Do-it-yourself structural rubber roller. How to choose a roller for decorative plaster. Technology of working with structural rollers

Decorative plaster – finishing material, extremely attractive not only from the point of view of its technical characteristics.

This coating has opened up great opportunities for both designers and ordinary people who want to give their home a stylish personality.

Using a roller, you can recreate many types of surfaces.

A textured roller will help to imitate wood, a slab of cut stone, fur, leather and even animal paw prints if animal motifs are visible in the interior. This seemingly simple video contains enormous design possibilities. All you need to do is select a roller with the desired texture and master the technique of use.

Rollers differ from other tools for adding texture to plaster primarily in their purpose. Applicators, stamps, sponges, decorative tampons are intended for dot work or decoration small areas. Using for decorative plaster structural roller, you can process large surfaces and increase productivity significantly.

All numerous types of rollers can be divided according to two criteria: the type of material from which it is made work surface, and according to the pattern they leave on the plaster.

Types of rollers according to working surface material

Foam rubber

Foam rubber for such a roller should have deep pores of various diameters, which, depending on the size, will leave marks on the plaster in the form of burst bubbles or “moon craters.”

There is no need to press the roller with force, otherwise the plaster will lie in a regular even layer, without any relief.

You should also pay attention to the following points:

  • Decorative plaster should be finely dispersed.

The embossed one does not cope with the stretching of large particles, and the effect of the desired surface is blurred

  • You cannot work with plaster containing solvents.

These substances easily dissolve foam rubber, fragments remain on the surface, creating an unesthetic appearance.


A cheaper analogue of a rubber roller. With its help you can also work with various types plaster and recreate many patterns, but such a roller will not last long.

Polystyrene foam is a fragile material that is prone to deformation, so such a roller will have to be changed more than once during the work.

Additionally, the patterns on the foam tend to squish, creating a pattern that is not what you'd expect.

Alternatively, you can use a foam roller with flat surface, but, unfortunately, he is not able to give the plaster an interesting texture.


The most preferred tool option. On the flat surface of the roller there are protrusions or indentations that create a pattern.

Suitable for creating a clearly defined texture: brickwork, paintings, patterns of various types.

In some cases, the plaster may stick to the surface of the roller. To avoid this, it is recommended to wet the roller in soapy solution, however, it is unknown how such manipulations will affect appearance final coverage.


A roller with a leather surface can create one of the most commonly used effects - a marble surface. Due to its elasticity, the skin creates beautiful marble “stains”.

Most often, this tool is used to work with Venetian plaster.

The choice of roller must be approached carefully: it is better to use natural leather.

Artificial material can only cause disappointment, since low-quality leather will, at best, slide over the plaster without leaving any marks, and at worst, it will dissolve and ruin expensive plaster.


One of the simplest rollers, which has all the advantages of rubber. However, such a tool additionally guarantees the environmental friendliness of the coating, because the tree will not enter into spontaneous chemical reaction with ingredients in the plaster composition. Therefore, wooden rollers are often used to decorate walls in children's rooms.

However, over time, wood can absorb water from the plaster and swell. At the same time, the picture becomes less clear. The fix is ​​simple: just dry the roller and it will be ready for further work.


A plastic roller is positioned as a cheaper analogue of a rubber roller. Allows you to create a variety of textures and patterns. On sale you can find plastic rollers with holes and holes for creating bulges on the wall. This version of the surface is non-trivial.

The disadvantages of this material include the fact that over time the plastic becomes deformed, becomes covered with cracks and chips, which does not have the best effect on the final result.


Creates the effect of a “fur” wall. The pile material is varied - from natural fur to polyamide threads. The length of the pile varies from 2 to 25 mm. The longer the pile, the more “shaggy” the wall will be.

When purchasing, you should be careful and check the quality of attachment of the pile to the moving cylinder.

A low-quality roller will ruin the surface, littering it with loose fibers.

