Assumption Fast. Dates, nutrition calendar and correct way out of fasting. What to eat during the Assumption Fast, nutrition, Lenten dishes, prayer What date does the Apple Fast begin?

Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God It is considered a time of positive change and renewal. Autumn is approaching, the seasons are changing, and the church calendar is coming to an end (it ends on September 14). On this holiday you need to think only about good things and strive to improve your spirituality.

The Feast of the Assumption is dedicated to the day of the death of St. Mary, the mother of Christ.

To people who are not familiar with religion, the celebration may seem strange. Why celebrate someone's death? It is worth delving into the history of the holiday to understand this.

Mary did not leave in suffering, like Christ. She knew about the day of her death - 3 days before leaving for heaven, Archangel Gabriel told her about it. Maria took the news calmly and even positively. Her earthly journey was over, the time had come to go to the Lord.

After 3 days, Maria really died, but she left without pain and suffering. "Dormition" means "sleep." This is exactly how the death of Mary can be characterized: she fell into a sweet sleep and ascended. She was received by the angels and the Savior himself.

What happened should be perceived not as death, but as a transition from an imperfect earthly to an ideal heavenly one. Mary was accepted into heaven, where she continued to watch over the laity and pray for the salvation of mankind.

Fish during the Assumption Fast in 2019, is it possible to eat it, when is it possible, fish days

Dormition post in Orthodox calendar is considered strict, but at the same time for believers it is much easier to bear than Lent and Rozhdestvensky, because at the end of August there begins a period replete with a variety of natural gifts.

What can you eat during the Assumption Fast?

  • Porridge: rice, millet, bulgur, buckwheat, peas, rice and others.
  • Potatoes are one of the main nutritional elements during the Assumption Fast.
  • Vegetables, both fresh and canned, boiled, cooked in any form.
  • Mushrooms
  • Lenten baked goods without eggs, milk and butter.
  • Fruits, berries in any form: fresh, compotes, fruit drinks, jams.
  • Vegetable oil is allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • On August 19, on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, it is allowed to eat fish.

Even from lean products you can prepare many unusual, very satisfying delicious dishes. But remember that the Dormition Fast is not just a restriction on food and entertainment, but a time to cleanse the soul and body. So besides proper nutrition, you need to think about your inner world.

Dormition Fast in 2019: daily nutrition calendar

August 16: dry eating day again. You can diversify your diet with hearty fruits, unusual salads, sauerkraut, dried fruits. You can also add honey to your food on this day.

August 17: on Saturday you can eat hot food, diluting your diet with soup and baked potatoes. It is allowed to add vegetable oil to food. You can also drink some table wine. In the Middle Ages in Rus' it was customary to dilute it with water.

August 18: on this day the rules are identical to the previous one. On Sunday you can drink a small amount of wine and eat hot food. The main thing is not to overeat.

August 19: On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, you can eat some fish and seafood, but do not overload on these dishes. It is allowed to drink wine and food cooked over a fire with oil. This day is also called apple savior, so what can you do? baked apples or bake a Lenten pie.

August 20: Tuesday is hot food day. For the fourth day in a row, you can cook food using heat treatment. Prepare compote or jelly, cook soup from lean products.

August 21: day of dry eating, that is, strict fasting. In the morning, you can make porridge in water with cocoa or honey so that it is not bland and tasteless. During the day you can eat nuts, dried fruits and soaked vegetables.

August 22: On this day, church rules do not prohibit eating hot food, but only without oil. You can diversify your diet potato pancakes, delicious and unusual soups and baked vegetables.

August 23: day of strict fasting. Diversify your diet with unusual fruit salads and porridge with dried fruits. If you are tired of ordinary porridge, then it’s time to remember that you can cook buckwheat in water by filling it with water for a couple of hours.

August 24: on Saturday you are allowed to drink a little wine, you are also allowed to eat hot food with added vegetable oil, which slightly expands the culinary possibilities.

