Socio-political movement -. A constitution is an agreement between the government and the people, in which the people strive to fix their rights and freedoms, and the government approves a form of government in which justice and protection of rights must be realized.


Topic: Political parties and party systems.

Target: reveal the concept, origin, functions political parties. Give a classification of political parties. Analyze the types of party systems. Characterize the process of formation of a multi-party system in Ukraine.

Type of lesson: lecture.


1. Concept, origin, classification and functions of political parties.

2. Party systems and their typology.

3. Formation of a multi-party system in Ukraine.

1. Concept, origin, classification and functions of political parties.

In the life of modern society, one of the most prominent places belongs to political parties. Parties act as a very significant and sometimes decisive element of the political system of society. They are exponents of the interests and goals of certain classes and social groups. Parties take an active part in the functioning of the mechanism political power or have a certain influence on it. An essential aspect of their activity is the ideological influence on the population and the formation of political consciousness. Political party is a voluntary association of people based on ideological and political values, representing certain social classes, social groups and strata, striving to realize common interests and goals by gaining political power or participating in it.

Power is the ultimate goal of any party, an instrument for realizing the interests of those social groups or classes that are its social base. Whatever tasks the party sets for itself - building communism or saving environment, - with their help she seeks power, the formation of her own government or inclusion in coalition government their representatives. Being the ruling party, the party strives to use all state power in the interests of those social and class forces that it represents. This party differs, for example, from public organizations and movements, lobbying formations, which also actively participate in political life, but do not aim to gain and use political power. Thus, the fundamental difference between parties and social movements is that parties fight to participate in the implementation of state power, and the movements do not claim direct participation in it and do not take on the responsibilities associated with it. In addition, political parties, compared to social movements, are a higher and more stable organizational form.

TO main features political parties include:

Active participation in political struggle;

Availability of membership;

A certain social base;

Availability of a political program and charter;

Community of interests and similarity of ideological views of the people united in the party;

The presence of one or more leaders.

The first ideas about parties are associated with the names of such great thinkers and political figures as C. Montesquieu, J.-J. Rousseau, E. Burke and others. The problem of political parties occupied a significant place in the works of famous scientists of the early 20th century: M. Weber, M. Ostrogorsky, R. Michels, G. Mosca.

When did political parties emerge?

Information about the first party formations refers to Ancient Greece. Thus, Aristotle speaks of parties of the valley, of the mountain, meaning, of course, not parties in the modern sense of the word, but political unions. These were relatively few and narrow in composition unions or groupings that were not stable and were not firmly institutionalized. Such formations also existed in the Middle Ages.

Political parties in their modern sense first arose in Europe in the second half of the 19th century, and then in other parts of the world. Their birth was directly influenced by the introduction of universal suffrage, the emergence of parliaments and parliamentarism as a form of organization and exercise of state power. Initially, in capitalist society, political parties were created mainly by various groups of the bourgeoisie, as well as its opponents from among the feudal-aristocratic strata. Subsequently, mass parties began to emerge defending the interests of hired workers. In a democratic society, parties are the most important link connecting the people, parliament and government. It is through parties that government bodies can turn to the masses for support, and the masses, in turn, can influence the work of parliament and government, the process of their formation.

In the history of the formation of parties M. Weber distinguishes three stages: aristocratic group, political club, mass party . This division of parties in political science is generally recognized. However, we note that only two English parties went through all stages of development according to this classical scheme: liberal (Whigs) and conservative (Tory). For the most part, the formation of parties followed different paths. The first mass political party was founded in England in 1861. It was called the Liberal Election Registration Partnership. One of the first political organizations of the proletariat was also the “Union of Communists”, created by K. Marx and F. Engels in 1847. in London. His program was the “Manifesto of the Communist Party” written by K. Marx and F. Engels, published in 1848. The motto of the "Union of Communists" was the slogan "Workers of all countries, unite!" An important stage on the path to the formation of working class parties was the creation in 1864. International Workers' Association - First International.

Classification (typology) of political parties.

Here, much depends on the criteria that are taken as the basis for typologization: character, goals, objectives, conditions of activity, class interests, etc.

If, for example, the character and objectives of their activities (direction) are taken as the basis for the classification of parties, then all existing parties are usually reduced to the following types: revolutionary, behind deep, fundamental changes in public relations; reformist, advocating moderate changes in various spheres of social life, without encroaching on the foundations of the system; conservative, standing in conservation positions , those who stand for the preservation of the basic features of modern life; reactionary, setting themselves the task of restoring old structures.

