Bedroom interior with partition. A partition in the bedroom is a simple way to divide the space

If you are the lucky owner big family, but for one reason or another you do not have enough living space, then a plasterboard partition will help you solve this problem. It will help to divide a large room into two parts, for example, into a nursery and a bedroom. In addition to zoning the space, it will allow you to do your own thing while the children play or do their homework. To protect the space in the bedroom, everything can be done with my own hands. Self-installation partitions made of plasterboard will not take much time, but will save cash and nerves, since everyone will receive their own space, so necessary for relaxation and self-development.

Over time, curtains and wooden partitions other innovations came that could divide the room. If the room has a large area, part of which is simply not used, then you can play well on this. For example, set up a small office or room for watching movies. If you have small children, you can make a bedroom there. This way, when you come home after work, you can rest peacefully without interfering with your baby's sensitive sleep.

Advantages of plasterboard partitions

Partitions assembled from plasterboard slabs are not only a convenient and fashionable design, but also perform useful function. Due to its many advantages, more and more owners are choosing this zoning method for arranging small apartments.

  1. Practicality. Thanks to the “clean” assembly method, the work will go quickly, without much noise and dust.
  2. Environmental friendliness. GKL boards are made on a gypsum basis, without the use of substances harmful to human health.
  3. Economical. Drywall is relatively inexpensive, but it perfectly levels the surface, covering a fairly large area. Installation of the structure is quite simple, which allows you to do everything yourself without spending money on calling expensive teams and specialists.
  4. Lightness of the material. To carry out such work, you will not need additional certificates or permits. The plasterboard sheet is light in weight, so it will not bear the load on the floors without disturbing the existing utilities.
  5. Simplicity of finishing. The finished plasterboard partition does not require surface plastering. It is enough to putty the structure with a thin layer.
  6. Protection from external factors. The sheet material is often presented in several variations, each of which increases its protective function. On modern market You can find both fireproof and waterproof versions, which significantly increases the scope of this material.

Since gypsum board is quite pliable and easy to work with, it is often used in finishing residential premises. Thanks to him, you can from one large room make two rooms. It is very easy to cut out any shape and design from the sheet. That is why most designers choose it as a finishing material when designing an object. You can install a door, window, lighting, glass blocks, as well as other useful and decorative elements in the partition that will help your room acquire an original look. appearance.

Selecting material for plasterboard partitions

When assembling a gypsum board partition with your own hands, it is important to prepare properly. The choice of material for the walls and frame is determined by characteristic features your premises. It is also important to note the goals and objectives that you set for yourself. To better determine the necessary material, it is better to analyze everything in detail.

For the assembly and installation of plasterboard partitions, the following materials are used:

A classic one is perfect for our partition. wall option GKL, since it will perform the task in full. This is the most common type of drywall, and one of the most affordable. It is also worth considering that for partitions it is better to use a profile with a metal thickness of at least 0.5 mm. Often to create doorways, the structure is additionally reinforced with timber 40x50 or 50x50, everything again depends on the size of the partition and profile.

Installation of plasterboard partition in the bedroom

The main task of a plasterboard partition is to zone the space of the room. In addition, it allows you to almost completely isolate part of the room, significantly reducing the noise level. Before you begin installing the box, you need to carefully prepare all the tools and material.


A modern drywall tool is designed to simplify the installation process associated with assembling and covering the frame for the partition. It’s better to immediately acquire everything you need, then the work will go faster, and the result will be to the delight of any owner.

To properly install a gypsum plasterboard partition, use the following set of tools:

  • hammer drill, screwdriver, mixer, grinder;
  • metal scissors, screwdriver, construction knife, spatula, trowel, hammer;
  • rule, level, plumb line, tape measure, corner, tapping thread;
  • buckets, fly brush, metal disc, replaceable blades, self-tapping screws, dowel nails;
  • bits, whisk attachment, pencil.

Such a simple set will allow you to do all the work faster, and the result will be of better quality. Don't forget about safety equipment too. When working with cut material, always use safety glasses, gloves and protective clothing. Compliance with safety regulations is the key to good work.

