What and when to use profiles for drywall (gypsum plasterboard). How to bend drywall: using different methods Bent profile for drywall

In design modern premises Rounded walls, multi-level curved ceilings and semicircular arches made of plasterboard are widely used. They look impressive and expensive, and you can make them yourself at home with minimal working skills and knowledge of how to bend drywall correctly without causing it to break.

Drywall bends perfectly, and you can get the most bizarre designs from it.

To create designs of curved shapes, it is most convenient to use arched plasterboard increased plasticity (GKLA), specially designed for such work. It is reinforced not with cardboard, but with fiberglass, and easily bends into a semicircle without breaking, but it also costs more than usual. In addition, its thickness is 6.5 mm, so it has to be installed in two layers.

Regular drywall is more economically beneficial, but you need to know how to work with it correctly.

Drywall can only be bent in the longitudinal direction. The smaller the radius of curvature is supposed to be given to the gypsum board sheet, the smaller its thickness should be.

The maximum bending radius should not be less than 1000 mm if the material is bent with the front side out, and 600 mm if the part is bent with the front side inward. Failure to comply with these conditions will lead to the fact that the drywall sheets will not hold the given shape and the screws will be pulled out of the profiles.

How to bend drywall: basic methods

There are three ways to bend drywall into a semicircle of a given radius:

  • dry;
  • wet;
  • using the incision method.

Depending on the chosen method, you will need following materials and tools:

  1. Milling cutter or knife.
  2. Needle roller or awl.
  3. Pencil and ruler.
  4. Sponge, roller or brush for wetting.
  5. Gypsum putty.
  6. Gloves.
  7. Plywood, chipboard or gypsum board trim.
  8. Wooden bars.
  9. Self-tapping screws.
  10. Metal profile.
  11. Metal strips 0.5X100 mm.

Before starting work, you need to make a template - two semicircles cut from plywood, chipboard or plasterboard scraps, connected to each other using screws with wooden blocks at a distance of the width of the bending element.

After the template is cut out, they begin to assemble it. In order to fix the end edges of the part to be bent, the assembled template is equipped with clamps. A metal profile can be used as clamps.

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Dry bending method

This method is used when the bending of drywall is insignificant and the part being performed does not have a complex configuration, for example, for rounding sharp corners in passage rooms and corridors. Before starting work, it is necessary to select the correct thickness and bending radius:

Template for bending drywall: 1-sheets of plasterboard; 2 - wooden blocks: 3 - profiles; 4-screws; 5- bendable sheet of cardboard.

The template is transferred to the floor and the location of the frame is marked, which, when bent, will take on the maximum load. The outer supports of the frame, on which the sheet of drywall will be attached, must be made as strong as possible.

The frame design looks something like this:

  1. Metal strip for fastening the sheet at the longitudinal joints.
  2. Rack profile.
  3. A guide profile secured with a curved metal strip.
  4. The maximum interval between adjacent posts is no more than 15 cm.
  5. Plasterboard sheets arranged longitudinally.
  6. Additional 6mm gypsum board sheet to add rigidity to the structure.
  7. Self-tapping screws.

The sheet is secured to one of the outer supports of the frame with self-tapping screws and gradually, with force, bent. Having completed the bending, the drywall is secured with self-tapping screws to the second outer support and left to form for 48-72 hours.

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Wet bending method

A needle roller is used to bend drywall using a wet method.

This method is used to make arches. It allows you to make a sharp arched bend without the risk of breaking it, since the gypsum that makes up the middle part of the plasterboard becomes plastic when wet and bends easily. After drying, all performance characteristics of the material are restored.

Before bending drywall for an arch, you need to determine the consistency of the sheet thickness and the minimum bending radius.

Frequent punctures are made on one side of the sheet with an awl or a special needle roller. If a convex shape is being bent, the back side of the part is pierced; if a concave shape is being bent, the front side is pierced. Then the drywall, pierced side up, is laid on wooden spacers, gently moisten with water using a brush, roller or sponge and leave for 15 minutes until completely absorbed.

Care must be taken to ensure that water does not get on the unpunctured side of the material. Otherwise, the sheet will tear during bending.

After the plaster is saturated with water, the workpiece is placed on the template so that its center coincides with the axis of the template. The radius of the template must be less than the radius of the final bend by the value of the sheet thickness.

