Greenhouse construction: why Russian oligarchs got hooked on vegetables. Natalia Rogova, General Director of the Russian Greenhouses Association: greenhouse potential

What are subsidies for greenhouses in the Krasnodar Territory in 2019 and what can you really get financial government assistance for? For the first time, comprehensive state support for enterprises and individual entrepreneurs was launched back in 2013 within the framework of four large-scale programs, each with its own goals and deadlines. For the Krasnodar Territory, the main program has become a targeted support program, when a peasant farm or farm owner can apply to local authorities to receive a subsidy for greenhouse farming. The intended use of funds must be documented.

Features of the mechanism for receiving compensation

What is the procedure for receiving a subsidy in the Krasnodar Territory in 2019? Unlike other types of assistance, you first need to purchase or build a greenhouse, and only then apply for assistance. For individual entrepreneurs or farm package includes:

  • extract of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity from the Unified State Register;
  • a certificate from the tax office confirming the absence of delays or debts;
  • account number to which funds will be transferred;
  • estimate for the construction of a greenhouse and housekeeping;
  • originals, copies of all paid bills, receipts for the purchase of materials, equipment, construction of a finished greenhouse by contract, drip irrigation systems;
  • estimate approved by the contractor, all original certificates of completion of work during construction carried out by third parties;
  • an inspection report conducted by a local settlement commission, approved by the head of the administration (performed for a ready-made building, fully equipped to start farming).

If a private farm owner receives subsidies for a greenhouse in the Krasnodar Territory, the list will be slightly different:

  • original/copy of passport;
  • an extract confirming the registration of a citizen as a person running a subsidiary plot, the presence land plot with a specific purpose (made from the household accounting book in the administration of local authorities);
  • a certificate indicating the account number to which the funds will be transferred;
  • construction cost estimate signed by the citizen and the contractor’s representative (when work is carried out by third parties);
  • originals/copies of all documents confirming the purchase of materials and equipment for the construction of the greenhouse;
  • originals/copies of work and acceptance certificates, which confirm the completion and payment for the services of contractors;
  • original inspection report conducted by a commission of local self-government bodies.

Attention: Receiver government subsidy undertakes to grow only products on protected soils for several years agriculture!

How much can you expect?

What kind of subsidy can be received for the construction of greenhouses in the Krasnodar Territory? According to Appendix No. 1 to the resolution of the administration of the Moscow Region of Krasnodar No. 4219 dated September 19, 2017, Payment for growing vegetables and berries on protected soils is provided in the following amounts:

  • 350 rub./sq.m of greenhouses built for metal frame, but no more than 0.5 hectares per year for peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs, and no more than 0.2 hectares per year for personal subsidiary plots;
  • 150 rub./sq.m when using other covering materials (with the above restrictions).

Is everything that easy?Those wishing to participate in the subsidy program face a number of problems. The main one is the lack of funding and the discrepancy between the allocated funds and real requirements. Already last year, in order to receive government assistance, it was necessary to stand in long lines to submit an application and a package of documentation. Some farmers have additionally encountered a problem when financial assistance is assigned, that is, a positive decision is made about the subsidy, but in reality the funds simply do not arrive in the account.

Will the subsidy program continue to work and will it bring real results? It is quite difficult to predict this, even taking into account the government’s assurances about priority tasks for the development of agriculture. Despite the simplification of the procedure for receiving assistance, the amount of funding leaves much to be desired, that is, material funds simply do not reach the required volumes to those who need them.

