Exhibition for children of the younger group in kindergarten. Poems by Barto. Methodical piggy bank

More than one generation of Russian children grew up on the poems of Agnia Barto. Barto's simple and heartfelt lines not only accompany children throughout their childhood, but also remain with them throughout their lives. In this section, teachers share their experience of using Agnia Lvovna’s poems for the development, education and training of preschoolers.

  • lesson notes on speech development
  • literary quizzes
  • scenarios for open classes, leisure and literary festivals
  • project experience
  • samples of homemade toy books
Contained in sections:
  • Writers for children. Getting to know children's fiction

Showing publications 1-10 of 596.
All sections | Barto A.L. Notes and scripts on the works of Agnia Barto

Russian poetess Agnia Barto was born on February 4, 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She successfully graduated from ballet school, but never became a ballerina. She began to write poetry at school. Agnia Barto somehow they immediately noticed. She had her own readers. A. Barto it was often possible...

Educators: Chernoivanova S.V. and Bulavina L.N. Agnia Barto was born on 4(17) February 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where experiencing creative influence A.A. Akhmatova and V.V. Mayakovsky,...

Barto A.L. Notes and scripts on the works of Agnia Barto - Lapbook “A. L. Barto"

Publication “Lapbook “A. L...”
Lapbook is special shape organizations educational material. Which helps the child, at will, organize information on the topic being studied, better understand and remember the material. The purpose of creating a lapbook: to introduce children to the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto, using understandable and...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Creative project “Through the pages of Agnia Barto’s books” CREATIVE PROJECT “THROUGH THE PAGES OF THE BOOKS OF AGNIYA BARTO” Type of project: educational, creative. Problem: what do we know about the work of A.L. Barto. The goal of the project: to activate the cognitive and speech development of children through the works of A. L. Barto. Project duration: short-term...

Goal: expanding children's understanding of the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto. Objectives: Educational: - consolidate children’s knowledge about the poems of Agnia Barto; - improve expressive reading skills; - continue to introduce children to this type of educational games such as quiz....

Scenario for a literary lounge for older preschoolers based on the works of A. Barto “In the Land of Merry Childhood” Two girls come out, Girl 1, Girl 2. Girl 1: (looks into the hall, gets scared): -Oh, so many people! Where did I end up? Girl 2: (with a book in her hands): - Hello! Girl 1: - Hello! What kind of book is this? Girl 2: -This is a book of poems. They were written by the children's poetess Agnia...

Barto A.L. Notes and scripts on the works of Agnia Barto - Matinee based on the poems of Agnia Barto

Program content: to consolidate the meaning of children about the work of A. L. Barto, to evoke an emotional response to the poems of A. Barto, to promote in children the desire to participate in creative activities: to develop the ability to act out assessments of familiar poems...

Summary of a lesson in the second junior group “Lessons of Kindness” based on the works of A. Barto Summary of the lesson “Lesson of Kindness” in the second junior group Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about moral concepts - friendship, kindness. Tasks. Developmental: develop children’s ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid; expand and activate the vocabulary of...

MADO kindergarten combined type №65

Direct educational activities

by educational areas:

"Cognitive development", " Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

On the topic: “Visiting Agnia Barto”

for older children.

(as part of a regional workshop).

Prepared and carried out:


Yavokhina Nina Grigorievna

Zhirnova Elena Nikolaevna

Musical director

Samusenko Svetlana Grigorievna
Selyatino town

December 2015

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about creativity A. L. Barto and her works.


  • Arouse interest in reading the works of Agnia Barto;

  • Expand your vocabulary;

  • Develop the ability to listen and hear, attention, thinking, and speech of children;

  • Foster a sense of teamwork.

  • Bring joy to children.


  • portrait of A. L. Barto;

  • book exhibition;

  • pictures of toys for poems;

  • creative works of children to the works of A.L. Barto;

  • multimedia installation;

  • slides for the lesson

  • audio recording of a song based on the poems of A. L. Barto “I’m growing”

Preliminary work: getting to know short biography A.L.Barto; reading and memorizing poems from the “Toys” cycle; examination of illustrations for poems; exhibition of books “Creativity of A.L. Barto”; drawing pictures for poems by A. L. Barto; dividing into 2 teams, choosing team captains, coming up with team names; preparation of prizes.

Progress of the event
Children enter the hall and greet the guests.


How many guests do we have today!!! But we want to tell you that these are not all the guests...

