DIY boiler drawings. Do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler - necessary drawings. Making a long-burning pyrolysis boiler

Interesting fact: Among the variety of solid fuel boilers available for sale, it is not easy to choose a unit that can operate on wood or coal for at least 6 hours and still produce the required amount of heat. Sellers of heating equipment declare more, but their words rarely correspond to reality. Hence the conclusion: if it is impossible to buy the desired product or is too expensive, then there is nothing left but to make a boiler long burning with your own hands. Are you good at welding and want to start manufacturing? Then this article is for you.

Choosing a suitable design

Before you consider different options wood and coal heating units, we propose to clarify the question of where the combustion duration as such comes from. Thanks to the efforts of sellers and advertisers, most users have the opinion that this is facilitated by the smoldering mode of operation of the boiler, in which the wood is burned very slowly.

IN real life you will not be able to constantly operate the heat generator in smoldering mode and here’s why:

  • at low temperatures in the chamber, the efficiency of solid fuel combustion decreases (installation efficiency decreases from 75 to 60%);
  • Only dry wood smolders well, but wet wood will begin to fade if you do not open the air supply;
  • the unit simply will not provide the amount of thermal energy necessary to heat the house.

In fact sales representatives They are being cunning or don’t understand what they are talking about. Real solid fuel boilers Long-burning fireboxes have a high-volume firebox. The more firewood that is placed in it, the longer it burns and the more efficiently it gives off heat. Specifically, in numbers, this is expressed as follows: the volume of the firebox of a conventional unit with a power of 20-22 kW does not exceed 65 liters, and the operating time is 6 hours. Our goal is to make a long-burning heat generator with a firebox of 80-100 liters, which will not work from 1 stack of wood less than 7-8 hours, and coal - up to 1 day.

Atmos C 20S (left) and Viessmann Vitoligno 100-S VL1A024 (right)

Reference. Here are a few examples of factory-made boilers that meet this requirement (shown in the photo above). These are Viessmann Vitoligno 100-S VL1A024–25 kW (volume 100 l), Atmos C 20S (20 kW – 100 liters) and, of course, Stropuva with a giant chamber of 260 l (this is the secret of long-lasting combustion). This also includes modern pellet-burning units, whose fuel supply in the bunker allows continuous heating for up to 7 days.

Now we list the popular types of homemade boilers:

  • traditional with direct combustion of solid fuel;
  • upper combustion, made according to the drawings of Stropuvo heaters and Bubafonya stoves;
  • gas generator models, the more common name is pyrolysis;
  • mine type units.

We talked earlier about how to make a pyrolysis heat generator with your own hands, so we won’t look at it again. As for the mine boiler shown in the diagram, its assembly and operation are associated with some difficulties. The product is quite bulky and material-intensive; in addition, an overly large tubular heat exchanger quickly becomes clogged with soot when using damp wood.

Sectional design of a mine heater

Drawings of a classic supercharged boiler

You may ask - why with forced supercharging? This is necessary to avoid the notorious smoldering regime and burn solid fuel economically. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Firewood (or coal) is loaded to the top into a firebox with a volume of 112 dm³ and ignited. After that, all the doors are closed tightly, and the automation is turned on, starting the air injection by the fan.
  2. After reaching set temperature coolant, the controller stops the fan and the boiler goes into standby mode. A tiny amount of air flows through the channel, closed by a gravity damper, to prevent the fuel from going out.
  3. When the temperature sensor detects cooling of the coolant in the boiler tank, the automation will turn on the fan again and the cycle will repeat.

Note. The inexpensive automation kit used in this boiler, shown in the photo, allows you to organize air injection in several intensity modes for wood and coal of different quality and humidity.

The long-burning solid fuel boiler of the universal coal / wood type shown below in the drawing has the following technical parameters, tested in practice:

  • rated heat power – 22 kW;
  • efficiency – 77% (real);
  • maximum operating pressure – 3 Bar, testing – 4 Bar;
  • firebox depth – 460 mm, opening size for storing firewood – 36 x 25 cm;
  • chamber volume – 112 liters;
  • Burning time with wood is at least 8 hours, on average - 10 hours, with coal - 1 day.

The design of a wood-burning heat generator is quite simple: the elongated firebox is equipped with grates on the bottom, and on top – a heat exchanger of 4 pipes placed inside the tank.

Air is pumped into the ash chamber through a channel made of a 60 x 40 mm profile, heated by the rear wall of the firebox. The fan and automation unit are installed on top, which protects them from dust and dirt. All design details are shown in the drawings, which you can use as a basis for your own production.

Top combustion heater option

Homemade hot water boilers long-burning, where fuel combustion is organized from top to bottom, are made according to the type of the well-known Bubafonya stove, which we gave earlier. The heat generator is the same stove, only equipped with a water jacket, as shown in the drawing.

Scheme of operation for overhead burning of wooden lumps

Important point. The operating principle of the heater is considered relatively new and consists in the fact that air is supplied to the fuel array from above, through a pipe with a heavy metal disk at the end. The combustion zone is also at the top, and as the wood burns, it sags under the weight of the load. As a rule, the air flow moves naturally due to the draft of the chimney, although if desired, a forced supply can be arranged.