There is a Marxist analysis of parties and party classification. The determining role in them is given to the class nature of the criteria, according to which they distinguish bourgeois, petty-bourgeois, peasant and proletarian parties.

Depending on their participation in the exercise of power, parties are divided into ruling and opposition. Ruling parties have a majority of seats in parliament, form a government, and are distinguished by great conservatism. They strive to maintain the existing state of affairs and prevent sudden and rapid changes. Opposition parties , on the contrary, they are dynamic. They tend to criticize the existing government and advocate reform.

Political parties can also be divided into parties ideological And interest parties . In the first case, we are talking about establishing a certain social order. They, as a rule, clearly imagine one or another model of social structure and strive to implement it in practice. An example of a party of this kind can be considered the Bolshevik party, which sought to destroy the “old world” and build a fundamentally new society on its ruins.

The main goal of a party of interests can be considered to be defending the positions of one or another social group. Its point of honor is to win a “place in the sun” for those sections of society on the basis of which it was created. This, in turn, makes it possible to divide interest parties into workers, peasants, intelligentsia parties etc. There are more similar parties in recent years less and less. This is due to the fact that people gradually come to realize their common interests, regardless of their social affiliation.

Parties are often placed along the political spectrum from right to left: right, center, left . IN modern politics "left" It is generally accepted to consider parties that advocate the implementation of communist, socialist, social democratic ideals, the transfer of the means of production to public ownership, strong social guarantees. "Rights" parties traditionally defend a strong state that preserves private property and the established social system. Parties occupy an intermediate place between the “left” and “right” "center".

According to the conditions of activity, parties can be divided into legal, semi-legal and illegal . The first are officially permitted, registered and operate within the framework of the law, the second are not registered, but are not prohibited, and finally, the third are prohibited by the state and operate unconventional methods, which often conflict with constitutional norms. The latter include, as a rule, those parties that come out with slogans of violent change in the existing system.

Functions of political parties

First, defining the development goal. When developing their programs, parties strive to justify the direction of the social development strategy and the ultimate goal;

Secondly, the expression and unification of public interests. Individual groups of citizens can express their interests, but only parties bring them together and in a form that directly influences the decisions of government bodies;

Thirdly, mobilization and socialization of citizens. Parties are designed to strengthen the political activity of citizens and create the basis for long-term political activity;

Fourthly, in a democratic political system, the formation of the ruling elite and the composition of the government (the latter is of decisive importance, without this function the effective activity of any party is impossible);

Fifthly, holding election campaigns. Parties are called upon to act as the main organizers and actors, without leaving this matter to the power structures, the bureaucratic apparatus (bureaucrats);

Sixth, exercising control over power. This means not allowing one person or group of people to usurp power. Democracy does not bind the future with one person; it is an expression of the will of the majority, its implementation through this majority.

The main way to carry out these functions is the election campaign, the party's nomination of its candidates for legislative bodies and the government. Let's say, with the beginning of the election campaign, each party launches an agitation and propaganda campaign, during which it strives to present its program goals and objectives, its candidates, and win as many voters as possible to its side in the most attractive way. In this case, various forms and methods of work are used: oral and printed propaganda and agitation, television, radio, etc. Elections are the most active phase of activity.

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  • Political parties play an important role in the social life of democrats tic society. Name any three functions of a political party in political system society and illustrate each of them with a specific example

    1. the expression is authoritative significant interests separate groups(the parliamentary faction of a political party represents the interests of the middle class, seeking the adoption of legislation regulating the activities of medium and small businesses and tax benefits)

    2. development of political programs (the political party presented its program for the development of civil society)

    3. political socialization of citizens and their involvement in political life (the political party held a series of rallies in support of democratic reforms...)

    Formulate four judgments that reveal the various functions of poly political parties in modern society

    We have already spoken about the need for parties in a representative manner, about the advantages and disadvantages arising from their struggle. Political freedom calls upon social forces to participate in public affairs. Due to this political movement here it happens no other way than through the interaction of those various currents and directions into which society is divided. Here lies the main source of political life in constitutional states.

    Parties naturally arise out of public opinion. The necessity of discipline and organization for collective action transforms the unsettled mass of free random thoughts into more or less strong and durable forces capable of being subjects of political action.

