Foiled penofol: technical characteristics and features of the material. Technical characteristics of penofol and its unique properties What is penofol with foil

The name Penofol has become so popular that this foamed polyethylene with foil is sometimes used where it is not needed, to the detriment of the result with monetary losses. The hype popularity is facilitated by sellers who, for the sake of sales, attribute foamed polyethylene miraculous properties. Let's look at how Penofol is used correctly and why owners sometimes experience losses with this material...

What is Penofol?

Foamed polyethylene with foil is a soft and elastic roll material, usually from 3.5 to 10 mm thick, for use as a substrate, vapor barrier, wind barrier, insulation layer.

According to the manufacturer, the thermal conductivity coefficient of uncompressed material is in the range of 0.037 - 0.05 W/m °C. For comparison, foam has 0.035 - 0.04 W/m °C - the material is a little warmer...

The glued layer of aluminum foil reflects infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping from a heated house to a cold street. And also impermeable to water vapor.

Available in thicknesses of 3 - 10 mm, most often in rolls up to 36 meters long, with a width of 1200 mm.

The material is very light and easy to process, cut with scissors, attached with glue, or pressed with screws or lathing. Convenience and ease of use, as well as low price, contribute to popularity and... misuse.

Types of Penofol

There are:

Thermal insulation qualities of Penofol

It should be noted that when compressed to 2–3 times the original thickness, air is partially displaced from the material, and the thermal conductivity coefficient increases significantly. At the same time, reducing the thickness of the layer leads to a proportional decrease in heat transfer resistance. This means, at least, that Penofol, as insulation, should not be used in a compressed state.

On the manufacturer's website you can find the following values:

  • heat transfer resistance R of PENOFOL® insulation in a structure with a closed air gap is 1.175 – 1.362 m2C/W.

Apparently so high value for a thin layer of insulation, we obtained by adding up the heat transfer resistance of directly foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 5 - 10 mm - only 0.15 - 0.3 m2C / W, and also by adding here the heat saving from foil (a barrier for radiant heat), which completely depends on the power of radiation from the inside, the temperature in the room, the presence of heating sources, the degree of absorption of radiation by structures, and also, apparently, also adding the resistance of the “closed circuit” air gap» design, which can actually reach 1.0 m2C/W, for example, in a double-glazed window.

However, the obvious fact is that Penofol really does insulate, all that remains is to apply it correctly.

Basic rules for using Penofol

Where and how is Penofol mainly used in practice?

Experts warn. Large-scale use of shielding with conductive foil can disrupt the natural magnetic background, increase (decrease) electromagnetic intensity, disrupt the operation of transmitting and receiving devices, which cannot be called useful and correct...

Examples of incorrect and dangerous use of Penofol

  • Laying Penfol under a cement (reinforced concrete) screed. The foil is destroyed by the alkaline aggression of concrete, the insulation layer is compressed excessively. There is no warming effect.
  • The use of Penofol as the main insulation layer in structures that must be insulated in accordance with standards - in floors, in roofs, in walls. At the same time, users are usually guided by sellers’ assurances that the material replaces “5 centimeters of polystyrene foam” or “6 centimeters mineral wool" As a result, without a main insulating layer (in most cases, it is economically optimal from 10 cm effective insulation...), the structures remain cold.
  • Applying from the side of the living space directly to Penofol, without leaving air gap, finishing panels, wood finishing, structures made of wood, which entails dampening of the finish, the development of mold, and rotting of the wood due to condensation accumulated on the vapor barrier insulation. After a year of such use, according to the owners, Penofol is “black with mold.”
  • Laying inside panel structures along the foil side of the electrical wiring.
  • Joining Penofol sheets leaving gaps, which, in addition to a general reduction in insulation, in some structures leaves greater air permeability (drafts), which completely eliminates the presence of an insulating layer.

Warm insulating material penofol is currently one of the most common in the field of energy saving. Such universal insulation Ideal for use in a home or apartment. Niches for batteries, slopes, all kinds of partitions and roofs are often insulated with it. Penofol with a reflector in the form of aluminum foil is also used to install heated floors.

Main types

Basically, all types of penofol consist of polyethylene foam and a reflective layer. Let's look at the most common types.

Modification "A"

Easy roll material on one side covered with a reflective layer. Available in thicknesses of 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 mm.

Modification "B"

Roll material with two reflective sides. A slightly more versatile insulation than “A”, with increased requirements for mechanical stress.

