Aquarium heater with thermostat. Aquarium water heater: review, types, instructions for use and reviews Aquarium instantaneous water heater

To keep fish in a home pond you cannot do without additional equipment, for example, an aquarium heater is necessary for the normal growth and health of the inhabitants. With its help, a constant microclimate in the reservoir is achieved. Before purchasing, an aquarist must understand what it is for, how it works, how to choose the best one, and whether it is possible to make one yourself.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in your home pond, you need to properly install an aquarium water heater. There are special marks on the body of the device indicating the liquid level. The device is installed so that there is water above the bottom mark. Since the liquid evaporates over time, it will be necessary to periodically adjust its volume in the container.

Do not install the water heater on gravel or sand located at the bottom, otherwise the device will quickly fail.

The heater is fixed to the walls of the vessel using a bracket with suction cups. This improves heating performance and efficiency. After installation, you need to wait about 20 minutes before plugging it into the network. The device must equalize its temperature with the surrounding liquid, then heating will occur gradually and evenly.


The aquarium water heater is available in several types, although they are no different in operating principle - electrical heating in a sealed environment.

  1. Submersible - comes in a durable case, similar to a glass, titanium or plastic flask. It is designed to be secured inside a container for the purpose of heating water.
  2. Flow-through – produced in a plastic housing. Located outside the aquarium - attached to the tube external filter. This installation method allows you to save money and also create a flow of warm, oxygenated, water.
  3. Heating cables are laid on the bottom of the container and covered with soil. They evenly heat the water in the home pond and additionally create liquid circulation.
  4. Heating mats are located under the vessel. They evenly radiate heat passing through the bottom and heat the water.

Aquarium heaters with thermostat. They are considered the most convenient.

With thermostat

In conventional devices, after reaching the set temperature, it continues to work and heat the liquid. It needs to be constantly turned off and then turned on again so that the water does not have time to cool down.

Heaters for aquariums with a thermostat have a specially built-in sensor that turns it off at the desired temperature, and turns it on when the water cools down again.

There are different types of aquarium heaters with a thermostat:

  • Electronic thermal heaters. High accuracy, but high cost.
  • Mechanical. They cost much less than their electronic counterparts, but they are often mistaken in their readings by several degrees.

Calculation of required power

An important indicator when purchasing equipment is the choice of power, which depends on the volume of the container. Most often, it is enough to purchase a thermostat for the aquarium or a simple heater with a power of 1–1.5 watts per 1 liter of water. It is better to choose devices that have a small reserve, so that when disconnected central heating, it was possible to increase the heating.

With your own hands

When deciding to make a water heater for an aquarium with your own hands, you need to take into account the risk of electric shock during its operation. Although many are able to make safe aquarium heaters.

For production you will need:

  • resistance resistors;
  • a piece of tube with thick walls;
  • dry filler;
  • durable thermostat.

Manufacturing scheme:

  1. The number of identical resistors to generate suitable power is calculated.
  2. The size of the glass tube is determined (depending on the number of resistors). You should leave approximately 15 cm of free space in the tube.
  3. Dry filler is selected. Cleaned and calcined sand is suitable.
  4. The bottom of the tube is coated with sealant (for insulation), and then closed with a rubber stopper.
  5. A power wire connected to the thermostat is soldered to the upper and lower resistors.
  6. The heater is placed vertically inside so that the top of the tube does not show out of the water. The device must be secured to the walls of the vessel using suction cups.

Which one to choose

The choice of an aquarium heater should be made carefully, since the health of the inhabitants of the home pond may depend on it. The thermostat must meet several points:

  • optimal power;
  • presence of a thermostat;
  • type of device;
  • ease of installation and fastening;
  • verified manufacturer.

Selection rules

  1. The power of the device must correspond to the size of the aquarium.
  2. To check operation, it is better to use an additional thermometer.
  3. If the bottom of the vessel is strewn with small pebbles, it is better to choose a heater in the form of a thermal cable to control the water temperature.
  4. For large aquariums, several devices with high power are needed.

