Bench using tires. Tire crafts. Using tires for practical purposes

A summer cottage is a great place to bring extraordinary ideas to life.

Hosts country houses They try to improve their territory and use unnecessary things to create compositions, which after restoration become a decoration of the site.

These are both kitchen utensils and antique furniture, multi-colored lids. Add some flair to landscape design car tires will help.

Craftsmen are very creative, so they make flower baskets, swings, swimming pools and sandboxes for children from tires.

An example of using tires - a homemade pond

If you get a little creative, you can easily create a garden path with your own hands on a plot of old tires.

Pros and cons of using tires in path construction

The advantages include:

  1. The main advantage of rubber is high quality . Despite its service life, the tire remains resistant to temperature changes and can withstand any precipitation well. Doesn't get worse appearance and from an increase or decrease in temperature. Therefore, tires occupy the main place in the arrangement of a garden path. The equipped path will not crack under the influence of frost, will not get wet under heavy rains and will retain its shape in the hot summer.
  2. Behind the tracks easy to care for. You just need to sweep away the debris and water it with a hose from time to time.
  3. Path from car tiressafe way site arrangement. Even after a heavy rain, the rubber dries quickly, and it is almost impossible to slip on it.
  4. Easy to create with your own hands, perhaps, is the main advantage of a garden path made of tires.

The only drawback of this material is that it requires a large amount. But this is not a problem either, because you can go to a service station for unnecessary tires.

Ways to use tires

To create tracks on summer cottage you can use 2 options:

  • arrangement using car tires;
  • usage rubber tiles, which is obtained during the processing of rubber tires.

Path-ladder made of car tires

A ladder path is suitable for arranging uneven territory.

For example, along such a path it will be convenient to go down to the pond located in the background of the site.

Depending on the functional load of the stairs, you can lay out the path in 2 rows.

For making original staircase doesn't take much time, and this is perhaps the most budget option.

Manufacturing process

The tires are laid flat on the ground, starting from the low part of the site and going up. To make the tires stable, they should be sunk slightly into the ground and soil should be poured inside the holes.

Advice! In rainy weather, this path can become slippery, so it is recommended to sprinkle it with gravel.

The ladder path absorbs well. Walking on it is much more pleasant than on asphalt or concrete steps. During movement, the load on the joints is small, so fatigue in the legs will not be felt.

We build it at the dacha using our tips and step-by-step instructions. More details in the article.

Coniferous tree larch: planting and care, as well as tree propagation. about larch requirements for soil composition and other nuances of cultivation.

Garden path made of rubber modules

This track is convenient and practical to use. It is laid out like a puzzle.

At any time, the rubber modules can be moved to another location or their inclination can be changed. This will result in a new design.

Path made of rubber square tiles

To create such a decorative path, you will need to buy rubber tiles.

Of course, making a track will cost you a little, but it looks much better and more original than a strip made from a tire.

Laying rubber tiles

The manufacturing process does not take much time. You can simply lay out rubber tiles in a checkerboard pattern directly on the grass. Squares can be pressed down with decorative stones anywhere.

Over time, the tiles will lie to the ground, and the beautifully protruding grass will harmonize with overall design. The video below explains how to cut a tire.

Path made of rubber rectangular tiles on a concrete base

Rectangular tiles can be used to create a path near a pool or around a fountain.

In the production of “rubber mats” the same car tires. The performance properties of the tiles are no different from tires; they also last a long time and do not slip.

And most importantly, with their help you can diversify the design and create a unique composition.

There is nothing complicated during installation. It is secured using special locks or bushings. When constructing a path from rubber tiles, you need to take into account one nuance: the thickness of the material.

Tiles with a thickness of less than 20 mm should be mounted on a solid base: cement screed, wooden flooring or asphalt surface.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to level the base, fill in all the depressions and remove bulges, cover up chips and crevices, the appearance of which was caused by external factors.

To treat the base, mix acetone and polyurethane glue, taken in equal quantities. Well, then, just your imagination.

When making a track, proportionality should be taken into account. There should be equal distance between the tiles. The space can be filled with crumbs. It will look beautiful if the path is made in the same style.

But no less interesting option It will happen if you fill the space between the tiles with multi-colored pebbles.

Do-it-yourself track creation technology

Every summer resident dreams of beautifully decorating the paths between the beds, or the approach to the parking lot, so that it is convenient to walk along them even in rainy weather.

It’s uncomfortable to walk on boards, and they don’t look nice; linoleum is a bit slippery, and slate can crack.

Therefore, to create a track you need to choose specialized rubber that will last longer than all these devices.

Tools and materials for work

You will need:

  • car tires of the same size;
  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • oil or soap solution;
  • wooden block, pry bar or adjustable wrench.