    With organized parties it is possible to calculate and direct disparate aspirations towards a common goal; The more stable the parties are, the more they have merged with the history of the people, the more their program has been defined, the more correctly political life, based on freedom, flows. On the contrary, where the party represents only a vague fermentation of infinitely varied trends, only chaos is born from political freedom. On the other hand, only with political freedom can real parties be formed, because only then does it become possible and necessary to act together in the political field, to achieve certain goals through the constant and combined efforts of many. But freedom alone is not enough for this; It is necessary that the elements necessary for parties exist in society, that political meaning be developed, that the main directions be determined, that people group around certain principles they have created, and, finally, that political mores be developed, which are created by any social activity that requires combined efforts. In a word, only mature public opinion gives birth to real political parties. And under these conditions, they do not arise suddenly, but are formed slowly, in political struggle, and must go through many trials before they receive the proper strength and strength. Therefore, one should not think that the establishment of a representative order will immediately establish parliamentary government. It is impossible until parties have accumulated operational experience and proven their ability to govern the state.

    (B.N. Chicherin)

    C2. Indicate, based on the text, any four conditions for the transformation of political parties into “subjects of political action”

    C3. What words does the author use to characterize organized and unorganized parties in society? (Write down one author’s judgment characterizing each of these groups of parties) Give an example of the activities of one of the existing (or existing) organized parties confirming the author’s characterization.

    C4. Some people think that parliamentary rule begins immediately after the election of party representatives to government bodies. Does the author share this opinion? Support your answer with words from the text and give an example illustrating the validity of this judgment.

    C1. 1. Political freedom calls upon social forces to participate in public affairs 2. main source: the interactions of those various currents and directions into which society is divided
    C2. 1. the presence of discipline in the party ranks 3. the presence of an organization for collective action 4. the presence of political freedom 5. the development of political meaning 6. the determination of the main directions of their activities 7. the unification of people around some of the principles they created 8. the development of political mores 9. social activities requiring joint efforts 10. formed public opinion
    C3. 1a. With organized parties it is possible to calculate and direct disparate aspirations towards a common goal; The more stable the parties are, the more they have merged with the history of the people, the more their program has been defined, the more correctly political life flows, based on freedom 1b. where the party represents only a vague fermentation of infinitely diverse trends, there is only chaos born from political freedom 2. example: in the USA, for more than a century and a half, large parties of Republicans and Democrats have been operating, whose programs are developing taking into account changes in the country and the world, reflecting the interests of voters .
    C4. 1. Does not divide 2. One should not think that the establishment of a representative order immediately establishes parliamentary government. It is impossible until parties have accumulated operational experience and proven their ability to govern the state. 3. in countries undergoing a transition to democracy, party coalitions that emerged in parliaments as a result of early elections are characterized by instability and inability to make consolidated decisions.

    C6.Using three examples, illustrate the features of conservative party rule.

    Political parties perform a number of functions that can be combined into three groups: political functions, ideological, social.

    Political functions: struggle for power, recruitment of political leaders and the ruling elite. Parties participate in all political processes and are, in essence, one of the main mechanisms for the distribution and redistribution of political power. Their main goal is to conquer and use political power to achieve the goals set in their programs. Selection is carried out from the leadership of political parties into the political elite at all levels. In addition to professional politicians nominated by parties in managing society (in particular, in creating government programs, in developing a strategic government course, etc.) party analysts and experts very often participate.

    Ideological functions: creation of party ideology and political doctrines, party propaganda. Each party develops and adjusts its ideological and political orientation. At the same time, it can put forward its own ideologists who offer new, original views, but it can also support well-known ideals in the field of social development. The ideological and political orientation of parties towards certain concepts and ideals: democracy, socialism, authoritarianism, liberalism, conservatism and others - allows us to judge the parties’ attitude to basic social values, and, consequently, classify their programs as progressive or reactionary, conservative. In this group of functions of political parties, party propaganda plays an important role. Its purpose is very broad and includes, first of all, actively informing the masses about the advantages of the program put forward by a particular party, as well as the formation of public opinion favorable towards this party.

    Social features: social representation and socialization. Each political party relies on certain groups and segments of the population and expresses their interests. Many parties in the recent past tried to emphasize this. Examples include the Bulgarian Agricultural Union and the Polish United Workers' Party. However, in modern conditions, almost every political party strives, as far as possible, to unite and represent broad sections of society. It is obvious that those parties that express not narrow group, but national interests can count on success.

