Delicious crispy lightly salted cucumbers. How to quickly make lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan

Lightly salted cucumbers- a wonderful cold appetizer that goes with any dish. The simplicity of preparing the marinade and its amazing taste have long won the hearts of residents not only of the CIS countries, but also of many others.

I think you will agree with me that such a crispy dish is excellent for both festive table(especially with strong drinks), and for everyday use as an addition to the main course for lunch or dinner.

There are too many existing marinades and recipes, and I am not able to describe them all, but I will try to tell you the main nuances and tips in this article. You need to understand that this is not a troublesome preservation. Salting a vegetable takes a minimum of time, and any container can be suitable, be it a pan, a jar or a regular bag.

Of course, for pickling it is better to choose small, hard cucumbers with pimples. But other types, for example, salad, are also suitable for this task. I would like to pay special attention to the amount of salt. It is indicated in recipes, but everyone has different tastes, so follow your taste preferences. For example, I don’t like too salty dishes, but for some they may seem bland. In general, everything comes with experience; after trying to make pickling yourself once, you will understand what and how much you need. Let's get started already...

Classic recipe for crispy cucumbers in brine for a 3 liter jar

Many people wonder how to prepare lightly salted cucumbers according to the classic recipe? But the answer here is simple. Traditionally, they are salted in a jar with hot brine, and to make them crispy, they must first be soaked in water for an hour. Then the cucumbers will remain hard and juicy!

This is how our grandmothers salted vegetables lightly, when there was no various recipes in a bag or in various containers.

We will need (on 3rd liter jar):

  • cucumbers – 2.5 kg;
  • salt – 4 tablespoons;
  • dill inflorescences and stem – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • black peppercorns – 12 pcs.;
  • currant leaf – 2-3 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf – 3-4 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf – 1 pc.


If you like it spicier, you can add chopped hot pepper.

The end result is an excellent dish for the table. Just don’t be surprised if such a three-liter jar runs out at lightning speed, because cucumbers are so tasty that it’s impossible to stop eating them. Good recipe instant cooking Now you have it in your piggy bank.

Quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and dill in 5 minutes

Many of my friends are interested in how to pickle instant cucumbers in a bag. Yes, this is the fastest and easiest way you can think of! You will spend no more than 5 minutes on preparation, then 1 hour in the refrigerator - and that’s it, crispy. lightly salted cucumbers They will delight you with their taste for a long time!

We will need:


In general, the recipe calls for a tablespoon of salt, but it turns out too salty for me. That's why I put 0.5 tbsp. You proceed from your taste preferences.

Imagine, in less than 2 hours in the refrigerator, you will prepare incredibly tasty lightly salted cucumbers! By the way, the package can be anything, the main thing is that it is sealed. But the one like the one in my photo is best. It is very convenient to use.

How to make lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water quickly and tasty?

Cucumbers lightly salted in sparkling mineral water turn out to be very, very elastic, all their juice remains inside. Juicy and crispy, you won’t even have anything to put in the refrigerator after the first serving, how delicious they are!

We will need:


If you don’t have seasoning for pickling, it doesn’t matter, you can replace it by adding peppercorns, bay leaves, horseradish leaves, currants.

Cucumbers in cold brine are most often prepared from ordinary water from a filter or tap. For those who do not want to use such water, there is an alternative - mineral water. Once you try it, you probably won’t want to experiment with other recipes.

Video on how to salt cucumbers in a jar in cold water with sugar so that they are crispy

Many housewives prefer cold brine, the preparation of which also has its own secrets. For example, this recipe contains sugar, which makes our cucumbers richer in taste and crispier. I suggest watching the video, and then you definitely won’t have any questions about the cooking process.

For a 2 liter jar we will need:

  • cucumbers – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • dill – 20 g;
  • garlic – 10 g;
  • hot pepper to taste.


Lightly salted cucumbers in a pan with hot brine according to the classic recipe

For some, salting in a pan is more convenient than in a jar. Currant and horseradish leaves make the surface of cucumbers shiny and beautiful. And the taste, of course, is unsurpassed, aromatic and very fresh.

We will need:


As you can see, everything is very simple: put all the ingredients in a pan and pour in the marinade. That's it, nothing more is required from you, and the snack will be ready the next day. Well, isn't it a fairy tale?

How to prepare instant cucumbers with garlic and herbs in cold brine at home without horseradish?

