Destruction of cockroaches: professional treatment. Features and nuances of professional pest control against cockroaches Service to poison cockroaches in an apartment

The destruction of cockroaches is one of the main activities of our service; we know almost everything about them, which is why sanitary treatments are always successful. The company's specialists use the latest generation drugs, as well as the most modern equipment. At the same time, complete preventive disinfection of the home is carried out, making it possible not to worry about spread pathogens.

Everything about exterminating cockroaches

How many cockroaches can there be in an apartment at the same time? It is impossible to count these “runners”. They reproduce at an incredible rate, so it’s not worth wasting time on using folk remedies. It is also better not to try to kill cockroaches in an apartment the “old grandfather’s way” using kerosene or karbofos, such actions can only aggravate the situation. And it is not known who will get poisoned faster in this case, you or the cockroaches. In addition to baiting, it is necessary to disinfect the premises from cockroaches, which is also impossible to do on your own.

Proper extermination of cockroaches and bedbugs

There is no point in fighting cockroaches on your own. Those repellents that are sold in stores are not able to completely get rid of “uninvited guests” from apartment owners. These chemicals are weak, outdated, disappear immediately, it is impossible to treat the entire home with them, but at the same time they are extremely toxic and harmful to the health of its inhabitants. Moreover, having experienced the effects of these “miracle insecticides,” cockroaches forever acquire resistance to them, passing it on to subsequent generations.

For this reason, when deciding what and how to poison cockroaches in an apartment, low price should not be in the foreground. In any case, the cost of self-destruction and treatment of spoiled health will far exceed the cost of inviting SES professionals.

Cockroach extermination service

It is advisable to call a cockroach extermination service as soon as possible. If treated in a timely manner, they can be dealt with in just one go. In case of great neglect or unsanitary condition of the apartment, repeated intervention may sometimes be required. However, thanks to the skill of the craftsmen and the high efficiency of the drugs used, the need to disinfest the premises from cockroaches a second time is minimized. But all the same, you should not bring your home to a critical condition, if only for the reason that these “dwellers of garbage dumps” negatively affect the health of the residents. Therefore, it is better to call a specialist as quickly as possible.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow has been carried out by our company for a long time and successfully. Every year we receive a huge number of requests for help. Our company has large number regular customers who recommend us to their friends and acquaintances.

Services for apartments

Most often, residents of city apartments need help in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches. These insects willingly choose an apartment building as their habitat, since all the conditions for their full existence are created here: a constant temperature is maintained, there is water and food.

Our private sanitary and epidemiological station will carry out the safe extermination of cockroaches in the apartment so effectively that you can move on with your life without fear of contracting dangerous infections. Cockroaches are a symbol of dirt, untidiness and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, their presence in a person’s home is not at all harmless. It is necessary to kill cockroaches in an apartment correctly, as these insects are carriers of hepatitis, salmonellosis, dermatitis, tuberculosis, tularemia, dysentery, gastroenteritis, etc.

For the cottage and home

We persecute them not only in Moscow, but also in the region. On summer cottage or in country cottage no less, and perhaps even more, assistance from specialists in this field is required. And disinfecting these buildings is much more difficult than standard apartments. Therefore, when at least one insect comes into view, you need to call our managers without delay. We also have the necessary staff of craftsmen throughout the Moscow region, and because of this, the remoteness of your settlement doesn't matter to us. Not all Moscow cockroach extermination companies are ready to travel to distant villages. Some charge a very significant surcharge for this.

The advantages of our company lie precisely in the fact that we are always ready to help our clients anywhere in the Moscow region. When it comes to exterminating cockroaches, price is of considerable importance, so it is better to choose a service that is most willing to meet customers halfway, i.e., without additional payment for travel.

For Legal Entities

Our organization also destroys cockroaches in enterprises and institutions. We are exterminating them:

  • in food production;
  • in restaurants;
  • in canteens;
  • in a cafe;
  • in hospitals;
  • in hotels;
  • in kindergartens;
  • in offices;
  • in boarding schools, etc.

Residents of the capital and Moscow region, owners of food and household enterprises, employees of children's and medical institutions. Our company finds time for each customer. Masters have long practiced strictly individual approach to each individual case and know how to rid an object of any complexity and purpose from cockroaches.

We act in strict accordance with all requirements for the destruction of cockroaches by the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

The products are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions, poisoning or complications even in people with pulmonary or skin pathologies. This is explained by the fact that we constantly monitor market innovations in insect control and immediately use all the most successful chemicals in our practice.

All activities are carried out quickly, efficiently and safely. They are carried out absolutely confidentially. Neither neighbors, nor competitors, nor visitors to restaurants or shops will know about the ongoing pest control for cockroaches unless you tell them about it yourself.

Professional treatment of premises from cockroaches

Our disinfection station uses a whole arsenal of means and methods to poison cockroaches. All of them are distinguished by advanced technologies in the field of science and technology and are used by sanitary services in Europe and America.

Therefore, when it comes to treating cockroaches in an apartment, the price naturally consists of the cost of drugs, methods, size of the room, number of rooms, complexity of the situation, installation of barrier protection, etc.