Judging by the reviews of real users on thematic forums, such long-burning solid fuel boilers have not proven themselves very well. There are several reasons:

  • the unit is inferior in efficiency to classical models, since the intense combustion zone is located in the same plane;
  • the round body of the heater complicates manufacturing at home, and it cannot be made square;
  • until the entire previous portion burns out, it is technically difficult to add fresh firewood;
  • Like Bubafonya, a top-burning wood heat generator is not easy to extinguish if necessary.

A heating expert will reveal more interesting features of cylindrical boilers in his video:

Making a classic model

Building a reliable TT boiler that can last more than 15 years requires the use of the following materials:

  • low-carbon steel sheet grade St10-20, 4 mm thick, for the manufacture of a firebox;
  • the same, 3 mm thick - for the water jacket and doors;
  • metal strip with a cross section of 20 x 3 or 20 x 4 mm;
  • a piece of pipe with a diameter of 150 mm for the chimney;
  • pipe Ø57 mm with a wall thickness of at least 3.5 mm for the heat exchanger;
  • profile pipe 6 x 4 cm for the air duct;
  • a corner with a shelf width of 5 cm made of thick metal (4-5 mm) on a grate;
  • thin sheet steel with powder coating for external cladding.

Advice. You should not use high-carbon steel above St20 for the firebox. Firstly, it is more expensive in price, and secondly, it overheats from welding and can crack at the joints. It is better to buy ready-made handles for doors with ebonite linings; they hold tighter and look more beautiful.

Additional materials will require basalt fiber with a density of 80-100 kg/m³ for thermal insulation of the body and asbestos-graphite cord for sealing the door ledges. The automation kit and fan, which were mentioned in the previous section, are made in Poland, model KG Elektronik SP-05. There are also Chinese analogues on the market, they are cheaper.

Step one - welding the body

To weld the fuel chamber, it is necessary to cut 4 mm metal into blanks according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing. Start assembling from the bottom of the ash pan - grab the side walls and lid to it, and then form frames for the loading and cleaning door, as done in the photo.

  1. Weld supports for the grate inside the firebox, and weld clips from a steel strip outside for mounting the water jacket.
  2. Install and weld the 3mm outer lining sheets of the water jacket. Note that it originates from the top of the ash chamber.
  3. In the upper compartment, which will subsequently be filled with coolant, cut 4 flame pipes Ø50 mm, and place the same pipes for connection to the heating system.
  4. Attach legs from pieces of any rolled metal to the unit and install a chimney pipe at the outlet of the fire tube heat exchanger.

Please note that the flame tubes converge in a bundle towards the chimney pipe

Advice. If you are planning to make a long-burning double-circuit boiler, then the water coil for hot water supply is installed at this stage. Best place for a heat exchanger made of copper or stainless steel tubes - inside the upper boiler tank, next to the flame tubes.

Stage two - installation of hanging elements

The doors of the fuel and ash chamber are made by bending the edges of the blanks and welding the internal frame, where the basalt insulation is laid. The insulation is hermetically sealed on top with a lid, and an asbestos-graphite cord is tightly inserted into the resulting groove along the perimeter of the sash.

What else needs to be done:

  1. Attach the handles and hinges to the body, and cover the doors with heat-resistant enamel.
  2. Weld a grate from the corners and put it in place.
  3. Make an air duct with a counter flange and weld it to back wall, as demonstrated in the photo.

To insulate and line a homemade TT boiler, it is necessary to weld embedded parts made of any metal at the corners of the water jacket, as long as its width does not exceed 20 mm (on the back wall - 4 cm). Also provide stands for mounting the ECU on the top of the unit.

Final assembly of the heater

Thermal insulation of the boiler tank is simple - the walls are lined on the outside with basalt wool slabs, which are secured with a cord. Make sure that the insulation fits snugly against the frame of the loading and ash opening, as well as profile pipe air duct.

Advice. Before insulation and cladding, it is necessary to install a temperature sensor from the automation unit into the housing. The standard solution is to install an immersion sleeve, but you can do it simpler - insert it between the insulation and the wall of the jacket in the hottest place - in the area of ​​the firebox arch.

This is how the control unit and fan are mounted

The last step is to cover the heat generator with polymer-painted metal, screwed with self-tapping screws to previously welded embedded parts. After this, the doors are hung and an automation unit with a fan is installed. An original video from the developer of this long-burning TT boiler, Vitaly Dashko, will help you understand the assembly process:

We make a boiler with top combustion of fuel

In fact, a huge number of instructions for the manufacture of such heating units have already been published on the Internet, since for some reason they are considered long-burning boilers. True, none of them says how a home craftsman can make a round body and a water jacket without rolling machine. The rectangular shape of the firebox will not work - in the corners the wood will burn worse and “hang” on the walls.

Note. The old propane gas cylinder used to make Bubafoni is not suitable for the boiler - the volume is too small (only 50 liters). With such a chamber you will not get a heat generator that burns for an extremely long time. Need steel pipe with a wall thickness of 4 mm and an outer diameter of at least 40 cm.

The simplest solution is to connect 2 gas cylinders and make a primitive shirt

Other materials you will need:

  • sheet metal for the water jacket 3 mm thick;
  • pipe Ø57 mm for the air duct and Ø100 mm for the exit of flue gases;
  • sheet 1 cm thick for a round “pancake”;
  • fittings or corners for assembling the grate;
  • strip 40 x 4 for air distributors.

