How to sell cheese. Technology for producing fermented milk cheese at home. Selection of premises and assortment


Selling food products for businessmen is a gold mine. The main difficulty of doing business in this area is the presence of huge competition. But, if you correctly analyze the food market and choose the most profitable direction, you can earn a decent income, since people “always want to eat.”

If you decide to open your own store, for example, a dairy store or selling different types of cheese, then you first need to decide on the location of the outlet. It is possible to sell such a product on the food market; you can also set up your own cheese store or other similar products in a densely populated area.

The main point that you need to immediately take into account if you want to sell these products and cheeses is that this type products are perishable. Therefore, this store must be equipped with appropriate equipment.

What do you need to open a dairy store?

For the sale of cheeses and other dairy products, the most suitable place- These are residential areas of the city, with a population of average income. This type of food is in demand by any age category of the population, so choosing the location of the store will not be difficult. The selected premises will need to be put in order and equipped with the necessary technical equipment.

After arranging the store, it is necessary to create the most popular and accessible assortment of similar products to the population. This is required:

  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • yoghurts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheeses, etc.

Such domestically produced products are different high quality, therefore, you can freely sign an agreement with any dairy plant on the wholesale supply of products.

After creating an assortment of dairy products, in order to open a store, you need to register the business. This will allow you to subsequently avoid problems with the tax service.

How to open your own cheese shop?

To start a store, you first need to draw up a business plan. Many young entrepreneurs ignore this step in the organization own business, and this big mistake. It is not recommended to repeat it.

When opening own shop For the sale of cheeses, special attention must be paid to the selection of product range. The product should be presented in different price categories: cheap and expensive types, exclusive product options and standard types of domestic cheeses.

The success of such a store largely depends on the sellers themselves. For a small shop, it is enough to hire one experienced seller, preferably one who understands the product in question, since his main task is to competently provide advice to customers about the product being sold and tell all about it useful characteristics, in which dishes certain types of cheeses are added, etc.

As you know, they belong to products that are usually served with wines, therefore, as an accompanying product, the store can additionally organize the sale of exclusive brands of wine.

What will be the first expenses?

  • Rent of premises for a store.
  • Preparation of documents: license, SES permits, PB, etc.
  • Acquisition necessary equipment: counters, refrigerated display cases.
  • An advertising sign is the face of a store.
  • Purchase of the first batch of cheeses.

It is best to organize a store in the most accessible area: near bus stops public transport, subways, educational institutions, department stores and other similar places.

Purchase and resale of dairy products

The idea of ​​this business line is to purchase milk from the rural population at a fairly low cost, then sell it in the city from a milk tanker.

How does the dairy business work?

Before reselling milk, you need to find villagers who have cows, negotiate with them about its wholesale purchase on an ongoing basis, and conclude a formal agreement.

Main points of the agreement:

  • Cooling of products up to 4 degrees.
  • Milk filtering.
  • Only a product of healthy cows.
  • Purchase price.
  • Fines.
  • Awards.

After finding milk distributors and signing contractual agreements, you can begin collecting milk.

Key points when collecting the product:

  • Each volume of milk purchased from a separate distributor must pass through an ultrasonic device and filter elements.
  • Next, the product is distributed into packages. There must be an individual sterile bag for the individual donor. After sterilization, the product in such a bag can be stored for one month, but only if there is no contact with air.
  • Initially, you need to collect about 400 liters of milk and take it for a veterinary examination. The bags have special taps through which samples will be taken for product analysis. Such special faucets protect the rest of the milk from air.
  • After a positive expert opinion, you can freely launch the product for sale.

It is possible to sell milk near food markets, deliver it to kindergartens, canteens, various organizations. Most best option is its own, well-advertised dairy store. Good way attract regular customers– provide milk for tasting.

At proper organization of this business You can get a pretty good stable profit.

What is needed to implement this business idea?

To open a business you will need:

  • Vehicle. It could be a passenger car.
  • Specialized bags with built-in taps, packaging bags.
  • Ultrasonic sterilizer.
  • Own seal with company data, stamp “Raw sterilized milk”.
  • Device for sealing packages.
  • Dater for marking the date of purchase of products.

Required documents

  • Agreements with suppliers.
  • Sanitary passport vehicle used for transporting milk.
  • Certificates about the absence of diseases in cows.
  • Own health book.

Business advantage: this type of activity does not involve taxation, inspection by SES and fire safety services.


  • Purchase price – 20 rubles. l of product, respectively, to purchase 500 l you will need 10 thousand rubles.
  • Refueling a car will cost RUB 1,000 on average. It depends on the distance of collection points and product sales.
  • Average sales cost finished product is 30 rubles. per liter, respectively, from 500 liters it will be 15 thousand rubles.
  • Daily net profit from the sale of milk - about 4 thousand rubles,
  • Monthly net profit – 120 thousand rubles.
  • Annual income – 1.5 million rubles.
  • Equipment costs – 300 thousand rubles.
  • Payback period – 3 months.

