Gemini cats horoscope for December. Your personal compatibility horoscope! Gemini – Snake

In December 2019, Gemini will be completely overwhelmed by the New Year's worries. Like little children, they will dream of a miracle that will definitely happen to them, and in the near future.

This month invites Gemini to discover new possibilities in themselves, as well as creativity. Trying to understand themselves and others, representatives of the sign will make many interesting discoveries. It is possible that it is the hidden internal resources that will push the representatives of the sign to a certain type of self-expression. It could be an unexpectedly written song, or a hastily composed poem, or a painting painted in watercolors.

In the second half of the month, Gemini will buy Christmas tree decorations and New Year's souvenirs with renewed enthusiasm to please their loved ones. Many of the representatives of the sign will decide to celebrate the holiday not at home, but in some noisy restaurant crowded with people. After all, many of them want to feel like a significant part of something truly majestic and grandiose.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for December 2019

In the first winter month, Gemini women will try to surround themselves and their loved ones on all sides with quiet family comfort. Many of them will succeed in this activity, and among their relatives there will be those who will disinterestedly want to help them sort out household chores.

Also, representatives of the sign will not complain about their fatigue, even if they have to take on several part-time jobs in order to meet properly. New Year. You will be so committed to your dreams and goals that no obstacle that comes your way will stop you.

In terms of love, you do not expect any unexpected emotional outbursts. Everything will happen quite calmly and according to the plan. Married representatives of the sign will seriously think about having a child. The astrological forecast advises them to weigh the pros and cons before they make a final decision.

In the financial sphere, everything will turn out quite well for representatives of the sign this month. It is possible that their relatives will help them financially. An unexpected win is also possible. Women who believe in miracles will truly attract them with the help of their positive attitude.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for December 2019

In December, representatives of the sign engage in extreme sports or recreation. Also, in search of new sensations, some of them will begin to have love affairs on the side. But you need to be pretty careful. It’s better to refrain from such actions altogether and think about what it will be like for your significant other, especially if she finds out about the betrayal.

By the middle of the month, representatives of the sign will be completely absorbed in work, as well as in the emergency situations that risk arising due to your carelessness. The astrological forecast advises them to be more responsible, especially if they occupy high positions, as there is a possibility of demotion.

At the end of the month, many representatives of the sign will be thinking about moving, which may well coincide with the pre-New Year's efforts. It is possible that luck will smile on you and you will find a good apartment, which the owners will rent out for a ridiculous price. In this case, it is undoubtedly worth considering such a proposal more closely. But the stars advise you to be more careful so that you are not deceived in the end.

It would seem that December would be the time to sum up the past year, but no! Astrological horoscope for December 2018 Gemini clearly shows that this month is ready to present numerous surprises to the representatives of your zodiac sign! Pluto will become the dominant planet in your star chart, as a result of which Gemini will have a penchant for adventurism and risky actions.

The horoscope for the Gemini zodiac sign says that the time has come for change and decisive action. Therefore, try not to get hung up on minor issues, on little things that don’t mean much to you. Highlight the most important thing, determine the most desirable goal that you want to achieve. If in December 2018 you feel that old connections have outlived their usefulness and become a hindrance, then you can break them without any regret. The ancient philosophers said: “to enter into new door, you need to close the old one first.”

Good days for business: 7, 10, 12, 13, 18, 22, 24, 28

Energetically complex numbers of December: 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 21, 23

Love and sexual activity: 1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29

Good luck in business and commerce: 5, 20, 25

Online haircut calendar (favorable dates): 5, 7, 12, 13, 16, 22, 25, 26, 27

YouTube video horoscope Gemini for December 2018

Don't want to read the article? You can watch and listen to the online video Gemini horoscope for December 2018, compatibility, events, truthful general and money horoscope, characteristics of the signs of Fate. A detailed personal astroscope for single and married people.

Love horoscope for December 2018 Gemini

The astroscope shows that some Geminis who are currently single have recently experienced personal tragedy in their lives. If this is the case, then know that it’s time to turn the page and start living in December from scratch. It is necessary to leave the past and forget about hopeless relationships. Otherwise, you will begin to be overly suspicious of all members of the opposite sex. This will definitely not be conducive to starting a new romance.