To better understand the technology of installing plasterboard partitions, we recommend watching the following video:

Frame assembly

This stage involves assembling the “skeleton” of the future partition. The further level of the coating plane depends on how accurately the frame is assembled. When selecting material, take into account the thickness of the partition, as well as the expected load. If the design provides for the presence doorway, then it is better to strengthen it. Don't forget to purchase additional wooden beam with calculation of the height and width of the opening. For example, for a door 1000x2000 mm you will need: 2+2+1=5 m of timber. Select the thickness of the beam based on the thickness of the rack profile.

To mount the frame for the future partition in the bedroom, proceed in stages, adhering to the following algorithm:

Sheathing and soundproofing of the partition

When our “skeleton” is ready, it’s time to give the structure its shape. To refine the partition, use a 12.5 mm thick plasterboard wall sheet. The length of the sheet is chosen based on the height of the room.

To sheathe and insulate the partition, proceed as follows:

Finishing plasterboard partitions

The partition for the bedroom is ready, but not completely. All that remains is to give it a nice appearance. To do this, you need to process it correctly. This will not only increase performance your design, but also fully soundproofs the zoned space.

The surface of drywall is very easy to finish, since it does not require additional leveling. In any case, you must first seal the joining seams. To do this, use paper or non-woven tape. Serpyanka or a special solution is perfect. Cracks around the perimeter also need to be repaired. Take advantage plaster mixture or special sealant. Plaster the partition.

The prepared surface can be decorated to suit any taste. Whether you paste wallpaper or simply paint it, it all depends entirely on your imagination and skills. Pay special attention to marking and installing the frame, then further installation will not seem so difficult to you. We hope that in this article we have fully covered the issue of dividing a bedroom using a plasterboard partition. Following our instructions, do everything step by step, then the result will not be long in coming.

How does each person imagine an ideal home? This is a matter of personal preference, but space ergonomics experts say that there should be one more room in an apartment or house than there are family members. Of course, in modern domestic realities this ideal is unattainable, since the price of such premises is too high. Most families only have enough money to purchase a one- or two-room apartment.

That is why, when choosing one design option or another, they are increasingly resorting to so-called hybrids - rooms that combine a bedroom and a living room. It should be noted that this phenomenon is not new and quite common. This trick allows you to create a comfortable place not only for a night’s rest, but also for receiving guests.

When you decide to make a sketch with your own hands, remember that the selected design option has some features, which will be discussed below.

The nuances of combining rooms

Considering that the space in the living room, part of which should be allocated for a sleeping area, will be very limited, this leaves its mark on the choice of design options and furnishings. For example, it is better to refuse to buy a large bed in favor of a sofa or armchairs that can be transformed into a sleeping place.

But zoning of the room is considered the most acceptable and convenient. A plasterboard partition between the bedroom and living room, of which there are a huge number of design options, will perfectly divide the room into the necessary zones. In addition, it also has a decorative function. Made in the form of an arch, column, opening or lattice structure, the partition will become an exquisite interior detail and a source of pride for the owners.

Basic zoning methods

There are several solutions that are used to combine several rooms in one. A partition between the bedroom and living room is completely suitable for this, however, it can be made using completely different techniques.

1. Classic walls. This option represents a complete redevelopment of the room. In order for the result to be acceptable, it is necessary to have several windows in the room, as well as a large area. The bedroom-living room partition itself is usually made of brick, foam concrete, chipboard, and other similar materials. If the general design line of the room requires it, gypsum fiber or gas silicate elements can be used, as well as glass blocks, which not only carry a functional load, but also serve as a necessary interior detail.

2. Light and temporary partitions. They are:

  • continuous - completely divide the room into two zones - living room and bedroom;
  • incomplete - in this case, the structure occupies half or two-thirds of the length of the room, allowing free movement between zones and without blocking access to light from the window;
  • temporary - screens made of various materials, as well as glass panels.

3. Curtains. This type of zoning also leaves a lot of room for imagination. They can be at different levels, constantly cover the sleeping place, move to daytime, lift or pull on frames. The main task is to hide the place of night rest from guests.

4. Furniture. A long-known and widespread method of dividing a room into several functional zones. You can use a huge number of different items: wardrobes, shelves with books and souvenirs, cabinet and upholstered furniture.

In the latter case, if, for example, you purchased a pull-out sofa, the need to allocate a separate space for sleeping may disappear by itself.

Also a good option is to use furniture on casters or special guides. This allows you to easily and quickly change the design of a room without putting much effort into it.