Cheese is part of every family's daily diet; demand for it in stores has been growing since 2006. Due to sanctions recent years, Russia has introduced restrictions on the import of imported cheeses: local products occupy 80% of the market. Therefore, if you have long dreamed of opening a cheese production business, now optimal time do it. Information about the peculiarities of cheese production, as well as detailed business plan you will find in our article.

Draw up a detailed business plan: analyze the market situation, take into account the requirements for premises and raw materials for cheese production, study the list of necessary equipment, plan production volumes and staffing. An example of a business plan is given below, it can be adapted to suit the requirements of any region.

Analysis of the market situation and level of competition

Cheese is not an essential product, but it is loved by customers. It is high in calories, rich in protein, vitamins and calcium. The volume of cheese consumption per capita in Russia is 2–3 kg per year, the total volume is 850,000 tons per year. According to forecasts, consumption will increase and reach 1 million tons.

Analysis of cheese production in Russia

Until 2013, the cheese market increased by 15% annually due to imports. Today the growth is less than 5%, the hard cheese production segment is actively developing.

Cheese prices are rising, as are the cost of production. The price increase over the past 10 years has been 70%: from 85 rubles. up to 290 rub. per kg.

The problem of competition affects entrepreneurs producing hard cheeses due to difficulties with advertising the product. The names of the cheeses are not patented - the cheeses “Rossiysky”, “Poshekhonsky” and others are produced in several cities in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. The buyer is guided by the name and familiar place of production of the cheese - the products of new manufacturers raise concerns. To win your consumer, you must maintain the quality of the product at a level and follow a proven marketing strategy during the market entry period.

What kind of cheese to produce - rating of purchased varieties

Today there are more than 3 thousand types of cheese. Categories widely represented on the market:

  1. Hard rennet, with a long shelf life. Dense, with oval holes. Loved by customers for their sour taste and strong spicy aroma. Popular: “Parmesan”, “Kostromskoy”, “Uglichsky”.
  2. Semi-solid, without holes, covered with wax. Mostly imported, fat content - 25–45%. Popular: “Lithuanian”, “Gouda”, “Roquefort”.
  3. Soft, with a short shelf life. With a crust covered with mold. Some varieties are riddled with mold right through. Popular: “Smolensky”, “Dorogobuzhsky”, “Zakusochny”. Soft varieties also include goat cheese.
  4. Brine, made from whole milk, kept in a salty solution. With small eyes, without crust. Popular: “Adyghe cheese”, “Brynza”.
  5. Melted, with the addition butter, sour cream and flavoring fillers. They are obtained by melting hard cheeses, are stored for a long time, and do not react to temperature changes. Popular: “Amber”, President.

Delicacy varieties:

  1. Mold cheeses are elite, expensive gourmet cheeses. Riddled with mold of the genus penicillum. Popular: Brie, Hermelin, Roquefort.
  2. Sheep - exotic. Popular: Ricotta, Feta.
  3. Goat, with a wrinkled crust. Popular: “Chavishu”, “Taurman”, “Masonais”.

Buyers prefer hard and semi-hard varieties of cheese

When you decide to make cheese, start by making hard or processed varieties. The demand for them is stable, and their long shelf life allows them to reduce costs associated with sales.

Cheese production technology

Cheese is made from dairy raw materials. Requirements for milk for cheese making are regulated technical specifications 9811–153–04610209–2004:

  • Color - white or slightly yellow.
  • No aftertaste.
  • The source of milk is healthy cows.
  • Acidity pH - 16–19.
  • There are no antibiotics in milk.
  • Fat content - more than 3.1%.
  • Protein content - more than 2.8%.

Scheme technological process cheese production using a mechanized line

When you enter into contracts with suppliers, write down the requirements for the supplied product to avoid overlaps.

Stages production process hard cheese:

Paraffin-treated cheese is stored in cooled chambers, periodically drying and wiping the surface with a napkin.

Video: Cheddar cheese production technology

Premises, equipment and personnel to launch the project

To produce cheese, you need a premises that meets the requirements of SanPiN–96. Start with a small production:

  • area - 300 sq. m.;
  • ceiling height - from 3.5 m;
  • availability of premises for a production workshop, warehouse, staff room;
  • communications - water supply, sewerage;
  • electricity - 380 V;
  • entrance for transport.

Table: set of necessary equipment for manual and mechanized production

Determine the number of personnel to service the cheese making workshop. Optimal composition workers for a small workshop:

  • director - responsible for the supply of raw materials and sales of the product;
  • technologist - develops technologies for producing varieties of cheese;
  • cheese maker - responsible for the technical process of preparation, supervises the work of staff;
  • storekeeper - controls storage conditions;
  • two craftsmen - service the production;
  • cleaning woman.

