What is sand concrete m300 used for? M300 dry mix: types, technical characteristics, application features

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In any construction work It is impossible to do without dry mixtures, which give the structure strength, long service life, frost resistance, corrosion resistance and other characteristics. The leader in sales in the manufacture of floor screeds and other work that requires special strength of the material is sand concrete M300.
Sand concrete M300 is a dry mixture consisting of coarse and fine sand, special chemical additives, sometimes with additions granite chips or screenings, and the main component is Portland cement. Thanks to all these components, the following qualities of sand concrete M300 are achieved:
- Portland cement imparts strength, density, resistance to corrosion and frost;
- sand provides resistance to shrinkage;
- chemical additives provide water resistance and increase strength characteristics.
When changing the proportion of cement that is included in sand concrete, it directly affects all of the above characteristics of this dry mixture.
Approximate Densitysand concreteM300 is 1.7-1.75 kg/cubic dm.
By regulating the addition of water, it is possible to obtain concrete with a density of up to 2.3 t/cub.m.
In dry form, one ton of sand concrete contains about 200-220 kilograms of cement and up to 800 kilograms of impurities. High-quality sand concrete M300 can only be obtained when it is produced in specialized factories with expensive dosing equipment. Each component is prepared and tested in laboratories. The quantity of all constituent elements is carefully measured. The homogeneity of the composition of sand concrete directly depends on the type and quality of the mixer.
Very often this is dry concrete mixture used for blind areas and screeds, it is also widely used for leveling floors, you can concrete stairs, process and seal seams, and many other external and internal installation work. For example, when screeding floors, the consumption of sand concrete will be approximately from 18 to 20 kilograms of dry mixture per treatment 1 square meter surface in a layer of one centimeter.

On construction market More and more new materials are appearing designed to make it easier and faster construction process, improve its quality. One of these dry-mix materials is sand concrete.


This recently appeared mortar immediately began to be in high demand, since it is universal material with excellent characteristics. It consists of cement and a number of additives, due to which the prepared solution quickly hardens. If we compare the material with analogues, sand concrete M 300 is significantly ahead of them in a number of indicators. These are:

  1. High reliability and durability.
  2. Preservation of its properties for a long time.
  3. Ability to carry the highest loads.
  4. Resistant to damage of any kind, including mechanical.
  5. High density.
  6. Resistance to moisture, adaptation to rapid changes in temperature.
  7. Affordable price for any consumer.
  8. No shrinkage.
  9. Waterproof.
  10. Environmental friendliness.

Scope of application

Sand concrete M300 - dry mix. It is particularly practical and versatile. Can be used in all construction fields when working inside and outside objects. The material is indispensable when it comes to the strength of concrete structures and structures. Construction complexes, residential buildings, household and utility structures - this material is used everywhere for preparing solutions. It is used:

  1. During installation.
  2. When pouring foundations for structures.
  3. In the manufacture of floor screeds.
  4. When leveling surfaces.
  5. For sealing cracks.

Thanks to its resistance to external factors and the speed of hardening, sand concrete M 300 is used when working on emergency sites, where these properties are very important.

Restoration of various types of surfaces, laying stairs, garden paths, manufacturing different types paving slabs, curbs - these and many other types of work are also carried out today using sand-concrete solutions. In addition, M300 sand concrete is used: the dry mixture is the main component for the preparation of expanded clay concrete.

Method of use

But in order for the result to be of high quality, the surface must be carefully prepared before applying the solution. To do this, you need to remove dust, paint coating, dirt, loose areas that may subsequently crumble. If large cracks occur, they must be repaired. Before applying the solution, the surface must be primed or moistened.

If processed vertical surfaces, the work is performed as follows:

  1. Beacons are being installed. They are needed so that the solution can be leveled to obtain a strictly horizontal surface.
  2. After this, M300 sand concrete is used. The dry mixture is mixed with liquid at a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Using a mixer, the solution is mixed until a plastic homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Pour onto the prepared surface required quantity solution. There should be enough of it to make working comfortable.
  5. The solution is leveled using the rule.

