Social protection of the population. Social support of the population. State social support for citizens

State social support is an integral element of a democratic system. This phenomenon originated in initial stage development of humanity and was based on rituals, traditions, norms and customs. Helping people maintain their physical life and satisfy their primary needs contributed to their adaptation to unfavorable environmental conditions and the preservation of the continuity and integrity of culture. Let us consider further how social support of the population is provided today.

General information

In the process of development of culture, civilization, in the course of technological progress, and the disintegration of community ties, the state began to increasingly act as a guarantor of the social security of people. The emergence and development of the market system contributed to the separation of this function as an independent activity. Over time, it began to take on new meaning. First of all, social support of the population acts as protection from negative influences market relations. At the same time, she is integral element economic system. Social support is aimed at those who are unable to provide a decent life on their own. In essence, this is the necessary compensation for the opportunity to conduct business and earn income in a stable society.

Main directions

At the government level, special programs are being developed whose goal is social support:

Prerequisites for the emergence of activity

Within the framework of market relations, an individual can satisfy his needs only by receiving profit from property or in the form of payment for his labor. But in every society there are people who do not have property that would generate passive income. There are also those who are unable to work due to age, illness, due to the adverse consequences of military, political, environmental, national and other conflicts, demographic changes, natural disasters, and so on. All these people will not be able to live if they are not helped. The government is interested in securing public support for a number of reasons. These, in particular, include:

  1. The duty of the authorities to create conditions for a decent life of people. It is proclaimed by the Universal Declaration, which is valid in all civilized countries.
  2. Any country strives for expanded reproduction of qualified workers.
  3. Social support for citizens stimulates the economic situation different layers and groups of society, thus reducing internal tension in the country.

Principles of protection

A civilized market can function normally only with the expansion and deepening of social security for the population. In a broad sense, the protection of people represents a specific area of ​​domestic government policy. It is focused on ensuring people's constitutional rights and minimum guarantees. Social support is provided regardless of gender, age, nationality, or place of residence. In other words, protection is guaranteed for all individual rights and freedoms. The interaction of the market system and social protection should be taken into account not only in relation to the entire society, but also at the level of certain groups, individuals, and families. The main goal of protection is the desire to provide specific people with the necessary assistance in difficult situations.

Social support for citizens in Russia

The protection system in the country is at the stage of formation. Over time, it will turn into a qualitatively new, diversified, independent branch of the economy. Today, the system employs about 400 thousand employees, and more than 16 thousand institutions operate. In unfavorable demographic conditions, with increasing requirements for the quality of services, social support is aimed at:

  1. Effective distribution of budget funds to solve priority problems.
  2. Improving the well-being of vulnerable categories.
  3. More active implementation of a system of targeted assistance to those in need.
  4. Development of a system of services for the population, expanding the range and improving their quality.
  5. Creating a favorable environment for people with disabilities.
  6. Improving the material and technical base of social protection institutions.

All these activities are government tasks. Budget funds are allocated for their solution.

Regional policy

Social support at the level of Russian constituent entities has a narrower focus. Focus on regional policy done on:

  1. Improvement of the protection system, use individual approach, optimization of costs for maintaining social facilities. spheres while maintaining the proper level of quality of services, development of staffing.
  2. Providing material assistance in kind or cash.
  3. Introduction of new social support measures.
  4. Service in appropriate institutions.
  5. Providing medical and legal assistance.
  6. Providing subsidies and benefits.

Event results

Concentration of power efforts in social direction will allow:

Financial support

In accordance with Art. 61 Federal Law No. 131, equalization of the degree of budgetary provision in municipal districts (urban districts) is carried out through the provision of subsidies from the relevant funds. The distribution of funds is carried out in the manner formulated in the law of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements of the Budget Code. This takes into account the financial capabilities of local authorities to exercise their powers to solve territorial problems. The distribution of subsidies from regional funds is carried out between municipalities in which the level of estimated provision with budget funds does not exceed the established indicators for municipal districts (urban districts). The values ​​are determined according to the methodology approved by regional law in accordance with the requirements of the Book Code. In accordance with the provisions of the Budget Code, a portion of regional subsidies can be provided to each municipality per capita. The BC provides for cases in which regional legislation may formulate different order calculation of the specified share of funds.

Alternative collateral

The above subsidies may be partially or completely replaced by additional standards for deductions from regional and federal fees and taxes to municipal budgets. The procedure for their calculation is formulated by the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements established in the Book Code. The distribution of subsidies from regional support funds or additional standards replacing them is approved at the regional level for the coming financial year.

Social support measures

There are quite a lot of families in need of material support in the country today. At the government level, programs have been developed under which one-time and regular payments are made. In particular, one type of assistance is maternity capital. As for the disabled, military personnel, and people who have lost their breadwinners, monthly pension payments are provided for them. Social support for children is actively provided. Parents have the right to receive monthly payments for each child. In addition to financial assistance, government programs provide:

  • Maintenance and service of those in need in hospitals.
  • Vocational training, employment of disabled people, medical, prosthetic and orthopedic care, rehabilitation measures, benefits for utility bills, etc.

