Which is better: an exercise bike or a treadmill? Advantages and Disadvantages

After critically examining his own reflection in the mirror, he finally decided to reset extra pounds and tighten your figure... But there is no time, and no particular desire to visit a sports club, and there is enough space in the apartment for suitable equipment. The only thing that will be more effective is - treadmill or an exercise bike?

What are cardio machines for?

Having decided to exercise at home, you need to carefully approach the issue of purchasing a suitable exercise machine. This pleasure is not cheap, and it will be a shame if it does not suit its owner according to any criteria.

Even when working out in a fitness club, many are confused, not knowing what will be more effective for losing weight, improving their figure, maintaining health - to warm up on a treadmill or try their hand at an exercise bike?

It is worth noting that both exercises are considered equally effective means for strengthening the cardiovascular system. That is why they are called cardio equipment. They are very popular among both beginners and more experienced athletes.

Modern exercise machines are equipped with a variety of functions that allow you to adjust the degree of load depending on the overall physical condition and the set goal. All kinds of sensors show the heart rate, the number of kilometers that have already been “run” or “traveled”.

You can also control the incline of the treadmill or exercise bike, simulating movement uphill or over rough terrain. In this way, the level of load is regulated, which can be alternated with normal walking or quiet cycling. Agree, this is very convenient, especially if you don’t even need to go outside to do it!

Choosing which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike - is not easy, but it is possible, taking into account the characteristics of each equipment and your own physical abilities.

Treadmill: advantages and disadvantages

The treadmill is perhaps the most popular cardio machine. It consists of a horizontal moving canvas and handrails located on the sides. Thanks to it, you can run in the comfort of your home if the weather is bad outside, there are no suitable shoes or comfortable paths, far from polluted highways.

When choosing what is best for losing weight, then, of course, the decision should be made in favor of a treadmill!

In addition to the fact that by exercising on this apparatus, you can significantly strengthen the cardiovascular system and recover from heart attacks and diseases nervous system, strengthen almost all the muscles of the body, a pleasant bonus will be the loss of extra pounds.

So, even with fast walking for an hour, about 400 calories are lost, and when running (depending on the chosen intensity) - 500-900 calories. Interval cardio exercises, when a slow pace alternates with the fastest possible, will be especially effective for burning fat.

The obvious advantages of a treadmill include:

  • the ability to independently select a suitable load for yourself, thanks to which the simulator can be used equally by beginners and people with good physical fitness;
  • all major muscle groups take part in the movement;
  • This good way not only lose weight, but also significantly improve your health: endurance appears, tissues are actively enriched with oxygen, the cardiovascular system is trained, and coordination of movements improves.

When choosing which equipment will be more useful, a treadmill or an exercise bike, you should know not only their advantages, but also their disadvantages. And the disadvantages are as follows.

A treadmill will be an excellent option only for those who do not have any problems with the spine, ankles, or knee joints. During exercise, a shock load occurs on the musculoskeletal system, and this can only aggravate the condition of the joints and intervertebral discs. Also, running is not recommended for serious diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular system, or in the presence of varicose veins.

Before starting classes, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with correct technique, otherwise, instead of benefit, you may end up with leg problems.

If you are wondering which exercise machine is better for a more harmonious and uniform load on the whole body in the absence of serious diseases, then this is, of course, a treadmill.

Who is an exercise bike suitable for?

The stationary simulator allows you to accurately imitate the movements while riding a bicycle. At the same time, it is possible to regulate the load level and monitor the heart rate.

You can exercise on it at any level of physical fitness and at any age. It can be used by people with back problems, joint problems or varicose veins. If there are contraindications for running, you should choose an exercise bike as a compromise. In addition, it is practically harmless, since it is very difficult to fall from it and damage, say, your knee.

For weight loss, an exercise bike will be as useful as a treadmill. In this regard, regular training and high level load - only then will the process of burning fat cells start.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this projectile is the almost complete absence of load on the back and shoulder complex. This disadvantage is most relevant for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. When exercising on an exercise bike, they should include exercises aimed at developing these muscle groups.

