Making a frog from polyurethane foam: Ideas for decorating a summer cottage. Garden sculptures and crafts from polyurethane foam How to make figures from foam

A dacha is a place where we relax and enjoy life. But decorations for the garden and yard cost a lot of money. Therefore, some owners make crafts from polyurethane foam, which are in no way inferior to expensive figurines made of plastic, metal and wood.

In order to decorate your garden plot, you do not need to complete art courses and have “golden hands”. A small set of tools, a little diligence and abstract thinking will allow you to acquire gnomes, frogs, sheep and Christmas trees from quite affordable materials.

DIY technology for making figures from construction foam

First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools. This will determine how high quality and quickly the manufacturing process goes:

  • For the frame of the product, plastic bottles filled with sand, boards, metal objects and thick wire. Even an ordinary brick can become the basis for a future mushroom on your site!
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Gun for polyurethane foam.
  • Gun cleaner.
  • If you plan to grow flowers in a sculpture, then you need to mount some kind of container in the center of it, such as a bucket, tin can or the same plastic bottle.
  • Varnish, paint and brushes for them.
  • Stationery or other knife.

The creation process itself garden figures consists of two successive processes. First, apply foam to the base and let it harden a little. Then we apply it again and so on until we get closer to the shape we need.

After this, the excess protrusions are removed with an ordinary stationery knife, the sculpture acquires its finished shape and can be coated with paint. The entire work can take from an hour to several days, depending on the size of the figure and the thickness of the applied layer. It is advisable to do all this in a separate dry room, where there is no excess dust and children do not run around.. Otherwise, you will have to wash off the extremely sticky substance, which is polyurethane foam, with gasoline or acetone.

Sculptures and garden products

Below are a few examples of different figures that even a beginner can create on their site. The main thing is to strictly follow the sequence of all operations. And after a few hours you will definitely feel like a real creator, from whose hands comes an excellent decoration for summer cottage!

Read more about crafts made from tin cans.

Christmas tree

Making a Christmas tree from polyurethane foam is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, you need to collect twigs and attach them to iron pipe. This can be done with tape or wire.

After this, you need to wet the workpiece with a spray bottle so that the foam “sticks” to the base more firmly.

Green acrylic paint is perfect for creating New Year's mood using such simple things as scraps of sticks, twigs, foam and fishing line.

All information about traffic jam tracks from plastic bottles you will find.


The ball is the easiest figure to make. It is recommended to start your creative experiments with it, and only then move on to more complex decorations and sculptures.

  1. Take a paint can and fill it with sand;
  2. Layer by layer we apply polyurethane foam;
  3. Upon reaching the required size and more or less spherical shape, remove excess parts with a knife;
  4. We coat the product with varnish;
  5. We choose paint for our decoration depending on our preferences;
  6. If it is a bun or the head of some animal, we make eyes, a nose and a mustache from buttons, fishing line and wire.

It is possible that you will find the material about .

Ram and ewe

Making a ram and a lamb:

  1. First we make the frame. We take several plastic bottles and fasten them with tape. The result will be something like a “skeleton” of an animal. The lower “limbs” can be filled with sand to make the figure more stable.
  2. Next, you can apply foam. But to save it, it is better to wrap the frame with isolon or other polymer material. The first layer of polyurethane foam - you already have a rough idea of ​​what the end result will be!
  3. We make ears from pieces of leather. You can also make them from plastic bottles by preheating and bending them.
  4. We process the muzzle with a knife, carefully giving it the necessary features.
  5. We coat the product with varnish.
  6. We paint the eyes, mouth and other “features” of our sheep or lamb!

Scheme for making a sheep.


Step by step how to make a goat:

  1. We make a frame from thick wire, which we wrap around several plastic bottles.
  2. As a frame for the legs (bones) it is better to take metal pipes. They can be welded to a pedestal, dug into the ground, or secured with bolts. Your figurine must withstand wind and rain, so take the time to securely secure the base.
  3. Apply one or two layers of polyurethane foam.
  4. We make horns and a tail from wooden sticks or plastic cuts and secure them.
  5. After applying the last layer, we cut off all excess and wrap the product with sickle or fishing line.
  6. Cover the surface with primer and paint. You can choose any color, because it is completely your creation!
  7. Making eyes from buttons.
  8. We place our goat next to a pond, in a clearing, in the company of other decorations, etc.