How to put a shirt on a cylindrical firebox

For insulation of the body, use the same high-density basalt wool and painted metal for the cladding. It remains to solve the main question - how to bend metal under a cylindrical firebox at home to make a water jacket. Options for solving the situation are reflected in the diagram - if there are no rollers nearby, the casing is made of segments in the form of a polyhedron or simply a square section.

Advice. You may be able to find a larger diameter pipe and put it on the firebox, but then the weight of the heater will be quite impressive, and it will take a long time to warm up.

The assembly of a long-lasting top-burning TT boiler is carried out as follows:

  1. Weld shelves for the grate inside the main pipe and place the bottom. Make cutouts for the doors and chimney opening. Make a grill and push it into place.
  2. Make a “pancake” according to the drawing with a hole in the middle, where you insert and weld the air pipe. Cut out the top cover of the unit with an opening for the pipe, and then install the load inside the firebox. Place the cover and secure it by welding.
  3. Make a water jacket skin and weld it in the same way as described in the previous section. Using the same technology, assemble the doors.
  4. Install all pipes, insulate and line the boiler.

This completes the assembly process. To make the unit look attractive, paint all unsewn elements black or another dark color and move on to testing.


If you managed to cope with the independent production of a “long-lasting” boiler, then the next stage is its testing and operation. Since home craftsmen do not always have a compressor for pneumatic tests, best way– put the heater in the yard, fill it with water and ignite it, bringing it to operating temperature 90°C. Loose joints will make themselves felt, but you just need to keep them in this mode for at least 1 hour. To remove heat, come up with some kind of radiator or register made of pipes.

Design engineer with more than 8 years of experience in construction.
Graduated from the East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronics Industry Equipment in 2011.

Manufacturing solid fuel boiler with my own hands- a complex and responsible event that requires careful preparation. It is necessary to know production technology, possess welding and metal working skills. By following the main rules of boiler development, you will create a heating device quickly and at minimal cost.

Description and principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler

General view of the boiler

A long-burning solid fuel boiler is a large firebox with a limited solid fuel combustion area and a controlled supply of oxygen. The operating principle of the device is based on the ability of solid fuel elements to smolder for a long time with increased heat transfer. The process involves complete combustion of the substance with minimal waste generation.

A large amount of solid fuel is loaded into the firebox on average 1–2 times a day, but there are units that can operate for several days. By regulating the flow of oxygen into the combustion zone, slow smoldering occurs at elevated temperatures. Smoke is released through special pipe. It passes through a heat exchanger and heats the water for heating system. Timely loading of the firebox ensures almost continuous operation of the device.

Fuel combustion in a long-burning boiler often occurs from top to bottom. In this case, as the top layer burns out, the fire moves lower to the next layers. Such thermal units have many advantages that ensure their popularity among all groups of the population:

  1. Increased firebox volume for loading fuel.
  2. Long life on a single load.
  3. Great heat dissipation.
  4. Environmental friendliness. During operation, the heater emits a minimal amount of exhaust gases.

Standard long-burning boilers differ in the type of fuel used:

  1. Devices operating on one type of fuel. Typically, this is used as firewood, sometimes as pallets obtained from waste from the wood processing industry.
  2. Universal units. Here it is possible to combine several types of solid elements - firewood, sawdust, pallets.

Based on the type of operation, all existing types of long-burning boilers can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Pyrolysis. The operation of such devices uses the principle of pyrolysis. Solid fuel particles burn out at high temperatures and poor oxygen supply. The process produces gas, which is sent to a separate compartment where it burns. This principle increases the boiler efficiency and fuel combustion time.
  2. Classic. They have a simplified design, differ in the volume of the firebox, the combustion method, the presence of a water jacket circuit, etc. The simplest classic boiler without a jacket is a metal container made of a pipe or barrel, where solid particles are burned according to the “top to bottom” principle.

The scope of use of solid fuel boilers is extensive. Household models heat private households, shops and similar residential and non-residential facilities. Large industrial units, which require a separate equipped room, can heat a small plant. The popularity of boilers is due to their low cost and ease of operation.

Unit design

Main components of the heating device

Briefly, the essence of the work and the design of a long-burning solid fuel pyrolysis boiler can be summarized as follows:

  1. Two metal cylindrical housings different sizes are fastened together. The smaller one is the firebox where solid particles are burned. The larger one is the outer shell of the boiler.
  2. The remaining space between the housings is filled with water. It performs the functions of a coolant.
  3. An air distributor is installed in a small pipe and divides it into two parts. In one section, fuel particles are burned, in the other, afterburning of pyrolysis gas occurs. The distributor is made in the form of a telescopic pipe, to one end of which a small disk with blades is attached. This allows the gases released during fuel combustion to be evenly distributed. Through the air distributor, oxygen is supplied to the combustion compartment, which is necessary to maintain combustion.
  4. As the fuel layers burn out, the distributor moves lower and adds air to the lower levels.
  5. If the process is controlled by automatic control systems, it is necessary to ensure that the devices are connected to the electrical network.