For large automated production, the number of technologists and craftsmen doubles.

Business registration and permits

To organize a cheese-making business, obtain permits. Register a company - LLC or individual entrepreneur, enter into a lease agreement for premises, and obtain a license for food production.

Cheese is a product of the dairy industry, subject to state registration and mandatory certification.

To obtain a certificate of conformity for cheese, prepare an application and a set of documents:

  • constituent documents;
  • rental contract, agreements with suppliers;
  • phytosanitary certificate;
  • veterinary certificate;
  • packaging and label layouts.

Contact your local registration authority with the documents - if the cheese complies with technical regulations, you will be issued a product registration certificate, and later a certificate of conformity.

Financial calculations for business

To start a project, assess your own financial potential and calculate the economic efficiency of production. Compose detailed plan initial costs and monthly expenses. Approximate diagram costs are shown in the tables below.

Table: starting capital depending on the scale of production

Cost type Home production (RUB) Farming (RUB) Mini-workshop (rub.) Factory (RUB)
Rent of premises for the first month 30 000 50 000
Registration of a company (IP or LLC) 1000 – 5000 1000 – 5000 1000 – 5000 1000 – 5000
Repair, arrangement of workshops 500 000 1 750 000 2 000 000 3 500 000
Purchase of equipment 5 500 000 7 000 000 7 000 000 12 500 000
Purchase of the first batch of raw materials 100,000 (with monthly cheese production - 1,000 kg) 400,000 (cost of obtaining raw materials from animals on the farm) 460,000 (with a monthly cheese production of 5,000 kg) 920,000 (with a monthly cheese production of 10,000 kg)
Transport costs 5 000 5 000 5 000 5 000
Salary for the first month 55,000 (salary of a technologist, a cheese maker and two workers) 115,000 (salary of director, technologist, cheese maker, storekeeper and three workers) 230 000
(salary of the director, 2 technologists, cheese maker, storekeeper and six workers)
Other expenses 10 000 30 000 100 000 200 000
TOTAL 6 116 000 – 6 120 000 9 241 000 – 9 245 000 9 711 000 – 9 715 000 17 406 000 – 17 410 000

Table: monthly costs

Projected income and payback period

The entrepreneur’s profit depends on the volume of production and the cost of a kilogram of cheese. Calculations for the market value of 250 rubles/kg are given in the table.

Indicator Home production Farming Mini workshop Factory
Production volume 1,000 kg 5,000 kg 5,000 kg 10,000 kg
Revenue per month 250,000 rub. RUB 1,250,000 RUB 1,250,000 RUB 2,500,000
Revenue per year 3,000,000 rub. 15,000,000 rub. 15,000,000 rub. 30,000,000 rub.
Profit per month 115,000 rub. 720,000 rub. 510,000 rub. RUB 1,105,000
Profit per year RUB 1,380,000 RUB 8,640,000 6,120,000 rub. RUB 13,260,000
Payback period 53 months 13 months 19 months 16 months
Profitability 40% 53% 39% 34%

Search for product sales channels

Having calculated production costs and determined pricing policy, select product sales channels and conclude supply agreements in advance. Possible sales channels: supermarkets, markets and fairs, restaurants and cafes.

Cheese arranged for tasting in a store

With the development of production, hard cheeses can be supplied to other regions, and subsequently international cooperation can be established.

Possible risks

During the period of establishing a business, you may encounter difficulties. Be prepared for the fact that raw material suppliers periodically let customers down and delay deliveries. When concluding an agreement, provide for penalties for lateness.

The second risk is a lack of demand or distribution channels, when you produce, for example, 5,000 kg of cheese per month, but only sell 3,000 kg. The solution is to look for retail outlets in advance. Organize tastings, fairs and sales to attract the attention of consumers.

Prospects for production development

The cheese production business can be expanded geographically by opening new factories in the regions of Russia. The second development option is to remain in one region, but expand the range of products - produce cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and other types of fermented milk products. The advantage of expanding the range is shorter production times for dairy products and an increase in the frequency of deliveries to the shelves.

The experience of entrepreneurs shows that it is possible to open a cheese production business with a limited amount of finance. The owners of nearby farms will gladly sell you milk, and the cheese will be sold to small stores. The main thing is to obtain the required certificates and calculate the business risks in a comprehensive manner.

Only true lovers of this wonderful product can open a cheese store. After all, in order for your store to become truly successful, you simply need to have knowledge in this area: understand the types of cheese, distinguish one type of cheese from another, know the basic rules for storing them. On the other hand, deep knowledge in this area will only come with experience.

Just like opening any other store, opening a cheese store must begin with drawing up a business plan. The mistake of many novice businessmen is that they stubbornly skip this step. Don't repeat it!

An important point when opening a store is a very diverse assortment. It is important that your store's cheeses are presented in a variety of price categories: both expensive and cheaper cheeses. It is necessary that in addition to “exotic” cheeses, your store should have both traditional and favorite cheeses among Russians.