In total, this sculpture will take one to two weeks to complete, as each layer of foam must harden. As a result, from unnecessary pipes, plastic bottles, wire scraps, other “garbage” and several cans of polyurethane foam, you get an excellent decoration for your summer cottage!

What a plastic border for paths is will tell you.

Crafts for the New Year

Even with nothing on hand other than wire and a can of polyurethane foam, you can create excellent decor for the New Year. Various ornaments, Christmas decorations, simple and complex figures - all this is accessible and simple!

For example, you can make a snowflake. We take a wire of such thickness that it can be bent without effort. We make the frame of a future snowflake out of it. Carefully apply one or two layers of foam. Before it hardens, we achieve even and smooth surfaces. If something goes wrong, you can always add a little foam and cut off the protrusions with a regular stationery knife.

The Christmas ball is made even easier. The tennis ball is covered with a layer of foam. After hardening, apply a layer of paint and decorate our New Year's toy in bright and positive colors!

A simplified version of the Christmas tree is made using cardboard or isolon, wound on a rigid base in the form of a cone. Even a child can apply several layers! We level the surface, paint it and place it in a visible place.

How to make a swan from a tire is described.

Basic rules for working with polyurethane foam

  • Shake the container periodically.
  • The ideal temperature for work is room temperature.
  • Polyurethane foam does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to work in the shade, and finished product cover with paint.
  • The hardening time of the foam varies depending on the manufacturer, temperature and operating speed.

Important points

  • The paint used to coat the finished product should not contain nitrocellulose. Otherwise, the polyurethane foam will soften and the decoration will lose its shape.
  • Gloves are a mandatory element of the job. Without them, washing your hands will take much more time than the process of making the craft itself.
  • Polyurethane foam is very lightweight material. Therefore, heavy objects must be placed inside any product made from it. This could be a jar of sand, a plastic bottle filled with water, an iron base, metal pipes held together with wire, and other massive things.

Video: master class on garden decor

This video shows a master class on how to make crafts from construction foam:


You can add beauty and originality to your summer cottage without spending a lot of money. Crafts made from polyurethane foam are easy to make, non-toxic and can take a variety of shapes. Starting from a simple ball and ending with figures of animals, birds, gnomes and even people!

There are many craftsmen in Rus' - what modern Kulibins can’t come up with! Owners of a private farmstead, country house, have a natural desire to beautifully arrange the surrounding space. Of course, you can buy any sculptures in a store or on the market, but hand-made jewelry not only pleases the eye, but gives great scope to creativity and imagination.

All you need is a little patience, spatial imagination and original crafts from polyurethane foam will take their rightful place in landscape design your garden plot.

Properties of the material used

For your information: ready-made figures are not afraid of snow, rain, or wind, but it is better to hide them from direct sunlight.

Polyurethane foam has found wide application in many areas. Recently, it has become very fashionable to make beautiful sculptures and figurines from it.

In terms of their decorative value, they are much superior, for example, to tires, plastic containers, garden decorations of which, clearly emphasize the use of these recycled materials. Foam crafts look presentable.

Let us note some properties of this material:

  • Processing is not particularly difficult; even a child can easily cope with this process;
  • The extra fragment can be easily removed in the same way as the missing part can be added;
  • In the process of working on a figure, waste foam material can pollute the surrounding space, so work should be organized in an open area;
  • The sculpture should be sculpted only when this polyurethane foam sealant is completely dry.