Minors left without parental care

Social support for orphans is provided by the government in different directions. Regional authorities are additionally developing their own programs to provide for these individuals. The Basic Law on social support for minors left without parental care is Federal Law No. 159. This normative act formulates the main directions for ensuring their protection. The activities of regional structures are carried out in the following areas:

  1. Education.
  2. Healthcare.
  3. Housing provision.
  4. Employment.


Orphans have the right to:

In addition, orphans, except those who lost one or both parents while receiving education, have the right to:

  1. Increased stipend.
  2. Annual allowance for the purchase of writing materials and educational literature.
  3. 100% of the salary accrued during the internship.


Orphans are provided with free medical care and surgical treatment in medical institutions, medical examinations, regular medical examinations, and health improvement. These persons also receive vouchers to student/school preventive labor and recreation camps. If there are medical indications, they are provided with a referral for sanatorium treatment. In this case, travel to and from the place is paid for by the state.


In the professional sphere, orphans receive the following guarantees:

  • For first timers job seekers and registered at the employment center as unemployed, benefits are provided for six months. Its size is the average salary for a specific region.
  • Working persons in the event of liquidation of an enterprise or reduction of personnel are provided by the employer or his successor with professional retraining followed by subsequent employment.

Housing issue

Orphans have the right to receive housing from a specialized fund once under a rental agreement. In this case, the area of ​​the premises provided must comply with the established standards for footage per person. The contract period is 5 years. If, at the end of this period, the person living in the premises is in difficult life situation, the document can be extended for another 5 years. The opportunity to renew the contract is provided once. The right to receive living space is given to persons who do not have their own premises, or if they have one, but it is impossible to stay in it (if parents are deprived of their rights, do not meet sanitary and technical standards, and so on). This opportunity is reserved for persons who have reached the age of 23 before actually receiving housing. To provide space, it is necessary to write a corresponding application when citizens reach 18 years of age and complete their period of stay in special institutions, after completing their military service. The document can be submitted by a minor aged 14 years with the consent of the trustees or guardians. If this has not been done, then the citizen, upon reaching 18 years of age, writes an application independently.

Social insurance

Social insurance- this is one of the forms social protection population from various possible risks that are associated with loss of health, disability, work, earnings and other income. Main feature social insurance is that financing for social security is made from specialized budget funds, which are formed by targeted insurance contributions of legal entities (employers) and individuals(workers).

Social insurance is based on the principle of flexible equivalence, that is, there is a certain dependence of the insurance payment on the amount of insurance coverage and labor contribution. Social insurance actively combines the principle of equivalence with the principle of collective solidarity and pooling of risks.

Social protection system for citizens Russian Federation includes the main elements:

  • traditional form of state social assistance
  • complex of federal social guarantees(social services)
  • social insurance.
  • Social insurance guarantees insured citizens full insurance coverage, which allows insurers to fulfill their obligations to insured citizens.

    Social Security

    Social security is aimed at financial support citizens of the Russian Federation upon the occurrence of insured events recognized as socially significant in accordance with federal legislation. Social security equalizes the social position of certain categories of citizens in comparison with the rest of the population of the Russian Federation.

    Social security is the protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population who, due to objective and subjective reasons, cannot take care of themselves: the disabled, the elderly, children, orphans and others. Social security can be both property assistance (services, money, things) and non-property assistance (help from a social psychologist).

    In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 39), the right to social security is one of the basic social rights of citizens of the Russian Federation.

    Main types of social security

    By type, social security is divided into social security assistance and social security maintenance.

    Social security assistance is assistance that is provided to a certain category of citizens:

  • for those who have a specific source of income for subsistence, but it was temporarily lost and in the near future is subject to restoration, with the subsequent solution of the issue of insecurity
  • for those who have permanent source income, but its low size cannot ensure the satisfaction of minimum needs
  • for those who, due to force majeure circumstances (disasters, natural disasters, deteriorating health) find themselves among those in need.
  • Social security provision provides necessary and sufficient funds to those citizens who cannot yet independently acquire a source of income, or who can no longer provide for themselves.

    What is the difference?

    The main difference between these two types is social security is that the assistance is temporary and is not a basic source of income.

    Types of social security assistance include:

  • privileges
  • compensation
  • benefits
  • property assistance (food, shoes, clothing)
  • social and medical services (some types) at the expense of the Federal Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.
  • Types of social security support include:

  • partial social services (provided by social services)
  • pensions.
  • Social Security Payment Form

    Social security is divided into two forms of payment: cash and in kind.

    The monetary form of payment is divided into:

    1. pensions (all varieties and types)
    2. benefits (all types).

    Payments in kind include:

    1. benefits (for example, free medicine)
    2. compensation (for example, provision of housing due to disasters, etc.)
    3. medical services, including spa treatment
    4. essentials
    5. maintenance of homes for the elderly and disabled.

    Legislative types of social security

    The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the main types of social security:

  • essentials
  • medical and social services
  • privileges
  • social security compensation
  • pensions.
  • Each type of social security consists of specific varieties. Important Feature is that the types of social security themselves are stable and sustainable, and its varieties change depending on economic, political and social conditions events currently happening in the country.


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    State social insurance is a system of pensions, benefits and other payments to citizens of the Republic of Belarus at the expense of state insurance funds and is intended to provide for workers and members of their families. Public administration Social insurance finances are provided by the Social Protection Fund. Contributions to state social insurance are paid by all enterprises, institutions and organizations, as well as persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity, as well as working citizens. A pension is a state-guaranteed monthly cash payment from the Social Protection Fund for the purpose of material support for disabled citizens in connection with their past socially useful activities in amounts commensurate with the pensioner’s past earnings. Types of pensions: 1.

