How to make bizet from egg whites in the oven. Homemade meringue. What kind of meringue happens? photo examples

Cooking time: 2 hours 20 minutes Servings: 50

A wonderful dessert with a French name that translates as “kiss”. Melting on the lips, sweet, tender. Of course, it's meringue or meringue! Want to learn how to cook it at home? It's not difficult :)

A lot of yolks go into the Easter dough, but the whites remain “out of use.” Do you also have a lot of egg whites left after preparing the pasochki? Now we will find a use for them! And very tasty: let’s make real meringue at home! Light, airy, with a crispy thin crust and a crumbly center.

I usually used the leftover egg whites to make an omelette or chiffon cake. But at the same time, I had long dreamed of learning how to make homemade meringue. I even tried to bake cakes for the Kyiv cake once, but due to non-compliance temperature regime The result was not a light white meringue, but a golden sweet toffee. But the second time I finally learned! And I learned all the nuances, which I will now share with you, so that the meringue succeeds the first time!

The main thing for success: beat the whites correctly - once, and maintain the baking mode - twice. I cook in a gas oven, but I think the recipe would be suitable for an electric one - you just may need to adjust the baking time.


For 45-50 pieces:

  • 3 egg whites (total weight about 100 g);
  • 150 g sugar;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A pinch of citric acid.

Homemade meringue: recipe in the oven

Meringue secret #1 - Fresh eggs!

The first thing we need is fresh eggs. The most recent! Because it is the freshest whites that whip better: they are denser, more elastic, and the foam from them holds its shape well. And from old proteins the foam is not so stable. How can you tell if an egg is fresh? Carefully break it onto a saucer and look: the old white is spreading; for fresh ones, lie around the yolk in an elastic oval.

Trick number 2 - how to separate the whites from the yolks

Previously, I poured from one half of the shell to the other - the white poured down into the bowl, and the yolk remained in the shell. But this method is not the best, since sometimes the sharp edge of the shell can damage the yolk, and if even a little gets into the whites, they will not whip up properly. Therefore, it is much more convenient to pour the egg into your hand: the yolk remains intact in the palm, and the white is poured into the bowl through your fingers.

And also, break each egg over a separate bowl: if you suddenly get a stale one, you don’t need to replace all the whites.

Know-how No. 3 - proportions and composition

Now let's figure out how much sugar we need. For 1 white of a medium egg, take 50-60 g of sugar. For 3 proteins - 150-180 g, respectively.

For an excellent meringue, in addition to proteins and sugar, you will need a few more grains of citric acid and a pinch of salt: these additives improve whipping, add stability to the foam, and the acid slightly brightens.

Please note: the result depends not only on the correctly selected products, but also on the condition of the dishes. Both the container in which you beat and the whisks should be clean, dry and not greasy. Therefore, wash them thoroughly, wipe with a lemon wedge and wipe dry. And you can start!

Important point No. 5 - egg temperature

There is an opinion that it is necessary to beat chilled egg whites. This is not entirely true. When chilled they whip up faster, but when warm they whip up better! From the physics course we know that when cold, substances compress, and when warm, they expand. So, in cold proteins, the bonds between molecules are less extensible, so they cannot accommodate much air bubbles, forming foam. They whipped it up quickly and that was it. And then they settled down just as quickly. And although warm whites need to be whipped a little longer, the molecular bonds in them are more elastic and can hold much more air, and are more stable. Therefore, we take the whites out of the refrigerator half an hour in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

Making homemade meringue:

Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat at low speed for 2 minutes. At first, the mass will be translucent, foamy, with bubbles, as if in champagne; then it will gradually turn white and thicken - and now you have a light, but quite thick foam, on which traces of the corollas remain. It's time to slowly add sugar.

But we don’t drink all at once! Add sugar 1-2 teaspoons at a time, whisking constantly. Along with the first spoon of sugar, add a few citric acid crystals.

I add sugar 1-2 spoons every 15-10 seconds. It takes 6-7 minutes to introduce all the sugar. Gradually increase the beating speed from low to medium and then to maximum. Having added all the sugar, beat for another 1.5-2 minutes. high speed. The foam is getting thicker.