Modification "C"

Self-adhesive insulation is universal and easy to install.
Modification "ALP". Self-adhesive type of penofol foil on only one side, as well as laminated with polyethylene protective film. Thickness 3 mm.

Some technical characteristics of foil penofol

  1. Thermal reflection up to 97%.
  2. Application temperature -60+100 Celsius.
  3. Thermal conductivity coefficient excluding heat reflection is 0.037 - 0.038 W/m °C.
  4. Moisture absorption from 0.65-3.5% (by volume).
  5. Specific heat capacity 1.95 kJ/kg °C.
  6. Vapor permeability coefficient, m, no more (mg/m. h. Pa) than 0.001.

Where is it better to use penofol as insulation?

Insulating walls from the inside with penofol is not a labor-intensive process; if you use a simple tool (knife, stapler, screwdriver), insulation work can be carried out quickly and efficiently. Let's consider where and how best to use this type of materials.

Type “A” is mainly used in combined insulation with other heat insulators, polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene. For example, to insulate walls from the inside, in cases where it is not possible to carry out outdoor installation. You can also lay it under the screed when installing a heated floor. Primary insulation of food storage rooms is often carried out with this type of insulator, gluing it directly to the wall.

Type “B” is more suitable for installing partitions and ventilation systems, and insulating any walls and ceilings with foil penofol is very simple; it works as an independent insulating material. A double reflective layer applied on both sides is perfect for this. Penofol "B" has shown itself to be excellent in the construction of loggias and balconies. They fasten it by pressing it between the rail, finishing guides, and the wall.

Type “C” is more widely used for insulating cars, or rather their thermal cabins, various types of cabins and technical premises. As heat reflectors for heating radiators and various types of containers and heat exchangers.


For arranging “”, ALP type penofol is used, since cement mortar in its raw state it is aggressive towards aluminum. And the sheets are mounted on the rough screed with foil facing up with an extension to the walls of up to 8 cm and the seams are secured with aluminum tape (metalized tape). After installing all heating elements A mesh for reinforcement is placed on top and a finishing screed is poured. The edges are trimmed after pouring. In this application it serves as an excellent reflector and insulator of heat.

The universal use of foil foam puts this product at the forefront of heat conservation and efficiency in applications with minimal structural thickness.

Shiny foil insulation penofol

When insulating various types of surfaces, walls, ceilings, partitions or pipes, you need to know exactly how to insulate the structure in each case. There are many thermal insulations, but we will consider thin, universal system. "Izolon" is lightweight, easy to use, with high qualities material. An excellent insulator of heat and cold.
Let's take the insulation of pipes using isolon brand PPE 3004-3010 with an additional coating of PET film over the reflector for thermal and sound insulation, ventilation pipes, channels or containers and heat exchangers.

It is problematic to attach polystyrene foam or polystyrene to such uneven surfaces, and blowing it with foam is generally expensive. Suddenly the structure will have to be removed or modernized. In such cases, isolon saves the day, because you can’t insulate the pipes with bulky mineral wool using outdated technology. And foil-coated isolon as a reflector will serve for a long time and with high quality.
And the price of such insulation is relatively low.

Fastening methods and properties of penofol

Option #1

To insulate the loggia, you can use a frame fastening with a 20*40 mm rail and press the insulator to the wall in increments of 40 centimeters. Secure with screws if the wall is made of wood, or use a quick installation dowel (DBM) when the base is concrete. The seams must be taped with metallized tape. The thickness of the material is selected based on weather conditions in winter and summer period. When purchasing, an experienced manager will calculate more accurately what kind of cold insulator is needed, taking into account the data in your region on temperature and humidity.

Option No. 2

For combined insulation, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, foil-coated foam for the second layer (reflector) is perfect. Let's take refrigerator or insulation of the heat exchanger. Pinned to polyurethane foam or dowel (fungus) polystyrene boards can be glued with self-adhesive penofol brand “ALP” after 24 hours. But brand “A” with one reflective side is quite easy to attach using silicone acrylic (the modification must correspond to the materials). Sometimes, despite the brand of glue, craftsmen melt polystyrene foam with unsuitable adhesives.

Option #3

On a laminate floor or parquet board It is not uncommon to roll out modification “B” material with two reflective surfaces. Thickness up to 5 mm. This underlay will last quite a long time, providing 97% thermal protection for your floor. It can also be secured with special non-aggressive mastics by gluing it to the base. Izospan FL adhesive tape will seal seams perfectly.

