Injection waterproofing: work, materials, application features. Injection waterproofing at low prices - application features Materials used for injection waterproofing

Often we all encounter cases when from some place building structure there is a water leak. AND in the usual ways it is not possible to fix this problem. However, in modern world There are new technologies that solve such problems quickly, very efficiently and at an affordable price. One of these technologies is injection waterproofing. It has features of use for different buildings and conditions.

Injection waterproofing is an excellent method of protecting a structure from moisture. It even copes with pressure leaks in the building. The operating principle is based on pumping waterproofing materials under high pressure using special pumping equipment.

For long-term operation of the structure, good waterproofing of the foundation is necessary. Therefore, during construction, 20–30% of the estimate of the cost of the building is spent on the foundation. And that is why it is very important that the foundation is built in compliance with all norms and rules. And one of these standards is high-quality foundation waterproofing.


Every building has a foundation main basis. And the lifespan of a building depends on the quality of the foundation. Therefore, at the beginning of construction, waterproofing of the base should be done. It will make the foundation resistant to corrosion and protect from rain and groundwater.

For reliable waterproofing concrete base must be monitored. Such supervision is not easy to organize, since it is not very visible behind the backfill and building materials. In this case effective waterproofing provide waterproofing materials with penetrating action.

One of the problems during construction is the capillary rise of groundwater. It occurs between the foundation and the wall, and the free space quickly fills with water. Such water is often saturated with salts and acids, and during capillary rise it moistens the structure to a height of 10 m. It will protect against such disaster good waterproofing foundations of the building.

Injection can be carried out horizontal waterproofing for cold rooms. Restoration of brick walls will happen much faster.

What's the point?

The essence of injection waterproofing is to create a membrane between a layer of moisture-saturated soil and the enclosing structure (wall or foundation). That is, a hydrophobic gel is injected, which hardens, clogging the pores in the wall and in the soil.

In addition, such a membrane, depending on the type of injection substance, has a different level of rigidity. The gel plays the role of not only waterproofing, but also a reinforcing frame. And the technique itself functions no worse than the well-equipped external waterproofing system.

This technology is used for scheduled repairs of tunnels, underground parking lots and other facilities.


Injection waterproofing has special advantages over its analogues.

  • Saves time. Injection can be carried out both after completion and during construction.
  • Saves finances. High-quality waterproofing lasts a very long time and does not require frequent repairs.
  • Solves most leakage problems.
  • The injected material is able to penetrate even the smallest pores and cavities.
  • Possesses high quality waterproofing membrane.
  • A high-quality seamless waterproofing coating is created.
  • This waterproofing is safe for drinking water.
  • The hardening time with a certain composition reaches a couple of seconds.

However, due to the difficult work of injection waterproofing, which thickens very quickly, specialists are needed for it. Therefore, this method is not found in the list of services of every construction company.


This method has the following disadvantages:

  • Expensive materials and equipment.
  • Specialists are needed for quality work.

However, these disadvantages are quickly compensated by the excellent quality and speed of work.


The following compositions are usually used as an injection base:

  • Polyurethane polymer gels. Quite cheap and highly effective. When interacting with water, the polymer gel increases its volume by almost 20 times. This material provides high-quality clogging of cracks, leaving no space for moisture.
  • Acrylic acid based gels, are called acrylate. Acrylate gels have almost the same density as water. This gel cures quickly in soil, concrete or brick, creating a very strong bond. Also, depending on the temperature and ratio of substances in the gel, the hardening time can be adjusted. Mixing with the soil, the gel becomes stronger, which protects it from washing out and secures it in cracks and crevices.
  • Epoxy options. This composition hardens upon contact with air, and moisture only interferes with its hardening. It is used in dry construction.
  • Cement-sand(microcement). This composition is able to completely fill all internal spaces, thereby improving the internal structure and creating water protection.

The most commonly used injections are polymer and acrylate gels. They harden upon contact with water and have good penetrating ability.

Supporting Features

By introducing additional components into the gel, the following properties are achieved:

  • fungus removal;
  • mold control;
  • improvement chemical protection buildings;
  • reducing the risk of reinforcement corrosion.