Instant cooking is a very reasonable name for lightly salted cucumbers. According to this recipe, they will be ready within a day, which is quite fast. And the process itself is very fast; it takes very little time to prepare the products.

We will need:


As you can see, lightly salted cucumbers are ideal option for beginner cooks. There is nothing complicated in preparing them, and you will spend very little time. But the result is amazing!

Once our delicacies are ready, store them in the refrigerator. It is advisable to eat within a week. But I think you won’t need this information, since such an appetizer flies off the table first!

Bon appetit!

Many people think that cucumber is a native Russian product, but this is by no means true. India is considered the birthplace of the cucumber. Cucumbers still grow there, although they are terribly bitter and small. Also, you might be interested to know that cucumbers are mentioned even in the Bible. The Israelis, when they grumbled against God, also mentioned cucumbers among onions, garlic and watermelons. And this record is confirmed by archaeological finds. For example, various tablets were found with images of cucumbers. So cucumbers have been known for quite a long time and were not invented by us.

But lightly salted cucumbers are a purely Russian invention. It is impossible to imagine a hut in Rus' in which the hostess would not greet dear guests with lightly salted cucumbers self-made. Cucumbers, crispy, incredibly fragrant. This is how invited guests were greeted.

In addition to dietary and taste qualities, cucumber pickle has pronounced medicinal properties. For example, lightly salted pickle helps with atherosclerosis, reduces and relieves swelling, lowers blood pressure, and also relieves stress. In addition, cucumber pickle can relieve cramps and spasms, and is also very useful for the stronger half of humanity, as it has a remarkable effect on male potency.

So, now we know that cucumber, a vegetable, is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. How to properly prepare lightly salted cucumbers so that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to serve them to your dear guests? There are many options for preparing cucumbers. Some can be easily prepared by a housewife who has never been in the kitchen, others are quite complex and require certain knowledge and skills. Let's look at several options one by one, and you will choose the ones that are most suitable for yourself. And if you plan to make a salad from cucumbers, you can make it.

Lightly salted cucumbers “Classic”

To make cucumbers crispy, there are certain rules. To prepare these cucumbers we will need:


  • 1.5 kilograms of cucumbers
  • 4-3 carnation flowers
  • 2-1 leaves of horseradish (it is thanks to horseradish leaves that the cucumbers will turn out crispy, this is one of the secrets of delicious cucumbers)
  • 3 cherry leaves (here is the second secret, thanks to the cherry leaves the consistency of the cucumbers will be dense and crispy, and the cucumbers will also acquire a unique taste and aroma)
  • 6-5 currant leaves (for the same purpose as horseradish and cherries)
  • Bay leaf
  • 3 sprigs of dill
  • 6-5 cloves of garlic
  • 10-8 allspice peas
  • 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) salt
  • 2 liters of water


Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, trim the ends (this is done so that the cucumbers are evenly and well saturated with brine). Place cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of prepared sterilized jars. Carefully place the prepared cucumbers upright. Add garlic, dill and horseradish leaves on top. At this time, prepare the brine.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, peppercorns, and cloves. Bring to a boil. If you want the cucumbers to be ready quickly, you need to pour hot brine over them, close the lid tightly and enjoy them after a day. If you have nowhere to rush, you can pour cold brine over the prepared cucumbers, then you can eat them after three days.

Cooking options are subject to change and variation. The taste will change depending on the spices you add. You can lightly salt cucumbers by adding horseradish roots. Then the cucumbers will turn out crispy, with a pleasant tang, and will last a long time, since horseradish will prevent them from deteriorating and becoming moldy. You can add leaves and (or) oak bark, but this is not for everyone, the taste will be original and unusual.

Everything seems fine, but sometimes you want to enjoy lightly salted cucumbers and not wait a day. Well, for such cases there are also ways to prepare cucumbers, they are also different and we will look at them.

How to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly? Every housewife could ask this question at least once. Guests arrived unexpectedly, I just want something salty. Whatever the reason, express methods for pickling cucumbers will help out

Lightly salted cucumbers "Bystry"

Recipe No. 1

A quick way that will allow you to enjoy cucumbers the very next day. The most important thing is to keep the proportions correctly.