If you still prefer to spend your nights on a full bed, you can choose a model with a high headboard, which serves as some kind of partition between the sleeping and guest areas. Or buy a transforming bed, which during the daytime looks like an ordinary wardrobe. This method allows you to avoid making compromises between comfort while sleeping and limited space in a small room.

5. Podium. Unusual option zoning may be recommended to owners of apartments or houses with high ceilings. It is done by increasing the floor level using various designs. The advantage of this solution is the presence of a special place for storing things. In the podium you can hide a full-fledged sleeping place, which can be pulled out at night.

6. Color and lighting solutions. A plasterboard partition in the bedroom is not necessary to highlight certain zones. This can be done by using wallpaper of different texture and color, changing the tonality in the decoration, and so on. Interior options where zoning occurs using lighting look good:

  • bright and cheerful light highlights the living room area;
  • muted and intimate lighting is the prerogative of that part of the room that is reserved for sleeping.

Naturally, no instructions will help you decide on a design option; here you need to be guided only by your own artistic taste and the features of the room in your apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages of zoning

Compromise options for interior decoration, in addition to the obvious advantages, always have some disadvantages. The interior of a bedroom-living room with a partition is no exception.

One of the most important disadvantages is obvious. After all, a sleeping area is a place of solitude; it is incompatible with a space for friendly communication, watching television or noisy gatherings. Therefore, when designing the design of such a room, you should be guided not only aesthetic side, but also ergonomic requirements. It is advisable to seek help from a qualified designer who has considerable experience in developing design sketches for apartments of various sizes. Otherwise, proper rest for one family member will not be possible if someone else is watching TV or playing video games in the same room.

In order to prevent such situations, the bed should be placed in the farthest and darkest corner. In cases where the installation of a plasterboard partition is not intended for zoning, it is advisable to use a cabinet as a screen. This not only provides privacy, but also gives you a place to store bedding and other items.

In addition, the use of furniture allows you to reduce purchasing costs. necessary materials and wages for the workers who will make the screen mentioned above. And by purchasing a wardrobe with mirror panels, you can even achieve original interior effects that visually expand the space of your future living room.

And one more thing. Design development should always begin with the sleeping area, since this task is a priority. Only after solving it, you can begin to complement the interior with details and furniture that are inherent in the room for welcoming guests.


As a result, it should be noted that when developing interior options for combined rooms, you need to ensure that harmony is maintained in them and that dissonance does not arise between two different zones. The photos and videos in this article can help set the main directions. However, the final choice, as always, remains yours.

  • Features of plasterboard partitions
  • Tools for leveling walls and creating gypsum plasterboard structures
  • Installation of partitions in the bedroom: features
  • Wardrobe as an integral part of the bedroom

Today, structures made of plasterboard are very popular. With its help, you can create various decorative elements in the living room, bedroom, corridor and other rooms of the apartment or house. For those who own a studio apartment, such material will be a godsend. With its help, you can ensure the division of space into zones (living room - bedroom). In the living room, you can additionally make ceilings of different levels.

The partition not only divides the room into several zones, but is also a decorative element of the interior.

As for the partition in the bedroom, this is a fairly new phenomenon that is extremely popular. This is no coincidence. Such a partition can solve many problems and help solve the division of space in a new way. Using this technique, you can hide various communications, separate a wardrobe, or create an entire dressing room. In the bedroom or living room you can separate the work area.

Using this material, you can not only level the walls and make them perfectly smooth, but also create magnificent architectural solutions that will make the interior of the room unique and original.

Features of plasterboard partitions

Plasterboard sheets are used in the bedroom not only as a utilitarian material, but also as a material for creating volumetric elements. With its help you can easily create various niches, columns, and capitals. Using such elements, you can give the room a certain style. It is worth noting that gypsum board is used in any style direction and can be used regardless of what finishing material will be used.

Partitions with glass inserts will look very impressive. This design will look elegant. A partition in the bedroom made of gypsum plasterboard has a number of advantages that make it so popular and in demand:

  1. The result will be a structure with a perfectly flat surface.
  2. Unlike other materials, the design will cost much less.
  3. All work is done quite simply and quickly, without a large amount of debris and mortar.
  4. You can dismantle such an element at any time, and it will not be difficult.
  5. The high strength of the structure allows it to be mounted on various items And household appliances: TV, speakers.

Before you start implementing your idea, you should first prepare the walls and ceiling.