Injection waterproofing technology occurs in the following steps:

  • First, we study the surface, where and in what places we want to inject.
  • Then we drill small (20 mm in diameter) through holes along the wall in increments of 0.25–0.5 m.
  • Next, holes of the same diameter are drilled along the crack.
  • At the next step, metal or polymer tubes (fittings) are inserted into the holes, and valves are attached to the other end.
  • A tank with an injection solution is connected to the ends of the valves. Due to the increase in pressure in the tank, the solution is transported through the tube behind the wall.
  • When the solution hardens, the tubes are removed from the wall and the outer surface is treated with moisture-resistant plaster.

Waterproofing is necessary to additionally protect a building or structure from the aggressive effects of water. If mistakes were made during construction, the water-repellent layer can eliminate them.

The essence of the injection is the injection (pumping) of modern hydrophobic materials under strong pressure using special pumping equipment.

One of the main advantages this method– there is no need to dismantle the structure.

Main types of injection waterproofing services:

Injection of cold (working) concreting joints

RSB (ХШБ) is a seam that occurs during pouring (laying) concrete mixture with interruptions: in the process of laying liquid on already dried concrete.

RSB is the most vulnerable point of a concrete structure. Over time, water begins to leak through the RSB, which leads to destruction of the material and corrosion of the reinforcement - the integrity of the structures suffers from this.

Typical locations of the RSB:

  • Columns
  • Ribbed slabs
  • Flat slabs and foundations
  • Beams

Stages of work:

  1. RSB chipping/jointing;
  2. Cleaning and caulking of RSB with a repair agent;
  3. Drilling holes for injection;
  4. Installation of injection packers;
  5. Primary sealing of RSB with polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of RSB with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  8. Coating waterproofing RSB.

Injection of expansion joints

An expansion joint (DC) is a cut in the building structure that divides the structure into separate blocks, designed to reduce loads on objects in places of possible deformations.

DSh is a hollow space (usually filled with Penoplex type joint filler) through which water leaks are possible.

Stages of work:

  • Partial dismantling of the existing joint filler in the building wall;
  • Laying joint filler (Vilatherm type) in two layers;
  • Caulking of the longwall with a repair agent;
  • Drilling holes;
  • Installation of steel packers;
  • Injection of DS with acrylate gels;
  • Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with a repair agent;
  • Installation of waterproofing tape with epoxy adhesive.

Injecting cracks

Structural cracks are holes that affect the load-bearing capacity of an object. They arise due to design errors, improper operation of the building, as well as increased loads on the structure.

Non-structural cracks are holes that formed due to plastic shrinkage, shrinkage of the building, temperature changes, as a result of damage to the reinforcement. They do not pose a risk to the strength of the object.

The presence of active leaks through cracks leads to destruction of structures.

Stages of work:

  1. Crack chipping/spreading;
  2. Cleaning and caulking the crack with a special solution;
  3. Drilling holes;
  4. Installation of steel packers;
  5. Primary sealing of the crack with polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of the crack with polyurethane resin;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with repair mortar;
  8. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  9. Coating waterproofing of cracks.

Injection of communication inputs (interface unit)

Communications inputs are sleeves/steel pipes passing through the foundation of the building.

If the connection between the communications input and the foundation is not hermetically sealed, it leads to the penetration of groundwater/wastewater. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to the growth of structures and the formation of cracks.

Stages of work:

  1. Joining the interface node steel pipe with reinforced concrete wall structure;
  2. Sealing the interface unit with polyurethane sealant;
  3. Caulking the interface unit with a repair compound;
  4. Drilling holes;
  5. Installation of steel packers
  6. Injection of the interface unit with acrylate gels;
  7. Knocking down steel packers and caulking holes with repair compound;
  8. Coating waterproofing of the interface unit with a polymer-cement composition.

Injection of junction nodes

The junction point is the junction of building structural elements:

  • Wall – floor/floor slab.
  • Column – floor/floor slab.
  • Window/door openings – floor/floor slab.