  • Salt (teaspoon per 200 milliliters of water), preferably coarse
  • Vinegar
  • Dill
  • Garlic
  • Pepper (optional)


Pour water into a saucepan and add salt according to the proportions. Bring to a boil, add 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends, dill, rinse a few branches too, garlic, to taste, if you like it spicy, you can add red and green peppers. Carefully place everything in a jar and pour boiling brine over it. Close the lid tightly. The next day you can start eating. Then place in the refrigerator. The cucumbers will turn out very tasty and crispy.

Recipe No. 2


  • Cucumbers
  • Dill (umbrellas)
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Garlic 4-3 cloves
  • Allspice 4-3 peas
  • Water - liter
  • Salt (coarse) - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - teaspoon


Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off the ends, add water and leave for a couple of hours.

Wash horseradish leaves and dill. Peel the garlic and chop coarsely. Place horseradish leaves, dill, garlic and pepper on the bottom of a clean jar. Lay out a row of cucumbers, then again spices, again cucumbers. Keep doing this until the jar is completely filled.

Let's prepare the brine. Pour water, add sugar, salt, bring to a boil. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers and close with a lid. You can eat it the next day.

It also happens that you want to eat pickles even faster. In this case, they will help even more quick recipes.

Lightly salted cucumbers “In a bag”

Recipe No. 1

Thanks to these methods, you can eat cucumbers within three hours.


  • Cucumbers-2 kilograms
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic head
  • Dill


Wash the cucumbers well, trim the ends of the cucumbers. Fold into plastic bag. Sprinkle with salt and mix well. Finely chop the dill and garlic, add to the bag and shake thoroughly. After three hours you can treat yourself.

Recipe No. 2

There is an even faster way to make lightly salted cucumbers.


  • cucumbers
  • Dill
  • Garlic


Wash the cucumbers and cut into small pieces or slices. Place in a deep bowl. Add garlic (chopped) and finely chopped dill to the cucumbers. Sprinkle with salt and mix thoroughly (you can use your hands). Place the cucumbers in a plastic bag, squeeze out the air from it, and tie it. After an hour, the cucumbers can be eaten.

Well, for the most impatient:

Lightly salted cucumbers “Instant”


  • cucumbers
  • Garlic
  • Sugar


Wash the cucumbers very well and cut into slices. Add garlic, squeezed or finely chopped, salt, sugar and dill. Mix everything thoroughly, put it in a jar and shake well. In 10 minutes the cucumbers will be ready.

And in conclusion:

  • Cannot be used aluminum cookware when pickling cucumbers.
  • Cucumbers are best picked in the morning, before the sun's rays touch them.
  • It is better to choose cucumbers of the same size and with “pimples”
  • For crunchy properties, add leaves (preferably root) of horseradish and oak.
  • It is better to soak cucumbers before pickling. If you soak the bitter ones longer.
  • Observe the specified proportions. You can use coarse, coarsely ground salt.
  • After pickling, cucumbers should be placed in a dark place.
  • It is better to tear greens, herbs, leaves with your hands rather than cut them with a knife.

Applying these simple tips, you will always know how to make lightly salted cucumbers, and you will be able to enjoy and treat yourself to delicious, crispy lightly salted cucumbers all year round!

Bon appetit!

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers interests many. There is only one reason - the fruits grow every day in warm regions, but here in the Urals, this year, they are just gaining color. There is always a way out, because such a vegetable is available for sale in the trade.

In the meantime, cucumbers are growing, people are looking for delicious recipes for storing them in an apartment or special underground ones.

Today I propose to find out traditional recipes with improvisation and the search for new tastes with spices and various additives.

Classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers using the hot method (boiling water)

This recipe allows you to enjoy the lightly salted taste the very next day. Hot way involves pouring boiling water from a kettle over vegetables in a jar of spices.

You will need:

  • 1.5 liter jar
  • cucumbers - 8-10 pcs.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • peppercorns - 20 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
  • boiling water - 1 liter
  • dill - 20 g

Cooking method:

1. Put dill, allspice, bay leaves in a jar, crush the garlic with the flat of a knife and put it there.

2. Then we begin to place the washed cucumbers in the jar while standing.

3. Place the fruits tightly against each other so that more of them fit.

4. Place a heaping spoonful of salt in a jar and pour boiling water from the kettle.

5. Close the jar with a simple lid.

6. We grab the lid with a towel because it is hot. We begin to turn the jar upside down and back again. Do this several times until the salt dissolves.

7. Leave the jar on the table until the morning. In the morning, you can put the jar in the refrigerator for 2 hours to keep the vegetables cold.