Types of rollers according to the final texture

The texture of the rollers can be completely varied and imitate brick, marble, wood, textiles, fur and even more complex patterns (braids, oriental patterns, waves, etc.)

Each of them allows you to create a specific surface. The richer the final texture should be, the deeper the pattern is cut on the roller.

It is worth noting that for each room it is necessary to choose its own wall texture and, accordingly, its own type of roller.

Imitation brickwork will look good in the hallway or work area kitchen, but completely out of place in the bedroom. Therefore very convenient option There will be a roller with replaceable attachments.

DIY roller for decorative plaster

Despite more than wide range Factory rollers are on sale; many people prefer to make the tool themselves.

There may be several reasons for this: the desire to save money, which was already spent on repairs a lot, or the lack of availability of a roller with the desired pattern, or the desire to give the interior individuality with exclusive wall texture.

Whatever the reason, you can make a structural roller yourself in several ways:

  1. To imitate brickwork, a foam roller is used as a basis. Using an ordinary stationery knife, recesses are cut out in the shape of bricks. It is a mistake to cut out the bricks themselves, since after smoothing the plaster they will not be convex, but pressed into the wall, which will deprive the imitation of realism.
  1. To reproduce a textile fabric, there is nothing better than the textile itself. A regular foam roller needs to be wrapped with a tape made of canvas fabric with a rough texture and secured with threads.
  1. To imitate a marble surface, a plastic roller lined with a piece of genuine leather is ideal. It is better to sew casually, with folds.
  1. To give the surface the effect of a natural board, you need to wrap a plastic roller with a narrow piece of dense textile or cover it with crinkled fabric.
  1. To create a specific pattern, it can be cut out on the surface of the auxiliary roller. Foam or foam rubber is best suited for these purposes. It is worth considering that the foam rubber must be hard.

In some cases, various massage rollers and kitchen utensils (rolling pins, etc.) were used as a textured roller.

Roller technique for decorative plaster

In order for the final texture to meet expectations, the roller should be worked in compliance with a certain technology:

  • movement should go from bottom to top, chaotic movements should not be allowed, otherwise the structure will not be clearly defined;
  • for the same reason, the strips drawn with a roller should be located close to each other, but not overlapping;
  • the first stripes must be drawn using a building level, otherwise there is a chance that they will “fill up” relative to the floor and ceiling;
  • work must be carried out taking into account the drying time of the plaster. Even slightly dried, it becomes much less plastic. It may be worth applying decorative plaster with a roller in fragments, then working the surface with a roller and only then proceeding to the next section of the wall;
  • The rollers are subject to wear. In case long work a roller made of short-lived material, it must be replaced on time.

The structural roller is one of those tools that, in its simple design, contains a wide range of possibilities. To obtain the desired structure of decorative plaster, you just need to use a high-quality roller and follow the technology.

If you really want to create a stylish, unique interior, but don’t have enough money for a great wall finishing specialist, don’t give up on your idea.

Textured rollers for decorative plaster will allow you to do it yourself, without the help of specialists. But before you run to the store for this unusual tool, study the information provided in this article about its types and the technology for creating a textured coating with its help.

We all know the usual paint rollers for painting walls and ceilings. And older people, from the stories of their parents, remember wooden cylindrical devices for applying designs to walls, which were widely used in the era of the absence and shortage of wallpaper.

It was they who became the prototype of modern decorative rollers with a pattern for decorative plaster.

Construction market offers

Let's see what types of rollers manufacturers offer for construction tools. They are all designed the same way and consist of a rotating cylinder attached to a handle.

The cylinder coating can be:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • foam;
  • tissue;
  • leather,
  • fur.

The texture of the future depends on the type of coating and its relief. decorative surface, which can imitate brick or stonework, marble, wood, fabric, or be decorated with an original design or ornament.

