Fun lottery with prizes. A comic lottery for an anniversary in verse. Lottery in couplets

There are many different kinds of lotteries in our country. One of the most popular is Gosloto, organized in 2008. At first, this show featured only two types of drawings: “5 out of 36” and “6 out of 45.” Not long ago another one was organized - “7 out of 49”. And, of course, lottery fans have a completely natural question about whether it is worth buying such tickets.

Features of the draw

In fact, the very name “7 out of 49” suggests that you should guess 7 numbers out of 49. That is, fundamentally this new drawing is no different from the first two. However, correctly crossing out all 7 numbers on a ticket is, of course, still more difficult than 5 or 6. So, for example, the probability of guessing all the numbers in the “5 out of 36” lottery is 1/376992, in the “6 out of 45” lottery - 1/ 8145060. In “7 out of 49” there is only one chance of winning in 85,900,585 cases.

In order to compensate for such a discrepancy, the organizers have organized a much larger prize fund for Gosloto “7 out of 49”. From this we can conclude that really gambling people should play “7 out of 49”. After all, although the chances of winning in this case are less, if successful, the amount will be very large.

Usually “7 out of 49” is played by people who have been taking part in various kinds of lotteries for a long time and have great experience. Such players often use all sorts of techniques to increase their chances of hitting the jackpot.

Game tactics

Those who want to see from their own experience whether it is possible to win at Gosloto “7 out of 49” should try such techniques as:

    Frequency principle. Bets are placed on the balls that are drawn the least often.

    Temporary principle. The player bets on those balls that have not been dropped for a long time.

You can also use a mixed principle. That is, take some of the balls according to the time principle, and some according to the frequency principle. These three methods are the simplest. Much more complex tactics for playing this game have been developed.

Prize fund: distribution

For three guessed numbers, the organizers of this lottery offer its participants 100 rubles. Judging by the reviews, quite a large number of people win this amount. Guessing numbers from 4 to 7 is, of course, more difficult. But if exactly that many “correct” boxes are crossed out on the ticket, the player receives a fairly large amount. For all 7 numbers guessed, the participant is given 40% of the prize fund. The super prize in this game is 50 million rubles. Of course, such a sum cannot but interest lottery lovers.

How to place a bet

Many people believe that it is also worth taking part in this draw because Gosloto “7 out of 49” is held very often. That is, you can try your luck at any time. Prizes are drawn every day 6 times, starting at 12:30 with a frequency of 2 hours. Buying a ticket is also easy. This can be done, for example, in the Euroset, Svyaznoy salon or even via the Internet. In the latter case, you will simply need to cross out 7 numbers in the online lottery and pay the bet. Bets are also accepted via mobile phones. A lottery ticket “7 or 49” costs only 40 rubles.

The graph of the frequency of number drops in the draw archive shows the actual number of drops of each ball in the lottery machine for the entire duration of the game. This chart will be applicable to any of the draw archives selected in the menu above, for example, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, or the archive of Gosloto draws 7 out of 49.
In a tabular version and in more detail the frequency of numbers appearing can be found within the service frequency analysis.

Graph "Number of numbers drawn."

This graph shows how many times the sums of combination numbers were drawn in the draw archives.
In order to understand how to calculate the number of times the sums of numbers appear, let’s turn to any of the fragments of the archive of draws 5 out of 36 ( see explanation and picture below).
Circulation No. 7222, the numbers came out: 15, 33, 21, 36, 18 .
Let's calculate the sum of the numbers of this combination: 15+33+21+36+18 = 123 , And
circulation No. 7231, the numbers came out: 18, 24, 34, 11, 36 .
Let's calculate the sum of the numbers of this combination: 18+24+34+11+36 = 123 .
As you can see, these have absolutely different combinations the sum of the numbers is the same - 123. It follows that during the period of the games from draw No. 7222 to draw No. 7231, the sum of numbers 123 appeared only 2 times, this is the number of sums of numbers.
If we close this help and look for this sum of numbers (123) on our chart along the horizontal axis, we will see that throughout the entire duration of the game this sum has appeared much more times. At the time of writing this certificate, this amount appeared 61 times (draws No. 1 to No. 7254) in the archive of circulations 5 out of 36. If you select other archives of circulations in the menu, for example, 6 out of 45 or 7 out of 49, then the graph will be built specifically for these circulations archives.

