Quotes love at first sight. Statuses about love. The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

Love and affection are similar in many ways. In the material world, love manifests itself as affection. But these are very different things. The point is that the soul must take bliss from Highest level. But when we enter the material world, we try to take pleasure from the ego, mind and senses.

We say, I love pears or watermelons, it means that, by and large, it’s not that we love it, we are attached. I'm attached to pears, I'm attached to watermelons. Or we say: “Masha, I love you. You have such legs, you have such ears, they clap so beautifully, so cool! I can't live without you. True, when you get old and you can’t enjoy yourself with your body, then I will stop loving you...” Or I love you FOR... Attachment implies that you want to use it for the ego and mind, for your own pleasure.

91 Love at first sight exists, but it's not a cheap thing

Rare people, very rare people In this world, people immediately receive love at first sight for the rest of their lives. This means that they completed the process in past life, and there may be more than one life. It just doesn't come cheap. Therefore, this idea of ​​​​instant love, so cheap without effort, it is most likely imposed by some kind of propaganda or fashion. Or fleeting love is like food - I wanted it, ate it and moved on.

68 Love at first sight is dangerous!

As for a girl, falling in love quickly, falling in love at first sight is, dare I say it, a pathology. And girls should be very afraid. Very bad sign, if I suddenly imagined that this was the same person I had always dreamed of, etc. There are exceptional cases, exceptional situations, of course, but in general this is a very unfavorable sign. Therefore, it is arranged in such a way that a girl’s affection increases over time, it increases automatically. But most importantly, why is she freed from this immediate atomic explosion reaction like a man? So that she can explore the goals, character, values ​​of a man. And only then can you come close enough so as not to fear the emergence of untimely close relationships.

What kind of love is there? Touching first, new unrequited, love at a distance, unhappy, sad to tears and mutual emotional. A woman's love for family and children, a girl's love for a guy. Statuses about love are one of the most popular categories of statuses on our website. Love is a fundamental and central theme of world art and culture. Love, as a philosophical category, is described in the works of the ancients. And if Aristotle described the feeling of love as carnal, then for Plato it is a process of continuous movement and knowledge. In the Renaissance, thanks to Giorgiano Bruno and Marsilio Ficino, the philosophy of love takes the form of a doctrine of beauty. Love is a constant desire for beauty.

I want to tell you so much, but when there are not enough words, try to find good statuses about love with meaning. Emotions are running high, there is no time to wait, I want to love. What words to choose? Love is unpredictable and gives not only joy, but also sadness, find a suitable status for your soul mate on the website. Tell all your friends about your happiness with the help of a cool love status, giving joy is easy. And if sometimes quarrels happen and sadness overwhelms you, choose good statuses about love and conquer your soulmate.

The best collections of statuses about love with meaning

Don’t know what kind of statuses you can put about love? See our top picks. Whatever the love, past or present, unrequited and happy mutual, you will find a suitable status. We have a variety of statuses about love. Short and long, beautiful for girls, cool for boys, funny and cool for boys, funny about the man you love. Viewing is free. The wisest life quotes about relationships, fidelity and the pain of broken love. On the site you will find interesting love phrases about your husband, smart and very biting words about his mistress, new top statuses about life for social networks: VK (VKontakte), or WhatsApp.

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✔ You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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✔ Do you think she's hurt? Relax, she hasn’t given a damn for a long time and every word she says is a lie. She lies, but only because she doesn’t trust anyone. And you are the reason for this

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✔ You understand love when you lose it!

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✔ Death is worth living, but love is worth waiting for.

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✔ Love is a madness that puts the mind to sleep

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✔ I just wanted... but it doesn’t matter, It’s a long time ago that we can’t return the days we lived in the past, as if a paper boat had sailed away. You know: no one hurt me more.

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✔ You can't truly love a person with whom you never laugh.

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✔ Now Love is not easy for me female name.

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✔ Love and life are the same thing, but still love is more expensive

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✔ Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” Robert Frost - “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”

... walking next to some bookstore, Ingvar suddenly felt somehow strange. The clarity in the eyes disappeared and “interference began”, as if someone had switched the television channel and the picture on the screen began to twitch slightly. The young man intuitively shook his head, trying to shake off this incomprehensible impulse that was preventing him from looking around. And at this moment among bookshelves he saw a thoughtful girl in round glasses, selflessly buried in some ancient tome.
... Ingvar seemed speechless. This is how sometimes some unknown force, in a few moments, completely fills the entire essence of one person with terabytes of intangible information flowing in a rapid stream from another person. You can read thousands of books about this, but everything will remain just a theory. A real life and real experiences are possible only among living people. “Theory is dry, my friend, but the tree of life grows lushly green.” (Faust. Goethe.)
... Her face was oval, correct form, long and upward-curved eyelashes gave her light brown eyes a kind of teenage, surprised expression. Smooth line The arch of her beautiful rounded eyebrows gently framed her large eyes. Thick, warm chocolate-colored hair fell in a straight cascade over her shoulders. The little nose twitched slightly as she spoke. The lower lip was a little heavy for such a slender face. Her voice, despite her frail-looking figure, was deep and expressive.