The horoscope for December 2018 says to dating Geminis: cast aside fears and unnecessary doubts! Your chosen one (or chosen one) is a worthy person who can be trusted. If you show excessive suspicion and try to control your other half in everything, then a split may emerge in your relationship.

Family horoscope for December 2018 Gemini

The first ten days of December 2018 will be easy and pleasant for family Geminis. According to the horoscope, you will be able to devote most of your time to your favorite things: visiting and going to the cinema, visiting exhibitions and other social events. In addition, the increased activity of Venus suggests that in December Gemini can count on support and understanding from loved ones.

Some friction is possible in the second ten days of December; the reason for disagreement can be financial matters. However, thanks to your sociability and ability to find a compromise, the disagreement will not last long. TO New Year's holidays all difficulties will be left behind, and you will be able to meet in a friendly and cheerful company!

The Gemini horoscope for December 2018 predicts that if you have small children, they may require additional attention and care. Carefully ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather - in the first month of winter, the likelihood of colds increases.

Gemini - work and career horoscope

It cannot be said that representatives of your zodiac sign were very lucky in their careers in 2018. Perhaps you feel like your professional growth has reached a dead end? Completely in vain! Most likely, you have simply reached the “ceiling” in your current place, and it’s time for you to think about changing jobs. But it’s better to decide on such a responsible step not in December - January, but at least in February, when the labor market begins to “revive”.

Gemini entrepreneurs in December 2018 will have the opportunity to conclude a profitable and long-term contract. Moreover, this will not be a kind of “gift from Santa Claus,” but a well-deserved result of your long-term efforts. In general, the commercial forecast for Gemini businessmen is positive, so you can count on profits in December.

Financial astrological forecast

The stars advise Gemini in December 2018 to stop spending money on fleeting pleasures. In this case, at the end of the month you will be able to afford to make a large purchase that you have long dreamed of. Cash receipts in the coming period will not be the most significant, but stable. Perhaps you won’t have to swim in money, but you won’t experience a lack of anything either.

Accurate forecast of purchases and expenses

The horoscope recommends Gemini not to purchase second-hand goods this month, especially second-hand. The likelihood of purchasing a low-quality item is very high! In addition, in December 2018, it is better not to take loans for consumer purposes. Your agreement can be revised by the bank unilaterally, and it is unlikely that it will be changed in your favor.

Horoscope of study and self-education

To prepare for the session, Gemini students will have to redouble their efforts! Try to fill in the existing gaps in knowledge as soon as possible, since there is a possibility of “running into” problems during the exam. tricky question, for which your points will be reduced.

In terms of personal self-development, the horoscope recommends Gemini to engage in techniques that can strengthen your nervous system and teach you self-control. If you think that there is too much negativity in your life, then try it - this technique was developed by the famous psychotherapist Hugh Lynn, it perfectly helps to cope with stress.

Gemini women's lunar horoscope

What do the stars promise this month to Gemini women? In December 2018, the fair sex will have a desire to change their appearance, go to a hairdresser or cosmetologist. It is best to do this in the third ten days of December - just in time for the New Year holidays! The astro forecast shows that single Gemini girls who want to radically change their image can count on increased attention from men to their person.

Astro forecast for Gemini men

If you are in a relationship, then the stars advise you to pay increased attention to your beloved. It is likely that you have recently had to deal with numerous work or household issues. However, if you continue to ignore your loved one, a chill may appear in your relationship. In addition, the stars show that in December 2018 you will have more free time for your personal life.

Personal health horoscope for December 2018 Gemini

In December you need to breathe more often fresh air and walk if the weather permits. Of course, the first month of winter is not always conducive to walking. So dress warmly before heading to the city park. At the end of December, be especially attentive to your diet - Saturn will rage at this time, which increases the likelihood of food poisoning.

As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, Gemini will encounter events that will make representatives of this sign seriously think about further development. During this period, spiritual insights are possible, and intuition will give clues for the realization of inner potential. In December, you will have to figure out your future actions in all areas of life.

