Themes for playing crocodile. Game "Crocodile": funny words download for free

Perky card game"Crocodile" Designed for two or more children over 5 years old. It contains simple but interesting words that are easy for a child to explain and understand. This exciting, smart entertainment will be a real hit at your children's party!

Players' task– explain the words on the cards using facial expressions and gestures. The rest of the game participants try to guess what their friend is portraying. The game is played against the clock!

What does the card game “Crocodile” consist of?

  • 100 cards with words;
  • 8 cards with tasks (complications and simplifications);
  • rules.

The cards are made of thick, smooth cardboard and are brightly decorated. Each of them contains 7 words (sometimes there are also phrases), which belong to four thematic categories:

Items (+ 3 points)
actions (+ 3 points)
abstractions (+ 5 points)
titles (+ 7 points)

Task cards are used only in team game. They complicate or simplify the players’ actions: for example, you need to explain a word while standing with your back turned, or, conversely, name its first letter. Additional points are awarded for successfully completed complex tasks.


The instructions detail the rules for different quantities players: you can play with your mother alone, or you can play with friends - each for himself or in teams. For team play, you need to draw a tournament table, an example of which is also here.

The most interesting thing is to explain words for a while. Determine it yourself: from 1 to 5 minutes.

General rules for all game variants

- depict the word with gestures and facial expressions;
- take any pose;
- name the category of the word being explained;
- show a phrase, breaking it into separate words;
- show on your fingers the number of words and the serial number of the word in the phrase;
- cross your arms if players say the wrong words;
- rub your palms together as a sign that the players are close to the correct answer;
- answers can only be given in exactly the same form as on the card (for example, you cannot say “carrot” instead of “carrot”).

It is forbidden:
- make any sounds during explanations;
- point to objects;
- pronounce words silently;
- draw what was asked (the only exception is if the player comes across the corresponding simplification card);
- show the word by letter and syllable.

1. Close your eyes: the player explains the word with his eyes closed.
2. Standing with your back: the player explains the word with his back to his team.
3. Make a word: the player must first imitate the word thought by someone from the opposing team, and then move on to the words on the drawn card.
4. Robbery: used only on someone else's turn. The team can guess the words of their opponents and get points for them.
5. Bet: used only on someone else's turn. If the other team completely completed the task (explained all the words from one category on their card), give them your 10 points; if not, take the same number of points from her and attribute them to yourself.

1. First letter: Before explaining a word, a player can tell his team its first letter. For phrases, only the first letter of the first word is called.
2. Extra minute: The team that draws this card receives an extra minute to regular time.
3. Drawing: The player is given 30 seconds to draw what he is explaining.

Example card

Items: Broom, thermometer, brick
Actions: play, sow
Abstractions: power
Titles: Fox Alice

What does the game develop?

Here is a card-based way to develop acting skills, become faster, smarter and more sociable. Explanation of words trains imagination, fantasy and actively replenishes vocabulary. Play “Crocodile” with a friendly group!

In this game you will find two types of cards: cards with words and U-cards (complications and simplifications). For the simplest version of the game, you will only need cards with words. Shuffle them and place them face down into the deck.

Main rules

By showing a word you can:

  • move with any part of your body - even with your ears;
  • take any pose - even standing on your head;
  • answer guessers’ questions with gestures;
  • draw with gestures on a wall or other flat surface; point to your clothes, jewelry and other things that were with you when you went to show the word;
  • show a phrase in several stages, breaking it into separate words;
  • When showing a word, you cannot:

  • talk, intentionally make any sounds (except for expressing emotions);
  • point to any objects other than those you have with you, pick them up, use them;
  • pronounce words silently, with just your lips;
  • show individual letters;
  • draw (even if you had a pen or pencil with you) and generally leave visible marks on any surface;
  • show the word in parts or syllables.
  • Every man for himself

    Choose the player who will go show the word first. He draws the top card from the deck, selects one of the words indicated on it (it is better to start with simple ones, which are marked with a “+2” sign) and begins to show it to the other players using facial expressions, gestures and other body movements. While you are showing the word, other players guess it, expressing their versions out loud. As soon as the correct version is spoken (matching the word you chose from the drawn card), your turn ends. You return to the other players and will now guess together with them, and the player who guessed your word draws a new card from the deck, selects one of the words and begins to show it. After your word has been guessed, keep the card with words and don’t let anyone look at her. In the future, when you guess someone’s word and go to show it again, choose another word or phrase from your card. The winner of the game is the one who is the first to show all the words on the card he received.

    Team game

    Individual play is good for the first acquaintance with Crocodile, but this game is truly revealed only in teams. By playing team against team, you will simply develop team spirit and learn to understand your comrades in one move. Only in team play: you will be able to count points and use U-cards that will help you and make life difficult for your opponents. If your company has more than six people, we strongly recommend breaking up into two, three, or even four roughly equal teams.