One end of the part is secured to the template with clamps, the part is carefully bent, its other end is secured and the structure is left for 24-36 hours until completely dry.

Of course, with the help of drywall you can level the surface of the ceilings and create all kinds of shapes and ornaments.

Real works of plasterboard on the ceiling can decorate any apartment or room. If only your imagination works.

The topic of our material is how to correctly bend drywall and install figured ceilings from plasterboard. Let's study ways to make some figured elements and designs with our own with my own hands.

How to bend drywall?

Possibility of production various forms and figures using drywall, of course, are available. Drywall is a dense material that holds its shape well, but can also break. Then what should we do? Calm down, your fears are premature.

Applying special methods, it’s easy to give plasterboard elements any the required form. Of course, you will need to apply the knowledge that we are going to give you. If you have never mounted suspended ceilings, then we can also recommend reading the article on our website. But let’s not smear it and move directly to the description of the process:

  • First of all, of course – a drawing

It starts with a drawing. A designer or architect can make a drawing for you. Before you bend drywall for an arch or other kiwilinear structure, you must understand where and how this will happen. Then follows the installation metal profile, onto which the sheets of cardboard themselves are attached.

The profile frame is the main element - the skeleton of the entire future structure. The frame metal is galvanized and does not corrode. But he's so thin. “Will it hold up?” - you ask reasonably.

Yes. The metal has stiffening ribs that are formed during manufacturing and make it both strong and light.

  • Secondly, let’s bend the profile

It is clear that in addition to bending the drywall, it is also necessary to bend the profile.

You have drawn the shapes you need (how to mark, for example, an oval ceiling can be found in the article), and you need to transfer the markings to the ceiling strictly according to the drawing.

If the ceiling is completely marked, you can freely proceed with the installation of the main load-bearing structure from metal profile.


Before you tell us how to bend a profile for drywall, do not forget that during the installation process, the frame from the profile must strictly follow all marking lines.

Depending on the shape of the element, the profile should be bent inward or outside.

When a bend to the outside is required, you need to make the number of cuts you need, as shown in the diagram.

It is easy to cut the profile with ordinary metal scissors.

If it is necessary to bend the profile inward, cuts can be made at an angle.

The rigidity of the profile frame is very important.

Of course, the profile will not have smooth bends, but drywall will completely hide this drawback.

And yet, the most the best option will be when the direct contact of the drywall with the profile is very close.
When the work is done competently and accurately, the frame structure will be light and rigid.


Poor quality assembled frame will entail subsequent cracking of the drywall seams and possible complete collapse of the entire structure.

  • And finally, the third difficult task is the installation of the sheet (or element) itself.

Let's consider several options for deciding how to bend drywall with your own hands correctly:

Ways to bend drywall with your own hands


Drywall at first glance is a rigid material, but it can be bent by simply pulling it with self-tapping screws to a profile frame.

The arc will not turn out to be too steep, but the figures on the plasterboard ceiling can be smooth and rounded; relatively smooth bends are not uncommon. Then it is better to take thin sheets for work.

Using self-tapping screws, you must tighten the sheet of drywall to the frame carefully and very evenly.

Let's present some characteristics regarding the bending radius, as well as the thickness of the plasterboard sheet.


When you use thin sheet drywall, do two layers. But the first layer must overlap the second.

This is a pretty simple method. Prerequisites its implementation - accuracy and attentiveness.


If a sheet of cardboard is cracked, don’t be upset. Having secured it completely, use a knife to open the crack. Then (when finishing) it will be possible to fill it with putty and the seam will not be visible at all.


Let's consider the second method of bending drywall in a semicircle in order to make figures with your own hands.
To make a sharp bend from a sheet of cardboard, proceed as follows: following instructions.
You will need water and an ordinary awl.

  • Cut out the mounted element from plasterboard.
  • Get it wet.
  • But first you need to use an awl to make a number of punctures on the sheet at the bend.
  • The punctures are made across the sheet.
  • However, the awl should only penetrate up to half the entire thickness of the sheet.

  • The holes from the awl cannot be through. They must be done in several columns. This depends on the shape of the element required.


You can install a limiter on the awl, the same as on a drill bit.