Kids come into the hall and read poems by A.L. Barto from the collection “Toys”.

The teacher thanks the young readers, gives them books of poems by A. L. Barto and sees them off.

Children, please tell me who wrote all these wonderful poems? That's right, Agnia Lvovna Barto.

On the screen is a portrait of the writer.
Today is a wonderful day for us, we met to talk about our favorite children's writer and poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto. Agnia Lvovna’s books are loved equally by both children and adults. Among her poems there are humorous and funny ones that entertain and make you laugh, and there are instructive ones that teach the rules of politeness, discipline, modesty, hard work, and teach respect for other people. Agnia Lvovna was especially concerned about how the children live, do they know how to be friends, do they not quarrel over trifles, do they help their elders, do they like to read and study?

Reading the poems of Agnia Lvovna, we unmistakably find out who is doing badly and who is doing well, from whom we can take an example and from whom we cannot.

For example, let’s remember the poem “Lyubochka”, what does it say?

Lyuba is beautifully dressed, she has a ribbon in her braid, everyone knows her, and she dances better than all her friends. But she doesn’t want to help her family, she’s a rude and ill-mannered girl, she doesn’t give up her seat to old ladies on the tram.

Should we take an example from Lyubochka? Of course not!!!

Who is the poem “Lullaby” about?

“The older brother was cradling his sister.”

He loves his sister, helps mom and dad, and knows how to sing lullabies. And take an example from this boy!!!

You all have your favorite toys. And when you grow up, you will be sorry to part with them, probably just like our Polina...
Dramatization of poems (performed by children)
I've grown up
I have no time for toys now -

I'm learning from the ABC book,

I'll collect my toys

And I’ll give it to Seryozha.

Wooden dishes

I won't give it yet.

I need the hare myself -

It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is too dirty...

It's a pity to give away the doll:

He'll give it to the boys

Or he'll throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?

He's bad without a wheel...

And then I need it too

Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -

I'm learning from the ABC book...

But it seems that I am Seryozha

I won't give you anything.

A humorous poem about grandmothers whose grandchildren study well

Two grandmothers

Two grandmothers on a bench

We sat on a hill.

Congratulated each other

They shook hands with each other,

Although the exam was passed

Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!
Many of your parents and grandparents, when they were like you, knew the poems of Agnia Barto by heart, and now they read them to you with pleasure, and you listen and remember them.

I’ll ask everyone to stand up together, we’ll play with a tambourine and read our favorite poems.

The game “Roll the merry tambourine”, to the music, children pass the tambourine around in a circle with the words:
You roll a merry tambourine,

Quickly, quickly hand over hand,

Who has a tambourine left?

That poem will tell us.

Agnia Lvovna Barto wrote poems for children on various topics...

We stay in the apartment.

Suddenly a military man comes in

In a green uniform.

Who have you come to? -

I asked the major.-

Mom from work

Will not be back soon.

Suddenly - I look -

He rushes to Lenka,

Picked her up

He sat me down on my knees.

He's bothering me too

Without end:

What are you doing, son?

Don't recognize your father?

I hug the major

I don't understand anything:

You don't look like dad!

Look - he's younger! -

I took the portrait out of the closet -

Look - there's my dad!

He laughs at me:

Oh, Petka, my dear!

Then he started

Toss Lenka -

I was scared:

It hits the wall.

Agnia Lvovna Barto always helped people. After the war, she wrote the poem “Zvenigorod” about the students orphanage who have lost their parents.
We will now hear excerpts from this poem (children read)
New, two-story

There's a house on the hill,

Thirty young citizens

They live in it.

What kind of family is this?

Daughters and sons are here...

Here from all over the country

Guys gathered:

To this house during the war days

Once they brought...

Children of warriors, fighters

In this orphanage.

Here are portraits of their fathers,

Cards in the album.

This is what a family is like here -

There are daughters and sons here.

One day this book fell into the hands of a woman who also lost her daughter during the war. The woman wrote a letter to Agnia Lvovna asking for help in finding the baby. And the writer helped this woman. After this, A.L. Barto began receiving letters from different parts of the country asking him to find lost children or parents. This is how a radio program called “Find a Person” arose. Agnia Barto was searching for people separated by the war; she devoted nine years of her life to this work. She managed to unite almost a thousand families destroyed by the war.

Later she also wrote the book “Find a Person”.

Meeting Barto's books in childhood is not forgotten throughout my life.

I will now tell you one incident from the life of Agnia Lvovna.