Attention: if you do not have sculptural experience, then immediately creating a complex craft will be problematic. Start with something simple: a bun on a stump, ladybug on a sheet. This will be a great training start. Examples of easy-to-make works in the photo below:

Operating rules

Getting started creative activity, be sure to carefully read the rules that any master needs to know:

  • Cover your workplace with old wallpaper, newspapers, cellophane;
  • Read the manufacturer's instructions on the cylinder;
  • You should only work outside when the air temperature is above zero;
  • This product household chemicals in aerosol packaging is toxic: work with rubber gloves;
  • Often a frame is used to make crafts. And since foam is a very light material, to prevent the sculptures from being blown around the garden by the wind, weigh them down with sand, crushed stone, and gravel;
  • Immediately prepare a solvent, acetone or a means to wash off this sticky material - it may be very necessary;
  • We use only paint for painting that is intended for outdoor use;
  • The finished product must be coated with colorless varnish; this is necessary not only to improve the appearance, but also to ensure resistance to adverse weather conditions.

Please note: the hardening time depends on the brand of polyurethane foam sealant. On average, a thin layer hardens within half an hour.

What materials will you need?

Depending on what you decide to sculpt, the selection of the necessary available materials depends.

We present to your attention a constant set of items that you will need when you make products from polyurethane foam with your own hands:

  • It is much more convenient to use pistol foam;
  • A stationery knife with additional blades (you have to change them often when working - they quickly become dull);
  • Latex gloves to protect your hands (fabric ones quickly become unusable);
  • To “sand” the surface of products during work, you need coarse sandpaper, and to polish and bring the work to perfection, use fine sandpaper;
  • PF paints and brushes for exterior work (aerosol paint adheres worse, if you decide to use it, you will have to do two or three layers);
  • Color for paint (to achieve the desired shade);
  • A set of artistic brushes of different sizes;
  • Furniture colorless protective varnish (especially if you use acrylic paint);
  • A rag for cleaning the barrel of a gun;
  • To make the frame of the intended craft, you will need various plastic or unnecessary plastic containers, planks, fittings, wire, pieces of old linoleum and other waste material;
  • Weighting agents (foam has little weight, crafts need to be weighted with some available material). Small stones, gravel, crushed stone, and sand are usually used as weighting materials;
  • Putty: it is very convenient to adjust some details during the revision process.

Idea: on the eve of the New Year, disposable plastic masks of various animals and fairy-tale heroes. Their price is pennies. And you can successfully use it either as a mold for decorating the face or muzzle of your hero, or simply by attaching it to the right place.

A unified algorithm of actions when creating any craft

It is better to engage in this type of creativity on outdoors V warm time year. If you have to work indoors, make sure that the room is well ventilated. Cover the work area with polyethylene; the mounting foam will not stick to it.

After reading the instructions on the cylinder, we begin to work step by step:

  • Shake the can vigorously several times. At the same time, you need to hold it with the cap down;
  • Initially, the foam “sets” within an hour, and finally dries, depending on the thickness of the applied layer, within 10 hours;
  • Do not apply a lot of foam at one time; it tends to fall off under its own weight;
  • Place the product frame horizontally. Initially, a layer of no more than 5 cm is applied;
  • An hour later, after drying, the craft must be turned over, its surface moistened and the same steps repeated;
  • After drying, fill unnecessary voids with foam, and remove excess fragments with a stationery knife;
  • Bring to smooth surface sandpaper. It’s better to fix it on a wooden block;
  • Start decorating after complete hardening;
  • We have already talked about colors above. As for additional decor, buttons, balls, colored glass, wire of various textures and cross-sections and other improvised, natural or waste materials work well in this role;

For your information: if you want the fruits of your creativity to please your household longer, use putty for additional leveling: it is not at all afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

And, of course, strict adherence to safety regulations during work comes first (pictured below).

Jack of all trades

When all required material prepared, let's get to work. There is no need to hold in your imagination an artistic image of what you have decided to breathe life into. There should be a picture or photograph before your eyes, you should clearly see what you want to get in the end.

The frame can be made not only, as mentioned above, from plastic containers. The product will be more durable if it is welded from thin reinforcement or twisted from thick wire. According to the sculptors, the manufacturing process is simple.

But if you are doing this work for the first time, you need to start from the simple to the complex:

  • Try making flat images first: apply a solid spot on cellophane, and after drying, you can cut out the desired figure;
  • Then try to make voluminous, small, simple figures;
  • The next stage: make larger figures, based on a circle, an oval;
  • Next, you can try your strength and talent in making medium-sized frame crafts;
  • After all the stages have been completed, consider that you are already a master, proceed to perform more complex work, you have already acquired the necessary skills.