Effective treatment for cockroaches: control methods

For professional destruction To control cockroaches, our company uses specialized equipment: hot and cold fog generators.

In order for disinfestation against cockroaches to be as successful as possible, the master identifies the ways in which these pests entered the facility, finds places where they accumulate, detects laid eggs, checks remote corners in which they can hide, etc.

Extermination of cockroaches: the advantages of our service

The masters never let their clients down. They will arrive on the day of the call, at any time convenient for the customer, conclude a service agreement, and talk about measures to prevent the reappearance of insects in the apartment. They will carry out a complete disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches only with certified preparations.

We promise our clients:

  • reliable quality;
  • experience of specialists;
  • ability to cope with any difficult situation;
  • application of modern technologies;
  • low prices;
  • long-term contracts with corporate clients;
  • long warranty period;
  • speed of treatment of apartments from cockroaches in Moscow;
  • if necessary, carrying out deratization, etc.;

Killing cockroaches: what drugs and methods are used

When it is necessary to poison cockroaches in Moscow, which have a strong immunity to ultrasound and any household chemicals purchased on the market or in an online store, there are special means, used only by professional SES services. These are “Xulat S-25”, “Cucaracha”, “Microcin+”, “Sinuzan”, “Sichlor”, “Taran”, “Force Site”, “Effective Ultra”, “Tsifoks”, etc. They are so effective same for bedbugs, fleas, ants, etc. But all of them will be beneficial only if they are mixed correctly in a certain proportion. So that the effect does not occur when lemon gets into milk. It is also necessary to combine instant and prolonged action insecticides.

What needs to be done before treating an apartment for cockroaches

To successfully disinfect cockroaches you need in a special way prepare. Necessary:

  • carry out wet cleaning of baseboards;
  • vacuum the floor;
  • sweep out compacted dust that has accumulated behind the refrigerator and cabinets;
  • clean common areas with disinfectant solutions;
  • eliminate faults in pipes and sewers, install mosquito nets for ventilation;
  • turn off the electricity (if necessary);
  • If possible, move furniture away from the walls;
  • hermetically seal food and personal hygiene items in bags;
  • Cover the indoor aquarium with film and turn off the oxygen supply.

How to disinfest cockroaches

The procedure lasts approximately thirty minutes to an hour (depending on the area and complexity). Then all windows, doors, vents are tightly closed and such an exposure is kept in this form for at least one and a half hours. After this, you need to ventilate for 20 minutes to an hour. That's it, you can use it.

Our cockroach extermination service organizes everything quickly and easily for residents, so that the treatment takes place quickly and unnoticed. In this regard, it is advisable to order a specialist call as soon as possible.

What to do after baiting cockroaches

After the cockroach treatment is completed, you should not immediately wet clean the baseboards and walls. The drugs should remain in place for at least three days, and even better for 1-2 weeks. After this period, the above surfaces can be washed. Before this, it is better to simply sweep the apartment or walk through it with a vacuum cleaner to collect dead insects and wipe tables and countertops.

What are the guarantees for the destruction of cockroaches?

We are always ready to treat an apartment against cockroaches in Moscow with a guarantee for a very long period.

Our organization carries out high-quality rehabilitation and is so confident in its abilities that it is able to guarantee that they will not return to the apartment. We promise this with full responsibility, since disinfestation against cockroaches is carried out at the highest level highly qualified personnel. The employees have extensive experience and excellent professional training. A written commitment that if the unexpected happens and cockroaches appear earlier than the date specified in the contract, then a second (free) visit by our disinfector will not take long.

Prices for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow: cost of treatment

All services are provided at comfortable prices. The price also includes a written quality guarantee. Specialists will cause a minimum of disturbance to the apartment owners with a maximum positive result.

We look at things realistically and are firmly confident in our abilities; we promise our clients the complete destruction of cockroaches in the apartment with a guaranteed result.

Insects never appear indoors accidentally or without reason. They are either accidentally brought in from outside (for example, brought from a business trip or from a previous infected home), or are unknowingly attracted from adjacent premises by creating optimal conditions for life and reproduction.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is in demand at facilities with:

  • cluttered entrances;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • frequently clogged, abandoned, poorly maintained garbage chutes;
  • unscrupulous neighbors.

In an old house that is in poor condition, you will almost certainly have to deal with insects. Fortunately, in order to poison cockroaches in an apartment, the price you have to pay is low. This service is quite popular and reasonable rates are set for it.

Is it possible to kill cockroaches in an apartment yourself?

The first thing that many owners of apartments and houses where signs of Prussian activity were found to do is to buy special insect control products.

It is traditional to kill cockroaches in Moscow apartments using chemicals:

  • crayons;
  • sprays;
  • powders;
  • gels.

These funds are distributed throughout the rooms at the points of their greatest accumulation and frequent occurrence. Folk remedies suggest using boric acid, borax, arsenic, chamomile pretrum and even ammonia. These means allow you to exterminate cockroaches in an apartment and clear the room of them, but, as a rule, not for long.

