How does a wedding take place in the Orthodox Church: the rules of the ceremony. What rules do you need to know when getting married in the Orthodox Church?

A wedding in a church is a sacred rite that gives a husband and wife a church blessing for a happy family life and the birth of children. Many couples decide to celebrate this beautiful and touching event. But in order for the ritual to be not just a tribute to fashion, but to become a serious, deliberate step, it is worth knowing its features.

Important conditions for a wedding

It is allowed to get married on the wedding day or after a period of time: a week, a month, years. The main thing is that all conditions provided by the church are met.

Who can get married?

An important condition for the ceremony is the presence of a marriage certificate. In addition, spouses must be baptized Orthodox Christians. However, in some cases, a wedding may be allowed if the spouse is a non-Orthodox Christian, provided that children born in marriage will be baptized in Orthodoxy. Compliance with the marriageable age is also important: the bride must be 16 years old, the groom - 18. There is no need to fear refusal if the wife is pregnant, since, according to the church, children should be born in a married marriage. The wedding can be held even if the spouses have not received a parental blessing, since it can be replaced by the blessing of the confessor.

There are not many restrictions on the sacrament of marriage. The Church will not approve of the ceremony between unbaptized, atheists, blood, and also spiritual relatives, for example, between a child’s godparents, between a godfather and a godson. This ceremony is allowed to be held no more than three times. It is also prohibited to get married if this is already your fourth officially registered marriage.

When is the ceremony allowed?

Often newlyweds decide to get married on the day with the official registration of marriage. But, given that such a sacrament of Orthodoxy is a rather serious step, there is no need to rush into the ceremony: it can be postponed until the birth of a child or carried out after several years of official marriage.

This ritual is not performed every day. Newlyweds are married 4 days a week on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. However, it is worth considering that there are 4 fasts throughout the year, during which church marriages are not celebrated:
- Rozhdestvensky - lasts November 28 - January 6;
- Great - seven weeks before Orthodox Easter;
- Petrov - depends on the date of Easter, lasts from 8 to 42 days;
- Uspensky - lasts from August 14 to August 27.

The church will also refuse to hold weddings on significant days:
- September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist;
- September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
- from January 7 to January 19 - Christmastide;
- on Maslenitsa;
- on Bright Week (the week after Easter).

Even if the day you choose does not fall on the listed dates, it is still better to go to church to clarify everything with the priest. In addition, the bride must calculate so that on the chosen date there will be no “ critical days", since it is impossible to appear in church at this time.

What should precede the wedding ceremony?

TO this ritual it is necessary to prepare spiritually. This means that before the wedding the bride and groom need to pray, confess, take communion, and undergo a three-day fast (it is necessary to abstain from food of animal origin). Newlyweds should not enter into carnal relations before marriage, and this condition also applies to a couple who decide to get married a few years later life together. They need to refrain from intimate relationships for several days before the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament of wedding

Choosing a church, communicating with a priest

To decide where to get married, you can go to different churches and choose the church where you feel most comfortable. For a magnificent, solemn ceremony, a large cathedral is suitable, for a quiet, secluded ceremony - a small church. Since the priest is an important character in the ritual, it is worth taking a responsible approach to his choice.

You must register for the wedding ceremony in advance (several weeks in advance). It is also worth discussing all the issues with the priest in advance: the duration of the wedding, what you need to bring with you, whether it is possible to take photographs, etc. It is worth considering that this is a paid ceremony, but in some churches its exact cost is established, in others voluntary donations are provided. This issue should also be discussed with the priest. Moreover, they often provide “ additional services", for example, bell ringing, church choir.

Selection of guarantors

Two guarantors (witnesses) are usually chosen from close relatives. It is worth considering that they must be baptized. It is not allowed to take divorced spouses or a couple living in an illegal, “civil” marriage as guarantors. Their spiritual responsibilities are similar to those of godparents: they must spiritually guide the family they are creating. Therefore, it is not customary to invite young people who are not familiar with married life to be guarantors. If difficulties arise when searching for witnesses, it is possible to carry out the sacrament of wedding without them.