8. In the morning, we take the fruits out of the jar and admire the yellow-green color.

9. Cut the vegetables lengthwise and place on a plate.

Bon appetit!

Preparing quick cucumbers with ready-made brine in liter jars

Find out the recipe for preparing lightly salted cucumbers in another way, only the vegetables are poured not with boiling water, but with ready-made brine.

You will need:

Prepared vegetables and spices are in front of you.

Cooking method

1. Prepare the brine as follows. Boil 1 liter of water and put all the prepared spices and salt in it, stir. Leave the brine until it cools to room temperature.

2. Place green sprigs of dill along with umbrellas at the bottom of the jar. And also garlic cloves crushed with a knife. Then place the cucumbers tightly.

3. Place a sprig of dill on top and cut the cucumber that is not included entirely into rings.

5. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it for up to 12 hours at room temperature.

6. Before use, place in the refrigerator to cool for 2-4 hours. Take it out of the refrigerator and open the lid. And we smile from the aromatic smell of lightly salted instant cucumbers.

Eat the way you like. Bon appetit!

The easiest way to crisp cucumbers in a 3 liter jar - video

In this recipe, well-washed cucumbers need to be kept in cold water for 1 hour. The ends of the fruit are cut off at both ends to speed up the process of salt penetration.

After the night, in the morning you will be able to eat aromatic vegetables.

Super recipe for delicious cucumbers on breadcrumbs

If you make vegetables according to this recipe, you will be able to eat them in 2 days.


1. Fresh vegetables need to be washed and soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water. We cut off the opposite ends of the fruit. Let's prepare horseradish leaves, dill, black peppercorns, and garlic cloves. Let's prepare slices of black crackers in the oven.

2. Place at the bottom of a clean jar: 2 slices of crackers, sprigs of dill, horseradish leaf, 12 pieces of black peppercorns, 4 cloves of garlic.

3. Then, standing, place the fruits tightly.

4. Place two slices of crackers on the cucumbers.

5. Place dill, horseradish leaves and garlic cloves cut into pieces again on the crackers.

6. Place 2 slices of rye crackers on the greens again.

7. There is no need to take tap water for brine. Take spring water or clean bottled water.

8. Pour 2 liters into the container clean water room temperature, add 3 level tablespoons of salt into it. Stir the salt until dissolved.

8. Pour the brine into the jar.

9. Do not add brine to the top of the jar by 2 fingers.

10. We leave the jar on the table in the kitchen and observe the fermentation process inside it.

11. You can taste the taste of lightly salted cucumbers the very next day, but it’s better on the second, and even better on the third.

12. After 3 days, remove the bread from above and strain the brine through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container. We take the cucumbers out of the jar and put them all in the strained brine. We put the container with the fruits in the refrigerator and eat as needed for several days.

13. This is what the fruits look like in a jar after 3 days. Look how amber-golden they are.

14. The cross-section shows that the fruit is well soaked in brine. Enjoy eating!

Delicious recipe for quick cooking of cucumbers with mineral water

You will need:

Cooking method

1. First, prepare the vegetables by cutting off the ends on both sides. Chop the dill, horseradish leaves, and cloves of garlic.

2. We begin to fill the plastic jar with fruits and herbs.

3. Place allspice, half of the chopped herbs, and cucumbers in a container. Place chopped garlic on top of the vegetables.

4. Place the fruits again, horseradish leaves, dill, and garlic on top.

5. Now it’s time to dilute the salt in a separate container using mineral water.

6. Pour the diluted salt into a jar and add the remaining mineral water.

7. Close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. In a day you will be able to taste the taste of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water.

Mineral water allows you to speed up the cooking process. Try cooking.

Video on how to prepare crispy cucumbers with hot brine

Check out this easy way to quickly prepare your favorite vegetables using grandma's recipe.

The recipe has been tested for taste and aroma for more than one year, the reviews are very positive. Maybe you have a desire to cook the same way. Because you can eat vegetables the very next day.

Lightly salted cucumbers are a wonderful summer snack for any reason or no reason. They are great served with boiled potatoes, kebabs, fried chicken, to any other dishes; use as a component for salads, or just crunch for pleasure.

I'm not even talking about how good they are with strong drinks - you simply can't find a better snack!

There are simply countless ways to prepare such a snack. And all because the people’s love for this matter is too great. Besides, when they grow in their own beds, and you take a bucket of them every day, all that remains is to preserve them and lightly salt them. Because it’s simply not possible to overcome them in other ways.