Favorable days: 2, 4, 9, 11, 19, 20, 24, 28.

Unfavorable days: 3, 6, 12,15, 16, 22, 26, 30.


Gemini, December 2018 predicts a period when serious illnesses may develop. You need to refrain from hypothermia, they will cause rapid development diseases. At the end of the month there will be the most good period for visiting the dentist and performing cosmetic procedures.

For body care, you need to choose only proven products that are truly suitable for Gemini. Pay attention to your skin, especially on your arms and legs. Any water treatments will act as a tonic, help you relax and restore strength.


The Gemini horoscope for December 2018 indicates a period rich in communication. Business partners will be active and will try to interest Gemini with their ideas, which are also quite practical. However, current work takes a lot of energy, so there may not be enough energy for new proposals. Representatives of this sign will have to choose, since combining two jobs will not work.

Geminis working in the field of entrepreneurship will also have to face a serious choice - to find new team or work with the previous project. In this case, astrologers recommend combining two options. Try to explain your thoughts to your current partners and involve them in the new project. However, it will be necessary to reconsider professional priorities and make adjustments to current actions.

Particular success in December awaits Gemini, who knows how to concentrate on a goal and move towards it, despite obstacles. Representatives of this sign will have to work hard, and a friendly atmosphere with a hint of competition will reign in the team. The expended energy will be justified - at the end of the year the desired career growth. This month, Gemini is extremely fast-paced, so any complications will be quickly resolved and will help you achieve a high position in society.


The financial sector will be quite stable in December. Possible earnings can be expected in the middle and end of the month. IN last days December, it is possible to repay debts, which will allow Gemini to give a gift to their family in the form of a trip.

It is better to plan holiday shopping for the first half of the month. Financial losses are possible in the second half of December, so be careful. Make it easier for your loved ones, hint to them what gift you want - it won’t be a surprise, but it will be welcome.


As predicted love horoscope as of December 2018, Gemini may be preparing for major changes. This month, Geminis can find new friends, admirers, and also fall in love themselves. The horoscope points to two possible development events - new relationships or restoration of old ones.

Particular attention should be paid to colleagues of the opposite sex - there is a high probability that true love is among them. In December there will be an opportunity to fully realize your spiritual potential. Representatives of this sign will do everything to attract attention. Natural sociability makes it easy to establish relationships. New acquaintances will be valuable because they will allow you to exchange opinions.

Perhaps in December Gemini will be bored with one admirer, so they will look for a relationship on the side. It will turn out a good decision for single Geminis, but will negatively affect those who are already in a relationship. Therefore, before making a decision, you need to think carefully about everything. A new romance may have a future in the form of marriage.

Representatives of the Gemini sign will be attracted to people who inspire trust, represent reliability, and optimism. If your current relationship has already been tested, you should not hesitate to tie yourself to marriage. When planning a wedding, you can seek advice from a personal astrologer who will help you choose the ideal date for the ceremony.

This month you can't afford everyday problems interfere with the pursuit of personal happiness. If quarrels regularly arise in a relationship, you need to find the reason that provokes them. Gemini's fantasy will help find and eliminate it.

If Gemini makes an effort, then last week December will turn out to be unforgettably romantic. To strengthen relationships with children, you need to involve them in everything that happens. Get together to prepare for the holiday, go shopping together, share an important secret with your child.

Gemini Man

As the horoscope for December 2018 says, a Gemini man will find a new hobby in the form of extreme recreation. In search of new sensations, a representative of this sign may look for love on the side. However, you need to exercise maximum caution - rash actions will negatively affect your future life.

The end of the month may, due to pre-holiday worries, be accompanied by the thought of moving. There is a high probability of making a successful transaction when purchasing a new apartment. Astrologers recommend exercising maximum caution, since there is a high probability of being deceived.

Gemini Woman

As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, the Gemini woman will try to surround herself with home comfort. The woman will devote almost the entire month to this particular idea, and perhaps in her close circle there will be people who will selflessly help her.