Option No. 4

Vibration protection during use industrial equipment The solution is to install isolon under the machines. And by installing an additional layer (type “A”) inside a partition or wall, the noise production premises will decrease by 28-30%. The sound absorption of this material is up to 68%. A stapler and galvanized staples for it will perfectly hold the insulator on any surface except concrete or plaster. On hard walls, the reflector can be glued or installed on dowels, then covered with a layer of finishing (plastic, plasterboard).

Foamed polyethylene foam from which isolon is composed is a chemically resistant polymer material. Operating temperature range of polyethylene foam grade: PPE from -60 to +100 degrees Celsius, standard grades without extinguishing additives are quite flammable.
In case of fire, it is extinguished using standard fire extinguishing agents: foam or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, sand, water. In case of fire, use a respirator!

The polyethylene foam itself does not contain harmful substances, destroying ozone layer atmosphere. Does not cause allergies upon inhalation or contact with skin. As we see this universal material As foil-coated isolon, it is quite easy to use in the arrangement of any structures and premises.

Penofol is a modern insulation made from foiled polyethylene foam. This is a reflective heat insulator that operates on the principle of a thermos. We will talk about the technical characteristics of the material, its advantages and its application later in the article.

Penofol - rules and features of production

Penofol was invented in the USA as one of the elements of a space suit, and later it was used in everyday life. Today, foil penofol is a rolled material that combines the thermal insulation characteristics of foamed polyethylene and foil. It can have different structures and densities, and its thickness varies between 2-10 mm. The foil layer of the material is created from aluminum foil, the purity of which must be more than 99.4%. The foil is applied to a polyethylene base by heat sealing; the thickness of this layer is about 20 microns.

To understand the operating principles modern insulation materials, it is necessary to understand the procedure for transferring heat between objects. There are three types of heat transfer:

  1. 1. Convection. Heating of thermal air, which transfers heat from one object to another.
  2. 2. Conduction. Direct transfer of heat between objects.
  3. 3. Thermal radiation. Heat transfer through electromagnetic infrared waves.

Almost all existing insulation materials are capable of preventing only one of the described heat transfer options. In contrast, penofol works in combination; polyethylene foam in its composition prevents convection, while foil provides high-quality thermal reflection (up to 97%). This structure of the material provides it with a heat transfer resistance of 1.355 units with a thermal insulation thickness of 10 mm. For comparison, the same indicator for the standard brick wall thickness more than 50 cm is only 0.405.

Another important difference between penofol and other insulation materials is that it does not retain, but reflects heat. Due to its small thickness, it can be used to insulate any premises, as an independent heat insulator or in combination with other heat-insulating materials.

The meaning of marking foil insulation

Penofol insulation comes in several types. Each type of heat insulator has its own unique marking:

  1. 1. A. Standard penofol with a foil coating on one side. Most often used for internal insulation together with other heat insulators, for example, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.
  2. 2. B. Material, coated with aluminum foil on both sides. It can be used as the only one.
  3. 3. C. Self-adhesive insulation, on one side of which there is a foil layer, and on the other - foamed polyethylene, coated with moisture-resistant glue. It is easy to install.
  4. 4. ALP. Laminated penofol, the foil side of which is protected plastic film. Most often used in agriculture.
  5. 5. M and R. Embossed insulation material with one foil layer.
  6. 6. Super NET. A heat insulator that is used to insulate engineering systems and communications - heat supply networks, pipelines, air ducts.
  7. 7. AIR. Used for insulating air ducts.

For unfavorable climatic conditions, it is up to 4 cm thick

Penofol is also available on the market, which is suitable for use in the most unfavorable conditions. climatic conditions. It is characterized by increased thermal insulation characteristics and has a thickness of up to 4 cm. There are insulation materials marked “2000”, these are the most available materials, differing from standard insulation materials by reduced strength and lower functionality.

Characteristics of the insulator - what makes it popular?

