How to improve the indoor microclimate. How to improve the moral climate in a team. Criteria for choosing windows for apartment equipment

We are all used to complaining about poor ecology and polluted air, but no matter how dirty the air outside is, in our apartments it is 5 times more polluted and 9 times more toxic! In a word, we urgently need to improve the health of our habitat!

It is best to buy a special air purifier. It forces air through its filters and traps harmful allergens - dust, fur, pollen, etc.). This cleaner can and should be used 24 hours a day. Just don’t install it in the kitchen - it can be spoiled by greasy deposits.

If this option is expensive, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible and be sure to do wet cleaning. Only ventilation can cope with a high concentration of many harmful substances. We must not forget about closets - the air in them can be thousands of times dirtier than usual. Cabinets need to be ventilated once a week.

Plants can become your assistants in the fight for clean air. Experts say they make the air 40% cleaner. The best plant cleaner is chlorophytum. It is able to absorb formaldehyde, phenol, tobacco smoke and carbon monoxide. Spathiphyllum, tradescantia, dracaena and ficus can also serve as air purification factories. Asparagus absorbs heavy metal particles well. Plants with broad leaves attract dust that would otherwise hang loose in the air. To combat germs, you can grow onions, garlic, myrtle, rosemary, eucalyptus and citrus fruits.

One of pressing problems city ​​apartments - low air humidity. Especially in winter, when the air is dried out by heaters and radiators. Dry air significantly increases the likelihood of colds, and the condition worsens in people with asthma.

It’s not surprising, because a person evaporates about a glass of water during the night. There is only one way out - moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. It is best to again buy a special humidifier. If you don’t have one, you need to use available means - hang wet towels on the radiator and place containers with water (preferably wide ones) near them. You also need to humidify the air from a spray bottle. Again, plants will come in handy - palm plants and cyperus evaporate water well.

If indoors high humidity, and the air does not circulate enough, which is why fungus forms, you need to ventilate as often as possible, and install a hood in the kitchen.

Air conditioners, which wonderfully cool the air, unfortunately also dry it out with all their might, and in addition mercilessly devour oxygen. So it’s better not to save on this device, but to buy a fairly expensive model.

Home is where we spend most of our free time from work. Surprisingly, even at home we are exposed to danger. There are about 100 potentially dangerous organic and inorganic substances in the air of every house or apartment, which penetrate into our homes with household chemicals, furniture, washable wallpaper and other household items. The danger lies within finishing materials, paints, plastic and other benefits of civilization that are found in every home.

The air in the apartment may contain admixtures of formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia, and heavy metals. No less harmful are dust, air stagnation, too low or high humidity. To feel good you need to create an optimal microclimate in the house– take into account recommendations on humidity and temperature parameters. Today you will learn how to do this.

Wet cleaning and regular ventilation

No matter how trivial it may sound, one of the most important helpers for a good microclimate in the house is wet cleaning. During dusting and mopping, thousands of bacteria are killed, and the smallest particles of dust, food debris, small debris and organic particles are removed. We can say that during wet cleaning you not only wash floors and other surfaces, but also clean the air in the house. Systematic wet cleaning cannot be replaced by even the most modern air conditioner and vacuum cleaner.

Carpets are especially dangerous. Yes, it is very cozy and beautiful, but the long pile accumulates dirt and entire colonies of dust mites settle in it. Based on health reasons, it is better to completely abandon carpeting, especially with long pile. If you love carpets and cannot imagine comfort without them, you will have to tinker a little.

General carpet cleaning should be done every week. Vacuum (preferably with a washing vacuum cleaner) – every day. From time to time, carpets need to be dry cleaned - professional cleaning provides the maximum depth of cleaning. In summer, carpets are periodically hung in the sun, in winter they are beaten out in the snow.

Using special devices

Create a favorable microclimate in the house possible using various devices. Most of them are not cheap, but the price of health is much higher.

Indoor plants for health

The most common indoor plants that we grow for comfort are powerful microclimate regulators. It has long been proven that they improve the air in the house, moisturize it, and neutralize many dangerous chemical compounds. At the same time different plants have different properties.

    Record holders for the fight against toxins are plants such as alocasia, sansevieria, monstera, ivy, pelargonium and chlorophytum.

    Many indoor crops release phytoncides into the air, reducing the number of microorganisms by almost 300 times! These crops include indoor conifers, myrtle, laurel, oleander.

    Number harmful bacteria Agave reduces well. So aloe not only treats diseases, but also helps prevent them.

    The number of moldy fungi is significantly reduced by the prickly pear cactus.

    Ficus, hibiscus or aglaonema will help get rid of staphylococcus floating in the air.

    Chlorophytum actively fights formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Benzene and trichlorethylene are retained by ivy, dracaena, and sansevieria.