Teacher's story.
On the screen is a portrait of the first cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin

You all know this man very well. Who is this?

The first cosmonaut of the earth, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, once came to visit the writers. The most famous writers surrounded him and asked for an autograph (to explain to the children what an autograph is), and Agnia Barto stood aside, realizing that she, a weak woman, would never push her way to Gagarin. And suddenly the astronaut came up to her and quietly asked:

- Agnia Lvovna, can I give you an autograph? - And tearing out a piece of paper from the notebook, he wrote on it: “They dropped the bear on the floor. Gagarin"

It turned out that the children's poet Agnia Barto is more famous than all the famous writers and her poems were in space in the memory of the astronaut.

Agnia Barto loved children very much, she had her own children, and then a grandson was born. They named him Volodya. Agnia Barto dedicated the poem “Vovka is a kind soul” to her grandson. Here is one of the poems from this book.

"Good morning !"(child reads)
Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya,

I was so surprised -

White-headed boy

He shouted to me from the window:

- WITH good morning!

Good morning!

I asked: - Is this for me? -

He smiled at the window

He shouted to someone else:
- Good morning!

Good morning!

For kids and adults

The boy waved his hand

Let's get to know him now:

This is Vovka - there is one!

A.L. Barto was always surrounded by children, understood their concerns, was happy and sad with them. Her works, her poems - wise, cheerful and restless - will remain with us for many, many years.

Well, our creative meeting has come to an end. You and I remembered Agnia Lvovna’s most beloved poems, and she has about 700 of them, and you guys will get to know them at home, in your group, and at school.

And now we, swami, summing up the results of our meeting, will play and conduct a short quiz with questions about knowledge of the work of our favorite poetess.

Progress of the quiz.

First, warm up.

A fragment of a song based on the poems of A.L. Barto “The Amateur Fisherman” sounds

What is the name of the song that just played? Who wrote it? What other poems by A.L. Barto do you know?

The warm-up was great!

1. What was the Zina doll bought in the store made of?


made of rubber
made of plastic
made of wood
2. Where did the hero of the poem “I love my horse” go?

to mom
to grandma

on a visit
to kindergarten
3. What color was the skirt of the heroine of the poem “Lyubochka”?



4. “Son is your concern, that’s why you’re a mother!”
What poem is this quote from?

"Pamper Bear"
"Prankish Bear"
"Ignorant Bear"
"Naughty Bear"


1. I'll start, and you finish. In chorus, continue together...


1. Airplane.

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests...
(Let's fly over the forests,
And then we’ll go back to mom.)

2. Elephant.

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lay down in a box on its side...
(The sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep,
The elephant nods its head
He sends his regards to the elephant.)

3. Checkbox.

Burning in the sun

. . . . . . . . . . .
(As if I
The fire was lit.)

4. The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.


I couldn't get off the bench,
All wet to the skin


"Basket of lost things."

The basket contains various objects (or drawings) related to Barto's poems. The item is considered guessed if the children name the hero, as well as the name of the poem.

BALL – Tanya lost from the poem “Ball”

CANDY – Tanyusha lost from the poem “Helper”

HARE – the mistress lost from the poem “Bunny”

SHIP – lost captain from the poem “Ship”


1.Where was A.L. Barto born?

2.Who was her father?

3.The parents of the future poetess dreamed that their daughter would become... who?

(Agnia Lvovna Barto was born in Moscow into the family of a veterinarian. She started writing poetry back in primary school gymnasium. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina, graduated from a choreographic school).

4.What is the name of A.L.’s grandson? Barto. - Vovka

Leading. Dear guys, you have completed all the tasks. Our quiz is ending, but there is one more task left, you need to solve a crossword puzzle with the keyword (WELL DONE)

1. Won’t drown in the river... (ball)

2. Who didn’t want to sleep...(elephant)?

3. What will the guys build themselves... (airplane)?

4. What is the cat not used to riding in? (truck)?

5. A toy that you can ride on to visit... (horse)

6. Who got wet to the skin in the rain...(hare)?

7.Who walks and swings...(bull)?









































You are truly GREAT!!! Agnia Lvovna is not with us. But with us is the warmth of her heart, the goodness of her deeds, on the shelf are her books with poems, read and re-read many times, with us are songs written on these poems, to which you can also dance. Now we will dance a dance called “I’m growing.”


Agni Barto"


Kochetkova G.V.

Shevchenko Yu.M.