In order for the solution to retain its properties after drying, the following measures must be observed: periodically moisten the surface, protect from drafts and ensure that the sun's rays do not fall on the drying solution for at least 72 hours. In a week the surface will be ready for further work.


How is M300 sand concrete produced in production? Dry mixture is a material that is the result of the use of familiar materials and the introduction of the latest developments and technologies. Special attention When manufacturing the material, attention is paid to maintaining the proportions of the components, otherwise the expected effect is unlikely to be achieved: all the characteristics of the material will change, including such important ones as water resistance and frost resistance.

The main component of the mixture is one of the new types of cement - Portland cement. It consists of gypsum to which crushed clinker and sand have been added. Special additives improve the quality of the material - granite chips, plasticizers, etc.

Types of mixtures

Depending on the components used, the M300 sand concrete mixture is divided into the following types according to its properties:

  1. Coarse mixture. It has a long service life and the highest strength characteristics. Designed for pouring foundation structures.
  2. Medium grain mixture. Screeds, paving slabs, self-leveling floors - these and many other works are carried out using medium-fraction mixtures.
  3. Fine grain mixture. Has increased reliability. Applicable as external plaster, used as a solution for removing seams.

To produce a certain type of mixture, special meshes, special equipment, vibration installations, and various tools are used.

Sand concrete is divided into several grades, from M100 to M600, reflecting its specific gravity and strength characteristics. Starting the list, M100 sand concrete has the lowest performance and characteristics, but at the same time the most low price. From 400 and above – high strength indicators with application up to the most loaded and critical places and structures. Sand concrete M300 is a mid-price, but fairly high-quality building material that has received the widest application among all brands.

Although some indicators may vary slightly among different manufacturers, and to some extent these indicators depend on additives, however, if we consider the average figures, the picture is quite clear. Sand concrete M300, as the most popular type of sand concrete, is characterized by the following: technical specifications:

  • compressive strength value - up to 30 MPa;
  • frost resistance indicator - more than 200 freezing/thawing cycles;
  • viability (suitability) of the solution – more than 120 minutes;
  • bending resistance – about 7 MPa;
  • operating temperature limits - from -50 to +700С;
  • temperature for preparing the solution and pouring – from +5 to +350С;
  • sand aggregate size – up to 6 mm;
  • layer thickness for application – from 2 to 7 cm;
  • consumption per square meter (with a layer thickness of 1 cm) – up to 25 kg;
  • sand concrete density – from 2 to 2.2 t/m3;
  • high environmental friendliness confirmed by a hygienic certificate

Sand concrete packaging

In ordinary construction stores you can buy sand concrete packaged in bags of 30, 40, 45 or 50 kilograms. To calculate the required number of bags, you should take into account that per 1 cubic meter. of concrete is 1750 kilograms of the mixture in dry form, i.e. per cubic meter of concrete you will need 35 pieces of 50-kilogram bags. The calculation is approximate, since it also depends on the brand and composition of sand concrete.

Volumetric weight of sand concrete

Volumetric weight – important indicator– characterizing the weight of sand concrete itself, taking into account the voids in its structure (between its particles in dry form). This value depends on the nature and amount of aggregate (sand) included in the sand concrete. The smaller the size of the aggregate sand fraction, the greater the volumetric weight will be. An increase in volumetric weight leads to increased strength and improved quality of the finished material.

Volumes and prices for sand concrete

A 50-kilogram bag of M-300 sand concrete will yield approximately 25 liters of finished material, which today costs about 120 rubles. The total required volume can be easily calculated by knowing the area and multiplying it by the thickness of the screed. For example, at 10 meters square areas and a 2.5 cm screed, the required amount of sand concrete will be 450 kg, which is equal to nine 50 kg bags.