Ultimately, the assortment is selected based on your audience. Whatever sells well, sell it. Do not forget that this is a perishable product and, at the same time, quite expensive.

Here it is important to correctly select the items that you will order and accurately determine the volume of supplies.

Some suppliers do not accept returns sold goods, with expired shelf life.

The success of your store largely depends on the seller. If you are planning, to begin with, to open a small store, then one seller will be enough.

The main task of the seller is to competently and patiently tell customers about a particular type of cheese and explain how it differs from others.

Ideally, the seller should also know in which dishes the cheese chosen by the buyer should be added, and what wine it should be served with. By the way, about wine. Wine is an excellent accompanying product for a cheese store.

Particular attention should be paid to the design of the window display in your store. The cheeses on display should look appetizing, and it should be convenient for the buyer to look at the cheeses and navigate their variety.

What are the main expenses awaiting a novice businessman who decides to open such a store?

This is renting a store, purchasing goods, refrigeration chambers, showcases, counters. This does not include the design various documents, which are necessary to open a grocery store: permits, licenses, and so on.

The sign of your store is its face. It is important that it is bright, attracting the attention of potential buyers.

As for the location of the store, it is desirable that it be more or less passable. Ideal option– location of the store near bus stops, metro, schools, department stores and so on.

But the most important thing is that there are grocery stores nearby. No one will specifically run two blocks for cheese. There must be points of attraction for buyers. And then, with a certain authority of your store, they will come to you for cheese.

The success of your store depends only on you! Show originality and creativity, then the popularity of the store will not take long to arrive!

Consumer interest in such a healthy food ingredient as cheese never decreases. Therefore, cheese making brings a stable income. If an entrepreneur decides to master cheese production as a business, there is an opportunity to create his own cheese factory without enormous investments.

How to open a cheese factory from scratch - business plan, technologies, permits

Formalizing the legal side of production and resolving all issues regarding the organization of processes is the main thing where you should start running your business. Do not forget that there are always increased requirements for the food production industry, so an entrepreneur should treat them with full responsibility and formalize his activities in accordance with the law.

Stable production growth, the creation of new budget equipment and marketing moves calculated to the smallest detail should stimulate businessmen to successfully develop the industry. Cheese making can be called a progressive idea of ​​​​production at home.

Market analysis

If you are planning to make cheese at home for further sale, then you should not rely on your own shelf in large-scale retail chains. Homemade refers to small-scale wholesale production, which has competitors in the form of large manufacturers specializing in the production of similar products.

Network traders work under strict conditions regarding delivery times. And this is not always an acceptable condition for individual entrepreneur. Due to small production volumes and lack of own space in supermarkets, it is not possible to count on sales through network sellers.

When starting your own business, an entrepreneur should do full analysis market and its competitiveness. Weigh all alternatives, calculate possibilities and draw significant conclusions based on this.

Please pay attention special attention the price of these products in your city or region, compare the volumes of a specific database. Your products should be sold on time, and only then losses from force majeure will be minimal.

Cheese factory business plan

If we take as a basis the production volume of up to 100 kg of cheese per day, then three types of costs will be required - constant, one-time and monthly. And if you are interested in how much it costs to open a cheese factory, then pay attention to these indicators.

Fixed costs for each month:

  1. Rent of premises for cheese production - 45,000 rubles (area up to 60 sq. meters).
  2. Payments by public services within 30,000 rubles per month.
  3. Monthly wages employees, taking into account insurance contributions for 4 people - 90,000 rubles.
  4. Advertising your products - up to 15,000 rubles.
  5. Unforeseen expenses - 40,000 rubles.

Total: 220,000 rubles.

One-time costs:

  1. Purchase of the necessary equipment with its delivery and installation - 350,000 rubles.
  2. Registration of your business and organization of work - 50,000 rubles.
  3. Hiring and training employees - 30,000 rubles.
  4. Indoor repairs and cleaning - 250,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total approximate expense is: 710,000 rubles.

Estimated income:

  1. Cheese production in 23 working days - 2300 kg.
  2. The cost of cheese products for sale is 210 rubles per kg.
  3. The price of raw materials for production is 60 rubles per kg.
  4. The price for all raw materials per month is 160,000 rubles.
  5. Monthly income 500,000 rubles.
  6. Profit for the month minus the purchase of raw materials - 300,000 rubles.

You need to subtract the amount for constant expenses from the total revenue, and in the end you will get the expected result.

Important: when calculating, you should take into account the possibility of fluctuations in numbers both down and up. From the amount received, subtract 15% to pay tax and get the amount of net income for the month. The entrepreneur will see the expected payback no earlier than in 6 months.

Registration of a cheese factory in Russia

To fully conduct his business, an entrepreneur needs to undergo legal registration of his enterprise. You can register your business:

  • as a farm with mandatory taxation of 6%;
  • joint stock company (JSC) with a simplified taxation system of 15%.