Well, now, to the point.

Craft No. 1

We offer you several step-by-step instructions for making crafts. We will go, again, from the simple to the complex.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a Christmas tree from polyurethane foam with your own hands:

From a regular cardboard box we cut out three isosceles triangles (you can cut out four or five, if desired). Their size doesn't matter. If the base is wide, then the Christmas tree will be wide, and if the base is high, then the Christmas tree will be taller

It doesn’t matter how you glue it, as long as it sticks

All these triangles are first from the inside out, folded as in the photo and glued together with tape.

We assemble a triangular pyramid layout and align it. We also fix it on top in several places with tape.

A rectangle is cut out of the same cardboard, which will serve as a base and at the same time a stand.

We install a triangular pyramid on the base so that, firstly, the finished product has a bottom, and secondly, when blowing in the polyurethane foam sealant, our base would protect the surrounding surface from unwanted contamination.

We begin to blow out the pyramid, going slightly beyond the boundaries of one triangle, and immediately hide the joints. If something remains not under the foam, don’t worry, it’s easy to fix later.

The foam pressure should not be large. All sides foam in 2-3 minutes. The Christmas tree is almost ready.

Let the foam harden. We look to see if there are empty holes anywhere - if there are, carefully fill them and leave them until they harden completely.

We decorate our Christmas tree with rain or homemade toys. It looks very nice.

Craft No. 2: snowman

Advice: if you need to foam very small space, and a standard tube does not fit there, try using a match to carefully heat this same tube and pull it out. Just do it carefully, it breaks easily.

Let's continue the winter theme. Now let's look at how to make a snowman out of polyurethane foam step by step.

Place an ordinary balloon on the tube of a spray foam gun and tie it tightly with twine.

We need two hot air balloon. We pump polyurethane foam sealant into both, one by one, let it harden and cut off the ones we no longer need. balloons with frozen foam, knife. The top ball should be one and a half times smaller than the bottom one. We leave the scraps, they will be useful to us later.

The bottom ball is on top, and the top ball from below needs to be slightly trimmed, so the workpieces will better overlap each other and hold steady. These trimmings will also be used. Using sandpaper or a fine kitchen grater, sand both parts and remove all the irregularities that remained after cutting with a knife.

Cut off the trimmings from the upper and lower balls (these will be the legs) slightly at a bevel so that the lower ball can be installed in these recesses.

We make the legs in a mirror image. We install the lower ball into the recesses made.

He becomes more stable.

Again, from scraps, we cut out the arms so that they fit against the body (pictured).

Let's take it glue gun and using hot glue we securely fix all the parts and coat the joints between them.

Next, we make a carrot nose out of the same foam. Carefully glue it to the desired place.

Paint the workpiece in two layers with acrylic paint. It is difficult to paint on a porous surface. You need to fill every pore, and to get into it you need soft, thick brushes. After the first painting, let the workpiece dry completely, then lightly sand the surface and apply a second coat.

We paint the nose with nail polish, and blue buttons work well for the eyes. We give our snowman a bucket (a cap from an unnecessary bottle of medicine) in one hand, and a broom (a small, worn-out watercolor brush) in the other hand. We tie a scarf from any fabric that we have at home, and dress our miracle in a hat. The final touch: draw a joyful smile with a marker.

Craft No. 3: decorative tree

Apartment interior designers have recently picked up the idea of ​​decorating walls with trees. This decoration can be found not only in children's institutions, but also in offices and even in apartments.

A tree is a symbol of well-being. We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions making this decor.

We take old wallpaper, and on its back side we draw a full-length silhouette of a tree. If you want to make a spreading tree, glue two or even three strips of wallpaper. This drawing should be placed on a flat surface under a canopy or in a well-ventilated room.

We begin to draw the first layer of foam, gradually filling the entire silhouette. If you have a hollow in the tree, select it separately.

Gradually increase the volume. If necessary, after drying, apply a second or even a third layer. Is the tree supposed to be in volume? Then stick branches where necessary, the length and thickness of which corresponds to your plans.