To decorate your site with beautiful flower arrangements, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive street flowerpots. Unique frame for flowers various shades and forms you can make with your own hands. We decorate the dacha with flowerbeds made of tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help you make garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

By making a flowerbed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. It is quite simple to make such a budget option for framing flowers on the site - you just need to show a little imagination and make a little effort. Flowerbeds made from tires have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature changes well;
  • Almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on materials: old tire Almost everyone has one;
  • You can use improvised items as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a wide variety of shapes. The product can be painted in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, small seedlings can be planted in such flower beds.


You can make a flower garden according to ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. Supplement finished design You can use any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. Product complex shape in the form of an intricate figure must be supplemented with decorative elements. When decorating a flower garden you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. The combination of multi-level flower beds looks more impressive various forms . A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the shape of cups and a teapot. To decorate it, you don’t have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In the nursery play area Flower beds in the shape of animals or fairy-tale characters would be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the tread must be cut into four equal parts;
  • in the tire you need to make 4 cuts under the turtle’s paws;
  • Pieces of tread are inserted into the holes and secured with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, secured with wire staples;
  • The turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • A head made of crumpled paper is attached to the neck using tape.
  • All structural elements are painted in appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the turtle’s head and glasses on its nose).


Near the house, flower-shaped flower beds will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the shape of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

The outline of the petals is drawn on the outer surface of the tire. To apply markings, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and in quality cutting tool a knife will be used; during the cutting process, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water.

Holding the edges of the cuts, you need to carefully turn the tire inside out. Finished product needs to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades color palette.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with disk) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with a cutting tool, cut out the petals the desired shape;
  • then turn out the top and bottom parts of the tire (there is no need to take out the disk - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • top part painted in rich colors, the lower one will be some kind of stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for a flowerbed made from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flowerbed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The only difference will be more complex cutting. You can use a ready-made diagram that shows the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan for drawing on the tire.

After applying the markings to the tire, the swan shape itself is cut out. Next, you need to turn out the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber or any other comfortable material, paint it with orange paint and attach it to the head using self-tapping screws. The swan's eyes can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted in white, but no one forbids using other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

See below for a master class on making a swan from tires.

Required Tools

To start making a flowerbed from tires, you need to prepare necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that cutting thick rubber with a knife is quite problematic. To make your work easier, The blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool electric jigsaw will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires ideal option there will be a blade made of high quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will melt, and the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor.

If you need to cut the protector to make a flowerpot, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you need to decide on the type of paint for the flowerbed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • enamel on oil based;
  • nitroenamel;
  • auto enamel.

If necessary, to paint the tire, you need to prepare a brush. For work you will need gloves; they will protect your hands from paint or other possible contaminants.. To apply the markings you will need chalk, marker or soap. When making complex figures, some elements will have to be made from scrap materials. To fasten additional parts to the main tire figure, you will need staples and screws.

How to do it?

Making complex shaped flower beds from tires is a labor-intensive process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give to a flowerbed made of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here step by step instructions, according to which you can independently make a figured flowerbed from tires:

  • Choosing a tire. To ensure that working with tires does not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to take tires that can be easily trimmed (old, heavily worn, thin winter or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Deciding on the form. It is necessary to mark the cutting line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be made as carefully as possible to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, then remove the top part. You can use a high-power jigsaw.
  • Turn the tire inside out (you need to grab the cut edge with your hands, first step on the middle of the tire and forcefully pull the rubber towards you).
  • We sand the cut edges and treat them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flowerbed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots made from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. The most simple option The flowerbed of tires is a tire in its original form. You can improve the appearance of such a flowerpot using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or they can be made into a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. A hanging flower bed can be placed along a wall or a blind fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

The inner space of the tire must be filled with soil. A mixture of small stones and sand can be used as drainage. When making a hanging flower bed, you need to make several small holes in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flower beds in the shape of plants, animals or mythical creatures more labor-intensive, but look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any original idea.

In addition to the division into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots made from tires. Flowerbeds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • tall;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of making the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features::

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are easier to cut;
  • winter tires more flexible than summer;
  • Tires with metal cords are more difficult to cut;
  • If, when making a flowerpot, you need to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn tread.

flower bed can be made from rims or solid (rims with tires) car wheels. This material is used much less frequently than conventional tires, but flowerpots made from wheels look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt. This can be done using a garden hose.

Pure material will facilitate the process of making a flowerpot and will not damage cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making a flower bed from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place the flower bed in a well-lit and relatively flat area. On large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the location, it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material for the base of the flowerbed.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. Soil mixture It should not be too greasy so that moisture easily passes to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made from expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and make it easier to care for plants, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

It is better to paint the wheels in light colors: this will avoid overheating of the soil in summer period. When painting you should also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber from grease contaminants with solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to paint the tire in several layers. Thin layer paint can quickly wear off or crack. You should not apply many layers, this will lead to rapid peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant bright flowers in a flowerbed, it is better to paint the tire in delicate light colors. In flowerpots bright colors It is better to plant light, small flowers.
  • It is acceptable for the shade of the flowers to echo the color of the flower bed.
  • It’s worth painting a flowerbed not only with outside. If you paint the inner edges, the flowerbed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in a single color; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made cardboard stencils.

