Mediterranean style in the country. Mediterranean style: landscape in unity with sky and sea. Key elements of landscape design

The beauty of the gardens of southern Europe does not leave almost any person indifferent. Anyone who has been to the southern regions of Italy at least once will forever remember cute gardens, which are in every courtyard, everyone local resident. These kindergartens, despite their small size, look very beautiful, romantic and, as already written, cute.

Like a toy that you want to play with. I want to come to this garden again and again, I want to dream, love, think and live in it. That is why the Mediterranean style is one of the most favorites in landscape design, but at the same time, one of the most difficult to create and design.

Mediterranean style - features and attractions

A garden made in this style is very practical. Everything about it is thought out. Everything is created for the owners to relax, to enjoy the beauty of nature, to relax with the aromas of herbs and flowers.

All the plants in the Mediterranean garden have their practical purpose. That is, if these are trees, then they must bear fruit; if they are flowers, then they must be spicy or produce edible fruits; if these are herbs, then they can certainly be picked and thrown straight from the garden into your tea or rubbed on the cooking duck. Also distinctive feature are trimmed bushes and trees. Usually boxwoods are used for this purpose. It was in Italy that the first people began to trim plants, creating from them figures of various animals, people, objects, or simply some form: a cube, a ball, etc.

One more A feature of this style is the obligatory use of stone or tiles. By the way, the Mediterranean style is specifically associated with terracotta tiles, which add “cuteness” and “cuteness” to the garden. Application natural stone in design did not appear out of nowhere. This aspect is determined by the fact that most of it is located near the water, which means the stones are an attribute that nature itself bestows. The other part of the gardens is located in mountainous areas, which means that the same stone remains a friend.

There are a lot of different little decorations in the Mediterranean garden. At every corner, on every path, there is either a ceramic vase, or a beautiful statue, or a flowerpot filled with soil, and planted in it. beautiful flowers.

The Mediterranean style is very popular, but not everyone can afford to design a garden in this style.. This is explained by the fact that many plants simply cannot grow in our climate. Many heat-loving trees and shrubs do not take root and grow poorly, as they are accustomed to completely different conditions and soils. However, there is a way out.

Particularly heat-loving plants (various palm trees) can be planted in containers. There are many advantages to this method of growing. Firstly, you can move the same plant to different places: today it stands in the center of the lawn, and tomorrow it covers the patio from the sultry rays of the sun. Secondly, a plant in a container can very easily be brought to some warm place while it is autumn, winter and early spring outside. This will allow the plant to easily overwinter, and will save you from many worries.

Some heat-loving plants can be replaced with our native ones. For example, viburnum will protect you very well from scorching rays.

Hugely popular in Mediterranean enjoy magnolias and boxwoods. Magnolias are used to decorate the site; they are planted in the background as a backdrop for low-growing flowering plants. Boxwoods are used to create various compositions. Boxwood bushes are an excellent option for pruning. Therefore, it is from boxwood that beautiful trimmed walls and statues are created.

Also in the Mediterranean they really love roses that are planted in large groups, forming entire rosaries. Rose may be different shades: from pure white to dark lilac, almost black.

Various herbs are planted at the foot of trees and bushes: basil, mint, lemon balm, sage, thyme, chicory, oregano and others. They will serve not only to decorate the area, but also serve a practical purpose, as they can be used in cooking.

Periwinkle and cotoneaster perfectly decorate the site with their pearlescent foliage. In addition to their foliage, many species of periwinkle and cotoneaster bloom very beautifully.

In the Mediterranean garden, cypress is considered one of the main plants. This plant is very heat-loving, so it can be replaced with similar plants. Juniper and thuja work well for this purpose.

Arbors should be covered with plants. Heat-loving vines can easily be replaced with girl's grapes, clematis or climbing varieties of honeysuckle. Curly forms of roses will also look good. The rose will braid the arbor, forming a dense wall, and bloom with its beautiful flowers.

A Mediterranean style garden must have a small topiary. In southern countries, cypress is used for this purpose. In our country, you can use spirea and barberry for this. In addition, these plants tolerate pruning very easily, and this will allow you to create clipped compositions from them.

