Aubrieta - a living carpet: planting and care. Aubrieta - the main varieties of garden flowers and creating a carpet of flowers (95 photos) Aubrieta blue cascade growing from seeds

Aubrieta - perennial cruciferous family. It is planted to decorate flower beds, to create a living, beautifully flowering carpet of crimson, pink, purple flowers. Squat herbaceous plant has creeping stems, with small gray-green leaves, which are very difficult to see due to the lush head of flowers. Aubrieta, native to southern Europe and Asia Minor, has more than 12 species. The second name of the plant is aubretia.

Types and varieties

All types of aubrieta differ from each other in the size and color of the flower, but one quality unites them - this is the fact that the plant does not shed its leaves for the winter. The leaf blade retains its color even after the arrival of frost. Popular types:

Very often, gardeners plant aubrieta with milkweed, Caucasian rhizome or scarlet soapwort. Plant color compatibility is also the basis for creating a flower bed. For example: all varieties with red flowers will look harmonious against the background of blue perennials. Cascade aubrieta is used to create living flower carpets, in borders and rock gardens, as well as to decorate artificial rocks. The planted flower looks good along the edge of the wall of the house.

Planting and care

Any personal plot aubrieta flowers will decorate it. Planting and caring for a plant is not a difficult process. In order to achieve long-lasting and lush flowering, you need to follow simple rules.

Site selection and watering

Before planting the plant, it is necessary to prepare a sunny place with alkaline, well-drained soil.

The brighter the place, the more abundant the flowering will be. Planting begins after night frosts have subsided. Depending on the region, this time falls in April-May. The bushes are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other. The landing pattern is arbitrary.

The plant is unpretentious in care, the only watering is carried out when planting the plant in open ground. Further watering depends on weather conditions; in rainy summers the plant is not watered, as excess moisture has a detrimental effect on it. The flowers fall off, and the aubrieta takes on a dejected appearance. To prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, it is necessary to take care of drainage. The shrub also does not tolerate drought, so the soil must be mulched 1-2 cm twice a season.

Pruning and feeding

In order for the aubrieta to look attractive, wilted flowers must be removed in a timely manner. Since the plant is perennial, it needs pruning. If the plant is pruned after flowering, the bush will bloom a second time in the fall. After autumn bloom, bushes are not pruned.

With the arrival of cold weather, the perennial aubrieta does not shed its foliage. It is frost-resistant, but in harsh climates the plant may lose its leaves. Many flower growers, for conservation decorative look, for the winter it is covered with fallen leaves or straw.

Feeding and fertilizers

Aubrieta does not need constant feeding, so fertilizers are applied only twice a season. It is best to use potassium fertilizers. Fertilizing is added only to grown seedlings at the beginning of flowering and after pruning the bush.

Plant propagation

Aubrieta is easy to propagate. There are several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Cuttings begin after pruning.

The strongest and strongest seedlings are placed in a mixture of sand and peat; a greenhouse effect is created for the plant to quickly take root. At the end of summer, the rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in a prepared place. During this period, they will have time to build up a powerful root system, which will help cope with severe cold weather.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is used extremely rarely, as it causes irreparable harm to the shrub.

You can also propagate aubrieta by growing it from seeds, when planting by cuttings or division is not possible. To grow a healthy plant, you need to consider a number of conditions:

  1. Seeds take a long time to germinate, so they are sown a month before the onset of cold weather.
  2. The seed begins to germinate under film cover at a temperature of 19 degrees.
  3. As soon as the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed and the plants are planted on permanent place. The time for transplanting seedlings is warm days without night frosts.

Diseases and pests

The plant is immune to viral and fungal diseases. It has only one enemy - overwatering the soil, which leads to rotting of the root system and the formation of gray rot. If not proper care the plant may be susceptible to aphid attack.

If you follow all the rules of care when growing, it will not be afraid of either diseases or insects.

Growing perennial aubrieta is not only simple, but also very interesting. To get a chic flower carpet, you need to give this wonderful flower a little care and attention, and then it will thank its owner with lush and long-lasting flowering.

Gardeners give this plant various characteristics, sometimes completely contradictory to each other. For example, some talk about the whimsical nature of aubrieta, others deny the presence of such a quality, citing as evidence the ability of the flower to grow on the poorest soils. In any case, both camps agree that growing aubrieta from seeds is the most optimal and the right way have this amazing flower waterfall on your site.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the colorful fluffy carpet, densely covering the flowerbed, ridge, amazingly flowing vertically, forming original “living pillows”.