  • To increase humidity, you can get monstera, arrowroot, and anthurium.
  • Cacti are often placed near computers and televisions to reduce radiation exposure.
  • Asparagus is recognized as a leader in the fight against heavy metals.
  • Plants such as cypress, cryptomeria, thuja and other conifers release ions into the air, refresh it, and make it lighter.
  • Geranium is a natural disinfectant and air flavoring agent.

And this is far from full list plants that have a positive effect on microclimate in the house. Of course, to achieve optimal performance It is advisable to use all the products in combination - combine daily wet cleaning with installation special devices and growing indoor flowers.

Whether your team is large or small, whether everyone is the same age or different, whether they are mostly men or women - it will be difficult to avoid conflicts, misunderstandings and misunderstandings. It is difficult if the general atmosphere in the team is, to put it mildly, unfavorable. But if the microclimate within the company is positive and favorable, then all disagreements are not perceived as conflict situation, but as a normal workflow.

And although improving the psychological microclimate in a team is a systemic, long-term and difficult process, there are several simple and, at first glance, even obvious techniques that can relatively quickly change the atmosphere in a team for the better.

  1. Establish the communication process. Most problems in a team arise because people cannot or do not want to explain their position/decision/action to each other. A lack of understanding of the common goal also causes many problems. Thus, the more feedback you give to your employees and the better you establish communication channels between team members, the less gossip and misunderstandings will arise. Accordingly, the more transparent and easier the relationships in the team will be.
  2. Add some humor. A happy and joyful team is a more productive team. There should be no doubt. However, what to do in cases where the team is on the verge of failure? In this case, it is important to understand that everyone has failures. Everyone has at least once released a failed product/presented a less-than-successful project/made a bad decision. But they learn from mistakes. And it is important to approach any failure with both seriousness and humor at the same time. If you encourage an employee who has made a bad decision with a smile or a kind joke, then instead of getting upset, he will look for a way out of the problem.
  3. Focus on good results. The “carrot and stick” method, if not outlived, is already beginning to become obsolete. In fear and fear of mistakes, focusing on achieving planned “good” indicators and preventing “bad” results, employees lose creativity, initiative, and confidence. The more often you focus on the positive results already achieved, the more employees sincerely believe in the final product/project/company. The more positive there is in each work process, the more loyal team members are to each other’s failures or mistakes.
  4. Create a creative atmosphere. This point is especially important if the work of your employees is quite monotonous and monotonous. Organize competitions, hold team building events, quests, and off-site holidays. Come up with competitions between departments or teams, encourage ideas, even if they are not the most brilliant ones. Allow your employees to be a little weird sometimes by giving them the opportunity to have fun and do stupid things.
  5. Set a flexible schedule. This does not mean that you need to send all employees home, allowing them to go to the office only if they want. But it will be useful to have at least one day a week or month when employees can take a break from each other and work outside the office. This will not only improve the microclimate in the team, but will also increase the productivity of each individual employee.

Oksana Diptan, business consultant, head of the company "DeeptanConsulting"

There are two starting points at which we can be when talking about the microclimate in a team - this is the initial formation of a team and problems in an existing one. And at these two points, actions regarding the microclimate in the team, accordingly, may differ.

When forming a team, the most important things to consider are:

  1. Setting Team Goals. It is important not just to show where the entire company is moving - it is important to show each employee where he is moving, and how this movement helps achieve the common goal. Setting “funny” or simply unrelated work goals is also equally helpful. What does it mean? For example, every day you can choose an employee who will tell the funniest story. Or which will most creatively solve an existing problem. And then reward the “winner” with a small prize. Achieving such goals will help team members get to know each other better from the point of view not of an employee, but of an individual.
  2. Peer education. In-house training does not mean that you need to invite an outside trainer to teach a master class. There will probably be people on your team who are willing and able to transfer their knowledge and skills to other team members. This will help the team get to know each other better and get to know strengths each other, and also learn something completely new.
  3. Confession. The more often team members and the entire team are motivated by public recognition of a job well done, the greater the chance that the overall mood in the team will increase significantly.

If problems arise with the microclimate in an existing team, you need to focus your attention on the following actions:

  • Be an example of optimism. It’s not for nothing that they say that like the leader, so does the team.

Give your employees an example of a person who is always charged with energy, who copes with even the most difficult tasks with a smile on his face, who perceives problems as challenges, not difficulties. Your task is to radiate optimism so clearly that your employees involuntarily “charge” with it.

  • Give thanks often. Don't forget to say "thank you" for the work done. Even if the result did not please you. Remember that words of gratitude not only give employees a feeling of satisfaction, but also an increased sense of responsibility - to you personally and to the entire team.
  • Ask. Constantly check with employees what they don’t like, what they would like to improve, what problems they encounter. And try to solve these problems. Don’t let your project collapse just because you didn’t notice any difficulties or disagreements in the team.
  • Change the scenarios and “rules of the game.” Arrange work days in nature. Or volunteer days. Or anything else that is outside your employees’ usual comfort zone. Create conditions in which team members are forced to go beyond the “normal.” Such “shake-ups” often allow not only to unite the team, but also to reveal hidden problems.
  • Remind employees why they do their work. If your team consists only of those who work solely for the purpose of making money, then this item is not for you. If most of your employees have other goals in their work besides getting paid, then don’t forget to remind them of why they do their work. For some, work is a way to develop, for others it is a way to help people or the country. And someone works because this is the most interesting activity that exists for him.