Small architectural forms and landscape decorations

A special role in decorating a garden landscape made in Mediterranean style nautical style, is a body of water. The very understanding of a reservoir is blurred, since it may not be a traditional pond, but a stream, fountain or waterfall. It is also often practiced to create three or four separate ponds located in a group. They have no direct connection with each other, but visually they are a single whole.

The fountain is one of the favorite elements. It is placed in the foreground so that it is visible to everyone. Or they are located in some secluded corner, to which only the owners have access. In it they take a break from work and unnecessary glances, and the sound of water created by the fountain will help them relax.

It is simply impossible to imagine the Mediterranean style of a garden without gazebos and arches entwined with plants. Wood is usually used to create them, but stone is also used.

Secluded corner of the garden

If you are making a garden in Mediterranean style , then you simply must provide a corner in which only you can stay, relax there, enjoy the beauty of nature and silence.

You can create a cozy corner in the depths of the garden under the canopy of trees.. The entrance to it should be “curtained” with climbing plants. You definitely need to think about what will happen in this place: what plants will grow, what furniture will stand.

Inside your secret corner you can place a fountain, as was written above, you can put some beautiful statue. It is preferable to plant those plants that have beautiful flowers, foliage and a strong, pleasant aroma.

We have described the basic principles of creating a garden in a Mediterranean style. If you decide to decorate your garden in this style, then don’t limit yourself to them. Imagine! Look for new ones design solutions, even if they seem very brave to you! The main thing to remember is that all elements must be combined with each other, complement each other. You can create a truly beautiful, soulful garden only when, when creating it, you treat everything with love, invest not only energy and time, but also your soul. Good luck in creating your own corner of the Mediterranean!

Great( 1 ) Badly( 1 )

Mediterranean style landscape design unites many countries that, despite their geographical proximity, differ in culture and history. This includes the romantic garden architecture of France, Greek terraces, Italian classic style, exotic Spain.

But we associate all these countries with hot sunny summers, blue seas and herbs, so a Mediterranean-style garden is suitable for lovers of the south who prefer a relaxing holiday surrounded by fragrant herbs and flowering bushes.

This gardening and architectural style is an excellent proposal for small areas, as it does not require a large amount of lush greenery and lawns.

Site selection

To create a Mediterranean landscape, it is necessary to take into account several main factors, and the most important of them are good illumination of the site and its protection from strong winds. A small garden surrounded by a stone wall or hedge is ideal. An uneven landscape has its advantages, as it allows you to create terraces characteristic of a given style.

Color palette combination

In Mediterranean regions, the color scheme plays a big role, so when creating a design, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the harmonious combination of color and space.

It should be dominated by natural warm tones of pink, yellow, brown tint, which boldly contrast with areas of blue, violet, lilac and light blue.

You can also opt for a more delicate version, reminiscent of French Provence, choosing a palette of white, blue and pastel colors without bright accents.

What plants to plant in a Mediterranean garden?

The vegetation of the Mediterranean climate is rich in colors, shapes and smells. But when choosing plants for this style, it is necessary to take into account certain climate-related restrictions. middle zone, since many southern crops do not tolerate frost well, and some simply do not survive the winter.

However, many of the plants that grow in our climate are ideal for this style, and some varieties of heat-loving species have adapted well to cool conditions. For good growth For crops that are predominantly drought-resistant, it is very important that the soil has good water permeability.

The southern nature of the garden is emphasized by such evergreen shrubs as: boxwood, rhododendron, privet, and representatives of coniferous crops. To achieve a southern oasis landscape, also use columnar plantings, such as Blue Arrow juniper, cypress trees, pyramidal arborvitae, and yew varieties. In warmer regions, you can try planting pine or dwarf pine.

An important element of this garden design are flowering shrubs and vines. The favorites here are buddleia, hibiscus, rhododendron, yucca, honeysuckle, wisteria, and ivy. Bright accent create bushes of colorful hydrangea in large terracotta pots that can be placed in partial shade. Here you can buy any variety of hydrangea to decorate your garden.

It is impossible to imagine a southern garden without herbs, which give Mediterranean design a unique atmosphere and flavor.
Lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, basil, and oregano are irreplaceable crops of the southern landscape that give Mediterranean design a unique flavor.

Don't forget also about plants such as sunflowers, catnip, yarrow, santolina, nasturtium, pelargonium, sedum, young, and cereals. Hanging flowers in hanging baskets add additional bright accents.