It is enough to beat when it reaches the condition of “hard peaks”: take out the mixer and look at the “snowy peaks” - do they rise proudly and do not bend? Great! Control check: turn the bowl over :) A well-beaten mass not only won’t fall out, it won’t even move!

Cover a baking sheet with parchment and grease with butter or vegetable oil- a little. Place the mixture in a pastry bag with a nozzle or simply cut off a corner and place it on a sheet of benzene. You can put it out with a spoon dipped in water, but with an attachment the cakes come out with a more beautiful shape. Place them 3-4 cm from each other - in the process the meringue spreads a little and becomes larger. You can make many small cakes or one large cake layer.

If you have a culinary syringe with attachments, use it to form the meringues. It turns out beautiful!

Place the meringue in the oven, preheated to 110C, in the middle, and bake. By the way, it is more correct to call the raw protein mass meringue, but when baked it is already meringues.

At what temperature should you bake meringues in the oven?

In order for the meringue to turn out the way it should be - dry and light - you need enough low temperature. In fact, it is not baked, but dried. Therefore, the temperature in the oven can fluctuate between 100 - 120C.

The threshold of 120C should not be exceeded, since high temperature the sugar in the meringue melts, forming that same caramel toffee of a golden-amber hue. This meringue stretches and sticks to your teeth like chewing gum :)

So optimal temperature it will be 110C.

How long to bake meringue in the oven

At this temperature, the meringue dried in my oven for 2 hours. For different ovens and depending on the size of the bezes, the time can vary from 1.5 to 2 or a little more hours.

How to check if meringue is ready?

First, touch gently: the surface of the finished meringue is not sticky or soft, it is dry and does not leave marks on it. Tap the meringue with your finger: if it is dry enough, you will hear a dull rustling sound. The color changes from white to light beige. You can break one piece and see if the middle is dry or still wet.

Leave the finished meringues in the switched off oven until they cool completely. Then remove and place on a wire rack. Or on a platter.

Airy, like a white cloud, tender, like a kiss, a delicacy for a cup morning coffee... and most importantly, homemade meringue made with your own hands is awesome!

You can eat the cakes just like that, or you can decorate cakes or Easter cakes with them.

How to make meringue at home? What is it? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Meringue is made from proteins that are beaten with sugar until an airy dense mass is obtained. It is laid out in the shape of a cone and baked until it is slightly chewy, tender in the center and has a dense surface.


Meringue is a meringue that can be crumbly and brittle, melt-in-your-mouth and tender, soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. It is no coincidence that the French called this dessert “kiss”, emphasizing its sweetness and elegance. Meringue contains a small amount of ingredients, so many people think that it is easy to make. However, meringue is a capricious dessert that sometimes behaves unpredictably.

So how to make meringues at home? Knowing some secrets, you will get delicious and beautiful airy cakes and other proteins, whipped with sugar and baked in the oven.

Cooking methods

Few people know how to make meringue at home. This dessert can be prepared in three ways: Swiss, French and Italian. The French create the protein mass this way: beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt, gradually adding powdered sugar until the mixture holds its shape perfectly. Meringues made from it are light and tender. But they can only have simple form, since ornate and graceful roses will blur and lose their unusual appearance.

Instead of sugar, Italians add thick and hot sugar to the protein mass. sugar syrup. They pour it in in a thin stream, not stopping whipping for a second. This soft and delicious cream spread on cakes, stuff straws and eclairs. This cream can be easily mixed with oil to create new flavors. But French meringue, when combined with fats, immediately loses its shape.

According to the Swiss recipe, the most masterly meringue is prepared, as it is made in a water bath. At the same time, the mass in volume becomes several times larger. The thick and elastic mixture produces creamy ornate patterns on cakes and fancy cookies that look very impressive and do not blur.

Subtleties of creation

Now we’ll tell you how to properly prepare meringue at home. Dishes and kitchen tools that will be used to beat egg whites must be grease-free and perfectly clean. After all, fat does not allow the meringue to retain its shape and worsens the properties of the protein dough. That is why add to boiling water lemon juice and pour it over the dishes before cooking.