At the end of 2018, it was announced that, starting from 2019, the state will not reimburse the costs of building new greenhouse complexes. But still, at a meeting of the commission for selecting investment projects, held in mid-December, subsidies in the direction of “greenhouse complexes” were approved in the amount of more than 7 billion rubles. How to survive for those projects that do not have enough money?
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by September 2018, Russian farmers collected 692.8 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables, which is 20.4% higher than the same period in 2017 (575.3 thousand tons).
In total, the harvest of protected soil vegetables collected by Russian farmers in 2017 exceeded 920 thousand tons. So the Ministry of Agriculture’s forecast for 2018-2019 – about 1.3 million tons – looks quite achievable. According to his estimates, by 2024 Russia can increase commercial production of greenhouse vegetables to 2 million tons.
Risk-margin production
Of course, if the growth rate of the area allocated for greenhouse crops - an average of 15% increase per year -1 - continues. First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Russian Federation Dzhambulat Khatuov, who spoke at the investment forum “Greenhouse Complexes of Russia,” announced rather optimistic figures: the total area of ​​greenhouses at the end of 2018 will exceed 2.5 thousand hectares, which is 10% more than last year.
Greenhouse production is called investment-attractive and profitable-marginal - the shortage of off-season vegetables and herbs affects it. Thus, according to Growth Technologies, to meet existing demand it is necessary to grow another 880-900 thousand tons of domestic greenhouse vegetables.
However, in 2018, changes occurred in the Unified Subsidy program - compensation for material costs (CAPEX) was reduced from 20 to 10%. In 2019, in the area of ​​“greenhouse complexes” the amount of subsidies will amount to more than 7 billion rubles, while the estimated cost of projects is 76.5 billion rubles. Earlier, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Elena Fastova said that in 2019, “kapexes” in this area will be canceled. What will await greenhouse growers in 2020 is unknown, but one thing is clear: in order for production to pay off and become profitable, risks must be minimized already at the project stage.
How to stay afloat
According to Interagro specialists, the payback period for greenhouse farms with state support is 7-8 years. In a situation where the owners of greenhouse complexes under construction and commissioned do not receive the subsidies they were counting on, the payback period for projects is projected to increase to 10-12 years. To shorten the payback period, farmers will have to increase the price of their products. Another way, Interagro experts say, is to increase yields. It is worth considering that the maximum yield is not achieved in the first or second years - it all depends on agronomy.
With the established growing technology, 60 kg of tomatoes per year can be harvested per square meter - this is a European figure. In Russia they collect only 30, 40%. To achieve new yields, companies need to improve cultivation technologies, and for this they will have to spend money on a highly qualified specialist - a technologist. This, as well as the purchase of new high-tech equipment that will allow processing increased volumes, are expenses that must be taken into account when calculating the payback period of the project.
“It is clear that the purchase of new equipment and costs for agricultural technologies increase the payback period of the project,” says Ekaterina Babaeva, general manager"Interagro". But the sooner the agricultural producer does this, the faster he will recoup his expenses and begin to make a profit, which will allow him to introduce new capacities. The reality is that the winners will be those enterprises that will occupy a large market share in the foreseeable future.”
For those investors who are just planning to invest money in the greenhouse business, Interagro experts advise, first of all, to study the market. According to Alexey Stolnikov, project manager at Interagro, global greenhouse projects that will be launched in the next few years will be enough to produce and saturate the market with the main types of domestically produced vegetables.
“Now there is a need on the market to create small – from 0.5 hectares – greenhouses for growing greens. Small farms can cope with this by using relatively inexpensive film instead of polycarbonate and glass.”
In search of a new food product, investors could pay attention to crops that are practically not grown in Russia - peppers and eggplants. However, according to the expert, in the countries of the European Union, which includes, for example, Bulgaria, pepper is cheap and people willingly buy it. In Russia, a culture of consumption has not been formed - they simply don’t eat it in such quantities as in Europe, it’s too expensive.
So the most important issue for greenhouse growers was and remains the sales market.
“An investor must understand whether he is willing to wait 10 years before starting to earn money. During this time, other manufacturers will enter the market - competition will only intensify, recalls Ekaterina Babaeva. “In addition, if you are building a modern greenhouse complex and investing in automation, you must take into account that it involves packaging, which means that you must immediately plan to enter retail chains.” Ekaterina Babaeva recalled that many large greenhouse projects that have arisen and are emerging in Russia today are being built precisely because of the need for large retail chains. A striking example– Belaya Dacha JSC, which is building greenhouses for growing lettuce for the Russian segment of the international network fast food McDonald's.