The best

There are many manufacturers on the market, but only a few of them are worth considering.

  1. Heaters for aquariums with a Juwel thermostat are available in several versions, with different powers. They have universal fastenings suitable for different types containers.
  2. Tetra devices have a special regulator for heating water in the aquarium. Sealed lids and housing allow you to fearlessly immerse it in water. Often used for large aquariums. You can check whether the device is working using the indicator light. Tetra has a double heating element. It distributes heat evenly. There are convenient suction cups for attaching to the walls.
  3. The compact Aquael device is mounted on glass in any position, does not burn the inhabitants and has a built-in overheating system. It is easy to install and easy to maintain.


Without heaters, breeding some species of fish is not possible. The aquarium heater is responsible for creating a comfortable living environment. Using such a device allows you to heat the water to the desired temperature and maintain it while it is working. In addition, it prevents the contents from stagnating in the home pond. Many fish do not tolerate sudden temperature changes in their habitat, and they can get sick and die.

  1. First of all, you need to follow the rules of care. From time to time, wipe the surface of the thermostat in the aquarium and remove frozen dirt.
  2. Need to follow additional measures safety, since during operation there is a risk of damage to the cable, which can lead to a short circuit.
  3. Before washing, the devices in the aquarium must be turned off.
  4. Do not disassemble the heater while washing; wipe only the outside.
  5. The device must be used for its intended purpose.
  6. If the thermal cord or power cord is damaged, you should immediately stop using this device.
  7. Even if you buy the most expensive heater, in addition you need to install a thermometer, which will check the thermostat readings.

Proper operation of the heater will allow you to maintain a certain water temperature constantly and distribute it evenly throughout the entire volume of your home pond.

You can make an aquarium heater with your own hands, but I would prefer a “store-bought” option, as our fathers say. Let’s try to figure out what an “Aquarium Heater” is and what it is needed for.

Many fish are inhabitants of tropical and warm rivers, so the water temperature suitable for their life is about 26-27 degrees Celsius. Therefore, water heaters for aquariums are very important equipment. While in summer the water may be warm enough, in winter without an aquarium heater the fish may simply die.

Why is it necessary buy an aquarium heater:

  • In winter, the water in the aquarium may be too cold;
  • the water temperature is different at night and during the day, and fish do not tolerate sudden changes;
  • For many fish, the optimal water temperature for life is often above room temperature, which means that the water will not warm up to the required levels on its own.

Keep in mind that the thermometer readings in daytime may be false because the lighting lamps add to the temperature in the aquarium. Therefore, you must be sure that the water is exactly the right temperature for the fish before you decide to buy an aquarium heater. Modern aquarium heaters are equipped with temperature sensors so as not to overheat the water.

Temperature regulators for aquarium– these are aquarium heaters with a built-in regulator. That is, you set the required temperature that it should maintain, the thermostat heats the water to it. Next, it turns off and turns on again when the temperature drops below the required temperature. Aquarium thermostats There are mechanical and electronic. Mechanical ones are less accurate (the error is 1-2 degrees) but are cheap. Electronic ones have amazing accuracy in measuring temperature, but at the same time they are not cheap at all. And this despite the fact that many manufacturers are just starting to produce electronic thermostats, and their electronics fail quite quickly. Thermostats for aquariums in most cases (with the exception of some models) come without a built-in thermometer. This means that it measures the temperature for itself, but does not show the temperature for you. It is advisable to purchase a thermometer along with the thermostat. This is necessary to control the thermostat itself (just in case), and also in the summer. When water overheats in summer, it needs to be cooled. Refrigerators for aquariums are very expensive, and they make a lot of noise. Therefore, the water in the aquarium is cooled mainly by frequent changes of cold water.

When choosing heaters for an aquarium, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the presence of temperature control - it is better if it is;
  • correct choice of power.

It is generally believed that 10 watts is enough to heat 4.5 liters of water. For large aquariums, it is better to choose not one powerful device, but several weaker ones - this makes it easier to heat the water evenly. If the room is cool in winter, then it is better for the aquarium heater to be more powerful than the volume of water required.