To create meringues, use eggs that are a week old, as the whites dry out while the eggs are stored and are easier to whip. Also, warm proteins, the temperature of which is 25 ° C, are more suitable for meringue. They will give air mixture with a durable texture, which means the products will rise perfectly in the oven, bake well and keep their shape.

Try to use powdered sugar rather than sugar, as the finer the grains, the better the protein mass is whipped. Also, the whites must first be beaten at low speed so that the mass is saturated with oxygen. When bubbles and foam appear, the speed can be increased to maximum.

You need to add sugar 1 tsp. at regular intervals. If you add it all at once, the meringues will settle after baking. If you want to get a crispy meringue, then beat it until it reaches sharp peaks - when the mass stretches behind the whisk, forming beak-like angles. If protein cream on the corolla forms round elevations that fall imperceptibly, then you have soft peaks, ideal for creating tender biscuits and cakes.

If the recipe requires adding starch or flour to the protein mass, sift them so that they are saturated with air and the dough does not lose its airiness. It is better to bake meringue at a temperature of 80-110 ° C for one to two hours on a mold covered with confectionery paper. That is why the French jokingly call meringues “abandoned cookies.” Just try not to forget about your dessert so as not to dry it out.

Ready-made cakes are always crispy and do not have a dark crust. If you like softer, more tender meringues, bake them until light yellow in color at 150°C. How to quickly make meringue at home? You can bake the meringue for a couple of minutes at a temperature of 200 °C, and then reduce the heat to 100 °C and bake for another 30 minutes.

While the meringues are baking, do not open the oven, otherwise they will turn into cakes. It is better to check the readiness of the product after it has cooled, since the inside of a warm cake may seem raw. The meringue cannot be stored in the refrigerator, as it will become damp.


Everyone wants to know how to make meringue at home. Based on it, chefs create many amazing confectionery products with the addition of marmalade, chocolate, jelly, fruits, coffee, berries, whipped cream, curd cheeses, spices and nuts. Meringue is served with marshmallows, ice cream, butter, vanilla or butter cream, poured with chocolate glaze. It is used to make cakes, petit fours (small pastries) and sweet sandwiches.

Tricks from Delia

Don't know how to make delicious meringue at home? Heat the oven to 150°C, place the baking sheet with meringue in it and turn it off. The meringue will be ready when the oven has cooled completely.

You can put the meringue in the oven in the evening. Then you will get a great dessert for your morning breakfast. These are the most important tricks of the snow-white meringue recipe from the famous chef Delia.

Basic recipe

If you don’t know how to make meringue at home, be sure to check out this recipe. To create a dessert you need to have:

  • three proteins;
  • powdered sugar or sugar (160-175 g);
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Separate the whites of fresh eggs into a small bowl, and then transfer them to a mixing bowl. As a result, an unsuccessfully broken yolk will not spoil the whites. The eggs must be cold. Prepare a mixer, pour a little sugar into a bowl with the whites. While beating the whites, gradually add sugar one tablespoon at a time. l.

First, beat on low speed for two minutes. If you are using more egg whites, increase the beating time. The mass will gradually thicken. In the process add to it citric acid. This way you will “whiten” the meringue.

Continue beating for about a minute on medium speed. Then switch the whisk to high speed and beat until stiff peaks form. Now spoon the whipped mixture onto a baking tray covered with pastry paper. Bake the meringue over low heat.

To do this, preheat the oven to 150 °C, place a baking sheet in it, reduce the temperature to 140 °C, dry the meringue a little and turn off the oven after 15 minutes. The finished treat should cool in the oven.

You can also bake meringues for an hour and a half at a temperature of 120 °C. Place the dessert on a beautiful plate and serve.

Meringue with steamed almonds

Anyone who wants to know how to make meringue at home should read this recipe carefully. To create a dessert you need to have:

  • a couple of proteins;
  • 110 g sugar;
  • 35 g almonds;
  • 2/3 packets of vanilla sugar.

Pour hot water into a wide bowl and place a bowl in it for beating the whites. The bowl should not touch the water! Only steam will heat your mixture. Place the whites in a bowl and beat them with a mixer at high speed.

