How to make a large bouquet of flowers. How to make a fruit bouquet with your own hands? Video on how to pack a bouquet in craft paper

Many people think what to do flower bouquet It's not too difficult to do it yourself. However, there are certain rules that must be followed.

The fact is that the style of the bouquet must be in accordance with the celebration for which it is intended, depending on the age, gender and other characteristics of the person to whom it is planned to be presented.

Conventionally, you can divide all the bouquets and two main groups– this will make it much more convenient to work with them:

  • round;
  • unilateral.

The fact is that these are two typical forms in which bouquets are made, therefore, having mastered them, you can easily use different styles and methods of floristry.

In most cases, round bouquets of flowers are intended for various celebrations (a wedding bouquet or a bouquet for an anniversary or birthday), but they are also quite suitable for not too cheerful, but rather even sad events.

Such bouquets are also presented to educators and teachers. Flowers are usually placed in a vase and placed in the central part of the room. A bouquet like this should look beautiful everywhere, so it has a circular arrangement of flowers.

A round bouquet should be made with your own hands according to certain rules.

  1. In its central part there should be plants with the longest and straightest stems. Flowers with shorter stems and smaller flowers should be located at the edges.
  2. The arrangement of flowers in a bouquet is based on a simple rule - the stems should not cross each other.
  3. It is necessary to make sure that all the flowers look outward, as if looking out from the bouquet.
  4. Decorating a bouquet with greenery (this is done with the help of fern, asparagus, and so on) is done not only inside the bouquet itself, but also outside, edging it around the perimeter. However, you should first see if it will look good.

This flower arrangement is needed to decorate the premises. It is not always made from roses; it can be composed of exotic indoor plants or flowers.

These bouquets are placed in the foreground of the room, but are quite suitable for installation in the far corners. If necessary, they can be mounted on the wall. Such bouquets are called interior bouquets.

Terms of use various colors there won't be too much here, since on its own The design of the bouquet is quite simple.

  1. Ideally, it will be made from roses or other flowers that will be of different lengths.
  2. According to the rules for arranging flowers in such a bouquet, the longest specimens are placed in the background, those with shorter stems are in the middle of the bouquet, and flowers with the shortest stems are brought to the foreground.
  3. In the center of a one-sided bouquet, you can highlight the central element by filling it with the brightest and beautiful specimens. Instead of short-stemmed flowers, you can add a small amount of greenery to the front of the bouquet for decoration.

A bouquet intended for a celebration, for example a wedding bouquet, must be made in such a way that it can be kept out of water throughout the day and at the same time be able to maintain its original freshness.

It’s worth mentioning right away that wedding bouquets of roses have been ordered less and less lately, giving preference to other equally beautiful types of flowers. To preserve the pristine appearance need to stick to some recommendations.

  1. The wedding bouquet should be composed exclusively of flowers that have just been cut. It needs to be cut off small angle, and then immediately place it in water. If you don't do this, it will work out airlock and the water will not reach the flower.
  2. It is advisable to place flowers in water without impurities - rain or better distilled. As a last resort, settled tap water will do, but it can only be used for a bouquet of roses.
  3. To keep plants fresh for as long as possible, you can split their stems. This is true for roses, chrysanthemums, hydrangea, jasmine and so on.
  4. Before placing in ordinary cool water, the cutting areas of flowers such as peonies, poppies and dahlias must be treated with boiling water.

To make the bouquet beautiful and not seem too tasteless, you need to use simple rules compatibility of different colors.

  • You can make a stylish and modern bouquet from a maximum of three types of plants.
  • There is no need to mix exotic and rare flowers with wildflowers and quite common ones.
  • A bouquet of roses should contain only roses without adding other types of flowers, as they look beautiful on their own.
  • If there are other flowers in the bouquet along with the roses, then it is better to separate them - the stem juice of the roses kills all the other flowers.
  • Carnations and daffodils have it even worse - if there are other flowers next to them in a neighboring vase, they will certainly die.
  • A beautiful and bright bouquet should be given to older or even older women. For girls, soft and light colors will be more suitable.