Place a layer of fine gravel around the plantings. Rock mulch perfectly reveals the beauty and individuality of crops. Plant between stones on paths and in the masonry of fences. ground cover plants eg mazus, erinus or thyme.

Materials and small architecture

The landscape style of the southern regions involves the use of such natural materials such as sandstone, limestone, light gravel, stones, concrete coverings, terracotta, mosaic fragments. You won't find polished or shiny elements here. This style is characterized by artificially aged, matte surfaces and rough stonework.

The Mediterranean style design provides a place to relax. Usually this is a small wrought-iron table with elegant chairs or gazebos entwined with ivy, roses or covered with white canvas, patios with various canopies. The bench in the garden should be small, preferably stone with bright colorful cushions.

An important addition is a variety of vases, jugs, small pots or boxes for herbs and flowers, preferably made of clay, terracotta, ceramic or wood. Clay pots with colorful flower arrangements are placed freely on stairs, terraces or at the back of the garden to create a slightly cluttered appearance. Small fountains are also typical elements small architecture for this type of gardens.

Mediterranean style garden care

To maintain the decorative appearance of the site, it is enough to care for the plants depending on their requirements. The main difficulty is maintaining comfortable conditions for southern cultures. In this case, it is preferable to grow them in a container and bring them indoors in the fall.

Bushes sensitive to frost, especially flowering ones, are covered with agrofibre for the winter and mulched with a thick layer of soil, which protects the root ball from damage. Perennial grasses, especially taller ones, also require shelter for the winter. Their stems are cut and then covered with leaves or spruce branches.

The article talks about the Mediterranean style of landscape design. It is ideal for small areas and does not require constant maintenance. The main difficulty in its construction is landscaping, but this task is quite within the capabilities of sun lovers and Mediterranean exotics.

Harmony with nature in eternal rest

Mediterranean Sea, sun, sandy and stone beaches, rocky shores, a riot of greenery, flowers and eternal relaxation. Creating such a piece of paradise on your own small and not at all southern site will be main task the owner who chose this style.

You can arrange the site, guided by general principles, or you can focus on the style of a specific country - Greece, Italy, Turkey. The most important thing to remember is that general view the site should not remind of hard work invested in the creation of landscape design, but conducive to serene relaxation and fun.

Principles of composition and zoning issues

According to the principle of construction, the Mediterranean style is close to the Moorish: a small plot, a backyard patio, a blind fence. But many Mediterranean chalets have open front gardens at the front of the house, and the goal is not to reliably hide their everyday life.

Most interesting feature compositional solution is the absence of a center. All elements fulfill their intended purpose and there is absolutely no need to worry about their semantic connection with each other.

The appearance of the style does not gravitate towards the novelty and quality of buildings. The main thing is that they are whitewashed and painted in traditional colors for the style - white, blue, yellow, terracotta.

Perspective in Mediterranean Style Planning

The Mediterranean coast in many places consists of cliffs that drop sharply to the water. This makes Mediterranean landscaping a great choice for sites on slopes or hilltops. The more blue sky you can see from the highest point of the site, the better. This perspective will create the illusion of the close presence of the sea, a special mood.

It is very important to provide a feeling of the vastness of the sky. It’s great if at least one side of the site offers views of distant horizons, and there is no place for tall trees blocking the view.

Small forms, fountains, paths are characteristic features of the style

A very important advantage that distinguishes it from ethnic gardens that are quite complex in stylization is the huge number of elements, methods and design techniques, which will easily and effortlessly help make the style recognizable.

The fountain device is not prerequisite. But the cheerfully murmuring streams of water falling into a stone bowl will enliven the composition and create the right mood. When creating a fountain, you can safely use both expensive natural materials and cobblestones at hand. You can use statues, bas-reliefs, and frescoes in the composition of the fountain. Unlike the fountains of Mauritania or China, Mediterranean fountains can huddle in secluded corners without claiming special attention.

Picturesque ruins are a simple stylization technique. You can use parts of statues, fragments of pottery, parts of facade decorations, stylized Greek and Roman columns.

Unlike most ethnic styles, Mediterranean involves the presence of a large number of different sculptures depicting people, animals, heroes of myths and legends.