Foil penofol is considered a universal insulation material, the advantages of which are provided by its excellent technical characteristics. It can be used for thermal insulation of various building structures in residential and non-residential premises, inside and outside buildings. TO the most important parameters The following properties of a heat insulator include:

  1. 1. Thickness. One of the most important advantages of penofol is its small thickness, which is much smaller than other insulation materials. The standard thickness of such thermal insulation does not exceed 10 mm. The thickness of penofol directly affects its cost. For internal insulation It is best to use material with a thickness of 5-6 mm.
  2. 2. Thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity of the combined insulation material It is very difficult to calculate, therefore the heat transfer resistance of penofol is usually called. For a material foiled on both sides with a thickness of about 5 mm, this figure is 1.23 m 2 / C / watt. To ensure the same heat transfer resistance using mineral wool, you will need to install an insulating layer about 80 mm thick.
  3. 3. Moisture resistance. The material does not absorb moisture; its moisture absorption ranges from 0.35 to 0.7% per m3.
  4. 4. Sound insulation. Correct installation penofol provides high-quality noise insulation of rooms - up to 32 decibels. To increase the level of sound insulation, before installing insulation, it is necessary to seal the seams of building structures.
  5. 5. Vapor permeability. The vapor permeability coefficient of penofol is 0.001 mg/m/h/Pa. Thus, this insulation can be installed without first installing a vapor barrier layer.

The popularity of the heat insulator is determined not only by its technical characteristics, but also by its resistance to various external influences. This material can be used at temperatures from -60 to +100 o C, withstands the effects of almost any chemicals, and is environmentally safe for humans. Manufacturers assure that penofol can serve for 200 years, but it is not yet possible to verify the reality of such statements, since the material has been widely used relatively recently.

Can be installed without first installing a vapor barrier layer

Insulation is a highly flammable material and does not support combustion. It is fireproof, so it can be used in different buildings and premises. When burning, it releases water and carbon dioxide; if there is not enough oxygen in the surrounding space, it can release carbon monoxide. However, it is characterized by medium rigidity, bending and compressive strength ranges from 44 to 74 kg/m3. Thanks to these technical characteristics, penofol is used almost everywhere today. It perfectly protects premises from low temperatures, from cold bridges and reduces the load on the heating systems installed in the rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages - what should you know in advance?

Analyzing the technical characteristics and properties of penofol, its positive qualities include small thickness and light weight. It is thinner and lighter than almost all known analogues and at the same time provides very good protection for insulated rooms. Due to the ease of installation, the material can be installed independently at home, without turning to professional specialists, whose services are quite expensive. The material is easy to cut with scissors and attached to construction double-sided tape. The installation is further simplified by the fact that installation does not require the installation of additional hydro- and vapor barriers.

Penofol consists of foil and polyethylene foam, which are completely harmless to humans, therefore it is considered to be completely safe and environmentally friendly. Even in emergency situations and fires, the material can withstand very strong negative impacts and can be used in buildings with high requirements for fire safety. Moreover, it is different affordable price and is one of the best, if not the most the best insulation in terms of price and quality ratio.

But don’t think that penofol has no disadvantages at all, negative traits Absolutely all construction and facing materials, and these features must be taken into account in order to perform insulation as efficiently as possible, to ensure interior spaces the most favorable conditions for life. Firstly, the material is characterized by low rigidity and is not able to withstand significant physical loads; it cannot be plastered, painted or pasted over, the only option exterior finishing– installation of drywall on the sheathing, on top of which it is already possible to carry out any facing activities.

Secondly, to ensure high-quality fastening of the material to the surface, it is necessary to use high-quality special glue or construction tape. Thirdly, the foil layer conducts electric current well, therefore, when installing insulation, it is necessary to properly protect it from contact with wiring.

Prices and manufacturers - trust, but verify

In order to efficiently insulate the premises of a house or apartment, it is necessary to correctly select the most suitable type of penofol. Most often for household use experts recommend materials with a thickness of no more than 5 mm. They provide high-quality insulation and are inexpensive. Penofol is suitable for decorating any residential premises and wet areas in buildings, but its use for insulating saunas and baths is not recommended. In such conditions, it is better to use thermal insulation materials based on foam propylene.

It is necessary to determine in advance the required amount of thermal insulation so as not to overpay for unnecessary materials. To purchase, you should calculate the exact area of ​​the insulated surfaces, and after that, the number of rolls of polypropylene foam. Rolls can contain different volumes of insulation; one roll can be enough to cover from 9 to 18 m2 of wall area. Most of roll insulation Penofol is made using aluminum foil, but such materials cannot always be used due to their high electrical conductivity. Heat insulators whose foil layer is made of lavsan metal film have lower thermal conductivity, but they are somewhat more expensive.