    Among social functions political parties have an important role socialization of citizens. We are talking about the inclusion of the individual in the world of politics. By fighting for voters and promoting public awareness in every possible way, parties contribute to the acquisition by citizens of certain knowledge, norms, and values. This allows citizens to become full participants in political relations. The socialization process is structurally represented by a number of elements. This:

    1) the assimilation by the population of certain political knowledge and skills of socio-political activity;

    2) transforming acquired knowledge into beliefs;

    3) developing the ability to defend this knowledge;

    4) acquisition of political orientation by citizens;

    5) development of behavior adequate to the prevailing political conditions.

    When do parties most energetically perform these functions? During pre-election and election campaigns. At this time, parties not only nominate their candidates for various government bodies, but also actively disseminate certain political ideas. Even small political parties that cannot field competitive candidates use the election campaign for ideological purposes, trying to form a positive image of their tasks and programs among the population.

    For the parties that won the elections (or those that received a certain number of seats in legislative bodies), the most favorable period begins for fulfilling one of their main functions - consolidating power and using it to achieve their goals. They gain a real opportunity to promote their personnel to power structures and participate in the formation of the political elite. As a result, they get the opportunity to take part in the process of making government decisions and monitoring their implementation. After the election campaign, political parties usually become more active in forming alliances and blocs of winning parties, various party coalitions, and concluding numerous inter-party agreements.

    However, most parties carry out their main functions almost constantly. In particular, they continually strive to:

    Convince voters that their choice is correct;

    Provide support for the ruling (or opposition) course by organizing appropriate campaigns in funds mass media, processions, rallies, etc.;

    Expand your numbers;

    Strengthen your financial situation.

    Consideration of the functions performed by political parties allows us to draw a conclusion about the socially important tasks that they solve quite effectively. Let's name some of them.

    Firstly, political parties provide communication between the population and government agencies. Thus, they replace spontaneous (and, therefore, unpredictable) forms of political activity of the population.

    Secondly, parties are one of the most effective forms of overcoming political apathy and passivity of citizens.

    Thirdly, by advocating the distribution and redistribution of political power, modern parties most often provide a peaceful way to carry out these processes and avoid social upheavals.

    Economic goals of society development

    Each state, each society, for its development, first of all sets itself certain goals, and first of all, these are economic goals. Of course, these goals were different at different periods of human development. It was one thing when a person was still at the primitive stage of his development, another under conditions of slavery or feudalism. But it is important for us to understand these economic goals in our time, in the period modern development and humanity and the economy.

    The first and main goal of the economy, which is always talked about (though often only declared), is to increase the well-being of the country’s citizens. And, based on this goal, all its other tasks are determined, namely:

    1. An increase in the well-being of citizens is not possible without general state economic growth, without the development of the national economy, which constantly needs to improve social production, update technologies, connections, motivation, and so on.

    2. Any well-being of citizens begins with their employment. The higher the level of employment, the higher the social welfare, and vice versa. Every willing and able-bodied citizen should be provided with this very employment, either in the form of a mercenary, or an entrepreneur, or a government employee at any level.

    3. But the employment of citizens should not be just employment, it should be effective employment, that is, with a certain level of social labor return. Otherwise, employment for the sake of employment may simply turn into a certain form of social support under the guise of socially useful work.

    4. In addition to the effective employment of citizens, a system must be established for the most optimal use of production and natural resources. It is on this that the costs of producers largely depend, and therefore the prices of manufactured goods and the possibility of purchasing them by the population.

    5. In many ways, the order, price level, their rise or fall determine stability in economic development. Any development requires a certain stability, and the economy even more so. If prices fluctuate greatly, then it will be very difficult for both producers and consumers to adjust to them, and this will cause various large and small crises of overproduction here and there, bankruptcies of producers and a decrease in demand from consumers, and therefore a general decrease welfare of citizens.

    6. But in addition to price stability, the most important factor in the development of the economy is the stability and fairness of legislation in the field of economics and adjacent areas. The economy simply cannot develop normally if some laws apply today and others tomorrow. For economic development, the taxation system is very important, which should not only replenish the state treasury, but also perform other functions. Firstly, it must be fair (those who have more should pay more, and not haphazardly, as, for example, in Russia). Secondly, to stimulate the development of the economy, and especially its “white”, official part, and not push entrepreneurs and citizens into various concealments. If there is massive concealment of income or simply some activity in the economy, then this is no longer the fault of citizens, but of the state, its Government and legislators.