    Labor pensions: for old age, for disability, for the loss of a breadwinner, for long service. 2. For special services to the republic. 3. Social pensions. Benefits are a type of payments under state social insurance, which are assistance that temporarily replaces wages, serving as an addition to the main source of livelihood, assistance in the absence of basic means of livelihood. Types of benefits: - for temporary disability - for pregnancy and childbirth - in connection with the birth of a child - for caring for a child under three years of age - for children aged 3 to 16 years - for caring for a sick child - for child care -disabled - a single mother raising a child under 1.5 years of age.

    6. State social security and social insurance. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus are guaranteed the right to social security in old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of ability to work, loss of a breadwinner and in other cases provided for by law.

    1. § 3. Bodies carrying out operational-search activities The right to carry out, in accordance with the Law, operational-search activities is granted on the territory of the Republic of Belarus to operational units: internal affairs bodies, state security bodies, border troops - state security bodies: Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Chief Department of State Security under the President of the Republic
    2. 5.Guarantees and compensation. Guarantees are the means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social and social security is ensured. labor relations. Compensation - cash payments established for the purpose of reimbursing employees for the costs associated with their performance labor responsibilities. Types of guarantee payments: payments to employees when they are distracted from work in cases provided for
    3. CONTENTS Introduction………………….………………………. ………………..5 Section 1. Theoretical and methodological problems of social protection and insurance Chapter 1. Social protection of the individual and national security of society. 1. Definition of the content of the concepts “social security” and “national security”. 15 2. Features of social security and its place in common system national
    4. CONTENTS Introduction Topic 1. General theory states and rights 1. The concept and characteristics of the state. Functions of the state. State and law. State machine. Civil society and the rule of law. 2. The essence of law. The concept of legal norms, their structure and types. 3. Legal system. The concept of legal relations, their types. 4. Legal consciousness. Lawful conduct, tort and legal
    5. 1. Objectives, scope of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. Relations regulated by the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. Structure of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus. Labor legislation is a set of normative legal acts regulating public relations in the field of labor and related relations (Article 1 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus). The sources of regulation of labor and related relations are: · The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus · Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus and acts of labor legislation · Laws of the Republic of Belarus
    6. Basic literature 1. Babiy N.A. Criminal law The Republic of Belarus. General part: Lecture notes. Mn., 2000. 3. Vasilevich G.A. Constitution of the Republic of Belarus: scientific and practical commentary. Mn., 2000. 4. Balashenko S.A. Environmental law. Mn. 1999. 5. Boriko S.V. Judicial system. Mn. 2000. 6. Civil law. In 2 parts / Ed. V.F. Chigira.Mn., 2001. 7. Dmitruk V.N. Theory of Government and Rights. /
    7. 4. Types of insurance Social insurance includes compulsory pension insurance, health insurance, accident insurance and unemployment insurance. Payments are financed through contributions from employers, employees and government subsidies. Types of insurance differ in the amounts of contributions and payments upon the occurrence of insurance
    8. 71. Concept and organization of insurance Insurance as a system of relations to protect the property interests of citizens, organizations and the state is a necessary element of the socio-economic system of society. Insurance is an independent link financial system RF. It appears in two separate forms: in the form of social insurance (special insurance) and insurance proper related to unforeseen events.
    9. LIST OF RECOMMENDED READINGS On the provision of compulsory social insurance benefits to citizens working in organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying special tax regimes, and some other categories of citizens. federal Law of December 31, 2002 No. 190-FZ. Basic conditions for providing benefits for state social insurance, approved by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
    10. 5. Economic mechanisms for implementing environmental policy. When implementing public policy in the field of security environment there is an economic mechanism in place, which includes: · planning and financing of environmental activities · preferential lending and taxation of environmental activities · determination of limits on use natural resources, waste disposal, permissible emissions (discharges) of pollutants
    11. Social insurance and pension reform The main goal of the social insurance system and pension reform is to ensure decent level life of citizens who paid pension contributions during their working life without concealing their labor income. Pension reform is aimed at creating equal opportunities for pension provision for citizens, regardless of their sphere of employment and type of activity, eliminating
    12. § 3. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation The Social Insurance Fund is a specialized financial and credit institution under the Government of the Russian Federation. The activities of the fund are regulated by the Regulations on the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, approved. by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 No. 1011. Cash and other property under the operational management of the fund, as well as property assigned to

    One of the most important tasks of social insurance and social security at work is to protect workers from injuries and health hazards at work.

    Compulsory accident insurance is, of course, regulated by law. Unlike other types of insurance, here not two parties, but three, are involved in drawing up the contract.

    To the insurance company itself and the person who is planned to insure, it is also added entity- an organization in whose production a person works.

    According to popular belief, social insurance against injuries at work is beneficial only to employers and the insurance companies themselves. However, it is worth noting that all types of social state insurance provide workers with relative safety and hope of compensation if an accident occurs to them.

    And there are many such cases. Do not think that this section of insurance applies only to workers of mines and factories. Even economic activity Not so long ago it was classified as dangerous. Every person working legally must be insured by the organization in which he works.

    Why is social insurance and social security necessary?

    An insured employee receives a guarantee of social security if an insured event occurs at his workplace. By the way, not every incident will be considered insured; a number of cases are specifically stipulated in the contract.

