Thermal relay connection. We are deciding how to connect a thermostat to a gas autonomous heating boiler. Test sequence

If there is an infrared heater, the thermostat performs the functions of monitoring the set temperature parameters for a certain time. With it you can plan preheating premises, minimize the likelihood of a fire and create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house. To do this, it is enough to know how to connect the thermostat to infrared heater.

What is a thermostat, purpose, principle of operation

The operation of a thermostat is based on a cyclic process of closing and opening an electrical circuit. Microclimate regulation according to this parameter is based on signals sent by the temperature sensor. Let's look at this process in more detail:

  • When the specified temperature threshold is reached, the resistance of the internal sensor increases.
  • The thermostat opens the electrical circuit.
  • As the sensor cools down, the resistance increases again.
  • The thermostat starts up again, but no longer opens, but closes the electrical circuit.

This cycle continues for a specified time and allows us to talk about automatic installation temperature conditions in a room equipped with an infrared heater. Its advantage is that it heats surrounding objects, and the thermostat makes it easier to control this process.

Types of thermostats

Despite the universal nature of the operating principle of the thermostat, there are several classifications for these auxiliary devices that determine the algorithm for their connection, control and configuration. Thus, according to the mechanism of action, thermostats can be divided into two large types:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical thermostats are simple and reliable

Reliable and easy to operate mechanical thermostats resemble appearance a plastic box with a lever that controls the temperature parameters. Adding convenience to operation is the presence of a scale, the divisions of which are marked in increments of 1 degree. Inside the device there is a sensitive membrane, the heating or cooling of which forms the basis of climate control. The popularity of these models has its own reasons:

  • the connection diagram does not require special skills and abilities, and is accessible even to a beginner;
  • simple design is the key to durability;
  • relatively low cost in comparison with electronic analogues.

Electronic thermostats are more modern, but require a special approach

The main features of electronic thermostats are as follows:

  • displaying information about settings and ongoing processes on the display screen;
  • need for power supply;
  • push-button or touch control panels;
  • the ability to program climate indicators for a day or for the whole week;
  • remote control via mobile application;
  • connection of additional climate control devices (for example, heated floors).

To increase the service life of the electronic device, you should avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, and also ensure that there are no drafts in the room.

Connection options

Before you start connecting the thermostat, you need to make sure that conditions are favorable for its operation:

  • heater power does not exceed 3000 W;
  • the thermostat will be installed at a sufficient distance from the device;
  • the thermostat housing will not be exposed to sunlight;
  • The humidity in the rooms is normal.

The standard thermostat connection diagram fits within the following algorithm:

If it is necessary to equip two adjacent heating devices with a thermostat, then use a parallel connection option, in which two wires also come from the panel to the thermostat, and at the output a wiring is formed to each of the heaters.

To connect two heating devices, the diagram will look like this:

Connection nuances depending on the heater model

The heater model will determine the specifics of connecting the thermostat.

Ballu is one of the most famous manufacturers thermostats

Thus, the instructions from the manufacturer Ballu contain the following important additions:

  • the total power of heaters should not exceed maximum power thermostat;
  • a distance of at least 1.5 meters must be maintained from the floor to the device;
  • a layer of insulation is placed under the thermostat, and its outer surface must not be covered with anything to ensure unhindered air exchange.

For infrared heaters of the “warm floor” system, thermostats with a remote sensor are used, which imposes its own characteristics during installation and subsequent connection:

  • the thermostat is located no higher than 0.5 meters from the floor level;
  • its design has 6 terminals: a pair for “phase” and “neutral”, a pair for IR floor heaters and a pair for wires from a remote sensor;
  • no insulation lining is required, and masking with curtains, etc. will not affect the operation of the device in any way (unlike options with a built-in temperature sensor).

While studying self-installation thermostat, care should be taken to comply elementary rules security:

  • the grounding loop is made of a conductor of a certain thickness and with low resistance;
  • the best location for the thermostat is a wall;
  • in one room - one device;
  • it should be left open, without masking with fabric, curtains, interior items, etc.