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Tools for leveling walls and creating gypsum plasterboard structures

In order to carry out such work, it is worth preparing the necessary equipment in advance:

  1. A hammer drill is necessary to secure the metal profile to the wall, floor and ceiling. If the house is made of monolithic concrete, it will be almost impossible to carry out work without a hammer drill.
  2. An electric drill will be needed to make holes in the profile. The number of such holes is quite large, so its presence is mandatory.
  3. It is necessary to check the evenness of all surfaces using a plumb line and a building level.
  4. The gypsum board is attached to the metal profile using self-tapping screws. To make the job easier, you should use a screwdriver.
  5. Scissors for cutting metal.
  6. Hammer and tape measure.
  7. Fastening elements.

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Installation of partitions in the bedroom: features

In order to complete the partition, it is worth first making a sketch that will give a visual idea of ​​the result. The first thing you should start working with is marking.

The location of the partition should be marked on the ceiling, floor, wall.

It is very important that a clear geometry is maintained between the ceiling and the floor, since the structure may be curved. When marking, you should use a plumb line.

It is necessary to secure the guide along the marked lines metal profile. It is attached to the base with dowels. First, you need to make holes for them using a puncher. It is very important that there is a distance of 60 cm between the centers of the profiles. This distance is due to the fact that the width of the sheet is 120 cm. After the entire metal profile frame is ready, it is necessary to make all the communications in it. In order to increase technical qualities partitions, a heat-insulating agent is additionally placed in the cavity between the profiles. This work plan can be used if the partition has a height up to the entire ceiling.

If the decorative partition in the bedroom or living room has a height that does not reach the ceiling, markings are made only on the floor and part of the wall.

Installation of guide profiles is carried out only on the floor and on that part of the wall to which the partition will be adjacent. Upper part partitions are done after they are installed vertical racks. The partition may have an uneven shape with curved lines and various bends. In this case, the structure will be partially assembled on the floor. In order for the form to be made correctly, it is recommended to make patterns, according to which the control will be carried out. Subsequent work on laying out communications and laying thermal insulation is carried out, as is leveling the walls.

If the room has a small height, then there is no need to use solid partitions from floor to ceiling.

After the structure is upholstered with gypsum board, you can begin finishing the surface. For this purpose, starting and finishing putty is used. Very important during fastening plasterboard sheets use self-tapping screws to deepen them a little into the surface, since when filling, the caps can become an obstacle, which in the future can even damage the facing material.

It is necessary to start filling the partition in the bedroom or living room from the joints and recesses from the screws. In order for the seams to be reliably processed, you need to use a painting mesh, which will prevent cracking of the seams. After the treated areas have dried a little, you can begin to treat the entire surface.

Such a partition will become not only a place for placing decorative elements, aquariums and other elements. In a studio apartment, using such a partition in the living room, you can separate the bed from the common space and hide the sleeping area from prying eyes.

Nowadays, it is very common to combine different zones in one room; in addition, new look living space - studio apartments, in which all zones are arranged within one room. That's why widespread received various types partitions: this type of structure does not completely separate the room, but serves as a kind of separator between different zones.

Main types of structures

In fact, the partition between the living room and bedroom can be designed in the most different options, it all depends on the features of your interior and your preferences. We will look at the most common options that have earned popularity among developers.

You just need to choose the most suitable one, especially since you can build any of them with your own hands.

Brick and foam block structures

This type is the most reliable, so if you need a mobile option, then this option is unlikely to suit you.

Let's look at the main features of this solution:

  • The structure is built from brick or foam blocks; as a result, you get a very reliable partition that can withstand even significant loads. The work is quite labor-intensive and complex - you need to prepare a solution and lay it out flat wall. For this you will need special tool and time, since accurate work takes a very long time to do.
  • After the solution has hardened, the surface must be plastered; this is best done using gypsum compounds; they are easy to work with and dry quickly enough.
  • Next, the surface is puttied, leveled, and it can be painted, covered with wallpaper or covered with decorative plaster.