The first stage of the greenhouse complex was completed in the Tambov region
In the Tambov region, on the basis of JSC Teplichnoe, the construction of new fifth-generation greenhouses was completed. The first stage of the investment project for year-round production of vegetables was implemented this year.
“With the commissioning of a modern greenhouse with year-round cultivation of vegetables on an area of ​​1.1 hectares, the enterprise plans to produce 950 tons of cucumbers annually. Investment project worth almost 380 million rubles. has been implemented since May 2018,” the Ministry of Agriculture said in a statement.
It is noted that about 90% of investments are borrowed funds received under preferential lending. In the new greenhouses, the yield will be twice as high as in anthracite-type greenhouses. Another stage of production is being implemented in the Michurinsky district on an area of ​​92 hectares.
Also in the region, construction of a wholesale distribution center for storage and primary processing of fruits and vegetables with a capacity of up to 75 thousand tons is underway.
The second stage of the Agromir greenhouse complex will be launched in Dagestan
The second stage of the Agromir greenhouse complex will be launched in Dagestan. The enterprise will introduce a drip irrigation system and advanced technologies for growing vegetable products. The total investment in the project amounted to 700 million rubles.
“Almost all processes here are automated: constantly supported optimal temperature for tomatoes – 24 degrees, the air is regularly humidified. And the Pandaroza F1 tomato variety grown in the greenhouse complex is a laureate of the “100 best products Russia,” the department commented.
Currently, all work on the 5-hectare site has been completed, seedlings are being planted and the area is being landscaped.
A project to develop potato seed production is being implemented in the Kaliningrad region
Potato producers in the Kaliningrad region are implementing a project on the basis of the Kalina peasant farm to develop seed production of Russian potato varieties. A grant of more than 52 million rubles was allocated from the federal budget for these purposes.
“The project involves developing the production of high-quality potato seed material, increasing the yield of this crop, developing a system for protecting potatoes, including from late blight, in the conditions of the Kaliningrad region,” said the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
It is clarified that scientists from the Baltic Sea will work on the varieties. federal university them. I. Kant and the Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming named after. A.G. Lorha."
Construction of the Renova greenhouse complex in Kamchatka has been suspended
The Renova company has suspended the construction of a greenhouse complex within the Kamchatka TASED. According to the Governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Vladimir Ilyukhin, Renova encountered financial difficulties in implementing the project.
“The company’s agreements with the bank on the interest rate do not allow it to achieve profitability. That's one problem. And the second is confirmation of the required volume of gas for the operation of greenhouses,” explained Vladimir Ilyukhin.
Despite the fact that the required volume of gas was guaranteed by the regional authorities, there is still no optimal financial scheme. At the moment, the company does not have the necessary funds with which it could enter this project. We need help from credit institutions in the Far East.
The enterprise occupies an area of ​​15−20 hectares within the Kamchatka TASED.
New investment project being built in the Stavropol Territory
A new greenhouse complex for growing strawberries is being built in the Predgorny district of the Stavropol Territory. The press service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation writes about this.
“According to the project, a new greenhouse complex for growing garden strawberries will be built with an area of ​​6 hectares. The planned production volume is 720 tons per year. Upon completion, 50 new high-tech jobs will be created,” said Deputy Minister of Agriculture Oleg Yurchenko.
The greenhouse complex project will be ensured by creating optimal technological conditions, selecting an assortment of planting material, monitoring all production cycles and using biological methods to protect plants from pests.

Hello! Today we’ll talk about subsidies and grants for agriculture in 2018.

In connection with the sanctions rhetoric against our state, serious measures are being taken that are aimed at developing and improving the level of agriculture. This year the state plans to allocate an even larger amount of funds for this industry.

Types of grants for agriculture

Grant programs allow farmers and owners to reach new level development, build a farm that will be economically successful.

Now let’s look at what kind of grants there are:

  • Grants allocated for communications at agricultural enterprises, for the construction of various facilities in agriculture;
  • Subsidizing measures to modernize the economy;
  • Subsidizing for repayment of payments on;
  • Partial compensation of funds spent on construction work for the construction of production facilities;
  • Grants for the purchase of farm animals;
  • Compensation for funds spent on fertilizers.

In general, there are 2 options for providing support to the agricultural sector. Grants that the government provides to beginning farmers and family farmers.

A beginning farmer who meets certain criteria, which will be discussed below, can apply for such a grant.

Criteria for professional assessment

  1. The professionalism of a farmer who applies for an agricultural development grant. This criterion is met by: farmers with higher education(preferably specialized) who have recommendations from local authorities;
  2. The presence of a well-written document, in which: formulated goals for the future, ways to achieve them, resources used, the end result.
  3. Availability ;
  4. Availability of objects to achieve the set goals;
  5. Plans for the sale of finished products.

The final criterion for evaluation is the following: how significant the proposed project is for society.