Thus, an infrared heater equipped with a thermostat allows you to save energy, warm up the room in advance and facilitate the climate control process. It is important to correctly connect the thermostat to the heating device. Strict compliance with the instructions guarantees safe and long-term operation device.

If you have an infrared heater at home, then a thermostat is a must. The thermostat is capable of controlling and maintaining set temperature values ​​for a long time. In addition, it will allow you to warm up the rooms in advance, reduce the risk of fire and make the atmosphere in your home as comfortable as possible. To understand the intricacies of connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater, we will first look at the principle of its operation, the mechanism of operation and highlight the main types of thermostats.

Typically, the thermostat operates cyclically, in this case the electrical network opens and closes. At this time, the temperature sensor sends signals and thereby regulates the temperature.

If the temperature rises, the resistance of the internal sensor decreases. If the resistance rises again, the desired temperature is reached, the thermostat starts and the electrical circuit opens. When the temperature drops and the sensor cools down, the reverse process occurs: the resistance increases, the thermostat turns on again, but this time a short circuit occurs. Next, the thermostat is connected directly to the infrared heater and the room temperature is set automatically.

The thermostat controls the climate in the room and the main heat source. It turns itself on and off when necessary.

  1. As a rule, a micathermic heater is connected to a standard outlet or using a dedicated line from a machine on the electrical panel. The thermostat is built into the network between the heater and the machine.
  2. Pay attention to the design of the thermostat. It has four terminals: two at the input and, accordingly, the same number at the output.
  3. If one heater is connected, then from electrical panel Two wires go to the terminals of the device. Two wires are connected to the terminals located at the output (positive and negative). It is important to consider polarity. The terminals are connected directly to the micathermic heater.
  4. If two heaters are installed, then a pair of wires are again connected from the machine to the regulator: neutral and phase, and the wiring from the regulator is already made to a pair of heaters. The connection type is parallel.

Sometimes infrared heaters with a thermostat require more complex connections. To correctly complete each step, it is better to follow the recommendations of the video, where everything is clearly shown and supplemented with comments. It all depends on the design of the thermostat and the IR heater itself:

  1. The thermostat is connected to the machine on the electrical panel.
  2. The output terminals (+ and -) are connected to the magnetic starter.
  3. The contacts of the starter are connected directly to the infrared heating device.

It is worth noting that this algorithm is also suitable for the controller of industrial heating devices.

Infrared heaters with a thermostat require compliance with safety rules. When working with a thermostat, you must remember about grounding. The grounding loop of your climate control device must have conductors of a certain thickness and with low resistance.

It is best to place thermostats on the wall. One regulator is enough for one room. It is not advisable to cover the device with anything: fabric, curtains, interior items.


Why are infrared heaters with a thermostat so good? They greatly facilitate the process of controlling the climate in the room, save energy and preheat the room even if you are far from home. There are a huge number of advantages, the only difficulty is to correctly connect the thermostat to heating equipment. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions in the manual step by step and observe safety precautions.

Automation in the heating system allows for more precise control temperature regime in heated rooms and save on fuel. By installing a thermostat for the heating boiler, the owner of the cottage increases the efficiency of the boiler equipment by 20–30% and greatly simplifies its maintenance.

We will talk about the types of thermostats used in practice, the rules for their location and connection features. The article we have proposed describes in detail the options and diagrams for connecting devices. Taking into account our advice, you can choose the device wisely and install it if desired.

A conventional heating system with water as a coolant consists of heating equipment or a connection point to a centralized network, internal wiring pipes and radiators.

To regulate the volume of heat coming from it into the rooms, you have to either constantly monitor the boiler or regularly close/open the valves on the radiators.

At the same time, the inertia of such a system does not allow maintaining the desired temperature throughout the day at the set level. If you put more firewood into the stove or supply gas to the boiler, the coolant in the pipes will heat up more, and it will also release more heat through the radiators.