Important: when registering, an entrepreneur should contact the branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at his place of residence.

An entrepreneur should collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the country's citizen's passport;
  • application form for opening production;
  • application for transition to a simplified taxation system;
  • TIN certificate;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

Registration will take at least three working days. When submitting documents, the applicant is given a receipt.

Product certification is the main component for its possible sale in the future. To do this you need a list of documents:

  • application for product certification;
  • documents of a legal entity;
  • certification of raw materials.

After submitting all documents, the newly opened enterprise is entered into the database of the State Register of Objects of the GOST Certification System of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a cheese production

To conduct production of cheese products, a sequence of actions must be clearly developed. We should not forget about the requirements for the premises, the purchase of raw materials and equipment, and the recruitment of personnel for work. For a better understanding, we will consider each point separately.

Step 1. Room

The owner of a cheese production must take everything into account technical standards and regulatory requirements that apply to the premises. Otherwise, he faces administrative penalties.

Premises requirements:

  • high-quality lighting, heating and water supply;
  • the presence of a working sewer system;
  • indoor renovation and wall finishing with antibacterial tiles;
  • working ventilation system and fire safety equipment.

Step 2. Purchase of raw materials

An important stage is the purchase and preparation of raw materials for production. The main ingredient for cheese is milk.

The technological process makes it possible to use cow, goat and sheep milk. You can get it in the following ways:

  • purchase of raw materials from private individuals;
  • on farms;
  • maintaining your own herd.

The first method is not suitable due to the unreliability of product quality. It is best to purchase raw materials from farms. To avoid purchasing low-quality raw materials from distributors, it is necessary to require documentary evidence of certification of the products sold.

The best option is to raise your own herd. Then the entrepreneur will be confident in the quality of the main raw materials.

This also applies to the processing and cultivation of special additives, for example, spices to create new varieties of cheese products.

You can transport milk using your own transport. This is beneficial because the employee will be responsible for compliance with the rules for the transportation and delivery of raw materials to the storage location. Milk for further processing should be stored in clean, closed containers in refrigeration equipment.

Conditions for purchasing milk:

  1. A veterinary certificate must confirm the quality of the milk.
  2. The temperature of purchased milk should not exceed 12 standard units.
  3. Fat content of the product is up to 3%.
  4. Does not contain antibiotics.

Step 3. Equipment

Without special equipment and additional accessories The technology will not be maintained at any stage of cheese production. You will need:

  1. Molding equipment.
  2. Closed tanks for storing raw materials.
  3. Filters for milk processing.
  4. Baths or pools for long-term pasteurization.
  5. Cheese ripening chambers.
  6. Milk coolers.
  7. Racks for sorting and ripening of finished products.
  8. Paraffiners for long-term storage cheese.
  9. Containers for moving products.
  10. Press tables.

For mini-workshops, you can purchase a ready-made line with the required productivity coefficient. Enough to process 600 liters of milk automatic line 120 meters.

The quality of the product depends on the operation of the equipment, so it is better to purchase your own than to rent for a while.

For the production of cheese at home, Italian production lines are most suitable. Optimal price/quality ratio and application high technology will help make the product taste excellent.

It is best to purchase equipment from direct suppliers, agreeing on its further maintenance.

The cost of domestic equipment starts from 180,000 rubles, but it is not very productive. Although, in a small production environment, it is quite possible to produce soft, hard cheese and sour cream in minimal quantities.

Step 4. Employees

To service the line on small production Up to 3 staff will be needed. Also, your business cannot do without the help of a cheese-making technologist. His knowledge will help develop new types of cheeses and will be required in many technological aspects of cheese production.

You also cannot do without a sales and supply manager. If it is not possible to employ such a unit, then the owner will have to take over its functions.

Personnel must be officially registered for work, in accordance with legislative acts countries.

Documents for applying for a job:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Work book.
  3. Diploma of education in the field food industry or a certificate of completion of similar courses.
  4. Military ID.
  5. Sanitary book.

Very important: It is not allowed to require documents prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation from citizens applying for work.

Technology for producing fermented milk cheese at home

Knowledge of the technological process makes it possible to correctly develop a business plan for a cheese factory. The choice of equipment depends on the type of cheese you plan to make - fermented milk or rennet.

The production of fermented milk cheese includes the following processes:

  • curdling milk using heat and additional spices;
  • formation of cheese mass;
  • packaging in special containers and transportation for sale.

Recipe for homemade fermented milk cheese “Skyr”:

  1. Boil 1 liter of fresh milk.
  2. Pour 1 liter of yogurt into boiling milk.
  3. Boil the mixture for 4 minutes (carefully watch the foam rise).
  4. Remove the container from the heat and strain the whey.
  5. Gently press the resulting cheese to remove excess liquid.