Aubrieta is the brightest representative of original plants suitable for landscape designs of any style. Small, densely spaced flowers of the plant will give spring garden originality and uniqueness. And even if your neighbor has the same plant planted, the plots will never look the same - the size varies according to color scheme, varieties and reacts very sensitively to its appearance on the agricultural technology applied to it.

Lilac, violet, pink, raspberry, purple, white, blue - aubrieta is beautiful in any of these shades. Flowering, as a rule, is abundant, looks harmonious in any floral ensemble, but most advantageously in alpine slides (it’s as if she was born to enliven stones) and as the front border of the garden.

Flowering period is April-May. It never blooms for more than two weeks, but before and after flowering, aubrieta is able to decorate the garden like a green plant.

Its leaves also have one interesting feature: grayish-green during the dry season, they acquire a bright emerald color after rain.

"Difficult" seedlings

Probably, aubrieta should be classified as a whimsical vegetation, since it is almost impossible to “obtain” high-quality seedlings from its seeds. Of the amateurs, even those with extensive experience in growing flowers, not everyone succeeds in this. Therefore, advice to those who have decided to acquire a plant for the first time: only growing aubrieta from seeds will give a guaranteed positive result.

The problem with the seedling method can be found directly in the plant: aubrieta reacts very negatively to transplantation. It is so bad that the replanting process itself poses a mortal threat to the flower.

True, some gardeners have gotten used to growing seedlings by planting one seed at a time in a separate container, or using peat tablets for germination, from which the young plants do not need to be removed, which means that the seedling will not be disturbed when replanting.

Seeds - in open ground

Growing aubrieta from seeds (see photo in the body of the article) involves a multi-year plant development cycle, the first year of which is devoted to germination and strengthening of seedlings. That is, after active growth from the soil, the formation of stems and leaves, the aubrieta simply will not have the strength to flower.

Amazing inflorescences should be expected only in the second year after sowing.

Flower growers distinguish two periods for the process of planting seeds in the ground: spring (April, May) and autumn (September). Planting is done immediately in open ground, using sand mulching and adding lime mortar - otherwise the work will be Sisyphean.

A necessary condition for sowing is the presence of prepared beds, free of weeds and well loosened. From the small seeds of the aubrieta, thin and fragile shoots will emerge into the light, so it is very important that they are not prematurely covered by weeds, which grow faster and develop more actively in any soil and in any conditions.

Selecting the right soil

Obriecia (the second name of the plant) prefers light rocky soils; it is very difficult for it to grow on heavy loamy soils, it will develop slowly and is unlikely to be able to please you with the full strength of its blooming soul.

Distance between seeds

Since you hope to end up with a spreading, lush plant, provide room for its development from the moment the seeds are planted - place them at a distance of up to 10 cm. This way they will not get tangled and interfere with each other. Don’t worry about the density of the “carpet” - with proper care, the aubriet will take the place allotted to it, without giving up a single millimeter to the weeds and leaving no gaps.

Preparing for sowing

This topic: aubrieta, growing from seeds, reviews from experienced gardeners can be presented as evidence of the simplicity of the procedure. Each of them will confirm that preparation for sowing plays a greater role than sowing itself.

The main preparatory stages of floriculture gurus suggest the following:

Waiting for shoots

After sowing, the first shoots of aubriet appear in two to three weeks.


In addition to growing aubrieta with seeds, there is another effective way to propagate this plant - cuttings.

The technique is simple:

  1. Separate half-ripe shoots from the parent bush.
  2. Remove the lower leaves and roots from the sprouts.
  3. Place the sprout in the rooting mixture for two to three weeks (the root must be regrown).
  4. The next step is to place the plant in a peat mixture (peat + sand).
  5. Plant the cuttings in open ground no earlier than August, keeping a distance of up to 15 cm.

Caring for a “capricious lady”

The first condition for the abundant flowering of aubrieta is a correctly selected place for it. And this task is not an easy one: aubrieta does not like a lot of sun, a lot of shade, and in some cases, it does not even respond well to partial shade (in the morning, when the sun is not yet active, the plant perceives partial shade as a cold, dark and uncomfortable zone) .

