Why does indoor chrysanthemum not bloom? Wilting of chrysanthemum leaves. Chrysanthemum Chinese or mulberry

Chrysanthemum is considered one of the most popular indoor plants. It can be grown with equal success both in the garden and at home on the windowsill. It does not require special care, and if followed minimum requirements will always delight the eye with its beauty. After reading today's article, you will understand why chrysanthemums do not bloom.

Features of indoor plants

Today, many species of this flower are known. It can be grown not only outdoors, but also in closed ground. Moreover, homemade varieties are practically no different from garden varieties. The only significant difference is the size. Homemade varieties are smaller.

Chrysanthemum is easily recognized by its beautiful light green, notched, serrated or dissected leaves. The shape of its flowers is somewhat similar to a basket. Chrysanthemum also has a branched root system, developing parallel to the ground surface.

So that you do not have any questions as to why chrysanthemums do not bloom, you need to adhere to several basic rules. First of all, remember that they prefer short daylight hours. They need high level humidity and coolness. In addition, indoor varieties must be constantly pinched. Otherwise, instead of a compact bush, they will turn out to be an asymmetrical elongated plant.

Those who are interested in why it does not bloom should remember that it is quite demanding on the quality of the soil. It is advisable to plant it in a nutritious, loose substrate that contains peat and humus. During the hot summer months, a flowerpot with a green pet can be placed on a shaded, cool balcony.

Basic requirements for lighting and temperature conditions

It is advisable to place pots with indoor plants on window sills located on the western or eastern side. Then you will not have the question: “Why don’t chrysanthemums bloom?” This is due to the fact that on southern windows they will receive an excess amount of light and heat. As an alternative, you can place the pot with the plant on a normally lit and cool balcony.

As for the temperature, ideally it should be no lower than fifteen and no higher than eighteen degrees. In hotter conditions, the leaves of the plant quickly turn yellow, and gardeners begin to wonder why it does not bloom. Overall indoor varieties It is advisable to provide a cool room and a short period of no more than ten hours.

Spraying and watering

This plant is not one of those that likes excess moisture. They should not be filled with water or placed on trays filled with liquid. Otherwise, you will again have to guess why it doesn’t bloom. Ideally, it should be watered only after the top layer of soil has dried.

We should not forget that this plant was originally a garden plant. Therefore, the flower loves highly humidified air. Otherwise, it begins to wither and wither right before our eyes. To prevent this from happening, it is important to constantly maintain the required level of humidity. To do this, it is advisable to systematically spray the plant or place a glass bowl of water near it. You can also use a humidifier for these purposes.

Top dressing

So that in the future you do not have questions about why chrysanthemum does not bloom at home, you need to fertilize it regularly. The fact is that a plant in a pot quickly draws all the necessary nutrients from the soil. To make up for this deficiency, special fertilizers should be systematically applied to the soil. This is the only way you can ensure full growth and abundant flowering of the beautiful chrysanthemum.

Most often, mineral fertilizers such as potassium monophosphate solution are used for these purposes. It is also recommended to periodically add multicomponent additives to the soil that contain nitrogen.

Throughout the entire plant you need to feed with liquid organic substances. Moreover, it is advisable to do this at least once every ten days. If indoor chrysanthemum is planted in poor soil, then fertilizers should be applied every four days. Such plants need to be fed before flowering with a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:10. To prevent spread unpleasant odor It is better to take the flowerpot out onto the balcony.


It is advisable to subject young plants to this procedure annually. Since chrysanthemum does not tolerate acidic soil well, it experienced flower growers recommend purchasing garden soil, mixed with sand and peat.

Transplantation is carried out by transferring the earthen clod into a larger flowerpot. So that you don’t have to wonder why chrysanthemums don’t bloom at home, it is advisable to add a little bird droppings to the soil. For preventive purposes, the soil is first disinfected by watering it with boiling water.

Bush formation

Improper pruning can cause some problems. Therefore, it is important to do this in a timely manner and using technology. Then you won’t have to think about why the chrysanthemum stretches up and doesn’t bloom. It is advisable to pinch no more than two or three times during the entire growing season. IN last time this is done two weeks before flowering begins.

Pruning, which involves removing the upper part of the stem, helps slow growth and accelerate the development of the root system. Thanks to this procedure, they begin to appear side shoots. It is recommended to start pruning no earlier than ten days after planting. Removed from the stem top part along with three or four leaves. This can be done conveniently using pruning shears or a sharp knife. Immediately after the procedure, nitrogen fertilizer can be added to the soil. If everything is done correctly, then after two or three weeks shoots will form in the axils of the leaves.