None of these drugs guarantees the disappearance of unpleasant guests without a trace. Spending time and money on bullying yourself is, to say the least, stupid. Moreover, prices for disinfection against cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow are fixed at a low level.

Almost everyone who is faced with this scourge can afford to resort to this service.

Professional treatment of apartments against cockroaches: advantages

By inviting exterminators to your home or apartment, a person actually places the object in the hands of qualified experts who know how to rid it of a biological threat.

Such disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow is considered the only way to thoroughly thoroughly treat a room, bringing long-term results.

In addition, professionals guarantee:

  • competent assessment of the situation;
  • rising prices for the destruction of cockroaches;
  • selection of the most relevant products and chemistry;
  • thorough cleaning without damaging the premises;
  • preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the future.

The service is provided in accordance with the algorithms for disinfection of premises, strictly according to the instructions.

Extermination of cockroaches in Moscow: quickly, efficiently, inexpensively

If you notice signs of Prussians in your apartment:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • black spots on various surfaces;
  • cockroach eggs;
  • cockroach larvae;
  • adults.

You are interested in poisoning cockroaches in your apartment at a price that would suit them 100%.

Moscow Disinfection Service offers its assistance in this difficult matter. We fight all insects available means, ensuring complete ridding of the space from spreaders of infection.

If you need emergency and highest-quality disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow, contact our office!

Prices for treatment against cockroaches in an apartment (Moscow)

Almost any space can become a victim of a cockroach invasion: from a living room in an old building to a townhouse in a new building. Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is ordered as in private sector, and to luxury apartments. For all clients, the cost is calculated according to the same rules. It contains:

  • labor of the team servicing the premises;
  • the cost of consumables that are used in the processing process.

Our price for a house call to poison cockroaches is one of the most loyal in the city and region.

When is a room treated for cockroaches?

It is recommended forcibly to get rid of unwanted insects for the owners of all locations on the territory of which unpleasant mustachioed guests of the Tarakanov detachment have appeared.

The disinfection of cockroaches in Moscow carried out by our company with a guarantee is a universal service that can be ordered not only for residential premises, but also for spaces of the following nature:

  • commercial;
  • administrative;
  • industrial;
  • warehouse;
  • agricultural.

Maintenance of non-residential buildings is carried out according to the same algorithms as the treatment of an apartment from cockroaches, with the only difference being that the scale of the operation in the first case is larger.

Legal entities can count on the official implementation of the service. When exterminating cockroaches in Moscow, we provide cooperation agreements, invoices for payment for our services, and acceptance certificates for completed work.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow: basic methods

In the practice of exterminators who deal with pest control on a daily basis, two main methods are common: hot and cold fog treatment.

Disinfection of an apartment from cockroaches can also be performed with dry, aerosol-gas or wet method, using various drugs. The appropriate method and drug are selected solely taking into account the current situation, the condition of the premises, the characteristics of the surrounding locations, etc.

Regardless of the methods used in each specific case, the price we offer for treatment against cockroaches in Moscow apartments is characterized by maximum affordability.

They call us when they need to kill cockroaches in Moscow

Moscow Disinfection Service is considered one of the leaders in the industry, always fulfilling the obligations it undertakes. Treatment of cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow is our main specialization.

The company employs experienced exterminators, for whose work we purchase professional equipment And consumables. Cooperation with all clients is regulated by job descriptions.

On the eve of treatment, the owners and residents of the premises are instructed on the measures that will be taken by the company’s employees to destroy insects.

The disinfection we perform against cockroaches in an apartment is a procedure that is guaranteed to give a positive result.

Disinfection against cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow: prices

The cost of services for cleaning a room from insects, established in our price lists, is characterized by maximum reasonableness. If immediate disinfection of cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow is required, every family in the capital will be able to pay for the service. The final figure in the invoice we issue to the client consists of:

The size of the facility where cockroach baiting is carried out in Moscow;
the processing technology used, type of consumables;
geographical distance of the disinfestation site from our office;
the degree of population of the location by Prussians.

When deciding to cooperate with MSD, clients can count on the fact that the destruction and disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow apartments with a guarantee will cost them a small amount of money.

Destruction and disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow apartments with a guarantee

Residents of the capital, who are faced with an unwanted cockroach neighborhood for the first time, have a desire to solve the problem as quickly as possible and free their property from the destructive biofactor.

Our cockroach control service is a professional in this field. We only use effective methods insect control, high-quality certified preparations that kill representatives of Blattoptera once and for all, provide prevention, and at the same time minimize the risks of relapse.

Thanks to this approach, we are able to 100% destroy cockroaches in an apartment and issue an official guarantee to the owner or tenant for a period of 12 months. We are confident that after our treatment, cockroaches will not return to the premises.

And if this happens, we are ready to poison the cockroaches at our own expense. To do this, the client only needs to present the guarantee issued by us and confirm the fact of the return of the insects.

How cockroaches are poisoned in Moscow with a guarantee

The process of servicing premises suffering from the dominance of red pests involves several key stages.