Comparative characteristics

If you doubt whether an exercise bike or a treadmill is more suitable, you should pay attention to the following points.

  • The exercise bike is more compact and makes virtually no noise during operation. In addition, you can always move it from place to place without disassembling it for parts, and, if desired, install it even on a balcony;
  • the cost of an exercise bike is much lower than the price of a treadmill;
  • when working on an exercise bike, the upper part of the body practically does not work, as a result of which the load on the heart and respiratory system is significantly less than during running;
  • If you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you should forget about the treadmill, giving preference to a more gentle exercise bike.

And most importantly, in order to get the desired result, it is important to exercise regularly (preferably every day) and for a long time (at least 40-60 minutes). This is the only way you will quickly start losing weight!

Greetings, my dear friends. Everyone who wants to lose weight and look good tries to exercise. I'm no exception either. To maintain good physical shape at home, you need sports equipment. An exercise bike or treadmill are excellent choices. Not only are they effective for weight loss, but they are also good for your overall health. But 2 exercise machines at once is clearly too much :) Therefore, many are faced with a choice: which is better, a treadmill or an exercise bike?

In order to understand this issue, let’s go through the main characteristics of the projectiles and features. Let's also read the reviews.

Both of them belong to the group of cardio equipment. Using them correctly, the body's endurance increases and the figure is corrected. But in order to figure out what is more effective, let's look at which muscles the projectiles act on. And also how many calories you can burn per hour by exercising on them.


I'll go through its main characteristics. You can learn more about how to exercise on a treadmill. First of all, exercise on it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart.

The apparatus consists of a running surface that moves and handrails. To increase the load, the canvas rises, simulating uphill and other types of terrain. Modern exercise machines are equipped with different programs and it is possible to adjust the load.

The greatest impact is received by the calf muscles, gluteal muscles and thighs. The press is also involved in this process. When running, remember to keep it in good shape.

This simulator is the leader in calorie consumption. If you walk at a fast pace for an hour, you can burn up to 400 calories. Running intensely for 60 minutes burns 500-900 calories.

This is not to say that you can get a sculpted silhouette on a treadmill. But a toned body, yes.

The simulator is large in size, although today models have folding designs. So it’s convenient to fold it and hide it in a corner :)

  • Imitation of natural running, ability to change the load
  • Intense calorie burn
  • Almost all muscles are involved
  • Stabilizing muscles are trained, thanks to which coordination of movements improves
  • More effective than an exercise bike, because... more muscles are used
  • There are folding structures that occupy an area of ​​no more than 1 m2.
  • Impact load on the spine and joints when running. People with a lot of weight can damage the spine, hip, knee, ankle joints
  • Contraindicated for breathing problems, musculoskeletal system
  • Treadmills are more expensive than exercise bikes and much larger (in working position)

Exercise bike

This projectile imitates a bicycle, only it stands still when you pedal. Just like a treadmill is an aerobic exercise.

By exercising on an exercise bike, you will get slender legs and firm thighs. Mainly the hamstrings and calf muscles are loaded. As well as thighs, abdominal muscles, quadriceps muscles.

An exercise for the press with support on your hands will be the most effective on this apparatus.

Lean on your hands, lift your butt off the seat, pull your stomach in. And in this position, pedal. It's like you're pushing yourself up a mountain. It will be very difficult at first. But you are guaranteed a firm tummy :)

Calorie expenditure depends on the weight and speed you choose. The frequency of training is also important. If you exercise for at least 60 minutes, you can burn 300-600 calories. Professionals burn even up to 800 calories during very intense training. I advise you to read my article about.

Projectiles are vertical, horizontal, portable and hybrid. For older people and those with back problems, it is better to exercise on a recumbent exercise bike.

Which is more effective?

We have decided on the main pros and cons of exercise machines. Now let's figure out who needs a track and who needs an exercise bike.