Always check the quality of penofol before purchasing. To do this, unroll the roll and look through the material into a bright light. When exposed to light, the insulation should be uniform, without spots or streaks.

Penofol is a registered trademark; in our country it is produced only by one plant, LIT. You can also find analogues of such insulating material on the market, sold under other names:

  • Tepofol;
  • Porilex;
  • Energoflex;
  • Izolon;
  • Magnoflex and others.

The price of insulation directly depends on its type, brand and thickness. The cheapest penofol-2000, its cost starts from 50 rubles per 1 m2, it is also the lowest quality insulation of this type. Insulation grade A – classic material, the cost of which is not less than 160 rubles per 1 m 2, penofol-B costs from 180 rubles per 1 m 2, and self-adhesive heat insulator options cost no less than 230 rubles per 1 m 2.

Study the packaging of thermal insulation before purchasing it, as well as all accompanying documents. If the manufacturer is not indicated, or this is not the only plant in Russia that produces penofol, then you are dealing with analog material, which may be much inferior in quality to the original.

Today, a large number of insulating building materials are known. Every day, the market for thermal insulation materials is expanding, and manufacturers are striving to improve their quality indicators.

Among various types insulation, it is worth highlighting reflective thermal insulation - foil penofol, produced in rolls. Let's find out what this material consists of and what characteristics it has.

Material structure

Foiled penofol - refers to a type of reflective insulation. Such material has been created solely for the purpose of protecting various designs, from factors such as: draft, cold, wind, moisture and vapor. It went through several stages of improvement, as a result of which, combines such qualities as: sound, heat, steam and waterproofing.

Consists of several main layers:

  1. The first layer is polyethylene , foamy consistency with closed pores. The pores are filled 90% with air, so the material prevents heat transfer. The first layer can vary in material thickness, density and structure.
  2. Second layer - aluminum foil which reflects heat. Foil - penofol can be covered on one or both sides, which is reflected in the technical characteristics of the product, as well as its features. It is worth noting that the connection of foil with polyethylene is carried out by heat welding.

Available in thicknesses from 2 to 40 mm. The thickness of the foil varies: from 12 to 30 microns. The operating principle of foil penofol is based on the functioning of a thermos. Thanks to the air cushion, which is covered with a reflective element in the form of aluminum foil, it is possible to retain heat for a long time. The use of such thermal insulation material in the construction of a house makes it possible not only to significantly save on heating, but also to slow down the process of warming up the house in the summer.

Pros and cons

Penofol, like any other building material, has its advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to these important factors, manages to choose best option for insulating the house.

Benefits include:

Despite such a complex of advantages of penofol, has some disadvantages:

  • The material is excessively soft, so it cannot be plastered like polystyrene foam;
  • To secure it to the surface, you will need to use additional glue. Self-adhesive penofol is produced, which is free from such a drawback;
  • Use penofol as an independent insulating layer for external walls buildings are not recommended. It can be used as an additional insulating layer.

Main technical characteristics

Having learned about the advantages and disadvantages, it is worth finding out what basic technical parameters this material has:


Depending on the intended use of the material, manufacturers produce the following types:

  • type A, covered with foil on one side only. It is also called one-sided;
  • type B, presented in the form of a double-sided foil coating. Used for autonomous type of insulation;
  • type C, self-adhesive penofol, which at its base consists of foil, polyethylene and a layer of moisture-resistant glue. This option is convenient for installation and does not require additional installation tools.

In addition to the three main types, manufacturers also produce the following options:

  • type ALP, which is additionally covered with plastic film. This film is designed to protect the material from aggressive environments;
  • type M and R, presented in the form of one-sided insulation with a relief base;
  • type AIR, special materials used to construct air vents.


As a heat insulator:

As additional element facilities:

Installation rules

Depending on the scope of penofol application, the methods of its installation differ. To carry out installation work When laying material on the balcony, you should be guided by the following technology:

We insulate the walls of the house with penofol from the inside

To insulate walls from the inside, it is recommended to use penofol up to 5 mm thick. You should use a material with a one-sided foil element. If 5 mm of insulation is not enough, then it is better to additionally insulate the walls with polystyrene.

The installation principle consists of the following steps:

  • First you need to measure the required size of insulation and cut it;
  • Using a stapler, you need to attach the material to the wall. For concrete wall you can use glue or staples;
  • The material should cover the entire surface of the wall;
  • The joints of the sheets should be taped with adhesive tape;
  • A frame made of slats or plywood is installed on top of the foam foam;
  • Then, plasterboard or chipboard is installed.