Choosing an outfit

  • Bride

    The bride's wedding dress should not be higher than her knees, should cover her shoulders and preferably her arms, and should not have a deep neckline (you can use long gloves, a cape, a bolero, an openwork shawl, a stole, etc.). It is advisable to give preference to light colors along with dark and bright ones (purple, blue, black) should be abandoned. Sundresses and pantsuits. The bride must cover her head. Considering that during the ceremony the newlyweds wear church crowns (crowns), you should not cover the bride’s head with a large hat, as it will look inappropriate.

    You can wear any kind of shoes, but when choosing them, you should take into account that you will have to stand in them for quite a long time, so it is better to avoid uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. To decide on a hairstyle, it is advisable to check with the priest in advance whether the crowns will be placed on the head or will be held by guarantors. The bride's makeup should not be too noticeable; it is also worth remembering that it is forbidden to kiss a crown, cross, or icon with painted lips.

    It is believed that wedding dress cannot be given away or sold. It must be stored together with baptismal shirts, wedding candles, and icons.

  • Groom

    For a wedding, the groom will wear a formal suit. There are no special prohibitions regarding the color of the suit. You should not come to church in casual, denim, or sportswear. The groom should not have a hat.

  • Guests

    Guests entering the temple must comply with the requirements for all parishioners: for women - clothing closed type, hats, trouser suits are not recommended, for men - formal clothing, without a headdress.

    In addition, all participants and those present at the wedding ceremony: the bride, groom, guarantors and guests must wear crosses.

What to prepare for the ceremony

For the wedding you will need:
- rings that must be given to the priest before the ceremony for consecration;
- wedding candles;
- wedding icons (images of Christ and the Virgin Mary);
- a white towel (the newlyweds will stand on it during the ceremony);
- two scarves (to hold candles).

The towel on which the bride and groom stood during the wedding in the temple symbolizes the path of life, so it must be kept and not given to anyone. You should also store wedding candles, which can be lit during difficult childbirth or illness of children.

Photographer's choice

It is important to note that making a video or photographing a wedding ceremony is not allowed in all churches. Therefore, it is worth discussing this issue with the priest in advance. Considering that the lighting in churches is specific, it is advisable to choose a professional photographer who will take into account the nuances of shooting, will be able to choose the right angles, and take high-quality photographs that convey the atmosphere of the temple and the grandeur of the wedding ceremony.

Wedding ceremony

This ritual includes engagement and wedding. It is worth considering that during the ceremony the priest must call the newlyweds by the names that were given to them at baptism (sometimes they differ from the names “in the world”). Engagement passes at the entrance to the church. The bride should stand to the left of the groom. The priest blesses the newlyweds and hands over lit wedding candles, which must be held until the end of the service. After the prayer, he changes the wedding rings three times from the man’s hand to the woman’s hand. After this they become the bride and groom.

Wedding is held in the center of the temple, where the bride and groom will stand on a white towel. During the ceremony, the priest reads prayers, and the guarantors hold crowns over the heads of the newlyweds. After answering the priest’s questions, “Is the wedding performed of one’s own free will?” “Are there any obstacles?” and reading prayers, the newlyweds become spouses before God. Now they can kiss their crowns and drink wine from a cup in three doses, which symbolizes family life with joys and sorrows. After the priest leads them around the lectern and leads them to the Royal Doors, the husband kisses the icon of Christ, and the wife kisses Mother of God. Now guests can congratulate the newlyweds.

Remember that a wedding is not just a memorable, bright holiday, but also a very important step that should be taken once in a lifetime. It is possible to divorce (debunk) spouses only under serious circumstances, with the permission of the diocese. Therefore, the union of one’s life before God and the sacrament of wedding itself should be approached seriously, with understanding and taking into account all traditions and rules.

Those who want to get married in the Church should know that this is not only a solemn and beautiful ceremony, but also a great responsibility that young spouses take on. Some people want to “complement” their wedding ceremony with a wedding, without understanding the seriousness and significance of this rite. After all, a wedding is not just a beautiful ceremony and not a tribute to tradition.

Those who wish to get married in a church must necessarily be Christians baptized in Orthodoxy, but also believers, since they need to understand that to independently dissolve such a marriage or to break the vow of fidelity means to commit an absolute sin.