The result of cooking is a product with a delicate creamy taste. The cheese can be tasted immediately.

Recipe for Lithuanian fermented milk cheese at home:

  1. Sprinkle the finished cottage cheese with salt and mix.
  2. The resulting mass is twisted twice in a meat grinder.
  3. Add spices to taste and mix well.
  4. The cheese is formed in canvas or linen bags.
  5. The bags are pressed down with a weight or a press and kept for 12 hours.

The cheese obtained according to this recipe has a pleasant aroma and light taste.

Technology for producing rennet cheese at home

Rennet cheese is made using a special rennet enzyme. Thanks to this leaven, the production of this product occurs very quickly. In addition to rennet, various spices, dried fruits, nuts and herbs are added to the cheese. To produce this type of cheese, a certain technology is needed. But at home it is quite possible to make a tasty and healthy dish.

Homemade rennet Mozzarella cheese recipe.

To make cheese you need:

  • milk - 1 liter;
  • rennet - 10 grams;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice- 1 tablespoon;
  • water - 1 liter.


  1. Heat the milk, add lemon juice and rennet.
  2. Stir and do not allow to boil.
  3. Squeeze the resulting mass and drain the whey.
  4. Boil water with salt and carefully lower the cheese into it.
  5. The viscous mass must be kneaded with gloves, dipping it into water several times. The cheese should become homogeneous and whole.
  6. Roll the cheese onto cling film into a ball, form and leave to cool.

The cheese prepared according to the recipe provided tastes very much like a store-bought product. The famous Parmesan can be prepared in the same way.

Recipe for rennet blue cheese at home.

Ingredients you will need:

  • milk - 3 liters;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • rennet - a quarter teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - half a teaspoon;
  • piece soft cheese brie.


  1. Mix lemon juice with water.
  2. Heat the milk until hot and pour in the lemon mixture.
  3. While whisking the mixture, dissolve the rennet in it.
  4. Cut the resulting thickened mass with a slotted spoon and leave for 10 minutes until whey appears.
  5. Place the container with the mixture on the fire and stir thoroughly until the cheese begins to settle to the bottom.
  6. Drain off the whey and salt the cheese.
  7. Place the resulting product into molds.
  8. Let the cheese sit for several days in the refrigerator and wrap it in a cloth before cooling.
  9. After a few days, cut a piece of brie cheese and rub the moldy side on the resulting product. This is necessary for the spores to penetrate inside.
  10. Place the cheese in a container and leave in the refrigerator for 10 days.
  11. After 10 days, turn the cheese in the container over to the other side.
  12. When the cheese has matured (it takes 1 month), it can be served.

This type of cheese home cooking It will turn out with a spicy aroma and mushroom taste.

What else can be produced in a cheese factory?

Under conditions of stable operation of the cheese factory, it is also possible to produce:

  • processed cheese;
  • soft cheeses;
  • elite varieties of cheeses;
  • Suluguni;
  • tofu;
  • Adyghe cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • sour cream;
  • cream with a high percentage of fat and low fat;
  • kefir;
  • organic yogurt;
  • glazed cheese curds;
  • curd mass;
  • butter;
  • cheese dessert;
  • soft cheese cream;
  • drinking yogurt with fruit additives.

Greek Yogurt Recipe

This delicious dessert has a difference with classic version his soft texture and similarity to butter cream.

To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • 250 ml. plain yogurt.


  1. Boil the milk and leave to cool until warm.
  2. Dilute yogurt with a small amount of milk.
  3. Combine liquid yogurt with chilled milk.
  4. Cover the container and leave it in a warm place for 8 hours.
  5. After aging, carefully place the yogurt in the refrigerator for a day. There is no need to stir or shake it.
  6. After a day, strain it through two layers of gauze and let the excess liquid drain.
  7. Place the resulting Greek yogurt in the refrigerator to set for 3 hours.
  8. After the time has passed, you can serve.

Glazed cheese curd recipe

This delicate dessert has long gained its popularity among consumers. A simple recipe makes it possible to make your favorite delicacy in any quantity.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 g fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 g high fat cream;
  • 200 g powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 200 g dark chocolate;
  • 200 g milk chocolate;
  • nuts, dried apricots, raisins or jam as desired.


  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add cream and beat.
  2. Add selected additional ingredients - nuts or dried apricots - to the resulting cheese mass.
  3. Roll the mixture into a bar, place it in special molds and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour to harden.
  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the curd bar into it.
  5. Place the resulting dessert on a wire rack and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours to harden.

In the cooking recipe, you can change the ingredients or use other technologies.

Advantages and disadvantages of cheese making as a business

When the question is how to open a cheese factory profitably, they always begin to consider the advantages of this idea. These can safely include:

  1. Demand for cheese product among the population.
  2. Reasonable price for raw materials for manufacturing products.
  3. A ban on the import of imported products, which makes it possible to promote goods from local producers.