    Download cards for the company:

    Main rounds:

    • Warm up. As part of the warm-up, participants show cards with words, and the more they can demonstrate, the better. If the word could not be guessed, then the opponent’s representative says “next”, and the participant shows another card. The round lasts 30 seconds.
    • Guess the song. Now one of the participants shows the song and characterizes its content. The round lasts 60 seconds, during which you need to guess the name and artist. 10 points are awarded for a victory.
    • Difficult round. In a minute you need to have time to show a saying that your opponents guess in the same 60 seconds. If you manage to solve the problem, 20 points are awarded. There is one nuance: it is recommended that the person showing the saying with his hands wear a mask.
    • Bouncers. How more people participate in the game, the more interesting it is. Both teams show their task with their hands (more precisely, one representative from the team). Whoever guessed first is the one who answers. The person showing whose task was guessed is eliminated. It goes on like this. The winner is the one whose team consists of two people when the opponent already has one left.
    • Video round. You can demonstrate a TV show or talk show that the opposing team must guess.

    Rules of the game crocodile for children

    • Guess only your own tasks, without being distracted by those that a member of your team shows for the opposite one;
    • You need to show words until the opposite team gives an answer, or until the time runs out;
    • While showing the word, you need to listen only to the members of your team, without being distracted by the recommendations of the opposite team;
    • Important! The words do not need to be accompanied by clues in the form of sounds - just depict them with your hands!

    Interesting video:

    Game "Crocodile" universal, capable of cheering up any company. Age restrictions are missing. The players develop their ingenuity and their acting abilities are revealed.

    All you have to do is start playing, and all participants will have excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes. The game "Crocodile" is not limited in time.


    1. It is forbidden to utter any phrases; only gestures, postures and facial expressions can be used.
    2. You cannot show what you have planned in letters.
    3. Do not use or point at foreign objects.
    4. It is forbidden to pronounce what you wish with your lips.
    5. The word is considered solved if it is pronounced exactly as written on the piece of paper.

    Special gestures:

    1. First, the player shows with his fingers how many words are guessed.
    2. Crossing with hands means “forget.”
    3. Circular movements with your hand or palm indicate that you need to select synonyms, the answer is close.


    Number of players : from 3 people, unlimited.

    A word or phrase is guessed. One player must show the mystery without clues or objects, using only his wit and ingenuity. The participant can only use facial expressions, postures, and gestures.

    The one who guesses the intended phrase takes his place. For greater involvement in the game, you can assign a prize to the person who turns out to be the most perceptive, showing ingenuity.

    Funny words for the game "Crocodile" You can print it out in advance and put it in an opaque bag. Participants will draw cards with words and depict the contents. The one who guesses what is planned takes the piece of paper for himself (to make it easier to calculate who will win), takes out a new piece of paper with the task, depicts what was written, and so on.

    You can download a pre-prepared mix of all kinds of words or prepare it yourself, giving preference to one direction.

    For example: professions; animals; plants; TV shows; hobbies and interests; films and cartoons; fairy tales; songs; famous personalities; world brands or aphorisms.


    Stewardess; firefighter; police officer; psychiatrist; plumber; truck driver; midwife; gynecologist; urologist; beekeeper; architect; archaeologist; miner; sculptor; artist; writer; electrician; accountant; lawyer; judge; elevator operator; promoter; director; actor; vet; astronaut; manager; salesman.

    Living things

    Raccoon; shrimp; octopus; skunk; pelican; sloth; fox; lion; crab; snail; squirrel; peacock; snake; platypus; bear; ostrich; giraffe; elephant; pony; duck; goose; rooster; donkey; spider; cat; caterpillar; butterfly; starfish; sea ​​horse; bee; fly; scorpion; dog; monkey; pig; cow; hamster; parrot; swan; Cancer.

    TV shows

    Guess the melody; In the animal world; House-2; He is his own director; Where is the logic; Let them talk; Fashionable verdict; Improvisation; Comedy Club; Boys; Minute of glory; Voice of the streets; Let's get married; For now everyone is at home; Bachelor; The Last Hero; Heads and Tails; What? Where? When?; Battle of psychics; Field of Miracles; Stars on Ice; Drive in Russian; You won't believe it; Big difference.

    There is no way to make cards in advance

    In such a case, you can use objects. Pack into an opaque box various items small size. Then the player takes out a thing instead of a card and tries to depict it according to the same rules. Whoever guesses the item can take it for themselves. Thus, guests will not only have entertainment, but also symbolic memorable gifts.