Before getting married, the bride and groom should prepare themselves spiritually. They must confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries. Before this, it is advisable to observe a seven- or ten-day fast.

For the wedding, it is necessary to prepare two icons in advance: the Savior and the Mother of God. During the Sacrament of Wedding, these two icons will be used to bless the bride and groom. Traditionally, these icons were taken from the parental home and thus passed on to subsequent generations.

It is for this reason that parents bring icons to the church ceremony. If, for some reason, the parents are absent for the wedding, then the bride and groom should bring the icons with them.

In addition to icons, the bride and groom must purchase wedding rings. At the wedding ceremony, the ring symbolizes the eternity and indissolubility of the marriage union. Purchased for husband gold ring, which by its brilliance represents sunlight, to whom the husband is similar in a marriage.

The wife is given a silver ring, which is like the moon, a smaller luminary that reflects sunlight, that is, the wife is a reflection of her husband. Nowadays, young people usually buy rings made of gold or decorated with stones or engraving for both.

Wedding candles will also be needed for the ceremony. They can be purchased right there in the temple. In addition, it is worth finding a white towel (handbrake) in advance in order to lay it under your feet.

According to custom, the newlyweds hold burning candles in their hands. To avoid getting waxed, you should take care of white handkerchiefs with which you can protect your hands.
During the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds are given a cup of wine. Before the ceremony begins, the priest must be given a bottle of Cahors.

Selection of witnesses

Now those getting married decide for themselves whether witnesses are needed at the ceremony.

Witnesses (in other words, guarantors) must necessarily be people baptized in Orthodoxy, preferably church members, who reverently relate to the sacrament of weddings.

Previously, they tried to invite as witnesses people who were not very young, who had a good understanding of what family life means and, if necessary, were able to give advice. Witnesses must be well acquainted with the bride and groom, because they are vouching for the new family.

During the wedding ceremony, guarantors hold the crowns over the heads of the bride and groom while the newlyweds walk around the lectern. Also, witnesses confirm the completed act of wedding with their signatures in the registry book.

Sacrament of wedding

The wedding ceremony consists of the following stages:

  • engagement;
  • the wedding ceremony itself;
  • permission of the crowns;
  • thanksgiving prayer.


The first part of the wedding sacrament is the betrothal. Betrothal symbolizes that the newlyweds, entering into marriage, make mutual promises and obligations to each other in the presence of God and at his discretion.

Traditionally, the groom should be the first to arrive at the church and wait for the bride there, but nowadays the newlyweds arrive together after the marriage has been registered at the registry office.

The bride and groom stand in front of the main entrance to the church. A priest is already waiting for them at the altar, who will conduct the ceremony. The young people are led inside the church.

After blessing the newlyweds three times, the priest hands them candles that are already lit. With each blessing from the priest, the bride and groom must cross themselves three times. It should be remembered that if this is not the first marriage in the church, but the second or third, candles are not given to the newlyweds.

The priest then places the rings on the fingers of the bride and groom. After receiving the blessing, the newlyweds exchange rings three times as a sign of their love, devotion and willingness to help each other throughout their lives.

The prayer of the clergyman completes the betrothal.

After the engagement, the bride and groom stand in front of the lectern on a white handbrake, which is spread on the floor. A cross, a Gospel and crowns are laid out on the lectern. The witness stands next to the groom, and the witness stands next to the bride.

In the face of the Church, the young people once again confirm their desire to get married. This consent is the main condition for a natural marriage to be considered concluded. Now the wedding ceremony begins - the sanctification of the marriage by Divine grace.

The laying of crowns on the bride and groom and their blessing by the clergyman testify to the sealing of the Sacrament of marriage. The rules of the Church do not clearly indicate whether it is necessary to put crowns on the heads of young people or whether it is enough for witnesses to hold them above their heads.

As a sign of common fate, joys and sorrows, the newlyweds are given a cup of wine. It must be taken one at a time, first the groom, then the bride, drinking it in three doses.

After the young people have drunk the wine, the priest joins the hands of the young people and circles them three times around the lectern. Then the newlyweds kiss the icons: the groom - the icon of the Savior, the bride - the image Holy Mother of God.