Taking into account all the above criteria, the commission selects the most worthy participant in the competition.

Requirements for applicants

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • The position of the head of a peasant farm, and has been in force for less than 2 years;
  • With at least 3 years of experience in the agricultural sector;
  • The applicant did not receive state previous support;
  • The applicant must live in the area where his peasant farm is located.

Grant procedure

To bring all the ideas of a novice farmer to life, in any case, a certain amount of cash, you can’t go anywhere without them. The only problem is that not everyone has these tools, and not everyone knows. It is in such cases that the state is ready to provide assistance in the form of a grant for the development of farming.

Grant - a type of financial assistance that does not need to be returned, but the recipient must provide reporting for the funds spent.

To receive this help, you need to complete several tasks. Therefore, we will dwell on some of the subtleties and nuances of the procedure for obtaining support from the state.

First of all, it is worth considering that the proposed project should be of interest to the members of the expert commission. This needs to be reviewed before submitting your application.

You cannot spend the money received as a grant at your discretion: you will need to account for it.

Now let's look at what documents are needed to successfully submit an application:

  • Completed application form;
  • Photocopy of an identity document;
  • Photocopy of diploma;
  • Business plan;
  • Correctly completed application form;
  • Recommendations;
  • Consent for the processing of personal data;
  • Copies of the Charter;
  • A certificate that confirms that the applicant is indeed a small business.

If the commission requires a number of other documents, they will need to be provided.

The entire grant amount is not given out in full; the transfer occurs in installments.

If a farmer receives a grant for agricultural development, he will also need to pay taxes after receiving each tranche. Another important point: if the purpose of receiving funds is any equipment, then it will be provided to the entrepreneur, and not financial resources for the purchase.

Regarding grants for creating a farm, it is worth saying that they can be obtained not only from Russian investors, but also from foreign ones. Therefore, before submitting an application, you should clarify who exactly the investor is, since their requirements differ significantly from each other.

Having studied these requirements in advance, you can adjust your business plan in accordance with their requests. For example, the targeted use of funds received is especially important for investors from other countries, while domestic sponsors are more interested in the number of potential jobs that will be created if the project is implemented.

If we talk about receiving a grant for the development of peasant farms and farming enterprises, preference is given to those individuals who are ready not only to ask for money from the state, but also to contribute their own funds to the development of the business.

Other types of support

In addition to the grant, young farmers can also take advantage of one-time government assistance. The decision to issue it is also made by a commission of experts, and it can be spent on repairing or purchasing housing, purchasing furniture, office equipment, installing the Internet, carrying out various communications, etc.

Conclusion of an agreement and transfer of funds

After the farmer is recognized as the winner in the competition for the distribution of funds, an agreement is concluded between him and the Ministry of Finance, on the basis of which the grant is awarded. Funds will be credited within 5 days from the date of signing the agreement.

The agreement includes the following items:

  • The amount of funds that will be allocated;
  • Purpose of allocation of funds;
  • Commitment to carry out agricultural activities for 5 years after the grant was issued;
  • Agreed reporting deadlines;
  • The level of responsibility of the parties to the contract for violation of its clauses;
  • The procedure for returning funds not used for the implementation of the project.

Financial resources are transferred from the personal account of the Ministry to an account that is opened in the name of the recipient of the money. The transfer period is usually specified in a previously concluded agreement.

The maximum grant amount that can be allocated to one person is 1,500,000 rubles, and the one-time support provided is 250,000 rubles.

How to get a grant from private investors

A beginning farmer can apply for a grant not only from the state, but also from a private foundation. Typically, such funds provide funding to the grantee in stages. If the first amounts are disbursed successfully and the reporting for their use does not contain violations, the next part of the funds is paid.

An important point in approaching private investors is that small projects are unlikely to interest them. But if you think globally and can justify your plans, it is quite possible that they will be interested in you and provide the necessary financial support.

Taking as a basis the experience of people who have already participated in the competition for grants, we can give several practical recommendations for those who are just planning to try to receive government support.

  1. Each region has its own specific aspects of the competition. This needs to be taken into account and such information clarified in advance in order to be fully prepared;
  2. You need to register with the Federal Tax Service only after a detailed study of all documents about the competition. Otherwise, there is a risk of not being allowed to see him.
  3. Take into account the validity periods of all certificates so that you do not have to collect them again;
  4. Take your business plan seriously. The commission studies this document especially carefully;
  5. Study all the conditions for granting a grant in your region of residence;
  6. Strictly adhere to deadlines for submitting reporting documents.