Characteristics and capabilities of sand concrete

Sand concrete M300, as a building material with excellent technical characteristics, is universal and useful everywhere. It is deservedly considered popular and is applicable in most areas of repair and construction.

Last time widespread received the production of dry mixtures for masonry or, which are called sand concrete. Among such mixtures, the M300 brand is the most popular. Next, we will consider in detail the features of this material, its characteristics, as well as which M300 sand concrete is better in this or that case.

What is sand concrete

Sand concrete mixture M300 is a relatively new type of building material, which, due to its versatility and excellent characteristics, quickly aroused interest among builders. This mixture is successfully used in a wide variety of construction and finishing works.


The composition of sand concrete M300 is as follows:

  • The basis of the mixture is Portland cement.
  • As you might guess, sand is used as a filler. As a rule, manufacturers use coarse and fine-grained river sand.
  • All kinds of additives - these can be plasticizers and antifreeze additives. Some manufacturers also add anti-corrosion components and other elements that improve the performance properties of the material.

The composition of the mixture is quite simple, however, big role play the proportions of sand concrete M300, on which they depend performance characteristics material. Therefore, self-made concrete may differ for the worse from a material based on a ready-mix.


This composition has a number of significant advantages over other similar mixtures:

  • One of the main advantages of sand concrete of this brand is its reliability and high strength. These properties also determine its durability.
  • Able to withstand high loads, and at the same time not afraid of mechanical stress.
  • Has high density.
  • Resistant to high humidity and precipitation.
  • Has good resistance to temperature changes.
  • Possesses frost resistance.
  • Thanks to its versatility, it can be used for both outdoor and interior works.
  • Allows you to create perfectly flat surface.
  • Affordable price.

Brief characteristics

The technical characteristics of sand concrete M300 are as follows:

It must be said that there are other brands of sand concrete on sale - M150, M200, etc. However, they have lower strength indicators.

The photo shows the structure of sand concrete

Types of sand concrete

According to its technical characteristics, this mixture is divided into three groups:

Pay attention! When making a screed with a thickness of about 10 mm, the consumption of M300 sand concrete is 18 - 20 kg. Based on these data, it is possible to calculate required quantity material for filling a certain area.

In addition, as mentioned above, depending on the additives, mixtures may have some additional properties. Therefore, when choosing a material, you should focus on the tasks assigned to it.

How to work with sand concrete

The technology for preparing the solution is extremely simple:

  • First of all, you need to prepare a clean container and pour water into it. One bag requires 6.5-7 liters of water. The exact proportions are contained in the instructions on the packaging.
  • Then the dry mixture is added to the water and mixed thoroughly. To do this, you can use a construction mixer or an electric drill with an attachment.
  • After this, the contents of the container should sit for 5-10 minutes.
  • After the specified time, the contents must be mixed again.

After the solution is prepared, it must be worked out within 2 hours.

Pay attention! Compositions from different manufacturers there may be different mixing times, as well as different optimal proportions water.

Features of working with sand concrete

In order for the material to comply with the characteristics declared by the manufacturer, it is necessary not only to prepare the solution correctly, but also to prepare the surface with your own hands in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

In particular, it must be thoroughly cleaned and leveled as much as possible. In addition, it is necessary to perform priming and antifungal treatment. It is best to use for these purposes compositions from the same manufacturer as the mixture itself.

One more important point are optimal conditions environment. This applies to temperature indicators and humidity levels. Usually the composition can only be worked with positive temperature, unless an antifreeze additive is added to it.

It is also extremely important to ensure that the solution hardens evenly. To do this, as a rule, the poured surface is periodically moistened with water during the first ten days.


Sand concrete is popular building material. At first glance, it may seem that its use is not economically justified, but if you compare how much M300 sand concrete and all the ingredients for it cost self-cooking, then it turns out that the difference is completely insignificant ().

And if we take into account the time and labor costs for preparing the solution, it turns out that ready mix is an even more profitable solution. From the video in this article you can get additional information on this topic.