In my life, to be specific, I was lucky only ONE TIME - when I met my future wife, and then by accident, and immediately fell in love with her at first sight.

a) all other times, so, in small things: - an apartment and a house in Prague of 1000 m², a yacht in Slovenia with 3 bedrooms, 2 Mercedes S 500 coupes and a V-class minibus, 1 BMW x7, and the rest of the little things...


Love at first sight... (female version)
Do you believe in love at first sight? As a rule, young teenage girls, brought up by films made specifically for such a contingent, believe in it. Also, those who are older and have not yet lost their youthful illusions believe in it. The belief in love at first sight for some implies that it exists as a result of some effort, the implementation of “secret knowledge”, a certain “ female secret" This opinion is based on the confidence that a woman can/is able to find/recognize/learn such a formula, a trick, a set of body movements, a set of techniques, following which as a recipe, she is almost guaranteed to get someone’s desired love. IN difficult case this is really a set of techniques that are not so easy to master; the ability not only to appear, but also to be, to excite the imagination and arouse interest, and in the primitive sense - a competition of no more than one of its visual components in a wide range of taste and bad taste. At the same time, this is the general competition between women in this skill, “who is cooler”, who can fall in love with themselves faster, stronger and more (starting with bald pussies); competition on the topic “who can casually steal a man from a rival” (note that the phrase “steal a man” is standard and used by women themselves, and it implies precisely the absence of a man’s will in this process, and the complete will and power (almost witchcraft) of a woman who uses “that same, cherished method” better than others - “losers” who automatically receive condescending sympathy and the status of losers).
This first approach, at least, implies the application of some kind of female effort to learning this magic, and to its application too.
Another interpretation of love at first sight is cruder and even less flattering. It implies that nothing depends on a woman’s efforts (or rather, on the lack of such efforts) and the presence of certain advantages (or more precisely, on the almost complete absence of such), and even a fat, pimply, intellectually underdeveloped (and sometimes imagining herself who knows what), a fool who doesn’t care either in bed or in the kitchen, who almost never leaves the house, can be overtaken by this very “love at first sight”, by which (just as in the first case) it is meant, of course, not that that she will fall in love, but that they will fall in love with her. Moreover, this, of course, will not be done by the drunk Vasya from the next door, but by someone more promising and solvent, and the more, the higher and stronger the love. In general, as in the first case, where “love at first sight” is simply desired result, which they want to achieve with a minimum of effort, here is the result that they want to achieve without any effort at all. The quintessence of stupidity and laziness. True, “every product has its own merchant,” and these fools also get their Vaskas - not what was imagined, but what was caught, but did not escape, but out of stupidity or laziness remained.
So it turns out that love at first sight is either a product of manipulation - for the former, or - for the latter - a free heavenly bonus. Sheep Holy Grail. Philosopher's stone for fools.

Two lonely hearts
Restless and languid,
They are endless, without edge,
Everywhere, everywhere, persecuted.
They met by chance
Two lonely hearts
We were in the hands of fate,
In front of the open door.
He's clumsy but nice
It looks like kindness itself,
His suit is clean and neat.
What a wonderful trait.
She is incomparably beautiful
She fixed her gaze into the distance,
Holds firm and powerful,
But there is sadness in my soul.
He looks worried
She stands serenely.
He doesn't take his eyes off her.
She's that crazy magnet.
What captivates and draws so much,
What keeps you awake
He approaches her, mumbles,
Doesn't dare look him in the face.
She turned around abruptly.
There is no fear in the eyes, there is strength in them.
And she looked boldly
God, how beautiful!

He suddenly clearly, clearly
With courage behind you,
That beautiful woman
I asked a simple question:
-Are you lonely at heart?
She replied: ...yes.
- Will you open the door for me?
Since there is only one soul?
She nodded mysteriously
Answered: Maybe!
The man's answer is enough.
And I want to live again!
Then you know the schedule,
Romance, that's all.

You promise me friends
Never pass?

How strange that you are surprised that I remember everything. Have you never loved anyone yourself? Has no one else loved you as much as I do? It's a pity. Of course I remember EVERYTHING. After all, you were the brightest flash in my life. And if I did crazy things, it was only out of crazy love. It’s good that you never tried to seem better, didn’t keep around what you didn’t need. It’s good that we were separated by thousands of kilometers and there were no cell phones or the Internet back then. It hurt from the rudeness with which you tore the strings connecting us, but it was that pain and rudeness that helped me survive and move on. Not to survive with thoughts about you, but to live fully, happy life without you. And you? You will always live in my heart as a short and bright flash of happiness. My love at first sight.