The second condition is the frequency of watering. Excessive moisture leads to the active development of the leaf part of the plant and a small number of inflorescences; the “flooded” aubrite blooms reluctantly and is not pleasing with the density of the colored “mat”.

The third condition is mandatory feeding. Obriecia requires the presence of necessary minerals in the soil, but they should be done infrequently. Two feedings per season will be enough for the plant: spring feeding is done before the aubrieta blooms, summer feeding is done after pruning.

Excess fertilizer can destroy the plant; instead of frequent fertilizing, mulch the soil in the growing area with sand.

Aubrieta in winter

Growing aubrieta from seeds at home is a one-time procedure. Then the plant develops on its own and requires almost no human intervention.

But this does not mean that you need to leave the aubrieta alone with pests and weather conditions. Control over the plant is necessary, as is support in the form of cutting off wilted inflorescences in the summer and covering them with a layer of leaves for the winter.

Obriecia can withstand the cold, but it would be useful to insure against destructive severe frosts. In winter, even a frost-resistant shaving feels much more comfortable under a “blanket” of leaves, straw or shavings, even if it is very thin.

These are the conditions, this is the environment...

Every gardener, before planting a new plant, is interested in the most favorable conditions for it and strives to recreate them on his site.

Ideal for aubrieta:

Aubrieta or aubretia - popular flowering plant, which is often used for decorative design garden and park areas. Aubrieta flowers are very bright, available in white, pink, purple, blue shades. They look very impressive in the garden and, when decorating the area, can be grown in the form of bushes, as well as a charming creeping or falling “living carpet”. The article discusses the rules for planting aubriet flowers and the secrets of growing the plant.

Growing aubrieta seedlings

Aubrieta reproduces by seeds, and since it is quite different high level frost resistance, it can be immediately planted in open ground. However, in regions characterized by frequent spring frosts, it is recommended to first sow seeds for seedlings and only then plant the plants in the soil on the site. This method must also be used in cases where you need to create a certain decor using an obrieta.

Did you know?One of the unique features of aubrieta is that the plant does not shed its leaves in the winter. All year round it remains just as charmingly green, even in severe frosts.

The best time to sow seeds for seedlings

It is best to sow aubrieta seeds for growing seedlings a couple of months before the end of night frosts. In regions with an earlier and warmer spring, this will be the beginning of February, and in areas where night frosts last longer, this will be mid-February.

Sowing aubrieta seeds

To sow seeds, you will need to prepare separate containers and soil. Best fit peat tablets or pots, or regular flower pots, disposable cups. Peat containers are good because they promote the development of a strong root system in sprouts, allow oxygen to pass through well, significantly reduce the risk of seedlings rotting, and reduce the risk of root damage when transplanting plants into open ground to zero. However, such pleasure is not cheap.

Important! Root system The flowers are delicate and sensitive, and if separated, the roots may be damaged. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds as rarely as possible and in separate containers.

Boxes and trays are the least suitable for growing seedlings of these plants . During the development of sprouts, there is a high probability that their roots will become intertwined and damaged during transplantation. Regular flower pots are the most the best option. There must be holes at the bottom for removal. excess moisture. You should not place more than four seeds in one pot with a diameter of 15 cm.

As for the soil, loose, well-drained sandy loam soil is most suitable for shaving. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself ( garden soil must be mixed with peat or sand). It would also be a good idea to add a small amount of sawdust. Heavy clay soil is absolutely not suitable for such plants.

Did you know?If you add a little to the soil eggshells or lime, seedlings will grow faster.

A layer of drainage should be placed at the bottom of the containers, then the soil should be filled. Seeds are sown on the surface of the soil, then sprinkled thin layer sand. Before sowing, lightly moisten the soil (this is best done by spraying). After sowing, the container is covered with a film, which is removed after the sprouts emerge.

Optimal conditions for seed germination

Aubrieta loves the sun. Therefore, containers with planted seeds should be placed in a well-lit place, but avoiding direct rays of the sun. Plants tolerate cool temperatures well, but the optimal temperature regime indoors is +18...+22 °C.

Important!Periodically, the room where the containers with seeds are located must be ventilated, avoiding drafts, and if you continue to illuminate them with lamps in the evening, the seeds will germinate faster.