Plasterboard structures

In the photo - drywall allows you to realize your wildest fantasies

Plasterboard partitions between the bedroom and living room are a very popular option due to a number of factors:

  • Using this material, you can create the most incredible and unusual partitions that will not only be aesthetically attractive, but also very reliable thanks to the metal frame. Plasterboard structures allow you to create unique design objects and make your apartment truly unique.
  • In order to start work, you need to create a sketch of the future structure, and you need to determine the size and shape of each element. A sketch will help you understand what difficulties you will encounter and what material you need to purchase before starting work.
  • First of all, it is constructed metal frame, it is best to use a partition profile, but, in extreme cases, a regular main profile will do, it’s just that the design will be more complex and not so durable. You should make sure that the frame is fastened as securely as possible; this determines how strong your partition will be.
  • Next, the wall plasterboard is installed, which is secured using metal screws. Cutting sheets is very simple: you only need a construction knife and a tape measure, complex shapes It is best to cut with a special hacksaw for drywall. If there are bends in the design, a needle roller is needed: it pierces the protective surface, after which the element is wetted with water, and it can be bent and attached, after drying it will keep its shape.
  • After installation, it is necessary to seal the seams and fastening points, then the surface is puttied and leveled using a grater and sandpaper. Finished design painted or finished in any other way.

Glass partitions

These systems are distinguished by the fact that they do not interfere with the passage of light, which is very important when insufficient level.

Let's look at the features of this option:

  • Impact-resistant glass should be used for the design in order to protect residents as much as possible, although its price is significant, which does not make this a budget option.
  • Most often, a special profile is used, from which the frame is assembled. The work is quite complex, and it is not always possible to do it yourself.
  • Installation takes little time; fastening is done using anchor bolts.
  • In order to separate space, if necessary, often in combination with glass partition, are used .

Advice! To make your interior unique, you can paint the glass; if you do not have such abilities, you can hire an artist, and an impromptu stained glass window will appear in your apartment, which can become a real decoration of the decor.

Shelving partitions

Let's consider the advantages of this solution:

  • The instructions for creating this object in your apartment are quite simple and can be done without the help of professionals.
  • First of all, a sketch of the future structure is created, and the exact dimensions of each element are determined, right down to the shelves and legs. This is very important, because the finished material is purchased cut to your size, any mistake is fraught with large costs.
  • To assemble the system, you will need special screws - confirmats that tighten the structure. To do this, first special drill Holes are made and ties are inserted into them.
  • The ends of the rack are covered with a special tape in the color of the material; this is done very simply - using an iron.

Screen partitions

If you need light decorative partition, then constructing a screen will be the simplest option.

Let's look at the easiest way to make such a design:

  • To begin with, take wooden block with a cross section of 32*32 or more - the main thing is that the material is durable.
  • Afterwards the horizontal and vertical elements, their number depends on the number of screen sections.
  • You need to connect the parts using self-tapping screws or using corners - whichever is more convenient for you. It is important that the frame is rigid.
  • Next, the sections are connected using door hinges, the main part of the work is completed.
  • Then the fabric is selected in accordance with your interior; the option can be any. The material is stretched and attached to the frame using a stapler; the main thing is to stretch it evenly before fastening.

Advice! To prevent the places where the fabric is attached from spoiling the appearance of the structure, you can attach braid to the ends.


In fact, there are a great many options, and it all depends on your imagination and skills. The video in this article will tell you some of the features of this type of work and show them clearly ().

Multifunctional interiors have long been part of our everyday life. And if a few decades ago combined rooms were a rarity, now this does not seem to be an extraordinary solution to anyone.

We study the features of space zoning

Unfortunately, the main part modern apartments cannot boast of a large area. Owners have to imagine and use zoning techniques in order to make maximum use of existing square meters. That is why dividing a room into a bedroom and a living room is a current option for owners of studios and one-room apartments.

The premises chosen for zoning are not similar to each other in functionality. The bedroom represents relaxation and peace.

At the same time, the living room is a fairly public place. This is where we most often receive guests, organize parties and spend our free time.

Therefore, the main task when combining a bedroom and a living room in one room is to create a universal space. To begin, carefully consider the division of space and identify functional areas. At the same time, it is very important that the living room and bedroom smoothly flow into each other, creating uniformity in the chosen design.

There are some features of the location of functional areas in the room. For example, a bedroom requires a smaller area. Geographically, it should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the room. For the bedroom it is very important to have natural light, That's why ideal place for this zone there will be space near the window.

The living room is the part of the room where guests first enter. That is why this area is best located near the door. If there is a lack of natural light, additional lighting is provided. When dividing a room into zones, allocate a larger portion of the space to the living room than to the bedroom.