This is good at low temperatures outside. But with sudden warming outside, the heat in the house becomes unbearable. The fuel is already in the firebox, and the water has already heated up, there is no way to get rid of the heat. Plus the boiler continues to work.

Without a thermostat in the system, you have to turn it off manually. You can, of course, open the windows for ventilation and let out the heat, but then your fuel bills will definitely ruin you. The conclusion suggests itself: a heating thermostat simplifies living and makes it as comfortable as possible.

Consists of a thermostat for heating system from:

  • temperature-sensitive sensor (element);
  • tuning unit;
  • control module;
  • electromagnetic relay or mechanical valve.

In the most simple models there is no control unit. Everything happens due to pure mechanics and change physical properties temperature sensitive element.

These thermostats do not require power supply. In terms of efficiency and accuracy of system adjustment, they are inferior to electronic devices, but they are non-volatile. If there are problems with the voltage in the network, they will definitely not stop working.

The operating principle of the thermostat is as follows:

  1. Using the control unit, the desired temperature is set.
  2. When the required parameters are reached, the sensor is triggered, which leads to the boiler turning off or the shut-off valve in the heating pipes closing.
  3. After the air temperature in the room drops, the boiler equipment or heaters turn back on.

The electronic control module allows you to set not just one temperature indicator, but several for each time of day separately. Plus, if such a unit is available, it is possible to install an additional temperature sensor outside and link the functioning of the thermostat to the data from it.

Depending on the type of device, the thermostat is connected directly to the boiler to regulate its operation or at the inlet to the radiator to control the volume of coolant supply

The simplest thermostat is shut-off valves with a temperature sensor, standing on the pipe near the battery. When the desired temperature is reached, it closes and reduces the coolant current. And when cooling room air it opens again, causing the volume of incoming heat to increase.

More complex and advanced models require wireless sensors and control units. All communication between individual elements occurs through a radio channel. In this case, wires are not laid, which has a positive effect on aesthetic side placement of such thermostats in the room.

Types of thermostats for boilers

The main difference between thermostats is different types of temperature-sensitive sensors. Some are installed on the heating pipe, others inside it, and others are mounted on the wall. Some are designed to measure air temperature, and the second - coolant.

The choice of thermostat model depends on:

  • boiler type;
  • heating system wiring diagrams;
  • availability of free space;
  • required functionality.

Many modern boilers pre-designed for connecting thermostats to them. Moreover, the manufacturer of boiler equipment immediately writes down all the nuances of this installation in the technical data sheet.

If an electronic thermostat model is selected, then it is best to give preference to the most efficient one - the one recommended by the boiler developer

Ideally, the thermostat should regulate the operation of the heating device itself, that is, the supply of fuel to it. This is the most efficient connection scheme in terms of fuel economy. In this case, the energy carrier will be burned exactly as much as the heat required.

But such a thermostat can only be installed on or. If so, then a thermostat with a mechanical valve, which is mounted on the pipe, will help regulate the room temperature.

Battery-mounted regulators are designed to shut off the water supply when too much high temperature in the room or near the coolant. In this case, the boiler stops working a little later, when its own temperature sensor inside is activated, preventing overheating of the equipment.

Group #1: mechanical

The operation of a mechanical temperature sensor is based on a change in the characteristics of a material when its temperature changes. This is an easy-to-use, budget-friendly, fairly effective and completely power-independent option. It is designed to be installed on pipes to regulate flow.

The following substances are used in mechanical thermostats as a substance that responds to temperature changes:

  • liquid.

When the liquid is heated, the gases expand, which leads to their pressure on the shut-off valve stem. When the temperature drops, they compress, the constipation is returned by a spring, and the heated water again flows through the pipes into the heating radiators.

They are characterized by low sensitivity and large adjustment errors. They only work when the temperature rises by 2 degrees or more. Plus, over time, the bellows filler loses its characteristics, the numbers on the knob for setting the required temperature parameters and the actual degrees begin to diverge.