Track First of all, it is suitable for those who want to tighten all the muscles of the body. If you have fat not only on your hips and you need to lose weight everywhere. Running guarantees an even and fairly proportional weight loss. It won’t work out that the top has lost weight, but the butt remains full :)

Exercise bike will be useful for weight loss for those who have problems with “ears” on the butt. In addition, it does not have such a traumatic effect as the treadmill, which is especially important for people with heavy weight. Plus, this projectile can also be used by cores. Since the load on the heart and blood vessels is much lower than that of a treadmill.

Review of popular treadmills

Market sporting goods offers many interesting models. I want to introduce you to the two that interested me the most.

Dender T-1007 Smart

This is a folding treadmill with a minimal set of functions. Not suitable for professionals, but ideal for beginners. The trainer is electric and fairly quiet. Its advantage is its compactness. Very simple controls. A running speed of up to 10 km/h is enough for an intense workout.

There are 12 for the user automatic programs. They cannot be customized. But I think they are more than enough for a full workout. The only negative is that the angle of the blade is not adjustable. You won't be able to run uphill, for example. Also the path will not work tall people With big step- the canvas size is small. In all other respects, this is a full-fledged simulator.

Clear Fit Eco ET 16 AI

This exercise machine has all the functions for professional and long-term use. Suitable for those who have decided not just to lose weight or stay in shape, but to take up running for results. You can use it to prepare for competitions.

The model cannot be called light and compact, its weight is 63 kg, but it folds. The size of the canvas is suitable for people with wide strides. It is possible to adjust the angle of inclination, as well as program training. Good system cushioning for a comfortable run.

Includes a heart rate sensor, as well as the ability to connect a wireless sensor. The simulator allows you to reach speeds of up to 16 km/h. The only disadvantages include errors in heart rate measurement. Also, the dimensions are not suitable for everyone.

Review of popular exercise bikes

I would like to introduce you to the vertical and horizontal models. These are the most popular options that are in demand.

Oxygen Peak U

Compact vertical model. Operates autonomously on batteries. Suitable for those who want to keep their buttocks and legs in shape. There is a magnetic load system, the weight of the flywheel is sufficient for effective training. Suitable even for those who have problems with joints and tendons. The projectile has 8 load levels.

The main advantage of the simulator is affordable price and compactness. On the electronic scoreboard you can see the distance traveled and speed. There is a built-in heart rate monitor, which is very convenient.

The disadvantages include the fact that the projectile is not suitable for tall people. Withstands weight up to 110 kg. So it is better for obese people to take a closer look at a more stable, or better yet, horizontal model. There is no possibility to program a workout. In some reviews, people complain about the seat being uncomfortable. But at first, the “fifth point” hurts on all the seats. No one puts a pillow under it :)

Hastings Wega RS4

This exercise bike has a horizontal seating position. It is suitable primarily for people with large body weight. And also for those who have had spinal injuries. There is no load on the spine and joints on this projectile. It has 32 load levels and 24 training programs. Those. You can exercise fully on it and lose weight effectively.

What I liked is that the simulator has the “BodyFat” function. This is an estimate percentage fat in your body. Sometimes the weight comes off very slowly, but this indicator melts before our eyes. This is a good motivation to continue training :) In addition, the seat is very conveniently adjustable horizontally. Therefore, the projectile is suitable for any height. The weight can withstand up to 160 kg.

The disadvantages include the rather large size and heavy weight of the simulator itself - 57.5 kg. You can’t move such a unit; you need to allocate a separate place for it. Although I think everyone has a separate corner to achieve results.

Treadmill or exercise bike - which is better for losing weight? This question arises for many novice athletes. We present to your attention comparative analysis these simulators.

Without trying both simulators in practice, it will be difficult for you to evaluate their convenience and effectiveness. In order not to invest quite a lot of money in purchasing an “inappropriate” unit, you can simply rent the model you like.

Which exercise machine is best for weight loss?