To make a beautiful wedding bouquet, combine several primary colors and their shades - red, blue and yellow. Eg, purple(which is a mixture of red and blue) will go well with yellow. In its turn, Orange color(a mixture of yellow and red) will match almost perfectly with blue.

A beautiful bouquet must be decorated with various green branches. A wedding bouquet can be decorated with organza, but this is not always attractive and advantageous.

Not every person will like the saturation of these artificial details, which will distract attention from roses or other flowers.

The main rule of a florist is that the bouquet should look as natural as possible. It is not worth making too bulky designs. By the way, even loose bouquets can look much more attractive compared to too dense ones.

A wedding bouquet is collected, in principle, like any other, so that you can see any flower at first glance. Only well-known florists with great experience works allow themselves to deviate from these rules.

In general, it is worth saying that professional florists have quite strict requirements for their work. In particular, this applies to three varieties of colors and a competent color combination. However, you can find huge bouquets that look more like a lush flower garden, but creating a similar bouquet correctly is a very difficult task.

It often makes sense to use the rule monochromatic harmony when flowers are picked different breeds, same color, but various shades. For example, shades of red combine perfectly.

Doing the same thing with green and blue colors is not too difficult, since you will probably have to use intermediate elements. It is worth noting that white, as well as its shades, is universal - it is well suited for many combinations.

Colors and shades of colors located next to each other in terms of the spectrum combine perfectly with each other - for example, a combination of orange and red colors would be almost ideal. Competent florists can create a contrasting combination.

When the bouquet is already in a vase, you should select a vessel so that it does not distract attention from the flowers. Much more important are indicators such as size and stability of the structure.

It is worth noting that not every vase is well suited for placing a bouquet. Vases of the same color or completely transparent are universal. A bouquet of roses, for example, will look great in a crystal vase. A wedding bouquet is usually not too tall, but quite heavy. In this regard, a tall vase is not suitable for it.

When packing a bouquet, it is necessary to analyze whether this packaging will emphasize all the positive qualities of each flower in the bouquet. At the same time, she must additionally hide them negative points and somehow combine - contrast or shade.

You should not completely place the bouquet in cellophane or foil - they will only hide the natural beauty of the flowers. It is not advisable to decorate flowers with crepe paper or polyester, as this has long been unfashionable.

Today it is much better and more modern to use natural and natural materials for decoration. Of the artificial ones, felt, mesh, corrugated paper and so on.

Decorative elements are added to the bouquet with great caution. For example, a small bow can fit quite well into the composition, but if you make it too large, it will distract all attention to itself, thereby hiding the natural beauty.

If the bouquet is made only from lilies, then they must be cut in the early morning hours and stored at low temperatures. In addition, the stamens, which contain a large amount of pollen, are removed from them - this will allow for a long time don't get dirty.

They go well with flowers of other breeds, but their size should not be larger than a lily bud. Otherwise, they will distract attention to themselves.

It is not advisable to leave the finished bouquet in the sun. In general, florists recommend storing it only in a cool place. Only in this case will it retain its freshness for a long period of time. Lilies have a strong smell, so you need to be careful with them to avoid allergies.

How to make a floral bouquet in a spiral?

The basis of this bouquet will be a rather large and beautiful flower. It is installed in the central part, and all other flowers included in this bouquet will be at an angle in relation to it. In principle, you can make this bouquet from only one type of flower, for example, roses.

The main thing is that the central flower has a strong stem, since the entire structure will be supported on it. You will also need to take floral tape, scissors and rope to tie the bouquet.

To get a beautiful bouquet, you must follow the following sequencing.

