The phrase believe, don't be afraid, ask. What does the phrase: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” mean? A huge impression from the words “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask”

6 Quite often in modern conversation, prison jargon is used to make one's speech more flowery and weighty. Today we’ll talk about one of these expressions, this Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask.
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So let's continue phrase don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask from where? It is unknown who invented it; most likely it appeared during the “great” Stalinist purges of the 30s of the last century.

Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask- this phrase is one of the oldest and most fundamental prison laws; it was first brought to the attention of the public by one of the oppositionists, A. Solzhenitsyn, in his work " Gulag Archipelago", and later in 2003 this phraseological unit became the title of one of the group's songs" Tattoo", participated in Eurovision

This commandment is one of the few that can be used in ordinary life, and these tips will never let you down. If you adhere to this prison wisdom, then many troubles will pass you by, just think about it.

Those distant and terrible years for the entire Russian people passed under the sign of large-scale " landings"and the fight against dissent. However, it is worth paying tribute to, there was a reason to imprison, there were many enemies of the people in the state, bought by Western capital. As you know, “the forest is cut down, the chips fly,” and there were also innocent, but mostly they were imprisoned for business.

It is worth noting that even in the darkest year of 1937, in remote places there were many less people than now in the freest country on the planet, the USA. Our " Echoes of Moscow"and all sorts" Rains"This fact is studiously ignored, which sometimes gets worse!

There is a mention that the phrase " do not trust, do not fear, do not ask"was also used by ancient Roman legionnaires, but there is no actual evidence of this.

Do not believe- this is the correct phrase, which, as it were, hints that “man is a wolf to man,” and that you should never relax your “rolls,” since now is a capitalist time, and in some places liberal, and this means that everyone strives to deceive and swindle money.

Don't be afraid- fear and timidity are the primary manifestations of weakness, and a person is designed in such a way that, having discovered a weak person, he begins to persecute, bully, mock him, and not only in prison.

Do not ask- asking someone else for anything is humiliation and a clear sign of weakness. Moreover, the applicant immediately finds himself dependent, and this is not very correct and good even in freedom, and even more so in prison.

After reading this short but informative article, now you can answer the question, the phrase don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask where it came from and what it means.

The expression “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” and the story of its origin formed the basis of the design.

Where did the phrase “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” come from?

The authorship of this expression, or as it is also called, the law of three "Hs", is often attributed to prisoners. The truth is that the words of the quote “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” really originated within the walls of “places not so remote” back in Soviet times. However, the mass of people who were imprisoned during the Soviet era were not criminals in the usual sense for us. Those who peacefully expressed their political, religious, scientific views, and those who had the “wrong” ethnic, national, social origin, and family relations were sent to prisons and camps. The Gulag camps (the main directorate of camps and places of detention) were overcrowded with so-called “prisoners of conscience.”

Sharashka as the source of the quote “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask”

Often, political prisoners not only served their sentences, but also, being educated people, the best representatives of the intelligentsia, continued to work for the benefit of the Motherland in the so-called sharashkas (prison-type research institutes and design bureaus). Many outstanding Soviet scientists and designers went through such sharashkas: S.P. Korolev (designer of rocket and space technology), A.I. Putilov (aircraft designer), N.V. Nikitin (engineer, future creator of the Ostankino TV tower), B.S. Maslennikov (Russian aviation engineer), A.I. Solzhenitsyn (writer), etc. Many samples military equipment and weapons were created within the walls of such forced design bureaus. And it is unknown what was more humiliating for these people - to be simply convicted “for nothing” or the fact that the very Motherland that deprived them of freedom, family, normal life, demands to continue their treatise for her good. The phrase “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” did not so much reflect the system of relationships between prisoners as it expressed the ideology of a whole layer of the best, intelligent people, expressing precisely their attitude towards the authorities and the state.

The times of the Gulag are over, the authorities rehabilitated (unfortunately many posthumously) the camp prisoners, but we still continued to build a “bright communist future” until 1991.