Advantages of modern aquarium heaters:

  • reliability;
  • can be placed completely underwater;
  • don't get shocked.

Please be aware that heaters may become inaccurate over time, so check the thermometer periodically. Just in this case, the possibility of adjustment will be a plus. If the soil at the bottom of the aquarium is fine, then it is best to use a special heater in the form of a thermal cable, which is laid on the bottom. In this case, you get two important advantages:

  • help plants;
  • warm water rises to the surface, avoiding stagnation in the ground.

How to choose a water heater?

Rod heaters are manufactured as moisture-permeable (they must be installed in the aquarium so that upper part was above the water level), and in sealed versions. The maximum immersion depth of the latter is indicated by the manufacturer and is quite sufficient for an aquarium (usually about 1 m). In most cases immersion heaters combined with a thermostat built into the housing.

When choosing a heater, pay attention to its length, which should ensure the possibility of its placement in the aquarium. Domestic heaters, unlike foreign ones, have the same length, which does not depend on power.

When using a heater without automatic temperature control, you should take into account temperature fluctuations in the room and choose a heater of such power that the water temperature in the aquarium does not rise above 28-30 ° C. You can install two heaters and turn off one of them on hot days.

Table 1 shows the heater power values ​​for heating water in aquariums of various sizes to a certain temperature.

Aquarium volume, l Difference between water temperatures in the aquarium and in the room, °C
2 4 6 8 10 12 15 20
20 5 12 17 22 29 34 59 80
40 9 18 26 36 46 55 100 125
60 12 23 35 47 59 70 128 140
80 14 29 43 56 70 85 144 170
100 17 33 49 66 82 99 150 200
150 20 43 65 86 108 127 200 250
200 26 52 78 104 130 156 210 300
250 30 60 91 121 150 182 270 360
400 42 82 124 169 208 247 390 500

There are two opinions regarding the advisability of using an automatic temperature controller. Some believe that natural temperature conditions should be simulated in the aquarium, i.e. the temperature should drop at night and experience seasonal fluctuations, which the thermostat cannot provide. Others believe that this is completely unnecessary. For example, R. Riel and H. Bensch write: “In an aquarium, with the help of an automatic regulator, we can provide the fish with a constant temperature. It is incorrectly widely believed that the temperature in the aquarium should change in accordance with its daily rhythm in natural conditions. This is confirmed by fish that have lived in an aquarium for 10 or even 20 years, which is hardly possible under natural conditions.”

Still, it’s better to choose aquarium heater combined with an automatic thermostat in one housing. It's more convenient and takes less time less space. The main thing is not to miss the mark with power. It is better to purchase a heater with more power.

Heaters with a thermostat that automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached are much better than simple ones. If your aquarium is equipped with such a fairly powerful heater, then ventilate the room as much as you like - it will maintain the required temperature. temperature regime, and when the room gets warmer it will turn off. This is ideal.

But in practice, they do not always turn off, especially after a year or more of continuous operation. An ear in an aquarium is a most unpleasant sight, costing a lot of nerves and money. Buying an aquarium heater is exactly the case when you don’t need to save money.

Here is the reliability and accuracy of the temperature sensor, as well as mechanical strength glass flask, above all. Buy products only from well-known manufacturers of aquarium equipment. Be sure to consult with the store salesperson. If this store sells aquarium fish, then take a look at the commercial aquariums. What heaters are installed there and what do the fish look like? If possible, visit aquarium forums on the Internet.

In a word, choosing a reliable model is very important... And yet, even if you bought the best heater in the world, don’t be too lazy to check with a thermometer whether its thermostat is set correctly.