Such thermostats have enough large sizes. The vast majority of them are designed to measure the temperature of the water in the batteries, and not the air in the room. It is often difficult to precisely adjust them the way the home owner wants.

Group #2: electromechanical

These thermostats operate on principles similar to their purely mechanical counterparts. Only a metal plate is used here as a heat-sensitive element.

When heated, it bends and closes the contact, and when cooled, it returns to its original position and opens the circuit. And through this circuit a signal is sent to the burner control unit.

The electromechanical thermostat requires power supply; it controls the valves or burners in the boiler that regulate the flow of coolant using electrical signals.

Another option for an electromechanical thermostat is a device with a sensor in the form of two plates made of different metals. In this case, the heat-sensitive element is installed directly into the firebox solid fuel boiler.

At high temperatures, a potential difference occurs between the plates, affecting the electromagnetic relay. The contacts in the latter alternately open and close. As a result, air injection into the combustion chamber is turned on/off.

Group #3: electronic

This type of thermostats for hot water boilers belongs to the energy-dependent category. Such devices have a remote temperature sensor that monitors the room temperature and a full-fledged control unit with a display.

For electric boilers, such thermostats are a mandatory addition. Without them electric heaters will work non-stop, heating the air or coolant too much.

In the vast majority of cases, boilers and boilers operating on electricity are equipped with thermostats at the factory.

An electronic thermostat has two main elements:

  1. Temperature sensor.
  2. Microcontroller.

The first measures the temperature, and the second controls it and issues signals to increase/decrease the supply of thermal energy to the room. The sensor can send an analog or digital signal to the controller. In the first case, the thermostat’s capabilities are similar to its mechanical counterpart, only it greatly exceeds it in the accuracy of temperature measurements.

Digital thermostats are the pinnacle of development of these devices. They allow you to regulate heat supply according to a preset algorithm. Plus, you can connect many more sensors to them, located both in rooms and outside.

Many electronic thermostats have the ability remote control via infrared or cellular connection. This allows you to regulate the room temperature not only using the remote control in the room, but also from any point outside it.

For example, while still leaving work, you can send a signal to heat the room air to comfortable parameters, and when you arrive the house will delight you with comfort and warmth.

Electronic devices designed to automatically adjust the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the coolant are a mandatory component. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with their device.

Connection diagrams

All methods of connecting a thermostat to a heating system are divided into three connection options:

  1. Directly to the boiler.
  2. To the circulation pump.
  3. On the pipe supplying coolant to the radiator.

The first two schemes exclude deterioration bandwidth heating pipeline. No additional locks are placed in it, and the hydraulic resistance of the entire system does not change. The thermostat here only controls the operation of the pump or boiler; it “does not come into contact” with water.

When installing a thermostat on a battery or a common pipe with several radiators, the hydraulic resistance, on the contrary, increases. Even when fully open, the thermostat valve slightly slows down the flow of coolant.

Ideally, the boiler piping project should be carried out immediately, taking into account all temperature control and other devices.

Thermostats should only be installed into existing heating pipes as a last resort. maximum efficiency their use can only be achieved if they are included in the system at the design stage

If the water heating system in the house is made according to, then it is better to immediately abandon the third option. When the temperature sensor is triggered, the valve will immediately shut off the entire radiator line in several rooms, and then you can immediately forget about comfort in rooms far from the boiler.

The thermostat should be connected to the radiator input via. So, when triggered, it will redirect the coolant flow bypassing the battery. In this case, the water will return uncooled back to the boiler. The latter will stop heating it, thereby reducing the consumption of gas fuel or electricity.

The temperature sensor must be mounted:

  • in a place where there is no direct sunlight;
  • away from cold bridges, drafts and rising heat flows from radiators;
  • so that it is not covered by decorative screens or curtains;
  • at a height from the floor within 1.2–1.5 meters.