Seedling care

The most important thing in caring for seedlings is to water and loosen the soil on time. It is recommended to water with settled water at room temperature in the evening. Make sure that a dry crust does not form on the surface; at the same time, the soil should not be flooded. When weeds appear, they must be removed immediately. The room with seedlings must be periodically ventilated.

Picking seedlings

Picking involves planting the sprouts in separate containers. This process is carried out to strengthen the root system and improve nutrition of the sprouts. The aubrieta picking is performed after three or four pairs of true leaves appear on the sprouts.

You need to pick the seedlings very carefully so as not to damage the delicate roots. The day before transplanting, the soil should be moistened. Using a pencil, dig up the sprout, then lightly remove it from the soil and immediately plant it in the ground.

Planting aubrieta seedlings in open ground

Aubrieta doesn't like transplants. In order for the seedlings to take root well, it is important not to damage the roots. Before planting, you should decide on a place on the site, and also prepare required materials:

  • a hoe for forming holes;
  • sand for mulching;
  • container with water;
  • gardening gloves.

Did you know? Aubrieta leaves are used in cooking in boiled and raw form. They are great for decorating dishes, preparing salads, and soups.

The best time to plant seedlings

The seedlings are placed in open ground immediately after the night frosts have passed. May is considered the best month, so if we look more specifically at when aubrieta is planted, then with an early warm spring, mid-May is perfect time for landing.

Choosing a landing site

The question “Where to plant aubrieta?” is very important, since it is necessary to comply with all the basic requirements for good growth and plant development. That is why for planting you need to choose a well-lit place, without drafts.

Important!Even with light darkness, the plants may not bloom.

Aubrieta is demanding on the soil. Heavy clay and acidic soils are not suitable for its cultivation, but sandy loam, loose, well-drained soil will ideal option. In addition, the flowers do well in rocky areas, which means they can be planted next to borders and on rocky slopes.

Planting seedlings on the site

Before planting, the soil should be slightly moistened, loosened, and weeds should be removed from the area. Then, using a hoe, holes are formed. The depth of the holes should correspond to the length of the root, and the width should be twice as large as the earthen lump that remained on the root of the seedling. The distance between seedlings should be at least 5 cm.

Did you know? Obireta can be planted between steps, along terraces and in cracks in stone walls. Falling carpets of flowers planted on top of fences and stone stands look very beautiful.

The seedlings are placed in the center of the hole and, holding with one hand, are strengthened with earth. After planting the seedlings, the soil should be sprinkled with a small layer of sand and wood ash. At the end of the process, the plants need to be watered.

Care and cultivation of aubrieta

Aubrieta is not too demanding to care for. The main thing is to ensure that the soil does not dry out, that the plants are not attacked by pests and diseases, and that regular loosening of the soil, periodic fertilizing and mulching should also be mandatory. For this, the aubrieta will thank you with abundant bright flowering.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Aubrieta does not like a lot of moisture. Young seedlings are watered a little more often, and when the plant has taken root well, only in case of drought. It is recommended to add a little sodium humate to the water for irrigation, which helps strengthen the root system.

Important!Excessive watering can lead to rotting of the plant or to the fact that the leaves themselves begin to grow, but the aubriet will not bloom.

In order to prevent rotting of the aubriet, it is recommended to mulch the soil with sand or sawdust every 10 days. In addition, the area must be regularly cleared of weeds by weeding and loosening. Weeds absorb from the soil nutrients, which significantly slows down the growth of flowers. Loosening helps saturate the soil with oxygen, which is necessary for the development of roots.

Plant nutrition

The plant is fed several times during the growing season. For the first time, fertilizing is carried out no earlier than a week after planting the seedlings in the ground and until the buds form. The second time - after trimming. Complex fertilizers for flowering perennial plants are well suited for feeding.

Trimming the shaving

Aubrieta blooms for about a month and a half. To enjoy the re-blooming of the plant, after it has finished blooming, it is necessary to prune (to the root). Then the soil is fertilized and mulched with river sand. After the second flowering, the aubriet does not need to be pruned in order to winter period the roots did not freeze.

Did you know?Aubrieta begins to bloom only in the second year after sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

Combination of aubrieta with other plants

Aubrieta is often used in landscape design. With its help you can create charming “living carpets” and magnificent cascades. The plant is often used for alpine slides and rockeries. Aubrieta in a flowerbed goes well with low-growing plants. The best neighbors yellow alyssums, iberis, phloxes, and multicolored euphorbias are considered.