    Another goal of social insurance is to ensure that employers have an incentive to make their enterprise safer for workers. The fewer insurance events that occur, the more profitable it is for the employer.

    At its core, social insurance is compensation for harm caused to the life and health of the victim. This amount depends on the level of damage. The more seriously a person was injured, the greater the amount of compensation he will receive.

    Insurance funds do more than just pay damages. Thanks to regular contributions from policyholders, it becomes possible to improve working conditions for thousands of people.

    Social insurance contributions, like any other insurance, are made monthly, in the amount established in the official contract.

    The activities of the social insurance fund regulate and control organizations that hire employees. Monitoring of working conditions and diagnosing the possibility of accidents is carried out.

    In addition to material compensation, social insurance and social security ensure that victims are fully provided for necessary tools and medications that became necessary after injury.

    For example, free prosthetics are provided to some people in need. Previously, the social insurance fund also provided individual treatment for victims in specialized sanatoriums and hospitals.

    What should insurance premiums be?

    As already mentioned, the insurance budget of the funds is formed from contributions. By the way, social pension insurance in Russia provides for the return of contributions to the insurer after a certain time.

    In social insurance, contributions are not refundable. They go towards insurance payments, providing medical services to victims, and monthly payments to those who have lost their ability to work as a result of injury.

    The amount of insurance premiums depends on what kind of activity you are engaged in. In our country, there is a classification of 32 points, based on which the amount of the fee is calculated.

    What is the purpose of social insurance at work?

    First of all, social insurance funds make payments to victims at work for the period of their inability to work. This amount is calculated from the person's average earnings and comes directly from the social insurance fund through the employer.

    One-time payments are also made to victims. They, again, depend on the level of severity of the injuries and on the organization where the victim works.

    Rehabilitation of victims: physical, psychological, and professional is carried out at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund. This point causes a lot of controversy. Currently, the authority to issue vouchers is given to social security organizations.

    Social insurance funds pay for improving working conditions in factories. To achieve this, scheduled inspections, elimination of deficiencies, and penalties from negligent employers are carried out.

    Naturally, each individual insured event requires detailed consideration and assessment. Such measures are necessary to avoid cases of fraud. Specialists inspect the scene of the accident and review insurance claims in detail.

    Another point is the introduction of allowances, compensations and discounts into social insurance insurance rates.

    Compulsory insurance at work benefits both workers and their employers. On the one hand, making payments stabilizes the situation on the labor market and provides citizens with hope for restoration of health and working capacity at the expense of the state.

    Employers, in turn, are also protected by law. By paying monthly premiums to the insurance company, they can be confident in their own protection.

    The state, represented by social insurance funds, also does not stand aside. Thanks to universal social insurance, the risk of injuries and accidents at work is reduced. The organizations themselves are being improved and modernized, making their work even more efficient.

    In the event that an employee dies as a result of an emergency at work, insurance payments are still made. They are received by minor dependent children, dependent persons, and the family of the deceased.

    If an insured event occurs

    It doesn’t matter whether you work in a factory or in an office, no one is immune from insured events.

    Note that compulsory social insurance and social security are not compulsory health insurance at all and there is no need to confuse them.

    Payment under medical insurance in an insured event will be made one way or another, but you can expect compensation from the social insurance fund only if you were injured directly at work.

    An insured event is a confirmed fact of harm to health or loss of life as a result of work activities or the acquisition of occupational diseases.

    An accident on the way to work is also considered insured. The amount he will receive from the insurance company depends on how much a person has suffered (we include occupational diseases here).

    So, you can count on monthly payments of wages if you are undergoing treatment after an accident. Most likely, your hospital stay and medications will also be paid for by the policyholder.

    An accident that led to a person losing his or her ability to work completely is also covered. This could be a lump sum payment or a monthly benefit. Incapacitation means that a person can no longer hold his or her position and is unable to perform his or her duties.

    One way or another, losing your job as a result of an acquired illness or injury provides you with a certain amount from the Social Security fund. To this are added the necessary medications and devices (diapers, crutches, wheelchair, catheters, etc.).

    The saddest outcome is death as a result of an accident. The full insured amount is paid to the family of the deceased and children left without a breadwinner. Usually, the funeral is organized at the expense of the insurance company.

    Social support (social protection) of the population is a set of measures aimed at meeting the social needs of a person. It is especially important for socially vulnerable categories of citizens: pensioners, disabled people, WWII participants, large families, children left without parents, workers in hazardous industries, etc.

    Measures for social support of the population

    The provision of various services, benefits and payments to those in need form the basis of social support. Among the measures taken, the following are of great importance for the population:

    1. Payment of child benefits.
    2. Actions aimed at reducing unemployment.
    3. Establishing and increasing the minimum wage for workers, as well as the minimum level of pensions and scholarships.
    4. Measures to provide financial support to large families.
    5. Strengthening control over the observance of human rights, especially in relation to vulnerable categories of citizens: children, pensioners, disabled people, etc.

    The main initiator of such actions is the state.

    Social support of the population includes measures such as:

    1. Providing guarantees for the provision of free medical services.
    2. Providing guarantees for the provision of free educational services.
    3. Guaranteed and timely payment of pensions.
    4. Providing benefits for certain categories of citizens.
    5. Social services and provision of social services.
    6. Other measures of social support for the population.

    Social support includes such forms as: social assistance, social insurance and social security.