Be sure to decide on a minimum set of furniture. Refuse a large number of items because they make the room smaller. This rule is especially important to observe in conditions of limited space.

We properly delimit the room

When faced with the question of how to separate the bedroom and living room areas, the first thing that comes to mind is installing a partition. There are several options for organizing space using an improvised wall.

You can use a plasterboard partition as a separator. This option is suitable for large premises and studio apartments. If you build a partition the entire height of the room, then this technique will allow you to create an almost full-fledged bedroom combined with a living room.

However, in this case, there is a high risk of overly darkening one of the functional areas if there is only one window in the room. In order to open access sunlight, a false wall is erected to half the height or width of the room.

A glass screen is a great option for small rooms. Due to the small thickness of the structure, it does not take away usable area. Without partitions from frosted glass don't get by modern designs combined bedrooms and living rooms.

They allow light to penetrate through the translucent material, while maintaining privacy in areas. The partition can be not only made of frosted glass, but also made in the form of stained glass or using tinting technology.

Fabric and bamboo curtains are suitable for separating the living room and bedroom areas. This option is acceptable for very small rooms in which installing stationary partitions is simply inappropriate.

For the design and separation of the living room and bedroom areas, preference is given to fabric curtains that match the color of the main design of the room. Depending on the desired effect, dense material or weightless tulle is used. Curtains made of bamboo are suitable for eco-style interiors.

To decorate the living room and bedroom areas, they also use sliding partitions. They are very practical as they allow you to change the length of the installed structure.

With the help of such a compartment partition you can vary the openness of the zones. It is also very convenient to use mobile screens, because when folded they free up space.

Perfect for zoning a room, shelving without back wall and wardrobes. Storage systems are convenient because in addition to organizing space, they also serve their intended purpose.

Modern designers have developed entire transforming modules, which are a combination of several elements - a shelving unit and a bed. During the day, the sleeping place is built into the closet and frees up space, and at night it can be easily folded back.

Choosing alternative zoning options

It is customary for designers to highlight zones even in cases where a partition is not required. You can use wallpaper for visual effect different colors for each individual zone, experiment with textures, for example, thanks to a naked wall you can designate the living room area. This also includes separation using floor coverings using different shades laminate or combining parquet with carpet.

The bedroom area can also be designated using a podium. If the size of the room allows, it is equipped with a storage system and built-in drawers for linen. The podium is an excellent option for disguising the bed. In this case, the pull-out bed can be hidden in the structure without any problems. Such transformations are great space savers.

In order to visually differentiate the bedroom and living room, properly installed lighting is used. A single chandelier is not suitable for these purposes. If zones are allocated, it is necessary to equip each functional space their lighting sources.

Wall sconces, floor lamps and lamps are suitable for the bedroom. bedside tables. They will emit diffused and soft light, which is so necessary to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. A bright light is installed in the living room ceiling lamp or several LED lights on the railing, which can be adjusted and directed in different directions. This area should be illuminated as much as possible, so ideal solution there will be multiple lighting sources.

We save the surrounding space correctly

If space zoning occurs in a small room, then saving space is worth its weight in gold. Firstly, you need to give up massive furniture. It is best to pay attention to functional and compact items. Folding and corner sofas, which can be used as an additional sleeping place.

Interior design can be supplemented small armchairs, but even greater savings are obtained if you use poufs instead. There are many folding options coffee tables, which, if necessary, can be easily assembled and hidden under a sofa or bed.

Secondly, do not detract from the dignity of a hanging TV. The bracket allows you to rotate it and use it both in the living room and in the bedroom area, and by abandoning bedside tables in favor hanging shelves, you can save a decent amount of space.

In rooms, the window sill is often not used, using it at most as a flower stand. This is fundamentally wrong when every meter counts. The window sill can be turned into a storage system by arranging shelving on the sides window opening and installing a chest of drawers directly underneath it.

Thirdly, if there is a full bed in the bedroom area, use the space under it for storage. There you can place containers for laundry or seasonal clothes. Shelves are also used as the head of the bed.

In order for them to look organic, their length should be equal to the width of the bed. Very often the corners of rooms are empty. For their proper use, you can purchase corner cabinets and cabinets.

When combining a living room and a bedroom, you need to remember a simple rule: since this is one room, it needs to be done in the same style. We hope that our tips will help you create your own ideal interior.