You can make a simple cauldron with your own hands

For the manufacture of a boiler operating on solid fuel, it is necessary to develop a drawing or diagram. It displays an approximate appearance unit in compliance with all proportions, parts and elements.

All components and parts of an industrial boiler are indicated with dimensions

Tools and materials

Let's take a closer look at creating a long-burning pyrolysis boiler with your own hands. It operates on gas obtained from dried firewood or waste compressed into pallets.

In the process of making a solid fuel boiler yourself, you will need a set of power tools and materials, as well as a drawing or diagram showing all the necessary parts and dimensions.

Required equipment:

  1. Welding machine and several packs of working electrodes.
  2. Angle grinders. It is advisable to have two - large and small. If there are none, the work can be carried out using ordinary electric jigsaw, however, the operating time will increase.
  3. Cutting and grinding wheels with a diameter of 125 and 230 mm, in the absence of grinders - metal files for a jigsaw.

Required materials:

  1. Pipe with a large diameter (about 50 cm). Length - 130 cm, wall thickness - from 3 mm.
  2. A pipe with a smaller diameter, about 45 cm. Length - one and a half meters, wall thickness - from 3 mm. If there are no pipes, you can purchase several metal sheets 1250 * 2500 * 2.5 mm, roll them in a specialized company and manufacture necessary pipes independently using a welding machine.
  3. Thin long pipe. Diameter - about 6 cm, length - 120 cm.
  4. A metal sheet from which the loading door and hatch for ash removal will be cut.
  5. Metal rings with a diameter of half a meter and a width of about 2.5 cm.
  6. Door fittings - hinges, latches, etc.
  7. Asbestos sheet. It is placed in the boiler door. This prevents overheating and reduces heat loss.
  8. Asbestos cord. They seal the fuel compartment door and the ash pan hatch.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The process of creating a heating device is quite simple and takes place in several successive stages.

First, the body of the structure is made:

  1. Two pipes large diameter(50 and 45 cm) are nested inside each other and connected using a metal ring.
  2. A circle of metal with a diameter of 45 cm is cut out of a pre-prepared sheet, which is used to weld the bottom of a smaller pipe located inside the structure. As a result, we get a barrel with a diameter of 45 cm, with a welded hot water jacket-contour 2.5 cm wide.
  3. A rectangular hole is cut at the bottom of the “barrel”. Height - up to 10 cm, width - about 15. It will be used as an ash pan door. A hatch is welded in, a door with attached hinges and a latch is installed.

    The ash pan door is cut through at the bottom

  4. A rectangular hole is cut in the upper part of the circuit to supply solid fuel. The size is selected individually, the main condition is the convenience of loading firewood. The hatch is welded. A door equipped with hinges and a latch is installed. It is made double: an asbestos layer is laid between individual metal sheets, and the contact areas are sealed with asbestos cord. Thanks to such manipulations, heat loss from the boiler is reduced.

    The size should be sufficient for storing firewood

  5. At the upper level, an exhaust pipe is installed that discharges exhaust gases into the chimney.

    A smoke exhaust pipe is welded to the pipe

  6. In two places (top and bottom) of the water circuit, pipes with a diameter of 4–5 cm are welded, necessary to connect the boiler to a further heating system. The thread is cut, for which a groove is used.
  7. Examination welding seams, if necessary, eliminate flaws.

After creating the metal body of the solid fuel boiler, you can begin to manufacture and install the air distributor:

The air distributor can be made in the form of a pancake with welded channels

This is one of the simplest ways to make a solid fuel boiler. There are complicated circuits used in industrial and household models.

Video: Assembling a solid fuel boiler

Design features of pyrolysis units

The manufacture of a long-burning pyrolysis solid fuel boiler follows a similar pattern: welding of the body, air distributor, installation of fittings, etc. The main difference from the classic device is the presence of two chambers. In the first, fuel burns, in the second, pyrolysis gases burn out. For such a boiler it is very important to ensure a constant flow of oxygen. This can be done using a fan.

Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers with a lower combustion chamber differ in design features and fuel combustion.

  1. In supercharged models, air is pumped by a fan. Increased pressure occurs in the lower chamber. In such a boiler you can use any household fan, up to computer cooler, the main thing is to exclude very strong boost.
  2. In boilers with a smoke exhauster, an exhaust fan is installed, which creates insufficient pressure. The most complete combustion of gases and optimal operation of the device are ensured.

Pyrolysis units with an upper chamber are considered more productive. They ensure slow and uniform burning of fuel. Some industrial wood boilers can operate for about two days. When loading the same portion of coal, the operating time increases to a week.

Video: Features of work

Installation of a homemade boiler and accelerating furnace

Installation of the heating system may require a specially equipped location. It is not recommended to install such a structure in residential premises: it increases the risk of fires and leaks. The relevant authorities may impose a fine. Very often homemade units installed in greenhouses, technical and work rooms.

When installing a solid fuel boiler, you should be guided by some requirements:

  1. The distance from the boiler to the walls should be more than 25 centimeters. This minimizes the risk of fire and improves air exchange in the room.
  2. It is advisable to equip your own non-combustible foundation under the boiler. You can lay an asbestos or concrete slab.
  3. In a room with an installed pyrolysis solid fuel boiler there must be high-quality ventilation system. A constant supply of fresh air is necessary for the operation of this type of heating system.
  4. To avoid leaks and fires, the chimney through which the exhaust gas escapes must be insulated. As an insulating material, you can use regular foil or mineral wool.