In 1991, the USSR collapsed. The failure of the economic system, the inept internal management of such a huge country, which led, among other things, to national conflicts, is costly foreign policy states, man-made disasters, the artificial closure of the country and a number of other reasons led to the collapse of the “colossus with feet of clay.” The collapse of such a huge power led to very sad consequences: chaos, virtual anarchy, arbitrariness in all forms reigned in the country. Those in whose hands power had previously been concentrated, whom every Soviet citizen knew by sight, lost their status, simple, ordinary people they lost their only modest savings, some even lost their housing (remember the activities of the notorious MMM and similar campaigns). As N.A. wrote much earlier. Nekrasov: “The great chain fell apart, fell apart and struck - with one end on the master, with the other on the peasant.” In addition, the national idea that united society ceased to exist. Until that moment soviet man raised virgin soil, issued a five-year plan in three years, caught up and overtook America, built communism. And suddenly all this was gone. Old system values ​​collapsed, but no one was in a hurry to create a new one. Wild capitalism in the post-Soviet space only added fuel to the fire. There was no one to believe, wait, hope for, only for themselves. The ideology of don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask not only did not lose relevance, but became necessary for survival.

No man is an island

More than 20 years have passed since then. And what about in our time? Alas, our state is not interested in its people even now. We exist for the sake of the state, although, according to all the principles of political science, and simply common sense, it should be exactly the opposite. We pay taxes and thereby maintain our power, but in return we have nothing free education, no free medicine, our pensioners can barely make ends meet. The Russian person still has no one to rely on, only himself. If you are successful, live freely and independently, as you should live, then this is, in any case, not thanks to the state, but rather, in spite of everything that it does. You don’t believe someone you shouldn’t trust, don’t wait, don’t ask and don’t be afraid, because as the classic said: “Cowardice is one of the most important human vices.” Well, there is only one warrior in the field.

In our online store of branded clothing from the manufacturer, the model is dedicated to the phrase “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask.”

What does the phrase: “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” mean?

    Don’t believe it - don’t take your word for it, trust your feelings, analyze what is said to you.

    Don't be afraid - don't be afraid of anyone, don't let the feeling of fear take over your consciousness.

    Don’t ask - don’t ask anyone for help, don’t humiliate yourself, solve your problems yourself.

    In a criminal environment, this means: don’t trust anyone, don’t be afraid of anyone, don’t ask anyone for anything. A kind of motto or principle of life for a wolf - a loner.

    This is a matrix of behavior in places not so remote. There was a funny story about Don't Believe. Four prisoners were playing cards, suddenly one began to be indignant that they were playing unfairly with him. An outsider interestedly asked his partners under what articles they were convicted. They answered.

    Then the indignant person was reasonably asked - are you playing cards with a swindler, swindler and smuggler and yelling about honesty? Do you even understand where you are?

    Don’t be afraid - it’s clear here - in a society with wolfish (but fair) laws, you should never show fear.

    Don’t ask - this is just for the sake of words - everyone constantly wants to get something from everyone.

    Do not believe, it’s just don’t trust anyone, neither in freedom nor in prison, trust only the Creator and your parents. Apart from them, there are no authorities for a person.

    Don't be afraid, beware of everyone who surrounds you and approaches you, but do not be afraid, fear the Creator and your parents. Fear the Creator, do not sin, so as to always have boldness before him, and live confidently, and your parents, so as not to offend the most devoted people in your life.

    Do not ask Don’t ask anyone for anything, don’t lose your face, no blessings are worthy of your honor. Ask for forgiveness from anyone who has offended you, ask forgiveness from the Creator for obscene thoughts. Ask your parents for forgiveness, because you will not be able to repay them.

    or else it means surviving in harsh conditions. No matter what they set you up, rely only on yourself. Don't be afraid that your fears won't turn against you. Don’t ask, so as not to owe anything to anyone.

    Don't BELIEVE means:

    Do not believe the laws of the state, the laws of religions and simply human laws. The Thieves' Law stands in second place, on the pedestal of three Laws: Human (philosophical, religious), Thieves' Law, respectively, and the most musty Law of the state. How to figuratively stay in the middle between these two laws.

    Don't be afraid means:

    Lack of fear of the same above-mentioned Laws and of the authorities, lack of fear of death, poverty or prison. That is, the purple mood is always so to speak.

    Don't ASK means:

    Do not humiliate yourself before the Legislative Bodies, do not ask for mercy, do not ask for mercy, do not ask for reward from either God or the State, much less from Thieves or simply Vagrants.

    Live like this, enjoying what you have: Don’t believe, don’t be afraid and don’t ask.

    In short, it can be explained like this:

    this expression appeared in the zones and began to express the correct way of life of the inmates. There is no need to trust people, many are deceiving, there is no need to be afraid, a sad fate awaits cowards in the zone, there is no need to ask, you will have to return this help and it can be very unexpected.

    Somewhere like this.

