.e. personnel or labor resources.

At the core classifications personnel composition is based on the principle of participation of individual groups of workers in production process, i.e. the nature of the functions performed. In accordance with this, workers are divided into industrial production personnel and non-industrial personnel.

Towards industrial production personnel include those involved in the production process, carrying out its preparation, technical and organizational services, and management.

Non-industrial personnel- these are employees serving non-industrial, non-production facilities (housing, child care facilities, medical services, recreation centers, cultural centers) listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise.

Industrial and production personnel are divided into groups in accordance with their functions:

- managers; - specialists; - employees; - workers; - security - students.

Leadership group– persons carrying out linear and functional management consists of: the head of the enterprise (including his deputies, chief specialists), heads of departments, services, workshops, and sections. In mechanical engineering there are 62 positions.

Specialists– employees performing engineering, technical, economic, accounting and other functions (in mechanical engineering this is 51 positions).

Employees– persons involved in documentation, office work, and economic services (in mechanical engineering – 19 positions).

Workers- these are persons directly involved in production and its maintenance, divided into two groups: main and auxiliary.

Essential workers directly involved in the manufacture of products.

Auxiliary workers are busy servicing the main production. These are repair workers, product quality inspectors, storekeepers, and transport workers. Auxiliary workers work either in the auxiliary workshops of the enterprise or in the main workshops. They participate in the manufacture of products indirectly, creating the necessary material conditions for conducting main production.

Employees of enterprises are classified according to professional and qualification characteristics. Within the profession there is specialties- this is a more specific characteristic of a certain profession, accurately showing the scope of a person’s activity, requiring special knowledge and skills in a specific type of activity. Professional division takes place among a group of managers (chief mechanic, chief power engineer, chief designer, etc., as well as heads of specialized departments and services), from a group of specialists (technologists, designers, economists, etc.), from a group of workers (machine operators, mechanics, electricians, etc.). In the group of employees, the professional characteristic is weakly expressed. The qualification characteristic is more pronounced among specialists and workers. For specialists, it is expressed at the category level (no category, 3rd, 2nd, 1st category, leading specialist). For workers, the expression of qualification is a rank (mostly 6 ranks, and in a number of professions 8 ranks).

Relationships between separate groups workers give an idea of ​​the personnel structure at a given level of the economy. From the point of view of participation in the production process in the personnel structure, the largest specific gravity have workers.

Personnel training is carried out through the system of higher and secondary specialized education - training of managers at various levels, most specialists, and some employees; Vocational schools, lyceums – some employees and workers; at the enterprise - workers.

The efficiency of an enterprise depends 70-80% on its manager. It is the leader who selects the team for himself and determines personnel policy at the enterprise. A lot depends on how he does it. If the enterprise does not have a long-term plan for the development of the enterprise, if there is no strategy for the long and short term, it means that all this is not in the head of the manager. In this case, consider that the company has a bad future. Therefore, at every enterprise, the main core of personnel policy should be the selection and placement, first of all, of managers at various levels.

The efficiency of using labor at an enterprise to a certain extent depends on the structure of the enterprise's personnel - the composition of personnel by category and their share in the total number.

Per structure PPP the following factors influence:

¨ level of mechanization and automation of production;

¨ type of production (single, small-scale, large-scale, mass);

¨ size of the enterprise;

¨ organizational and legal form of business;

¨ complexity and knowledge intensity of manufactured products;

¨ industry affiliation of the enterprise, etc.

Personnel policy at the enterprise should be aimed at optimal combination PPP categories.

The personnel management process requires that at each enterprise the structure of the workforce is determined and analyzed by gender and age composition, as well as by skill level. This is necessary in order to prepare replacement personnel in a timely manner, as well as to achieve the most acceptable personnel structure for the enterprise by gender and age, by skill level and other characteristics.

The company's personnel and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics, which can be measured and reflected with less or more certainty by the following absolute and relative indicators:

¨ list and attendance number of employees of the company and / or its internal divisions, individual categories and groups on a certain date;

¨ shares of workers of certain categories with higher, secondary specialized education in their total number;

¨ the average number of employees of the company and/or its internal divisions for a certain period;

¨ the share of employees of individual divisions (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the company;

¨ rate of growth (increase) in the number of employees of the company for a certain period;

¨ average category of workers of the enterprise;

¨ the proportion of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and/or employees of the enterprise;

¨ average work experience in the specialty of the company's managers and specialists;

¨ staff turnover;

¨ capital-labor ratio of workers and/or workers at the company, etc.

The combination of these and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the company’s personnel and trends in its change for management purposes staff , including planning, analysis and development of measures to improve the efficiency of use human resources enterprises.