    7. Economic activity must have a certain freedom in its activities, in generating income, in the possibilities of opening, developing and closing its business, hiring workers, and so on. The more various barriers stand in the way of economic development, the slower and less actively and effectively it will develop. Any activity permitted by law should be available to any citizen without any far-fetched bureaucratic reservations. But, at the same time, any activity related to the health or safety of citizens must be sufficiently controlled, but without interfering with normal activities.

    8. For the general well-being of citizens, the public economy must function in such a way that, on the one hand, it creates all the conditions for its growth, and, on the other, distributes the total social product so that there is no excess income for some due to the impoverishment of others, than, alas, the Russian economy is different today. Especially when it concerns the impoverishment of a large number of citizens with weak social protection states due to the dubious enrichment of others using directly or indirectly access to budgets at various levels or other government functions also for any purpose and level.

    9. Another most important task of any state is proper foreign trade, which, firstly, must bring a positive trade balance (exports in monetary terms must exceed imports), and, secondly, the sales structure must be shifted towards the final product, and not raw materials or supplies.

    10. And finally, one more important task of the state should be noted. In addition to a positive trade balance, it is also necessary to have a positive balance between the export of capital (money), including the export of capital by citizens, and its import into the country. Since not only the trade balance of export-import of goods, works and services affects aggregate demand, but also the balance of import-export cash, of course, including non-cash. And economic growth is based on increased demand, which is formed, among other things, due to positive trade and investment balances.

    This article identifies ten, in my opinion, primary tasks for solving the most important economic goals of any state. But, of course, there may be more of them, depending on the state of the state’s economy, on the political system of the country, on the presence or absence of certain resources and many other factors. All you have to do is understand the main thing: today in the world there are no ideal political structures of states, much less ideally constructed economic models. This is the main task of any Government, its representative bodies, if they of course want the good for their citizens, to find the right way to improve their economy in the interests of the majority of its citizens, and not a bunch of insatiable individuals.

    Name two functions of political parties not named in the text.

    Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

    IN modern science political parties are defined as organizations that seek the election or promotion of their leaders to public office. Modern legislation provides for the following characteristics of a political party: it is a freely created autonomous organization, operating on the principles of self-government; a sustainable organization that unites citizens on an ongoing basis; unification into a party occurs on the basis of ideological factors - the community of beliefs and goals of its members, which is expressed in its program provisions; This non-profit organization, which does not pursue profit-making goals, although its individual divisions may engage in production activities to meet the needs of the party; an organization built and operating on democratic principles and on the basis of transparency, publicity, and openness; parties contribute to the formation and expression of the political will of the people, using peaceful and constitutional means, in particular participation in elections. In totalitarian socialist countries, civil servants are expected to be members of the ruling communist party, although there is no legal obligation of this kind.

    Laws on political parties contain rules on the finances and property of parties. First, they establish sources of financing: contributions, income from property, donations, loans. Secondly, parties are required to keep records of all incoming contributions and donations, income and expenses. Thirdly, the laws of many countries provide for state financial support for election campaigns conducted by parties. For this purpose, funds are allocated from the state budget. Such funding can be provided to all parties or only to parties that receive a certain percentage of the votes in the elections.

    Classification of parties is possible on a variety of grounds. These may be conservative parties, advocating the preservation of the previous order, opposing reforms (Conservative Party in Great Britain); clerical (religious) parties (Christian Democratic Union in Germany); liberal pro-freedom parties economic activity, non-intervention of the state in social life; reformist parties that advocate social justice under the slogans of socialism while maintaining private property (social democratic parties in Europe); radical parties advocating a radical restructuring of state power. From the point of view organizational structure It is customary to distinguish between cadre, mass and movement parties. In terms of features legal status There are differences between registered and unregistered, legal and illegal parties. Legal parties are parties that operate legally. A party becomes illegal if it is prohibited by law, court decision, but continues its activities underground.


    Functions of political parties:

    − present their candidates to district voters;

    − conduct campaigns for the election of their candidates;

    - attract the masses to their side.

    Other features:

    − political socialization (Citizen N. began to understand politics, to understand it better when he became a supporter of the party);

    − a political party represents the interests of a certain ideology (the conservative party of country Z advocates respect for traditions and the importance of religion).