August 25: on Sunday the same things are allowed as on Saturday. You can eat hot food, but it is advisable not to overeat.

August 26: day of dry eating. It is allowed to eat only plant foods that have not been cooked over fire. The fast is coming to an end, so you will have to eat porridge, salads and fruits with nuts again.

August 27: The last day of fasting is the day when it is allowed to eat food of plant origin, but cooked over fire without oil. These can be baked vegetables, purees, soups, compotes.

One of four fasts, which ends with the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Hence its name. Fasting is considered strict, equal to the Great Fast, but much shorter.

What is the essence of the Dormition Fast?

In total, believers fast four times a year:

  1. Great Lent. The strictest and longest. Lasts for seven weeks. Ends with Light Christ's resurrection- Easter.
  2. Petrov post. It happens in the summer. It does not have a set number of days; its duration depends on when Trinity Sunday occurred. If Easter is early, then fasting begins earlier and is longer. There is an opinion that this fast is compensatory: those who were unable to fast during Great Lent can fast on Petrov. This fast is not strict, fish is allowed.
  3. Dormition post. Installed in honor of the Mother of God in order to adequately prepare for the holiday.
  4. Christmas or Filippov fast, ends on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Lasts for six weeks. The fast is not strict, fish is allowed.

Fasting exists to cleanse the soul and body. A person abstains from immodest food, passions, idle talk, etc. The goal is to enlighten the soul and draw closer to God. The main thing is not abstinence from food, but mental abstinence.

As I said Archpriest Andrey Tkachev: “What is important is not so much the physical, but the mental – the information post. This means abstaining from external information. Modern man absorbs so much information in a day that a peasant of the last century could not obtain in a year. It is important to refrain from idle talk, to keep your hearing, sight, and thoughts. This is more important than, for example, a student having to eat a burger. Abstaining from unnecessary information gives chastity and health to the soul.”

Besides During Lent we should strive to do more works of mercy: visit the sick, help the poor, welcome strangers, give to the poor. But if a person is not able to do this due to his financial situation, then he can do spiritual alms: to console the suffering kind words, suggest a useful book, pray for a person.

During Lent, you need to fight your passions: resentment, condemnation, vanity, anger, self-pity, laziness, etc.

Fasting in honor of the Mother of God

People gradually began to understand who the Mother of God is, what She created for humanity. The Gospel tells very little about Her. But this does not diminish Her role in history.

The Mother of God was humble and obedient to the will of God. She was always merciful to people and after death she continues to help. She is able to beg Her Son for the forgiveness of sins.

The Dormition Fast is a time for special glorification of the Mother of God. At this time, every day you need to read the prayers of the Mother of God, canon, akathist. You can simply read twelve prayers “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” every day. If possible, it is better to read the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos (Annunciation), since this is the prototype of all akathists. All other akathists were written in his likeness. This - brilliant creation saints, surpassing in the power of words all the other, later written akathists. In fact, this is the main akathist; the rest can be questioned.

Event in the Garden of Gethsemane

Archangel Gabriel branch from Garden of Eden

Fasting serves as preparation for the holiday on which the Mother of God fell asleep in her body, but Christ resurrected Her later. Some say: how can you celebrate the death of a person, because usually this event is perceived as grief. But for the Mother of God it was truly a holiday. After the departure of Christ to Heaven, She felt bad and lonely on earth. She prayed every day in the Garden of Gethsemane so that her beloved Son would quickly take Her to Himself. And then one day, during such a prayer, a Archangel Gabriel and told the good news about Her imminent departure. He handed her branch from the Garden of Eden. She kept this twig; it was carried in front of Her coffin.

What you can and cannot eat during the Dormition Fast

Although physical fasting is not put in first place, you need to know what you are not allowed to eat during it.

The following should be excluded from the diet during this fast:

  • meat and meat products;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken eggs.

During the Dormition Fast you can eat plant foods: vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread. You can’t overeat on lean food either.