Important!There should be no trees or bushes near the shaving site. They will only shade the plant.

Pests and diseases of aubrieta

Most common pest aubrieta is aphids - very small beetles of black, yellow, brown or red color. They feed on the sap of the plant, taking away all the beneficial substances from it. You can recognize the pest by its glossy shiny leaves and pale inflorescences, and the aphids themselves can be found under the leaves of the aubrieta. To combat insects, plants are sprayed with nettle infusion (to prepare it, a kilogram of fresh nettle leaves is poured into 10 liters of water and left for 24 hours). Insecticides should only be used as a last resort.

Did you know? To prevent aphids, it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with wood ash after planting seedlings or sowing seeds in the ground. This procedure should be repeated once a month.

Of the diseases, the plant is most susceptible to powdery mildew and root rot. Basically, these diseases are a consequence of excessive waterlogging. Powdery mildew appears as a brown coating on leaves and stems. The disease spreads quickly and eventually leads to the death of flowers. To combat the disease, plants are sprayed with a 0.3% solution of colloidal sulfur. Other fungicides are used only in advanced cases. If the plants are severely damaged, it is better to remove the bushes.

Root rot appears brown spots, which cover all parts of the plant. If such signs are detected, watering should be stopped altogether, the soil should be sprinkled with sand and sawdust, and treat the plant with colloidal sulfur.

When to collect and how to store aubrieta seeds

Aubrieta seeds are collected after spring bloom. To do this, during the pruning process, you need to leave five to six shoots on which ovaries have formed. After the seeds darken, the stems need to be cut off and the seeds should be husked into a cardboard box or fabric bag.

After collection, the seeds need to be dried for a couple of days in a lighted, well-ventilated place. At the same time, avoid direct sunlight. Afterwards, the material is packaged in boxes or fabric bags and stored in a dark place at a temperature of +18...+20 °C, periodically opening for ventilation.

Wintering the aubrieta

Aubrieta is a surprisingly frost-resistant plant. It tolerates winter frosts well, and in order to prepare the plants for wintering, the bushes do not need to be pruned in the fall; only yellowed, damaged leaves are removed. It is also recommended to cover the plant with dry leaves for the winter to keep it warmer.

Other ways to propagate aubrieta

In addition to the seedling method, aubrieta can be propagated and grown by sowing seeds in open ground or by cuttings. Among gardeners the most the best option It is considered sowing seeds directly onto the plot.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground

Seeds can be planted in open ground in mid-May or September. Before sowing, the soil must be thoroughly cleared of weeds, moistened and loosened to a depth of 15 cm. Then it is recommended to add wood ash and a little lime to the soil. You can also add complex mineral fertilizers. Seeds are not sown thickly. In no case are they buried in the ground, but placed on the surface and sprinkled with a thin layer river sand. To germinate, seed material needs a lot sunlight. After sowing, the soil is slightly moistened, but it is better to use the spraying method.

Important!It is highly not recommended to feed the soil with manure before sowing seeds.

Cuttings of aubrieta

When pruning the aubrieta, after the first flowering you will get a lot of leftovers. Such aubrieta stems without flowers can be used to propagate the plant by cuttings. They are planted in a well-lit, warm place, which can be a greenhouse or containers placed on the veranda. The ideal planting soil usually consists of equal parts peat and sand. At the end of summer, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth. In October, it is recommended to cover them with dry leaves for the winter.

Growing aubrieta from seeds is the most common and reliable way its reproduction, therefore this article outlined the basic rules for sowing aubrieta seeds and presented detailed description order of plant care. Following these rules will help you decorate your garden with charming carpets and cascades of aubrieta flowers.

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132 times already

Aubrieta - perennial evergreen ground cover plant from the Cruciferous family.

Its homeland is Asia Minor and Southern Europe. Because of his high decorative qualities aubrieta has become popular not only in its native lands, but also in other countries and continents.

Claude Aubriet, a botanist and artist from France, first described 20 species of this beautiful flower. This plant was named after him. Later, the number of aubrieta species decreased to 12. The most popular are 2 types: deltoid and cultural aubrieta.

Aubrieta deltoid has bluish-green deltoid foliage. The flowers are violet or lilac in color. They form loose racemose inflorescences. Aubrieta of this species is the ancestor of all cultivated varieties.