After assembling and installing the solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to perform a test loading, called the accelerating furnace. Load fuel for the first time before starting heating season. If malfunctions are detected, there will be some time left before the system is restored to its proper state.

A solid fuel boiler can operate on almost any fuel. For the accelerating furnace, you should use the type of fuel that is planned for constant loading. The firebox is filled completely, up to the outlet pipe. To help the fuel burn better, you can spray a little standard lighter fluid.

The boiler is ignited using a long wood chip or splinter through an open damper. Until the loaded fuel begins to smolder, the damper cannot be closed. Then you can cover it. If the combustion rate is not enough for optimal operation of the heating device, the damper is opened slightly to improve draft. During the first combustion, the loaded solid fuel must burn out completely. The fact that stable smoldering has begun can be recognized by the smoke emerging from the chimney. During combustion separate layers fuel, the air distributor pipe will lower, and the smoldering rate can also be determined from it.

Making your own long-burning boiler is a reality that is available to everyone, regardless of whether you are new to making it or not. The main thing is not to forget about fire safety: after all, every heating device is a potentially dangerous device.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Before you start making your own solid fuel boilers, you need to prepare sketches. They should reflect the main and additional elements. It is proposed to take drawings of long-burning solid fuel boilers as a basis. It is quite possible to make them with your own hands.

Appearance of a homemade structure

Analogues with long-burning support differ from conventional boilers by the presence of two working chambers at once. In the first of them, the stored fuel is burned directly, and in the second, the released gases are burned. Timely oxygen supply plays an important role. An ordinary fan with simple automation can be used as a device for pumping air.

Among the advantages of the units it should be noted:

  • minimum number of fuel fills;
  • high work efficiency;
  • usage various types solid fuel;
  • a small amount of soot in the pipes during operation;
  • reliability of the design.

Note! Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to mention the difficulty of self-production. Although, when using ready-made drawings of long-burning solid fuel boilers, it is still possible to make a unit with your own hands.

The process of making long-burning solid fuel boilers with your own hands: drawings and assembly

It should be noted right away that structures can have both an upper and a lower gas combustion chamber. In the first case, combustion products enter the working compartment under the influence of natural forces, and in the second - with the help of additional device for air injection.

Since boilers with a lower combustion chamber are difficult to manufacture and require the installation of additional equipment during installation, there is little point in considering them. It is faster and more economical to make a design with an upper chamber for burning gases.

Applicable elements

To make the structure you will need:

  • pipe with a cross-section of 500 mm and a length of 1300 mm;
  • pipe with a diameter of 450 mm and a length of 1500 mm;
  • pipe with a cross section of 60 mm and a length of 1200 mm;
  • two rings 25 mm wide and 500 mm in diameter;
  • metal corners and pieces of channel;
  • metal sheet;
  • asbestos sheet;
  • hinges and handles.

Case assembly procedure

First of all, pipes with a cross-section of 1500 and 1300 mm are inserted into each other. They are connected using a ring made from a corner measuring 25x25 mm. From metal sheet a circle with a diameter of 450 mm is cut out and fixed to the end of the pipe. It acts as the bottom. The result should be a small barrel.

A hole in the shape of a 15x10 cm rectangle is cut out from the bottom side of the structure for the ash pan door. The sash is attached to the opening using hinges, and a latch is also installed.

A rectangular hole is made a little higher for the fuel chamber. The dimensions can be determined independently. The convenience of loading firewood or other fuel will depend on the correct dimensions. Using the same technology, a door with a latch is installed.

An exhaust pipe is made in the upper part of the home-made structure, through which exhaust gases will flow into the chimney pipe. The pipes necessary for connection to the heating system of the building are fixed on the sides by welding. They must be threaded.

Air distributor device

A circle is cut out of a piece of tin with a cross section 20-30 mm smaller than the diameter of the inner part of the boiler. A round hole is made in the central part for the air distribution pipe. Its diameter should be 6 cm. A pipe is inserted directly into the hole and welded to the base.

Pieces of corner are attached to the bottom of the metal pancake. On the other hand, a loop is fixed by welding, which is necessary to move the structure up and down. To adjust the air supply directly to the combustion chamber, a damper is installed.

A circle with a diameter of 500 mm, cut from a suitable piece of metal, is inserted into the structure. The upper end of the pipe is inserted into the hole, after which the top cover of the boiler is welded tightly. A cable is attached to the loop, allowing the distributor to be lowered and raised.

Pay attention! The simplest of all long-burning solid fuel boiler designs was presented. It is not so difficult to assemble a reliable structure with your own hands, especially if you have experience with welding and other tools.

Do-it-yourself long-burning solid fuel boiler: video for review

Another option is to use a gas cylinder for the body. It can be used to create a completely effective structure for heating buildings. small sizes. To get acquainted with the features homemade device For heating, we suggest you look at the video. You can make a long-burning boiler with your own hands without drawings.

Are there any negative reviews about the long-burning solid fuel boiler?

Sometimes consumers leave negative reviews about designs, but they are more likely related to the general disadvantages that are inherent in solid fuel devices in general.