1. Advantages and disadvantages of exercise bikes

Depending on the location of the pedals, such units can be either vertical or horizontal.

The most modern exercise bikes allow for so-called threshold training (the computer reduces or increases the load, taking into account the heart rate). Cheaper models are less functional (which, however, does not make them less effective).

Training on an exercise bike increases the endurance of the cardiovascular system (almost one and a half times compared to the initial indicators), improves muscle tone, and promotes the burning of adipose tissue.

By improving the condition of blood vessels, exercises normalize blood pressure. Regular exercise helps produce the necessary enzymes. Exercising on an exercise bike relieves nervous tension and improves immunity. An hour-long workout takes about 400-500 kcal.

Unfortunately, the exercise bike is not without some disadvantages and is not suitable for everyone. Contraindications include thrombophlebitis and serious problems with the spine. You should not exercise without the consent of your doctor if you have problems such as cardiac asthma and acute forms of heart failure.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of treadmills

Treadmills allow you to adjust the load: you can walk along the track at a fast pace, or you can run at a good pace. The tilt of the canvas will increase the load. There are different modifications of exercise machines on the market: from simple (mechanical) tracks to more complex (electric) ones.

A treadmill is preferable to an exercise bike in that it helps distribute the load evenly. If on an exercise bike the leg muscles work most actively (the abdominal and back muscles are involved indirectly), then on a treadmill all muscle groups are included in the work.

Running and walking help burn extra calories. Regular exercise trains the cardiovascular system, improves lung function, and strengthens the immune system. An hour of training on a treadmill takes on average 600-700 kcal.

Disadvantages include the possible risk of worsening existing joint problems.

3. Comparative analysis

Be that as it may, our living quarters are noticeably inferior in area to gyms. So which exercise machine is easier to place in a small apartment?

In terms of compactness, an exercise bike is noticeably superior to a treadmill. If necessary, it can be moved from place to place without disassembling or folding. Exercise bikes have a relatively low noise level.

Treadmills take up more space and make more noise than exercise bikes. If a person with a large weight is exercising, the machine may vibrate. A moving belt can sometimes cause injuries.

For those who want to keep their figure in good shape, sports activities are necessary. Doctors recommend running or cycling. However, this option is not suitable for city residents; exercise equipment remains, which take up little space in the apartment. You just need to choose which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike.

What are the benefits of an exercise bike?

Even before it became one of the most popular exercise equipment in fitness centers, this sports equipment was used for therapeutic exercises in medical health centers. The benefit of an exercise bike is that it strengthens:

  • heart;
  • lungs and bronchi;
  • abs, legs and buttocks.

With proper distribution of the load during intense exercise, a person receives effective cardio training, which is necessary to restore health. In this case, you need to choose a mode that allows you to exercise at a slow pace. In addition, the projectile helps develop endurance, burn excess calories and lose weight.

There are several types of devices that simulate cycling - mechanical and electrical. According to the position of the body on the exercise bike, they are divided into:

  1. Horizontal. Their seat is low. The person stretches his legs forward to set the device in motion.
  2. Vertical. The pedals are under the seat. It is more difficult to twist them and the load on the spine is greater.
  3. Combined. They combine the functions of the two previous types and can be transformed.

Benefits of a treadmill

An alternative to running in the park is a treadmill. The same muscle groups are involved, but less time and preparation is spent on training. The benefit of a treadmill is that you can start exercising at any time when you have a free minute. If you need a device that does not put stress on the pelvic bones, then a treadmill or elliptical trainer is suitable.

Sports equipment for running there are electric and mechanical. The first type of model has many modes, but in order for it to work, electricity is needed. The second one works without being connected to an outlet; you need to stand on the path, grab the handrails and start moving. The speed increases simultaneously with the increase in running tempo. On a mechanical surface, it is difficult to control the number of kilometers traveled and the load on the muscles.

What muscles work on a treadmill?