Instead of a conclusion

From all of the above, it becomes clear that chrysanthemum is an unpretentious houseplant, not requiring complex care. To encourage her to continue abundant flowering, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, it is important to control the light regime. For good vegetative growth, it is necessary to provide the chrysanthemum with conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

Do not forget that this plant does not require frequent watering. The soil in which it is planted should not be soggy. Before the chrysanthemum begins to bloom, it is important to provide twelve hours of daylight. During the period of throwing out buds, it is advisable to move the plant to a cool room. The air temperature at this time should not exceed sixteen degrees. In hotter conditions, flower formation may be disrupted.

It is recommended to remove all small buds and buds from the stem. It is advisable to do this while they are still small. One large bud should be left on each stem. To maintain freshness longer, water thoroughly.

To give space to the root system, it is advisable to periodically replant the plant into flowerpots of larger diameter. Thanks to this, the chrysanthemum will be able to receive more moisture and nutrients, increasing the intensity and duration of flowering.

In the spring, after green shoots appear, it is advisable to replace the soil in which the plant is located. To do this, carefully remove the chrysanthemum from the flowerpot, put clean soil in it, return the flower to its place and water it. After this procedure, it is recommended to fertilize the soil. It is advisable to use nitrogen fertilizers before the first buds appear, and nitrate fertilizers after. Those who strictly follow all the advice will not have to ask experts why chrysanthemums do not bloom.

Many gardeners complain that large-flowered chrysanthemums, especially Indian ones, do not have time to bloom before frost. How to speed up this process?
Average and early varieties chrysanthemums are grown in open ground, since the early ones bloom in August, and the middle ones in October and even in November. Annual plants It is advisable to dig it up for the winter, but you can dig it in and cover it like roses. Plant in open ground at the beginning of May.

It is preferable to plant chrysanthemums in non-shaded areas, protected from the sun. These plants love loose soil, which contains substances of organic origin and has good moisture and air permeability.

40g nitrogen fertilizer and 150g potassium magnesium. Chrysanthemums are fed once a week mineral fertilizers at the rate of 5-9 liters per 1 sq. m.
To avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to treat flowers 2-3 times during summer period copper chloride. With the onset of September, treatment stops, as white spots may appear on the leaves.
When the apical bud appears, it is advisable to feed the flowers with a superphosphate solution at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of water. The solution is infused for 3-5 days with periodic stirring. Chrysanthemums respond well to feeding with mullein diluted in water. Watering is done at the root.
When the buds increase in size, but have not yet opened, they must be treated several times with any
a drug against aphids. This is done several times every 7-9 days. Otherwise, in the blossoming inflorescence, the tips of the petals may turn black and be eaten by aphids.

When dividing, the bush is cut into pieces with 1-3 shoots. For better lighting It is recommended to plant plants in a checkerboard pattern or in parallel rows. Typically, single-stemmed plants are planted at a distance of 25 cm, and multi-stemmed plants - 30-40 cm from each other.
It is important to be able to store chrysanthemums in winter, so that next year they could please you with their lush color.
If in summer chrysanthemum requires a lot of moisture, then in autumn and winter it does not tolerate it at all. To prevent chrysanthemum roots from dying in winter, they must be stored as follows. Before storing, chrysanthemum mother plants planted in pots are watered generously with water.
Then they are kept warm for 10 days at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. Into this time goes by growth of the root system.
In winter, it is advisable to store pots with chrysanthemum roots in a cellar (if you have one) at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees Celsius. If there is no cellar, you can create another storage method at the above temperature.
If the shoots begin to wither, snow is poured in a layer of 5-7 cm. Snow retains oxygen, is slowly absorbed by the soil and maintains its porosity. It is recommended to spray the roots with water and a fungicide once in the winter.
Advice from amateur gardeners - How to speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums

1. Treat with Zircon 1 ml per 10 liters of water, even indoor violets after a month
2. Use preparations based on gibberellin, a hormone produced by the plant during flowering. The most common is the Ovary.
Spray once a week for months - this raises hormonal status to the required level and the plant begins to bloom - including the chrysanthemum.
3. Shade chrysanthemums after 7 pm.
4. Abundant phosphorus feeding once a week - potassium monophosphate - 1 hour. l per 10 liters for 2 chrysanthemum bushes.
5. To speed up the flowering of chrysanthemums, you need to remove some of the flower ovaries and fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers!
6. Do not water the chrysanthemum in the second half of summer, or rather, water it less often.
7. At the beginning of the season, shorten the daylight hours for her. How? In greenhouses, I don’t know, but on the ground: make cone-shaped caps from cardboard and other materials, put them on at 6-7 pm, and take them off in the morning after the sun rises high enough above the horizon. The homeland of chrysanthemums is the south, where the sun rises and sets quickly, i.e. no twilight. This way you can speed up flowering by 1-2 weeks.