Despite serious fatigue, the Gemini woman will seize every opportunity to improve her situation and carefully prepare for the New Year holidays. Such determination will help solve any problem.

Having studied astrological forecast for December, Gemini will be able to set priorities correctly. This month will be quite stressful, but determination will help you deal with all the obstacles.

The Sun and Jupiter opposite the Gemini zodiac zone until the third week of December 2018 will make you experience difficult period, you will be forced to be more tolerant of others and adapt to emerging circumstances. There will be important benefits in the emotional area, but you will have to overcome some difficulties and put aside differences with your partner. Starting from the second week, with the transit of Mercury, also in opposition, new difficulties will be added to those you already have. At the end of the year, the waters will calm and you will restore harmony.

The emotional side of life is quite complex, and you will have to use all your sex appeal and charm to try to overcome conflicts with your partner. Similarities, common interests and diversification of interests will important factor to improve your relationship. Your family needs more emotional fidelity. Stop thinking only about yourself and pay attention to the questions you need to answer to avoid further complaints. Someone will try to manipulate your couple, it is better not to pay attention to the rumors and gossip of people who intend to sow doubts and mistrust in your heart. If you're single and interested in someone in particular, it's very likely that that person will show their interest soon.

Too much activity can cause you anxiety disorders and some stress. Don't do too much work during December 2018 and try to spend some time relaxing to avoid emotional overwhelm. Headaches and sudden allergies can cause serious distress. Take care of the quality of the food you eat. Practice any physical activity will benefit your body and stimulate an improvement in your mood.

During this period, your area of ​​work is full of powerful energies, which will significantly affect the business. Planned good opportunities increase cash income. It's time to establish agreements with third parties that relate to material issues. Whatever you undertake now will require a lot of effort, but you will certainly be rewarded with good fortune. In any case, don't let yourself be carried away by appearances, but do your research before you start working with companies, read the contracts and documents you have to sign well.

Lucky days for twins in December 2018:

  • Saturday, December 1st: You will spend this day intensely and happily, with very positive feelings.
  • Tuesday, December 18th: Today you will receive extra energy and a maximum dose of enthusiasm that will make you succeed in any action you take.
  • Monday, December 24th: Today is a special day to spend time with family, it will be an unforgettable moment

Horoscope for December for zodiac signs:


The New Year's month will be full of pleasant bustle, bright and tempting offers. Your plans will be ruined by upcoming events that promise to be bright, interesting and intriguing. Try not to make hasty decisions and listen to your own heart. Representatives of the sign will be able to find themselves in the center of events again. Intrigues will weave around you, new acquaintances may appear and changes in old loyalties may occur. Geminis will want to go out more often, enjoy life and show off the opposite sex.

In addition, you will be able to show your best side in completely different areas of life. For example, you can sign up for dancing, beautifully sing your favorite song at karaoke, and whatever you undertake will be received with a bang by the public. Thanks to this coincidence of circumstances, Gemini will be able to feel changes in their personal lives. Representatives of the sign in love can meet a new crush and unexpectedly break off a permanent relationship. However, it will benefit you, especially if you have been wanting to change a lot for a long time. The only thing you need to be careful with is money. You can spend a lot of money on New Year's purchases and promotions, and then regret it at the beginning of the year.

How can Gemini make the most of the financial horoscope for 2018?

For everything to work out, Gemini should adhere to the following tips: Monitor your emotionality and not get into quarrels, even if you don’t have the strength to restrain yourself. The fact is that this can frighten off a potential relationship, or cause separation. It is recommended to pay attention to education in order to switch from bad thoughts. A great way to attract money happiness, wear clothes in yellow and golden shades. This will show fate that you are ready to meet success. It is not recommended to exceed the speed while driving, or cross the road in the wrong place. In 2018, fate will not protect those who do not protect themselves. Eating grains (porridge) will have a beneficial effect on health. This will help cleanse the chakras so that the energy of the cosmos in the destiny of Gemini has maximum strength.