But if preservation is a responsible and long process, then salting them quickly is just what you need. That’s why they are salted in pots, jars, and simply in bags. In the evening you salt it, and in the morning you can serve it. And there are super quick ways so you can serve them in just half an hour. These are the favorite methods of pickling in bags, or express methods.

In today’s article, we will be looking at such quick methods. Of course, we cannot reflect all of them in one article, since there are simply a lot of them! But at least you need to know the most basic and popular ones.

Most convenient way cook lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan. Fruits of any size are suitable for this, but it is still best to take medium or small specimens. Firstly, because they will pickle faster, and secondly, because their skin is much more tender and therefore they themselves will turn out crispy and not soft.

In addition, large fruits produce rather large seeds inside, and all the taste of the pulp is given to them. Therefore, large specimens can be salted, but only when there are no others.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 10 pcs (medium size)
  • horseradish leaf - 1 piece
  • dill - 4 umbrellas (2 - 3 sprigs)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • red capsicum - to taste
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs

For filling:

For 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of salt


1. Wash fresh, strong fruits and cut off the ends. If they are hard, they can be used immediately. And if the fruits are limp, then they need to be soaked for 3 - 4 hours cold water. During this time, they will be saturated with water and after salting they will be hard and crispy.

2. Rinse the greens thoroughly. I always use dill by eye; only the approximate amount is given in the ingredients. You can use any of its parts - the umbrellas themselves, the stem, and their openwork foliage. If the dill bush is large, then the stem needs to be cut.

In general, it is better to use different parts of it. This will be better for both taste and aroma.

3. Peel the garlic. Cut it into thin slices.

4. If you like spicier snacks, then prepare a piece of red capsicum. Personally, I always add it to pickles, even lightly salted ones. I add just a little bit, so that when I eat finished product you don't feel it at all. But it leaves its own small taste mark.

5. Place a pot of water on the fire. If the fruits are not very large, then a liter should be enough. But even if it’s not enough, it’s better to boil it a little more later.

6. As soon as the water boils, add salt to it and stir. If you want to add a little sweet note, add one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

7. While the water is boiling on the stove, layer all the prepared ingredients into the pan. Place some greens on the bottom, then cucumbers, and the remaining greens.

In principle, it doesn’t matter much how you distribute the ingredients. But it is advisable that a little horseradish and dill be on top. They need to kind of cover the top layer.

There is no need to take a large saucepan for such a quantity of fruits. Otherwise you will need more brine. Make sure that after placing the cucumbers in the pan, there is enough space left for them.

Besides large saucepan It will be inconvenient to put in the refrigerator, it will take up all the free space there.

8. Well, we’ve laid everything out, and by this time we already have the brine ready. It must be salty. When you add salt, don't be afraid that there may be a lot of it.

Pour the boiling brine into the filled pan. It should completely cover all its contents. If the filling is not enough, then boil another half liter of water and add a tablespoon of salt after boiling. Add as much as needed.

9. Prepare a saucer the size of the inside of the pan and place it on top so that it acts as a pressure and presses down all the contents.

10. Leave at room temperature overnight. In the morning, our lightly salted cucumbers are already ready. Especially if they are small. If they are larger, they will need a little more time.

11. But be that as it may, in the morning you need to put the pan with the contents in the refrigerator. The salting process will take place there too. But in the refrigerator the brine will retain its transparency. If you leave it at room temperature, it will soon begin to become cloudy and sour. And the fruits will also acquire a sour taste.

That's basically all! You can eat cucumbers and enjoy their crunchy content and pleasant taste.

And here is a video on how you can cook your favorite snack in a saucepan.

We specially shot a video for this article, and we really hope that it will help you quickly complete the task. Go to the channel, watch other materials, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. Friends, don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you don’t miss new ones interesting recipes!

Snack cucumbers cooked in a bag in 1 hour

This version of pickling is incredibly popular among the people, and they are prepared this way at home, in the country, and even at work. And those who have gone out into nature generally consider it the best. As soon as the first fruits ripen in the gardens, they are collected, and after eating a few fresh ones, they immediately take up the bags.

According to this recipe, by the way, you can salt not only in a bag, but also in a plastic container. The effect can be achieved exactly the same, and even much faster.

But today we are salting in a bag, so we are preparing it. Yes, not one, but two, for better strength. So that our cucumbers don’t accidentally jump out of the bag.