Many people love chrysanthemums because they bloom in late autumn, when there are almost no other flowers to be found in nature. Of course, every housewife wants a lush flower bed of chrysanthemums. But sometimes the plants don't bloom. It's very frustrating. If chrysanthemums do not bloom in the garden, what to do? To correct the situation, you should know the reasons why this happens. It is about them that we will write in this article. From it you will learn how to make chrysanthemums bloom in the garden.

Why don't chrysanthemums bloom?

Why doesn't chrysanthemum bloom outside? There may be several reasons for this. Despite the fact that this flower is a garden and perennial, it does not always feel good outside, and, as a result, does not bloom. What can negatively affect chrysanthemum? This:

  • crowdedness;
  • wrong location;
  • insufficiently nutritious soil;
  • abundant watering during the formation of buds;
  • diseases.

In addition, the flowering ability of different varieties of flowers is not the same. Perhaps the climate is simply not suitable for a certain flower. Let's consider all the reasons separately, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Lack of space

Why doesn't chrysanthemum bloom outside? She simply may not have enough space. Over time, the bushes grow, which reduces the amount of soil occupied by each plant. Due to this, the flowers begin to lack air and nutrients. Pests can grow in the thicket of bushes. Ideally, chrysanthemums should not grow in one place for more than 2-3 years.

Don't be afraid to replant chrysanthemums often. These flowers grow new shoots very quickly. Often after transplantation they grow even better than before.

It is best to plant chrysanthemums in the spring. This will give the plant the opportunity to take root well, grow and bloom in the fall. For the plant, you should choose a high place that is well blown by the wind. This will ensure the absence of dampness, which chrysanthemums do not like so much. Also note that the soil must have drainage.

When planting chrysanthemums, make sure that there is at least 40 centimeters between plants. This will just give free space for flowers. It will become easier for them to grow and by autumn they will definitely bloom.

Wrong location

Why doesn’t a chrysanthemum bloom outside if it doesn’t face a lack of space? Perhaps you just chose the wrong place to plant them. The number of buds is affected by lighting. If there is too little of it, the flower will suffer. Excess moisture also affects the chrysanthemum. It can cause the flower to become covered with fungus and other pests, which also interferes with normal flowering. But too dry living conditions are also not suitable for violets. They can provoke woodiness of shoots and lack of flowering.

A disruption in biorhythms also prevents the chrysanthemum from blooming. It can be provoked by garden lights. The flower reacts to light and thinks that the day continues. And since it is long enough, it means autumn, which is the time of flowering, has not yet arrived.

Nutrient deficiencies

If a chrysanthemum grows in one place for a long time, then the soil around it may not be nutritious enough. It is simply depleted every year. As a result, the plant begins to lack exactly those microelements that it needs during flowering. In this case, you can plant:

  • transplant;
  • fertilize.

Transplanting chrysanthemums to another place where the soil is fresher and more nutritious is certainly effective. But it's not always like that suitable place can be found. And sometimes there is not enough time for such manipulations. If you find that the chrysanthemum does not bloom even in October, then replanting will no longer help. After all, while the flower takes root, cold weather will set in. In this case, feeding remains.

How can you fertilize the soil to make chrysanthemums bloom? First, before planting plants in the holes, you need to add compost or humus. This will allow the flowers to receive the maximum nutrients and take root quickly. After the chrysanthemum has grown for 2-3 years, it is important to start fertilizing the soil around it. This can be done using humus. This fertilizer is inexpensive, but at the same time effective and natural. You need to add 25 kilograms of humus per square meter surfaces. You can replace humus with nitrogen fertilizers.

It is the lack of nitrogen that is most often to blame for the fact that chrysanthemums do not bloom in the garden. In this case, its leaves begin to turn pale, sometimes the covers of the stems become sparse, as well as the buds.

Why don’t chrysanthemums bloom in the country if they have enough nitrogen? In this case, there may not be enough phosphorus in the soil. It is this mineral that promotes abundant and timely flowering. In addition, it contributes to the long-term preservation of cut flowers. Lack of phosphorus provokes underdevelopment of bushes. Leaves may turn purple-blue.