Let the workpiece dry completely. Then we mix the paint with the color and begin to paint the bark of our tree. If necessary, we remove unnecessary things or add the necessary details.

We wait until it dries completely.

Carefully, using a stationery knife, we trim our tree along the contour. Turn it over to the reverse side and carefully apply glue to the entire area with a brush.

Using strong adhesive, glue the piece to the wall.

We finalize the details: grind, sand, add or remove fragments. Finally paint and coat with clear varnish

We decorate at our discretion. The version in the photo has been modified according to the author's plans: some details have been added, and once again the work is carefully coated with white acrylic paint and colorless varnish. The craft located in the hall is an interesting decoration for the interior of a children's institution.

Wood in the interior is fashionable

Another option: wood, modified to perfection, is a stylish and trendy decoration for any home or cottage.

Craft No. 4: Three Little Pigs

Now let's discuss the fairy tale theme. When creating your next masterpiece, you can slightly adjust the product as you work.

In order not to get dirty, it is better not to touch the raw foam, and when it is covered with a thin film, you need to cover the product again layer by layer. This way you can achieve the desired contour.

We make a preparation from a five-liter plastic bottle and a mayonnaise bucket. Instead of legs there are four sticks. If necessary, add weighting agent to the containers. Everything is secured with tape. The workpiece should become stable.

Apply foam at the top and let it dry.

Turn over and cover the entire piece with foam.

We cut out ears from cardboard and attach them to the head while the foam is still damp, then we “foam” them too. Do not touch until completely dry.

After drying, we begin to work with a stationery knife. Cut it out the desired image: remove excess parts. If you have removed what is unnecessary, foam it again, let it dry and achieve the desired result.

We process it with sandpaper, it can be primed and prepared for painting.

Thus, we prepare three figures and decorate either the garden or vegetable garden.


Making figures from polyurethane foam is a fascinating business. As you understand, from this building material You can make absolutely any shape. Think over the frame, design, image of your hero - and get to work.

We recommend watching the video in this article, which will help you clearly look again at some aspects of the execution technique. Don’t hold back the flight of your imagination, create for the joy of yourself, your friends and loved ones.

You can find many interesting and amazing crafts from polyurethane foam. I think that you will definitely want to create something for yourself. Making crafts from foam is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance; it is important to listen a little to the masters who have already created more than one work. Each master may have his own secrets for making various crafts. Therefore, if you decide to do something, take a look first and read several works on our website. After all detailed process manufacturing is not described in every article and you may not find something useful for yourself. I really like polyurethane foam, you can make anything out of it, the main thing is to use a little imagination.
After reading about polyurethane foam on the Internet, I found several interesting point and now we will sort it out for you. Polyurethane foam shrinks after leaving the can. First, the foam expands and then hardens, and only then does it shrink. If the foam loses a lot in volume, its contact ability is impaired and excess stress occurs in the joints. The amount of shrinkage is one of the main characteristics of polyurethane foam; The less shrinkage, the higher the strength of the connection. The best samples have a shrinkage coefficient of no more than 3%. In cheap foam, shrinkage will take a long time. If you don’t wait a couple of days and start creating some kind of work right away, the putty will then begin to crack due to shrinkage. This should be remembered and known. If you want your craft to serve you for a long time, then you need to wait a couple of days for it to shrink, and of course it’s better to use it quality foam not cheap. If you use a bandage on crafts, it prevents the products from cracking.
I think you took a little bit from my short story. Today we will introduce you to another master class, already familiar to us Nadezhda Gulak, this is manufacturing foam frogs. This wonderful craft will be a wonderful decoration in your garden and playground.

To make a frog we will need:
Installation penalty.
Bottle caps.
PVA glue.
Tile adhesive.

Method for making a frog from polyurethane foam:
First, we will make a sitting frog, and then a lying one, you see for yourself which frog you need more))) Nadezhda also shared with us a master class on making a standing frog, if you need exactly this kind, look. We will make the frog itself from polyurethane foam, but first we assemble a frame from canisters, so that we have a sessile frog.

The height of the craft frog will be 70 cm. We spontaneously apply polyurethane foam to the frame.