The following disadvantages can be identified:

  • for fuel storage it is necessary to use special rooms or structures;
  • In any case, fuel must be loaded manually, despite the reduced number of loads;
  • when installing any models of solid fuel boilers, special safety measures must be taken;
  • It is impossible to regulate the fuel combustion process in the combustion chamber with particular precision.

Pay attention! There are quite a lot of disadvantages, but still solid fuel boilers are the only way out of the situation when the gas and electricity main lines are unavailable.

About the cost of ready-made models for heating with solid fuel

If it is not possible to make a long-burning boiler or there is simply no desire, then you can purchase a ready-made design. It must be recognized that heating models large premises will not be cheap. In the table you can see the prices for Stropuva boilers.


Of the modern combustible materials in everyday life, solid fuel is considered the cheapest. This category includes coal, firewood, peat, briquettes or pellets. Traditional ovens provide cheap and simple heating of houses. However, constant fuel loading is required. This method of operation presents difficulties in heating an entire house. Great solution The problem is a long-burning boiler with a water circuit.

Installation and operation do not require permission from supervisory authorities. Therefore, the heating unit is easy to make and install with your own hands. To do this, you will need minimal financial costs, boiler drawings and detailed instructions on production.

Operating principle

The units are an improved type of solid fuel stoves. Powerful boilers can effectively heat not only residential buildings, but also production, auxiliary and commercial premises. Water circuit boiler technology is based on slow combustion of solid fuel with a high degree of heat transfer. The boiler is a volumetric firebox with a limited ignition area. Firewood or pellets are added every 12-18 hours. By regulating the air flow supplied from above, intense combustion is converted into slow smoldering.

Exhaust gases are discharged through the chimney pipe. It passes through a heat exchanger and heats the water for the heating system. Thus, fuel is loaded at infrequent intervals, and the system operates in almost continuous mode.

Types of boilers

Wood heating units are great alternative gas appliances. They are characterized by multiple advantages:

1. High efficiency - due to slow combustion of fuel, efficiency reaches 90%.

2. Long-term activity - a volumetric firebox with a powerful blower fan can ensure continuous operation for up to 7 days.

3. Environmental friendliness - when fossil fuels burn, a small amount of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere.

4. Economical - built-in electronics help to set the optimal boiler loading mode.

Slow burning heating units are presented on modern market in three varieties.

  • Classic.

They work on coal, wood or wood briquettes. Thanks to the small firebox, the combustion period of one bookmark is reduced. To ensure continuous operation throughout the day, fuel must be added 4-6 times. The advantage of classic boilers is their low price.

  • Mine.

Design with a large hopper and a wide loading opening. Dry bulk materials are used. Automatic control optimizes the combustion process. Depending on the load, the powerful boiler operates from 6 to 24 hours. The efficiency is no more than 75%.

  • Pyrolysis.

They operate on the principle of burning wood gases released during the process of slow smoldering. The design ensures high heat transfer efficiency and rapid heating of the coolant. At one load, the furnace operates until the fuel is completely burned out, the efficiency factor is 85%.

Scheme wood stove with water circuit

Boilers according to the drawings of Vasily Pustovoichenko are simple and affordable installations that you can make yourself. An all-welded pipe, a steel barrel or a used gas cylinder is used as a base. The thickness of the metal walls should be at least 3-4 mm. This reduces metal burnout and ensures long-term uninterrupted operation of the equipment. The height of the base varies from 800 to 1000 mm. The volume of a single fuel load depends on the value of this parameter.

The wood heating boiler circuit consists of three parts:

  • loading hopper - a container for storing fuel, the height of which changes as it burns out;
  • combustion chamber - an area where slow smoldering of firewood and generation of gases occurs;
  • complete combustion zone - a closed pan where wood gases are burned, ash accumulates and smoke is removed.

The combustion chamber is limited by an air distributor. This is a metal circle 4-6 mm thick with a hole in the center. A telescopic (or solid) pipe passes through it, supplying oxygen to the combustion zone. The distributor disk is in motion, so its diameter is slightly smaller than the boiler body. Air enters the discharge pipe from the atmosphere, penetrating through the upper damper.

Exhaust gases are discharged through a chimney fixed at the top. At the bottom of the wall there is a door through which ash and ashes are removed. In long-burning boilers, solid fuel is burned almost completely, so waste is not often removed. In addition, the design provides points for connecting the supply and return water drainage. Also determine the location of the thermometer and draft regulator.

There are two ways to heat the coolant in the water circuit:

1. Make a remote storage tank with a pipe inside it. Exhaust gases move through the chimney and at the same time heat the water.

2. Pass the heat exchanger pipe through the combustion chamber. Connect the coil to it, which is located in the storage tank.

The efficiency of the second method is higher. However, the execution technology looks much more complicated.

DIY Guide

If to buy ready-made heating device not enough money, you can try to make it yourself. First you will have to study the drawings, read the instructions and calculate possible costs.

To create a boiler you will need the following materials and equipment:

  • Metal thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 300-400 mm.
  • Sheet steel 4 mm thick.
  • Two metal pipes: Æ 60 mm for air supply and Æ100 for exhaust of combustion products.
  • Reinforcing bars 20 mm thick.
  • Blower fan.
  • Automatic scheme.
  • Welding machine, grinder.