It is better to apply phosphorus in the spring. But if for some reason you did not have time to do this, then you can do autumn fertilizing in liquid form. In this case, you need to be careful with nitrogen; its volume can be reduced.

Chrysanthemums also need potassium. If there is a severe shortage of it, the buds may not appear at all, and the bush itself will begin to dry out and shrink. If flowers appear on such a plant. Then they will irregular shape, with violations of varietal characteristics. At the same time, an excess of potassium is also harmful. This is worth remembering. It is better to add the mineral along with phosphorus.

You should not apply too much fertilizer, because chrysanthemums may begin to “fatten”. They will begin to grow and send out a lot of young shoots. The bush will grow huge, but there will be no flowers.

Flower growers advise fertilizing the soil not only when negative signs are strongly noticeable or there is no flowering, but regularly, approximately once every 10-15 days. You should start already early spring. At this time, it is better to give preference to nitrogen fertilizers, but in the fall - potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Substances can be combined.

When applying fertilizers, try not to get on lower leaves flowers, as they can be burned. It is better to wet the soil around the chrysanthemum, and then pour in liquid fertilizer. This way the procedure will be safe.

Abundant watering

Do not think that during the flowering period chrysanthemum requires a lot of moisture. In fact, it's the opposite. If you notice buds forming, reduce watering. Otherwise, the plant will start flowering and begin to grow stems and large beautiful leaves.

How does flowering depend on the chrysanthemum variety?

Flowering chrysanthemum plants late autumn stimulated by reduced daylight hours. That is, when it starts to get dark early, these flowers lay buds. Flowering itself begins in late autumn. But it is worth noting here that different varieties chrysanthemums lay buds at different rates. If you have a plant late variety, that is, there is a high probability that all this will happen too late. The flower simply will not have time to appear before you in all its glory. The cold weather will come and the buds will remain just buds. Therefore, before buying cuttings, carefully check the characteristics of the varieties. After all, perhaps the flower you like cannot grow normally in the local climate.

What to do if you have already bought a late variety chrysanthemum? There is a way out in such a situation. The plant will bloom if you plant it not outside, but in a greenhouse, hothouse, or just in a flower pot. You can plant the cuttings in a flowerpot initially, immediately after purchase.

If you decide to keep a chrysanthemum on a regular windowsill, then prepare for the fact that it will not bloom, since it will not have enough light. If you don’t have the opportunity to put a flower in a greenhouse where the lighting will be normal, then arrange a place for it on a spacious loggia or balcony.

You can also transplant from the street if the plant has already taken root, and later you realized that it does not have time to bloom. Simply dig up the cuttings and transplant them into a prepared container.

It is worth noting that all chrysanthemums that are sold at the end of October-November are greenhouse ones. They are grown specifically for bouquets. You should not hope that flowers of these varieties will bloom luxuriantly in your outdoor garden.

Artificial stimulation of flowering

How to water a chrysanthemum to make it bloom? In addition to fertilizers, there are growth and flowering stimulants. They can be found in gardening stores. Such stimulants must be used carefully so as not to harm the plant. Since you have decided to buy such a product, use it strictly according to the instructions.

Don't forget about pruning bushes. These manipulations stimulate the bush to grow and be lush. This also provokes the growth of buds.

Features of caring for indoor chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums - culture short day, preferring cool conditions. Therefore, chrysanthemums like that in late summer and autumn the temperature drops significantly and the daylight hours decrease significantly. Chrysanthemums begin to bloom precisely at the moment when the day length becomes no more than 8 hours.

Chrysanthemum feels good in the house at a temperature no higher than 18 degrees. If kept warmer, the buds may dry out, the inflorescences quickly fade, and the leaves turn yellow.

Bright and cool window - best place for keeping chrysanthemums in the house.

After flowering ends potted chrysanthemum cut and winterize in a cold place with a temperature of about +3 degrees.

In March, transplant the plant into fresh substrate.

Trim the shoots growing from the chrysanthemum several times to form a beautiful bush (the resulting cuttings can be rooted).

Often gardeners feel sorry for their indoor chrysanthemum and prune it little during the period of active growth, and as a result they get a long, bare plant with sparse flowering.

After the end of the spring frosts, a pot with a chrysanthemum that has overwintered in the apartment can be taken out to the balcony or garden until the beginning of flowering or the onset of autumn cold weather.