After the entire room has been covered with plasterboard, you can additionally insulate the house from the outside using polystyrene foam.

Using penofol, you can insulate the walls of the house from the outside, but after installation, you will need to protect it by covering the walls with plastic or corrugated sheeting.

Using this material as insulation for your home, you can significantly reduce your heating costs, since the material copes well with its main purpose - saving heat.

Leroy Merlin price

For a roll intended for insulation 25 sq. meters, 5 mm thick, total: 1200 rubles.

This video presents step-by-step insulation of a loggia using this material:

The time of the Stone Age and wigwams has been erased by millennia of technological progress. People began to insulate their homes from the moment they acquired insulating materials. At first, mainly materials of plant and animal origin were used as insulation. Those days are long gone, and technology has made it possible to use synthetic materials without harm to human health. Scientific research area building materials led to the invention of various types of insulation. One of them is a material called Penofol.

What is Penofol?

Penofol is the latest generation of thermal insulation material. This multi-layer reflective thermal insulation consists of two or three layers: the main component is foamed polyethylene, the second layer on one side or on both sides is pure aluminum foil. Aluminum, according to its technical properties, is a metal with low thermal conductivity and a reflection effect, and reflection increases the thermal insulation of any structure.

Penofol combines the thermal insulation properties of air bubbles, which are “pressed” into foamed polyethylene using a self-extinguishing method, and the reflective properties of an aluminum coating; in this case, heat is retained up to 95%. Therefore, the material stops heat loss in three possible ways: radiation, thermal conductivity and convection.

Main properties, characteristics and scope of application

Penofol perfectly serves as a vapor and heat insulator and all this is due to its technical properties. This material can be used without any restrictions for work inside residential premises, as it is environmentally friendly. In addition to the basic protective properties, it has no less impressive hydro-, sound- and wind-insulating properties.

Saves his technical properties in the temperature range from - 65°C to + 110°C.

The use of thin aluminum foil as an outer layer makes it possible to obtain almost complete reflection of thermal energy, with a heat reflection coefficient of up to 98%.

Thermal conductivity, depending on the types of material, and there are three of them: type A, B and C, ranges from 0.037 to 0.052 W/m°C and the stability of these digital parameters depends on three physical states:

  1. in dry form from a temperature of 20°C,
  2. from operating conditions A at a temperature of 20°C,
  3. from operating conditions B at a temperature of 20°C.

What are Penofol types A, B and C?

  1. type A - with aluminum foil on only one side of the product
  2. type B - with foil on both sides of foamed polyethylene
  3. type C - with polyethylene foam foil on only one side and a layer of self-adhesive material.

Another important property of the product is its small specific gravity from 44 + / - 10* kg/sq.m. up to 74 + / - 10*, these data correspond to a thickness of 4 mm.

The compressive strength of Penofol, regardless of the thickness and type of coating, is not less than 0.035 MPa.

All these properties allowed thermal insulation material Penofol will take its rightful place not only in construction industry, but also in the domestic sphere. It is used as a heat insulator in residential, industrial and other types of buildings for insulation of ceilings, roofs, floors and walls.

Considering the scope of application - inside and outside structures, this is simply an ideal product for thermal insulation applications. At the same time, the small thickness and weight with high levels of thermal protection make it possible to reduce the lost volume of the insulated room and not clutter up the frame of the structures with excess weight.

ATTENTION! To get maximum effect from using a heat insulator, the following rule should be observed when installing it: there should be an air space fifteen to twenty millimeters thick on both sides.

The use of the material in baths and saunas can significantly reduce the time it takes to heat a room to the required temperature and increase the period of maintaining the temperature of the created microclimate.

Penofol release form

The material is produced in the form of canvas, in rolls of fifteen meters.

The thickness of the produced foil sheet is from 4mm to 15mm.

Depending on the structure of foamed polyethylene and the number of reflective layers of aluminum foil, there are several modifications of the Penofol thermal insulator.

Penofol modifications

Using a knife, the rolled insulating material is cut into individual parts and then assembled into a finished system. The joints are glued together with sealant and then reinforced with aluminum tape. All mating parts are also manufactured in the same way. Penofol can be used to insulate the most complex designs, where it is not possible to work with conventional insulation. This gives good savings when using it for these types of work.

All the data presented show that Penofol is in demand modern material for carrying out insulation work indoors.