And I almost forgot to say that this method is not only very tasty, but also the fastest. After our product has been salted, after 40 -60 minutes it can already be eaten completely. finished form. And it must also be said that it is so simple that it is unlikely that it will be possible to find something even simpler.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 500 gr
  • garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • dill - half a bunch
  • horseradish - 0.5 sheets
  • pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste


Small varieties are best suited for this method. Moreover, it can be used to salt not only ordinary small vegetables, but also long salad varieties. They are long and thin, and this is just good, it means they will be salted faster.

1. Wash the fruits, cut off the ends on both sides and cut. This can be done in different ways; you can cut them lengthwise into 2 - 4 parts, depending on the size. Or you can cut them into small circles or cubes. It also depends on their size.

The smaller you cut them, the faster the pickling time will be.

The peculiarity of this method is that the vegetable must be cut. How you do it doesn’t make much of a difference. The main thing is that the pieces are not too large or too small.

2. Chop the garlic as finely as possible, this is important. We need garlic juice that will quickly penetrate the pulp of the fruit. Therefore, to do this, you either need to chop the garlic very finely, or use a garlic press.

3. We also need to chop the dill smaller. For this recipe you only need the tender parts of the dill; the rough stems are separated and removed. If in other methods of pickling you can use any of its parts, then only openwork branches are suitable here.

And lovers can also add a little parsley for taste and aroma.

4. Tear half a horseradish leaf into small fragments with your hands so that they can be easily removed later.

Sometimes there is no horseradish, so nothing bad will happen if we don’t add it. When we pickle cucumbers this way at work, no one even remembers it.

5. Salt the fruits, as for a salad, so that they can be eaten. They should be moderately salty. To determine whether there is enough salt, the chopped sticks must be mixed and definitely tasted.

If the taste suits you, then just take another pinch of salt and pour it into our preparation. We are preparing lightly salted cucumbers, not salad, so we need a little more salt than for salad.

6. Now that everything is cut and prepared, you can put all the components in a plastic bag. Or rather, in two packages, one needs to be inserted into the other. Then you will understand why such manipulation is needed.

7. Yes, we almost forgot. Add a little more pepper. For this I really like to crush two to three black peppercorns and add them. The aroma in this case will be simply stunning.

But if you don’t want to mess around, just add a pinch of regular ground pepper.

8. Now the fun begins. Twist the bag and shake it very vigorously with up and down movements so that all the ingredients are mixed, and juice should appear.

9. Let it lie in this state for 10 minutes, and then shake again. Then fill the bag with air, you can even inflate it there and tie it tightly. Place in the refrigerator.

In an hour, our delicious and aromatic appetizer is ready. Feel free to serve it on the table and treat everyone present.

If there is no refrigerator, then at room temperature you can keep the snack for not an hour, but for 30 - 40 minutes, periodically shaking the bag again.

The finished product is best eaten immediately. When it sits for a long time, it loses its taste. The garlic smell and aftertaste begins to predominate. And the cucumbers themselves lose their shape because the juice flows out very intensively. And their taste becomes watery. Therefore, lightly salt them in a bag for one, maximum two times.

But it is still advisable to eat them on the same day.

You can also salt cherry tomatoes in the same way. To do this, you need to prick them with a toothpick. And it will take 24 hours for salting. But they turn out simply incomparable.

This is such a wonderful and fast way. To prepare such a snack, you need nothing but time. Cut everything and shake it, that’s the whole story.

And these cucumbers can be pickled in just 10 minutes. Watch the video from our YouTube channel.

That's how fast and easy it is!

Lightly salted cucumbers in hot brine overnight

It will take exactly one night to pickle our green vegetables using this method. That is, if you pickle them in the evening, then in the morning you can eat them with all your might, especially if you use small specimens.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - for a 3 liter jar (as much as will fit)
  • dill - 8 umbrellas (or 1 large bush)
  • currant leaf - 8 pcs
  • cherry leaf - 8 pcs
  • horseradish - 1 leaf (small)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • black pepper - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 3 pcs
  • red capsicum - to taste and level of spiciness
  • clove buds - 6 pcs.

For the brine:

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons


I will pickle the cucumbers in a three-liter jar, but you can also pickle them in a saucepan. You can just put everything in a jar very compactly and tightly, but in a pan you will need more space. But this will not affect the quality in any way, so choose the container yourself.

1. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends. Let me remind you that if they are small and picked, for example in the morning, and you cook them in the evening, then soak them in water for 3 hours. This is provided that you did not immediately put them in the refrigerator. The same applies to purchased copies.

Otherwise, they will not turn out crispy and dense. It's summer now, and cucumbers quickly lose moisture when exposed to heat. And moisture is very important for everything to work out as it should.

2. Wash the greens and immediately put them all on a plate so that you don’t forget anything later. Today I didn’t have currant leaves, and I decided to replace them with raspberry leaves. Of course, I won’t achieve the smell, but I will be able to maintain the rigidity.

Dill can be used not only in umbrellas, but also the whole bush, along with the stem. If it is large in size, then it can be cut as needed.

Tear the horseradish leaf into smaller pieces.

3. Prepare spices, also all at once in one place, so as not to forget anything. I use red hot pepper. It comes in varying degrees of severity, this needs to be taken into account. My pepper is very hot and so I take it just a little bit.

Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.

4. We will need a three-liter jar. It must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinsed with boiling water.

5. Now that we have everything ready, we will put everything in the jar. Place the first layer of fruits very tightly to each other. If the last of them has to be squeezed in, then it must be done. The denser we lay them out, the less brine we will need.

Place larger specimens on the bottom and smaller ones on top. The small ones will pickle faster, so we eat them faster. In the meantime, the bottom line is that the lower ones will arrive in time.

6. Then add some different herbs and some garlic.

7. Then cucumbers again, maybe two layers at once. And again greens, garlic and half of the whole pepper, along with red. In the middle is where he belongs.

8. And so, alternating layers, fill the jar to the very neck. I have small samples and much more of them went into the jar than I expected. And it wasn't even enough. I had to run to the greenhouse with a flashlight and look for them there in the dark.

9. Be sure to put the remaining peppercorns and herbs on top. Great, everything turned out very nicely. And tomorrow it will still be delicious!

10. Boil water, as soon as it boils, add salt and sugar. Wait for them to dissolve and boil again. The brine, also called brine, is ready.

11. Pour it into the jar right up to the neck. It took me about 1.4 liters. But this quantity will depend on how tightly you stacked all the cucumbers.

12. Cover the jar with a saucer; if they want to jump out, then place a liter jar of water on top.

13. Leave the jar in the kitchen at room temperature until the morning.

14. In the morning you will see that they have changed their color. This means that they are already ready. And you can already take a sample.

15. After trying, put the jar in the refrigerator and store it there. At any time of the day or night, cold, crispy cucumbers are waiting for you to take them out and taste them.

By evening, larger specimens will arrive. Therefore, boil potatoes or fry meat. An incredible dinner awaits you!

Quick Lime and Mint Pickle Recipe

This is a great appetizer to prepare while going on a picnic. They are prepared almost instantly. It only takes 30 minutes for them to salt and become very tasty.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg
  • lime - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • mint - 4 sprigs
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • allspice - 3 peas
  • black pepper - 4 peas


1. Wash the fruits and trim the ends on both sides. Cut each of them into two to four parts depending on their size.

2. Crush the peppercorns in a mortar. You could also use ground pepper, but when the pepper is freshly ground, it has a completely different smell, much richer and more aromatic.

3. Wash and dry the limes. Then grate the zest, only the green part.

Add the zest to a mortar and grind it together with the pepper. You can feel the aroma. Our cucumbers will smell the same, and maybe even better.

4. Squeeze the juice from the remaining limes into a separate container.

5. Cut mint and dill into smaller pieces. If the dill has very thick stems, it is better to cut them off. If they are small, and most importantly not tough, then cut them too.

6. Place the fruits in a bowl. Pour juice over them and sprinkle with spices. Then mix gently so that the cubes remain intact.

7. Let stand like this for 30 minutes. After this time they are ready and can be served.

It turned out to be an excellent snack and something stronger.

Therefore, when you go outdoors, take everything you need with you. Better have a snack hard to come up with!

Salted with garlic and herbs in soy sauce

This recipe differs from all others in that soy sauce and a lot of herbs are used as a marinade. The original uses dill and cilantro. But I know that not everyone can stand the smell of cilantro, and will not even eat other greens that were just lying nearby.