  1. First, our cockroach extermination service receives a signal from the property owner or user that he needs help removing the insects.
  2. A specialist goes to the site to conduct reconnaissance and locate the locations of cockroach colonies. At this stage, the scale of the disaster is fixed, optimal method solutions to the problem, the price of poisoning cockroaches in the apartment is discussed, a service agreement is signed.
  3. Next, the pest control team urgently responds to the application. We send only experienced experts with experience in carrying out such operations to kill cockroaches in Moscow. Using one means or a set of measures, representatives of the Moscow Disinfection Service process the space and check the results of their work.

In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to perform etching twice with a short time interval between procedures. For such destruction of cockroaches in an apartment, the price is slightly higher than for a one-time treatment. It would not be superfluous to include in the procedure and neighboring apartments, where representatives of local cockroach colonies can temporarily escape.

Cockroach control service: main tasks

Moscow Disinfection Service has been serving residential and non-residential spaces in the capital for many years. We carry out comprehensive extermination of cockroaches in an apartment, office, store and any other premises, regardless of its location, degree of sanitation and area.

It is important to call a cockroach extermination service to:

  1. check the property for cockroach nests;
  2. mass destruction of cockroaches present in a particular place;
  3. carry out prevention by protecting the premises from insect attacks in the future.

For most of our clients who set out to destroy cockroaches in their apartment, the price of the service seems insignificant compared to the brilliant results that the treatment demonstrates.

How to call a cockroach extermination service

The optimal way to combat insects that poison human life with their presence is their total neutralization. The disinfection of cockroaches in Moscow that we carry out ensures best result, both in the short term and in the long term.

To enlist the help of pest control experts, we recommend doing one of the following:

  1. fill out an application on our website;
  2. order a call back service;
  3. Call the MSD office for advice directly.

The price of calling a specialist to your home to poison cockroaches will pleasantly surprise you. We objectively assess the capabilities of most of our customers and try to keep prices low.

Disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow and the Region using professional equipment - 1 year guarantee, the result can be seen within 1 hour after disinfection.

Most of us have problems with cockroaches. To solve this problem, you need disinfection against cockroaches and methods that really work.

Professional disinfection of cockroaches is the most effective way to get rid of them in your home, apartment, office or business. Highly specialized services can guarantee long-term solutions to your problems and reduce risk reinfection using professional prevention methods.

For businesses, the presence of cockroaches poses a real threat of contamination and damage to stored products and brand reputation. Additionally, the health hazards associated with diseases that cockroaches spread are a real concern for homeowners too.

With a thorough understanding of the habits of each pest species, we can use our knowledge to develop an effective cockroach extermination program specifically for you.

Our work begins with a thorough examination of your premises. We find typical signs cockroaches and identify any potential and actual places of their hiding place. This is very important stage, because if you do not destroy the nest, you will soon encounter the appearance of these insects again.

In our work we use only proven and safe drugs, which are not harmful to humans or domestic animals. At the same time, they are well-proven and highly focused on exterminating cockroaches precisely in those places where these insects hide.

Our specialists will arrive at any time convenient for you to minimize disruption to your business or family life.

Processing methods
We use cold and hot fog as the main type of disinfection against cockroaches. It is complemented by barrier processing and protection methods.

The preparations used represent a unique and particularly valuable group of insecticides that can kill insects where no other form of killing is effective. To a large extent, they are irreplaceable.

Disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow: prices

The cost of our services varies from 1500 rubles. depending on the size of your premises, the extent of the infestation, and the type of cockroach extermination method used. Besides attractive prices for the population, we have developed special conditions For legal entities and enterprises.

In order to find out exactly the prices for disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow, you need to contact our specialist. To do this, you need to leave your contact information and a specialist will call you back and answer all your questions, or just call us at the numbers listed on our website. The Dez Group company works around the clock to solve your problems at a time convenient for you.

Our company has a staff of certified specialists, so you will receive an expert solution to your problem, as well as recommendations for preventing re-infection.

Remember that only comprehensive measures to eliminate cockroaches in your premises will help you get rid of annoying insects and prevent their appearance in the future. An important addition to professional disinfection is improving sanitary standards and regular cleaning, timely washing of dirty dishes and not accumulating garbage. The second point is the use of barrier means, for example, protective mesh for ventilation.

This is especially true if you live in apartment building and there is a high probability that cockroaches may come from neighbors staircase or from other floors.

Disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow

There are a large number of companies that work in the direction of disinfection of cockroaches in Moscow. It is very easy to fall for scammers who use low-quality products in their work or even treat the premises with ordinary water. After such “treatments,” people have to look for another campaign to exterminate cockroaches and pay money again. If you want to pay once and then sleep peacefully, you should know a few rules.

When calling an exterminator, discuss everything various options disinfection that will be effective in your case, whether it will be dangerous for your household. Find out how long you need to leave the premises and what needs to be done after treatment.