During the Dormition Fast there are two church holidays: the First Savior (honey) - the Removal of the Venerable Tree of Christ and the second. On the Transfiguration, eating fish is allowed. On the first Spas, new honey is blessed, on the second Spas, apples are blessed. The third Savior occurs after the end of Lent.

With the help of abstinence and prayer, believers prepare for the Feast of the Dormition in order to meet it with dignity and exclaim: “Rejoice, full of grace, who does not leave us after death!”

The Assumption Fast is one of four multi-day fasts Orthodox Church. It ends with the holiday in honor of which it is named - (August 28). This and another holiday - (August 19) - create the mood of the Dormition Fast, reminding us of the amazing humility and readiness to go through everything prepared by Him, which the Lord and the Mother of God showed throughout their earthly life. Likewise, we should not perceive fasting as a limitation imposed on us, but as an action voluntarily accepted and leading us to God.

The Assumption Fast lasts only two weeks - from August 14 to August 27 inclusive, but at the same time it is as strict as the Great Fast.

Another popular name for the Dormition Fast is “Spasovka”, since the holidays that fall at the end of summer are (August 14), Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19) and Translation Miraculous Image The Lord Jesus Christ (August 29) is often called "Savior".

Dates of the Dormition Fast

The dates of the Dormition Fast are unchanged. The Dormition Fast always lasts exactly two weeks, begins a month after, on August 14, and ends on August 27, August 28 is the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What can you eat during the Assumption Fast?

During the Assumption Fast you can eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms, bread, nuts, and honey. Eggs, meat and dairy products are excluded from the meal. Fish is allowed once during the Assumption Fast - on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, August 19.

The church charter presupposes during the Dormition Fast the same strict abstinence as during the Great Lent, but each fasting person must determine the degree of it for himself, focusing on his state of health, lifestyle and the advice of his confessor. The Dormition Fast is given to believers to strengthen mental strength, and not to weaken physical strength, especially at the very end of the summer healing period.

History of the Assumption Fast

The Dormition Fast has been observed by believers since ancient times. It is known that back in the 5th century there were four fasts a year - for each season of the year (the Assumption Fast falls on the calendar summer, but is already considered autumn). There was also a widespread tradition: for those who did not fast during Lent, to abstain from All Saints' Week (the Sunday a week after Trinity) until the Assumption. At the turn of the 10th-11th centuries, this period was shortened to the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul (June 29, old style), and a two-week fast before the Dormition (August 1 to 14, old style) was established at the Council of Constantinople in 1166.

The Church has known the Dormition Fast from the very first centuries of Christianity. We read a mention of him in the conversation of Leo the Great, which he delivered in 450: “Church fasts are located in the year in such a way that for each time its own special law of abstinence is prescribed. So for spring the spring fast is at Pentecost, for summer the summer fast is at Pentecost, for autumn it is in the seventh month, for winter it is winter fast.”

We can read about the meaning of the Dormition Fast from Saint Simeon of Thessalonica ( end XIV century - 1429): “The August (Assumption) Fast was established in honor of the Mother of God’s Word, Who, having learned of Her repose, as always labored and fasted for us, although, being holy and immaculate, she had no need for fasting; So She especially prayed for us when she intended to move from this life to the future and when Her blessed soul had to unite with Her son through the Divine Spirit. And therefore we must fast and sing Her praises, imitating Her life and thereby awakening Her to prayer for us. Some, however, say that this fast was established on the occasion of two holidays, that is, the Transfiguration and the Assumption. And I also consider it necessary to remember both of these two holidays, one as giving us sanctification, and the other as propitiation and intercession for us.”

In terms of severity, the Assumption Fast approaches the Great Fast. Before the revolution of 1917, during the August Lent it was impossible to hold carnivals, show jester performances and theatrical performances.

"Honey Spas"

"Honey Spas" -popular name for the first day of the Dormition Lent. It falls on August 14th. On this day, the Church remembers several events at once.