Here are some examples:

  • Relief roller for plaster with hard rubber or plastic coated and the relief pressed into it will create a convex pattern on the surface of the wall;

  • Relief protruding above the surface of the coating, on the contrary, will allow you to squeeze out a pattern on fresh plaster. For example, create the effect of brickwork or tree bark;

  • Fur for textured plaster they are used to create a “fur coat” effect;

  • Roller tampon made of soft crinkled fabric imitates a marble surface, which will look very believable if you choose the right plaster and paint the walls (see) in a special way after it dries.

Homemade rollers

The price of finished decorative rollers can be very different and depends on the material, size, and complexity of the design. But in any case, it is not so high as to save on this tool.

Nevertheless, both among experienced finishers and among beginners, there are people who are simply interested in making a structural paint roller with their own hands. This makes it possible to satisfy your creative needs and create a truly individual, unique design walls

You can make a decorative roller with your own hands in different ways:

  • Using a sharp knife, cut out the ornament on a rubber roller with a flat surface. For example, longitudinal and transverse channels imitating brickwork;
  • Cut out elements of the future pattern from thick rubber and glue them with special glue. Before doing this, do not forget to slightly round the edges of the glued parts so that they smoothly sink into the solution;

Please note. Whatever pattern or ornament you choose, it must be closed so that the imprint left is not interrupted.

  • Wind rubber strips, laces, and clothesline around the working cylinder in any order - in the form of a spiral or with overlaps and intersections at different angles;
  • An unusual roller for textured plaster is obtained by attaching a crumpled plastic bag, vegetable net, or burlap to it with tape.

For reference. In addition to relief rollers, you can use other tools and materials for plastering: stamps, combs, hard brushes, sponges, etc. right down to your own fingers, with which you can draw on a fresh layer of plaster.

Methods of use

You can create a relief using a decorative roller in different ways. In any case, the walls must be well leveled before doing this, without any depressions or bulges, otherwise the prints will turn out uneven. Therefore, you need to be careful when arranging the base for painting with a structural roller.

If a hard roller is used for decorative plaster, the process goes like this:

  • A layer of working mixture is applied to the prepared, flat and primed surface;
  • It is allowed to set slightly, since it is impossible to leave a clear mark on the liquid solution - it will stick to the roller and get clogged into the depressions of the relief. At the same time, you cannot delay too much, allowing the solution to gain hardness. Therefore, it is better to work together: one applies the plaster, the second then gives it texture;

For information. Setting time is usually 10-20 minutes depending on the type of plaster. The instructions on the package contain this information.

  • The roller is lightly pressed against the wall under the ceiling and, without lifting it from the surface, is led down, trying to exert very light, uniform pressure on it;
  • The next strip begins close to the previous one and from the same fragment of the pattern, so that it is not interrupted. To do this, you can make a mark on the roller.

If the resulting relief seems too rough to you, it can be smoothed with a sanding mesh soaked in water. You can paint the walls only after the plaster has completely dried.

Using rollers with soft coating you can create two-color relief plaster. To do this, the walls are first leveled with a solution of the same color, which will be the background, and allowed to dry. Then a composition of a different color and not very thick consistency is prepared, tinting it with special tinting pastes.

Applying decorative plaster with a roller is simple: it is immersed in ready solution, rolls out first along the auxiliary surface to evenly distribute the mixture, and then along the wall. Movements should be smooth, with even pressure.


The video in this article will be an additional and more reliable help than a verbal description if you decide to master decorative plaster with a roller. After studying it and several training approaches, you will be able to perform this work quite professionally.

Decorative roller constantly used for finishing works using structural plaster. In addition, it can be improved or made with your own hands. Homemade roller - budget option, with which you can qualitatively finish the walls yourself and to your taste.