Therefore, if you are one of these people, then replace the cilantro with parsley. Or just add one dill, as I did in today's version.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 1 kg
  • garlic - 5 - 6 pcs
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • cilantro (parsley) - 1 bunch
  • soy sauce - 200 ml
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon (partial)
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • ground red pepper - to taste (pinch)
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • sesame - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends on both sides. Cut them into 4 parts, and if the vegetables are long or pot-bellied, then you can cut them into 6 - 8 parts. In general, cut it so that you can immediately take a piece and put it in your mouth whole, or so that there is enough for two bites.

Add salt on top, stir and let stand for a while.

Prepare the ingredients immediately so you have everything on hand.

2. Place the cubes in a saucepan or bowl.

3. Grate the garlic on a fine grater. If you crush it with a press or chop it finely, you will feel it, but grated will be just right. It will completely combine with all other components and will not stand out in taste.

4. Finely chop the greens. If it has fairly thin stems, then chop them too, but if they are large, then it is better to remove them.

5. Pour sesame seeds into a bowl or deep plate. Pour in soy sauce, vinegar and oil. Mix everything. Let sit for a while so that the seeds are saturated.

Vinegar must be added with caution. It's just that everyone has different tastes, and that's why it's difficult to please everyone. So add as you wish.

By the way, you can use it together lemon juice. It will even be more natural. In addition, we will acquire another wonderful scent.

6. Pour herbs, garlic and ground black pepper into a saucepan, mix everything well. Then pour in the liquid component with sesame grains and mix again.

7. In principle, that’s all! Now just put the saucepan in the refrigerator, closing it with a lid. And after 4 - 6 hours, our lightly salted cucumbers with herbs in soy sauce are ready.

Very tasty! As it turns out, soy sauce goes well with the hero of our story today.

You can store them in a jar in the refrigerator. We kept them for a week and nothing happened to them. Throughout the entire storage period they remained tasty and appetizing.

Cold and fast method using mineral water

And there is also this one interesting way salt the cucumbers. This is the so-called cold method pickling. Of course you can use regular cold water, or better yet, spring water.

Or you can do it like this, with mineral water.

Mineral water must be carbonated. It is the gas bubbles that help ensure that the salting process occurs quite quickly.

Delicious beautiful cucumbers can be eaten the next day.

Salting in a quick way without loss of color

I heard that cucumbers can be pickled in such a way that they do not lose their color. I always wondered how this could be achieved.

And then one day I came across a recipe that described exactly how to do this. And you know what the secret was - vodka was added to the brine! That's it!)

Yes, and they are salted in a barrel. Although you can pickle them in a saucepan.

I give the recipe in the form in which it came to me. The proportions here are quite large, but I decided not to change them. Someone will want to salt only half a kilogram of fruit, someone will want to salt 3, and someone will want to salt all 10. Therefore, I thought that everyone was taught at school how to work with proportions, and everyone will be able to calculate for themselves required quantity kilograms and grams.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 10 kg
  • dill - 320 gr
  • currant leaf - 320 g
  • horseradish leaf - 170 gr
  • chopped garlic - 20 g

For the brine:

  • water - 7 liters
  • salt - 320 gr
  • vodka – 150 ml

It is very convenient to salt a kilogram of vegetable for testing. In this case, simply divide the weight of all other ingredients by 10.


1. Wash the fruits and cut off both ends. Take not very large specimens, their skin is more delicate and because of this they turn out more tasty. Brine through the thin skin better nourishes the inner pulp.

Prepare all the greens at once so you have them on hand.

2. Place the cucumbers in a barrel, placing them in layers with herbs and garlic.

The top layer must be made of greenery.

3. Boil water and add salt to it. As soon as the salt dissolves, pour in vodka and immediately turn off.

4. Pour in hot pickle in a barrel. Press down the contents with not very heavy pressure; just a flat plate will be enough.

5. The next day you can eat them.

But on the same day they will need to be removed to the basement. I think that not every house has a barrel and a cellar. Therefore, we salt our vegetable in a saucepan and store it in the refrigerator.

I myself love it when there is so much to choose from. When you try to cook different recipes, there will certainly be one among them that you love the most.

But there are so many people, so many opinions, especially when it comes to taste. What I like most is not necessarily what someone else likes.

So try it and find your own recipe. Our summer is long, and what’s more, cucumbers are always born in large quantities. Therefore, you can try a lot of different options.

And I'll leave it at that. And I want to wish everyone that you always get only the most delicious cucumbers!

Bon appetit!