Moscow, 2016


"Familiarization of children preschool age with creativity

Agni Barto"

View: creative, complex

Project participants:

Relevance of the project:

Project problem:


Project objectives:


is it possible

Research methods:

Expected result:

Project implementation stages:

I. Preparatory stage:

  1. leisure time based on the works of A. Barto

IV. Conclusions.

V. Sources used

Implementation period: January–February 2016.

  1. Preparatory stage.


Forms of work


Implementation period

Place and method of implementation

January -

Groups No. 3 No. 2

  • Game activity:
  • Productive activities:


February -

group No. 3, 2 music hall,

Under the leadership


1st half


group No. 3,

music hall

children, parents, teachers

Project presentation:

  • Preparing for the presentation
  • Presentation


pedagogical council

II. The main stage of the project implementation:



3. A. Barto “Toys” 2000



“Introducing preschool children to creativity

Agni Barto"


Kochetkova G.V.

Shevchenko Yu.M.

Gorbunkova E.A.

Moscow, 2016


“Introducing preschool children to creativity

Agni Barto"

View: creative, complex

Project participants:teacher Kochetkova G.V., teacher Shevchenko Yu.M., teacher Gorbunkova E.A. children junior group No. 3, children preparatory group No. 2, parents

Implementation period: January–February 2016.

Relevance of the project:

Early preschool age is the main period in a child’s development. At this time, there is an active formation of ideas about the world around us, and familiarizing the child with the world of fiction is one of the factors in the child’s development. The relevance lies in the fact that the reading interests and reading culture of preschoolers are the most important indicators spiritual potential of pupils and society. Often children read a book and do not pay attention to the author and do not know his bibliographic information. With this project we want to supplement the knowledge of preschoolers with information about Agnia Barto as a writer and poetess.

Project problem:

- Modern preschoolers do not know children's authors. And the poems of A. Barto help children create a desire to emotionally perceive poetry and expressively read poetry by heart.

Target: Familiarization of preschool children with the work of A. L. Barto, the formation of a sustainable interest in the artistic word, the development of creative abilities, and the creation of a product of activity.

Project objectives:

Select and study literature on the topic project activities.

Develop a promising thematic planning on topic

Develop cycles of game-activities for sections of the project, each of which would combine elements different types activities

Select and systematize games and game exercises.

Include a variety of materials and non-traditional techniques in practical activities with children.

Determine the forms of organization of training, according to the objectives and content of the project.

Develop advisory material for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topics of the project sections

Introduce children to external structure the human body, with the capabilities of his body

Create conditions for children to independently reflect their acquired knowledge and skills

Involve parents in the educational process through consultations, entertainment, and organizing joint activities with children

Develop imagination and creativity children


is it possible the formation in preschool children of a sustainable interest in the artistic word, the development of creative abilities through familiarization with the work of the poet

Research methods:

1. Studying fiction, information from the Internet.

2. Verbal (conversation, reading fiction)

3. Visual (demonstrations of presentations, books, album about the work of A. Barto)

4. Practical (drawing, modeling, design, appliqué)

5.Joint creative activity teachers, parents and children

Expected result:

  • Formation of bibliographic information about the author;
  • Expanding your horizons about the works of A. Barto;
  • replenishment of the corner with books on the section poetry by A.L. Barto;
  • design of the themed album “Toys”;
  • design of the book-album “Toys” by parents;
  • production of attributes for role-playing games.
  • development of lesson notes on the topic “Toys”;
  • accumulation of card indexes with speech material (poems, riddles, songs about toys, games)

Project activity product:

Children's drawings made with pencils and paints

Composition “Poems by A. Barto” (team work)

Mnemonic tables based on the poems of A. Barto

Models of classes, didactic games, information material for parents and teachers

Visual materials and aids

Project implementation stages:

I. Preparatory stage:

  1. Teachers determine the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result.
  2. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the project
  3. Drawing up an action plan for project implementation
  4. Discussion with parents about the possibilities of implementing the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.
  5. Selection of didactic material.

II. The main stage of the project implementation:

  1. introducing children to the works of A. Barto
  2. memorization of poems by children of the junior and preparatory groups
  3. productive activity of children
  4. leisure time based on the works of A. Barto

IV. Conclusions.

V. Sources used

Implementation period: January–February 2016.

  1. Preparatory stage.

Action plan for project implementation


Forms of work


Implementation period

Place and method of implementation

Organization of work on the project.