When they thicken, start adding vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. Beat until the whites are stiff and glossy (about 10 minutes).

Now remove the bowl from the water bath. Finish beating, add crushed almonds and mix gently. Next, place the mixture into the cornet. Hold it vertically and squeeze out various shapes onto a baking sheet covered with parchment: snails, snouts, hearts, zigzag stripes.

Now place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 100°C. You need to bake for about an hour.

Oil cream

Many people ask: “How to make meringue in the oven at home?” Now we will tell you how to prepare buttercream for meringue in a water bath. You need to have these ingredients:

  • one egg;
  • 100 g butter;
  • two tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • two tsp. alcohol for flavoring.

First, pour hot water (about 40 °C) into the container. Place another bowl on top and crack an egg into it. Beat it with sugar into a thick meringue.

In another bowl, start whisking soft butter. During the process, add one tbsp. l. egg mixture. Finally, pour in the alcohol. Next, place the whipped mixture in the refrigerator. Spread the cooled and prepared meringues with cream on the flat side and connect in pairs.

Meringue with sesame and chocolate

So, we have almost completely answered the question of how to make meringue cake at home. Let's find out how to make this delicacy with sesame seeds and chocolate. You need to have:

  • 100 g sugar;
  • a couple of proteins;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • 40 g sesame seeds;
  • 2/3 tsp. lemon juice.

So, fry the sesame seeds until golden brown. Refrigerate until you prepare the meringue. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. Place the whites in a bowl. Beat them at high speed and, as soon as they acquire a thick consistency, add lemon juice.

Add sugar while continuing to beat. The protein mass should become very thick. Finish beating. Add sesame seeds and stir in gently. Now add the chocolate and stir gently.

Form the meringue with a cornet or spoon on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place it in the oven preheated to 150°C. Bake for 25 minutes. It is best to cool on a kitchen rack.

Chocolate meringue cake

How to make meringue cake at home? We present to you amazing recipe. For it you need to have:

  • four egg whites;
  • 150 g powdered sugar;
  • four egg yolks;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 ml lemon juice;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 200 g cow butter;
  • 40 ml rum.

How to cook?

All housewives like it delicious recipes. You already know how to make meringue at home. So, let's prepare an amazing cake. First, beat the egg whites with a couple of drops of lemon juice until thick foam. Now add the powdered sugar little by little, continuing to beat.

As a result, you should get a smooth thick mass white. Add crushed nuts to it and mix gently. Line a baking sheet with parchment and spoon the meringue onto it by the teaspoon. Place in a preheated oven at 100°C for two hours.

Now start preparing the cream. To do this, thoroughly mash the yolks with sugar and milk. Heat the resulting mass over low heat, stirring. When it becomes thick, remove it from the heat.

Next, beat the soft cow butter. Pour the cooled yolk mixture into it and beat it. Now break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a water bath. Mix with cream, add rum and beat. Now put this mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. From the cream and the finished meringue, assemble a triangular shape and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Bon appetit!

French meringue cake (meringue) can be fragile and crumbly, tender and melting in the mouth, soft inside and crispy on the outside - it is no coincidence that the French called this airy dessert “kiss”, emphasizing its sweetness and sophistication. is a protein cake, and meringue is a protein cream from which meringues are made or which is used as a filling for confectionery products. Due to the fact that meringue contains a small amount of ingredients, it seems that it is quite simple to prepare, but meringue is a capricious dessert that sometimes behaves unpredictably. Not every cook (especially a beginner) knows how to prepare meringues and meringues correctly, so it’s worth first mastering a few techniques that will help you get a real French dessert without flaws.

Cooking meringues at home: the subtleties of French culinary art

Let's talk about how to bake meringue at home, which recipe to choose and how to achieve perfection in the art of making protein dough, which should be airy, foamy, light and at the same time dense, plastic and well-retained. Knowing the secrets of cooking, you will get beautiful and tasty fluffy cakes and other desserts from egg whites whipped with sugar and baked in the oven.