If the connection between the communications input and the foundation or walls is not sealed, it leads to the penetration of groundwater/wastewater. “Standing” water can also form, which can lead to the growth of structures and the formation of cracks.

Stages of work:

  1. Grooving/joining of the junction;
  2. Caulking the junction defect with a repair compound;
  3. Installation of fillets using repair composition;
  4. Drilling holes;
  5. Installation of packers;
  6. Primary sealing of junction points with a hydroactive polyurethane foam composition;
  7. Secondary sealing of junction points with a polyurethane resin compound;
  8. Dismantling of packers;
  9. Caulking the holes with a repair compound;
  10. Diamond grinding of the defect propagation zone;
  11. Coating waterproofing of the defect area.

Cut-off waterproofing

When the foundation comes into contact with groundwater, moisture accumulates in the structure (Capillary effect in concrete). The presence of water leads to rapid degradation of structures, a decrease in thermal properties, and the formation and development of mold, fungi and microorganisms.

Stages of work:

  1. Drilling holes at intervals of 10-12 cm, forming a horizontal line. Depending on the type of wall structure, the drilling angle is selected;
  2. The holes are cleaned of dust and foreign objects;
  3. Installation of injection packers;
  4. The injection composition is fed through the packer into the structure under pressure/without pressure;
  5. Dismantling of packers;
  6. Caulking holes with repair compound.
If you require high-quality injection waterproofing, then REMSTROYHYDRO is the right choice.

Waterproofing by injection method

Waterproofing by injection is used to protect a building from the destructive effects of moisture. The use of this technology involves the introduction of a special substance inside the wall or foundation, which makes it possible to create a protective layer that repels moisture. What types of injection waterproofing do we offer:

  • - Protection brick wall, shut-off waterproofing foundation using the injection method;
  • - Insulation of the concrete seam from moisture;
  • - We work with foam and expansion joints.
    The price of injection waterproofing is reasonable. Let's consider each type of service in more detail.

Waterproofing brickwork

Injection waterproofing of brick walls can be done independently. The execution algorithm is simple - you need to drill holes at an angle and make an injection inside. After injecting the walls, a special substance will do the rest of the work. The walls will dry out within 90 days. After completing this procedure, you will be able to get rid of wet wall in a residential building.
Injection waterproofing of the foundation is carried out using a similar technology. If you have questions about performing this procedure, we recommend contacting our specialist.
Injection waterproofing of foundations and walls allows you to completely get rid of the threat of excessive amounts of moisture. The use of this technology will make it possible to extend the life of the building. Most objects under construction have a recessed part, which is completely located under the ground. Therefore, complete protection from moisture is always relevant. Leaks most often occur through working and expansion joints - waterproofing floor joints will significantly improve protection against moisture.
Particular attention should be paid to the interfaces structural elements and areas where communications were provided. Sealing seams with waterproofing is a popular service.

Waterproofing concrete joint

Waterproofing a cold concrete joint using the injection method is becoming popular in modern construction. A working cold concreting joint is formed during the laying process concrete structures. This area is extremely vulnerable to mechanical stress and temperature changes. If moisture gets in and freezes, cracks appear inside the concrete joint, which leads to loss of strength. Injecting concrete under pressure can solve the problem and patch up the damaged area. The reason for ordering this service is to create an effective barrier to moisture, which leads to the destruction of reinforcement.
The integrity of the building structure is at risk. It is necessary to use a sealant to waterproof joints in concrete. It is important to treat the following areas:

  • - Column connections and ribbed floors;
  • - Joints of slabs and foundation;
  • - Seams along the edges of beams made of various materials.
    When waterproofing a cold concrete joint, it is necessary to perform jointing, cleaning and caulking. Next, holes are made for introducing the waterproofing solution. It may also be necessary to inject concrete into the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Waterproofing foam seam

Foam seams are also highly susceptible to the damaging effects of moisture. Despite the high strength of the frozen substance, frozen water easily breaks the foam mass, creating cracks. Injections into a foam concrete wall will protect the seam from constant exposure to moisture.
Professionals recommend waterproofing the seams from the inside during the construction stage to significantly increase the durability of the building. In any case, this procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. Thanks to the ease of application of the technology, within three months you will receive a durable barrier that repels moisture but allows air to pass through.
Waterproofing the seams between the slabs does not affect the ventilation rate. To get good result It is recommended to use the services of our company. We will provide professionals who are able to carry out all the necessary actions to complete the task within a short period of time.