  1. All stems of roses or other flowers are trimmed so that their height is approximately the same.
  2. The central flower is taken in right hand, take an auxiliary plant to the left and place it next to the first one, but at a slight angle.
  3. Now you need to do this: next flower you need to place it at a similar angle of inclination, but behind the second one.
  4. All flowers, gradually introduced into the design, will go around the central flower and carefully go into a spiral.
  5. You can add plants such as alstroemeria or gypsophila to this bouquet.
  6. To make the design even more voluminous, it can be supplemented with greenery.
  7. At the last stage, the flower stems are tied with rope, and if necessary, floral tape is added.


Despite its apparent simplicity, putting together a beautiful bouquet is not an easy task. There are a lot of things to consider here important points, without which the result will be complete bad taste. Therefore, such a task must be approached as responsibly as possible.

Not a single celebration is complete without bouquets - flowers help to express warm feelings and confess love. Don't think about what to create flower arrangement Only a professional florist can. Of course, floristry is a science with its own subtleties and rules. This doesn’t stop you from coming up with bouquets yourself and delighting your loved ones with them more often.

Flowers have been a decoration for holidays and part of interior decor since ancient times. Centuries passed, fashion and people's tastes changed, but the tradition of congratulating with bouquets remained unchanged. If we recall modern trends in design and decor, we can come to the conclusion that bouquets of fresh flowers also serve as a means of creating coziness at home.

Don’t think that you need to spend a lot of money and look for a good florist for this. Anyone can make bouquets of flowers with their own hands. It is enough to adhere to certain rules. Before you move on to making a bouquet, you need to think through everything. It is very important to decide on the shape, color and composition.

It is worth remembering that some plants do not tolerate any proximity. If you chose wildflowers, then it is better not to add anything else to them. The same rule applies to exotic plants. For example, an orchid can be framed with a small amount of greenery. There are also flowers that are an excellent background for almost all other plants. These are irises and decorative sunflowers.

DIY flower bouquets: how to make?

For those who are making a bouquet of fresh flowers with their own hands for the first time, professionals advise focusing on options from one type of flower. Floristry for beginners also involves a number of other features.

  • There are several styles of making bouquets of fresh flowers. Most are done in a massive style. In this case, there is no free space between the elements. Simple bouquets of the same type of flowers can be classified as a linear style.
  • Do-it-yourself flower bouquets do not tolerate stylistic overkill. When creating a composition, you should not use too many types of plants. As a result, you will get something overloaded and clumsy. 2-3 varieties and a small amount of greens are enough.
  • The creation of any bouquet can be broken down point by point. First, we determine the shape and composition, then the color compatibility and the number of plants in the bouquet. If you are going to make a bouquet of flowers growing in your garden, it is recommended to cut them at an angle. Next, they should be placed in water. For those flowers that were not immediately used when making a bouquet, florists advise updating the cut - this way they will not wither longer. Remember, the number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Bouquets can be made different sizes. For birthdays, large ones are preferable, but for weddings, on the contrary, not very voluminous ones. The shapes of men's and women's bouquets should be different. For beautiful ladies It is better to make round bouquets, and for men - elongated ones.
  • Also, when forming bouquets, you should remember that there are incompatible flowers.

  • This is not about composition or color compatibility. Some plants release substances into the water that can lead to the rapid death of other flowers. It is believed that roses, carnations and lilies should be placed in a vase separately.

Bouquets of flowers: master class

Sometimes the simplest bouquets look the best. A very delicate spring bouquet can be made from white and pink flowers. To do this, just place pink flowers in the center, frame them with white ones and tie them with a pink ribbon. Peonies and ranunculus - garden buttercups - are suitable for such a bouquet.

  • Prepare your tools - floral tape, garden shears, wire. Cut the flowers 45 cm long. The cut should be at an angle. To make the bouquet last longer, cut the cut again under water and place the flowers in a vase.
  • Prepare the plants: remove all leaves located at the bottom.
  • Find the largest one among the flowers. Take it out of the vase. Try to hold below the bud with your index finger and thumb. It is more convenient to hold it in your left hand.