Using a water heater

The heaters are manufactured in accordance with currently valid safety standards. The heater may only be turned on when electrical network with the parameters corresponding to those indicated on the heater itself and its packaging. It is forbidden to turn on the heater when it is removed from the water. Before each operation related to the heater, you MUST DISCONNECT the voltage. Before you put your hand in the water, make sure that the heater and all electrical appliances in the aquarium are UNCONNECTED from the mains. Do not use a damaged heater or a heater with a damaged wire. The connecting wire must not be changed or repaired; in this case, the entire heater must be replaced. Also DO NOT MOUNT A SWITCH on a wire.
The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. The maximum immersion depth of the heater is 80 cm. The heater is intended for use only in enclosed spaces and exclusively in aquariums.

How to install a heater in an aquarium

The heater is waterproof and can be installed in the aquarium either in a vertical position - with the adjustment handle located above the water surface, or in a horizontal position - completely submerged. Do not insert the heater into sand or gravel. The water level must always be above the minimum immersion level, the MINIMUM WATER LEVEL mark marked on the heater body. It is necessary to remember that the water level is constantly decreasing as a result of evaporation. The heater is attached to the wall of the aquarium using a bracket with two suction cups, which should be attached to the heater directly below the head. The heater must be fixed in the aquarium in a place where there is constant and uniform circulation of water. ATTENTION! Only about 15 minutes after installing the heater in the aquarium, when the temperature of the bimetallic switch in the heater becomes equal to the temperature of the water in the aquarium, can the heater be connected to the power supply.

Heater temperature adjustment

It takes some time for the heater to work well in a new environment. Temperature stabilization involves cyclical replenishment of heat, which the aquarium constantly releases to its surroundings. When the control light is on, it means that the heater is currently working; when it goes out, it means that the heater is off. Assuming that the heater power is selected correctly and that the room temperature corresponds to the specified adjustment range, the desired water temperature can be set by turning the control knob. Applied with outside The scale allows you to only roughly set the desired temperature. Due to the fact that your environmental conditions may be different (for example, temperature and air movement, intensity of water circulation, heat transfer area of ​​​​the aquarium, etc.), the regulator may act in a slightly different way than during factory calibration. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor the water temperature in the aquarium using a thermometer for some time after connection. And if necessary, adjust the water temperature using the regulator. Do not exceed the permissible adjustment range (a noticeable increase in resistance when turning the handle).

Aquarium heater maintenance.

The heater must not be disassembled into parts. Maintenance consists of periodically cleaning the outer surface of the heater with a soft sponge. If the boiler stone settles, it must be carefully removed using a special tool. funds. After removing the stone, the heater should be rinsed thoroughly.

Finally, a video reviewing a heater with a thermostat:

The beauty of an aquarium depends not only on its choice and design, but also on how colorful its inhabitants are. It is useful to remember that the most colorful and unusual aquatic inhabitants live in tropical and equatorial waters. And their habitats are distinguished not only by their abundance various types and palm trees on the banks, but also because environment Such creatures are noticeably warmer than our everyday life, even at the height of summer. To create ideal conditions For your charming pets, the water in the aquarium must not only be purified and oxygenated, but also heated. This task is performed special device- aquarium heater.

Aquarium heater: how does it work?

Setting up a water heater for an aquarium is not difficult. His main element- a special wire that heats up under the influence of electricity. To make its use safe, the wire itself is located on a ceramic core, and is protected from contact with water by an outer casing made of glass or plastic.

If glass is chosen for the body, it is usually heat resistant and is also closed with a special lid that ensures tightness. The cover is also used to place all the control elements of the device.

Plastic models are compact and the price is slightly higher. But this is more than justified: such a heater not only looks stylish thanks to a body made of unbreakable plastic, but is also more advanced from a technical point of view.

When choosing a heater for an aquarium, you need to remember that the larger the volume of water, the more powerful the device you need to buy - otherwise it simply will not cope with its task.

Aquarium heater: how to monitor the temperature?

Temperature accuracy – important element long and comfortable life every inhabitant of the aquarium water world. However, monitoring your temperature on your own is not only tedious, but often impossible. In order not to waste your time and attention, you need to purchase an aquarium heater (heater) with a thermostat.