“Journey to the land of “Toys” based on the poems of A. Barto”:

  • Conversation “Acquaintance with the work and biography of A. Barto”
  • Reading the works of A. Barto. looking at illustrations.
  • Exhibition of books by A. Barto: “The best poems for children”, “Tamara and I”, “I love my horse”, “Carousel”, etc.
  • Watching cartoons, listening to audio fairy tales and songs on the topic “Toys”

Deeply study the topic of the project.

Draw up a work plan for the implementation of the project.

Intensify the activities of parents.

Inspire parents to share information and experience.

To develop children's interest in artistic expression.

To teach children the ability to perceive a work of literature, to introduce them to the process of cognition.

January -

Groups No. 3 No. 2

joint activities of teachers and children

Practical solution of assigned problems.

  • Game activity:

Plot - role playing games: “Toy Store”, “Zoo”, “Animal Hospital”

Dramatization games based on the works of A. Barto: “Truck”, “Ball”, “Bunny”.

Theatrical activities using all types of theaters.

Educational situations: “Toys visiting children”, “They dropped the Teddy Bear on the floor”, “Toy Park”, etc.

Finger games: “Kid”, “Ball”, “Friendship”, etc.

  • Memorizing poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle
  • Learning songs, musical games, musically rhythmic movements.
  • Productive activities:

Making works in drawing and appliqué classes on the topic: “Drawing a poem”

Crafts made from plasticine, paper and waste material: “Flag”, “Airplane”, “Ball”.

Contribute to the enrichment and expansion of ideas about the world around us.

Develop an emotional and holistic attitude towards works of literature and artistic images.

Develop attention, memory, creative imagination and activate speech.

To develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities.

Develop fine motor skills of the hand.


February -

group No. 3, 2 music hall,

Under the leadership


Creating an album with your own hands on the topic: “Toys”.

  • Viewing an exhibition of children's works.
  • Selection of poems and production of albums of children's creative works.
  • Organizing a card index for parents: “Poems for memorizing and reading”
  • Visual information for parents: “Teach with us”

Cultivate the basics of a friendly attitude towards each other.

Instill in children confidence in their abilities.

Develop activity, initiative, independence.

1st half


group No. 3,

joint activities of children and teachers

Display of musical and literary leisure “Acquaintance with the poems of A. Barto”

  • Organization of entertainment based on the poems of Agnia Barto

Create a joyful mood in children and parents by involving them in festive events.

Involve parents in joint work, involve them in joint reading.

music hall

children, parents, teachers

Project presentation:

  • Preparing for the presentation
  • Presentation

Generalization and dissemination of experience in project activities.


pedagogical council

II. The main stage of the project implementation:

Getting to know the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto


- An in-depth acquaintance with the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto developed a stable interest in poetry among preschool children and aroused a desire in children to expressively read poetry by heart.


1. E. A. Kosakovskaya “A toy in a child’s life.” 2005.

2. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution” 2011.

3. A. Barto “Toys” 2000

4. Kartushina M. Yu. Fun for kids. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006.

5. Kryazheva N. L. development of the emotional world of children. – Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2004.

6. Development and education of young children in preschool educational institutions: Educational and methodological manual/ compiled by E. S. Demina - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2006.

7. Raising children through play. /ed. Mendzheritskaya D.V. - M.: Education, 1979.

8. Didactic games and activities with young children / ed. Novoselova S. L. – M.: Education, 1985.

9. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”, ed. T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. First junior group / author comp. O.P. Vlasenko [and others]. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. – 292 p.

Moscow Department of Education

South-Eastern District Education Department

State educational institution



Address: 109444, Moscow, st. Tashkentskaya 22, building 4


“Introducing preschool children to creativity

Agni Barto"


Kochetkova G.V.

Shevchenko Yu.M.

Gorbunkova E.A.

Moscow, 2016


“Introducing preschool children to creativity

Agni Barto"

View: creative, complex

Project participants:teacher Kochetkova G.V., teacher Shevchenko Yu.M., teacher Gorbunkova E.A. children of junior group No. 3, children of preparatory group No. 2, parents

Implementation period: January–February 2016.

Relevance of the project:

Early preschool age is the main period in a child’s development. At this time, there is an active formation of ideas about the world around us, and familiarizing the child with the world of fiction is one of the factors in the child’s development. The relevance lies in the fact that the reading interests and reading culture of preschool children are the most important indicators of the spiritual potential of pupils and society. Often children read a book and do not pay attention to the author and do not know his bibliographic information. With this project we want to supplement the knowledge of preschoolers with information about Agnia Barto as a writer and poetess.