Using this graph, you can identify more promising ones that are growing in terms of the number of times the sum of numbers appears. This, in turn, during further analysis will help us to weed out a huge number of combinations that are unlikely to occur, and to create combinations whose number sums are more promising in terms of the probability of bets appearing in the near future.

Number of number sums drawn
from 1 to 9499 circulation (for the entire duration of the game).

Table and graph "Frequency of even and odd numbers".

These tables and graphs will allow us to see how many combinations with a certain number of even and odd numbers in combinations occurred during the entire period of the game.
Let’s say that most rarely, as practice shows, combinations consisting only of all even or odd numbers appear. For example, in the archive of circulations 5 out of 36 the following combinations are present. Circulation No. 7112, numbers: 11, 13, 25, 15, 33 (even numbers = 0 , odd numbers = 5 ), falling combinations of this format are summarized in the first line of our table in the column “Total combinations dropped”. And also vice versa:
Circulation No. 7141, numbers: 32, 16, 12, 8, 20 (even numbers = 5 , odd numbers = 0 ), falling combinations of this format are summarized in the last line of our table in the column “Total combinations dropped”.
Combinations of this format appear extremely rarely and with a large number of drops ahead of other combination options, so when composing combinations for your bets, you can safely weed them out. Another thing is that there are the most promising combinations for a high probability of occurrence, consisting of 2 even and 3 odd numbers or vice versa,
consisting of 3 even and 2 odd, respectively, for the archive of circulations 5 out of 36.
In order to get results for other circulation archives, in the menu above you need to select the circulation archive you are interested in, for example 6 out of 45 or 7 out of 49.
To make the examples clearer, below the table there is a graph that fully demonstrates the results of the tabular data.

Frequency of even and odd numbers
from 1 to 9499 circulation (for the entire duration of the game).

Even Odd Total combinations dropped
0 7 49
1 6 458
2 5 1557
3 4 2838
4 3 2763
5 2 1397
6 1 401
7 0 35

Table "When was the last time a ball fell out."

In this table we can see in numbers the last time the ball number was drawn in a particular archive of Gosloto draws. Such information is also quite valuable when choosing numbers for a future bet.
There is a maximum probability that the number that is sufficient for a long time did not fall out, it will definitely fall out and from circulation to circulation it will begin to gain momentum in the number of dropouts.

So let's give a description of the columns of this table.

Column "Ball number" is clear, it displays the ball number from 1 to 36 for the Gosloto lottery 5 out of 36, from 1 to 45 for the Gosloto lottery 6 out of 45 and from 1 to 49 for the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49. This is our input data.
Column "Circles ago", the most valuable, it is by this column that the results of all other columns are sorted. In this column you can see how many draws ago the number we are interested in came out. The result - “in the current draw” means that the balls fell out in the draw that was just held.
Results in the "Number of drops" column show the frequency of occurrence, that is, how many times the ball number has appeared in draws over the entire existence of the game.
In the column "Circulation No." The number of the draw in which the ball number participated is displayed.
In the "Combination" column The draw combination in which the ball number fell is shown.
In the Date and Time column we see the date and time of past draws.

When was the last time a ball fell out (during the entire game).