Feast of the Origin (Deprecation) of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross arose from ancient tradition to carry out a religious procession with the Cross of the Lord in Constantinople in August, and also to exhibit the shrine for public worship. It was not easy for the medieval city to survive the summer heat, the shortage drinking water and epidemics, and therefore believers fervently prayed to God during this difficult period and asked the Savior for help.

On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church also remembers the victory of Andrei Bogolyubsky over the Volga Bulgars, which he won in the 12th century. In gratitude for the victory accomplished with the help of the Lord and the Mother of God, on this day the honoring of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos was established.

The Savior became “honey” because the honey harvest ends in August, and believers, coming to the temple on the holiday, blessed the new harvest.

« Apple Spas» - popular name for the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Transfiguration is an immovable twelfth, that is, one of the 12 main ones after Easter church holidays. In the Russian Orthodox Church it is always celebrated on August 19th.

Before going to Death on the Cross, Christ, together with three disciples, went to the mountain, where, in His miraculous Transfiguration, His Divine nature was revealed to only the three of them. This event is described in the Gospel, and, remembering it, believers honor our Lord Jesus Christ, who became man and went through torment and death for the Salvation of all people.

Spas was named “Apple” because at the end of summer it was customary to bless the harvest. It is different in different climates, but apples have been and remain the most common and accessible fruit in Russia.

"Nut Spas"

“Nut”, “Bread”, “Third Spas” are the popular names for the holiday, which falls on the day after the Dormition. Sometimes the holiday is also called “Savior on Canvas”.

Believers remember on this day the Transfer of the Image of Christ Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople (944). This image was called miraculous because it was not written, but was imprinted on a plate with which the Lord wiped his face during his lifetime. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Savior Not Made by Hands has become one of the most beloved and widespread icons.

Folk traditions of the Assumption Fast

The folk tradition of the Dormition Fast has long been the consecration of the new harvest. In addition to honey, apples, grapes and other fruits, ears of grain and nuts were also blessed. With gratitude and prayer, believers brought the harvest to the temple, without which it was difficult and even impossible to survive the winter. The blessing of fruits and honey remains a tradition of the Dormition Lent today. But it is important that questions about whether it is necessary to eat honey at the “Honey Savior”, how much and what kind of fruits should be brought to the temple, and whether it is possible to eat apples before the “Apple Savior” do not overshadow the meaning of fasting.

During the Dormition Fast, you need to pay attention to your soul, your internal state, and not external attributes. A jar of honey or a basket of apples, with which believers go to church on certain days, is just a pleasant and joyful addition to the Liturgy and joint prayer.

How should you fast?

Archpriest Igor FOMIN, rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO, answers:

Each person needs to determine his own measure of fasting. One can fast in full, and it will be good for him. Others, on the contrary, should weaken their fast.

Sick people can fast not as strictly as is written in the Charter. Illness is also a kind of fasting, humility of the flesh. In addition, for some diseases, a gastronomic fast can be harmful to your health. Listen to yourself, ask your doctor for advice.

A wedding is a significant event in the life of every person, so you want to spend this special day in a special way. It’s so wonderful to recall the happy moments of life in your memory by looking through photographs that depict joyful faces. Don't forget about restrictions. There are certain days of the year on which it is not recommended to get married. If you want your union to be strong and happy, then you should listen to the opinion of the Church and adhere to the recommendations given by the clergy.

When should you not have a wedding?

IN church calendar exist unfavorable days for weddings and weddings. A wedding in a church does not take place:

  1. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year.
  2. During multi-day fasts: (seven days before Easter), Petrova (performed on the fiftieth day after Easter), (from August 14 to 27), (from November 28 to January 7).
  3. During the Christmas season (from January 7 to January 19).
  4. During continuous weeks (Meat Week, Cheese Week, Cheese Week, Easter Week).
  5. On the days and eves of such major holidays as (September 10-11) and (September 26-27).

Dormition Fast: is it possible to get married?