  • After making the punctures, the sheet must be wetted.
  • Punctures are carried out only with inside sheet of cardboard.
  • You can wet the puncture sites from the awl.
  • The water must wet the sheet well.
  • However, to speak at back side she shouldn't.


You can carry out the soaking procedure trially on an unnecessary sheet of cardboard.

  • The plasterboard sheet moistened in this way can be installed and secured.
  • Once dry and fixed, it will take the desired shape.

The configuration of plasterboard ceiling elements can sometimes be very complicated, but this method will definitely help you.
The main difficulty is determining the start time of sheet bending. Use the advice on a test piece of cardboard.


Another option for bending drywall in a semicircle is the element-by-element method.

The point is this.

  • Small or narrow plasterboard elements are cut.
  • Then they are attached to the frame one by one.
  • Then, of course, all seams must be thoroughly puttied.

However, this method takes a lot of time and wastes excess material. (putty - for sure!)


Finally, there is another option to bend a sheet of cardboard.

  • Perpendicular cuts to the sheet are made (on one side).
  • The cuts will not be through, but will be made only to 70% of the thickness of the entire sheet.


Make cuts only hand hacksaw impossible. Circular saw with adjustment of the knife depth can help. But then the probability of sheet breakage is high in the places where the cut was made.

When the seams are still on the outside, then they are subsequently puttied in the same way as other elements of drywall.

Look interesting video on this topic.

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How to bend drywall in a fit of bravery design solutions: 3 levels of coolness

Have you ever wondered: how to bend drywall at home? Personally, I was interested in the answer to it from the very first acquaintance with such interesting material. After all, in this way you can get away from the dull and boring rectangular shapes, revitalizing the interior more pleasing to the eye smooth lines. And I immediately found several solutions to this problem, which differ in complexity and level of steepness of the bend being made. They will be discussed further.

Let's get started

Plasterboard sheet is gypsum board, covered on both sides with cardboard sheets. Cardboard in any condition has high elasticity, but for gypsum it varies depending on its level of humidity. That is, gypsum board can be bent, despite its apparent strength, but this must be done correctly to avoid breaking.

But, if you don’t ruin the drywall with your own hands, you can safely count on the appearance of arches, figured columns, and other similar masterpieces of design art in your apartment or private house.

Before bending drywall, it is necessary to determine the steepness of the bend being created, since the choice of technology for implementing the plan will depend on this.

Coolness level No. 1: bending radius – 1000-2750 mm

How to bend drywall into a semicircle whose radius exceeds one meter? Very simple: use the so-called “dry” method, which is the easiest to implement and looks like this:

  1. First of all selecting the thickness of the plasterboard sheet, since it is possible to bend drywall, which has an impressive thickness, using the described method only to a certain limit:

If you do not have time to use more complex technologies for bending plasterboard sheets, but you can afford to spend a slightly larger amount on the material itself, then opt for arched samples. Their price is slightly higher, but the thickness is only 6.5 mm, and inside the gypsum core itself there is a reinforcing mesh that prevents fractures.

  1. Next, the instructions branch again and offer two options, I tested both:
  • The first one is for the completely lazy, and it lies in the fact that the section is simply slowly and carefully attached with self-tapping screws to a pre-bent and installed profile. The spacing between fasteners must be no more than 50 mm;

Under no circumstances try to bend the gypsum board across, rather than lengthwise, as you will simply break it by doing this.

  • The second one will require more preparatory work, consisting in making a special template. But the bending process itself is then easier and safer for the material. You can familiarize yourself with the intricacies of creating such a device in the following diagram. Let me just note that the radius of the structure should be less than the radius of the future semicircle, and the width should be less than the sheet being bent:

But how to bend drywall in a semicircle using a ready-made template? It is enough to carefully bend it through the device and secure it in this position until the sheet takes the desired shape.

Coolness level No. 2: bending radius – 500-1000 mm

Now let's figure out how to bend drywall for an arch with a radius of less than one meter, using the so-called “wet” method. I like it the most because it allows you to create stunning figures without damaging the sheet itself with “fanatics”, which I will talk about in the description of the next more radical method.

So let's get started:

  1. We prepare everything you need:

The roller must be selected in such a way that its needles are not longer than half the thickness of the sheet you are bending and not shorter than one third. In the first case, you can simply destroy the entire product, and in the second, you may not get the desired effect.