A kiss from the newlyweds ends the wedding ceremony. It is a symbol of chastity and purity of their love.

After this, the gathered relatives and guests can congratulate the newlyweds.

In order to get married in the Orthodox Church, you should remember that there are certain restrictions.

Thus, in order to celebrate the Sacrament of marriage in the Orthodox Church, it is necessary that the young people be Christians. If one of the spouses, for example, is Catholic, then such a marriage will be possible provided that the children born in it will be baptized in the Orthodox Church.

The marriage will not be blessed if one of those entering into marriage is an atheist and agrees to perform the Sacrament of Wedding at the insistence of the spouse.

Also, an obstacle to a wedding is if the groom has not yet turned eighteen years old at the time of marriage, and the bride has not reached the age of sixteen.

A wedding is not permitted if one of the spouses (and especially both) is not baptized and does not intend to be baptized before the wedding.

You can get married in the Church a maximum of three times.. The Church does not bless the fourth, fifth and subsequent marriages.

The wedding takes place only after the marriage is registered in the registry office. The Church recognizes civil marriages, but considers them devoid of grace.

It is not possible to get married in the Church if at least one of the spouses is legally married to another person. Provided that the previous marriage was also consecrated by the church, it is necessary to take the bishop's permission to dissolve it and enter into a new marriage.

It is unacceptable to have a wedding, as well as a civil marriage, between blood relatives, as well as relatives acquired through baptism.

Not a rule, but rather a recommendation. The clothes of young people should be smart. Bride's dress light color, arms, shoulders and back must be covered. If the style of the dress is quite open, then you can cover yourself with a thin cape. Everyone present at the wedding sacrament must wear a cross.

Behavior in the temple

While in church, young people, their relatives and friends should adhere to certain rules of conduct:

  • Women should wear a dress or suit with a skirt no longer than knee length. Women are not recommended to wear trousers. Shoulders should also be covered.
  • Women should also cover their heads with a headscarf or scarf. Makeup should not be bright and provocative.
  • Guests should gather in the church approximately 15 minutes before the wedding ceremony begins, so as not to create a crush when the bride and groom enter.
  • Sound in mobile phones needs to be turned off.
  • You are not allowed to walk around the temple during the wedding ceremony.
  • During the ceremony, women stand on the left side of the hall, and men on the right.
  • Standing with your back to the iconostasis is not allowed.
  • You should cross yourself with your right hand.
  • The wedding lasts approximately one hour, so if someone cannot stand such a long time, it is better to immediately stay on the street and wait for the end there.
  • These rules must be followed by all guests who are present at the wedding ceremony.

Wedding cost

The cost of performing the sacrament of wedding in Orthodox Church usually varies depending on the city in which the parish is located. How larger city, the higher the wedding price will be. Accordingly, in small towns the cost will be much lower.

It's not just the size of the city that affects the cost. If the newlyweds want to get married separately from other couples who are also getting married on this day, the cost will be slightly higher. On weekdays, as a rule, there are not very many such people getting married. Also, the sacrament will cost more for those couples in which one of the spouses was already in a marriage sanctified by the church.

In order to find out exactly how much the wedding will cost, you should come to the church in advance and find out exactly all the information about the sacrament, the conditions for its holding and the cost.

Signs associated with weddings

The sacrament of wedding is one of the oldest and most important rituals in life. Orthodox Christian, so it is not surprising that over time a large number of signs have appeared that are associated with it.

If the ring falls during the engagement, it means the family will not be strong or the widowhood of one of the spouses.

The handbrake on which the newlyweds stood during the wedding sacrament cannot be given to anyone. It should be kept in the family all their lives, as a symbol of the newlyweds’ life path.

Wedding candles should also be kept in the family for life. But perhaps some people don’t know that they can be re-lit during a difficult birth or illness of the child.

Before going to church and after the wedding at home, the newlyweds were showered with grain and hops. Now this tradition has undergone changes and newlyweds are showered with coins to ensure a rich life.

Wedding rings were chosen to be smooth, without stones, inserts or carvings, so that life in new family was smooth.

Until the moment when the crown is placed on the bride, her face should be covered with a thick veil, so that no one can see it. Nowadays, this custom is rather symbolic, so the veil is worn transparent or openwork.