Aubrieta cultivated includes quite a few varieties and hybrids, varying in color, size, shape, fullness of flowers, length of stems and color of foliage. Cuttings of this species root poorly. Most often, varieties are propagated by seeds.

The aubriet grows up to 20, less often 35 centimeters in height, and reaches 1 meter in width. Stems creeping. It has small lanceolate or spatulate drooping leaves. They are located alternately. Their color depends on the time of year and can be bluish-green (summer) or bright green (winter).

This herbaceous plant is densely covered with bright pink, maroon, lilac, crimson, lilac, violet and white four-petaled flowers. There are large-flowered, double and semi-double varieties with variegated leaves. Some flowers are suitable for cutting and creating bouquet arrangements. They are 1-2 centimeters in diameter (some varieties can reach 5 centimeters). They are collected in small loose brushes.

The plant blooms in April - May or autumn and this period lasts one and a half months.
The fruits produced from the flowers are pods with flat, brown seeds.


Breeders have developed quite a few varieties and hybrids of aubrieta. They differ in color and size of flowers, length of stems and color of leaves.

Variety Lizzie

The flowers are bright red. Their diameter is 1 centimeter. Plant height is 15 centimeters.

Variety Fruit assortment

Flowers on the same bush can be red or pink, and vary in shade. Their diameter is 1-2.5 centimeters. The height of the stems is 20 centimeters.

Variety Red King

Plants are 10 centimeters high. Flowers with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Their color is pink.

Variety Alix Wrett

The flowers are crimson in color, semi-double and double. Stems are 20 centimeters high. The plant easily tolerates partial shade.

Variety Doctor Mules

This is a variegated variety. The flowers are dark, blue-violet. The height of the stems is 15 centimeters.

Campbell variety

The color of the flowers is bright blue. The height of the stems reaches 10 centimeters.

Variety Charming Morocco

Flowers of this decorative variety very lush. They are blue, red and pink color with longitudinal stripes on the petals. Their diameter is 1.5-2 centimeters. The plant grows up to 25 centimeters in height.

Variety Deborah

Flower color is red. The stems reach 20 centimeters in height.

Variety Astrolat

The flowers are purple. The leaves are variegated. The height of the stems does not exceed 12 centimeters.

Côte d'Azur variety

The flowers are sky blue. The variety is characterized by frost resistance and the ability to quickly recover after pruning.

Variety Royal Cascade

The color of the flowers is light pink with a yellow center. The diameter of the flower is 1-2 centimeters. The stems are drooping and grow up to 25 centimeters. The leaves are bluish-green all year round.

Variety Red Cascade

Variety Red Cascade

The flowers are densely arranged, dark red in color. The diameter of the flower is 1 centimeter. The heart is small, yellow color. The plant grows up to 30 centimeters in height. The leaves are bluish-green.

Variety Blue Cascade

The height of the stems is 15 centimeters. Blue flowers. The diameter is 1 centimeter. This variety has hanging stems and is planted on retaining walls and rockeries. The leaves are bluish-green.

Growing aubrieta - planting seedlings

Aubrieta propagates by seeds and cuttings. For these purposes, you can collect the seeds yourself (if it grows on the site) or buy them in the store. It is not advisable to propagate a flower by dividing bushes. He does not tolerate this procedure well.

Seeds are sown in open ground in May or September - October. They are planted in a sand-peat mixture and covered with film. Indoors, seeds should be sown at the end of February.

The soil should be light, with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction and a small content organic matter. Clayey, acidic or fatty peat soils Not suitable for shaving.

Seeds can be sown using seedless or seedling methods. But sowing seeds directly in a flower garden can lead to splitting of varieties and loss of decorative qualities.

Sowing seeds indoors is done in peat tablets or peat-humus pots. 2-3 seeds are distributed on the surface of the moistened soil and sprinkled with a 3-5 centimeter layer of sowed sand. The sown seeds are moistened warm water from a spray bottle. The crops are covered from above transparent film or glass.

The optimal temperature for seed pecking is 19-21 degrees.

Crops need to be ventilated every day. The soil is moistened if necessary (after the top layer of soil has dried). The seedlings hatch in 21-30 days. After the seeds have sprouted, the cover from the seedlings can be removed. Watering should be moderate.

The plants have weak roots and do not tolerate transplantation well. Seedlings are not picked. 2 weeks before transplanting grown seedlings into open ground, the plants are fed with a weak solution of any complex mineral fertilizer.