    This expression is relevant not only for places not so remote, it is suitable for our entire life. You can’t trust almost anyone, you don’t need to be afraid and you don’t need to ask either, it’s disgusting. But I can only manage the first part - not to believe. But I’m afraid of a lot of things and sometimes I still have to ask.

Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask - modern, domestic prison folklore, prison wisdom of behavior in custody. The time of appearance is unknown, but most likely - the last century, when, figuratively speaking, half of the citizens of our great country sat, the other half guarded them.

There is, however, talk that the rules “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” were used either by Roman legionnaires, or pirates, or Russian peddlers (merchants peddling small haberdashery goods), but there is no documentary evidence of this.

Wikipedia reported that the law “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” was mentioned by our famous literary prisoners V. Shalamov and A. Solzhenitsyn

“Dugaev, despite his youth, understood the falsity of the saying about friendship being tested by misfortune and misfortune. In order for friendship to be friendship, it is necessary that its strong foundation be laid when conditions and everyday life have not yet reached the final limit, beyond which there is nothing human in a person, but only mistrust, anger and lies. Dugaev remembered well the northern proverb, the three prison commandments: don’t believe, don’t be afraid and don’t ask” (Shalamov “Single Measurement”)

“Three great camp commandments: don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask. Everyone is responsible for themselves. Do not teach a comrade or partner what to do. Everything that is someone else's will is none of your business. Simple but difficult camp commandments. requiring experience, self-control, fearlessness” (Shalamov “Little Things”)

“Finally, there is a summary commandment: do not believe, do not fear, do not ask! In this commandment the general national character of the prisoner is cast with great clarity, even sculpture” (Solzhenitsyn)

Do not believe

The commandment is comprehensive. It concerns not only prison, but also freedom. “Daddy” Muller talked about that too

And this is another TV character, Monsieur Tardivo, the accountant, from the movie "Straw Hat"

All folk wisdom, the experience of all mankind are contained in these two words. And then - conclusions:
, “You die today, and I die tomorrow”, “To betray does not mean to betray, but to foresee”, “And you, Brutus?”

Don't be afraid

Shyness and fear are a manifestation of weakness. But the weak are not loved anywhere; they are bullied, persecuted, and mocked everywhere, not only in prison. But it’s special there.

Do not ask

Asking for something is also a sign of weakness, humiliation. In addition, satisfying a need through a request requires a return, that is, the petitioner immediately becomes dependent, and dependence is bad even in freedom.

Except for “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” for those sitting in captivity

  • never make excuses
  • never complain
  • never brag
  • never discuss others
  • never ask unless absolutely necessary
  • never take someone else's
  • try to remain yourself

    A huge impression from the words “don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask”

    There are no people here, everyone is strangers here,
    There are only holy rules,
    And there are exactly three of these rules:
    do not trust, do not fear, do not ask

    In prison, in the forest and in Rus' -
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask.
    Don't wash dirty linen in public.
    When turning, brake.
    The unwritten law says -
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask

    (Slava Bobkov)

    Someone will twist the wire onto the terminals
    Someone will start new topics
    Some are show-offs, some are maniacs
    Someone like you, someone like me...
    Don't light it and don't put it out
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    And calm down, and calm down

    (Group "Tatu")

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    Don't humiliate yourself, don't
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    Why do you need the laws of the herd?
    I survived someone else's war
    And I survived my war
    They didn’t break their spirit in prison
    But how they broke me, I survived
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    But where are you my elder brother
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    It's not my fault that I'm alive
    (V. Kalina)

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask….
    It is controversial, this life slogan.
    And it is undoubtedly applicable to prison,
    What about life? Understand, try

    …………. (Viktor Medvedev)

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask.
    Words will deceive you again.
    Wear a smile like armor.
    They won't reach your heart under it
    (Galina Kucher)

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask,
    Saying the words is easy and simple.
    Ask those who have lived their lives
    How thorny everything is in this world
    (Nikolai Golbreich)

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask
    And don’t expect happiness from fate
    You are the creator of your dreams
    But be with her, always on your side

    (Igor Delovoy (IDelovoy)

    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask -
    Words are like bullets to the temple.
    The carriages crawled across Rus',
    And there is a universal melancholy in them
    (Anatoly Marynkin)

    And if there is even a doubt,
    That my message is true,
    At least ask the oracle -
    Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask

    (Oleg Rubtsov)

    Clip of the group "Tatu"