If, during the wedding sacrament, candles crackle in the hands of the bride and groom, then life in the family will not be calm.

During the wedding, young people should not look into each other's eyes so that family life would not be overshadowed by infidelity.

When the newlyweds returned home after the wedding in the temple, the bridesmaids braided her hair.

There are still a large number of similar signs. But today, the church does not require strict adherence to all the rules. Therefore, following signs or beliefs is a personal matter for everyone.

On what days do people not get married?

According to church rules, it is not allowed to perform the wedding sacrament on the following days:

  • during the large and strict four fasts (Great, Petrov, Uspensky and Rozhdestvensky);
  • on Easter and cheese weeks;
  • in the days between the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany (Christmastide);
  • before the great, temple and twelve holidays;
  • before fasting days (Wednesdays, Fridays, Sundays), that is, the wedding ceremony is not held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;
  • per day and on days of strict one-day fasts (Beheading of John the Baptist and Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord);
  • Also, wedding sacraments are not performed at night.
Exceptions from established rules can only be done in case of urgent need by the ruling bishop.

In any case, you need to come to the church in advance and find out whether it is possible to get married on the day you are interested in, since a large number of holidays and fasts do not have a fixed date, but change every year.

If the wedding took place on one of the days prohibited by the church charter, the marriage will still be considered valid.

Photo and video shooting during a wedding in an Orthodox church

Many couples decide to have a wedding after the wedding. Sometimes these two dates are very different in time. Moreover, believers often invite guests to a wedding in a church, and not to civil registration. Of course, it’s good when the wedding after the wedding takes place on the same or on the second day, but this is not always possible. On some days the church does not perform weddings; in addition, this ceremony also has to be postponed during Lent. A marriage must be concluded, for example, in connection with the bride’s pregnancy.

Often people want to testify to love before God after many years of living in a marriage registered according to a secular model. Some believe that this will help them be together for eternity. In fact, if both spouses go to heaven, they will meet there. And in hell everyone is alone, so a wedding will not help. The Bible says that there are no spouses in heaven, so remarriage after widowhood is not adultery. So the wedding takes place for the present life, and the rest must be left to the will of God.

He himself is extremely handsome, special chants have been selected for him, which have deep meaning. Every ceremonial action of the priest has significance. There are also many beliefs associated with the wedding ceremony, but Orthodox clergy recommend not paying attention to them. Indeed, in our time, it is no longer so important who will be the head of the family (and this is what most superstitions are connected with), decisions in the family are made by both, and superstition, according to church rules, is a sin. The main thing is to believe in your love and work on the relationship, and then love after the wedding will only become stronger.

People often ask whether attraction between a man and a woman is sinful. In itself it is natural and normal, and there is no need to try to attribute sinfulness to love and marriage. Anyone who says that responsible relationships are unclean is subject to anathema, so do not listen to the tales of sectarians and apostates. But physical attraction to the opposite sex must be viewed as something subordinate. It’s one thing if a dog helps his owner while hunting, another thing if he devours food for his owners on the table. Therefore, it is necessary that physical attraction knows its place.

In Russia, getting married after the wedding is the rule, because they get married only after the official wedding. In the sacrament of wedding, the spouses are united together, they begin to form one flesh and one spirit. Therefore, divorce is as painful and abnormal as the tearing of the flesh. The only undoubted ground for divorce is adultery, because the cheating spouse has already broken the bonds of marriage.

Parental blessing at a wedding is a very ancient and majestic tradition. It was not obligatory even in the old days; young people could get married against the will of their parents, but it’s so good to enlist the support of important people in our lives. How to give and receive correctly, they kneel before their parents, and they baptize each one in turn, saying words of blessing, after which the young people kiss the hands of their parents. Words of blessing are not something fixed and obligatory; every parent bless as they see fit. Some simply say: “Advice and love to you,” others wish happiness and many children, others give advice based on life experience. There are no hard and fast rules here, just ask your parents to say what’s on their minds and what they think is most important.