    What categories of citizens can count on free social support?

    Social support of the population is provided for the following categories of people in need:

    1. Children. Basically, these are benefits for low-income families, especially large families, and services aimed at supporting such families and children.
    2. Large families can also count on the issuance of a certificate of large families, as well as cash payments, benefits, benefits for housing and communal services, and others.
    3. Veterans and disabled people: various services, cash payments.
    4. Heroes of war and labor.
    5. Everyone who is entitled to benefits: pensioners, students, government employees, etc.
    6. Young families: housing programs.
    7. People with low material income.

    Features of social assistance in Russia

    The Russian government is developing projects to support low-income citizens who are unable to provide for themselves on our own and means. This support applies to people of any age, gender and place of residence. In order to obtain it, you must have Russian citizenship and documents confirming a difficult life situation.

    Now the system of social support for citizens is in a state of formation and is gradually turning into an independent diversified branch of the state economy. It now involves approximately 400,000 employees and over 16,000 institutions. There are social assistance departments in almost every city district. Such centers also exist in some rural villages.

    Social support is regulated by both federal and local legislation. There are also non-state funds for social support of the population, which function on an ideological basis.

    Social insurance of the population

    Social insurance is one of the types of social protection of the population, the main purpose of which is to fulfill the constitutional right of people to financial assistance in the event of loss of health or disability, unemployment and other similar problems.

    Social insurance can be collective, state or mixed. Unlike state insurance, collective insurance is organized by trade unions. In terms of the time of its origin, it is more ancient than the state one.

    In Russia, compulsory social insurance is one of the tools for implementing social programs states. It is financed from extra-budgetary social insurance funds and other sources. Social insurance provides for the payment of state benefits and pensions.

    Among benefits, temporary disability benefits are the most commonly used. The basis for its payments is an extract received from a medical institution. Another type of benefit is maternity benefit. Its size is equal to the amount of wages. There is also an allowance for caring for a small child.

    Other payments include unemployment benefits, which are not popular among the population due to the purely symbolic size of the payment.

    In what areas is support provided?

    In the centers for social protection of the population, anyone can receive attention, and assistance measures will correspond to the situation in which the person finds himself. Most often people turn to such centers for help related to motherhood and childhood. Large families receive the following types of support:

    • allowance for large families;
    • payment of maternity capital under federal and regional programs;
    • issuance of land plots;
    • providing vouchers to sanatoriums;
    • Annual assistance is provided for the least wealthy families.

    This list may vary slightly in different regions, so you should check with the regional office at your place of residence.

    The Labor Department makes a certain contribution to ensuring the implementation of social support programs. Its employees are engaged in the following activities:

    • sending those in need to free training or courses;
    • finding a job for graduates, people with disabilities and ordinary citizens;
    • working to create additional jobs;
    • unemployment benefit payments.

    A completely different type of government support is intended for the elderly and disabled. First of all, this different kinds assistance at home (cleaning the apartment, delivering groceries to your home), or in a hospital setting. In the second case, those in need are placed in boarding homes, nursing homes or boarding houses, where various services are provided free of charge, including rehabilitation and medical services.

    Additional types of social assistance

    An additional type of social support for the population is the distribution of humanitarian aid among citizens in need. Such assistance is provided by private foundations. Donations are collected among businessmen and ordinary citizens on a voluntary basis.

    Assistance in providing an apartment can be provided to orphans after they reach the age of 18. Young families can apply for preferential mortgages. For large families, provision is made for the allocation of land for housing development.

    Sources of funding for social assistance

    Funding for social support activities is carried out according to Law No. 131 (“Law on Social Support”). Social assistance is one of the articles of the Russian budget. When filling it, the following costs are taken into account:

    • from the general need for social assistance among the population;
    • from service costs priority areas social expenses;
    • of the approximate number of those receiving targeted assistance;
    • from the expected inflation rate.

    For the calculation, first of all, data for the previous year is used, from which the effectiveness of the measures is determined. Local funds that cannot cope with the task of social support for the population can turn to the federal authorities for appropriate assistance. Managing social care spending is a complex and not fully regulated task.

    Funeral benefit

    This cash benefit is paid to compensate for expenses associated with the funeral of deceased persons. The size of this payment corresponds to the amount of costs associated with organizing this case. The funeral benefit is provided for by the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Affairs”, but it cannot exceed 10 minimum sizes wages. The condition for payment of this benefit is a period of no more than 6 months from the time of death.

    Funds for paying funeral benefits are taken from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the regional budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    In 2015, the amount of the funeral benefit was 5,277 rubles.

    To pay benefits, you must present 4 documents: an application for payment of benefits, a death certificate, a passport of the benefit recipient and a document indicating that the deceased pensioner was unemployed.

    Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation

    This organization was created on January 1, 1991. In 2016, the fund’s budget was 614.5 billion rubles. (0.78% of the country's GDP).

    This fund fulfills following functions:

    • carries out the payment of benefits in case of temporary disability, benefits issued in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, a one-time benefit at the birth of a child and when registering on the occasion of pregnancy;
    • pays benefits related to occupational diseases and injuries at work: one-time and monthly payments, payment for medical services and rehabilitation of the victim, financing of preventive measures work injuries and occupational diseases;
    • provision of vouchers to sanatoriums and resorts, as well as compensation for related transportation costs for privileged categories of citizens;
    • material provision of disabled people with specialized equipment;
    • payment for certificates related to childbirth.