Using a homemade roller you can make original decor on the walls

Renewed old roller with your own hands

Making a modernized decorative roller is not difficult, especially if you have an old foam roller lying around the house; you have a simple cord, a clothesline (50 cm is enough), a plastic bag, scissors, a knife and tape. On separate area Any of the walls, after covering it with decorative plaster, you can try the following options and choose the appropriate one:

  1. To improve the appearance of the plaster and create a decorative pattern on it, a cord and clothesline are wound around an old roller. The type of pattern will depend on their thickness. A distinct rhythm will appear on the wall. Its regularity can be controlled by the number of passes, frequency of turns and direction. An unusual pattern appears from the depressions on the roller.
  2. An old foam roller will also come in handy. With its help you can make a patterned design with bulges. First, cuts are made with a knife, then with scissors, cuts of any diameter are made. A wide bulge will appear from the thickness of the cutout, which will build the pattern.
  3. The roller will look textured if you put a soft sleeve on it, rewound with thread.

Using any of these rollers, you can add a beautiful shape, attractive depth to the walls on the finishing layer of plaster, or completely change the interior of your house or apartment. If there is no old roller, you can easily make a new one with your own hands.

Roller made from scrap materials

Roller design for painting walls and ceilings

For the future decorative roller, you must first make a base - a cylinder. There are several options for obtaining an elongated cylindrical object required for the base:

  1. Rolling pin for dough. Since it is wooden, it is easy to drill a hole in it along its entire length. A thick wire or metal rod bent into the shape of a handle is inserted into the hole. You can use a handle from an old roller.
  2. Plastic pipe (d=5 cm, l= 10 cm). To close the side holes in the pipe, plugs are cut out of plastic, which are placed on glue, and holes are made in them for the handle.
  3. If there is lathe, you can machine a roller from metal, rubber, plastic, or wood on it, and then attach a handle to it.

Once you have the base, you can start making a decorative roller. A randomly twisted cord on a prepared layer of plaster will create a one-of-a-kind relief pattern.

From a plastic bag, an ordinary vegetable net, wound on a base made by yourself and secured with tape, a pattern with winding folds and uneven wrinkles will appear on the wall.

Cellophane can be replaced with any fabric material. Foam rubber lying around the house is also used. After fixing it with tape on homemade instrument, drawings are cut out on it. The process of making such a roller is labor-intensive, but as a result the wall will be a real decoration of the room. If you don't have foam rubber, you can find a piece of rubber. Of course, it is more difficult to cut on rubber, but the quality of the pattern will be noticeably higher. To obtain a longitudinal structural pattern, a tool is made with convexities on the surface.

Decorative roller made from scraps of fabric and foam rubber

Correct application of plaster

Using a roller, which you can make yourself, will be advisable if you follow all the rules for applying decorative plaster to walls:

  1. The surface that you intend to renew must be prepared - cleaned of old finishes (paint, wallpaper), degreased and coated with a primer.
  2. If the master is going to apply two layers of plaster, then first a smooth layer with a flat surface is made and painted in the required color.
  3. Afterwards, a rich structural second layer of plaster is applied to the wall. If the interior requires it and it is necessary to clearly delineate the layers, special tape is used. For arbitrary shapes, a self-adhesive sealant is used, which is used on windows.
  4. It is worth considering that the plaster has a quick-drying property, so the textured pattern should be applied quickly.
  5. It is undesirable to press the tool on the plastered surface; you can accidentally ruin the intended texture. Movements should be light and sliding.
  6. After the decorative layer has been completely applied (after about 20 minutes), a wet mesh is used to polish the protrusions on the finished relief surface.
  7. After two days, (this is optimal time for complete drying of the walls and plaster), the entire surface is completely cleaned of defects. After which it is covered with paint of the required color.

When choosing a variety of textured coatings for your roller, you need to imagine the end result.

If you put a sleeve with a pile on the base of the roller, you can create a structural relief “like a fur coat.” It is more often used for concrete and brick exterior walls. In this case, the pile must be at least 18 cm long.

Working with a hand-made textured roller is suitable not only for creative people. Anyone who has the desire to create a home original interior, can make it from ordinary scrap materials.