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You can also make unusual flower arrangements using packaging. Wildflowers, porridge, white stars placed in a cone made of craft paper, decorated with textile or paper lace, will appeal to romantic people. To do this, the finished bouquet is placed in a cone with the top cut off. Next, the paper is decorated in any way - using lace, decorative tape.

The same effect can be achieved if you use floral mesh or coarse burlap. To do this, you also need to trim several branches of yellow and pink carnations and sprigs of greenery. Place flowers of the same length in the center, greenery along the edges. Preparing the decorative wrapper. To do this, we begin to wrap the upper right edge of the mesh or fabric, heading to the left. We have a cone. To prevent the wrapper from falling apart, it can be secured with a stapler in an inconspicuous place.

Cut off the top of the cone. We pull the resulting bouquet through the hole. We tie the bouquet in the middle with a decorative ribbon. The bouquet of carnations is ready!

There are many subtleties that help you create a beautiful bouquet.

If you want to make a symbolic bouquet that carries a certain meaning. Then you should familiarize yourself with the symbolism of color. Red color means love, passion, pink means tenderness, white means purity of thoughts, fidelity. Don't think that yellow denotes only separation and betrayal. The ban on its use in bouquets is a thing of the past.

Florists advise using different textures in bouquets. This effect can be achieved by using open flowers and twigs with buds. This effect can also be achieved using the texture of the petals - terry, smooth, needle-shaped. Remember that it is better not to overdo it with the number of textures, as well as with shades. 2-3 different varieties are enough.

To make the bouquet look compositionally complete, use additional decorative elements(beads, corrugated or kraft paper, ribbons).

Large inflorescences are always located in the center, and smaller flowers frame them. Try not to cover them with greens - everything is good in moderation.

Many people believe that best gift- this is the one that is made with my own hands. Bouquets are an excellent confirmation of this statement. Do-it-yourself flower bouquets are made according to certain floral rules. It is necessary to take into account color compatibility, the possibility sharing certain varieties of flowers. All this will help you create a bouquet that the hero of the occasion will remember for a long time!

Flowers are an amazing gift from nature. They attract the eye and exude a wonderful aroma. Flowers are used as decoration and presented to people in honor of significant events in their lives.

You can create a composition from living plants. Products made from artificial flowers look beautiful. You can surprise your family and friends by creating a bouquet of sweets with your own hands.

Such an original gift will appeal to those with a sweet tooth and small children.

When starting work, you should adhere to certain rules. The style of the bouquet should correspond to the event, age and gender of the person for whom it is intended.

The composition should look natural. To learn how to make a bouquet with your own hands, use step-by-step instruction.

Each flower in the composition should be visible at first glance. The created structure may include plants different types, the same color, but different shades.

White color goes well with other tones. Pay attention to the stability and size of the composition.

Bouquet of fresh flowers

The range of modern stores is simply huge. All year round You can purchase almost any flower, which opens up unlimited possibilities for florists. Bouquet in one color scheme looks tender. It's easy to make yourself.

Garden flowers are suitable for bouquets, which are often used as gifts. Field plants allow you to create a romantic composition. Exotic plants will make the bouquet bright and unusual.

Mono compositions also look beautiful. In them, flowers of one type occupy about 80% of the bouquet, the remaining plants are used as a background, complement or contrast. Properly selected packaging plays an important role in design.

Bridal bouquet

First of all, they are determined by the type of plant and color. To do this, the style of the celebration and the time of year are taken into account. It's better to stop at delicate flowers: pink, white. You can use several shades in the bride's bouquet.

The most persistent plants are roses, callas, orchids, and daisies. So that the composition remains in perfect condition all day long, they use a porta-bouquet holder.

Amazing compositions from ribbons

A bouquet of satin flowers looks stylish and fashionable. In a wedding salon you can purchase a composition of artificial flowers that looks no worse than the standard options.

You can create an original bouquet of ribbons yourself. To do this, you need to make flowers and then assemble them into a delicate composition.

To get the base, you need to squeeze out construction foam to CD. Then trim off any excess after it dries. By using glue gun glue a tube that will serve as a handle.