In accordance with the drawings, you need to make a separate body, chimney, air distributor, door and cover for the upper part.

Step by step instructions:

1. Cut the pipe with a grinder so that its length is about a meter. Align the edges properly. On one side of the workpiece, weld a round bottom cut from steel sheet. You can immediately attach reinforcing legs here.

2. Make an air distributor:

  • Cut a circle from sheet steel, the diameter of which is 20 mm less than the internal diameter of the body.
  • Drill a 20mm hole in the center.
  • Weld the impeller on one side. The blades must be made of sheet metal up to 50 mm wide. This bottom part distributor.
  • Weld a Æ60 mm blower pipe in the center of the top side. Its length should be the same as the boiler itself.
  • Attach a damper to the top of the pipe to regulate the air supply.

3. In the lower part of the body, a square opening is cut out with a grinder, through which it is convenient to clean out the ash. Then the hinges are welded and the door with the latch is hung.

4. A round hole is cut out in the upper part of the casing, closer to the edge. A threaded coupling is welded to it, onto which a chimney pipe Æ100-150 is secured. A section up to 500 mm long must be located strictly horizontally. Then the pipe passes through a heat exchanger made in the form of a storage tank.

5. You need to make a lid from sheet metal with a hole in the middle. The distributor pipe will pass through it. To ensure that the lid fits tightly to the combustion chamber and does not allow smoke to pass through, a seal made of asbestos cord is laid along the cut diameter.

Since the equipment runs on wood rather than gas, you can also install it yourself.

1. All self-made long-burning boilers have a large mass. When loaded with firewood, the structure becomes much heavier. Therefore, it needs a strong and level foundation. The installation manual recommends pouring reinforced concrete mixed with crushed stone or rubble. Alternatively, you can lay the base out of brick.

2. The outer walls of the housing in the combustion chamber area become very hot. Even if there is a water jacket around the firebox, this does not protect the surfaces from overheating. As a rule, all homemade long-burning boilers have a single casing. That's why minimum distance to the nearest wall should be 50 cm.

3. If the room is lined with flammable materials, a protective surface should be constructed from galvanized sheets with an asbestos lining. You can also stack brickwork.

4. The space 25-30 cm wide between the ceiling and the chimney pipe is filled stone wool and covered with galvanized steel with an asbestos layer. All these actions significantly increase the total costs of a long-burning boiler, but guarantee fire safety.

A long-burning boiler is an improved type of solid fuel boiler. Such models are produced for wide range consumers, and are used for heating premises for various purposes.

Their basis is the principle of economical and long-term combustion of any solid fuel: coal, firewood, wood briquettes.

In the case of using coal, one bookmark will be enough for the device to function for five days. But devices running on wood are noticeably inferior to coal ones, because the longest burning duration is approximately thirty hours.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers have several main advantages:

  1. Quite highly efficient combustion of the fuel used, and the efficiency is approximately 90%;
  2. The firebox for storing fuel is large;
  3. IN environment a small amount of carbon dioxide is released;
  4. The majority of models are equipped with electronic automation;
  5. There is an air supply fan;
  6. Fuel is consumed in economical quantities.

These boilers They are an alternative to gas heating. A long-burning heating boiler or TT boiler is considered practical and easy to use.

In addition, it is characterized by relatively long service life. Besides this best models by indicators such as environmental friendliness, efficiency and amount of fuel consumed.

As of today Manufacturers present three varieties on the market:

  • classical;
  • mine


Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers extra long burning work on the principle of burning wood gas, which is released when wood smolders. Their distinguishing characteristic is a flame that resembles a flame or blowtorch, or a gas burner. During combustion the temperature inside the lower chamber is about 12000 C.

Thanks to the fact that combustion occurs in the direction from top to bottom, and the main heat exchanger is located in the lower part, the most efficient heat transfer is carried out, as well as heating of the coolant itself.

Main advantage is that At one load, the device operates until the fuel is completely burned out. The device operates on the principle of pyrolysis combustion, in which an insufficient amount of oxygen and high temperature lead to the decomposition of wood into a volatile substance that causes combustion.

The advantages of the pyrolysis type include:

  1. High efficiency of about 85%
  2. The loading hatch is large, making it easy to clean the combustion chamber
  3. A thick sheet of high-quality steel is used to manufacture the heat exchanger
  4. Powerful fan
  5. The electronic system is controlled by a circulation pump
  6. Can be used for heating industrial premises

Classic heating

Models of classic solid fuel boilers have a firebox with increased volume, therefore the combustion duration is also increased. They work on:

  • long-flame or brown coal;
  • wood briquettes;
  • firewood

Such boilers have relatively low efficiency and a fairly short period of operation on one load of fuel. The advantage of devices of this type can be called a fairly low price - from 30,000 rubles.


Long-burning shaft-type boilers are intended for burning a variety of bulk materials. The fan that supplies air flow to the firebox is controlled by a microprocessor, which automates and optimizes the combustion process. They They are distinguished by their enormous size and very complex design.

There are several advantages:

  • Has a unique design;
  • There is a loading door with a fairly large cross-section and a huge hopper;
  • Any material can be used as the main fuel;
  • The emission temperature does not exceed the norm.