Gemini woman financial horoscope for December 2018

At the beginning of December, the representative of the sign will begin to thoughtlessly spend the savings that she has managed to accumulate by this time. Moreover, all expenses will be related to entertainment and recreation, thereby creating a real hole in the budget. However, the stars strongly advise you to try to pull yourself together and start spending money wisely. To do this, you can draw up a table of upcoming and planned expenses on paper and independently analyze which ones you can definitely refuse. This approach will help protect against a financial hole, the risk of which is very high in December. Towards the end of the month, women who have hobbies and do needlework can try to earn extra money from their hobby. It can really bring profit, and subsequently become the main source of income. The main thing is to try and little by little things will go in the right direction. In December, you should not contact the bank for loans. The subsequent jump in interest will drive you into debt for for a long time. Better if needed urgently cash, borrow from one of your relatives.

Gemini man financial horoscope for December 2018

From internal state and diligence of Gemini men will depend on their financial situation in December. The month itself is expected to be quite unstable. Many expenses will arise, current expenses will also increase, and in order to cope with all this and not end up with an empty wallet, you must make a huge effort. And there will be all the conditions for this. At work, they may offer to work part-time or replace a colleague with a small additional payment. wages. The main thing is not to immediately run to the store, but to gradually cover essential expenses. This will help maintain a stable financial situation until the end of the month. Those representatives of the sign who are asked to take on a major project should carefully evaluate their strengths. Having undertaken to carry it out and failing to complete it, the company will suffer losses, which will then be recovered from the contractor. It is better to think it over several times or enlist the support of colleagues to thereby increase your chances of success.

Finance horoscope for December 2018 Gemini

Gemini, who worked tirelessly all year, will receive the most generous reward in December. You will even be at a loss on what to spend such a huge amount of money on. Well, you just have to sympathize with lazy people. You will be left without “dessert” because you only contemplated, dreamed and staged fights without rules. It’s strange that you stayed at your workplace at all. The horoscope for December 2018 advises Gemini to urgently come to their senses and start acting. Look for a part-time job so as not to be left without money during the holidays. At the end of the year, Gemini will have one, but serious mission - to pay off debts and pay off loans. Try not to borrow money yourself, so that you don’t have to beg for it throughout your life. The horoscope advises to be more straightforward if you need to defend your principles. If you are asked, answer confidently, even if this is the president of the campaign.

The horoscope for December 2018 recommends Gemini to change their lives in better side, be more generous and hardworking. I want to buy new apartment or a car? To do this, it is not enough to go to the “Field of Miracles”, because the chance of such a win is minimal. Better start saving money, save money and work more. Then the result will be obvious. In December, Geminis can open their own business and put together a team of reliable partners. You have plenty of ideas, but you just don’t have the will to implement them. Maybe this can be done not alone, but with companions? The finance horoscope for December 2018 for Gemini has already stored a couple of telephone numbers of influential and wealthy people. With them you will definitely achieve everything that will lead to success and well-being. On the Full Moon (December 22), it is not recommended to engage in global affairs, innovations, or sign contracts. Luck is unlikely to be on your side on this difficult day. Business trips, meetings and conferences should also be cancelled, so as not to regret the wasted energy and time.

  1. Favorable days: December 1, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 20, 29, 31
  2. Unfavorable days in December for Gemini: 4, 7, 13

Financial horoscope of the sign GEMINI for December 2018

If in the first half of December 2018 Geminis have to cut their expenses, then starting from the second half their financial situation will begin to improve. Money will come to you from different sources, and if you have worked well during this year, then by the end of December you can expect to unexpectedly receive quite large sum. As the horoscope for December 2018 predicts, Gemini should use it wisely, for example, pay off debts if you have them, so as not to drag them with you into next year. Or you can make some kind of solid acquisition. The presence of Venus in your 6th house does not promise any fateful meetings during this period. However, it never hurts to hope for the best. And perhaps in December 2018 you will begin a passionate romance with someone you already know. Well, those Geminis who are already in a happy relationship can pay more attention to their partner this month and think about how to add pleasant variety to them. In addition, there are long and happy holidays- it's time to think about romantic gifts.