You may have been married for many years, but not yet after the wedding can be arranged even after many years. It is never too late to do this, especially since a registered marriage is fully recognized by the church and not a single normal priest will tell you that you are living in sin. If they tell you this, you can safely complain. Social concept The Orthodox Church clearly prescribes the church's respect for registered marriage. However, it is easier for married spouses to be together, because their marriage is protected by heavenly forces. So this is more than a beautiful ceremony.

A wedding is a sacrament that takes place according to strict canons, requiring the couple to make an informed decision and understand what is needed for this ceremony. I want to talk about important aspects, which newlyweds should take into account when organizing the ceremony.

  • Pectoral crosses
  • Rings
  • Wedding candles
  • Wedding icons
  • Rushnik
  • Shawls
  • Cahors
  • Marriage certificate
  • Dress and shoes

For each of these attributes you need to pay attention special attention, so I’ll tell you about each of them in detail.

Pectoral crossesimportant rule wedding is that the bride and groom must be baptized, otherwise the priest will not perform the ritual.

Rings– according to ancient traditions, the groom’s ring was gold, representing the sun, while the bride’s ring was silver, as a symbol of warmth and light in the house. IN modern world This tradition is no longer mandatory and you can use both the same and different rings, it all depends on your personal preferences.

Wedding candles– During the entire ceremony, the couple must have wedding candles in their hands. Throughout the entire ceremony, they should burn and not go out, thereby personifying light and warmth for your family. Therefore, you need to pay attention to thick and large candles, because on average the ritual takes 30 minutes, or even more. For convenience, there are also candle stands to prevent wax from dripping onto your hands, creating discomfort.

Wedding icons– you need to buy two icons in advance and consecrate them from the priest. Usually the couple is crowned with images of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. After the ceremony, the icons remain with the newlyweds.

Rushnik– at the very beginning of the ceremony, the newlyweds must stand on a towel, which symbolizes the white sky. I want to warn you that it should not be with patterns or other decorations.

Shawls– if you decide not to use candle stands, then you will need small handkerchiefs so as not to burn your hands with hot wax during the ceremony. Witnesses will also need scarves to hold their crowns during the ceremony.

Cahors– church wine, which are also an integral part of the process. During the ceremony, the bride and groom take turns drinking from the cup.

Marriage certificate– The church is important to civil laws, so before the ceremony you need to provide a marriage certificate. An exception may be if the wedding ceremony is announced the next day after the ceremony.

Dress and shoes– there are no categorical rules here, the bride can wear a secular dress at the wedding, but it must comply with certain standards, for example, a deep neckline should be covered with a cape or choose a more modest outfit. Shoes can also be chosen according to your taste, but I would like to remind you that the ceremony takes place while standing and for quite a long time, so you need to choose not only beautiful, but also the most comfortable shoes.

Wedding rules

  1. The groom must be 18 years old and the bride 16;
  2. The newlyweds must be Orthodox Christians;
  3. Parental blessing must be obtained (this is not mandatory for people who have reached the age of majority);
  4. The wedding takes place after state registration marriage;
  5. The couple must also prepare spiritually, celebrate communion, fast, and confess.


One of the important decisions when preparing a wedding will be the choice of witnesses. There are no too categorical rules here, but there are still things worth paying attention to:

  • Naturally, the witnesses, like everyone who will be in the church at the time of the wedding, must be baptized and wear crosses on their bodies
  • An important feature that I would like to focus on is that by becoming witnesses, people acquire a kind of spiritual connection with each other, which is equivalent to family ties. Therefore, couples who want to marry in the future are undesirable as witnesses, since during the ceremony they will tie themselves with spiritual threads close to family ties.

In what cases can a wedding not be held?

  1. The procedure is unacceptable among blood relatives (up to 4 generations);
  2. Second, third and fourth weddings are not approved by the church, but permission for the ceremony can be obtained by proving that both spouses are not married to other people or are widowers;
  3. Not acceptable for people of other faiths or atheists;
  4. If the young ones have not yet been registered.

Here I would like to mention that pregnancy is not an obstacle to getting married; on the contrary, the church advocates that a child should be born to a family that is sanctified by the Lord.

How to choose a date

Choosing a wedding date can be a whole problem for a couple, because there are dates when this is prohibited:

  1. Orthodox fasts (both one-day and multi-day);
  2. Easter;
  3. Church holidays;
  4. Continuous weeks;
  5. Twelfth movable and non-movable holidays.