At the gym, the fitness trainer will tell you who is suitable this type workouts, which muscles work on the treadmill. At home, you will have to study this information yourself. The main load falls on the muscles:

  • calf;
  • gluteal;
  • dorsal;
  • femoral

If you need to quickly get rid of extra calories, lose weight, or work out your abs, then you will have to use other parts of the body. Modern electric exercise machines with the ability to lift the belt at an angle are well suited for this purpose. Instructors advise moving your arms when running, rather than holding them on the handrails, then the muscles of your forearms are also trained.

Muscles working on an exercise bike

The main group of muscles working on an exercise bike is located in the legs. A large load falls on the calves and ankle joints, which take part in rotation. If you exercise fully for 40-50 minutes a day, your calf muscles will become elastic and pumped up. In order to engage the press, top part hips, it is recommended to pedal while standing, as if climbing steep slope.

Pros and cons of an exercise bike

A consultation with a fitness trainer will help you decide which muscle groups need to be strengthened and which organs should not be stressed. A specialist in the store will tell you where the pros and cons of an exercise bike come from and help you choose one of its types. When a device is selected for home use, you need to take into account all the disadvantages and advantages over other projectiles. In contrast, an exercise bike:

  • relieves the spine from stress;
  • suitable for people of different ages;
  • works the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • takes up little space;
  • It's inexpensive.

The main disadvantages of the device:

  • you need to study at least 1 hour a day;
  • only the lower body works;
  • calorie consumption is less than when using exercise machines such as an elliptical or treadmill.

For some, this type of fitness is contraindicated because it is associated with increased physical activity. Doctors prohibit cycling or using exercise equipment for patients with:

  • heart disease;
  • diseases of the knee and ankle joints;
  • tachycardia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure.

Pros and cons of a treadmill

Before classes, you should undergo a consultation with medical institution, only then start training. You need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of a treadmill. Among its advantages are:

  • a large number of programs with varying degrees of load;
  • strengthening the muscle corset of the whole body;
  • improvement of movement coordination;
  • optimal calorie consumption.

Disadvantages include:

  • large dimensions of the structure;
  • high cost.
  • It is contraindicated to perform exercises on a treadmill for people with the same diseases as on an exercise bike. Added to this list:

    • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
    • coordination problems;
    • problems with the spine.

    Which is more effective: a treadmill or an exercise bike?

    People who want to lose weight often wonder what is more effective: a treadmill or an exercise bike? After testing in fitness centers, it turned out that exercising on a treadmill burns 600-900 calories per hour. In a week of classes you can become slimmer and lose one size. The exercise bike also showed good results, but in order to get the desired effect, more effort is required. Only 400-600 calories will be spent in an hour.

    Which is healthier?

    It is difficult to say which is more useful, an exercise bike or a treadmill. According to the observations of people who regularly use exercise equipment, they are both comfortable and train the respiratory system and muscles. However, for patients with health problems and weighing over 110 kg, it is more difficult to maintain a running pace than to pedal an exercise bike. This projectile is less traumatic and promotes weight loss.

    What to choose: an exercise bike or a treadmill

    Often recommendations to start exercising come from a doctor. Before choosing an exercise bike or treadmill, you need to analyze diseases of the musculoskeletal system and, taking into account the weight and age of the patient, decide on the device. If there are no health restrictions, then running or an exercise bike is suitable for training. When you have a few extra pounds to lose on your thighs and calves, a folding bike trainer will optimal solution. It costs less and takes less space.


    The modern pace of life often leaves no time to enjoy training in the gym. Therefore, many are forced to study at home. But regular exercises and dumbbells will not replace the full loads that exercise machines can provide. Therefore, sooner or later the question arises, which is better: a treadmill or an exercise bike - in terms of effectiveness for weight loss and impact on health. To do this you need to carry out comparative characteristics both cars.

    First, decide on your goals. Answers to basic questions will help you choose the right unit:

    • In what problem areas do I want to lose weight?
    • What muscles do I need to build?
    • how many kgs do I want to lose?
    • How many calories per day should I burn?
    • How long does it take to lose weight?
    • How regularly can I exercise?
    • Do I have any contraindications for training?