  1. Process with a needle roller the side of the drywall section that will subsequently shrink. In this case, needles perform two functions at once:
  • Weaken the strength of the cardboard “wrapper”;
  • Create access for water to the plasterboard core;

Instead of such a specific tool, you can use an awl, making holes every 10-15 mm. This will take more time and you will have to control the depth of penetration yourself, but it will save a little on the family budget.

  1. Now using a brush, roller or sponge moisten the pierced area with water within 10-15 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the sheet, the process may have to be repeated several times. Just be sure to ensure that liquid does not get on the other side, as this will lead to destruction of the sample.

What happens? Why such difficulties? The fact is that gypsum tends to become elastic and pliable when moistened, which absolutely does not prevent it from completely restoring all its previous properties. technical specifications after drying;

  1. Carefully bend the object and secure it to the prepared place using self-tapping screws. You can also use a special template as in the previous case;

  1. After about a day, the plasterboard sheet becomes dry and strong again, but in a new form.

It is noteworthy that the described procedure is also the answer to the question: “How to straighten drywall?” Here you can also accurately perforate the convex side this time, moisten it and carefully give the sheet its original outline.

Coolness level No. 3: bending radius – 150-500 mm

How to bend drywall into a completely indecent squiggle, the radius of which will not exceed half a meter, or even decrease to 15 cm? A very radical approach will help here, involving evisceration of the object:

  1. We take a sharp knife and from the back side of the sheet We make transverse cuts with a depth up to the face cardboard every 30-50 mm. The smaller the radius of the future arch, the shorter the step. As a result, you end up with an “unfortunate victim” on your hands, which somehow forms another whole only thanks to the remaining cardboard layer;

Be extremely careful when making cuts to avoid damaging front part GKL, because if you do this, you can already throw it away and take on a new “victim”.

  1. Now carefully, so as not to completely destroy the plasterboard sheet, fasten it to the prepared place with self-tapping screws, starting from the middle and gradually moving towards the edges. In this case, the fasteners must hold each trimmed fragment, which leads to high consumption screws;

  1. Thoroughly putty all the cracks and slits.

A template can also be used here, and quite justifiably. The fact is that if you immediately fasten the cut sheet to the frame, you will no longer be able to fully seal the recesses created in it with high quality. But if you first lay it on a device made in advance, then all the damage can be repaired, for example, with the well-proven Knauf Uniflot putty, which, when frozen, will turn the object back into a solid product.


Now you know how to bend drywall into an arch or a ram’s horn. The most important thing in all the methods I have described is careful handling of the plasterboard sheet, since it can be broken and bent during “dry” perforation, and damaged during “wet” perforation, and completely destroyed with a radical approach to creating cuts.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information. If you have any questions about the above topic, ask them in the comments.

October 1, 2016

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The design of the greenhouse must not only have an aesthetic appearance, but also be functional. A greenhouse that was built with your own hands or was purchased in finished form, should generate income regardless of the time of year. If you have an idea on your own, then the question may arise about how to bend a profile for a greenhouse with your own hands without using any special devices.

You can buy a frame for a greenhouse or make it yourself. In order to bend the frame, you will need special tools. devices - pipe bender or machine.

For example, winter greenhouse arched type, which is heated, turns the need to bend the profile for this design into an urgent need.

The frame made of aluminum profiles is durable, lightweight, requires minimal maintenance, and can be easily fixed with your own hands.

Greenhouses that use profile designs

Greenhouse frame made of aluminum profile with a multi-pitched roof is a strong, reliable, lightweight structure.

Elements that are made from profiles are used in many types. The multi-pitched roof of an octagonal greenhouse has robust construction. The material for the frame in this case will be an aluminum profile.

The profile can be forged, shaped, rolled. It rolls up into coils. Aluminum profiles can be processed mechanically: twisted, drilled, cut out. Structures made from this type of profile can be connected with synthetic resins or secured with rivets and bolts.

The profile can be shaped, full, intended for the manufacture of greenhouses, racks, and shelving. The shaped profile can be bent, drilled, cut, so that it can be used in the manufacture of the structure.

The aluminum profile frame is lightweight, durable, requires minimal maintenance, and can be strengthened with your own hands.

The greenhouse has a long service life (20-25 years). A significant disadvantage of a greenhouse is that it is too expensive to build with your own hands.