Heaters of this type are equipped with a special sensor that constantly monitors the water temperature. As long as this temperature is within the range useful for pets, the aquarium heater works quietly and creates a cozy environment for them. But as soon as the temperature exceeds the limit set by the owner, the device detects this and turns off, allowing the water to cool to the desired level.

Thermostats can be mechanical or electronic. The most common are mechanical ones - they are distinguished by high level reliability, a little more low prices and stable operation. However, their work requires periodic inspection– they can distort the readings by several degrees, and you need to check them with a separate thermometer. Electronic models are more accurate, so they have a higher price, but they are also a little less reliable.

In addition, the thermostat with which the aquarium heater is equipped can be remote or built-in. The remote one is located mostly outside the aquarium - only the temperature sensor is immersed in the water. However, it did not become widespread, since the built-in models turned out to be much more practical and convenient. They are collected in a single building with heating element, becoming compact and distinguished by an advantageous design in the form of an elongated glass flask.

The time has come when you want to buy a beautiful aquarium. There are many devices technical means to contain and maintain aquarium inhabitants in an aquarium close to their real life conditions.

The main tools in an aquarium to maintain the conditions that aquarium fish need are: an aquarium heater, a compressor, a filter, lighting and oxygen. The question immediately arises: how to install a heater in an aquarium?

Below in the article we will look at how to choose and then install the optimal heater for your aquarium. You can buy an aquarium heater, filter and compressor in any store that specializes in sales aquarium fish. In the future, you will not have to place the aquarium near it.

1 How to choose the right aquarium water heater

You can't do without a heater and compressor. The heater maintains the desired water temperature, and the compressor supplies oxygen to the aquarium fish.

Among novice aquarists, the question arises of how powerful an aquarium water heater should be, and what reasons affect the water temperature in the aquarium:

Approximately 0.6 W of aquarium heater power per liter of water. Also, when choosing an aquarium heater, you need to consider several of the following factors:

  • What is the room temperature, where is your aquarium located;
  • Drafts in the room;
  • What shape is your aquarium, its capacity;
  • Placing an aquarium in the house;
  • The presence of a lid on the aquarium and lighting.

The aquarium heater is selected in accordance with the above factors. The main thing in an aquarium heater is its power, which is selected in accordance with the size of the aquarium.

If you decide to purchase an aquarium heater with a thermostat, then it is better to buy it with a power reserve, from a good, trusted manufacturer.

Today there are many companies and manufacturers producing aquarium heaters:

  • Aquarium water heater JBL (JBL) ProTemp S 150, 150 W– produced with a 150 W thermostat. The thermostat is covered with a plastic casing to prevent aquarium inhabitants from getting burns. When this heater is removed from the water, the protection is triggered and the heater is immediately turned off. The price of a heater for an aquarium of this type will cost you from 1000 rubles and more.
  • Aquarium heater Resun (Resan) SUNLIKE 50 — consists of a quartz case with a two-layer coating. It has an automation system. When using this aquarium heater, it is completely immersed in water. When the desired temperature is set, the heater turns itself off. When the water temperature in the aquarium drops, the heater automatically turns on itself. The price of a water heater for an aquarium of this type will cost you from 500 rubles and more.
  • Aquarium heater Aquael- produced with gold-plated contacts. These contacts increase the service life of the aquarium heater. It has power adjustment, with which you can set any temperature in your aquarium. It has a beautiful black body that does not spoil the appearance in the aquarium. It can be used in both freshwater and marine aquariums. On average, the price of an aquael aquarium heater will cost you from 720 rubles and more.

2 Types of heaters for aquariums.

Today there are many types of aquarium heaters. Here are a few of them:

Submersible water heater for aquarium this type ensures uniform and constant heating of water in the aquarium.

A submersible water heater circulates water in your aquarium, thereby creating an aquifer. Such heaters are easy to control and use. They easily connect to the thermoregulation system.

This heater must be used by immersing it completely in water. This type is attached using ordinary suction cups and has a silicone winding. Due to this, their service life increases.

Important!!! It is strictly forbidden to turn on the aquarium water heater without immersing it in water.