Aubrieta is light-loving plant and a bright area is selected for planting seedlings. To do this, you can choose elevated areas of land and rocky slopes. The site must be protected from flooding or provided with good drainage. Plants are planted in prepared beds in mid-May or September - October. The soil for planting should be loose. At high acidity ash or slaked lime is added to the soil.

The plant is transplanted together with a lump of earth. The gap between plantings should be 15 centimeters.

If you want to sow aubrieta directly into open ground, you first need to prepare the place. Sow the seeds in a plant that has been cleared of weeds and debris and fed complex fertilizers and moistened soil with ash, dug to a depth of 15 centimeters. Sowing is carried out at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. The seeds are sprinkled with a sand layer 3-5 centimeters thick. The sown seeds are carefully watered from a watering can. Seedlings sown in spring germinate in 10-21 days, and those sown in autumn will appear next spring.

Cuttings are cut from the branches after the plant has finished flowering. By the end of summer, the rooted cuttings are planted in a permanent place according to a 15 by 15 centimeter pattern. Before winter, the flower takes root and easily tolerates the cold. Rare varieties remain in the greenhouse for the winter.

Planting aubrieta seedlings in open ground: video

The soil under the obriet is covered with a 3-5 centimeter layer of seeded sand. This mulching is carried out 2-3 times in spring and summer.

The plant should be watered moderately and only when dry. hot weather, since excess moisture leads to poor flowering and rotting of the root system. At the same time, lack of water also adversely affects the flowering of the plant and its growth. Regular (2 times a week) moderate watering is needed for young, developing plants. Then the flowers are watered no more than once a week.

After each watering, a mandatory procedure is to remove weeds.

After the spring flowering of the aubrieta, the above-ground part is cut off almost to the root. This procedure promotes the formation of new shoots, which will subsequently bloom in the fall. To preserve decorative qualities, faded flowers are cut from the plant. Flowering in autumn period not as abundant as in spring, but at the same time pleases with a more saturated color of the leaves.

In spring and autumn, plants are fertilized mineral supplements. At the beginning of the growth of aubrieta, you need to apply nitrogen fertilizing, then you need to switch to phosphate fertilizers, at the beginning of flowering, plants need potassium.

The first feeding is carried out in the spring, before the formation of flowers. Flowers on fertile soils need to be fed every 20 days. If the soil is infertile, fertilizing is carried out every 2 weeks. Once every 2 weeks, flowers growing on alpine roller coaster, in rockeries and cascade varieties.

Between the main feedings for young plants, additional feeding is carried out with sodium humate.

The flower overwinters open or under cover. In frosty winters with little snow, the aubrieta is covered with straw or dry leaves and pine needles. In the spring, after the snow melts, the shelter is removed from the plants.

Most often, aubrieta is affected by aphids and powdery mildew.

Aphids are not difficult to recognize on plants. This pest feeds on plant sap and contributes to the spread of viral diseases. Insects can be destroyed using drugs such as: Karbofos, Biotlin, Fufanon and Arrivo. In case of extensive damage, spraying is repeated up to 4 times. For prevention, plants can be treated with insecticides.

Powdery mildew covers the plant with a whitish coating, which turns brown over time. As a result of the disease, the aubrieta loses its decorative effect. Plant growth slows down, and the damaged areas begin to turn black and subsequently die, and winter hardiness decreases. You can get rid of the fungus by treating the bushes with a solution of colloidal sulfur. If the disease has damaged a large part of the plantings, then the most damaged areas are removed.

Aubrieta looks beautiful on alpine hills, rockeries, and borders. Some varieties are planted on balconies or in hanging planters. It grows well in wide crevices of walls with dry masonry, in rocky gorges. Sometimes the flower is used in mixborders. The plant is combined with white Iberis, red soapwort, yellow alyssum, Caucasian rhizome, subulate phlox, dwarf irises. Some varieties of aubrieta are cut and used to create bouquets.

This beautiful plant can decorate not only a flower garden, balcony or flowerpot, but also vases. Freshly cut flowers look very beautiful in combination with other plants. Aubrieta planted in a flower garden grows over time and covers the area with a dense carpet of flowers. All that is required to grow it is proper care.