French, Italian and Swiss method of making meringue

There are three ways to prepare meringue - French, Italian and Swiss. The French prepare the protein mass very simply - beat the whites with a pinch of salt, gradually adding powdered sugar until it holds its shape perfectly. Meringues prepared according to the French recipe are tender and airy, but they are only suitable for simple-shaped cakes, since graceful and ornate roses can blur and lose their original appearance.

Instead of sugar, Italians add thick and hot sugar syrup to the protein mass, pouring it in a thin stream and not stopping whipping for a second. The soft and tasty cream, which turns out a little custard due to the hot syrup, is used to coat cakes, fill tubes and eclairs. The cream mixes easily with butter for saturation with new shades of taste, in contrast to French meringue, which, when combined with fats, immediately loses its shape.

The most masterly meringue is prepared according to a Swiss recipe, since it is made in a water bath, and the mass increases in volume several times. The thick and elastic mass produces fancy cookies and ornate cream patterns on cakes that do not blur and look very impressive.

The subtleties of making perfect meringue

The dishes and kitchen utensils that you will use to beat egg whites must be perfectly clean and free of grease. The fact is that fat deteriorates the quality of the protein dough and prevents the meringue from maintaining its shape, so before cooking, you should pour boiling water with the addition of lemon juice over the dishes.

Many chefs recommend using only very fresh eggs, which is understandable if you are going to make protein cream, that is, eat whites without heat treatment. To prepare meringues, it is better to take eggs that are a week old, since the egg whites become drier during storage and are much easier to whip.

For meringue, warm, rather than chilled, whites are more suitable, the temperature of which is 22-25 °C. Cold whites whip faster, but the mass turns out to be less voluminous, denser and unstable during baking. Warm whites give a fluffy airy mass with a stable texture, as a result of which the products rise perfectly in the oven, bake well and keep their shape.

Try not to use sugar, but powdered sugar, because the finer the grains, the better the protein mass is whipped, making it more tender and light, and not completely dissolved sugar can squeak on your teeth, which is not always pleasant when tasting dessert.

At the very beginning, the speed of whipping the whites should be slow to saturate the mass with oxygen, and when foam with bubbles appears, the speed can be increased to maximum.

Add sugar gradually - 1 tsp at a time. at regular intervals. If you add sugar right away, the meringues will settle after baking. Please be patient so that the result meets your expectations!

To get a crispy meringue, beat the egg whites until they reach sharp peaks - when the mixture stretches behind the whisk, forming beak-like angles. If the white cream forms round peaks on the whisk that gradually fall off, then you are dealing with soft peaks, ideal for making delicate cakes or sponges.

Old cookbooks advise adding a pinch of salt to the whites at the beginning of beating, and a few drops of lemon juice at the end to form a fluffy and voluminous mass. With the advent of modern mixers and blenders, the need to add these products has disappeared, so they can be abandoned. If the recipe requires adding flour and starch to the protein mass, sift them to saturate them with air so that the dough does not lose its airiness.

It is better to bake meringue on pastry paper at a temperature of 80-110 °C for 1-2 hours. For this reason, the French jokingly call meringues “forgotten cookies,” just try not to forget about your dessert so that it does not become too dry. The finished cakes should be crispy, without a dark crust, and if you prefer more delicate and soft meringues, bake them at 150 ° C until light yellow. You can bake the meringue for several minutes at a temperature of 200 °C, and then reduce the heat to 100 °C and bake for another half hour.

Do not open the oven while the meringues are baking, otherwise they will fall off and turn into cakes. It is better to check the products for readiness after they have cooled, since a warm cake inside may seem damp. Do not store meringues in the refrigerator to prevent them from getting soggy!

Based on meringue, you can prepare many delicious confectionery products with the addition of chocolate, marmalade, jelly, coffee, fruits, berries, curd cheeses, milk, whipped cream, nuts and spices. Meringue is poured with chocolate glaze, served with ice cream, marshmallows, vanilla, butter or butter cream, used as a filling for pancakes and sweet sandwiches, cakes and small petit fours. Meringue cakes are like light clouds that melt in your mouth, leaving a delicately sweet aftertaste that you want to experience again and again. Prepare airy meringues and enjoy magnificent French desserts!