When the excess dries, cut off the excess, sand it and shape it into a frog.

Then we need our frog to dry thoroughly. Let's give her time for this.

Then we paint, apply yacht varnish and the sitting foam frog is ready.

Now let's make a lying frog.

First we assemble a frame from canisters, wire and plastic bottles.

We apply mounting foam to the frame.

We begin to shape it, cut off all excess, and then process it with sandpaper.

We paint, varnish and the polyurethane foam frog is ready.

Look how cute Nadezhda’s crafts were made from polyurethane foam, plastic bottles and canisters.

Then, if you use your imagination again, you can create a fairy tale in the garden, as Nadezhda did. Nadezhda put the sitting frog in a pond and not far away she made an inch-inch out of the doll. The little one's bow and dress are made from plastic bottles; you can also make it from, for example, plastic bags. I don’t know about you, but I really like Nadezhda’s work and the main thing is that everything is done with love and imagination. Nadezhda we wish you to continue to create wonderful works for your garden and share them on our website)))

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A summer cottage, a favorite garden is not only usable area for various plantings and buildings. Here the owners can fully realize their creative ideas. Some will decorate the area with an original fence, others will install bright and funny garden figures. Available material for creating crafts - polyurethane foam. This familiar sealant can be found in every household.

Preparation, tools and operating rules

Foam does not require much physical effort. Crafts are easy to correct - cut off excess, add missing volume. At the same time, there are certain requirements for working with this material.

The figures are made outdoors (but should not be used in sub-zero weather). The finished product is not afraid of temperature changes or moisture, but it is better to avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Clear varnish will provide additional protection from weather conditions. Furniture varnish is most often used, but ship varnish is also used.

It is more convenient to take polyurethane foam for winter work- it holds its shape better during the making of crafts, and is also more suitable for outdoor conditions.

Polyurethane foam for winter conditions it will keep its shape better

The material gets dirty, so you should take care of gloves (2-3 pairs) and work clothes, as well as film or other protection for the site.

The foam is sticky, which means you need a solvent to clean your hands and surfaces.

The sealant is applied in layers, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly (at least 15 minutes). On average, complete drying time is 10–12 hours (a large figure will need up to a week). After drying, you can process the product - cut it, prime it, paint it. For “sculpting” you need a sharp knife (a stationery knife will do), and for making a frame you need wire, plastic bottles, old unnecessary dishes (pots, etc.), nails, fishing line, etc.

To decorate the craft and protect it from external weather conditions, you will need putty and acrylic paint. If the product will be placed outdoors, then the paint must be appropriate for external conditions use. A layer of putty will level the surface of the figure. For work, take care of a suitable brush, rags, sandpaper for sanding, and a spray bottle of water.

Making figures from polyurethane foam

Working with complex shapes requires certain skills, so it is better to start with simple spherical or oval figures (gingerbread man, mushroom, decorative boulder).

Decorative boulders can not only decorate a site, but also cover up unsightly household details


For production you will need:

  • foam;
  • cement mortar;
  • paints;
  • gypsum putty;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • knife or cutter.

So let's get started:

  1. You can create a ball only from sealant, but it is more economical to take something round for the base, for example, a plastic ball. It is covered with foam, and when it dries, the muzzle is cut out, handles are made from foam and inserted with wire.

    The ball becomes like a bun - a muzzle and arms appear

  2. The bow is also cut out of foam plastic.

    A foam bow will decorate the top of the bun

  3. The arms and bow are covered with foam, and the legs are made from it.

    We create the semblance of legs with the volume of foam

  4. After the sealant has dried, the craft is puttied, the face is corrected, then covered cement mortar and finally form the kolobok’s smile. Apply a layer of putty again.

    After puttying, we rub it with cement mortar and putty again

  5. Now the figure needs to be painted. It is important to wait until it dries completely, otherwise the paint will not adhere well.

    The bun becomes bright

  6. To make the craft shine and better preserve the brightness of the color, coat the bun with varnish.

    This is such a funny and bright character

Foam mushrooms

It’s just as easy to make foam mushrooms. Homemade mushrooms will enliven the area and add mood. You can install one figurine, or you can “plant” an entire mushroom meadow.