At incorrect installation sensor, the thermostat will begin to produce false signals. This can lead to overheating not only of the air in the room, but also of the coolant in the system. And in the second case, it won’t be long before there are problems with the boiler.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

There should not be any particular difficulties with installing the thermostat. You just need to choose it correctly for a specific heating system. And the selected video materials will definitely help you with this.

Video #1. Connecting a room thermostat to a gas boiler in all its nuances:

In this case, you can choose as simple mechanical option with manual control, and a more advanced device with a programmer.

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Unlike radiators, infrared heaters help provide heating over a larger area at a much lower temperature. This allows for economical heating modern houses. To ensure thermal comfort for users and controlled operation of floor equipment, controls should be used. Below is information on how to connect the Ballu BMT 1 and BMT 2 thermostat, the features and advantages of these devices.

Control via TDC thermostat

Thermal comfort is a subjective feeling for each person. This is a condition in which people perform normal homework without excessive overheating or hypothermia. Thermostats are needed to regulate the temperature and help infrared heaters function properly. TDC is modern electronic device with feedback that maintains precise set temperature.

Its control system is very simple and at the same time effective - you should set the value that you want to achieve in the selected room. Sensors detect the temperature and then turn on the device to achieve the desired value. After that heating devices automatically turn off. The next switching occurs when the temperature begins to drop. This control system saves energy - the heaters operate only about 4-6 hours a day.

Before answering the question, TDC thermostat 1: how to connect, you should know that the temperature in the apartment largely depends on the location of the heater. It is recommended to install it in an accessible place, away from drafts (windows, doors).

Main advantages

The main advantages of TDC thermostats include:

  • ease of use (just use the dial to set the desired room temperature);
  • low purchase and subsequent maintenance costs.

Thus, controlling the temperature inside the house allows you to maintain sufficient thermal comfort and reduce heating costs.

Before installation

You should know that the answer to the question: BMT thermostat 2 - how to connect, is directly related to the installation of Ballu BMT 1. To install them safely, it is recommended to follow the following precautions:

  • Before starting work, turn off the heater from the mains;
  • Use wires with standard colors and suitable cross-section.

Meaning of wire colors:

  • brown phase – control cable;
  • blue phase – neutral wire N (“zero”);
  • red or black – phase conductor.

Installing a thermostat

A few words about how to connect the Ballu TDC thermostat 1. Installation of the device must proceed sequentially:

  1. Pull back the thermostat cover and remove the screws and plugs.
  2. Use an indicator screwdriver to determine the phase in the socket.
  3. Connect the brown wire (phase) to the sensor.
  4. According to the diagram, connect one end of the heater to the third wire.
  5. Connect the blue wire to the remaining end.
  6. Place a jumper between the third and fifth wires.
  7. After an intermediate test, in which the device is rung to see if the thermostat is working, a plastic box is put on.

The figure below shows how to connect the Ballu BMT 1 thermostat according to the connection diagram. Wiring is laid to the location of the device, which is connected to zero or phase.

For the Ballu BMT 2 thermostat, the connection diagram is similar to the one shown above, only the terminal numbers are different. After installation, the device is connected to the infrared heater using a separate line.

If you have any questions, call us! Our consultants will advise you.

In order to provide the desired microclimate in rooms automatically, there are devices that control the operation of heating devices - thermostats. Their function is to maintain set temperature indoors without direct impact on the boiler installation. This material is intended to illuminate the question of how to properly connect a thermostat to any heating element, be it water heating or infrared emitter.

Using thermostats in radiator heating

All thermostats designed to automatically maintain a given air temperature within premises are divided into 2 groups:

  • with mechanical drive;
  • electronic.

The basis of the design of both types of devices is a temperature-sensitive element, which, when the set temperature value is reached, acts on the valve mechanically or sends an electrical signal to the actuator (servo drive, relay, contactor, etc.). If we are talking about the simplest non-volatile thermostats, then they shining example– valves with thermal heads installed on heating radiators. More “advanced” thermal heads with electronic control and battery power have also appeared on the market.