Project problem:

- Modern preschoolers do not know children's authors. And the poems of A. Barto help children create a desire to emotionally perceive poetry and expressively read poetry by heart.

Target: Familiarization of preschool children with the work of A. L. Barto, the formation of a sustainable interest in the artistic word, the development of creative abilities, and the creation of a product of activity.

Project objectives:

Select and study literature on the topic of project activities.

Develop long-term thematic planning on the topic

Develop cycles of game-activities for sections of the project, each of which would combine elements of different types of activities

Select and systematize games and game exercises.

Include a variety of materials and non-traditional techniques in practical activities with children.

Determine the forms of organization of training, according to the objectives and content of the project.

Develop advisory material for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions on the topics of the project sections

To acquaint children with the external structure of the human body, with the capabilities of its body

Create conditions for children to independently reflect their acquired knowledge and skills

Involve parents in the educational process through consultations, entertainment, and organizing joint activities with children

Develop children's imagination and creativity


is it possible the formation in preschool children of a sustainable interest in the artistic word, the development of creative abilities through familiarization with the work of the poet

Research methods:

1. Studying fiction, information from the Internet.

2. Verbal (conversation, reading fiction)

3. Visual (demonstrations of presentations, books, album about the work of A. Barto)

4. Practical (drawing, modeling, design, appliqué)

5. Joint creative activity of teachers, parents and children

Expected result:

  • Formation of bibliographic information about the author;
  • Expanding your horizons about the works of A. Barto;
  • replenishment of the corner with books on the section poetry by A.L. Barto;
  • design of the themed album “Toys”;
  • design of the book-album “Toys” by parents;
  • production of attributes for role-playing games.
  • development of lesson notes on the topic “Toys”;
  • accumulation of card indexes with speech material (poems, riddles, songs about toys, games)

Project activity product:

Children's drawings made with pencils and paints

Composition “Poems by A. Barto” (team work)

Mnemonic tables based on the poems of A. Barto

Models of classes, didactic games, information material for parents and teachers

Visual materials and aids

Project implementation stages:

I. Preparatory stage:

  1. Teachers determine the topic, goals and objectives, the content of the project, predicting the result.
  2. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of the project
  3. Drawing up an action plan for project implementation
  4. Discussion with parents about the possibilities of implementing the project, determining the content of the activities of all project participants.
  5. Selection of didactic material.

II. The main stage of the project implementation:

  1. introducing children to the works of A. Barto
  2. memorization of poems by children of the junior and preparatory groups Tasks

    Implementation period

    Place and method of implementation

    Organization of work on the project.

    “Journey to the land of “Toys” based on the poems of A. Barto”:

    • Conversation “Acquaintance with the work and biography of A. Barto”
    • Reading the works of A. Barto. looking at illustrations.
    • Exhibition of books by A. Barto: “The best poems for children”, “Tamara and I”, “I love my horse”, “Carousel”, etc.
    • Watching cartoons, listening to audio fairy tales and songs on the topic “Toys”

    Deeply study the topic of the project.

    Draw up a work plan for the implementation of the project.

    Intensify the activities of parents.

    Inspire parents to share information and experience.

    To develop children's interest in artistic expression.

    To teach children the ability to perceive a work of literature, to introduce them to the process of cognition.

    January -

    Groups No. 3 No. 2

    joint activities of teachers and children

    Practical solution of assigned problems.

    • Game activity:

    Role-playing games: “Toy Store”, “Zoo”, “Animal Hospital”

    Dramatization games based on the works of A. Barto: “Truck”, “Ball”, “Bunny”.

    Theatrical activities using all types of theaters.

    Educational situations: “Toys visiting children”, “They dropped the Teddy Bear on the floor”, “Toy Park”, etc.

    Finger games: “Kid”, “Ball”, “Friendship”, etc.

    • Memorizing poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle
    • Learning songs, musical games, musically rhythmic movements.
    • Productive activities:

    Making works in drawing and appliqué classes on the topic: “Drawing a poem”

    Crafts made from plasticine, paper and waste material: “Flag”, “Airplane”, “Ball”.

    Contribute to the enrichment and expansion of ideas about the world around us.

    Develop an emotional and holistic attitude towards works of literature and artistic images.

    Develop attention, memory, creative imagination and activate speech.