The mushroom meadow pleases the eyes of both hosts and guests


For production you will need:

  • plastic bottles and carton(frames for the stem and cap of the mushroom);
  • wallpaper glue;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paint and primer.

Manufacturing process:

Video: how to make a mushroom from foam

Having mastered simple shapes, you can take on more complex and interesting tasks. There are many examples - from decorative flowerpots and realistic animal figurines to fairy-tale characters. Everyone will choose a sample to their taste, or you can try to create something unique.

Photo gallery: examples of other crafts made from polyurethane foam

A giraffe and a donkey are suitable for decorating a playground. A flowerpot made of foam plastic will add severity to the area. A bear is a more difficult figure to make.

Processing and decorating foam figures

Crafts made from polyurethane foam are not only painted, but also covered with various decors.

Decorated balls

The base for the ball can be made in the same way as the kolobok - apply sealant to the plastic ball. In this case, the craft will have its own texture, which can only be emphasized. Seashells glued on top, beautiful river pebbles, etc. work well.

Another option is to use an inflatable balloon, which is filled with foam from the inside. This solution will allow you to achieve a smooth outer surface. Glue on the finished glass decor - and the craft will turn out spectacular and even glamorous.

Smooth surface and exquisite decor make the ball especially elegant

Such balls look very attractive when placed on a flower bed, lawn or at the entrance to the house. Another option is to place them on a raised platform, like in the video below.

Video: garden ball made of polyurethane foam

Foam animal figures

Animal figures can be processed to create a smooth surface or, conversely, emphasize the texture to convey the fluffiness of the animal’s skin.

The texture of the foam perfectly conveys the fluffiness of the animal’s skin.

When coloring a craft, try to use different shades, make smooth color transitions to achieve a natural effect.

Additionally used various materials- branches, wire, stones.


  1. First you need to assemble a frame from available materials - plastic bottles of various sizes, sticks and tubes.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Landscape designer with 4 years experience

The garden plot should be well-groomed and beautiful. Garden decorations are now at the height of fashion and have entered mass production. You can make them yourself using sealant for construction work. What are the properties of this material, and what kind of garden figures do craftsmen make from polyurethane foam with their own hands?

Pros and cons of working with polyurethane foam

Like any material, foam sealant has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

  1. Easy.
  2. Can be applied to any surface.
  3. Can be adjusted.
  4. You can make small and large crafts.
  5. The products are wear-resistant and moisture-resistant.

Foam figures


  1. Sunlight and precipitation negatively affect the material, it darkens and cracks. A paint coating is applied to the finished product.
  2. The cylinder cannot be heated; it is under pressure. Otherwise there will be an explosion.
  3. The sealant is porous; plaster and gypsum are applied to finished crafts.
  4. Foam cannot be washed off the skin with water, only with acetone, kerosene or another solvent until the composition has hardened.

What can be made from polyurethane foam

Using this material, various decorative figures are made to make the garden plot or cottage look original. What crafts from construction foam do it yourself:

  • WITH flat surface– mushrooms, frogs, gnomes, storks, buns, Christmas tree toys.
  • With a textured relief that replicates the skin of animals - fox, donkey, dog, fish, horse, hedgehog.
  • In the form of household items - a decorated ball, vases, flowerpots, country lanterns, a volcano.

Polyurethane foam bun

Tools and materials for work

Home conditions will not interfere with making high-quality, beautiful decorative decorations for garden plot. To work with polyurethane foam, you need simple materials at hand. Basic list of tools for making crafts:

  1. Foam for installation. In cans with a tube or a pistol. The pistol is more convenient.
  2. A sharp painting or stationery knife - trim off excess.
  3. Protective gloves. It is better to take latex ones, they are more durable than fabric ones.
  4. Sandpaper for sanding products.
  5. Paints and brush for decoration.
  6. Cleaner.

Tools for working with polyurethane foam
For the frame of garden figures use:

  • plastic bottles;
  • tin cans;
  • hard wire;
  • wooden planks;
  • rubber hoses of different diameters;
  • adhesive tape;
  • if the frame is slatted, then you will need a nail to connect the planks to each other.