If you do not want to overpay and be confident in the quality of the services provided, then you need to contact our company Dez Group. Our specialists have the necessary experience in disinfection. Your furniture and property will not be damaged. The products used are certified and therefore safe. All your data will under no circumstances be passed on to third parties; contacting us will remain confidential, even anonymous if necessary. By following the recommendations, you will forget about cockroaches forever. Thousands of Muscovites have trusted us and are already sleeping peacefully. Hundreds of restaurants, cafes and other businesses work with us on an ongoing basis. Rely on professionals in their field.

Professional processing methods

The Dez Group company uses professional treatment methods to combat cockroaches. The most effective methods are hot and cold fog in combination with barrier protection. This approach allows you to get maximum results and minimize the likelihood of insects reappearing. For disinfestation of premises, specialists use professional equipment - cold fog generators “DH-50”, “Bure”, hot fog generators “Minifog”. It allows you to effectively treat large areas in a short period of time.

The method of treating an object using hot fog is based on the fact that upon contact with air whose temperature reaches 100 degrees, insects die instantly. The room treatment equipment generates steam with dissolved insecticide. Small particles easily penetrate into all hard-to-reach spots - corners, cracks in the floor, space under the baseboard and cabinet. Due to high temperature the fog quickly rises to the ceiling, providing disinfection of the chandelier and lamp.

The cold fog generator sprays the insecticide in the form of an aerosol. This allows you to treat large areas using a minimum amount of pesticides. The small size of the sprayed particles ensures their penetration into all cracks, holes, corners and others hard to reach places. The substance continues to act for several hours after the procedure. This guarantees high efficiency and death maximum number cockroaches

Preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment

Prevention includes barrier protection, which consists of a set of measures aimed at reducing the likelihood of migration of red Prussians from neighboring rooms, the attic and basement of the house. To implement the process, mechanical and liquid products– traps, bait, gel, ointments, crayons.

It is known that if someone in an apartment building begins to poison cockroaches, they move through the sewer and ventilation holes to the neighbors. Treatment of holes, pipes, doorways and cracks with a substance that repels insects with smell. When a cockroach comes into contact with an insecticide, the insect dies within a few hours, but before that it will have time to spread the pesticide among other individuals.

Proper prevention of the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment can prevent their re-production. Key measures also include keeping your home clean, regularly taking out trash, and keeping food out of places accessible to insects.

If you want to get rid of cockroaches in your home forever, contact the specialists of Dez Group. They will pick up best option disinsection of the premises, they will treat the apartment in a short time using professional equipment.

All prices indicated on the website are final, without additional extra charges or surcharges.

Beware of scam companies!!!

rooms (turnkey apartment)


Cold fog

1 year warranty


Pump sprayer + cold mist

2 year warranty

Pump sprayer + cold fog + hot fog

3 year warranty

Barrier protection against possible penetration of insects from neighboring rooms

1 room apartment 1500 RUR 2000 RUR 3000 RUR from 500 rub.
2 room apartment 1800 RUR 2300 RUR 3500 RUR
3 room apartment 2000 RUR 2500 RUR 4000 RUR

*All drugs used in our service belong to class 4 low-hazardous substances (least dangerous). Once dry, they are absolutely safe for people and pets. They do not leave visible traces of streaks or stains.

Disinsection (extermination of insects)

prices for legal entities

MosGorSES has been treating premises against cockroaches for several years. We have great experience work, and therefore we know exactly how to get rid of insects forever and as quickly as possible. SES is one of best companies, which offers you effective disposal of cockroaches in Moscow and the region. In our work we use the best means and the most modern methods. Insects are killed by using cold or hot fog.

The use of cold fog is suitable in cases with small area infection. With this method, some cockroaches die during treatment, and some die for some time after disinfestation. This method is quite popular because the preparations are odorless and do not harm furniture, human health or pets.

You can often come across the opinion that only special insect control services, whose employees treat apartments, houses and industrial enterprises powerful toxic drugs using complex and expensive equipment. There is also an opinion that it is almost impossible for a simple apartment owner to carry out such a “disinfection” of a room from cockroaches on his own, and he will not get the desired result.

Let's see how the situation really is.

Pest control can be professional, when it is carried out by trained specialists, as well as independent, when cockroaches are poisoned by the residents of the premises themselves.

Alas, practice shows that there is another type of pest control - fraudulent. Under it, unscrupulous businessmen pose as exterminator specialists (and often as disinfectors), who at market prices imitate work on removing cockroaches, but do not provide the required result. There are also more egregious cases when, during “disinfection,” the handlers simply take jewelry or money from the apartment with them. There are many such scammers today, and further we will figure out how they can be easily identified even before work is carried out.

In the meantime, the following can be noted:

  1. Fighting cockroaches on your own allows you to save money, but is more troublesome, unsafe, and in advanced cases does not always give the desired result;
  2. Professional disinsection is much more expensive than doing it yourself, does not require homeowners to participate in the process, is practically safe for residents (including pets) and in most cases is quite effective. The main drawback here is the difficulty of choosing a conscientious and truly reliable contractor who will provide the desired result and give a guarantee for it (not a fake one, as many do today, but a real guarantee for free re-processing if the first one does not produce results).