More details here:

maybe it doesn’t have enough light, my geranium stopped blooming when I removed it from the window,

Chrysanthemums are heat-loving, so it is important not to make a mistake with the planting location in the garden. To grow chic chrysanthemums, you need an elevated sunny place and well-permeable slightly acidic or neutral drained soil.

Lack of lighting of chrysanthemums leads to elongation of shoots, weakening of plants and displacement of characteristic of this variety flowering dates.

Chrysanthemums for good growth And beautiful flowering need sufficient nutrients, so chrysanthemums grow very well in rich soils.

If the soil in your garden is infertile and dense, then before planting the cuttings it is advisable to add rotted manure, compost, and peat.

Before planting chrysanthemums, I add them to the soil. complex fertilizer or rotted manure.

I plant plants not in holes, but in a trench. The distance between planted cuttings is from 30 to 50 cm, it depends on the characteristics of the variety.

After planting chrysanthemum cuttings, I spill the soil in the trench with Kornevin solution (1 g per liter of water). This drug promotes the formation of a powerful root system in cuttings. This means that the feeding area of ​​the young chrysanthemum will increase, and as a result a strong plant will develop.

After planting chrysanthemum cuttings in the garden, you need to cover the seedlings. For example, I use Lutrasil covering material for this. He creates favorable microclimate: and protects young chrysanthemums from hot rays, and warms them during cold spells.

Chrysanthemums are easily propagated by dividing the bush. In the spring, when the return frosts end, I dig up the bush and divide the young shoots. I immediately plant the shoots with roots in the garden and water them.

Chrysanthemums can also be propagated by cuttings. In the spring I cut off green shoots 10-15 cm long and process bottom part“Kornevin”, I plant it and cover it with newspapers (newspapers retain moisture well). I water the chrysanthemum cuttings as the soil dries out. Soon the cuttings take root.

In late autumn, the garden is brightly decorated with flowering bushes, but sometimes buds do not form on the plant. Why does this happen and how to fix the situation?

Reasons for the lack of chrysanthemum flowering in the garden

Bushes stop blooming for several reasons.

Lack of space to grow

The bush grows, the feeding area decreases, and the air flow through the crown decreases. The bush may experience “starvation,” which makes the chrysanthemum weak.

A flower is grown in one place for 2-3 years, after which it needs to be replanted or renewed. Often after a spring transplant, chrysanthemum begins to grow better and bloom more profusely. The new location should be on a hill to avoid excessive dampness. There should be at least 40 cm between nearby growing bushes, which will provide good lighting and sufficient feeding area.

Bad landing site

The lighting determines how lush the chrysanthemum will bloom in the garden. Chrysanthemum planted in shade or partial shade does not develop well, buds are laid later than usual. If the bush is planted in a place where there is excess moisture, pockets may form on it. fungal disease or pest infestations. In this case, you can’t count on flowering. But excessive aridity also negatively affects flowering.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

When chrysanthemums are grown in one place for a long time, the soil is depleted and nutrients become scarce. Lack of microelements causes poor flowering.

The situation can be corrected by feeding or transplanting the plant to a new location. During transplantation, you need to put humus or compost in the hole. This will provide the chrysanthemum with useful substances. 3-year-old plantings need to be fertilized by covering the bushes with humus. An alternative is nitrogen fertilizers applied in the spring. Pale leaves and sparse shoots indicate a lack of nitrogen in the soil.

During flowering, chrysanthemum requires phosphorus. With a lack of this microelement, the bushes develop poorly, the leaves turn purple-blue, and few buds are formed. Phosphorus fertilizers are introduced in the spring.

With a lack of potassium, buds on the chrysanthemum do not form at all, and the bush begins to dry out and shrink. Even if flowers appear on the bush, they will be of irregular shape. Potassium fertilizers are applied in the spring at the same time as phosphorus fertilizers.

It is important not to overfeed the chrysanthemum, otherwise the bush will increase green mass to the detriment of the formation of buds.

Abundant watering

During the period of bud formation, watering should be reduced, otherwise the bush will continue to grow leaves and shoots.

Choosing a chrysanthemum variety

Flowering in most varieties begins in late autumn, but the speed of bud formation varies. If chrysanthemum late date flowering, the first flowers may bloom almost before frost. Before purchasing a seedling, you must clarify the characteristics of the variety. For growing in the garden, preference should be given to chrysanthemums early dates flowering.

But if you still managed to buy a late one, you can make it bloom. Alternatively, the bush is planted in a greenhouse, conservatory or flower pot. Purchased cuttings in a flowerpot