    For example: toothpaste; tea bag; spoon; handkerchief; tie; pen; chocolate; pencil; soap; notebook; ruler; apple; banana; orange; toilet paper; candy; cookie.


    1. Download file
    2. Print 6 sheets of A4 (27 words on 1 sheet).
    3. Cut along the lines, place in an opaque bag and enjoy the game!

    GKU SO "TsP DPOPR "Unity" (correctional)"


    Methodological development intellectual and educational game


    Educator: Tsybaev Anatoly Alekseevich



      Goals and objectives of the intellectual and educational game “Crocodile”….4

      Basic rules of the game “Crocodile”……………………………..……...5


      List of references………………………………………………………..9

      Appendix 1……………………………………………………………..10

      Appendix 2……………………………………………………………..14


    “Crocodile” is perhaps one of the most harmless psychological games. Of course, in group therapy, a teacher or psychologist can present it in order to identify the most problematic areas of group members. The game "Crocodile", as a rule, can be used not only for group activities, but also for large events and is carried out between "Centers for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care", boarding schools, and schools. As a rule, the game “Crocodile” is designed to unite a group (team), shift attention from everyday affairs, and stir up the emotional sphere.

    "Crocodile" is a pantomime game. In order to successfully complete the task, you need to have very good control of your own body and facial expressions. The game is very useful - after all, in reality, few children (adults) can boast of the ability to express emotions and feelings with the help of gestures. It is precisely this sea of ​​possibilities that the game is dedicated to exploring.

    " Crocodile".

    Goals and objectives of the intellectual and educational game “Crocodile”.

    Target: development of creative abilities with the help of emotions, facial expressions, gestures.


      Assessing the ability of team members to interact in a team.

      Development of associative, creative thinking.

      Development of observation, attentiveness, ability to build logical chains.

    Participants: pupils of the “Centers for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care”, boarding schools, and schools in the Samara region. Teams of 5 people.

    Basic rules of the game "Crocodile".

    1. Players of a team have the right to guess only words intended to be shown to this particular team (their own words).

    2. The player shows the words to his team until the team says the guessed word out loud or the referee stops the game.

    3.If no one has guessed the word in the time allotted for the display, the game stops with a sound signal. If the word is guessed during the beep itself, the answer is counted.

    4. The showing player listens only to the players of his team and the refereeing team.

    Violations and refereeing.

    The following actions are considered violations:


    pronounces sounds (except for purely emotional ones, not related to words);

    deliberately shows the letters of a word with his lips;

    deliberately depicts the letters of a word (including the use of the “language of the dumb”).

    Any team member:

    guesses out loud the words of someone other than his team;

    challenges the referee's decision during the game;

    behaves incorrectly (hostilely) towards other teams, judges and spectators.

    The following actions are considered gross violations:

    Any team member:

    insults any participant in the game or the referees;

    loudly uses obscene words and expressions.


    Yellow card.

    Presented to the violator of the rules of the game in case of systematic minor violations or obvious (deliberate) violation.

    Red card.

    Presented to the player in case of gross violation of the rules or receiving 3 yellow cards in one game. When receiving a red card, a player is automatically removed from the game and his team is fined 100 points.


    1. Warm up

    Tasks: Simple words.

    Display time: 30 seconds.

    Cost of a guessed word: 5 points.

    The team's task is to guess as much as possible more words within the specified time.

    Shows each team member once.

    2. Thematic round

    In this round, all the hidden words relate to different topics. Each player shows one topic (topics: technology, animals, professions, hobbies, characters)

    Time: 150 seconds total time per command.

    Cost of a guessed word: 30 points.

    Shows: Teams show in turns until they have exhausted all the time allotted for the round (150 sec.)

    3. Acting round

    Tasks: The topic is determined in the game.

    The display rules get more complicated this round. in various ways, which change from game to game:

    Complication options:

    the player makes a display wearing a mask;

    the player performs the show using headphones (simultaneously depicting the lyrics of the song);

    the player performs a word display, but at the same time bounces on a fitness ball

    the player performs the show blindfolded (blind)

    Display time for one word: 40 seconds. Cost of a guessed task: 40 points.

    Shows: 2 from each team (2 laps).

    4. Festive

    In this round, all the hidden words relate to the theme of the holidays. 3 players from each team participate. In 30 seconds, everyone shows their team the chosen holiday. Cost of a guessed word: 50 points.

    5. Bouncers

    Assignments: Famous personalities or Heroes of favorite books.

    Shows: teams receive the same task and start the show synchronously. If a team guesses the puzzle before the other team, the player on the opposing team who shows is eliminated from the game. If both players do not meet the deadline, they are eliminated from the game. The team that keeps at least 2 people in the game wins.