“We ordered disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches. This is some kind of horror - rudeness on the phone, zero results and lost money. According to their price list, it costs 2,000 rubles to treat a one-room apartment, the master comes and says that you need to use a super product for 5,000, otherwise it won’t help. Okay, paid, processed. The cockroaches did not notice the poison at all; that same night they ran around the kitchen. We call them and say, how is this possible? They answer that no one will ever give a guarantee for disinfection, and if you don’t like something, contact another service. Repeated departure from them is 800 rubles in St. Petersburg. I immediately understand that on the spot this will turn into a couple of thousand. In general, an outright scam!”

Elena, St. Petersburg

Principles, means and methods of pest control against cockroaches

Means for exterminating cockroaches today are quite varied. These insects readily eat various poisoned baits, stick to glue, and die from the action of insecticidal crayons, aerosols and all kinds of dusts (insecticides in powder form).

However, choose effective remedy from cockroaches is only half the battle. A large number of inexperienced cockroach fighters, even when purchasing a powerful poison, do not achieve the desired effect due to a number of errors during disinfestation.

Here's how professional exterminators work:

  1. For processing we use modern insecticides, which, in addition to the acute intestinal effect, also have a contact effect (that is, it is enough for a cockroach to come into contact with the drug for paralysis and then death to occur after some time). The insecticide is applied in the form of an aerosol by spraying a pre-prepared solution using sprayers or installations for generating so-called cold or hot fog. It is the aerosol that allows you to quickly destroy cockroaches in an apartment, even in hard-to-reach places. In addition to aerosols, gels, dusts and glue traps are used (mainly for preventive purposes to destroy single surviving individuals);

  2. All rooms where cockroaches may be present are treated, including balconies, toilets, and bathrooms. Removing cockroaches, for example, only in the kitchen would be pointless;
  3. A corollary from the previous point - ideally, cockroaches should be removed from all neighboring apartments. In practice, this can be difficult to achieve due to the traditional intractability of neighbors. Classics of the genre are statements of this type: “We don’t need any disinfection from cockroaches, and in general, everything is clean here, we’re not some kind of homeless people.” Therefore, after disinfestation, premises owners are strongly recommended to take measures to protect their homes from the re-infiltration of cockroaches from their neighbors. Below we will look at ways to protect an apartment in this way;
  4. Effective disinfestation against cockroaches is always carried out in the absence of all residents and pets in the apartment (and not just in one room). The exception is the presence of the customer if he has personal protective equipment. This, by the way, is one of the ways to identify a one-day service: if a “disinfector specialist” says that he will simply spray the solution in the kitchen, and all you need to do is close the door here, then with a high probability, after such work, the epic with cockroaches will not end;
  5. To prevent the re-breeding of cockroaches in an apartment, it is extremely important to determine exactly how they get here. A specialist can interview the owners, inspect the bathroom, toilet, entrance, balcony, and look for ways for insects to enter through balconies or closets. Without blocking such paths, it is impossible to guarantee that cockroaches will not appear in the apartment in the future, and good services always provide such a guarantee.

Thus, when disinfesting an apartment, service employees use a complex of means and methods of control. The bulk of the population is destroyed by aerosol. Those cockroaches that survive are poisoned with gels, dusts, or fall into traps. Entrances to the apartment for new arrivals are blocked, and those that cannot be blocked are surrounded by means of passive barrier protection - these can be strips of insecticidal chalk, strips of gel or trails of dust.

It is this comprehensive approach that is most effective in practice.

And now, for comparison, how we often fight cockroaches on our own. On the way home, I buy a can of Dichlorvos at a hardware store with the goal of quickly spraying it along the baseboards and behind the kitchen stove. That's it, this completes the entire disinfestation. If Dichlorvos does not help, then in a week or two some kind of gel can be purchased. It's no surprise that cockroaches will thrive indoors with this approach.

See also our experiments on cockroaches:

We catch cockroaches and test for them different means- see the results...

“...I really liked how the guys worked. All the cockroaches were destroyed in one go, leaving no dirt or stains on the furniture. Just a slight smell of chemicals in the apartment and a bunch of dead cockroaches all over the floor the next morning. Payment was strictly according to the price list, everything was according to the contract, in the end everything turned out to be quite affordable...”

Igor, Moscow

What means do exterminators use to poison cockroaches?

As noted above, exterminators carry out the main treatment of the apartment with aerosol insecticides. The beauty of these drugs is that they enter the most inaccessible places with the air, where they actively poison cockroaches. This allows you to destroy the bulk of the insect population (sometimes all) in just a few hours.

Sinuzan, Avicin, Averfos, Xulat, Tetrix, Solfak, Forssyth and others are used as such insecticides. These are concentrates. Many of them are approved for use only by specialists, and therefore are sold in large packages of a liter or more.

Working solutions are prepared from concentrates.