Responsibility for misuse of a grant

If during the proceedings it is proven that the recipient of the grant did not plan to use it for its intended purpose, but only received and appropriated these funds, or did not account for them in established deadlines, this act can be qualified under the article “Fraud”.

Also, such an offense may be classified under the article “Misuse of budget funds,” which already entails criminal liability.

What would you like to say to conclude today's conversation? If a farmer receives a grant, many people benefit: residents of a particular area will buy products from a local manufacturer, the farmer will receive a profit, and therefore the opportunity to expand his business.

What is the benefit of the state? The fewer imported agricultural products will be sold in our country, the less external influence will be exerted on her. But this story is from a different area.

Non-core investors lined up to build greenhouses

There is a boom in greenhouse construction in the Russian agro-industrial complex, and companies that have never been involved in the greenhouse business have rushed to build greenhouses. About the features of greenhouse construction in Russian conditions we talked with the executive director of the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers Mikhail GLUSHKOV.

The greenhouse owner is reimbursed for a fifth of construction costs

Mikhail Vladimirovich, why did non-core investors, so to speak, suddenly rush to build greenhouses? For example, the Greenhouse company, whose controlling stake belongs to the son of Roman Abramovich, is starting to build a greenhouse complex in the Belgorod region. Vadim Moshkovich’s Rusagro agricultural holding, which has not been involved in greenhouses before, is also planning to build greenhouses. AFK "Sistema" of Vladimir Yevtushenko bought the largest agricultural complex "Yuzhny" in Karachay-Cherkessia, and the company also has plans to build...

The answer is simple: this industry has become attractive for investment. What is this connected with? The fact is that we receive a fairly large share of imported greenhouse products, the prices of which are by no means low. And it is imported vegetables that seem to “hold” a fairly attractive price level on the vegetable market.

The second reason is government support measures. Today, investors, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2015 No. 624 , subsidized by 20% of the capital costs of construction plus part of the interest rate on the loan. What is 20% compensation in practice?

An investor comes to the bank and declares: “I want to build a greenhouse.” They answer him: “Okay, you pay 20% yourself, and we will give you 80% as a loan.” The person safely invests his 20%. And a year later, when the greenhouse has already been built, the state will compensate him for these 20% of its own funds. These are very good conditions for an investor.

In addition, vegetables are now in demand, and the government is pursuing a very clear policy in the field of import substitution.

All these factors attract new investments into the industry.

- It turns out that the state is giving all the cards to the new “vegetable” business?

Yes. Here we just need to add that this measure appeared quite recently, in 2015. It was a real breakthrough. The fact is that representatives of our union have repeatedly spoken at meetings at various levels, convincing: we need to develop, we need to support the industry, we have a high share of imports.

And finally, we were asked what we need “to be happy”? It was then that we proposed our scheme: 20% reimbursement of capital costs for construction. And the government supported us.

True, since this measure has just been introduced, not everyone has had time to really take advantage of it, but it will become fully operational in 2017. Nevertheless, the first subsidies were already paid in December 2015.

- But the investor still has to prove that he has the right to such a 20 percent compensation?

Yes, there is a certain selection. You just need to immediately build in accordance with the selection criteria. And if you build a greenhouse that does not meet these criteria, you cannot count on any subsidies or compensation.

The greenhouse must have an area of ​​3 hectares, with a yield of 50 kg per square meter. The complex must be connected to energy and water resources. And finally, have a conclusion from the State Expertise.

- What is more profitable: to build a greenhouse from scratch or to reconstruct an old greenhouse complex?

Today we have about 2,300 hectares of greenhouses, of which about 500 hectares are modern. All the rest are old greenhouse complexes, which are ineffective in today's conditions. It is necessary and possible to modernize them, but in any case the result is not so competitive.

New greenhouses are modern technologies literally in everything. There the cost is several times lower. New enterprises have huge yields: up to 100 kg of products per 1 sq. m. For comparison: on average, old enterprises produce only 30 kg per square meter.

So, if possible, it is better to immediately build a new one than to patch up the old one.