If gaps remain, they can be filled with hairpins with rhinestones or flowers. The handle is wrapped with bias tape and then a bow is placed on it. The base can be made from crumpled newspapers, and a wooden stick can be used as a handle.

Men's bouquets

Flowers are usually given to women. If a man needs to put together a bouquet, then you should pay attention to carnations. This flower symbolizes success, honor and loyalty.

Irises are suitable for a loved one. You can choose callas and gerberas. To prepare a pleasant surprise for your loved one or colleague, you need to know how to make a men's bouquet with your own hands.

Such a gift does not have to be issued in a standard way. But it should be taken into account that the bouquet should be elongated and laconic. A man who loves sweets will love a composition of sweets.

You can give a gift in the form of a ship or a car. The flower arrangement is complemented with a bottle of alcohol and fruit.

A bouquet of beer and fish will appeal to the stronger sex. A man will definitely appreciate originality and care.

Fruit bouquet

The edible composition evokes delight and a smile. It is made using fruits, berries and leaves. Citrus fruits, bananas, grapes and other fruits are suitable for such a bouquet.

All fruits are washed, peeled and dried. To give the components beautiful view, they are left for some time in the gelatin solution.

Find yours interesting idea Photos of fruit bouquets will help. Do not use overripe fruits. It is better to choose copies without visible defects.

Place such bouquets in a basket or low vase. The selected container should have a special material at the bottom into which skewers with fruit are stuck.


You don't need to spend a lot of money to make an original gift. You can make a beautiful bouquet yourself that will please the hero of the occasion.

Compositions are made from flowers, sweets and other items. They are complemented with different decor.

Bouquets are part of the holiday; they are given for special occasions. Unusual compositions of toys, money, fruits and sweets are popular today.

If you want to surprise your loved ones, create an original gift yourself.

Photos of DIY bouquets

A beautiful bouquet of flowers, wrapped in paper or packaging, can become a holiday gift.

You can give it to women or men, the main thing is to choose the right style.

And you don’t have to turn to the services of a professional; you can wrap the bouquet with your own hands; recommendations and rules will help in this matter.

A bouquet is considered a universal remedy that can be an addition to a holiday gift.

Also often used to show attention or simply to lift the mood. to a loved one. It largely depends on the method of registration.

It is worth noting! Of course, even if you give an armful of flowers that are not packed in special paper, it will still make a pleasant impression.

If you want to be original, then you should use decorative elements that will make the bouquet bright and expressive.

If you decide to beautifully arrange a bouquet, then first you should consider the basic shapes.

They will help you present it in an original way as a gift to a young girl or woman:

View Description
Round Bouquets count classic version, which has wide application. The composition has the appearance of a sphere, and when you see it, it seems that all the flowers fit tightly together.

They actually touch at the junction area.

Due to the fact that flowers of different colors and paper are used in decoration, they can be packed in film, wrapping paper, felt and complemented with organza

Free form It is achieved by asymmetrically fixing colors with an odd number.

They are often made in the shape of a triangle, and for events with a romantic touch - in the shape of a heart.

Unilateral Compositions of this form are made from flowers with different stem heights.

They have a back and a front side

Massive They can be used different flowers, accessories, plants. All elements in the composition must fit perfectly with each other.

A florist can create beautiful bouquets a wide variety of shapes, the most popular are triangular and pyramidal compositions

Boutonnieres or corsages They are small bouquets of fresh flowers, which are used to decorate dresses, suits, hats.

Often used at weddings and other celebrations with a large number of people. Durable types of flowers are used to make bouquets.

Flower jewelry Compositions of this type are made from flowers persistent appearance and wires made of precious metals.

Floral elements are strung on wire; the finished composition can be used instead of precious jewelry. They give a girl’s appearance a femininity and a romantic look.

Variety of packaging materials

Note! How to assemble and arrange a bouquet with your own hands in an original way.

Before starting this process, it is worth considering what materials can be used for packaging.