If plaster is used to decorate the facade, then it smooth surface, even painted in the original color, may look a little boring.

More original and interesting design will help you make rollers for decorative plaster. Their relief surface will leave a textured pattern on external wall, but at the same time the entire house will also be reliably protected from large amounts of precipitation and temperature changes by a layer of plaster.

In order to create a decorative finish on the wall, various sponges, stamps, combs and applicators are used, but they can be used if the scale of work is small. A roller allows you to quickly cover a large area. There are several types of textured rollers in the assortment of stores:

  1. According to the material with which the moving cylinder is covered.
  2. Based on the drawings that are created during work.

There are also several ways to apply decorative plaster using a roller. In the first option, a textured roller is passed over the still damp plaster (both painted and regular gray) and the necessary pattern is created, which can be additionally painted. In the second case, the tool is dipped into the solution and the texture is applied to a prepared, flat surface.

What are textured rollers?

If previously paint was applied to a plastered wall with a metal cylinder, now a roller can perform various functions. It can be used to apply primer, paint, and even plaster solution, and it will also help you create an original design on a large surface.

Considering all the functionality, rollers for textured plaster are made from various materials, such as:

  • foam;
  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • tree
  • silicone;
  • textile;
  • rubber;
  • polystyrene foam

Foam tool

If a tool is selected for work of this type, then you should know that the foam rubber must have sufficiently deep pores, and their diameter can vary significantly. With such features, a pattern will remain on the treated surface that will resemble burst bubbles or lunar craters.

Applying decorative plaster with a foam-coated roller should be done easily; you should not put too much pressure on it, because the soft base, shrinking, will smooth out the entire pattern. Also, you cannot use such a tool if plaster with solvents is selected. These components will easily disrupt the structure of the foam rubber and its particles will remain on the surface of the plaster.

In order to apply decorative plaster with a regular foam roller, you can wrap it with ropes of different thicknesses, vegetable netting, or cut out the desired pattern on it. This will be a roller for decorative plaster with your own hands. It will help bring a truly original idea to life.

Fur or fleecy rollers

If fur rollers are used for work, the result is a surface that imitates a “fur coat”. An important point is the length of the villi. If you need a more pronounced effect, you should choose options with long pile. Available for sale different instruments, the length of the pile ranges from 2 mm to 25 mm.

Both natural materials (natural fur) and synthetic fibers can be used as material for the manufacture of these rollers. You need to choose such a tool very carefully; the pile should not be pulled out of the base. Otherwise, when applying the pattern, the base will be spoiled by the presence of unwanted fibers.

Leather roller

A leather-coated tool will help make the surface similar to natural stone or marble. It is most often used in conjunction with Venetian plaster.

You should select a product from natural material, since synthetic analogues may be of poor quality and can ruin expensive plaster.


Textured rollers for decorative plastic plaster are considered the most budget-friendly options.

They may have bulges or depressions on the surface various shapes. This material is not durable; after some time, chips or cracks may appear on the surface of the roller, which will cause defects in the design.


Textured plaster Can also be applied using a wooden roller. This tool can perfectly replace the most popular and durable rubber one. It leaves a high-quality pattern when correct use. Moreover, wood is a rather inert material and does not interact with the chemicals of the plaster.

Its disadvantage is considered to be hygroscopicity. During operation, it can absorb water from the solution and, as a result, swell. This changes the size of the picture. To eliminate this drawback, you need to pause work and thoroughly dry the instrument.

Rubber roller

This tool is most often used to create complex textures:

  1. Geometric shapes.
  2. Plants.
  3. Animals.
  4. Murals.
  5. Brickwork.

It is used by professionals in their work because the material is durable, easy to care for and convenient to work with.

Foam plastic

This material is just as good as rubber for applying complex textures and patterns. But due to the fact that the material is easily damaged during operation, when processing large surfaces you will need to change the tool several times. If the owner wants to finish a small surface, then this will be an alternative to expensive options.