Occupies a leading position in the market. Products made from it are durable, comfortable, and cheap.

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Greenhouses that use a bent profile

When building an arched greenhouse, the profile needs to be curved.

The profile will need to be bent during the construction of a multifunctional building. It will be necessary to bend the profile for the arch, which goes vertically upward from the base and is bent in the middle. It uses a frame, the strength of which can be ensured by the connection of posts and beams. A dome-shaped greenhouse is constructed from polygonal frames (metal or aluminum) and is difficult to assemble with your own hands. All frame material should be selected based on, as well as its size.

During construction arched greenhouses it is necessary to prepare 12 flexible rods for half-arches. Their length should be 1.5 m. For a tall greenhouse (1.8 m high), you will need to prepare 10 rods, which have a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 2.9 m.

Creating a frame begins with identifying holes for flexible rods. They are drilled out, after which the support stands are prepared. When installing the main frame with your own hands, you may need to carefully bend the metal rods in an arc.

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How can you bend a square tube for a polycarbonate greenhouse arc?

In order to bend the pipe, you can use a homemade pipe bender.

When made of polycarbonate, there is a need to bend square pipe, which has a cross-section of 20x20 mm. The diameter between their ends is 3 m.

You will need to prepare the tools in advance:

  • ruler;
  • bending machine;
  • pipes for bending (profile);
  • Bulgarian;
  • pencil;
  • welding.

The pipe can be bent on a bending machine, which is made by hand. The machine is rotated by a handle, but the work requires more effort if its wall is 1-2 mm. Without using a machine, you can bend it by hand using parallel pipes, but you will need to first fasten them together. An arc of the corresponding radius is drawn on the ground. You should attach a curved product to it and bend it so that the original fully matches the drawn drawing. The second arc bends similarly to the first.

The pipe is first divided into several equal intervals, filed with a grinder and then bent according to the existing template. The undercut areas are processed by spot welding.

The profile is light and durable, connects well to absolutely any plane, and can withstand large lateral loads.

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Profile bending using a machine

The service life of a profile greenhouse can reach 20-25 years. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure high-quality assembly of the frame.

The developer who bends the profile knows that this operation is quite complex. It can be made using a factory-made pipe bending machine or a home-made one. One of possible methods profile bending is to use a fire source - a propane cutter, an acetylene torch or blowtorch. One part is heated, after which the lever bends it at an angle. Disadvantages of this type of work: great physical effort is required, which results in an unaesthetic appearance after processing the product.

The operation of bending a profile on a pipe bending machine is performed more accurately and quickly. Using a handle, the profile is pulled along the rollers of the pipe bender, while another roller presses on the pipe and deforms it. A pipe bender passes a pipe through itself and makes an arch of the required radius from it. Bending is performed at an angle of 30-180° (on hydraulically driven pipe benders). On manual pipe bender pipes can be bent to achieve winter period time or to install ventilation devices.

Tools you will need to make a pipe bender:

  • lead screw;
  • 3 rollers;
  • workpiece;
  • bracket with a clamping axis;
  • sample;
  • channel;
  • steel pipes having a diameter of 70-150 mm;
  • welding;
  • concrete solution;
  • metal table.

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The process of making a homemade pipe bender

A homemade pipe bender can be made from two pipes and two rollers.

A homemade pipe bender is made of 2 pipes. Their diameter can be from 70 to 150 mm. With the help concrete mortar they must be fixed in the slab. They can also be secured by welding to the channel. The pipes are located at a distance of 600 mm from each other. A pipe is installed between the racks, after which it is bent at an angle with force.

The rollers are placed on axes. They need to be placed at the same level, and the distance between them should be approximately 50 cm. The third roller is located in the center. It must be raised to a level of 100 mm. The jack should lift the roller and adjust the bend radius of the pipe. A homemade pipe bender will bend a rolled profile to make a greenhouse or greenhouse structure. A pipe with a thin wall will need to be covered with sand at one end, and then inserted into a pipe bender. After treatment, the sand should be removed. The diameter of the product should be the same along the entire length.

The profile pipe has different sections: oval, round or rectangular. A pipe bender differs from a similar machine for ordinary pipes. The product and the rollers have the same cross-section.