Waterproofing seams

Waterproofing panel seams of houses is important stage construction. It allows you to restore the protective layer inside a building without excavating the soil. In most cases renovation work are carried out inside the house. The surface is processed locally and if the shut-off structure is damaged for some reason, repairs can be made at any time.
Waterproofing interpanel seams makes it possible to get rid of cracks, restoring the load-bearing capacity of the building. The volumetric layer prevents the formation of decompactions. This technology also increases the strength of expansion joints placed in hard to reach places. Modern builders today cannot imagine how they used to manage without waterproofing the seams between floor slabs.
Thanks to the technology described above, workers construction companies There are more opportunities to improve the load-bearing capacity of the building and achieve total cut-off of the wall or seam from moisture. It is very important to contact a proven performer who is able to complete the task according to the established algorithm. Despite the simplicity of execution, trusting a professional is a smart decision.

Waterproofing expansion joint

Modern materials for waterproofing expansion joints can partially eliminate the destructive effects of moisture. However, over time, the joints various designs buildings begin to lose strength. Therefore, many building owners order the service of waterproofing expansion joints from the inside. This technology allows you to establish complete water protection within a short period of time.
A building block is a cut in the building structure that divides the entire structure into separate blocks. This allows you to reduce the amount of load on the object in the place of possible deformation. After completing the work, a hollow space is formed, filled with filler. The expansion joint waterproofing unit prevents moisture from penetrating into the filler, which significantly reduces the degree of destruction.
During the work, sometimes it is necessary to partially dismantle the joint filler and lay a new one in two layers. Next, holes are drilled and installed injection materials. The device for waterproofing expansion joints is simple and effective. During the final stage, the holes are caulked. This type of injection method requires professionalism.

On this page you can find out prices for injection work and order a visit from a specialist for a free inspection.

Waterproofing by injection involves introducing special polymers into the body of the structure being repaired. These can be hydrophobic or hydrophilic materials.

Such polymers (sealants) are pumped under pressure up to 500 atm.

Injection work materials penetrating from the inside is a technological process that is carried out using special equipment, reliable sealants and experienced craftsmen. They allow you to significantly improve the service life of any buildings and construction structures.

Check out the prices for turnkey waterproofing work below. (Prices are indicated regardless of the consumption of materials during injection).

It is not clear how to eliminate leaks in the foundation?

Don't know how to get rid of moisture in the walls or floors in the basement?

Our company will carry out waterproofing work with a guarantee of 5 to 25 years concrete walls, brickwork, will eliminate all leaks in basements, strengthen foundations using injections. Concrete walls and floors, and brickwork will be made airtight by injecting polyurethane resins, epoxy compounds and microcement materials. Your foundation or basement will be quickly and permanently sealed from water using modern technology.

You can read more about what it is to perform waterproofing work in construction using the injection method of polyurethane resins and the advantages of this method on this page.

Waterproofing concrete walls in the basement - prices

The cost is indicated along with turnkey materials. Price valid for 2019
Waterproofing of floor-wall junctions - injection of polyurethane one- or two-component materials From 100 linear meters 3800 rub.
Waterproofing or bonding cracks in concrete or brick walls - injection of polyurethane, epoxy one-two-component materials, microcements From 100 linear meters 3500 r/m
Waterproofing a concrete floor or screed - using polyurethane one- or two-component materials for injection From 100 sq.m 5200 r/sq.m
Injection of seams of foundation blocks From 100 sq.m 5400 r/sq.m
Waterproofing of concreting working joints - injection of polyurethane one- or two-component materials From 100 linear meters 4500 RUR/sq.m
Sealing of communication inputs From 10 pcs. 7000 r/pcs.
Sealing installation holes from formwork thickness retainers and concrete defects From 100 pcs. 700 RUB/seat

Repair of cracks by injection (rehabilitation in concrete or brick).