- To what extent is the interest rate on loans for the construction of greenhouse complexes subsidized today?

It is subsidized from two sources: from the federal budget - two-thirds of the refinancing rate, and also from the regional budget (here the figures are different for each region).

Let's say I take out a loan at 13%. At the bank I contacted, today's refinancing rate is 10%. I count out two thirds and get 6.6% - this is what the federal budget will compensate me for later. And another 2-4% can be subsidized by the regional budget. It turns out that I can take out a loan at only 3%!

It has already been calculated that a greenhouse pays for itself in about seven years: it takes two years to build and five years to be profitable.

How we ended up ahead of Holland

Fine. At the very least, we have begun to build greenhouses, but with their engineering support, things are much worse. It is no secret that leading greenhouse enterprises have imported irrigation systems, temperature and light controllers. Does our industry expect to catch up with world standards of greenhouse engineering? And what prevents this?

If some domestic systems are produced today, then, alas, they are a shell for imported components: that is, on the outside they are ours, but on the inside they are still imported. Moreover, our systems are worse in quality than imported ones, but the price is the same. It is not surprising that everyone who is building today prefers to buy materials and equipment abroad.

It must be admitted that our greenhouse industry is still very poorly developed. Companies that produce at least something for greenhouse growers can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Take the same metal structures, for example. After all, how are we doing now? They export raw materials (metal) abroad, produce structures there (stands for greenhouses), then finished form are being brought here.

It would seem that we really can’t produce it ourselves? But no! Tried it, but it doesn't work yet. After a year, our domestic metal structures rust for some reason: either the quality of the galvanization is poor, or something else...

You know, we had an investor who experimented with domestic products. He was eager to do everything on his own: they say, I will order everything from myself, I will take the Dutch drawings and order it. So what's the result? The large parts were made more or less normally for him, but every little thing (accessories) simply didn’t fit during assembly. He suffered and suffered, and as a result, he still ordered all this little thing in Holland. Both funny and sad...

In a word, we can still do something large and large-scale. But where filigree work is needed... The greenhouse, it must be airtight. In principle, no gaps are allowed there. We simply don’t have companies that can do this kind of work yet.

In addition, the Russians are quite slow to develop: with existing capacities (let’s leave quality aside) they can supply equipment for, at best, 3 hectares per year. And according to the state program, we need to build 350 hectares!

And yet I hope that in time we will have some joint ventures. Such as in construction industry, For example. Someone from foreign investors will come and say: let's build a plant. We are waiting for such a person!

- Mikhail Vladimirovich, but still high technology did you come to our greenhouses?

Undoubtedly. I’ll tell you even more: some of our greenhouses are better than those in Holland. Yes, yes, the last large greenhouse complexes there were built ten years ago using old technologies. And our greenhouses recent years built according to the most “advanced” modern standards.

We did not go through intermediate stages - we immediately built the latest generation of greenhouses. There and automatic watering, and lighting, and bioprotection (pests are fought not with chemical, but with biological methods), and interplanting (when an old seed is planted on a fruit-bearing plant, and the harvest is harvested practically all year round), and interlighting (additional lighting of the lower tiers of plants), and much more.

- Which ones? construction news are they currently used?

First of all, it is necessary to note the innovative coating, which is used instead of glass. We are talking about cutting-edge film. Due to the fact that it is lighter, the distance between the racks of the structure can be greater - which means that metal structures are saved.

Look not at the quality of the soil, but at how much electricity costs

Recently, many greenhouse complexes have begun to acquire their own mini-CHPs, which significantly reduce the cost of generated electricity. How quickly does this additional investment pay off?

Our average electricity tariff today is 4 rubles. for 1 kW. Supplementary lighting (light power) in a good greenhouse should be 2 MW per 1 hectare per hour - this is a huge amount of electricity. And many, in order not to buy such an amount of electricity, build so-called mini-CHPs, supply them with gas piston units and generate their own electricity.

Before the dollar rose in price, it was very profitable, and almost everyone did it. Now that the dollar has doubled in price, many are wondering whether the game is worth the candle. Let's figure it out. Mini-CHP costs approximately 30% of the cost of the entire complex. It makes a lot of money.