During production, the roller is installed on a metal table. A bracket is attached to the axle, which has a clamping axle. A roller should be installed on the axis, which copies the pipe profile. The workpiece must be fed by hand. As it passes, the product will be pressed against the roller. It is pulled several times between the rollers, resulting in the necessary bend. The finished material is applied to the template.

So, in order, the information is confirmed by test reports from leading manufacturers of polystyrene concrete, I drew a conclusion for myself and wrote it at the end of the commentary. MOISTURE RESISTANCE and HYGROSCOPICITY This is the most important property of any building material, especially in areas with high humidity. The higher the moisture resistance of the material, the more durable, stable and warmer it is. Polystyrene concrete absorbs no more than 6% moisture from the atmosphere; it can be exposed to open air almost unlimited time. STRENGTH Due to the super-strong cement-polystyrene matrix, polystyrene concrete has unique strength characteristics. This material is so durable that a fall from a five-story building will not cause significant damage to the block. FIRE RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete does not burn; it is able to withstand enormous temperatures caused by fire, due to its unique thermal conductivity coefficient, and does not allow heat to penetrate deep into the wall. Flammability class NG. Fire resistance class EI180. DURABILITY The service life of a house made of polystyrene concrete is at least 100 years. Over the years, the strength of polystyrene concrete only increases. FROST RESISTANCE Tests for frost resistance and the amplitude of temperature fluctuations from + 75°C to - 30°C were carried out on 150 freeze-thaw cycles without loss of integrity and heat-insulating ability. THERMAL INSULATION It has long been recognized that polystyrene (foam) is the best thermal insulator in the world; it is warmer even than wood! A house made of polystyrene concrete does not require insulation: it is cool in summer and warm in winter. SOUND INSULATION Polystyrene concrete provides best indicator in terms of noise absorption, 18-20 cm dampens 70 decibels of sound. Consequently, a house made of polystyrene concrete has special comfort: noise from the street and inside is not disturbed. neighboring rooms and bathrooms. ECONOMICAL Cost square meter a finished wall is cheaper than other materials. Due to high level heat preservation, walls made of polystyrene concrete can be built 25% thinner than from alternative materials(aerated concrete and foam concrete) and 4 times thinner than brick. Saving on wall thickness leads to overall savings on the construction of the box (foundation, roof and walls) of up to 50%. At the same time, the quality of the house will be even higher, and the house itself will be warmer. EARTHQUAKE RESISTANCE Seismic resistance 9-12 points. Polystyrene concrete has not only compressive strength, but also the highest tensile and bending strength. Therefore, polystyrene concrete is considered the most reliable and earthquake-resistant material. LIGHTWEIGHT A large-sized block of 200x300x600 mm does not exceed a weight of 17 kg, which facilitates the work of a mason and reduces the time for laying walls: it replaces 20 bricks in volume, and is almost three times lighter in weight. ANTISEPTIC The additive used in the production of polystyrene concrete does not allow insects and rodents to enter the walls, and prevents the formation of mold and mildew, which have a negative impact on health. VAPTOR PERMEABILITY Walls made of polystyrene concrete “breathe” similarly to walls made of wood, and there is no danger for them from condensation and waterlogging. This ensures a comfortable environment in houses made of polystyrene concrete. PLASTICITY Plasticity is the only material from cellular concrete, allowing the production of window and door lintels, its bending strength is 50-60% of the compressive strength, for concrete this parameter is 9-11%. CRACK RESISTANCE Polystyrene concrete, due to its elasticity, is incredibly resistant to cracks. And this guarantees a long period of preservation of the interior decoration and durability of the entire house. TECHNOLOGY High speed of construction of wall structures due to the lightness and convenient geometry of the blocks. Easy to saw and groove, the ability to give building material any geometric shape. ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY The International Building Code (IRC) classifies polystyrene as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly insulation materials. Thus, polystyrene concrete has a lot of undeniable advantages over materials such as expanded clay concrete, autoclaved and non-autoclaved aerated concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete, etc. The disadvantages of polystyrene concrete appear only when wrong choice its brand and violation of masonry technology and preparation for interior decoration. We can say with absolute certainty that there is not a single significant advantage for materials such as aerated concrete and foam concrete over polystyrene concrete. At the same time, polystyrene concrete key characteristics significantly surpasses them.