Ball number Circulations back Quantity
Number of circulation Combination Date and time
29 in the current circulation1379 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
32 in the current circulation1459 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
34 in the current circulation1366 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
44 in the current circulation1331 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
14 in the current circulation1347 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
25 in the current circulation1274 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
2 in the current circulation1369 9499 32 14 44 02 34 25 29 16.06.2019 21:30
16 1 1377 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
17 1 1350 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
24 1 1324 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
26 1 1383 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
40 1 1434 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
43 1 1369 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
48 1 1426 9498 26 43 24 40 17 48 16 16.06.2019 19:00
20 2 1350 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
8 2 1339 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
35 2 1335 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
31 2 1344 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
5 2 1366 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
23 2 1350 9497 20 05 24 35 08 23 31 16.06.2019 17:30
4 3 1280 9496 22 13 04 44 10 47 32 16.06.2019 15:30
22 3 1350 9496 22 13 04 44 10 47 32 16.06.2019 15:30
47 3 1419 9496 22 13 04 44 10 47 32 16.06.2019 15:30
10 3 1400 9496 22 13 04 44 10 47 32 16.06.2019 15:30
13 3 1330 9496 22 13 04 44 10 47 32 16.06.2019 15:30
15 4 1312 9495 43 38 30 15 21 49 35 16.06.2019 12:30
30 4 1368 9495 43 38 30 15 21 49 35 16.06.2019 12:30
21 4 1343 9495 43 38 30 15 21 49 35 16.06.2019 12:30
49 4 1383 9495 43 38 30 15 21 49 35 16.06.2019 12:30
38 4 1368 9495 43 38 30 15 21 49 35 16.06.2019 12:30
28 5 1367 9494 17 19 28 02 40 23 44 16.06.2019 09:30
19 5 1379 9494 17 19 28 02 40 23 44 16.06.2019 09:30
39 6 1339 9493 17 22 39 30 15 14 08 15.06.2019 21:30
1 7 1320 9492 18 29 36 01 48 15 46 15.06.2019 19:00
18 7 1349 9492 18 29 36 01 48 15 46 15.06.2019 19:00
36 7 1370 9492 18 29 36 01 48 15 46 15.06.2019 19:00
46 7 1327 9492 18 29 36 01 48 15 46 15.06.2019 19:00
12 8 1372 9491 02 26 12 46 19 25 05 15.06.2019 17:30
33 9 1377 9490 33 37 10 39 15 49 42 15.06.2019 15:30
37 9 1330 9490 33 37 10 39 15 49 42 15.06.2019 15:30
42 9 1382 9490 33 37 10 39 15 49 42 15.06.2019 15:30
7 10 1277 9489 27 17 48 37 28 07 05 15.06.2019 12:30
27 10 1348 9489 27 17 48 37 28 07 05 15.06.2019 12:30
45 11 1332 9488 40 49 38 45 28 29 04 15.06.2019 09:30
3 12 1403 9487 03 33 15 43 46 18 37 14.06.2019 21:30
9 20 1394 9479 20 09 18 03 11 08 40 13.06.2019 17:30
11 20 1300 9479 20 09 18 03 11 08 40 13.06.2019 17:30
6 22 1336 9477 03 17 46 26 18 16 06 13.06.2019 12:30
41 27 1359 9472 20 33 41 30 44 13 40 12.06.2019 15:30

Table "Loss of ball numbers in a row from run to run."

In this table you can see when and with what intensity the numbers were re-dropped in the following circulations, and to what extent they transferred from circulation to circulation.

Let's consider and describe this table by columns.

Column "Ball number" it prints the ball number from 1 to 36 for the Gosloto lottery 5 out of 36, from 1 to 45 for the Gosloto lottery 6 out of 45 and from 1 to 49 for the Gosloto lottery 7 out of 49.
Column "Moved in a row from circulation to total circulation". In this column we can see the total number of times during the entire period of the game or for a separate period of time, depending on the settings, the number continuously appeared from draw to draw. It is by this column that all table results are sorted in descending order.
Data in the column " Last time dropped in a row (number of runs)" show how many times a certain number was last continuously drawn from circulation to circulation.
Column "Last consecutive appearance in draws" complements the previous column and shows the very numbers of the draws in which the ball number fell out recently or for the last time in a row from draw to draw.
Column "Last consecutive draws occurred back" allows you to see how many runs ago the ball number fell out and then was no longer repeated from run to run.
Column "Maximum consecutive hits (number of runs)" shows the largest number of runs in which the ball number appeared continuously from run to run.
Column "Maximum consecutive occurrences in circulations" complements the previous column and shows the same draw numbers in which the ball number fell out the maximum number of times in a row from draw to draw.

The numbers of balls falling out in a row from one draw to another.

Shown are the results for the last 20 draws from 9479 to 9499 draws.

In order to use calculations for all completed circulations
execute login or register And
get full access to all services and reports.

The last circulation was No. 9499. Balls with numbers fell out: 32 14 44 2 34 25 29