    To develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities.

    Develop fine motor skills of the hand.


    February -

    group No. 3, 2 music hall,

    Under the leadership


    Making your own album

Exhibition in kindergarten"My beloved Agnia Barto"

Exhibition for children and their parents “My beloved Agnia Barto” at the preschool educational institution

Exhibition based on poems by A.L. Barto

Chernikova Dina Nikolaevna – teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 in the village of Staroye Melkovo, Tver region, Konakovsky district.
Description of material: I bring to your attention the exhibition “My beloved Agnia Barto”. This material will be useful to educators and parents. This exhibition consists of books, crafts, toys, family creative works, aimed at developing joint creativity between adults and children; Decorating the interior of a kindergarten for the Book Week holiday.
Purpose: making gifts, interior decoration.
Target: organizing an exhibition of family art, decorating the interior of a kindergarten for the Book Week holiday.
Tasks: teach children to create expressive images; develop creativity, fine motor skills, color perception, compositional skills; cultivate artistic taste and interest in making crafts with your own hands; enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creativity.

In our country, every spring, at the end of March, “Children’s Book Week” begins. For this week, we decided to organize an exhibition on poems for children by A. L. Barto from the “Toys” series of poems. The parents of our children also decided to participate in it. They helped in making crafts and homemade books.

"Book Week" is a holiday invented wonderful writer Lev Kassil. It was held for the first time in 1943. When this poetess appeared in the Kremlin in the Hall of Columns during Children's Book Week, each line of her poems was accompanied by the hum of children's voices repeating her poems by heart. She said this: “I’ll start reading a poem, and you all together, continue it if you know it. My job is to write poetry, and you, the readers, should read and know them!” Of course, you all know these verses from childhood. Let us all read together the familiar and favorite lines: “They dropped the bear on the floor...”, “The bull is walking, swinging...”, “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly...” Here see, you remember them well too. And the name of this poetess is... Agnia Lvovna Barto.

Agnia Barto is a children's poetess whose poems are known not only to children, but we adults also remember very well the first poems for little ones that our mother read to us. Barto's "Poems for Little Ones" are fun and interesting even for little ones!
Children love to listen and read poetry. A special place is occupied by the poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto. Today, hearing the name of the poetess, a person of any age smiles and says: “Yes, yes, of course, I remember from childhood:
They dropped Mishka on the floor,
They tore off Mishka's paw,
I still won't leave him,
Because he is good."

Generation after generation, children easily remember the clear, sonorous poems of the poetess, since their intonations are very close to children’s speech and are easy and fun to pronounce. Agnia Lvovna widely uses humor when she talks to young children about toys.

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I'm going to fall!

The owner abandoned the bunny -
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.

It's time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.

Agnia Barto's poems are pages of childhood. They help us cultivate in children the habit of caring for people, striving to bring them joy, and creating good mood, be responsive, attentive and kind to them.

I love my horse
I'll comb her fur smoothly,
I'll comb my tail
And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

I have a little goat,
I herd him myself.
I'm a kid in a green garden
I'll take it early in the morning.
He gets lost in the garden -
I'll find it in the grass.

Creative works, made together, bring children and parents closer together. The wonderful traditions of preparing for the holidays together, decorating the house, and making gifts with your own hands are being revived.

Rope in hand
I'm pulling the boat
Along a fast river.
And the frogs jump
On my heels,
And they ask me:
- Take it for a ride, captain!

We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.

Funny and interesting poems by A. Barto are very understandable to young children. In them she talks about the same boys and girls with whom they communicate in kindergarten.

No, we shouldn't have decided
Ride a cat in a car:
The cat is not used to riding -
The truck overturned.

Our Tanya cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
- Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:
The ball will not drown in the river.

Today I introduced you to an exhibition dedicated to the poetess A. Barto and her poems for little ones from the “Toys” series.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5" in Gornozavodsk

Shavochkina Valentina Akimovna, teacher 1st quarter. categories
Vasilyeva Olga Vladimirovna Teacher of additional education
MBOU DOOD DOOC "Yunost" Gornozavodsk Perm region
Children's poetess Agnia Barto is one of the most famous and beloved children's poets by readers. Her poems are known to many, both young readers and adults. The cheerful and interesting poems of Agnia Barto are understandable to every child. She has a special gift for talking to children. The poetess devoted her whole life to children, their upbringing and problems. Therefore, in her poems she talks about the same boys and girls with whom the little reader communicates in kindergarten.