But sometimes employees become unmotivated when they focus on WHAT they are doing rather than WHY they are doing it. Sometimes a reminder of this “why” is much better than any other way of motivating to increase the “morale” of both an individual employee and the entire team.

Technologies do not stand still. Modern industry creates unique devices, which can significantly improve living conditions. Some of the devices not only improve the quality of life, but also improve the indoor microclimate. Which, in turn, affects a person’s well-being, increases his attention, perseverance and concentration. What microclimate devices currently exist?

The most popular equipment is air conditioning

According to sanitary requirements, the air in a living room must be renewed once every hour. An air conditioner is not just a device, an improving device was made to heat the air in winter period and for cooling it in hot weather summer days. However, even the most advanced models of devices provide insignificant flow clean air. This figure is no more than 36 cubic meters per hour But the average room contains approximately twice as much air.

Air purifiers

Such a device that improves the microclimate can be easily purchased in almost any store. However, before making a purchase, you should carefully study the capabilities of the device. Typically, air purifiers work best when small rooms, the area of ​​which does not exceed 20 square meters. Such devices are ideal for apartments.

If we are talking about large rooms, then the device that improves the microclimate should be more effective. In such cases, photocatalytic systems are used, as well as eco-recreators. They are capable of purifying large volumes of air.

Oxygen generators

Such a device, which improves the microclimate, can quickly saturate the room air with oxygen. In other words, ventilate the room. In large cities, this is almost impossible to do. After all, the air here is poisoned. You can update the microclimate in the room. Typically, the device is turned on at night and installed in the bedroom. It is worth noting that there are no medical contraindications for using such a device.

All kinds of ionizers

Enough widespread received ionizers. From this category, the most popular device that improves the microclimate is the Chizhevsky chandelier. Thanks to such devices, dust particles are charged and then stick to various surfaces. As a result, the air is purified. To receive better effect surfaces must be cleaned of dust in a timely manner. Otherwise, after turning off the device, it will again enter the air.

However, a comfortable feeling and good health also depend on a number of conditions. All of them are united by the climate regime - or microclimate - of your home.

In this article I will tell you why it is so important to ensure the correct microclimate in the apartment and how to do it.

Microclimate parameters

The more time we spend at home, the more its microclimate affects us. Surely you have noticed that if you spend the whole day in a room with closed window, drowsiness or headache may occur.

The microclimate has many components, but there are the main ones:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • concentration of carbon dioxide in the air.

Microclimate and temperature

We feel temperature changes most strongly. Hypothermia leads to frequent colds. And the heat in the house leads to a feeling of constant fatigue.

There is a temperature norm at which it does not affect well-being. According to SanPiN, the temperature in the house should be from 18 to 24 degrees.

In winter, they will help maintain the desired temperature and create thermal comfort. And in the summer they will not allow the heat to penetrate the house.

Microclimate and humidity

You also need to monitor air humidity. With the arrival of winter, the air in the apartment becomes dry. They make the situation worse and electric heaters. And high humidity usually occurs with insufficient ventilation and lack of ventilation.

Dry or too humid air negatively affects well-being. Dry air negatively affects the respiratory system and can cause a decrease in immunity and performance. Low humidity has a particularly negative impact on our children.

On the contrary, very humid air often leads to mold on the ceiling and walls. Constant contact with mold can cause various diseases from a common runny nose to more serious ones - for example, asthma.

According to GOST, the humidity standard for residential premises in warm time year is 30-60%. In winter, it should be reduced to 45%. You can measure humidity using a room hygrometer.

To regulate humidity, the house must have effective ventilation. Also, do not forget about the simplest way - open the windows two or three times a day and ventilate the room - for example, in the morning and before bed.

Microclimate and carbon dioxide concentration

A person feels much better in nature than in the city. This is due to the fact that the air outside the city contains much less carbon dioxide. In cities carbon dioxide generated by both people in apartments and vehicles on the street. This air enters the apartments.

To feel good at home, you need to open the windows for no more than 15 minutes, several times a day. During this time, the air in the room has time to renew itself.

The window is the main microclimate regulator, and controlling the weather in the house is quite simple. Firstly, it is necessary to properly keep it warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition, you need to ventilate the room from time to time. The main thing is to do this regularly.

How do you maintain the microclimate in your home? Tell us about it in the comments to the article. And so as not to miss new ones useful materials O plastic windows, I advise you to update our blog.