Instantaneous water heater for aquarium - works as follows. This type of heater passes a flow of water through itself. This type of heater contains a special heating element that heats the water.

In other words, it turns on automatically when water flows through it. In this heater, the most important thing is the heating element, which must be of high power.

The disadvantage of this flow heater for an aquarium is that it consumes a lot of energy. Buy an aquarium heater of this type, you can from 2740 rubles and above.

You must purchase a thermometer for your aquarium heater. Today there are possible types of thermometers. The most optimal would be a mercury thermometer, which is installed in a vertical position on the other edge of the aquarium from the heater. There are also electronic thermometers that are equipped with a sound signal.

Recently, liquid crystal thermometers have begun to be used. It looks like a regular ruler with a scale. The downside of this thermometer is its inaccurate reading of water temperature. We do not recommend using such thermometers.

2.1 Maintenance of aquarium heaters

Over time, aquarium water heaters begin to not heat the water well enough, and dirt begins to appear on them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically clean the aquarium heater. To do this, you do not need to completely disassemble the heater. First of all, when cleaning an aquarium heater, you need to disconnect it from the electrical network.

After this, the heater body can be cleaned with a regular hard sponge. If there are boiler stones on the heater, remove them special means. After this, the heater is washed running water and put back into the aquarium. This procedure must be done every two months.

2.2 Aquael aquarium heater review - video

One of the most important factors The safe keeping of aquarium fish is the water temperature, sometimes up to +27 °C. Without human intervention, it is almost impossible to provide the necessary parameters. Aquarium heaters are used for this, often with a thermostat. We will talk about their types and methods of use in this article.

Briefly about the purpose

The water in the aquarium can cool down in a few minutes. This is especially true for the cold season, when the temperature of residential premises depends on the weather and the conscientiousness of the stokers.

Did you know? The aquarium, made of gold, costs $5 million and is called the Golden Dragon.

There are many more factors that affect temperature that a novice aquarist may not even be aware of. For example:

  • warmth from lighting fixtures and the distance from them containers;
  • design: shape, volume, is there a lid, a gasket under the container, the presence of an internal volumetric background, is it located on a stand;
  • is there a flow system from the water supply;
  • number of water changes.
Therefore, you cannot do without heating the water in the aquarium. Heaters are used for this purpose.


Aquarium heaters are divided into three types based on location.

1. Remote. Their advantages:

  • are not contaminated by waste products of the inhabitants;
  • increased service life;
  • relatively cheap.
2. Containers built directly into the body, complete with heating element.

3. Submersibles look like a cylinder that is lowered into the water. The body is made from:

  • plastics;
  • glass;
  • titanium.

And now more about each type of water heater in an aquarium.


The simplest device - water heater in an aquarium without a thermostat. It is a glass or metal tube with a sealed inside nichrome thread. According to the principle of operation, it vaguely resembles the well-known boiler. In Soviet times, during the era of total shortages, it was the boiler that was used as a replacement for the heater. Even now, experienced fish lovers do not disdain this primitive device - in a hopeless situation, of course.

You need to very clearly grasp the moment when the boiler needs to be removed, so as not to end up with fish soup made from precious fish. Some craftsmen connect a boiler with temperature sensors. However modern market aquarium equipment provides a lot of options for ensuring such indicators as temperature.

Electromechanical thermostats

An improved mechanical heater is a metal or glass tube filled with a heater and thermostat, hermetically sealed. Thermostat- bimetallic plate. The property of metals to expand when heated ensures automatic switching on and off.

This device is reliable in operation, but sometimes distorts the indicators. To prevent troubles, measure the water temperature with a regular thermometer.

Electronic thermostats

It looks like a tube. Inside there is an electronic “filling” that provides functions. Such a thermostat has capabilities that Soviet aquarists could see only in a dream or in Western European specialty stores, if they managed to get abroad.

The advantages include:

  • high accuracy (up to 0.1°C);
  • presence of an electronic scoreboard;
  • sound alarm when overheating.


  • high cost;
  • unreliability.