Most often, these are not at all exemplary children; among them there are children who commit unexemplary actions. She jokingly talks about the various actions of the heroes, not forgetting to see their good traits. Reading the poems of Agnia Barto, a child will definitely see who should be imitated and who it is better not to be like. The poetess creates expressive portraits of children, reveals the depth of their experiences, noticing the features of child psychology. More than one generation of children has grown up with the works of A. Barto. By comprehending her works, the child learns to live, think and evaluate his actions.
Direction of project activity: cognitive and speech development.
Educational area: “Reading fiction.”
Project manager: Shavochkina Valentina Akimovna, teacher 1 qualification category.
Project participants: children middle group“Zvezdochka”, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.
Place of implementation: group No. 6 of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" in Gornozavodsk.
The goal of the project: to activate the cognitive and speech development of middle-aged children through the works of A.L. Barto.
-continue acquaintance with the works of A.L. Barto, to arouse interest in the literary word in the author’s literary works;
-develop the ability to understand the content of works, listen carefully to poems;
- to cultivate a love of reading and respect for literary sources.
Project duration: medium term
Implementation period: from 12/01/2012 to 01/15/2013.
Expected results:
- Formation of diverse knowledge about the author’s works, and careful attitude towards the most valuable source of knowledge - books;
- Acquisition by children of skills in using fiction;
- Education of moral qualities of preschool children;
- Development of cognitive interest, thinking and speech of preschool children.
Conditions for the project:
- interest of children and parents;
- methodological developments;
- integration with kindergarten specialists;
- interaction with social institutions childhood.

Stages of the project:
I. Preparatory stage:
1. Information-cumulative:
- Search for project ideas: studying children’s interests to determine the goals of the project;
- Selection of methodological, reference, encyclopedic and fiction literature on the selected project topic.
2. Questioning parents:
“A questionnaire for parents to identify the motivation for the cognitive and speech development of children using children’s literature.”
3. Preparation of visual and didactic material:
- Collection and analysis of literature.
- Selection literary works A. Barto for children's reading;
- Consultation for parents “Reading in a child’s life”;
- Development of a plan for carrying out project activities.
II. Productive stage:
1. Organizational and practical
- Acquaintance with the work of A. Barto;
- Reading literary works by A. Barto;
- Analysis of the studied works;
- Memorization of poems by A. Barto;
-Production of attributes based on poems by A. Barto for the purpose of further productions;
- Staging plot films (theatrical sketches) based on the works of A. Barto;
- Drawing based on the works of A. Barto “Poems in Drawings”;
- Design of the reading corner “Agniya Barto in verse”;
- Design of the mobile screen “Learning with Agnia Barto”;
- Design of a joint book between children and parents “Agniya Barto in the lives of our children.”
2. Joint activities with children:
- organization of a literary and creative environment in the group;
- visiting the children's library;
- reading poems by A. Barto;
- exhibition “My beloved Agnia Barto”;
- exhibition of children's works "Poems by A. Barto in children's creativity."
- display of a literary-genre production based on the works of A. Barto.
3. Joint activities with parents:
- assistance in organizing a literary and creative environment;
- advice to parents “Reading A. Barto together”;
- design of moving folders and visual material on the topic “The role of reading A. Barto’s poetry in raising a child”;
- consultation for parents with recommendations on reading children's works;
- creative tasks for parents and children “Reading together”;
- consultation for parents “Mom’s Book”;
- Exhibition “My favorite hero from the works of A. Barto”;
- open screening for parents “How to read the poems of A. Barto”;
- work on the preparation and organization of the holiday “The Literary Country of Agnia Barto”;
- memorization of poems;
- production of attributes, decorations.
III. Final stage:
1. Presentation - final
- Carrying out the campaign “Poems of Agnia Barto in Drawings” within the framework of the project;
- Reading competition “We know, we love, we read by heart”;
- Report concert (holding of the holiday “The Literary Country of Agnia Barto”)
- Exhibition of crafts based on the works of A. Barto “Poems by A. Barto in children's creativity.”
- Assessment of project implementation (summarizing the results of the project, rewarding active participants).
IV. Control-reflexive
Summing up.

Literature used:

1. “Agniya Lvovna Barto” Alla Tyukova//magazine “Biography” February 2006
2. A. Barto. Collected works in 4 volumes. Moscow: Fiction, 1981
3. Agnia Barto. Selected Poems. Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 1999.