August is considered one of the most favorable months for marriage. Almost half of all weddings held during the year take place during this period. If you are planning to get married in August, then try to do it either before the 14th or after the 28th, because the church does not recommend getting married during the Dormition Fast, which falls during this period and is equal in severity to the Great Lent.

The Assumption Fast is dedicated Mother of God, who these days was preparing for a different life. By playing a wedding or celebrating something during this period, we insult Her, demonstrating our disrespect. These days, many years ago, Our Lady spent time alone and in prayer. Thanks to her patience, She renounced almost everything earthly, praying for people and the salvation of their souls. Not every person can repeat this feat. People who scheduled a wedding for the Dormition Fast do not respect the efforts of the Mother of God, and even Her herself.

It has long been noted that marriages concluded during periods of many days of fasting are rarely happy. After all, fasting is a time of repentance, prayer and abstinence, both spiritual and physical. If you want to family life was successful, it is better to move the wedding date to a more suitable day. The Dormition Fast lasts only 2 weeks, after which you can get married with a clear conscience.

If you are atheists, do not pray and do not attend church, then you can have a wedding during Lent. There are situations when it is simply necessary to get married during this period. In this case, the church treats the couple with understanding and allows the ceremony to take place. You can go to the registry office and sign, but postpone the celebration and wedding in church to a more appropriate time.

Nowadays, quite often, couples get married first, and get married after some time, sometimes after a few years. There's nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that spouses value, love and respect each other.

The Dormition Fast is a fast in Orthodoxy established in honor of the feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the four multi-day fasts of the church year. Begins from August 14 to August 27 inclusive and ends with the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary adhered to strict abstinence in food throughout her earthly life, and three days before her departure to heaven she stopped eating food and only drank water.

The Dormition Fast appeared around the year 1000, when the entire month of July was excluded from the long compensatory summer fast (for those who did not observe Lent), due to human weakness, and the first part of the fast began to end on the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul on July 12. The second part of that fast formed the Dormition Fast, beginning with the Feast of the Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross on August 14.

The Assumption Fast is one of the shortest among multi-day fasts - it lasts only two weeks.

This post is considered one of the harsh ones. As with any other fast, meat and meat dishes, eggs, fish, milk and dairy products remain prohibited. Relaxation is allowed only on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) on August 19, when you can eat fish and drink a little wine.

Thus, during the Dormition Fast, it is important to refrain from negative emotions and actions, manifestations of anger and irritation, as well as unnecessary pleasures and noisy entertainment. A ban is imposed on organizing wedding ceremonies, weddings and baptisms.

Nutrition calendar for Dormition Fast 2019:

  • August 14(Honey Spas) – dry eating. You can only eat uncooked plant foods - raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey, bread. On this day, people go to church and bless honey and nuts.
  • August 15– hot food without vegetable oil. You can prepare lean porridge and soup, steam vegetables.
  • August 16- dry eating. Uncooked food of plant origin is consumed, which is not subjected to heat treatment(bread, fresh, soaked or dried fruits and vegetables).
  • August 17– hot food with vegetable oil is allowed (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables and mushrooms).
  • August 18– during cooking, the use of vegetable, sunflower, olive or corn oil is allowed.
  • August 19(Transfiguration of the Lord) - you are allowed to enjoy fish and seafood dishes. You can also eat apples and grapes. Apples in honey are especially popular on this day. During this fast, you can enjoy apples with honey.
  • August 20
  • August 21- dry eating. You can eat uncooked foods of plant origin: bread, water, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and honey.
  • August 22– hot food without vegetable oil (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, mushrooms).
  • August 23
  • August 24
  • August 25– It is allowed to eat hot dishes with vegetable oil and drink wine.
  • August 26- dry eating. You can consume uncooked plant foods: bread, water, salt, raw fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, honey.
  • August 27– hot food without vegetable oil (porridge, soups, stewed vegetables, mushrooms).