Do you have a garden or vegetable garden and old unnecessary tires? Then you simply must make a cute craft. It will become the pride of your site if you do everything diligently and carefully. This does not require any special financial expenses, but the time needed is from a couple of hours to a couple of days.

Complex tire products

Now let's move on to considering more labor-intensive options for crafts made from tires. In fact, they are only slightly more complex than the previous ones. You will see this for yourself when you take a look at the master classes.

Making a swan

Manufacturing involves cutting, so it is better to take very worn rubber with a longitudinal pattern. The first stage of work is marking. Draw a swan's neck on the tire as shown in the photo. It should take up approximately half the length of the tire. Next, draw the outlines of the head (length about 10 cm) and beak (slightly shorter). The tail will begin where the beak originates, and therefore will have a forked end. Make it the same width as the neck, and let the length be about 30 cm.

Now it's time to move on to cutting. Depending on the condition and thickness of the rubber, perform the work using a shoe knife, grinder or jigsaw. It is better to cut on both sides of the tire in parallel. Having finished cutting, we begin to turn the workpiece inside out.

Tire swan - master class

The next stage is strengthening the neck and tail. To do this, make two holes along these parts every 15 cm. You will thread metal staples into them that will hold the rigid rod. After this, the neck and tail need to be given a beautiful bend.

The final stage is painting. You can make yourself either a white or a black swan. Let the beak be red. That's all.

Glamorous flowerpot

Previously, we looked at simple flowerpots made from tires for the garden plot. Now turn your attention to a more complex and attractive option. Draw a gigzag line on the tire and cut along it. When finished, turn the tire inside out. The cut piece usually serves as a stand. Now take some paint exterior works any color and decorate your flowerpot to completion.

Flowerpot made from tires for the garden - master class

quiet lake

Nowadays everything more people are concerned about reducing the amount of waste. Not the least role in this is played by the reuse of various end-of-life items, especially in the country. This is not only environmentally friendly, but also saves money family budget, and also allows you to show creativity. One of the most affordable to manufacture country crafts The material is old tires, which can be taken for free at any car service or tire shop. Tires are used to make furniture, flower beds, warm beds and a variety of crafts that make the dacha plot different from its neighbors and decorate it.

DIY crafts from tires at the dacha: everything from preparing the tire to choosing a placement location

When starting any work, you need to select materials and tools.

Getting the tires ready

Thinner tires made in Europe are considered the most convenient for cutting and bending. And also experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use winter tires - they are softer than summer tires.

Before you begin the creative process, tires need to:

What tools will you need?

May be useful:

Cutting a tire is a rather labor-intensive process. It is not always possible to choose a knife of the required strength; not every summer resident has a jigsaw. Those who have old sickles on their farm, which are now rarely used for their intended purpose, can use their “antiques” to cut a tire.

Video: an interesting way to cut a tire with a sickle

Step-by-step instructions for making a flower basket

This basket can be used for short flowers, since it won’t hold a lot of soil. Air design It will look good on the terrace or near the porch of the house.


  1. Prepare the tire as described above.
  2. We cut out a template from cardboard, place it on the tire, and trace it.

    You don’t have to use a template to draw a simple pattern if the artist has a good eye

  3. We cut out the pattern with a jigsaw on both sides.

    Using a jigsaw to cut a pattern on a tire is easier and faster than using a knife.

  4. We place the tire vertically, mark the middle on its upper edge and saw the surface in half.
  5. We turn the tire out.
  6. We twist the long ends and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

    Twisting tight ends requires physical strength, sometimes it’s better to do it with two people

  7. Drill drainage holes in the bottom of the basket.

Video: master class on making a flower basket from a tire

A selection of tire figurines for decorating a summer cottage

Human imagination is limitless: flower beds are made from old tires, garden figurines, decorative items and even furniture. Characters from fairy tales and exotic animals can live on the site. In cloudy weather, a cheerful sun from a tire will lift your spirits, and dishes will rustic style, painted with polka dots or flowers, can compete with flower beds.

Animal figures made from tires

Animals, birds, fish and insects made from used tires can be placed near a children's playground, if there is one on a summer cottage, or in a recreation area. Be sure to color them in bright colors, then they will delight both adults and children.