Name: Aubrieta/Aubrietia (lat.Aubrieta)
Family: Brassicas
Origin: America, Europe, Asia
Humidity: Moderate
Location: Sunny
Soil: Any
Pests and diseases: Aphids or other insects that feed on plant sap. powdery mildew, fungus
Required work: planting, care, watering, fertilizing
Height: up to 25cm
Planting seedlings: February
Planting in the ground: April-May
Flowering: May-June, August-September
Suitable for cutting

Aubrieta is commonly known as aubretia.

Aubrieta / aubrieta - (lat. Aubrieta) is a beautiful perennial plant belonging to the Brassica family. Place of origin Latin America, Southern Europe and Asia Minor. The shoots form dense thickets. Characterized by creeping, pronounced blooming buds, which exist in pink, white, and blue-violet colors. She loves care, but is not very picky. Will perfectly decorate your flowerbed.

Aubrieta landing

Planting should be done after frost ends (beginning of May). The place should be well lit. The soil should be loose. It is advisable to add a little sand, ash and drainage, since the shrub does not like drought. The depth should correspond to the length of the root, the width should be twice as large as the container in which the seedling grew.

Aubrieta care

It is necessary to prune the plant after the first flowering almost to the very root, fertilize the soil - this promotes the growth of new fresh shoots of leaves so that the plant blooms twice in a season. Every year the bush degenerates and becomes vulnerable; it is advisable to make cuttings in mid-summer, after flowering has ended, in order to avoid the death of the plant.


Aubrieta needs to be watered only on dry days. It is better to underfill a little water than to overfill it, as this will lead to the appearance of a large number of leaves (not flowers), and in the worst case, to the death of the plant.

Winter hardiness

Aubrieta is a winter-hardy plant due to the fact that it retains its foliage. There is a chance that during severe frosts the vegetation may fall off; to do this, you should wrap the aubretia with dry foliage, this will keep it warm.

Top dressing

Wood ash or a solution of complex mineral fertilizers. It will be enough to feed 1-2 times per season.


Flowering occurs from May and lasts from 30 to 50 days. Then, after pruning, the plant may bloom again.

Growing a flower from seeds

Seeds should begin to be planted in February. First, you need to spread the seed 2-3 pieces evenly into the pot on soil mixtures. Then, pour sand, the layer of which should be 3-5mm and lightly water it. Cover the pot with seedlings with polyethylene and keep at a temperature of 18-22⁰C. Moisten the soil periodically. The sunrises will appear after a month, you can remove the film. In mid-spring, the plant is taken out to fresh air for hardening. In early or mid-May, you can plant in the ground. Aubrieta almost always begins to bloom in the second season after planting.

Reproduction of Aubrieta

Reproduction occurs in two ways: seeds (this method was described earlier) and cuttings.


You can also sow seeds, not too thickly, in a moistened flowerbed, dug to a depth of 10-15cm. Fertilize with lime (chalk) and wood pulp. Do not bury the seeds, but sprinkle them with sand – 3-5 cm thick. Then water lightly. Spring shoots will appear in 15-20 days.


The method involves planting the cuttings in a greenhouse, in a substrate consisting of a mixture of peat and sand. By the beginning of September, the cuttings will have roots and can be planted in the ground, and by the onset of winter the seedling will already be stronger. If winters in your area are severe and unpredictable, then it is better to leave the seedling in a greenhouse until spring.

Diseases and pests of Aubrieta

The plant is quite resistant to diseases, but can suffer from powdery mildew - fungal infections. White spots appear on the leaves, which become brown as the disease develops. The plant's growth slows down, it becomes less attractive, some parts of it die off, and winter hardiness decreases. If the disease is started, then the death of the flower is inevitable. The plant can be treated with colloidal sulfur.
Of the pests, aubration is attacked by insects that feed on plant sap and spread bacteria (for example, aphids). Karbofos, Fufanon or Biotlin will help greatly in pest control.

Varieties and varieties of Aubrieta

  • Aubrieta cultural

    grows quickly, forms green islands 20 cm high. Tolerates winter well, retaining foliage. Small serrated leaves and buds with a diameter of 1 cm.

  • Aubrieta cascade

    The variety has single flowers in blue, turquoise, purple or red with a tiny yellow eye. The leaves are always green.

  • Aubrieta “Enchanting Morocco”

    a brightly lush plant, considered a large-flowered variety, the bud subsequently measures up to 1.5 cm in diameter.