Sculptures can be free-standing or can be an element of compositional groups. But even here it is very important to show a sense of proportion and taste. A huge number of pointlessly placed sculptures will not add style to the garden.

Paths in the Mediterranean style are laid according to one rule - to make it convenient.

Mostly, paving with natural stone and tiles of natural colors is used for paths. In various areas of the garden, you can lay out areas of non-strict geometric shapes from natural solid stone slabs.

The hallmark of the Mediterranean are clay pots, amphorae, and vessels. In whole or broken form must be present in the form flower pots, parts of sculptural and fountain compositions and simply by themselves.

Garden furniture

This is a rare case when almost any furniture will do. Openwork wrought-iron benches, vintage tables and chairs, stone and even marble benches, placed in the most cozy corners of the garden.

Pergola - Mediterranean gazebo

A Mediterranean-style recreation area is characterized by the presence of pergolas or open canopies. Initially, the pergola was a structure that supported the vine, and over time it became business card Mediterranean landscape design.

It is best to place them in places from which it opens best view. Wood is most often used to make pergolas, but stone and forged metal can also be used.

Usually the recreation area is located next to the barbecue area. The recently popular brick braziers will fit perfectly into the style. Especially if you place nearby arches entwined with greenery and openwork trellises on which you can hang pots and containers with flowers.

Mediterranean style landscaping

At first glance, it may seem that selecting plants and caring for them is a very complicated matter, but this is not entirely true. The Mediterranean style allows for some neglect and unkemptness. We can say that this style is just a godsend for those who like to take care of their garden, but do not spend a lot of time cutting and weeding. When setting up a garden, you can do without exotic heat-loving plants, and use those that can overwinter in open ground.

For example, in recent years Breeders are delighting gardeners with new frost-resistant grape varieties, the vines of which have bright, juicy greenery, and at the same time are able to bear fruit, creating the desired flavor and mood.

An irreplaceable plant is maidenhair, or wild grapes. In a few years it will cover everything vertical surfaces area without requiring special care.

Climbing roses, clematis, adlumia, and honeysuckle are also perfect for vertical gardening.

Plants in pots and containers will enliven the landscape. They can be placed and hung literally anywhere - on the walls and windows of the house, on the fence and pergola, on trees, next to garden furniture. The brighter and more diverse color palette, the better.

Flowering plants include varietal roses, multi-colored geraniums, ropeworts, ageratum, amaranthus, chrysanthemums and begonias.

Pool decoration

Typically, ethnic styles do not imply the construction of a swimming pool; most often, artificial reservoirs perform only decorative functions. Mediterranean style is an exception. A swimming pool on the site will be the finishing touch to creating a place for carefree relaxation. The most important thing is to bring the pool design into full style.

When constructing it, a contrasting blue-yellow-white color scheme is most often used. The decoration uses natural stone and mosaic. The pool must be kept perfectly clean; the water must always be clean and clear.

A properly arranged plot in the Mediterranean style, with its cheerful colors and thoughtful design, will allow its owners to feel like they are in a Mediterranean resort, even on gloomy and rainy days.

The wondrous natural beauty of the southern seas leaves no one indifferent. The colorful gardens with citrus fruits and conifers, successfully complemented by picturesque ponds and decorated with all kinds of arches, pergolas and grottoes, simply amaze the imagination. But in our latitudes, embodying the Mediterranean style in landscape design is not such an easy task. After all, in order to revive copies of subtropical plants on the site, adapted to our climate, it will take a lot of effort and patience. However, the style is built not only on green spaces. Design tricks and a whole arsenal of attributes will help to maximize the resemblance of the site to gardens on the Mediterranean coast.

A feature of this style is the widespread use of different types of natural and processed stone, marble chips and sea pebbles in the design of the site. This is due to the fact that in natural conditions gardens are located near the coast and are often rocky. The mountainous terrain caused the widespread use of all kinds of retaining walls, stairs and terraced slopes in the design of the territory.

Mediterranean style, successfully combining elements of ancient Greek, Roman and contemporary art, is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque styles of landscape design

The Mediterranean garden is attractive primarily because of its richness of colors, lush plants and abundance of all kinds of architectural decorative elements.