Photo gallery: animal figures on a summer cottage made from old tires

A red-yellow crab will look good next to a house made of red brick. To make a cheerful bee, you will need three tires, wire and plastic for the wings. A green-yellow turtle is in no hurry. A cheerful zebra is in harmony with petunias growing in flowerpots. Only a master can make a hedgehog from an inverted tire. with experience A proud peacock will decorate any flowerbed A bright red puppy can be placed on the playground The most traditional craft made from a tire - the figure of a swan A bright butterfly can serve as a decoration and basis for a flowerbed

Fairy tale characters from tires

In many summer cottages, parents live with their children or grandchildren with their grandparents. An excellent gift for the beginning of the holidays would be figurines of characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons.

Photo gallery: figurines of fairy-tale characters and cartoon characters made from old tires

It’s very easy to make a mischievous octopus from the cartoon about an octopus dad and his children. A donkey with a cart is a whole artistic composition from oriental fairy tales. To make a cheerful hare you will need several tires different sizes The Kite and the Swan from Pushkin’s fairy tale are a whole work of art. Next to the beautiful frog princess, washing is not boring. The muzzle and ears of the Cheburashka are carved from the bottom of large plastic bottles Mikhailo Potapych from Russian folk tales guards the site Such a frog princess from three tires Even a child can make it: you will need a camping mat, old hoses and plastic buckets. The head of the famous Wolf from the TV series “Well, wait a minute!” can be made from waterproof OSB or a sheet of thick iron

Other tire figures

Crafts made from tires can serve as decorative elements for a site. Bright figures are often used as flower beds. And if you glue the bottom, also cut from a tire, you can make an original water container out of a cup or teapot. Rubber retains heat well, and this water is suitable for watering greenhouse plantings.

One of the simplest figures is a sun made from tires and plastic bottles. It is done like this:

  1. We paint the tires with yellow or orange acrylic paint.

    To paint a tire, you can use a special paint for rubber, which is sold in cans.

  2. Pour the same paint into the bottles and shake well. After the paint has evenly covered the inside walls of the bottles, remove the caps and set them to dry.
  3. We put the tire that will be the sun on another tire-stand (we also paint it first) or dig it into the ground.
  4. We cut a circle out of plywood (10 mm) or thick metal (up to 5 mm) and attach it to the tire using self-tapping screws.

In our article we will talk about DIY garden tire crafts. In the photo in the first part of the article - useful crafts that will make the life of any summer resident more convenient. In the second part we have collected for you the most bright decorative crafts made from tires- flowerpots, swans, hanging pots for hanging flowers and master classes on their production.

Part I. Useful DIY crafts from tires

Non-slip tracks

Number one in our hit parade is tire tracks. First of all, you no longer have to deal with grass growing on your walkways. Secondly, Reliable protectors will prevent you from slipping. Thirdly, with such paths you will not bring dirt into the house.

Tire tracks are durable, and they are not difficult to make: cut off the treads and use nails (or better yet, self-tapping screws) to attach them to several cross sticks.

Reliable steps

Anyone who has ever fallen from a ladder will appreciate the reliability of the coating on these steps.

Textured border

Tires most often have a rather beautiful pattern. It can be used to decorate the lower part of a small utility room. At the same time, you will protect the walls from the inevitable dust and dirt.

Before making such a craft from tires It is important to make sure that the length of the protectors with the same pattern is enough to decorate the entire room.

Cheap tire seat

Who would have thought, but tires are convenient to use as garden “ottomans” - however, they are quite hard. These DIY tire crafts are easy to make, the only drawback is that they are quite heavy and not very convenient to drag.

Convenient bike parking

Do you have a family of avid cyclists? Make a bike rack out of tires for the whole family. And most importantly, when a new cyclist arrives, it will be very easy to expand.

Part II. DIY decorative crafts from tires

Ground flowerpots

A “daisy” is cut out from the top of the tire, then the tire is turned inside out. All that remains is to paint it, and the flower container will be ready. If the tire is not removed from the base, you can make a flowerpot with a leg.

The most labor-intensive operation is turning the tire out. There is a little trick: when you turn the tire about halfway out, press on it to make an oval - then the work will become easier.

Combine several tires, experiment with the shape of the petals and coloring, and your crafts - flowerpots made from tires - will be unlike others.

Tire swans

Swans are a classic craft made from tires. The technology is about the same. The photo shows instructions for this DIY garden tire craft.

1. Draw a cutting diagram on the tire.

2. Cut the tire according to the pattern (first the head, then the tail and feathers).

3. Turn the tire out.

4. Make a beak and paint it red.

5. Place the 2 halves of the head together, insert the beak between them, and fasten them with self-tapping screws.

6. Raise your head and press it down a little. Secure the resulting fold with self-tapping screws.

7. Color the swan and decorate the eyes to cover the screws.

Tire cutting options may vary slightly. Choose the one you like best.

Exotic birds made from tires