Guests at the ceremony

Anyone who expresses such a desire can attend the wedding ceremony, but there are also a number of requirements for guests

  • All guests must wear crosses
  • Women should not wear trousers; clothing should be light and modest.
  • Women's heads should be covered with scarves
  • Men wearing formal suits, if black, should wear a light shirt

Preparing for a wedding for those already married

As I already said above, the wedding takes place only after the state registration of the marriage, hence it follows that it does not matter whether the ceremony takes place the day after the painting in the registry office or after 20 years of marriage.

But in a situation where you have been married for a long time, you need to foresee possible problems for the wedding:

  • If the blessing of the parents was not received on time, the priest may refuse
  • A situation is possible when there are no unmarried people in your close circle who could be witnesses
  • By the way, a person should not be married again, this can also lead to the church refusing to hold the ceremony (but I want to note that in the modern world the church has become more loyal in these matters)

When planning a wedding, I strongly recommend that you take into account the tips and rules described earlier, then this exciting event will pass calmly and will bring only good emotions. But the main thing to remember is that this is not just a festive ritual, it is a big responsibility!

When two are sincere loving friend a person's friend wants to live their whole lives together, they bind their lives with the holy bonds of marriage. In the Gospel, the wedding is compared to the mysterious union of Christ with the Church. Wedding is a sacred rite of seven sacraments, the union of two loving souls before the face of the Lord. Previously, church marriage was not given much importance. The main thing was to sign at the registry office. But for recent years There are more and more young couples seeking to unite their lives with sacred bonds. The wedding ceremony has certain canons. Let's look at the rules for getting married in a church.

Why do you need a church wedding?

In the spiritual life of every person there is such a thing as faith. Lovers believe that having been married in a church, they will definitely meet and be together again in the Kingdom of Heaven. During church rite the bride and groom are united in a sacred bond. They make a vow to each other, putting all their love and faith into the most important words in life. Their love is blessed. Family life protected by God.

Bride's wedding dress

What should a wedding dress be like? The concepts of wedding and wedding dress differ from each other. At the present time in appearance brides are not treated as strictly as before. But still lovers adhere to the rules. When a bride gets married in a church, her dress should be modest. According to the rules church traditions legs should be completely covered, but a neckline and a beautiful cutout at the back are allowed. The color of the wedding dress should be light tones, preferably white. White is a symbol of purity and innocence. The bride is prohibited from getting married in dark and bright colors. The head must be covered with a veil or a light scarf. A hat is allowed. Beautiful hairstyle the bride can decorate with a delicate wreath. Before entering the church, the bride's shoulders and arms are covered with a cape. The bride's shoes should be closed. It is believed that getting married in sandals is bad omen. It has long been believed that a wedding dress should have a long train. The longer the train, the happier the family life will be.

Choosing a wedding day

In order to set a date for a wedding in a church, you must first familiarize yourself with the 2014 wedding calendar. In it you will find out which days it is allowed to get married and which days it is not. A favorable day for a wedding is Sunday. Since most couples tend to get married on this day, it is necessary to set a time for the ritual in advance. Wedding ceremonies are also held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Weddings usually do not take place on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The ritual lasts several hours. Therefore it is carried out in daytime, but not closer to the evening. The Orthodox Church has both favorable and “forbidden” days for weddings. What days are these?

  • Christmas time;
  • Eve of the Presentation of the Lord;
  • Carnival;
  • Eve of the Annunciation;
  • Lent;
  • Easter;
  • Day of the Ascension of the Lord;
  • Trinity Day;
  • Petrov post;
  • Assumption Fast;
  • Christmas;
  • Day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
  • Christmas post.

Necessary actions before the wedding

Having set a date for the ceremony, the newlyweds will have to choose the church where the ritual will be held. The wedding is carried out by appointment after a conversation with the priest. During the conversation, in addition to discussing the wedding date, important questions will be asked to the bride and groom.

What will the priest ask?

  • are you baptized?
  • whether you decided to get married in a church voluntarily, out of love;
  • are you planning to have children?
  • whether you were previously married or not;
  • will you sign?