    State bodies of social assistance to the population

    The Department of Social Support of the Population has 2 main divisions: the pension department and the department for labor and social issues. It also includes accounting.

    The Department of Social Support of the Population implements its tasks and functions on the basis of the “Regulations on the Management of Social Protection of the Population”. The city department of social protection of the population is a municipal body within the city administration, which reports directly to it and to the department of social support of the population of the regional or regional administration.

    Functions of the city administration for social protection of citizens

    Let's list the following:

    1. Ensuring the implementation of state policies in the field of labor, pension payments, support for the disabled, pensioners, family and children, as well as the functioning of the system social services residents.
    2. Interaction with local authorities, extra-budgetary state funds, enterprises, organizations, institutions, communication centers, banks, public cooperatives and people. The activities of the department are based on the laws of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the government of the Russian Federation and the region (territory), the heads of administration of the region (territory) and the city, decrees, orders and decrees of the higher social support body and other acts.
    3. The creation, transformation and liquidation of management is carried out in accordance with the decision of local government bodies.
    4. The department is financed from the city budget.
    5. The management is listed as a legal entity with its own account, financial balance, stamps, forms, seal, own property, etc.

    Objectives of the social support center

    The Center for Social Support of the Population is designed to solve the following tasks:

    1. Development of forecasts for social economic development.
    2. Development and implementation of city programs in the field of social assistance to families, low-income categories of citizens, the elderly and disabled.
    3. Implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding social support of the population.
    4. An organization to support veterans, children, mothers, the elderly, as well as those in difficult situations.
    5. Implementation of state policy regarding pension reform and ensuring uninterrupted payment of pensions.
    6. Legal protection of civil rights, as well as state. guarantees and interests of citizens.
    7. Implementation government programs in the field of social and labor relations.
    8. Resolving issues related to working conditions and safety.


    Thus, social support for the country's citizens is an integral part of social policy, both federal and regional. First of all, assistance is provided to such categories of citizens as pensioners, veterans, disabled people, the poor, children, and low-income families. To implement social assistance programs, special departments have been created - centers for social support of the population of the region, which operate in most settlements of the Russian Federation.

    Social security and social assistance

    Methodological notes

    Social Security- a system of material support and services provided for by law for citizens in old age, in case of illness, complete or partial loss of ability to work, loss of a breadwinner, as well as families with children.

    Compulsory social insurance– one of the main forms of social security, carried out in accordance with the federal law of July 16, 1999 N 165-FZ “On the fundamentals of compulsory social insurance”. It is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state aimed at compensating or minimizing the consequences of changes in the material and (or) social situation of working citizens, and in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, other categories of citizens due to their recognition as unemployed, labor injury or professional illness, disability, illness, injury, pregnancy and childbirth, loss of a breadwinner, as well as the onset of old age, the need to receive medical care, sanatorium treatment and the occurrence of other social insurance risks established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, subject to compulsory social insurance.

    Insurance coverage for certain types of compulsory social insurance is:

    1) payment to the medical institution of expenses associated with providing the insured person with the necessary medical care;

    2) old age pension;

    3) disability pension;

    4) survivor's pension;

    5) temporary disability benefits;

    6) benefits in connection with work injury and occupational disease;

    7) maternity benefits;

    8) monthly child care allowance until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;

    9) unemployment benefits;

    10) one-time benefit to women registered in medical institutions in early dates pregnancy;

    11) one-time benefit for the birth of a child;

    12) allowance for sanatorium treatment;

    13) social benefit for funeral;

    14) payment for vouchers for sanatorium treatment and health improvement for employees and members of their families.

    Budgets compulsory social insurance funds are not included in the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets. Compulsory social insurance funds include state extra-budgetary funds: Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal and territorial compulsory health insurance funds, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Employment Fund of the Russian Federation (abolished on January 1, 2001).

    State extra-budgetary fund– fund Money, formed outside the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and intended to implement the constitutional rights of citizens to pensions, social insurance, social security in case of unemployment, health care and medical care. Expenses and income of the state extra-budgetary fund are formed in the manner established by federal law, or in another manner provided for by the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

    Unified social tax (contribution)– a tax credited to the federal budget to finance the basic part of the labor pension, to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the compulsory medical insurance funds of the Russian Federation and intended to mobilize funds to realize the right of citizens to state pension and social security and medical care. Introduced on January 1, 2001 in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Minimum social guarantees– minimum cash payments, the receipt of which is guaranteed to the population by the state in cases provided for by the relevant regulatory legal acts. These include minimum wages, scholarships, benefits and others.

    TO pensioners include persons who have exercised the right to receive a pension in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and interstate agreements, permanently residing in the Russian Federation. Data is provided on pensioners registered in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (until 2002 - in the social protection authorities).

    Average amount of assigned monthly pensions is determined by dividing the total amount of assigned monthly pensions (1993-2001 - taking into account compensation) by the number of pensioners registered in the system of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (until 2002 - in the social protection authorities).

    The actual amount of assigned monthly pensions is a relative indicator calculated by dividing the index of the nominal amount (i.e., actually formed in the reporting period) of assigned monthly pensions by the consumer price index for the corresponding time period.

    Estimation in monetary equivalent of the amount of benefits received by members of surveyed households in the form of full or partial exemption from payment for goods and services. The assessment is based on the words of interviewed household members.