How to make meringue at home

Making meringue at home still causes a lot of controversy. It seems that you have taken into account all the subtleties, you will do everything according to the recipe, but either the whites will not form a foam, then they will get wet on the second day, or they will become covered with an unhealthy tan with an unpleasant odor.

A short recipe for meringue fits into one sentence: separate the whites from the yolks, beat with sugar and bake. But! It is necessary to take into account a number of requirements, deviation from which can lead to disastrous results.

1. To prepare boiling white perfect meringue you will need: for 8 whites – 500 g of granulated sugar (preferably powder). You cannot use less sugar, otherwise the meringue will become wet on the second day.

When making meringue, the ratio of sugar to eggs is important.

2. Everything must be dry: dishes, egg whites, granulated sugar.

Dry the granulated sugar on a baking sheet. It is enough to heat it and leave it open until it cools two or three times. Sugar is sometimes sold so raw that during this procedure a crust forms on its surface - break the crust and dry it.

granulated sugar needs to be dried in the oven and cooled

Cool to room temperature before mixing with egg whites.

Separate the whites from the yolks so that the yolk is not broken. To do this, you can lightly crack the middle of the egg and allow the white to spill into the bowl. Then pour from one half of the shell to the other until the yolk remains there alone. It's even better to play it safe and leave some protein in the shell.

A few hours before cooking (overnight), leave the whites in an open bowl for top shelf refrigerator. This will allow them to cool and dry a little more.

The dishes should be free from the slightest sign of moisture or grease and cool.

3. Beat with a mixer - the surface of the cream should be open. First, beat the egg whites and add a few salt crystals at the very beginning.

Add sugar in small portions. Don't add anything else.

it is important to add a few salt crystals

Spread the whipped cream onto a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil - there are no secrets here.

4. Meringue is dried, not baked. When I try to bake the cake, it burns in the fourth minute.

The oven should be open and set to just enough heat so that the meringue pan is moderately hot. It is advisable to turn off the oven every half hour or hour and wait for the baking sheet to cool down. At this point, the meringue dries especially well. It will take several hours to dry. As soon as the meringue can be removed from the baking sheet (using a spatula, try to move it), the cake can be considered ready.

the meringue will dry in the oven for 2 hours

Heating the meringue from above is unacceptable.

A frozen cloud of whites whipped with sugar - airy meringue. A perfectionist's dream.

Meringue recipe from Paul Bocuse

Meringue is french cuisine. Meringue is our meringue. Today we will prepare meringue according to the recipe of the famous Frenchman Paul Bocuse.


  1. 2 squirrels
  2. sugar 185 grams
  3. a little bit of powdered sugar
  • The bowl for whipping must be completely clean - absolutely dry;
  • overbeating the whites is just as bad as underbeating them;
  • The whites are rather not baked, but dried (on low temperature 100-125 degrees);
  • the whipped mass should be very stable (in French, “until the birds’ beaks”);
  • checking the readiness of the proteins - turn the bowl over and you are not harmed;
  • Sprinkle the whites laid out on a baking sheet with powdered sugar through a strainer.

The history of meringue and everything about it

Tender and crispy meringue cakes have long taken their place of honor on the list of the most popular and favorite sweet desserts. But due to the complexity of preparation, many of us prefer to buy meringue at the store rather than making it ourselves. In order to learn how to cook meringues correctly, study our culinary tips.

Meringue or meringue (French baiser - kiss; French meringue - meringue) is a French dessert made from whipped egg whites with granulated sugar and baked in the oven. Sometimes cornstarch or cream of tartar is also used (as a binding ingredient). Vanilla and a little almond or coconut extract are often added to the meringue. The cakes are light, airy and very sweet.


The word "Merringue" comes from the French. "baiser" - kiss. For the word "Merengue", regarding its origin, there are two hypotheses. According to the first, meringues were invented in the city of Meiringen (in Switzerland) by the Italian chef Gasparini. But the 2nd hypothesis is considered the most probable: Francois Massialo was the first to use the word “meringue” in his cookbook (1692).