Different methods are used to spray the solution in an apartment:

  1. Spraying with a conventional sprayer is the simplest, but low-productivity method of spraying; it requires painstaking spraying of all surfaces, crevices and possible hiding places for cockroaches;
  2. Treatment of the room with cold fog - in this case the solution is dispersed in electric generator fog to the state of a thin aerosol, which is then removed from the apparatus under pressure. Mixing with air, the aerosol easily penetrates into various cracks, holes, and spaces behind furniture;
  3. Hot fog treatment is fundamentally similar to the previous method, but in the hot fog generator the aerosol is also heated. Due to this, it has a smaller particle size, stays in suspension longer without settling on surfaces, and, as a result, penetrates into even deeper and more difficult-to-reach shelters of cockroaches. However, it should be noted that hot fog generators are rarely used in small apartments. This powerful equipment is better suited for disinfestation at large industrial facilities.

After such treatment, in those places through which cockroaches can enter the apartment from neighboring rooms, the exterminator usually either pours insecticidal powder (in common parlance - dust) or installs bait houses. A gel can be applied here, or a glue trap can be installed, depending on what the specialist considers more rational.

If a warranty case occurs (that is, cockroaches reappear after disinfestation), the specialist can use the same methods when re-processing. In practice, conscientious services do not guarantee the absence of cockroaches in cases where it is obvious that these pests en masse and freely enter the apartment from neighbors.

Where to go for professional pest control?

The most difficult thing when ordering the services of professional exterminators is choosing a reliable company. Moreover, in major cities this can be especially difficult to do: there are dozens of different organizations working here, among which are, let’s say, cunning disinfectors.

However, there are a number simple rules, allowing you to avoid the services of fly-by-night companies even at the selection stage:

Next, remember that on the Internet and when talking on the phone, all companies can be white and fluffy, and their true colors are revealed only when the work is completed (and especially after, when money for pest control against cockroaches has already been paid). Therefore, follow the principle “chairs in the morning, money in the evening.”


  1. Immediately upon arrival of the exterminator, ask him for all the documents - a contract, a license for pest control services, certificates for the chemicals used;
  2. Check that the contract is stamped and the adequate conditions for providing the guarantee are clearly stated;
  3. Check the tools yourself. If the exterminator has provided you with a certificate for Tetrix, he should have Tetrix, and not a canister without a label with a cloudy liquid;
  4. Monitor the progress of disinfestation (wearing personal protective equipment), the thoroughness of surface treatment and the duration of all work. Keep in mind that a twenty-minute cleaning of the kitchen cabinet and cabinet under the sink is not enough to completely eliminate cockroaches in the room.

And remember: you pay only for the result and only when you see it. Do not give the exterminator money before work. The exterminator must conscientiously treat the entire apartment - only after that does it make sense to pay him.

“A year ago we disinfected against cockroaches. Two guys arrived and said that there should be no one in the apartment for a day after the treatment, and that we would need to spend the night in another place. From the refrigerator you need to remove everything that is eaten without heat treatment - sausage, cheese, cookies, bread. They closed all the windows, sprayed something for half an hour, then took the money and left. The next morning we came to ventilate and saw a cemetery of cockroaches. There were a lot of them, I didn’t even think that we had so many of them in our apartment! There were even a lot of them in the bedrooms. After that, we haven’t had any cockroaches yet...”

Tatyana, Moscow

The work of exterminators: how it happens, how much it costs, what you need to be prepared for

Standard prices for pest control against cockroaches start at approximately 1,500 rubles per one-room apartment. Processing costs about 1700 two-room apartment, 2000 - three-room. Depending on the set of guarantees and some other nuances, the price may vary significantly.

For example, this is what the average price list of a company operating in Moscow looks like:

Apartments Cottages
Room size Price, rub. Room size, sq. m Price, rub.
1-room apartment 1500 100 3100
2-room apartment 1700 100-200 3400
3-room apartment 1900 200-300 3700
4-room apartment 2100 300-400 4000
5-room apartment 2200 More than 400 Negotiable

As a rule, the company manager receives basic information over the phone when calling the service. However, in some cases, before the actual disinfestation, a specialist comes to the site to assess the situation on site.

Often exterminators immediately arrive for treatment with a sufficient supply of drugs and equipment to cope with cockroaches even in the most dire situations.

Immediately before disinfestation, an agreement is signed, after which:

After this, wet cleaning and thorough ventilation are carried out by the residents themselves, after which they can return to the apartment for normal life. As a rule, the smell in the room practically disappears after a few hours of ventilation, although the smell from upholstered furniture It may take several days to evaporate.

If you don’t delay with wet cleaning, then there will be no stains either on the furniture or on household appliances won't remain.


Sometimes people complain of an unpleasant metallic taste in their mouth after pest control. This is a sign that the insecticide has not completely disappeared from the apartment. Normally, such sensations should not arise on the first or second day after thorough cleaning and intensive ventilation.

During treatment, most of the cockroach population dies. Within a few hours after treatment, insects that were able to hide in the most secluded places die, and therefore, by the time of ventilation, there should be practically no live cockroaches in the house.

In some cases, it may be necessary to re-treat the premises against cockroaches. Typically, such cases are provided for in the contract as part of the guarantee. Be that as it may, this point must be discussed in advance, since even the most professional processing does not give results in 100% of cases. If, a few days after treatment, live cockroaches are found in the apartment, you can call the exterminators and call them under warranty.