Operating principle

Operating principle of long-burning solid fuel boilers consists in burning one or another type of fuel using the method of top or top-bottom combustion. When this process occurs fuel burning time increases, as well as the amount of heat calories released.

Home distinctive feature The use of chambers with large parameters into which fuel is placed is considered. Besides, top burning ensures good results when burning just one bookmark.

Internal layout and drawings

A solid fuel boiler does not have a special grate with an ash pan, and there is a closed pan at the bottom. Thus, Do not allow fuel to burn in the lower part of the firebox. The latter is built in the shape of a cylinder.

The air flow is supplied from above, after which the air distributor divides it throughout the entire volume. The distributor is movable - it lowers and rises.

The upper part of the firebox is intended to accumulate combustion products and particles of ash. They are separated from the primary combustion zone by a huge metal disk. At the entrance to the chamber there is an automatic draft regulator, which is a device for determining the temperature of the coolant, according to which the gas flow rate is regulated. The entire housing is used as a heat exchanger.

In addition, the design has places for connecting the supplied water, return water, thermometer, draft regulator. Reliability is ensured thanks to the thermal insulation shell.

Drawings of a long-burning pyrolysis boiler with a water circuit:

Instructions for making a pyrolysis boiler

If you don’t have the money to purchase a pyrolysis boiler, you can try to make a similar boiler for solid fuel yourself. First you need to study the drawings of this equipment. After all the calculations have been made and the type of combustion has been established, work should begin.

Everything should be collected necessary equipment and materials:

  1. Several sheets of stainless steel;
  2. Pipe with a diameter of approximately 4 cm;
  3. Welding equipment;
  4. Reinforcement 2 cm thick;
  5. A fan that will supply air flow into the chamber;
  6. Several bricks;
  7. Automatic system.

Based on the drawings, the following are created separately:

  • frame;
  • air distributor;
  • chimney;
  • door and cover for the upper part of the housing.

First you need to cut the pipe, the length of which will be about a meter. More the bottom is made from one metal sheet and then welded to the pipe. At the same time, legs made from channel can also be welded to this workpiece.

Particular attention should be paid to the air distributor. To do this, a circle with a diameter 20 mm smaller than the diameter of the main pipe is cut out of sheet metal, and a 2 cm hole is drilled in the middle of it. bottom part combustion distributor it is necessary to weld the impeller having metal blades. Their width should not exceed five centimeters.

A pipe with a diameter of 60 mm and a height slightly less than the height of the boiler itself is attached to its upper part. A damper is attached to the top of this pipe to regulate the volume of oxygen.

At the bottom of the workpiece you need to cut out a place for the door, through which it will be possible to remove accumulated ash. Then a latch and several hinges are welded to the door. A chimney with a diameter of 10 cm is made on top of the structure. It should be in an almost horizontal position for up to half a meter, and then go into a special heat exchanger.

When making the cover, you need to take care of the hole intended for attaching the distributor pipe. It is necessary that it fits tightly to the combustion chamber body.

Video on making a solid fuel boiler with your own hands:

Connection and installation

You can install and connect the device yourself. The installation method is selected depending on several features of the solid fuel boiler:

  • The outer walls of the firebox can become very hot even if there is a water jacket around it;
  • Homemade products have single walls.

The boiler should not be installed closer than half a meter from the adjacent wall. If it is made of flammable material, it is necessary to provide additional protection from brickwork or galvanized sheets in combination with an asbestos gasket.

Then between the ceiling and the chimney they leave a space at least 25 centimeters wide, which fill out basalt wool and sewed up with galvanization.

Besides it is necessary to make the right foundation, because the device has a large mass, which increases significantly after loading a large amount of fuel. Usually it is made of reinforced concrete, filled with crushed stone. Then a chimney prepared in advance with your own hands is attached to the boiler and connected to the water circuit.

Connection diagram to the water circuit:

Using the boiler

Can be used for solid fuel boilers different types fuel:

  • hard and brown coal;
  • anthracite;
  • wood briquettes with firewood;
  • oil shale with peat.

Wood is characterized by a high yield of volatile substances during combustion. Coal is the most popular fuel. Oil shale is used for solid fuel heating relatively rare, which is explained by their high ash content.

First, you need to load the selected type of fuel into the firebox. If used for kindling coal, then replenishing it during combustion is prohibited. However, if wood is used, firewood must be added to the firebox. Do not open the doors wide to avoid getting burned.

It is better to take absolutely dry fuel, because moisture can degrade its quality.

When heating with peat and coal, it is imperative to use an air flow supply manifold.

In any type of device Fuel is loaded only through the door at the top of the equipment.

Boiler prices and manufacturing costs

Today, the market offers a fairly wide range of long-burning solid fuel boilers. Thanks to this, you can choose a model with the most suitable characteristics and according to affordable price. So, the minimum cost of a boiler is about 25,000 rubles, and the maximum can exceed 50,000 rubles.

However, if you don’t have enough funds, you can order the boiler to be made by a craftsman or do it yourself. The last option will be the most profitable from an economic point of view. After all materials are relatively cheap, and the diagrams are not complicated. Blanks can cost approximately 10-15 thousand rubles.