Correctly connecting a water heating battery through a thermostat is not difficult, especially if it is installed simultaneously with a radiator. If not, you should empty this branch of the system by first turning off the boiler or closing the corresponding fittings. Then disassemble the supply line to the battery and install the thermostatic valve in accordance with the instructions.

Important! No need to put thermostats on everything heating devices within one room. For control, it is enough if the devices regulate the flow on radiators whose total heat transfer exceeds 50% of the total. For example, if there are 2 batteries in the room, the valve with the head must be placed on one, whose power is higher. The same thing applies if their heat transfer is the same.

To connect a thermostat with an additional remote temperature sensor and a capillary tube, attaching this sensor to the wall will be added to the previous procedure. Its purpose is to measure environmental parameters away from the heaters, so it is better to place the recorder at a height of about 1.5 m from the floor.

Attention! Thermostatic valves They work to shut off the coolant, so they cannot increase the heating power, only reduce it. Boiler equipment is responsible for providing the house with thermal energy.

How to connect a heated floor to a thermostat

Unlike electric heated floors, where the temperature controller is included and the diagram provides for its connection, underfloor water heating in the basic version is not equipped with automatic equipment. They need to be chosen from two types:

  • Mechanical adjustment using a thermal head and a remote coolant temperature sensor.
  • Using an electronic thermostat with a servo drive.

There is also a way to centrally control the system from the controller “ smart home", but due to the high complexity this system we will not consider. The simplest diagram for connecting a heated floor with a three-way valve and a thermal head with a submersible temperature sensor is presented below.

Connection to warm floor

The thermal head, whose drive is installed in a three-way valve, uses an immersion sensor to measure the temperature in the supply manifold, to which the heating circuits of all rooms are connected. When the coolant temperature reaches the set temperature, the head drive activates three way valve, as a result of which water begins to circulate inside the underfloor heating system. The supply of coolant from the boiler is stopped or limited.

This kind of microclimate control is indirect, with coolant flowing to all rooms at the same temperature. A heated floor connected to electronic thermostat, guided by the room temperature sensor. Implement correct connection The following diagram will help.

Connecting a heated floor to an electronic thermostat

To attach room thermostat to the distribution manifold, you need to install it on the wall indoors, lay the power wires to the home electrical network and to the switching block, the latter must be placed on the rail above the distributor. Next, the plastic cap is removed from the supply line valve and a servo drive is installed in its place.

The final connection of the heated floor to the thermostat is completed by connecting the wires from the servo drive to the electronic unit. The terminals on all devices to which wires must be connected are indicated in electrical diagram supplied with each product. Now the coolant will be supplied to each circuit depending on the actual temperature in the room where the thermostat is located.

Connecting a thermostat to an infrared heater

Since in many cases home heating is carried out using infrared heaters, a thermostat can be used here to save electricity. Just as in previous cases, when the device reaches a certain temperature in the room, it will break the circuit and turn off the heater.

Important! When purchasing a thermostat in order to turn off an infrared heater, it is necessary to compare the power consumption of the heat source and the maximum switching power of the thermostat. The latter must be larger and have a reserve in order to function normally together with the heating element.

If 1 heat source is used to heat the room, then connecting the thermostat to the infrared heater is as follows:

In large areas, 2 or more electric heaters are installed, then a parallel circuit is used:

Small country houses Owners heat garages, garages and other similar buildings using electric heating elements. They are immersed in an oil or water medium that fills a homemade register welded from steel pipes. The most simple means automation for such a heat source is the same thermostat, it is not difficult to install, you just need to lay the wires to the heater. Of course, it is easier to use heating elements with a built-in thermostat in the design, but then the control will again be indirect, based on the coolant. It is better to install a regular electronic unit with a sensor and connect it to the heating element. The picture below uses simple circuit connecting a heating element with a thermostat.


Knowing how to connect a thermostat to a heated floor and to a heating element or other type of heater, you can do this work yourself. There are no particular difficulties here, you just need to choose the right device for electrical power and connect it in accordance with the diagram.