And how do events develop when love occurs at first sight? So, a woman develops an intellectual attraction. Intellectual attraction for a woman means seeing in front of her the fruit of her fantasies, and not a real man. But no man can even imagine how real this fruit is. He is more real than the man himself, can you imagine? The imagination pictures so clearly what he is like that we can’t even imagine. Because the power of women's imagination is more powerful. Many times more powerful. Further. When this image has already formed, the woman begins to treat him as if he had already given her everything she expected from him. This is also an element of her film. This is something that is sometimes incomprehensible to men, but pleasant. He thinks: “Why is she all there already? I’m ready to give up my whole life... It somehow becomes interesting. It's like I haven't done anything yet. I didn’t even lift a finger, but she’s just all mine.” “Vanya, I am yours forever” is called. It was in one cartoon, yes, if you remember.

And encourages any of his actions. Because these actions, they seem to be very well integrated into the fact that he is good, he cannot do anything bad. I say, “This person is doing bad things to you.” She says, “He can do no wrong.” I say: “Why?” - “Because he is very good man" I say: “Why did you decide that he is a very good person?” - “I don’t know, that’s how I feel. It seems so to me." Good foundation to allow a person to do in his life and with himself everything that he simply considers necessary or possible.

The next stage is the mystical stage. Due to the fact that she lives next to a man who performs all his duties very well (in her mind, of course), she is happy that she has met the best man in the world. She met a man, this is real, but he is the best only in her head. But the woman’s mind, he accepts this, and at some point she begins to open up, can you imagine how very happy man who met his true self loved one. Begins to bloom. Really - the state of falling in love, it is very beautiful. She begins to open up and blossom, becoming more attractive. But next is the most uninteresting element, as you can see. Despite the fact that she opens up and becomes very attractive, because she has met the dearest and closest person whom she has known for several lives in a row: “We are with him in general, he’ll just think, I’m already saying. He says I'm already thinking. I had three signs: he approached the same cash register at Maxim as I did when I was walking back and forth. And I bought the same yogurt as me. I looked in and he had this yogurt in his basket. I understood: that’s it! From a past life together." And we hear this in consultations. Do you understand? People write and call and say this. And this does not mean that women are stupid. This speaks of the power of imagination - a very powerful force.

So be afraid of this power of imagination. Just fear her like the plague. Because it can ruin lives. And this is where it breaks down: the man loses interest. But because... Men's interest rests on the fact that he can achieve something, achieve something. This is not news to you, is it? This is not news. And she has already decided everything. She left him no chance - at all - to achieve anything. She understood that everything had already happened. “That seven lives before you have achieved everything, now here I am yours, please, that’s all. Congratulations, you have met what you deserve.” And then simply what is called in the West “broken heart”.

Love at first sight

The hardest thing to heal is the love that flared up at first sight.

? Jean de La Bruyère, French writer (17th century)

The most amazing thing about love at first sight is that it happens to people who have seen each other for years.

? Jean Anouilh, French playwright*

If someone fell in love at one glance and quickly became attached after a quick glance, this indicates low stability, speaks of quick consolation and testifies to inconstancy and satiety. This happens in all things: what grows sooner ends sooner, and what arises more slowly disappears more slowly.

? Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi, Arab poet and theologian (11th century)

True love can only be love at first sight. The second weakens the impression.

? Jezreel Zangwill, English writer (19th century)*

A romantically inclined woman is disgusted by sex without love. That's why she rushes to fall in love at first sight.

? Lydia Jasinska, Polish writer*

Girls believe in love at first sight, men believe in love at the first opportunity.

Men fall in love at first sight because they are always in a hurry.

? Elke Sommer, German actress*

You can trust love at first sight in much the same way as a diagnosis at the first touch of your hand.

? George Bernard Shaw, English playwright*

I believe in love at third sight. The first one only undresses, the second one evaluates.

? Jan Staudinger, Polish satirist*

Today, love often begins at first sight and ends at second sight.

? "Przekruj", illustrated weekly (Krakow)*

Love at first sight often ends in divorce at the first kick.

? Zhanna Golonogova, couturier

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Love at first sniff... Vanka and Manka are lying in a haystack. They see the stallion covering the mare. Manya: - Van, how did he know what she wanted? Vanya: - Hell knows, by the smell, probably. We lay there some more. Then Manka says: “Van, it looks like you have a runny nose... From collective farm tales With many

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At first sight or at sixth sight? The young man says to the girl: - Look, the star has fallen! Do you know that if you make a wish, it will come true? - I know, but I don’t believe it. - Why? - Because you're too timid. From love stories About whether love at first sight is possible

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Love at first sight? In the great world history of love, there are cases of deep feelings at first sight. But more often than not, it is not love that begins at first sight, but falling in love. Falling in love is, rather, a thirst for love. A man in love is intoxicated with himself

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Love at first sight The hardest thing to heal is the love that broke out at first sight.? Jean de La Bruyère, French writer (XVII century) The most surprising thing about love at first sight is that it happens to people who have seen each other for years.? Jean Anouilh, French