Rates below.

One of the most common problems with foundation walls is cracks. Foundation cracks can be minor or serious in terms of compromising the strength characteristics of the structure, depending on the location, size, and direction of the crack. But even a minor crack, less than a hair thick, can lead to water leaks. And a slight movement of water (infiltration) through a crack can widen it, and if it is not “treated” with punctures - injections, problems with the foundation will make themselves felt.

Horizontal waterproofing

Horizontal cutoff of capillary moisture, elimination of moisture suction, filling cracks in concrete and brickwork (injecting cement suspensions), blocking groundwater with active backwater - we have been performing this work every day for 11 years. That's why we will deal with any such problems as quickly as possible and as reliably as possible.

Injecting foundation concrete walls and brickwork with penetrating coating, sealing cracks in concrete or brickwork, foundation blocks(FBS) using microcement mixtures.

In the picture: injection waterproofing (injection of polyurethane, epoxy hydroactive resins into cracks, cavities of a concrete or brick wall and contact with the ground).

Injection of cracks

The cost of work is indicated with materials

Restoration of brickwork walls, strengthening the load-bearing capacity of foundation walls and soils.

Rates below.

High humidity in brick or rubble masonry in old buildings often makes itself felt. In some cases, these problems can also occur in new buildings. It is necessary to professionally solve this problem and begin reconstruction of the building as soon as possible. Restoring engineered wet masonry by injecting the required polymers is a widely used method. Unlike mechanical methods of restoring masonry, when waterproofing using the pressure injection method, there is no need for significant intervention in the structure and, therefore, it is friendly to the building.

The video shows how the solution under pressure clogs masonry cavities and brick defects

(The cost of work is indicated together with materials for 1 well at the rate of 5 wells per 1 sq.m.)

Chemical consolidation of soils - cementation of the foundation-soil contact. Strengthening the foundation with deep injections.

Don't know how to strengthen the soil?

Has the foundation subsided or cracked?

We will strengthen the foundation by deep injection of soil under the foundation

(The cost of work is indicated along with materials in linear meters foundation length)

Prices for waterproofing foundation walls in basements.

Draining basements.

Active leaks are eliminated by injecting methacrylate gels, microcements or polyurethane resins, and treated with penetrating compounds (calculated in linear meters without taking into account the cost of materials).

Waterproofing expansion and cold joints using pressure injection.

Foundation repair by injection

Repair of cracks in concrete with microcements (significant increase in structural strength, monolithic - epoxy injection waterproofing) 2300 RUR/linear m.
Capillary waterproofing and sealing against retaining water. Absolute drying of brickwork, concrete foundations etc. through monolithization

from 3000 RUR/sq.m

Hydrophobization of facades and their cleaning from various contaminants, incl. atmospheric, blocking efflorescence. 400 RUR/sq.m
Hydrophobization of horizontal surfaces, as well as figures and monuments from natural stone, concrete, plaster, terracotta, etc. 400 RUR/sq.m.
Sanitation (sterilization) of structures from mold and mildew with bactericidal compounds, including in food production. 300 r/sq.

Impregnating (anti-capillary) waterproofing

Injection waterproofing can be conditionally called impregnating.

The device of impregnating waterproofing involves the introduction of special solutions or melts into the waterproofed surface, which penetrate inside and clog the pores, thereby isolating them from water penetration.

Why is impregnation waterproofing needed?

The main purpose of impregnation is to increase the density of the surface layer of the protected coating, making the coating waterproof and weather-resistant to the entire structure as a whole. The use of this method makes it possible to increase the frost resistance of concrete, ensure the corrosion resistance of surface reinforcement, and protect surface layers from weathering and other damage caused by atmospheric factors.
The effectiveness of the process is determined by the depth to which the special solution penetrates. The greater the depth of impregnation, the more effective protection from water penetration.

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