    Non-state pension fund– a special organizational and legal form of a non-profit social security organization, the exclusive activity of which is non-state pension provision of fund participants on the basis of agreements on non-state pension provision of the population with fund investors in favor of fund participants. The funds operate and make payments of non-state pensions to fund participants regardless of the state pension provision of the population.

    Benefit– partial or complete exemption of citizens from paying for goods and services.

    The benefits taken into account when conducting a sample survey of household budgets include all types of in-kind assistance provided to households both by the employer and from budgets of all levels.

    The value of benefits received is estimated from the words of surveyed household members.

    TO food benefits This includes both the issuance of food stamps and the provision of the opportunity to purchase food products at lower prices (the approximate difference in price is estimated in the case of purchasing these products in trade organizations).

    TO benefits for transportation costs include the use of preferential travel on all types of transport, including the use of a company car, as well as the use of vehicles provided by the employer for the personal needs of the household (free of charge or with partial payment for their rent from household funds).

    TO benefits for housing and utilities include benefits and subsidies provided to citizens in accordance with current legislation, as well as payment for housing by the employer.

    TO holiday benefits include discounts and subsidies provided by social insurance authorities, employers for the payment of vouchers to holiday homes, sanatoriums, children's summer health camps, as well as tourist trips and excursions.

    TO health care benefits include benefits for medical and dental care, benefits for paying for medications. The cost of medical services provided to the population free of charge under compulsory health insurance is not included.

    Subsidy- this is payment for the intended purpose of material goods provided to citizens or services provided.

    Subsidies for housing and utilities are a targeted type of social assistance and are provided to citizens by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments within the social norm of housing area and standards for the consumption of utility services, taking into account the cost of living, total family income and existing benefits.

    Benefits for paying for housing and utilities– this is a discount provided in accordance with current legislation to certain categories of citizens, including members of their families living with them (if this is provided for by the legislation relevant to this category of citizens).

    Value of benefits provided in kind- assessment in monetary equivalent of the benefits received by members of the surveyed households in the form of full or partial exemption from payment for goods and services. Benefits received both from the employer and from budgets of all levels are taken into account. The assessment is based on the words of interviewed household members.

    • 6.1.1. Social security is a system based on the principle of universalism, on the mechanism of the widest possible inclusion of citizens (users) in the system of goods and services offered by the state in cash or in kind. Social security contains practically no mechanisms for excluding citizens from the number of recipients of various social benefits. In general, social security can be defined as the maintenance at the expense of society (the state) of different categories of the population, in special cases and in special ways. It is believed that social security is the responsibility of the entire society, implemented by the state. State centralized system social security of the population developed and existed in Soviet times. Initially it covered only workers and office workers, then it spread to the entire population and became universal, i.e. universal. Today, despite the usual and wide use the concept of “social security” by both theorists and practitioners, it is actually outdated, inaccurate and is gradually being replaced by other concepts, such as “social insurance”, “help”, “service”, etc.
    • 6.1.2. Social insurance is including only workers and members of their families among the recipients of social benefits. Moreover, such inclusion is conditioned by previous insurance contributions of workers and employers, therefore, in this system, the state determines only the inclusion standards, and workers and employers finance it. And finally, social assistance is also targeted, i.e. contains a mechanism for including only those recipients who are most in need according to some criteria. As a rule, the criterion for inclusion in the number of recipients of social assistance is low income or the inability to improve one’s situation on one’s own.

    In the early 1990s. the question of universality or targeting of state social support was resolved in favor of targeting. This choice was due to economic relations, because it is determined by the level of taxes necessary to implement the principle of universalism or the principle of targeting. Targeted assistance to the population costs the state less. It is also a question of the state's relations with public organizations, with municipal authorities, with the family, since the implementation of the targeting principle is cheaper for the state budget, but requires broad public support.

    6.1.3. The Soviet social security system included the distribution of means of production, labor resources, as well as consumer goods and services. This system eliminated unemployment, ensured a stable, although lagging behind world standards, standard of living, and was aimed at reducing socio-economic inequality. Her important aspect there was a primary formation of family income: wages for work in the public economy and monetary payments supplementing wages from public consumption funds (pensions, benefits, scholarships, payments annual leave) .

    Trade unions were an important subject of social security. Thus, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (AUCCTU) participated in government decision-making on labor and social issues. Factory local committees were directly involved in regulating labor relations at enterprises, organizations, and institutions; resolved issues of providing financial assistance to those in need, distributing vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, and to pioneer camps; together with medical institution and the administration of the enterprise developed and implemented measures to reduce the incidence of illness among workers; together with the administration, they prepared the documents necessary to assign pensions to workers, employees and their families.

    In general, the state social security system, on the one hand, implemented the constitutional rights of citizens to work, rest, education and health, and ensured stability and confidence in the future. On the other hand, it acted as a brake on economic development, since the state confiscated a significant portion of income from direct producers and carried out a strictly centralized, essentially egalitarian, redistribution of it. This applied to wages and most types of social benefits. As a result, well-being Soviet people began to depend less and less on their own labor efforts, on their activity, and more and more on state social security policy. Equal distribution gave rise to dependency and reduced incentives for productive work. Therefore, one of the goals of the transition to the market in the early 1990s. there was a change in the behavior pattern of people in economic and social spheres, their relationship to breastfeeding and social security based on increasing independence and responsibility for the level of their well-being. The implementation of this goal required reform of the social sphere.