Did you know? The first aquarium was created in England in the 19th century.

Heating cables

They are a long elastic tube with a heating element, which is installed in the soil of the container.


  • the entire mass of water is heated evenly;
  • additional circulation is created;
  • the aesthetic component wins;
  • very useful for plants planted in an aquarium.


  • when replacing faulty cables, you have to disturb the entire interior;
  • The ecosystem design has limitations - you cannot use heavy stones that can squeeze or damage the heating system.

Heating mats

Rugs, or heating mats, placed under the container. The operating principle is the same as heated floors, water mattresses, heating pads.


  • water and soil are evenly heated from below, which is extremely beneficial for plants;
  • cold layers do not stagnate at the bottom, the environment in the entire aquarium is the same temperature.

The disadvantages include inconvenient installation and replacement - you have to remove the aquarium. If it is large, then it becomes clear that this is a whole undertaking that cannot be done without help.

Flow thermostats

This device is mounted vertically on the return hose of the external filter. Appreciated by fans. It provides:

  • interior improvement;
  • stable flow of warm water.


  • used only in large volumes;
  • There are no low power devices on sale.


Thermofilter- a device built into external system equipment.

Important! The entire life support system in the aquarium depends on the smooth operation of this device.


  • has a digital display;
  • reliable in operation;
  • heating accuracy is high;
  • does not spoil the design.

How to make a choice?

To ensure optimal temperature conditions for the inhabitants, you will have to resolve the issue - how to choose a heater for an aquarium.

You should be guided by a number of rules that have been developed by generations of aquarists and which are successfully applied to this day. Experienced amateurs advise:

  • buy an aquarium heater with an automatic thermostat in one housing and with more power than needed in terms of volume;
  • do not save when purchasing;
  • buy only branded products;
  • after purchase in manual mode, use a thermometer to check the correct settings of the thermostat;
  • pay attention to the safety of the device - it must have good electrical insulation;
  • choose a heater with a grill to protect the fish from burns.

In practice, automatic thermostats that have been in operation for more than a year do not always turn off. There is no consensus on the use of an aquarium automatic thermostat. Some hobbyists believe that at night the temperature of the water in the aquarium should drop, as in nature. Others are of the opinion that this is not at all necessary, since some fish live at the same temperature year-round for 20 years, and nothing bad is done to them.

Depending on what point of view a particular amateur adheres to, the question of whether he needs an automatic thermostat or not is decided.

The following brands of equipment for aquariums are known:

They produce immersion heaters, which have proven themselves to be high-quality and reliable, designed for aquariums from 25 liters to 300 liters. They are also suitable for containers up to 1500 l.

Calculation of power depending on the volume and temperature of water

As already noted, the most important thing when choosing a heater is the power rating. It should have an indicator of 1 W per 1 liter, but in practice 0.7–0.8 W per 1 liter is used. It follows from this that before you buy a heater, you need to calculate its power. You can also adjust your own calculations using the parameters indicated on the device packaging.

Important! If you install a heater that is more powerful than necessary, it will continually turn on and off and thus will not last long.

The approximate volume-power correspondence is as follows:

  • 25W - 10-25 l.
  • 50W - 30-60 l.
  • 75W - 60-80 l.
  • 100W - 80-120 l.
  • 150W - 120-170 l.
  • 200W - 170-220 l.
  • 250W - 220-280 l.
  • 300W - 280-350 l.
This is a relatively rough estimate. It is imperative to take into account the difference between the desired temperature in the aquarium and the actual temperature in the room. It is important to remember that the heater must keep the temperature at a constant level.

Experienced aquarists place two heaters at half power at different ends of the aquarium, which ensures more uniform heating. From time to time, the water temperature is controlled manually; there is no need to blindly trust the technology, it also sometimes fails.

Did you know? The aquarium, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, has a volume of 22.7 thousand cubic meters.

Breeding fish has its own subtleties. And the more their lover knows, the more luxurious his aquarium will be. It makes me happy and nice to see the admiration on the faces of friends and acquaintances who come to visit.