Quantitative characteristics of personnel A company is primarily measured by such indicators as the payroll, attendance and average number of employees. Headcount employees of the company ¾ is an indicator of the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date, taking into account the employees hired and departed for that day. Turnout number¾ is the estimated number of payroll employees who must report to work to complete the production task. The difference between turnout and payroll composition characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, business trips, etc.).

The definition of “personnel” is most appropriate at the organizational level, since it defines the personnel of the organization who work for hire and are characterized by certain characteristics.

The main ones are:

Labor relations with the employer are usually formalized employment contracts;

Possession of certain quality characteristics, a combination of personal and organizational goals.

Hence, staff- the main, permanent staff of qualified workers, which is formed and changes under the influence of both internal and external factors.

All employees of the enterprise are divided into two groups:

Industrial and production personnel engaged in production and its maintenance;

Non-industrial personnel employed primarily in social sphere activities of the enterprise.

Industrial production personnel are personnel who are engaged directly (key workers) or indirectly (managerial personnel) in performing industrial and production functions of the enterprise. This category is applicable to designate employees of an enterprise engaged in industrial production activities.

Industrial production personnel (IPP) is divided into the following groups:

1. workers - performing various technological processes;

2. employees – processing of various information;

3. junior service personnel (JOP) – maintaining cleanliness and order in production;

4. security;

5. apprentices – a reserve of qualified labor.

In turn, employees are divided into three categories according to the functions they perform:

1. managers;

2. specialists;

3. technical performers.

The functions of managers are making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The functions of specialists (engineers, economists, etc.) are to prepare information (design, technological, planning, accounting), on the basis of which managers make decisions. Technical performers provide necessary conditions for the work of managers and specialists.

The personnel composition or personnel of an enterprise and its changes have certain quantitative, qualitative and structural characteristics that can be reflected by absolute and relative indicators:

1. list and attendance number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions, individual categories and groups as of a certain date;

2. the average number of employees of the enterprise and (or) its internal divisions for a certain period;

3. the share of employees of individual divisions (groups, categories) in the total number of employees of the enterprise; growth rate (increase) in the number of employees of the enterprise for a certain period;

4. average category of workers of the enterprise;

5. the share of employees with higher or secondary specialized education in the total number of employees and (or) employees of the enterprise;

6. average work experience in the specialty of managers and specialists of the enterprise;

7. staff turnover for the hiring and dismissal of employees;

8. capital-labor ratio of workers and (or) workers at the enterprise, etc.

The combination of these and a number of other indicators can give an idea of ​​the quantitative, qualitative and structural state of the enterprise’s personnel and trends in their changes in order to increase the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The quantitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are, first of all, measured by such indicators as: payroll; turnout; average number of employees.

The payroll number of employees of an enterprise is the number of employees on the payroll as of a certain date or date, taking into account the employees hired and retired for that day. Payroll includes:

1. actually working;

2. downtime and absent for any reason ( business trips, annual additional leave);

3. those who did not appear with the permission of the administration;

4. performing state and public duties;

5. those involved in agricultural work (if their wages are maintained);

6. those who did not show up due to illness;

7. on maternity leave;

8. unpaid additional leave child care;

9. vocational school students who are on the balance sheet of the enterprise;

10. working part-time or weekly;

11. homeworkers.

The employee payroll indicator is determined daily according to time sheet data.

Turnout number- this is the number of employees on the payroll who showed up for work. The difference between turnout and payroll composition characterizes the number of full-day downtime (vacation, illness, business trips, etc.).

To calculate the number of employees for a certain period, the indicator is used average number. It is used to calculate labor productivity, average wages, turnover rates, staff turnover and a number of other indicators.

Average headcount employees per month is determined by summing the number of employees on the payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and dividing the resulting amount by the number of calendar days of the month. The average number of employees for a quarter (year) is determined by summing the average number of employees for all months of operation of the enterprise in the quarter (year) and dividing the resulting amount by 3 (12).

The qualitative characteristics of the enterprise’s personnel are determined by the degree of professional and qualification suitability of its employees to fulfill the goals of the enterprise and the work they perform.

Qualitative characteristics It is quite difficult to evaluate the company's personnel. However, at present there is a certain range of parameters that allow us to determine the quality of work:

1. economic (complexity of work, employee qualifications, industry affiliation, working conditions, work experience);

2. personal (discipline, skills, conscientiousness, efficiency, creative activity);

3. organizational and technical (attractiveness of work, saturation of equipment, level of technological organization of production, rational organization of labor);

4. socio-cultural (collectivism, social activity, general cultural and moral development).

The structural characteristics of the enterprise's personnel are determined by the composition and quantitative ratio of individual categories and groups of enterprise employees.