They can be varied, the main thing is to comply perfect combination in style and color.

Let's consider popular materials for decorating bouquets:

  • Paper. It can be of various types, may differ in color, pattern, density.

    If you want to make a bouquet of flowers original and unusual, then you can pack it in paper with a thematic design.

    Wrapping paper is in demand, it allows you to make original forms bouquet, and also complements its brightness and style.

    And if you pack it in corrugated paper, it will become even brighter.

  • Film. You can pack a bouquet of flowers in film, especially since there is huge selection of this packaging material.

    You can wrap it in transparent, with pictures, patterns, multi-colored, with holography, plain, metallized packaging, and if desired, you can additionally tie it with ribbons.

  • Net. A packaged bouquet in a net looks gentle, light and romantic; it can be an excellent gift for a young girl.

    The mesh is available in a variety of colors, so you can easily choose the appropriate packaging for decorating a bouquet of flowers with your own hands.

  • Kraft paper. This material is used at the post office and in stores for packaging products.

    Kraft is produced in brown color, other shades are rare. This material is often used to decorate flowers.

    It is suitable for packaging themed bouquets for men, for example, socks, beer and boiled crayfish. You can also wrap a bouquet of fruits and sweets in an original way.

  • Sisal. This base is made from agave leaves. It is used for decorating wedding bouquets of gerberas and for making decorative components.
  • Organza. Organza bouquets have a delicate, light, sophisticated appearance.

Design rules

In order to pack flowers correctly and originally, it is worth remembering a number of recommendations:

  • Packaging is a means of hiding flaws, and it should also be a means of decoration, but not attract the main attention.
  • If you want the bouquet to be lush, large, and round, then you should use a spiral design method. But the triangular shape is used by florists to decorate funeral bouquets.
  • When decorating, it is not recommended to use too many decorative products; they should complement the composition.
  • Worth using natural remedies for decoration, even if the composition consists of dried gerbera or fresh flowers.

    Still, preference should be given to rice paper, organza, sisal, mesh, felt, and so on.

Step-by-step instruction

To decorate a beautiful bouquet with your own hands, you can watch the master class.

It will help you create a prefabricated bouquet in an angle or a triangle, in the shape of a ball, a hat arrangement for the holidays, a New Year's bouquet of tangerines and flowers.

We will look at how to make a classic bouquet of flowers step by step, for example, chrysanthemums, tulips, roses.

To make it you will need the following elements:

  • To cut paper and ribbons you will need scissors.
  • Flowers for a bouquet.
  • Decorative means - ribbons, mesh, braid, bows and so on.
  • Rice paper; film, organza, wrapping or corrugated paper are suitable instead.

Instructions for registration:

  1. We wrap the lower part of the flowers for additional volume.
  2. Satin ribbon, organza, non-woven fabric, and lace are suitable for decoration. Wrap with ribbons bottom part bouquet in three girths.
  3. It is not necessary to use rice paper to package the composition; it can be corrugated paper or film.
  4. The wrapping paper is folded in half with the pattern facing down. We place the flowers on it so that the stems are below the paper.
  5. The bouquet is wrapped and tied with ribbons.
  6. Additionally, the bouquet can be decorated with butterflies and bows.

Ideas for original bouquets

If you want to collect an original and unusual bouquet, you can consider original ideas design:

Idea Description
In a pot An indoor flower pot can become an original gift in winter. It can be wrapped in corrugated or wrapping paper and decorated with ribbons.

The composition can be placed in a gift box and complemented with bright ribbons and bows

Basket You can put not only flowers in the basket, but also other items.

The basket produces original bouquets of fruits, tangerines, sweets and other products. The composition is complemented transparent film and ribbons

Newspapers If you want to make an original and unusual bouquet, you can use newspaper decoration methods. From them you can assemble bright compositions of various shapes

A prefabricated bouquet of flowers and other elements can be made original and unusual, the main thing is to study the design rules.

A variety of wrapping paper, film, organza, felt and other means can be used to decorate it.

Additionally, bows and ribbons can be used, but the main thing is not to overdo it; decorative elements should not attract too much attention.

Useful video

Composition in parallel technique.

There are spiral and parallel techniques for assembling and arranging bouquets on natural stems. Parallel assembly involves applying plant material directly and parallel to each other, starting from the central flower in a ring shape to the periphery of the bouquet. Flower heads and greenery are placed during assembly in such a way that they form a certain shape of the bouquet - round, oval, triangular, etc.

The basic principle of creating a parallel composition is that flowers (more precisely, flower stems) are placed strictly vertically or obliquely (which happens less often). This composition is made using an oasis, which is pre-fixed in a vessel. Note that the oasis is located 1-2 cm below the edge of the vessel. If this is not done, then it will be very difficult to decorate it in the future. Plants should have an oblique cut - this way they will be better anchored in the oasis. The elements of the composition are located sufficiently long distance so that the lines of the stems are clearly visible. Top part The composition formed by the inflorescences can be lush or, conversely, strict and minimalistic, depending on the type of flowers. At the end of creating the composition, we decorate the oasis. To do this, you can take colored decorative sand, moss, gravel, tree bark, sisal, and shells.

Vessels are often used to work in parallel technology rectangular shape, since they combine most harmoniously and naturally with the clear, straight lines of plants.

Vertically located plant stems in parallel compositions, as a rule, form clear
lines. By combining them, a wide variety of effects can be achieved, depending on the material used and the artist’s intentions. A florist placing plants in an arrangement is like a painter drawing a line on a canvas with a brush.

Bouquet in parallel technique

In order for the bouquet to turn out luxurious, complex technology and abundance are not at all necessary. decorative materials, especially if it is a man's bouquet that requires a certain restraint. A composition from one or two types of material, despite its asceticism, can look very elegant.

It is enough to take a large flower, such as amaryllis, as a basis. This is a regal flower, and if you take several of these flowers in one bouquet, fastening the powerful stems into one column, you will get a bouquet that emphasizes strict beauty and harmony - a bouquet for real men.

Spiral bouquet

The spiral system for constructing a round bouquet is that the main apical flower is placed straight, as for the remaining flowers, those that are installed in the front should consistently tilt from left to right, and those that are installed at the back should tilt from right to left.

When assembling a bouquet, it is held in the left hand, and flowers are gradually added with the right. The stems of the flowers should touch only where the fingers of the left hand hold them. Each subsequent flower needs to be laid slightly diagonally, in a spiral. The larger the bouquet becomes, the greater the angle of inclination increases. As a result, 2/3 of the entire length of the flowers should rise above the hand, and 1/3 under the hand.

After making a bouquet, you need to tie it in the place where the stems touch. You can place the bouquet on the table and you will see how the ends of the stems form a circle on its surface.

The easiest way to learn how to make a spiral bouquet is using chrysanthemums. They fit easily into the hand and do not slip. To do this, the first flower must be placed on the middle and ring fingers of the left hand extended forward; in this case, the working fingers will be the thumb and index. Next, remove the middle finger and place the second flower on the ring and index fingers. Place the third flower on the middle and index fingers and press with your thumb. The fourth flower should be inserted under the ring finger and placed between the middle and index fingers.

As for the fifth flower, it must be placed on the fourth, pressed with the index finger and tilted slightly back. As a result, between the fingers there is a bouquet of flowers, laid one on top of the other and forming a spiral. Now you need to tie it. The bouquet using the spiral technique is ready.

To create a round bouquet of flowers of the same length, you can use carnations, tulips, irises, miniature roses, anemones and asters. This bouquet requires a large number of flowers. External and indoor flowers should be positioned so that they differ little in length, thereby achieving the roundness of the shape of this bouquet. It can be collected from lilies of the valley, violets, sweet pea, medium-length roses, cornflowers and daisies and other summer flowers

Bouquets of Tsvetopttorg