Types of meringues

The basis of any meringue is egg whites and sugar. But sometimes the cooking recipe also involves the use of nut flour, starch and other components. Cooks who do not have enough experience sometimes have a very difficult time with meringue cakes, so now we will tell you about the secrets of its preparation.

There are three main methods for making meringue:

  1. French,
  2. Italian,
  3. Swiss.

The simplest is the French method (the cakes are obtained in a simple, unpretentious shape): beat the chilled egg whites into a strong foam, add a pinch of salt and beat, gradually adding granulated sugar, until stable peaks form. This method of making meringue cakes is the most common.

It is more difficult to make Italian meringue (it can also be used as a cream or filling for confectionery): pour hot strong sugar syrup into the pre-whipped whites, without stopping whipping, in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Beat the mixture until it cools completely.

Meringue prepared using the Swiss method is the strongest and densest. It can hold any shape, any complex patterns can be made from it. To prepare, you need to boil water in a saucepan and place a container with egg whites and sugar over it (the water should not touch the bottom of this container while boiling). Beat the whites slowly until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, and then increase the speed and bring to a dense thick mass. "Swiss meringues" are most often used for the dessert "Pavlova Cake".

Everyone seems to know the meaning of this word. Meringue is easy, sweet and very tasty. You can decorate cakes, pies, desserts with them, serve them yourself, or simply eat them with tea.

To make tasty and good meringues, you definitely need fresh eggs. This is the only option that will suit us. In principle, this option remains relevant when using eggs in any dish.

The first thing to do when buying eggs is to shake them. Yes, it may look strange, but this way you can choose for yourself fresh product. Don't worry, you won't be the first person to do this when purchasing. The egg should remain silent in response. If you hear a dull thud, do not buy the product; it is already spoiled or is in the early stages of spoilage.

When purchasing eggs from cardboard box, be sure to check the expiration date. Most often it is indicated correctly on the packaging. And here, by the way, it is also important to remember that after the expiration date, eggs can be safely used for several more days.

The third method for egg freshness is suitable for eggs that have already been purchased. Fill a deep container with water and drop the eggs into it one at a time. The higher the eggs are, the sooner they need to be thrown away. If it lies at the bottom, then it may have been demolished just a couple of hours ago.

And one more method, which is also suitable for us and also only for purchased eggs. Here you need to break the eggs and if the yolk is elastic and dense, and the white is viscous, the product is fresh. If the yolk is flat and the white is runny, it's time to throw that egg away.

Vanilla meringue in the oven

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

For lovers of classic sweets, we offer meringues with added vanilla. Vanilla can always be called a classic, as it is included in almost all desserts.

How to cook:

Tip: the smaller your meringues are, the faster the oven will dry them.

How long is it - 2 hours and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 269 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the whites into the container and start beating them;
  2. When a light foam appears, pour in the citrus juice and continue beating the whites;
  3. Next, add sugar and now achieve stable peaks;
  4. Grind cocoa using a fine grater;
  5. Add cocoa foam to the foam, stir until the whites are uniform in color;
  6. Then add chocolate and mix again until smooth;
  7. Place the chocolate whites on a baking sheet covered with paper;
  8. Place in the oven for two hours at 90 degrees.

Tip: to make the meringue color as uniform as possible, you can add a little brown coloring.

This option is more likely for exotic lovers. We will add a little coconut shavings to the standard peaks so that true nut connoisseurs will immediately love this recipe.

How long is it - 1 hour and 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 305 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the whites into a container, add salt to them and start beating the mixture;
  2. When the peaks become sharp and dense, pour in wine vinegar;
  3. Beat the mixture again to evenly distribute the vinegar among the whites;
  4. Now add powdered sugar through a sieve and beat the mixture again. As a result, it should turn out such that it does not move when the bowl is turned over;
  5. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees;
  6. Add coconut shavings to the whites and gently mix the whole mass with a spatula;
  7. Lower the oven temperature to 100 degrees;
  8. Place meringues of the desired size and shape on a baking sheet with paper;
  9. Place in the oven for ninety minutes.