    6.1.4. Social Security has always been associated with high costs due to the fact that all workers took part in its financing, and it was distributed in accordance with the division of the population into certain categories, which, in accordance with the category, were provided with benefits, compensation and subsidies, i.e. their inclusion in the resource environment was carried out. Moreover, the identification of categories was often associated not with labor merits or any life problems, but with the political or ideological objectives of the state. The allocation of the categories provided was in the nature of bureaucratic procedures enshrined in law. If any group was not specified in the laws as an additional object, i.e. preferential social security, then she is not entitled to it. Therefore, although it was believed that social policy in the USSR was universal in nature, at the same time it was aimed at protecting the interests of the nomenklatura, which was noted by the English researcher R. Titmuss back in the 1970s. In fact, Soviet social policy differentiated different categories of citizens according to the degree of their “right” to receive social assistance from the state. Differentiated And differentiating approaches Soviet social policy fully manifested itself in relation to participants in various wars, various groups of pensioners, etc. For example, veterans of the war in Afghanistan were forced to lobby for a very long time for their interests and needs in social security, since the state did not codify them as war veterans and did not include them in the number of benefit categories. A similar situation currently exists with participants in combat operations in Chechnya.

    Conversely, if a group was codified in laws as needy, it was eligible for inclusion in the social security system regardless of the degree of actual need. At the same time, any of the traditionally recognized weak groups of the population is not internally homogeneous. Not only children and the elderly can differ significantly in income levels and living conditions, but even people with disabilities. Of course, these are socially vulnerable groups, but uniform social security standards have different significance for them. Thus, everyone is entitled to benefits for paying for a telephone, an apartment, and utilities, but in reality they are used only by those who, accordingly, have a telephone, running water, etc., since not all residents of Russia live in populated areas, where there are benefits of civilization, the use of which is preferential, where there is the necessary resource environment. For some, for example, really needy city pensioners (single people living in communal apartments), benefits provide very important support, which, nevertheless, can be assessed by more prosperous people or families as insignificant. Low-income elderly people who do not have dachas do not need benefits for travel on suburban transport, but free travel on city transport, etc., is important. Thus, the social security system is characterized by numerous errors of inclusion in the number of recipients of too wide a number of clients, caused by the ideologically emphasized principle of universalism.

    6.1.5. Despite the liberalization of the economy and, naturally, a new approach to solving social problems in the 1990s gg., in Russia by the beginning of 2004 there were 103 million beneficiaries. The financial “weight” of benefits is approximately 2.8 trillion rubles, i.e. about 21% of the state budget. True, the state fulfills its obligations, as a rule, by no more than 40% of the required amount, citing the impossibility of financing all types of benefits. The actual underfunding and changing approach to social security led to the fact that, since 1992, one government after another announced the need to move to a system more focused on the effective inclusion of truly low-income members of the benefit categories of the population, to address system help. Thus, in 2001, military personnel lost part of their benefits, then honorary donors and students, etc. But after the end of the 2003/2004 election campaign, the state finally decided to “take beneficiaries by the throat.” Of course, formally, benefits very often go to the greatest extent to those living in cities and far from being the most needy pensioners. But, given that a very large proportion of pensioners have a pension below the subsistence level, the benefits for them are not at all superfluous. The proposed monetary compensation benefits in the amount of 450 to 1800 rubles. (situation in June 2004) can become a real help only for rural pensioners who simply could not receive benefits in kind due to the lack of access to transport, pharmacy, telephone, etc. For some city beneficiaries, such compensation does not compensate for losses. In addition to financial losses, these are losses associated with the social status of older people, which to a certain extent was also constructed by various benefits as recognition of their merits.

    It is of concern that all beneficiaries are “divided” between federal and regional budgets. Regional legislators must, by December 31, 2004, think through and close all the gaps that have appeared in the legislation, pass laws and include new expenditure items in the budget. Even the transfer of information, i.e. documents of beneficiaries, can drag on for a long time and lead to the fact that people will not be able to receive the amounts due. Unfortunately, the social responsibility of legislators and the government in this regard is very low.

    Even if we agree with the need to restructure the system of benefits, the first step could be a more thoughtful procedure for their use, i.e. a more flexible procedure for including clients in the resource environment. Thus, the problem of transport overload could be solved by redistributing passenger flows. For example, for urban transport, define “rush hours” when reduced travel is not allowed. For commuters, set days (weekdays) when reduced travel is allowed, and weekends when travel is paid for all categories of the population. Of course, this would lead beneficiaries to the need to act within certain limits. But the working population could go to their dachas in less cramped conditions and the issue of additional transport on weekends would disappear. This would narrow the scope of benefits, but would not worsen the financial situation of benefit recipients. However, it seems that the government is more concerned with conforming to the “principles” of a market economy than making the benefits system fairer and more convenient for the entire population.

    • Volchkova L. T., Minina V. N. Formation and development of the system of social protection of the population in Russia in 1991-2002 / ed. I. Grigorieva. II. Kildahl, S. Kühnle, V. Minina // Development of the welfare state in the countries of Northern Europe and Russia: a comparative perspective. Sat. articles. St. Petersburg, 2004. pp. 66-84.
    • Titmuss R. M. Social Policy. L., 1974.