You must answer the priest's questions honestly. The bride and groom can also ask the priest about anything of interest. Discuss the nuances that are necessary during the wedding, clarify approximately how long the wedding will last, and whether photography is allowed in the church. You can decide for yourself whether to receive communion or not. If the bride is pregnant, she must tell her about it. You need to make sure whether a pregnant woman can get married in a church. Some priests do not marry pregnant women, but many, on the contrary, happily perform this ritual.

What is needed for a wedding

Preparations for a wedding should take place in love, in good mood. To perform the ritual you need:

How does the ceremony take place?

Many couples do not get married right away. They live together for some time, testing their relationship. And if they come to a mutual decision to get married in church, they set a date for the ceremony after the anniversary of their life together. But the majority of young people decide to sign and get married on the day of the painting. After registering the marriage in the registry office, they arrive at the church in order to legitimize their relationship before God. How is the wedding ceremony going in 2014? Having arrived at the temple, accompanied by guests, the newlyweds await the start of the festive liturgy.

This ritual includes two stages:

The Deacon comes out to the young people, holding a tray with wedding rings. The priest hands the lit wedding candles into the hands of the bride and groom. He then suggests that the newlyweds exchange wedding rings three times. Before this, the priest must consecrate the rings. Three times the bride and groom move the rings on a tray to each other. This ritual is performed as a sign of unity and mutuality in marriage.

Then the most interesting part begins - the climax of the wedding sacrament. The priest marks the groom in a cross shape with the help of a crown. He brings to him the image of Christ the Savior, attached to his crown, so that he kisses him. The priest then places the crown on the groom's head. The same thing awaits the bride. But attached to her crown is the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Due to the voluminous hairstyle or tiara, the crown is not placed on the bride’s head, so it falls to the witness to hold it. This ritual lasts about 20 minutes. The ritual with crowns is a symbol of the fact that they have forever become king and queen for each other. If one of the newlyweds is getting married for the second time, the crown is not placed on the head, but is held above the shoulder. And if she is getting married for the third time, then the ceremony is carried out without crowns at all. After the ceremony of laying crowns, the newlyweds are presented with a cup of wine. The priest says a prayer and illuminates this cup with a cross and presents it to the spouses. They gradually drink this cup in three doses. This ritual symbolizes a single destiny. Then the newlyweds become one. Then the priest joins the young people’s right hands and circles them three times around the lectern. This means that they will always go through life hand in hand. The newlyweds are led to the royal doors, where the groom kisses the image of the Savior. And the bride of the Mother of God. Then they must exchange places. Here the groom must kiss the image of the Mother of God, and the bride must kiss the Savior. Next, after the ceremony in front of the royal doors, the stage of kissing the Cross begins. At this stage, the groom is presented with an icon of the Savior, and the bride is given the Mother of God. Upon arrival at their home, they will have to hang them over the marriage bed.

At the end of the ceremony, many years are pronounced for the newlyweds and everyone congratulates the newlyweds. Guests can give gifts directly to the church. After the completion of the wedding sacrament, the newlyweds, together with their family and friends, go on a wedding walk.

Video: "Wedding in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul"

In what cases is a wedding impossible?

There are certain wedding rules. If they are violated, the wedding becomes impossible.

In what cases does a wedding become impossible?

  • if one of the spouses has been married three times before;
  • if the newlyweds are relatives (up to the fourth degree);
  • if one of the young people adheres to atheism; - if one of the spouses is not baptized and does not intend to be baptized;
  • if one of the spouses belongs to a different religion and does not intend to perform baptism;
  • if one of the spouses is already married;
  • if the newlyweds have not yet registered their relationship with the state.

We invite you to watch a video from which you will get a lot useful information about the sacrament of wedding and how to prepare for it.

How much does a wedding cost?

The cost of a wedding in a church depends on the temple in which the newlyweds decided to hold the ceremony. Temples set prices differently. There are churches where the price is set indefinitely, that is, how much money the newlyweds can contribute to donate to the temple. In other cases, wedding prices vary from 500 to 2000 rubles.

Tell us in the comments about how your wedding ceremony went. What emotions did you experience during this wonderful ritual? Did you follow all the wedding rules?