The most popular plants have always been citrus, pistachio, olive trees and palm trees, which, in addition to their decorative function, delighted with fragrant and juicy fruits. It was in such gardens that the art of creating topiary became widespread - giving plants original forms through a special haircut. Hedges with cone-shaped and spherical shrubs are the real “highlight” of the garden.

Comfortable garden furniture is effectively set off against the backdrop of variegated colors of flowering plants. Forged and wooden benches and the tables are conducive to a pleasant pastime and relaxation

Among the attributes, the most popular are ceramic amphorae, pots and all kinds of shapes for planting flowers. They are placed around the garden, placed horizontally on lawns and even buried halfway into the ground. Touches of “antiquity” add garden figures in the form of ancient vessels and broken amphorae, decorated with decorative foliage plants.

We design the site in the same style

Despite the large number of admirers of the Mediterranean style, the limiting factor in choosing it for the design of a suburban area is the difference in climatic conditions. Many heat-loving shrubs and trees that feel comfortable in hot summers and calmly endure mild, snowy winters do not take root in our climate zone.

Not only palm trees can fill a garden with southern charm and convey the spirit of warm countries; by the way, they can also be grown as container crops, hidden indoors in winter.

The unique atmosphere of a Mediterranean garden can be created by evergreen emerald conifers: yew, juniper, pine, thuja, spruce

Decorative shades with branches from the scorching sun on a hot afternoon deciduous plants: viburnum, magnolia, boxwood.

A worthy frame for elegant trees and shrubs will be those planted with fragrant and variegated roses. At the foot of the trees, lawns made of herbs will look great: lemon balm, chicory, steppe onion, mint, sage.

The sunny and hot climate of the Mediterranean suggests the presence of drought-resistant plants.

Drought-resistant trees, as if protecting themselves from scorching rays, camouflage themselves by painting their foliage in silvery shades

A successful addition to the picturesque landscape will be the willow pear and different types oleaster shrub, which is popularly called “olive”. For example: silver oleaster is attractive due to its small foliage and fragrant flowers, dotting the branches, in the place of which olives, quite edible and sweetish in taste, are later formed.

Periwinkle, mahonia, and cotoneaster are perfect to match the design with pearlescent foliage. And instead of heat-loving cypresses, you can plant junipers and columnar thujas, which are less demanding of light and heat.

Plants in purple, blue, red and orange colors planted in small groups will help create a Mediterranean atmosphere.

Lavender – ideal option when designing open clearings on the site. But if climatic conditions do not allow growing this heat-loving beauty, speedwell or scepter-shaped mullein can be a worthy alternative.

Well, what would a garden be without? These graceful climbing plants decorate,. Sun-loving southern vines can be replaced with honeysuckle, clematis or virgin grapes.

To create on the site, instead of traditional hollies and cypress trees, you can plant spirea, barberry, and privet. They also easily tolerate cutting, allowing you to form original “living” decorations from the crown.

Architectural landscape elements

It is convenient to enjoy the contemplation of a picturesque picture, sitting in a cozy gazebo or near one, entwined with a beautiful flowering vine. An appropriate addition to the design will be living vaults from tree crowns, canvas awnings and wooden trellises.

Beautifully paved paths with lush greenery breaking through them lead to the garden, inviting you to relax in the fresh air and enjoy the enchanting beauty of the created corner of nature.

All sorts of things will add special features to the arrangement of the relief. Dividing the area into separate zones and creating an atmosphere of detachment and privacy will help. Low stone fences that form an ideal background are best made with an uneven surface, decorating them with purple clematis varieties or painting them “to look like stonework.”

A significant element of the Mediterranean garden are water features: streams, cascades and fountains. Spreading drops of life-giving moisture throughout the garden and filling it with the sounds of rushing water, they make the suburban area truly a paradise.

Springs gushing out from under the ground, decorative ponds and swimming pools bring a “marine” touch to the picturesque Mediterranean garden

A small fountain in the Roman style, decorated with animal figures and framed with flowerpots, is an ideal option that will give a unique look to the site. A wall fountain in the form of a lion’s head with an open mouth will look no less colorful.

The decoration of the suburban area will be “antique” sculptures in the antique style and clay ceramics in light colors

Patio as a Key Design Element

A cozy interior is a fairly popular element of landscape design used when decorating a garden in a Mediterranean style. It is built on a southern slope, protected from the cold north wind. Ideally, the site should have a view of the sea. In the absence of such, it is advisable to provide that it offers beautiful views of the emerald green, garden, hills...