When working with unscrupulous contractors, warranty visits are often offered for an additional fee. If before disinfestation you signed an agreement in which it was stated that re-treatment is carried out free of charge, feel free to request free re-treatment.

“There are scammers all around! We ordered a company to disinfect the hostel; we needed to kill cockroaches in several rooms. Immediately upon arrival, the master began to tell us that we definitely needed some kind of barrier, and without it the cockroaches would return. The barrier costs as much as the treatment itself. As a result, cockroaches were seen for another month after disinfection, constantly appearing throughout the hostel, and then again there were as many of them as before. We called about the guarantee, they told us - the guarantee is 800 rubles only for departure. Horror!"

Victoria, Voronezh

Do-it-yourself pest control using aerosols and concentrates

Self-treatment of a room from cockroaches is not fundamentally different from a professional one. The only difference is in the details:

  1. For disinsection, preparations are used that are specially adapted for household use (in small packaging, odorless). The most popular of them today are Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Xulat Micro and some others. These products leave virtually no odor in the room and remain effective for several weeks (when applied to surfaces inaccessible to people and pets, where wet cleaning is not carried out);
  2. As an alternative to concentrated preparations, you can buy products in cans that are ready for spraying (Dichlorvos Neo, Raptor for crawling insects, Combat Superspray, etc.). However, their use is financially more expensive with the same efficiency;
  3. To spray the insecticidal solution, ordinary household spray bottles are used (you can even just take a bottle of window cleaner).

Otherwise, disinfestation should proceed in the same way as a professional one. The task of the owner of the premises is to thoroughly treat with the product all surfaces on which cockroaches can move, and also to achieve penetration of the aerosol into those places where insects can hide.

After treatment, the room is closed for several hours, then ventilated, cleaned, and dead cockroaches are swept out.

Typically, self-disinsection requires at least 5-6 hours of time (taking into account the preparation of the room and putting it in order). After using aerosol insecticides, additional means of passive destruction protect the room from the penetration of new insects.

“We were seduced by the company’s beautiful website and ordered the extermination of cockroaches from my grandmother’s apartment. After 2 hours the master was with her, everything seemed fine. But then it started: the master declares that the work will cost not 2200, as the manager said, but 10,000. This is for a one-room apartment! We called the manager, she was surprised and said that she didn’t know why the master was behaving this way. This “master” somehow sprayed something in the kitchen in 15 minutes, grabbed the money and disappeared. He left no receipts or contract. We started calling, figuring it out, and what do you think? No one has answered the phone in the office for three days!”

Inna, Moscow

Additional means of killing cockroaches: gels, traps, powders and pencils

Often, the success of the entire pest control operation depends on whether these means are used or not.

The most common means of passively killing cockroaches are:

  1. Gels are products that attract cockroaches with their smell. They contain insecticides that lead to the rapid death of the insect after entering digestive tract. In the fight against cockroaches, the insecticidal gels Globol, Absolute, Raptor, Dohlox and a number of others have proven themselves well;
  2. Insecticidal pencils (crayons). Less effective than gels, but more affordable, easy to use and remain effective longer without updating. Of these, the most popular are Clean House, Mashenka, Brownie, Titanic, etc.;
  3. Dusts - Ecokiller, Clean House, Fas, Green House, Pyrethrum ( natural remedy based on dried chamomile flowers);
  4. Traps (glue and electric). Insects die in them, running in by accident or being attracted by the bait placed inside.

All of these products can also be used as basic means of pest control, but they act slowly, so it will take a long time to destroy a large population of cockroaches.

The best option for self-disinfestation is to quickly destroy the majority of cockroaches using aerosol insecticides, and then consolidate the result using gels and traps.

Blocking cockroaches from entering the apartment

If disinfestation is carried out by specialists, they can tell you which ways cockroaches usually get into the apartment. As a rule, the “entry gates” are:

  1. Sewage pipes, cold and hot water supply - between them and the concrete there are usually narrow gaps through which cockroaches migrate between rooms;
  2. Sockets from which cockroaches can enter the apartment not only from neighbors, but also from the entrance;
  3. Ventilation;
  4. Window frames and door frames (where they meet the walls).

First of all, it is better to block such penetration paths - putty or cover them with elastic sealant.

If for some reason it is not possible to completely block such passages, then you can apply cockroach gel near them or set up glue traps. Be that as it may, you need to do everything possible to ensure that insects either cannot physically enter the apartment, or with a high probability die immediately after entering it.

It can also be useful to write a complaint to the SES if cockroaches constantly live in the entrance, basement, or attic apartment building or, for example, in a restaurant attached to the house. Several such complaints from residents at the same address - and the SES responds quite quickly, carrying out disinfestation in the premises.

The situation is more complicated when the breeding ground for cockroaches is residential apartment dysfunctional neighbors. But even in this case, the problem can be resolved by collective complaints to the SES.

However, practice shows that if an apartment is carefully protected from insects entering it from the outside, then even if the entire apartment building is completely infested, pests will not be able to establish a population there.

What is important to know when choosing a pest control service to exterminate cockroaches