    Time: 60 seconds.

    Cost of a guessed word: 75 points.

    Awarding the winners.

    To sum up the results, a jury is formed, which includes representatives of the administration, charitable foundation Samara Province, sponsors

    The jury evaluates the speed and number of tasks completed and sums up the results.

    Players are awarded certificates and souvenirs from the organizers and sponsors. At the discretion of the jury members, special nominations may be established.


    During the “Crocodile” game, teenagers were given a unique opportunity to express their creativity in expressing your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

    Participants in the game were brought to understand the importance of the ability to express their feelings and emotions in a clear and correct way, as well as to track the emotions of their interlocutor or opponent in a non-verbal form.


      Online journal on psychology “Development”.

      Journal "Psychologist", No. 2, 2015.

      Internet site “Your Psychologist”.

      Encyclopedia, ed. B.D. Karvasarsky 2000

      Internet site of a teacher-researcher.

      “Games at school and at home” by N.V. Samoukin.

    Appendix 1

    Scenario of the game "Crocodile".

    Leading: Good evening to everyone, fans and participants of the most fun and witty game Crocodile. Today, in our game, teams will show artistry and ingenuity orphanage"Unity":

    “Brigantine”, “6th element”, orphanage of the Syzran city district, social rehabilitation center “Harmony” We meet:

    The team of judges is represented by :

    Before the game begins, I give the floor to our guests


    Leading: Well, the players are in place, the refereeing team is too, the fans are waiting. All I have to do is remind you of the rules of the game:

    The Crocodile game is a team game and has its ownrules:

      Players of a team have the right to guess only words intended to be shown to this particular team (their own words)

      The player shows the words to his team until the team says the guessed word out loud or the referee stops the game;

      If no one has guessed the word within the allotted time for the display, the game stops with a sound signal. If the word is guessed during the beep, the answer is counted;

      The showing player listens only to the players of his team and the refereeing team.


      Use gestures and facial expressions, dancing, jumping and antics.

      Take any pose.

      Show the word as a whole or in parts.

      Nod or shake your head, yes or no.


      Pronounce syllables and sounds (except for purely emotional ones that are not related to words);

      Write and draw

      Deliberately depict letters and words in the language of the deaf and dumb.Penalties:

      Yellow card.
      Presented to the violator of the rules in case of systematic minor violations or obvious (intentional) violations.

      Red card. Presented to the player in case of gross violation of the rules or receiving 3 yellow cards in one game. When receiving a red card, a player is automatically removed from the game and his team is fined 50 points

    Today's Game will include several rounds:






    (musical beat)

    Leading: So let's get started andfirst round - Warm up! Each team member shows one wordin 30 seconds.

    For each guessed word: 5 points, unguessed word: -5 points

    Words by teams are shown alternately: first one team, second, third and fourth, and to find out the order, let's cast lots. Captains, come to me and choose your number.

    (choose numbers from the bag)

    Scissors, brooch, evening dress, shampoo, curtain, balloon, garlic, TV, photography, palm tree, loaf, iron, fire, spoon, boots, flower, ice cream, electric window, socket, TV

      The jury sums up the results of the Warm-up competition.

      Musical beat.

    Leading : Second Round - called- Thematic round. In this competition, all hidden words relate to a specific topic (topics are selected before the start of the competition).

    Each team player shows one topic.

    Technique - ship, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, juicer, bicycle.

    Animals - elephant, ostrich, pig, cobra, donkey.

    Professions – doctor, electrician, trainer, collector, cook.

    Characters - Pinocchio,Jack Sparrow, Kolobok,Baba Yaga, Freddy Krueger.

    Hobbies hockey, basketball, belly dance, KVN, photography

      There is a competition, after which the jury holds the results ( for each guessed word 30 points)

    Leading: Let's begin Third round "Acting".

    Two people per team participate in it. players must show one word while jumping on a fit ball, display time is 40 seconds (30 points).

    traffic light, gun, den, nettle, rope, fence, creaky door, money box.

    Jury - summing up

    Leading : Fourth "Festive" round.

    2 players from each team come out. In 30 seconds, everyone shows their team the selected holiday(50 points ): “Maslenitsa”, “Birthday”, “Easter”, Victory”, April Fool’s Day, “Valentine’s Day”, New Year

      There is a competition, after which the jury holds the results

    Jury - summing up

    Host: Fifth round of “Dodgeball”

    The teams receive the same task and begin the show synchronously. If a team guesses the puzzle before the other team, the player on the team that shows is eliminated from the game. The team that keeps at least two people in the game wins. The cost of one word is 75 points.

    Pause. Summing up, awarding diplomas and awards.

    Appendix 2








    TEAM D/D No. 10