Operating rules

Before you start decorative finishing walls, you need to prepare the surface. To do this, the walls are cleaned of all contaminants, well primed and leveled. If the base is not even, the design will not be of high quality and uniform, and will not look aesthetically pleasing.

After the leveling layer has dried, you can begin decorative finishing.

  1. A solution of special decorative plaster is made according to the recipe indicated on the package.
  2. Next, the mixture is applied to the wall, up to 5 mm thick.
  3. In order to get a clear drawing, you need to wait a little for the solution to begin to harden on the wall. About 10 minutes will be enough. If you wait longer, the thicker solution will cling to the tool, and if less, then it will liquid basis You won't get a clear print. You also need to remember that the plaster has completely hardened. Do not make a large amount of solution. If you don't use it right away, it will harden in the container. And if you apply it all on the wall, then it will not be possible to treat it with a roller. It is better to work in pairs - one applies the plaster, the other works with a roller.
  4. They move from top to bottom.
  5. The embossed plaster roller should not be pressed too hard. Movements should be smooth, sliding.
  6. Each subsequent strip runs close to the previous one. It is not allowed to use a whip, as the drawing will be distorted.
  7. The first few strips should be checked using a level or plumb line. If they are not even, it is better to redo them immediately to get a high-quality result.
  8. If the pattern turns out to be excessively embossed, after drying it can be smoothed out a little using a grater and a sanding mesh.
  9. If the surface area to be treated is very large, you need to monitor the condition of the roller, especially if it is made of soft materials. When they wear out they need to be replaced.
  10. After the decorative plaster has completely dried, you can begin painting, if necessary. If paint needs to be applied to protruding parts, use a short-haired roller or brush. If the plaster must be completely painted with a roller, then it is better to use a tool with long pile.

Ways to make a textured roller with your own hands

You started renovations and decided to give the walls in your house unusual look, creating a cozy atmosphere. Beyond choice color scheme, you can give the walls an original texture.

DIY textured roller

Textured plaster can transform the look of your room. To do this, you will definitely need a special textured, or structural, roller.

These rollers made from various materials (rubber, wood, linoleum) are presented in an assortment on the shelves of hardware stores.
Rollers with a textured surface are used to apply relief on wet plaster; the depth of the relief should not exceed five millimeters. When working, the roller itself must also be wet.

But you can make this tool at home. For manufacturing you will need the following materials: - a used but working roller; - a clothesline or thin cord (half a meter will be enough); - plastic bag;- tape;- knife;- scissors.

Try several options with different decorative patterns and choose the most suitable one.

First option

Designer roller made from clothesline. Wrap the old roller with rope or cord. A roller made in this way produces a regular pattern with clear lines. A distinct rhythm of texture is created, which you can control by making different quantities passages.

The type of pattern can also be adjusted by the thickness of the rope being wound, the direction and frequency of winding. This roller creates a pattern of depressions.

Second option

If you have a foam roller left over from previous repairs, you can put it to use. The foam roller will create a pattern with bulges.

Using a knife, make several cuts on the roller. You can use scissors to make cutouts. The wider the cut, the wider the bulge will be, building the pattern. You can combine the types of cuts on the roller, and you can also come up with your own application methods.
You can make a textured roller with your own hands from a roller with a soft sleeve by tying the surface of its sleeve in several places with thread. Use a knife to draw a pattern onto the foam roller.

Third option

A very simple way to create delicate reliefs on plaster is to use a roller wrapped in a plastic bag. Secure the bag to the roller with tape. You can also wrap the roller with twisted tape or a twisted bag. The folds of the bag create a very fine irregular pattern, and the number of passes with the roller changes it endlessly. Just like a plastic bag, you can use scrap fabric, vegetable netting, thick hair bands, leather straps, and stiff, crumpled paper. It is also very interesting to experiment with different combinations of materials.