Therefore, greenhouse plants are now trying to switch to preferential tariffs - “High Voltage”, etc., in order to be less dependent on “gepeushki” (gas piston units). They are trying to make this dependence minimal also because recently the quality of such gas piston installations has greatly decreased

One greenhouse grower recently bought himself four GPUs, and in the winter, three of these four installations stopped working. In a panic, he rushed to call the Dutch manufacturer. The manufacturer replies: “I can only arrive in a week.” As a result, half of his vegetables froze, and he suffered colossal losses.

For today good alternative mini-CHP - preferential tariffs for electricity. Therefore, I would advise an investor who is choosing a place to build greenhouses to pay attention, first of all, to how much electricity costs there.

And one more piece of advice. Now the Government of the Russian Federation has identified points where newly built greenhouse complexes can connect to the federal grid energy company and consume electricity at a reduced rate.

- How many vegetables are missing in Russia today?

The plan for this year is to produce 850 thousand tons. Imports will be somewhere around 600 thousand tons. Last year we produced 750 thousand tons, and imported 800 thousand tons. That is, this year the situation is better.

In total, we currently have 2,300 hectares of greenhouse area, but we need 3,500 hectares. So there is still a lot of work...

The conversation was conducted by Elena MATSEIKO


Used area of ​​protected soil in agricultural organizations for vegetable production in 2016 (ha)

Winter Spring Greenhouses: insulated soil and crops under film
Russia 2 012 919 465
Central Federal District 428 32 8
Northwestern Federal District 145 66 9
Southern Federal District* 264 181 2
North Caucasian Federal District 213 22 2
Volga Federal District 713 84 4
Ural Federal District 94 84 359
Siberian Federal District 118 301 81
Far Eastern Federal District 38 149 1

*with the Republic of Crimea

With the introduction of Western sanctions, additional incentives appeared for agricultural production.

The government has set a goal of filling retail outlets with Russian products, and today farmers are offered solid support programs.

What is their essence and how to use it state aid to the farmer?

Goals of these programs

These are the realities of the agricultural sector of the economy: without support, it is difficult for the farmer, and even large representatives, to achieve serious and stable results. Therefore, systemic financial injections are being carried out at the government level - subsidizing the industry in all areas.

This may include:

Legislative framework

The main regulator of the agro-industrial sector is the Federal Law “On the Development of Agriculture”.

The strategy for supporting the Russian agro-industrial complex is presented State program agricultural development and regulation for 2013-2020. It is there that all government initiatives and plans for the upcoming seven-year period are collected. The document includes subprograms in all areas of agriculture.

Changes and additions to the legislative framework are made by government regulations and clarifications.

Priority areas of activity

For effective development in the agricultural sector, subsidies are intended for main directions:

Expectations from the implementation of the plan are larger:

  • expand the commodity market;
  • increase salaries in the industry;
  • create new jobs and areas of activity;
  • reclaim abandoned lands.

By 2020, the agricultural industry will be completely updated and ready for independent progressive development. But these are all just perspectives. Now the industry is going through hard times.

According to analysts' estimates complete replacement imported “meat and milk” will require 7 years; to obtain consistently high yields of crop crops it will take at least 5 years. Modernization requires enormous efforts and costs, which must be supported by systemic assistance from the state.

Types, conditions and procedure for participation in programs

The subsidy support measures applied in the past year have carried over into the coming year. It should be noted that back in the fall of 2016, the government started talking about fundamental changes in state financing of agriculture.

But, as often happens at the dawn of reforms, the new is just being outlined, but the old continues to be used.

Let's talk about general views existing subsidies:

  • Grants for the development of peasant farms. They are provided on a competitive basis with a specific purpose for the acquisition of agricultural land, the development and installation of communication systems, and the construction of economic facilities. assumes strict reporting recipient about the intended use of funds.
  • Loan funds to reimburse interest costs. They are provided exclusively for the modernization of the economy.
  • Subsidizing leasing for the purchase of agricultural equipment and machinery.
  • Compensation for expenses for the construction of family farm facilities.
  • One-time subsidy. It is provided for the development of a farm: the purchase or construction of housing, the purchase of cargo and passenger transport, and the installation of communications.

A farmer can apply for all types of assistance, but only if he meets the eligibility requirements. Applications are reviewed by competition commissions.