Ball number Passed in a row
from circulation to circulation total
Last time dropped out in a row
(number of circulations)
Last time dropped out in a row
in circulation
Last time dropped out in a row
circulations back
Dropped out the most in a row
(number of circulations)
Dropped out the most in a row
in circulation
24 2 2 9497
1 2 from 9482 to 9483
from 9497 to 9498
49 1 2 9481
17 2 from 9481 to 9482
15 1 2 9492
6 2 from 9492 to 9493
33 1 2 9482
16 2 from 9482 to 9483
40 1 2 9479
19 2 from 9479 to 9480
34 1 2 9483
15 2 from 9483 to 9484
37 1 2 9489
9 2 from 9489 to 9490
45 1 2 9481
17 2 from 9481 to 9482
3 1 2 9486
12 2 from 9486 to 9487
18 1 2 9479
19 2 from 9479 to 9480
17 1 2 9493
5 2 from 9493 to 9494
46 1 2 9491
7 2 from 9491 to 9492
28 1 2 9488
10 2 from 9488 to 9489
32 0 - - - - -
29 0 - - - - -
30 0 - - - - -
31 0 - - - - -
35 0 - - - - -
38 0 - - - - -
44 0 - - - - -
47 0 - - - - -
48 0 - - - - -
43 0 - - - - -
42 0 - - - - -
39 0 - - - - -
41 0 - - - - -
36 0 - - - - -
25 0 - - - - -
8 0 - - - - -
9 0 - - - - -
10 0 - - - - -
11 0 - - - - -
7 0 - - - - -
6 0 - - - - -
2 0 - - - - -
4 0 - - - - -
5 0 - - - - -
12 0 - - - - -
13 0 - - - - -
22 0 - - - - -
23 0 - - - - -
1 0 - - - - -
26 0 - - - - -
21 0 - - - - -
20 0 - - - - -
14 0 - - - - -
16 0 - - - - -
19 0 - - - - -
27 0 - - - - -

The Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery serves not only to entertain and replenish players’ pockets, but also to finance socially significant projects in various fields.
“Gosloto “7 out of 49” is held in real time. that is, all information about the bets made, as well as where they were made, is stored on the lottery server. This organization of information storage allows you to almost instantly determine the winners, as well as find out in which region the winning bet was made. As well as the size of the winnings in each category. And this despite the huge number of daily circulations. They take place at 12:35, 15:05, 16:35, 18:35, 21:05, 22:35.

All information is duplicated on the server of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, which guarantees transparency and fairness of the lottery.

Where to buy tickets for the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery?

You can purchase tickets at a point of sale in your city. Also, everyone has the opportunity to place a bet online on the official lottery website. You can also place a bet via SMS.

How to play Gosloto 7 out of 49?

on each lottery coupon there are 6 playing fields marked with letters: A, B, C, D, D, E. You can play in all of these fields. Each bet costs 50 rubles and consists of 7 or more non-repeating numbers.
Also, with just one coupon, you can participate in several draws of the Gosloto “7 out of 49” lottery. You just need to note required quantity circulations at the bottom lottery ticket. Maximum, you can choose 9 draws.
Each point of sale has its own betting limit. You can check the rate limit at a specific point of sale in advance by calling +7 499 27-027-27

How is the prize fund of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery spent?

First, funds are distributed based on winnings in which players guessed the minimum possible number of numbers - 3. In this case, the player receives a fixed amount - 125 rubles.
The remainder of the prize fund is divided as follows.
between bets in which 4 numbers were guessed, 25 percent is divided.
Those who can guess 5 numbers will share 15% of the prize fund.
40 percent is distributed between bets in which 6 numbers were guessed.
40% are distributed among those who managed to guess all 7 numbers.
How to check your ticket?

You can look at the archives of draws on the World of Lotteries website or call 7 499 270-27-27 .

How to win the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery?

Winnings are paid within 180 days. The countdown begins from the day following the day of the draw in which the winnings occurred. Please note that the method of receiving winnings depends on the method in which the bet was made.
For example, winnings received from bets made via SMS or the Internet are not paid out at points of sale. If you placed a bet via SMS, then you need to register on the “One Hundred Lotto” website and choose any convenient way receiving winnings. Winnings over 1 million rubles are paid only by bank transfer, and only with a personal visit to the lottery office.

To participate in the lottery you need to fill out a game coupon and pay the lottery bet. The game coupon includes a field, in each of which you can choose from 7 to 16 numbers. You can participate in several draws at once. Bets in which you correctly guessed from 3 to 7 numbers in one playing field are considered winning. By guessing 7 numbers, you will win one of the largest super prizes in Russian lotteries.

— Broadcast of drawings and detailed rules of the game on the website

Recently in state lotteries significant changes. October 18, 2017, in Moscow (Volgogradsky Prospekt, 43, building 3) opened lottery center "Stoloto". In installed in the center lottery machines Six lotteries will be drawn. All circulations broadcast live on the website - anyone can come to the center and see the process with their own eyes. Free admission.

Probability of winning

lottery program gosloto 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45,7 of 49 , Rapido,
Matchball, and many other foreign lotteries - formulas (from 5 to 8) x (from 20 to 78)