    The last question is especially important. Most the right step- Go to the doctor first. The presence of certain diseases can be a decisive answer to the question of what is better for you - a treadmill or.

    You will also have to take into account not only their effectiveness in terms of weight loss, but also many technical specifications. And for this you need to know when they are recommended to be used, and in what cases the acquisition is fraught with failure.


    The runner is a familiar exercise machine for many. Modern models are equipped with electronic sensors and numerous built-in fitness programs that will calculate everything for you: exercise intensity, heart rate, calories burned, etc.

    In what cases is it worth making such a powerful acquisition, and in what cases is it categorically not recommended? Let's find out.

    When to take it

    To make a treadmill worth the money spent on it, it is recommended if you need:

    • get rid of cellulite;
    • lose weight in your legs;
    • remove belly;
    • tighten your figure;
    • continue running as you did before;
    • work out the calf muscles, buttocks, thighs and abs;
    • burn up to 500-900 kcal per hour;
    • save space in the apartment, as modern models easy to fold and put away;
    • improve coordination of movements by training stabilizer muscles.

    In terms of load, a treadmill is better than an exercise bike, as it forces more muscles to work. This means that weight loss with its help is much more intense, since almost all problem areas are modeled.

    When not to take

    Along with all its advantages, it has a number of disadvantages. It would be a mistake to purchase this canvas if you have problems with:

    • varicose veins;
    • heart;
    • lungs;
    • spine and joints: with a weight of more than 100 kg, there is a very high risk of injury;
    • space in the apartment: despite the fact that some folding models are very ergonomic, when used they are much larger than exercise bikes;
    • money: they are more expensive;
    • neighbors: the noise emitted by the path can cause discord, but it will not to a small child sleep, so take this factor into account;
    • physical training: if you have never done running or sports at all before, at first you will be able to just walk, but is it worth spending that kind of money for this?

    In order not to harm your own health, carefully study all the pros and cons. And if you understand that there are more of the latter, you should pay attention to the alternative option.

    Exercise bike

    Not as popular as the treadmill, and there are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, not everyone drives. Secondly, it gives a more gentle load. But most people want to lose as much weight as possible, and they tend to exaggerate their physical data. Thirdly, it does not so much dissolve fat as it works muscles.

    Let's take it

    You can safely take an exercise bike if you need:

    • smooth out orange peel on the thighs and buttocks;
    • make the leg muscles more prominent and pumped up;
    • prevent the development of varicose veins at the initial stage;
    • improve cardiovascular system performance;
    • work the hamstrings, thighs, calf and quadriceps muscles, abs;
    • spend about 300-600 kcal in 1 hour of training;
    • lose a lot of kilograms (if you are obese);
    • save space in the apartment (size allows);
    • save money;
    • ensure silence, since the noise effect is much lower than from a treadmill.

    Thus, if you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, in order not to expose your joints to the enormous loads that await them when exercising on a treadmill, it is better to purchase an exercise bike. It is worth considering the fact that it is safer and does not pose any risk of injury. It is recommended for training in obesity, the elderly and children, as well as people who have health problems.

    We don't take it

    An exercise bike will not be a very good purchase if:

    • varicose veins turned into thromboembolism;
    • you need to tighten it up and make it beautiful not only bottom part bodies;
    • your task is to burn as many calories as possible;
    • I want to lose weight as quickly as possible.

    So the exercise bike also has its negative aspects.

    Selected moments

    And finally, we finally decide which exercise machine is better for weight loss and health, considering more specific points.

    • Cellulite

    To get rid of cellulite, you need to improve the blood supply to the problem area. In this regard, both a treadmill and an exercise bike are equally good.

    • Slimming legs

    If you need a leg slimming machine, it is better to buy a treadmill. The fact is that the exercise bike will pump them up, that is, fat deposits are converted into muscle tissue, but visually they will remain full, albeit more prominent.