Every business has its own pitfalls and risks, so you need to be prepared for them.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Short shelf life of some cheese products.
  2. High competition.
  3. Unsatisfactory quality of raw materials entails the manufacture of low-quality products.
  4. Lack of distribution channels.

Sales of cheese products

Cheese sales need to be established in gradual steps, focusing on consumer demand. Any legal means are suitable for selling products. First you need to take a closer look at the price of the goods in city markets, shops and shopping pavilions. Constant advertising of your product allows you to form a circle of regular customers.

The main task is to orient the product range to consumer demand. For example, if many customers value soft varieties of cheese, then we need to work on developing new technologies in this direction.

Important: the ability to listen to the wishes of customers, follow useful tips and hear information will depend on the production of cheese at home as a business.

Also, a mobile truck shop can provide constant sales of cheese to remote regions. A good channel for selling goods is catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, fast food establishments, pizzerias.

Opening your own branded store with a “cheese” name in a crowded place will attract a certain flow of customers.

Try to establish contact with intermediaries who can sell your products.

Calculating the profitability of cheese making

When working in the food industry, do not expect quick profits. But a properly established production with a thoroughly drawn up business plan will guarantee a good income in the future. A cheese factory cannot exist without the necessary raw materials, and farmers will be interested in your business developing and bringing benefits. As soon as the cheese factory returns the initial investment, then only we can talk about its profitability.

The main criteria for the profitability of a cheese business.

  1. Purchasing power of the population.
  2. Variety and quality of assortment.
  3. Equipment with high production capacity.
  4. Qualified specialists.
  5. Established sales points.
  6. Room with special climatic conditions and refrigeration equipment.

Payback can be expected for each activity within a different time frame. For example:

  • For home production - up to 2 years;
  • farm - up to 3 years;
  • mini cheese factories - up to 1.5 years;
  • large-scale enterprise - up to 4 years.

The importance of promotions

Can be used:

  • distribution of booklets, business cards, advertising leaflets;
  • badges, mugs and pencils with your company logo;
  • announcement in the media;
  • Internet site;
  • colorful signs with directions;
  • promotions with free product tasting;
  • prizes for bulk purchases.

Organizing a business from scratch, subject to a competent approach, will allow you to have a constant profit. A large assortment of goods is proof of the company’s reliability and an opportunity to increase its income. There is no need to rush and hope for special luck. It's best to create a well-thought-out business plan, calculate your investments and reap the benefits of your success, rather than being ignorant and jealous of your competitors. And don't forget that successful people always attract money.

We all love different delicacies. For some - muffins, for others - jamon, and for others - cheeses. Alexander Krupetskov turned out to be a big cheese lover. So much so that he even quit his job and opened his own cheese boutique. How to open a store selling cheese - read another success story.

Address: Moscow, Miusskaya square, 9, building 11.

Where it all started

Alexander, on the advice of his parents, graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Unlearned. Then I went to work as a programmer. Changed several companies and projects. Received a Project Manager Professional certificate (only a thousand people in Russia have it). The company where he worked did not appreciate his zeal for knowledge and did not react at all to the fact that their specialist had improved his professional level. Alexander thought that it would be nice to have his own business. But he didn’t quit his job at the company. Just in case.

At that time, he and his wife traveled quite a lot around Europe and regularly visited local cheese shops. Very often the shops did tastings; there was an opportunity to try many different varieties.

Alexander returned from trips with suitcases full of cheese. Alexander read about each of the purchased varieties on the Internet. He enjoyed studying this topic. So, almost by itself, the idea of ​​a business arose - to transport cheeses not only for myself, but also for friends and ordinary customers. In order for buyers to appear, it was necessary to open a store, and to open a store, one had to rent premises. “That’s how a business grew out of a hobby and a simple idea,” says Alexander.

Implementation of the idea

Alexander saw how small grocery stores and shops that could not withstand competition with chains were dying out. In order not to get into a similar situation, he decided not to rush and carefully study the situation.

Soon Alexander noticed that small but quite successful highly specialized shops or boutiques (as some Muscovites like to call them) began to appear. In three months, the number of private bakeries, wine shops, fish and butcher shops has tripled.

To avoid wasting a very modest starting capital, Alexander began traveling to cities (Kyiv, Kharkov, St. Petersburg) that had competitive stores of a similar profile in order to learn from their experience.

Alexander began to implement his idea for the store by creating a website. He initially planned both online and offline trading, but it so happened that the site began operating four months before the opening of the offline store. Now the site is working, but most often people prefer to come to the store in person. After the entrepreneur launched the website, he registered an LLC and hired an outsourced accountant. But the real turning point came when Krupetskov found suitable premises for your offline store. Alexander realized that it was time to open a “cheese paradise.” The next step was quitting my job and “moving” to my own store (15 square meters, not far from the Novoslobodskaya station).