Terms of service:

  1. Professional qualities of the applicant. Farmer must have at least 10 years of experience. Agricultural workers with higher education have an advantage.
  2. The future farmer must maintain a personal subsidiary plot for at least 10 years.
  3. Letters of recommendation from municipalities or membership in cooperatives are required.
  4. A business plan is submitted for the object to receive subsidies.
  5. If an application for a grant is submitted, the potential recipient is required to provide up to 30% of the grant amount with their own finances or means of production. The number of livestock, farm buildings and other property used in the activity will be counted.
  6. Product sales schemes. Advantage goes to applicants who already have existing farms with established ways of selling what they produce. This is confirmed by contracts with retail outlets, purchasing lines, other documents.

When providing subsidies, especially grants, the social significance of the project for the region is taken into account. For example, the creation of additional jobs by the farmer, the equipment of access roads, etc.

Preparation of documents

In general cases this is:

Depending on the type of assistance, other documents may be needed.

Beginning Farmer Program

It’s always difficult to start, so in 2019 the state continues to support newly created farms.

Size and conditions of participation

Financing format– development grant or one-time subsidy for household improvements.

In the first case, the applicant claims 1.5 million rubles, in the second – up to 300 thousand.

The grant is being spent for purchase planting materials, fertilizers, feed, expansion of livestock and poultry, land plots and for other needs of agricultural activities. The subsidy helps a start-up entrepreneur create decent living conditions.

How to apply

To receive grant support, you need contact the Ministry of Agriculture of your region, collect documents and protect yours.

There is no need to be alarmed: there will be no public hearings. Protection means an expert assessment of the applicant’s business and his business qualities based on the package provided.

The decision is made 15 days after submitting the application form.

"Family Livestock Farm"

This program aimed at development social structure villages, increasing livestock numbers, supporting family agricultural businesses.

A family farm is considered if all the workers involved are relatives (not necessarily close ones).

Subsidy form– grant funding.

Transfer amount and terms of provision

The program covers farmers engaged in breeding dairy and beef cattle.

Requirements to applicants:

  • number of employees – at least three people;
  • Before submitting an application, the farm must operate for a year;
  • the family had not previously received the creation and development of peasant farms.

Competition participant questionnaire sent to the agricultural department subject of registration of the farm.

Maximum grant amount is equivalent to 60 percent of the farm's expenses reflected in the business plan and cost plan. The maximum in monetary terms is set for all regions of the country – 10 million rubles. The farm must confirm the presence of 40% of its own collateral from the grant amount. It is not prohibited to use credit.

The distribution of federal subsidies is carried out by the regions, which receive tranches from the state budget. In addition, local authorities have the right to provide support to agricultural producers from the local budget.

Old help in a new way

In 2019, the government will allocate 300 billion rubles for the development of the agro-industrial sector.

The money will be distributed according to a different scheme.

If previously tranches were sent for specific programs, then in 2019 the subject the full amount is transferred for the development of agriculture. There are insurance preferences, subsidized loans, farm and peasant forms of farming, gardening and livestock breeding. In short, all areas of the agro-industrial complex represented in a particular subject.

The scheme was named "single regional subsidy".

Providing loans

On January 1, 2017, a program of preferential lending to business entities in the agro-industrial complex system was launched. Banks will issue loans for the modernization and development of farms at 5% per annum.

In this regard The recipient of interest subsidies changes: Now these are lending institutions. The state will reimburse 100% of the key rate to banks that issue loans to agricultural producers on preferential terms.

The new conditions are convenient, first of all, for farmers. Now there will be no need to divert significant amounts from circulation to pay interest, which the state then reimburses to the borrower through a subsidy.

Banks to participate in the program approves the Ministry of Agriculture. The criterion is the availability of own credit products on attractive terms for farmers.

Requirements for borrowers quite loyal:

  • the applicant has no current arrears on other loans;
  • stability in economic development;
  • income that allows you to make current payments.

The bank will definitely refuse to farmers who are in bankruptcy or reorganization.

Existing problems

The almost complete transfer of subsidy distribution to the regions is alarming. This will not bring anything good to agricultural entrepreneurship and production in general.

But main problem support for Russian farmers means unstable funding. According to the Ministry of Finance, the volume of assistance will be reduced in 2017 by 1.4 times less than what was originally included in the Program passport for 2013-2020. Without due financial security the Government’s loud intentions to reform the agro-industrial complex will descend to the level of project-mongering.

ABOUT state support farmers of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic are told in the following video: