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Maltese dogs are a breed of dog that can touch and delight the most indifferent and indifferent people to animals. They are small, very playful and funny.This species is one of the oldest indoor decorative dogs..

Description of the breed

The Maltese or Maltese, as this breed of dog is also called, is a very delicate, but also very brave dog. Due to their natural agility and devotion to their owner, they lend themselves well to agility and obedience. In addition to being very active and agile, dogs are also gentle and very attached to their family.

Soft and silky white fur makes the animal's appearance aristocratic and sophisticated. It is difficult to imagine this lump of snow of a different color, but previously Maltese dogs had not only white, but also other colors. Nowadays only white and fluffy ones are found. It takes a lot of time, care and maintenance to keep the coat beautiful.

In addition to their cuteness, cute black nose and eye-catching beady eyes, there is another reason for the popularity of these doggies. Despite their abundant fur, they are almost not prone to shedding. This pleases the owners of even small apartments most of all.

Representatives of this fine breed are very sensitive and attentive. They love rewards and are prone to learning quickly. This makes it possible to train Maltese dogs, and they can even successfully cope with some of the tasks performed by guard dogs.


Under the appearance of fragility and insecurity, the Maltese hides its fearless disposition. They seem to be responsible for their owner; if they feel that the owner is threatened by something from people or animals, they will growl, bark (sometimes too much), and even bite. Sometimes it may be a suspicious noise, strangers or they just didn’t like someone. This is how they show their loyalty. Despite the small size of the animals, owners can easily teach them all sorts of tricks and commands..

Dogs are easy to injure, so it would be preferable for them to communicate with older children, because little ones are not always rude to patient dog. Dogs are positively disposed to the company of other animals, incl. cats and other dogs. It is very important that the lapdog retains its natural independence, without spoiling it to the point of self-will. Although the breed is very sociable, due to lapses in upbringing it can be stubborn and spoiled. They can be picky eaters.

Education and training

Like little children, Maltese puppies demand special attention, tolerance, care and affection. Rigidity is not for them. They are gentle and sensitive. They respond to affectionate relations, but with the proper authority of the owner. They need to feel the love of their owner along with firmness so that they can obey. To educate not by force, but by patience and confident perseverance. If a dog lacks all this, it will not be able to fully trust a person and become a devoted friend.

With all the love for a pet, we must not forget that a dog always remains a dog, even if it is very smart. She has her own needs: to play, run, hunt, roll in the grass, play pranks. Don't forget to pamper your pet and allow him these little joys of a dog's life. Maltese know how to thank their owners with loyalty in their eyes, affection and true friendship.

Maltese training

There is a certain stereotype that distinguishes between dogs that are worth training and those that absolutely do not need it. Looking at the cute Maltese, the thought arises that these dogs can only be admired. But that's not true. These are smart, quick-witted and dexterous dogs that are easy to train. But whether to engage in it or not is up to the owner himself. After all, even in order to show a pet at an exhibition, he must have the necessary skills.

Most experts say that you should start training a Maltese no earlier than 6 months. Training this dog is based on the use of food stimuli. Training should be systematic, every day at the same hour 2-3 times with mandatory breaks. The most important role is played by food reward. The dog should enjoy the activity and should not feel like he is following orders. You need to calmly give commands, giving treats every time and not forget about praise. As soon as the dog understands that a tasty reward follows for a correctly completed task, it will happily and diligently fulfill all requirements. The main thing is that she should not see or know where the treats come from.

All you need for home training is a bag of food, a muzzle, a collar and a set of leashes. If difficulties arise, you can always turn to more experienced trainers who know this breed of dog well and can help.


Maltese dogs are very high maintenance due to their long coat. Some owners choose to cut the coat quite short. Those who decide to have long-haired animals have to devote a lot of time to ensure that their Maltese looks neat. These dogs have almost no shedding, and to avoid the formation of unsightly tangled clumps of dead hair, they need to be washed on time (once every two weeks) and combed daily with a metal comb. To make it easier to comb and not pull the animal’s skin or hurt it, you can use conditioner. It will also prevent the coat from drying out and becoming brittle. You need to make sure that the blow-drying is not too hot. This also affects the structure of the coat. First, you should still dry it with a towel, and then with a hairdryer..

Basically, the Maltese's hairstyle is a coat divided into two parts along the spine, touching the floor. To ensure that the long hair on the head does not interfere with the eyes, it is collected with an elastic band or ribbon into a funny tuft. The fur between the claws, if not trimmed, causes inconvenience to the dog; it most often gets tangled there. Therefore, it is recommended to cut your hair once every two weeks.

Regarding hygiene, dogs are recommended to brush their teeth weekly, wipe their faces after each meal, and also, due to eye irritation from white fur, wipe them with special wipes. The ears should be wiped with a swab in a solution prescribed by a veterinarian.

For a dog to always be in good shape, it at least needs frequent walks and games.


The nutrition of the Maltese dog must first of all be correct. Already when buying a puppy, it would be good to know what the previous owner fed it, its culinary preferences and character. For a Maltese, especially in the first months of life, it is very important to receive essential vitamins. Their deficiency affects the health and development of the dog. Due to an incorrectly selected diet, smudges may appear under the eyes. It is also important that the food is high in calories. The best food for a dog of this breed is one that contains turkey and lamb. But it’s also not worth making do with dry food alone. It is best to alternate natural food and dry food.

A very small dog, up to 5 months, should eat 6 times a day. An adult dog eats mainly 2 times, but maybe more.

Feeding such a small, extraordinary dog ​​as a lapdog does not involve a lot of material costs, but time and care must be given.


Dogs of the Maltese breed have fairly good health, but they can also get sick. They are most susceptible to diseases associated with the organs of vision (glaucoma, retinal atrophy, blindness and blockage of tear streams, distichiasis). Often this breed suffers from chronic heart disease, hydrocephalus, hypoglycemia, deafness and pyloric stenosis. The lapdog is prone to chills if it stays in damp areas. Basically, diseases are either hereditary or congenital, but treatment in the early stages of life is very effective, so early diagnosis should be remembered.

Characteristics of the Maltese dog in the table

Breed name


Country of origin


Time of birth of the breed

2 millennia ago


companion dog


3-4 kg

Height (height at withers)

20-25 cm


12-16 years old

Maltese video

Based on all of the above, we can safely say that a Maltese dog, if treated with care and given the attention, tender care, and love it needs, can become the most beautiful and loyal friend in the house. She knows how to delight with her childish playfulness and surprise with her intelligence and dexterity. Her ability to miss a person touches her and makes her become kinder.

Maltese or maltese for many centuries it was the choice of the elite. The Maltese is one of the oldest dwarf dog breeds in Europe. Maltese dogs were revered by the ancient Greeks. They captured these dogs in paintings and pottery. Find out more about the breed, see photos.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

Aristotle called the Maltese a cloud floating in the sky. There is evidence that the ancient Egyptians idolized this breed. It is believed that it originated from the island after which it was named - Malta. They originated from working dogs, but over time all the working and hunting qualities were removed from this dog.

The Maltese is one of the best companion dogs of all dog breeds. They look so soft and tender that you constantly want to touch them and play with them. Dark eyes and a neat button nose enhance the charm of the Maltese. They are pure white, which always fascinates people. It is assumed that it was the Roman emperors who excluded all colors from the breed except white. It was a sacred color for the Romans. Like the Poodle, the Maltese's coat is hair, not fur. This coat practically does not shed and is better suited for allergy sufferers.

The Maltese is great to carry around. Many people like to carry them in bags and take them on trips. Main feature Maltese dogs are small in size. But this little bundle shows a huge sense of love and affection. The Maltese develops a close bond with humans. The Maltese does well in many conditions. If you are one of those who are going to take your dog with you on hikes or long walks, remember that despite the fact that the Maltese is athletic, for every step you take there are 5 - 10 dog steps.

These are smart dogs, but be careful not to spoil the puppy. They tend to be overly dependent on their owner. It is very important to teach them that it is okay to be alone if you want to leave the house and not cause problems for your neighbors.

Maltese are great with children. But because they are so tiny, small children can easily damage them if they are not careful, because children will think that they are dealing with the best plush toy. Therefore, dog breeders do not recommend getting a Maltese for those who have children under 7 years of age.

Breed standard

  • Size: height at the withers for males is 21–25 cm, for females 20–23 cm.
  • Weight: 3 -4 kg.

A typical Maltese, the Maltese is a small dog with a rectangular body covered in long white hair. She should look elegant and hold her head high.

Her proportions:

  • The body length of a Maltese is approximately 38% greater than the height at the withers.
  • The length of the head is 6/11 of the height at the withers. The head is rather wide, the width is not much more than half the length.
  • The length of the skull of the Maltese dog is slightly longer than the length of the muzzle, the point of articulation of the forehead and nose is at an angle of 90”.

The nose is voluminous with wide nostrils, black. The bridge of the nose is straight. Lips . The bite of the incisors is scissor-shaped.

Teeth white, jaws full of teeth. The eyes are positioned subfrontally. Lively, shiny, wide open, larger than average size. The palpebral fissure is black, almost round. The eyes are a dark ocher color and not black. The look with such “ocher eyes” is the most romantic...

Neck in profile it has a distinct arched shape. Despite the thick fur, the border between the neck and the back of the head is visible. The neck position is straight and noble. There is no short hair on the neck. The top line of the body is straight.

Sacrum wide and long. The forelimbs are placed close to each other. Strictly vertical. The feet are round, the pads are black, the claws are black (although they are difficult to find due to the fur). Hind limbs when viewed from behind they appear to be erect. Placed parallel to each other, they have a strong skeleton. The tail is set on the line of the rump, thick at the base and thin at the tip. The tail forms one curl, the tip touching the rump.

Leather, tightly fitting to the body, has dark pigment spots on the back.

Maltese wool - dog decoration

Her royal robe. Long throughout the body, silky. The length of the hair on the body should exceed the height at the withers. It flows in heavy waves to the ground. No strands, shreds, curls. There is no undercoat. The hair on the head is unusually long, the hair on the back of the nose merges with the hair on the beard. From the top of the head it descends to the ears and merges with it.

Photo: Maltese dog. White wool with shade ivory

Coat color is white. A light shade of ivory is allowed. Wool needs constant care. But if you get used to caring for a dog from puppyhood, it will not become tiring for you, and every time you look at a clean and beautiful pet, you will be proud of yourself and revel in the gratitude of your pet. But please don't make Maltese dogs slaves to their fur, and certainly don't become slaves yourself. True, some breeders cut their dogs short, I think that this is justified solely from a hygiene point of view (for example, in inclement weather), or to distinguish a Maltese mother from her grown puppies. In other cases, I attribute this to the laziness of the owners, who, out of their naivety, acquired the queen without learning the etiquette of communication.

The movements are light and gliding, with short and quick kicks of the paws when trotting.

It should give the impression that the dog is floating and gliding above the ground.


On average, Maltese dogs live between 13 and 15 years. .


As a rule, Maltese dogs are easy to train. However, you should start training early and not spoil your dog too much during childhood.


The Maltese dog practically does not shed. Its six are hypoallergenic. This means that it is ideal for those who are prone to allergies.


When it comes to caring for the Maltese's long coat, it's not that easy. Their long Maltese coat requires a lot of work. If you are not going to participate in exhibitions, then your lapdog should be cut as needed. If you want to keep your Maltese to show standard with a coat down to the ground, you will need to brush it daily and wash it weekly, and it is advisable to contact a professional groomer. Each dog must be properly cared for, which can work wonders and turn a representative of any breed into an exemplary show winner.

It is especially important to know and follow all the intricacies of proper care for a breed such as the Maltese.

How to Groom a Maltese: The Basics

Caring for this breed, on the one hand, is not difficult, but at the same time it must be regular and require a sufficient amount of free time from you. Proper care The pet should be looked after in the following directions:

  • balanced nutrition,
  • hair care,
  • eye and ear care,
  • also walks and organizing the active life of the dog.

Next important point– this is caring for the coat, which is an invaluable decoration of this breed. The slightest failures in care can lead to your dog’s appearance becoming more reminiscent.

True connoisseurs of the beauty of Maltese dogs have at their disposal a huge arsenal of products, reminiscent of the equipment of a beauty salon. Several types of combs, beautiful hairpins, special shampoos and balms - all this is necessary to care for the coat of this breed.

Important Procedures

Weekly bathing and daily brushing will do the trick - your pet will have silky long hair, making it look like a gentle cloud that will float next to you, causing everyone's admiration. Caring for a lapdog also includes regular hygiene procedures that are carried out with the eyes, ears and claws.

And clean your ears, preventing hair from getting into the ear canals. The Maltese's eyes, which are prone to discharge, require special care. This problem affects not only the health, but also the appearance of the lapdog, as unaesthetic dark stains form around the eyes.

It is recommended to treat them with a special lotion and masking powder, or even better to eliminate the very cause of the discharge, which can be explained by poor diet or hair getting into the eyes. Therefore, pinning the fur over the eyes carries not only an aesthetic, but also a practical meaning.

Caring for representatives of the Maltese breed has a number of features, taking into account which you can raise a beautiful and healthy pet.

Maltese haircut

The Maltese is a very beautiful dog with natural intelligence and delicacy. However, its long, snow-white coat, similar to human hair, requires constant care.

At a minimum, the long coat should be thoroughly combed every day and the ends of this mantle should be trimmed so that a clear coat line is visible. When going for a walk, wool should be collected in curlers so as not to get dirty.

In addition, the Maltese is the only breed of toy dog ​​whose standard appearance includes wearing rubber bands on the head. Its fur is collected with rubber bands so that it does not cover the animal’s eyes and does not spoil its vision.

But if the owner can trim the ends of the coat on his own, then to cut the dog’s hair, you need solid experience and special skills. A Maltese dog needs a haircut, if her owner cannot afford to comb her long hair daily. Otherwise, the dog will turn into a depressing sight, which will look more like a dirty washcloth than a beautiful animal.

Types of haircuts

The modern standard Maltese dog haircut for exhibitions resembles. This is a long, well-groomed hairstyle in which the coat is divided into an even parting that runs along the head and the upper line of the body from the nose to the tip of the tail.

If the dog is not preparing for an exhibition, where it must amaze with the beauty of its coat, it is better to give it a shorter and more comfortable haircut.

There are many options for Maltese haircuts. One of the shortest and simple options- “like a puppy.” The coat is cut to the same length everywhere, and the dog looks neat and is easy to comb. The dog resembles a plush toy or a funny puppy.

Maltese dogs are also cut like a poodle, that is, by copying the traditional ones. There are many creative haircuts for Maltese. The dog’s head can have a bob, a short crew cut, or a haircut reminiscent of a bearded royal. The imagination of a groomer can only be limited by the preferences of the dog owner.

In any case, it is impossible to cut a restless creature’s hair on your own and you should turn to professionals.

Puppies Maltese dog. Upbringing

Raising a puppy Maltese breeding is not an easy task. It takes patience, experience and, of course, love. These dogs have no problems during mating and childbirth.

The natural principle has not yet faded away in them. However, puppies need to be fed in a very specific way. Small dogs eat little - this is obvious, but they need to eat well. Proper nutrition affects not only physical development, but also on the quality of wool.

It's playing great value for the attractiveness of the breed, especially show dogs. But in order for a puppy to turn into a cheerful, cute dog that we are pleased to see next to us, food alone is not enough. We must also nourish his physical development. First of all, puppies need to gain a correct understanding of the world. The breeder must play with them, pet them, caress them, to convince them that we and they belong to the same species.

A dog that has not been petted will never trust a person and will not be able to become the friend he dreams of. Next comes the period socialization dogs, which should start giving the puppy the basics of training. The dog must know that there are certain rules - that there is a master, a leader who must be respected, that it is - Master.

But don’t get carried away with all this and don’t forget that these non-fragile and non-porcelain dogs have the right to their dog’s life. They have the right to run, play, hunt crickets, take care of lady dogs, and quarrel over toys. And they also have the right to be naughty and roll on the grass, because before they became salon show dogs they were (and remain!) just DOGS. It is in this spirit that they need to be raised: first a dog, and then a champion.

It's great when a dog becomes a champion when it has excellent hair and a great appearance, but if it doesn't have a smart and cheerful look, it will get a point less than the rest of the beauties. But this romantic look, these cheerful sly eyes can only be found in a happy dog ​​enjoying life.

How to choose and buy the right Maltese puppy?

The decision to get a dog is the very first in a whole chain of further decisions. The future owner needs to decide on the breed, the name, and the question of whether he needs a dog for his soul or for a show career. If you decide to buy a Maltese, then all you have to do is choose the puppy that suits you.

Nice choice

The question of choosing a good puppy worries all future owners of the Maltese, especially those who have no practical experience. The most important thing is not to give in to emotions and momentary desires. If you saw an advertisement for the sale of puppies and after the first visit you decided to buy a cute fluffy puppy, think it over calmly.

Most best option– is to choose a puppy from a kennel that values ​​its reputation, and therefore will recommend you only the best representatives of the breed. Your intuition will tell you how to choose one of them.

If there are any congenital defects that are completely unimportant for an ordinary amateur, but cancel out an exhibition career and professional breeding, then experienced breeders will definitely warn you about this. You will get everything necessary documents, confirming the excellent origin of your pet.

What to look for when purchasing

If you are not buying a Maltese puppy from a kennel, then to protect yourself from disappointment, you need to take it with you. Small Maltese puppies are different from... adult dog By appearance, so you can easily mistake a mestizo or a mongrel puppy for a representative of this breed.

The main focus should be on examining the puppy's skin and coat. The skin should not be oily and not excessively dry and thin. Only on normal skin can long, silky hair subsequently grow - the main advantage of this breed. When we choose a Maltese, we hope to soon see a charming white creature that can be compared to a cloud due to its long coat, similar in structure to hair.

Therefore, puppies with excessively wavy, and even more so matted, coarse hair will not meet your hopes. Of course, you need to pay attention to general view and the puppy's well-being. He should be active and playful, and not show signs of cowardice or aggression.

Puppies of this small breed should not be taken from their mother before 2 months of age, when they are fully ready to go new home. The fact that the puppy was carefully cared for is evidenced by its well-groomed and healthy appearance.

If you take your choice seriously and do not give in to momentary whims and emotions, you will be able to buy yourself a Maltese puppy that will meet your expectations and bring you a lot of joy, as well as victories at shows.