Initial costs

450 thousand rubles were spent on the premises. The purchase of equipment (two refrigerators, a table, an apron and bags with a logo) is another 200 thousand rubles from Alexander’s savings while working in the office. The first cheeses were purchased for 70 thousand rubles.


During his trips to Europe, Alexander came to the conclusion that transporting cheeses himself was expensive and unprofitable. Alexander found his first suppliers at the Prodexpo exhibition.

“When we started communicating specifically on the topic of procurement, the prices, of course, turned out to be different. Now I understand that the price is different for each client,” Alexander shares his experience.

In his opinion, real flow cheese supplies have not yet been established. There is no such happiness as in Italy or Switzerland, when resellers of a manufacturing company make deliveries at the manufacturer’s price list if the client has outlet with premium goods.

All Moscow suppliers specialize in something specific: some bring cheeses from Italy, France, others from Switzerland, Austria. Some supply aged Parmigiano, while others supply the same cheese, but much cheaper and “younger”.

“They supply expensive cheeses to restaurants. My modest purchase volumes did not bother most of them. The main thing is to order regularly,” advises Alexander.


Very soon, Alexander realized that the basis of the “boutique cheese business” was a very simple but effective approach. Customers should associate a cheese store with home warmth and family comfort.

“There’s no other way. People pay not so much for the product, but for the taste that evokes certain associations in them,” the businessman clarifies.

In bringing the idea of ​​a cheese shop to life, Alexander was greatly helped by a friend who, having left Kazakhstan, opened her own shop in Belgium.

Olga, that was the name of a friend, often came to Russia and conducted master classes on cheeses. She advised what and how best to do. The “Belgian Soviets” were successful in Russian realities.

“The most important question I asked her was about the assortment, what do I need to have in the assortment to be successful. Olya said that you just need to combine “business with pleasure”, that you need to focus on cheese trends, while not forgetting about your personal preferences. So now what I sell is partly what she recommended, and partly what I tried and love myself,” says Alexander.

Krupetskov persuaded Olga to come and give a master class in his boutique. The event was not crowded, but the aspiring businessman realized that there are people in Moscow who are interested in high-quality exotic cheeses.

As for promotion on the Internet, according to Alexander, the site is working consistently well, Instagram is giving its results, and the group is gradually filling up with new “cheese lovers.” Facebook.


Pricing in a small store is a separate issue. Alexander solved the problem in his own way. He set prices a little lower than in grocery chains, and placed the main emphasis on the assortment.

“In terms of the cost of cheeses, I cannot compete with Auchan, but now my cheeses are definitely cheaper than at Azbuka Vkusa. In addition, I beat the chains in terms of assortment. The varieties they bring me are very rare for Russia. The average bill in the store at the moment is about 350 rubles,” says Sasha.


For a long time, there was an opinion in the West that in Russia there are practically no suppliers who are truly well versed in cheese. That there are more businessmen than tasters and gourmets. But Alexander believes that this is not at all the case. In those stores that he visited when he opened his store, the picture was pleasing. Sellers knew what they were selling, and buyers knew what they were buying.

Alexander also had a chance to communicate with those entrepreneurs who abandoned the idea of ​​selling cheese. It turned out that the reasons for the failure were very simple things.

“I spoke to businessmen who had to close their cheese shops and found out exactly what they did wrong. The culprit was a slightly careless approach to doing business and a simple assortment - their cheeses could be bought in regular stores, only cheaper,” says Krupetskov.

The size of supplies was also a problem. Someone did not agree to cut off a kilogram of cheese for Alexander to try and demanded that he buy half a head at once. Supplier kitchen appliances(raclette makers, fondue makers, cheese knives) at first refused to give him the goods for sale: he did not believe that the store would survive. But then, seeing that the store was open and had no intention of closing, he changed his mind and Alexander finally received the dishes he liked so much for sale.


Alexander almost everything working hours located in a boutique. He enjoys talking to people, talking about cheeses and cutting them himself. His immediate plans are to start serving wine with cheese samples, but his friends dissuade him, saying that alcoholics and students who want to drink for free will come to the “Cheese Sommelier”. But Alexander is true to his desire to connect the two products - he plans to develop an online store and hold weekly tastings at the Vintage wine bar.

“Wine and cheese are historically linked, so the audience of wine lovers is my audience,” he smiles. And he continues: “I also want to develop the direction of corporate gifts, baskets with cheese. The most important thing is to solve the problem of transportation, because cheese is a perishable product. I don’t think about the franchise - I don’t want to go beyond the family format. I don't want anyone to be able to just put two refrigerators full of cheese and automatically be called " Cheese sommelier“I created my business with my soul.”


Surely the readers thought, “This is all great, but what next?” Indeed, the news about the ban on food imports initially shocked Alexander. But, according to him, a way out has already been found. Which? We hope he agrees to tell us about this in future publications. We will monitor developments.