How to make figurines for the garden with your own hands

Before starting work, carefully read the instructions for use printed on the package with the substance. It is liquid inside, and as soon as it comes into contact with the air flow, it hardens, forming a dense foam. It hardens completely within twelve hours. Simple rules for making figurines:

  1. You cannot work outside in sub-zero temperatures.
  2. Be sure to wear gloves, the foam is toxic.
  3. The working surface is prepared in advance by covering it with paper or oilcloth.
  4. Shake the foam before use.
  5. When working, hold the can downwards. This prevents gas from escaping and uses more material.
  6. First, a layer is applied, and after hardening, the next one is applied. Otherwise the structure will collapse. Each freezes for 15 minutes.
  7. To weight the frame, sand, earth, pebbles or pebbles are taken.
  8. The surface of the polyurethane foam is sticky and takes up to 12 hours to harden. Therefore, be careful if the material gets on your skin, use acetone.

Foam lizard
Defines appearance crafts from polyurethane foam frame. Before starting work, find an image of the figure, a diagram. The product is decorated after installation, strengthening and weighting of the base. The foam is evenly distributed, giving the product necessary forms with your own hands.

After the sealant has completely hardened, use a sharp knife to cut off excess parts and irregularities and foam where necessary. Putty is applied to prevent the product from falling apart. Sand with sandpaper, leaving the surface without roughness.

Donkey made of polyurethane foam

Cover the figure thin layer clear varnish. One or more are applied to the dried layer as needed. This increases the wear resistance of the polyurethane foam sculpture. For decoration finished design artificial flowers, beads, and LED bulbs are used.


If you have never made crafts for your garden plot from construction foam with your own hands, then it is best to start with an ordinary mushroom, and only then develop creativity. The design is simple plastic bottle. A primer will also be required.

Foam mushroom

How to make a mushroom from foam sealant:

  1. Pour sand and pebbles into the container to weigh it down. This is the future leg.
  2. Cover the workpiece with a layer of foam, and make a thickening at the bottom for stability.
  3. Cut out a mushroom cap from foam plastic. The lid does not have to be perfect; asymmetry will add naturalness.
  4. Apply sealant on it in the shape of a cone or hemisphere.
  5. Then connect both parts using copper wire and glue.
  6. After drying, carefully cut off the protruding parts and prime to remove pores.
  7. After the primer has dried, the figurine is sanded and coated with varnish in two or three layers.


Garden gnomes are classic figurines for decoration. personal plot. To make fairy-tale characters, in addition to foam, you will need:

  • large plastic bottle;
  • pieces of wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • acrylic paints;
  • newspaper.

Garden gnome made of polyurethane foam

After preparing the workplace and tools, start working. What to do:

  1. First, fill the bottle with weights to make the figurine stable.
  2. Apply a layer of foam.
  3. Mark with wire the place where the arms and legs and the gnome's cap will be.
  4. Wrap newspaper around the wire.
  5. Foam the details.
  6. After drying, cut out the parts with a sharp knife, removing excess pieces.
  7. Eyes are inserted (available at a decor store).
  8. Sand the figure with sandpaper until completely smooth.
  9. Cover the person's face and arms with a bandage soaked in plaster solution.
  10. Apply a thin layer of plaster.
  11. Leave to dry for 24 hours.
  12. Paint the finished gnome with acrylic to your liking and apply protective agent. Insert a flashlight into your hand, then the figure will decorate and illuminate the area.


It is easy to make a garden frog from foam for installation. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Making a foam frog

How to do:

  1. Apply a layer of foam to the pan and tin can and leave for an hour and a half to set. The pan is a preparation for the body, and a jar is used for the head.
  2. It is good to glue both parts together.
  3. Apply a thick layer of foam to the structure, and while it is sticky, use your hands to form the outline of an amphibian.
  4. Twist the wire and insert it where the frog's upper and lower legs are.
  5. Cover with foam.
  6. The eyes are made from twisted wire and drawn on.
  7. After drying, sand the product and paint it acrylic paints and apply varnish.
  8. Frog - perfect decoration for a garden plot. You can install it next to the pool.