Advice: if you are afraid that vinegar will lower the whites, then you need to know that it, like lemon juice, prevents the whites from falling. Therefore, it is added to future meringues.

For real nut lovers! Add any nuts, thereby experimenting with the taste, color and aroma of light meringues. But you know, this time they can hardly be called easy...

How long is it - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 396 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the peanuts in a dry frying pan and brown them;
  2. Pour the whites into a bowl, add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar;
  3. Beat the mixture to stable peaks using a mixer;
  4. Throw honey into an empty frying pan and melt it;
  5. Pour into him oatmeal and roll them in honey;
  6. Let them caramelize, then pour into a bowl or plate to cool;
  7. Chop the chocolate into small pieces with a knife;
  8. Add it to the whites, mix gently with a spoon;
  9. The peanuts have already cooled down; you can chop them with a knife into more or less large pieces;
  10. Add nuts to the whites and carefully combine again;
  11. It’s better to immediately take the peeled seeds and pour them into the frying pan;
  12. Brown them and let cool. They cannot be added to proteins while hot;
  13. Add the cooled seeds to the nuts, whites and chocolate, mix with a spatula;
  14. Send oat flakes for seeds;
  15. Cover the baking dish with paper or lightly grease it with oil;
  16. Place mounds of protein using a tablespoon. Of course, you can use a bag, but in this case without a nozzle. Here you will have to make a large hole;
  17. Turn on the oven at 160 Celsius and place a baking sheet in it;
  18. Bake until done (dry and firm crust).

For those who are not in a hurry or who don’t have time. You only have to work with the oven for an hour, then wait all night and in the morning you will have a delicious and unusual breakfast waiting for you.

How long is it – 1 hour and 15 minutes + night.

What is the calorie content - 298 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the powder through a sieve and mix it with sugar;
  2. Preheat the oven to 120 Celsius;
  3. Pour the whites into a container, add half of the sugar mixture to them;
  4. Beat the mixture until light foam and then add the remaining sugar;
  5. Bring the whites to stiff peaks;
  6. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, place the meringue on the paper with a spoon or through a nozzle;
  7. Place the pan in the oven for one hour;
  8. Then turn off the oven, but take out the meringue only the next morning.

Tip: to get colored meringues, divide the whites into several parts and add a drop of dye. Bright pleasure will await you the next morning!

Cranberry meringue in the oven

It’s rare that anyone makes meringue with the addition of any fruits or berries, especially in the fresh version. But we decided to take a risk and, believe it or not, we were more than just satisfied.

What time is it – 2 hours.

What is the calorie content - 209 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Turn the oven on to 110 degrees and let it warm up;
  2. Wash the cranberries well, leave in a colander to drain all the water;
  3. Then transfer to a dry towel or napkins to remove absolutely all moisture;
  4. Pour the whites into a container, add sugar and vanilla, beat them to stable peaks;
  5. Add dry berries, mix gently;
  6. Place a sheet of paper on a baking sheet and spoon out the meringue;
  7. Place in the oven and bake until the crust is firm;
  8. Then turn off the oven and do not touch the meringue until it cools completely.

Advice: it is better to leave the berries whole, otherwise they will leak and the juice will ruin all the meringues.

To prepare meringue, it is very important to use not only fresh, but also preferably chilled eggs. Yolks, by the way, whip better if they are warm (meaning room temperature), but whites, on the contrary, need cold.

It is also very advisable to use a container that can be cooled. For example, a bowl made of aluminum, iron, metal. At least half an hour before starting to prepare the meringue, a bowl/other container should be placed in freezer.

The same goes for a whisk or mixer. In the case of an electric appliance, of course, there is no need to place the appliance in the freezer; a whisk is enough. By the way, before whipping, you can grate it with lemon juice so as not to add it to the whites themselves. This also applies to vinegar.

The whites should turn into a dense foam with stable peaks. This means that if you turn the bowl upside down, the whites will remain motionless. Scary? Beat it so that there is no such thought!

Meringue is a sweet snack, if you can call it that, that costs nothing to prepare. Ten minutes of your time is worth it! The rest is oven drying. It's delicious!