The feeling of the proximity of the sea will be given by the stylization of the patio, decorated in white, like foam, azure blue and blue shades

Associations with the sea will be evoked by pieces of furniture decorated with fabric covers with white and blue stripes, painted in this color scheme flower pots.

When designing the site and arranging the roof, gazebos are used only simple materials: straw, reeds and soft tiles. No pretentiousness, the main thing is convenience. But, focusing on northern conditions, it is advisable to provide for the arrangement of walls that will protect the site from snow and rain.

The site is often covered with stone masonry, which can be successfully replaced with wooden flooring or terracotta tiles if desired.

Wooden stairs and umbrellas also successfully complement the design of the recreation area. Will fit organically into general style and rough furniture in warm colors. To decorate the outdoor area, use container plants planted in large beautiful containers: thuja, laurel, oleander.

Finally, we offer you a few more ideas for decorating your site in this style.

All details of the garden should be successfully combined with each other and together and at the same time emphasize the temperament of the Mediterranean garden.

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We associate the Mediterranean with a warm climate, bright sun, bright colors And great mood. By creating a garden in this style, we get paradise for relaxation, work and simply enjoying life. In our article we will introduce you closer to the Mediterranean garden style, tell you what plants, architecture and decorative items are used in it, and give you some tips on arranging your site so that it is filled with warmth, comfort and peace.

Varieties of Mediterranean garden style

This style has some variations that differ from each other.

  • Italian garden . This garden has a strict layout and a traditional Italian look. It uses symmetry, straight lines, paths and ponds of geometric shapes. The territory is divided into zones, which are delimited by hedges or pergolas with clematis, climbing roses or other liana-like ornamental plants. An Italian garden is laid out on an uneven site that has hills, curvature or a slope. All imperfections in the garden are decorated with plants, decorative items, fountains, stairs, passages and paths. In certain areas, a fountain or pond, a grotto or bluestrade with benches are installed. In a garden of this style you can often see columns, large flower pots made of stone, antique amphorae, bas-reliefs or garden figures. The most common plants are thuja and boxwood, which are trimmed in the shape of a ball or spiral, as well as topiary.
  • Mediterranean Provence. A distinctive feature of such a garden is the presence of lavender plantings. It can be seen in separate pots, as a lawn and in plantings with roses. The aroma of its flowers spreads over the entire garden, calms and puts thoughts in order. Also, such a garden is characterized by freedom of design, the absence of straight lines, and the natural arrangement of plants. Forged objects are used to decorate and complement the garden: sofas, benches, tables, stairs, fences. Sofas and benches cover soft pillows with ornaments from the symbols of Provence - a rooster and lavender.
  • Greek garden. In a garden of this style, snow-white, olive, azure or terracotta color. It has many seating areas and secluded corners, covered with pergolas or climbing plants, in which you can hide from the scorching sun and enjoy communication with friends or solitude. Among the objects you can always see large table And comfortable chairs. All furniture is made from wicker bamboo, wicker or rattan. Gazebo windows and summer buildings decorated with light curtains that will protect from the sun and heat inside the room. Plants include boxwood, thuja or juniper. They are grown in pots for portability and winter preservation. Such plants can change the appearance of the garden and provide shelter in certain areas. Moreover, they serve beautiful background for flowering plants with bright colors. In Greek gardens they create a growing area cultivated plants such as onions, garlic, lettuce, parsley, sorrel, basil, saffron, dill, celery, coriander and others.

Features of the Mediterranean style

In gardens of this style, the essential attributes are:

  • Stone or wicker furniture.
  • Forged benches are decorated with pillows.
  • Ceramic pots with and without plants.
  • Statues of ancient gods.
  • Sundial.
  • Fountain, pond.
  • Pergolas.
  • Stone paths.
  • Marble finish.
  • Mosaic compositions, multi-colored glass.
  • Baskets made of metal or wicker for fruit.

Since there are many gardens by the sea in the Mediterranean, sea shells, pebbles and sea stones are often used for their decoration. Rocky, uneven terrain requires the use of natural stone of different fractions and colors. Often these are marble chips or sea pebbles.

A garden of this style skillfully combines elements of Roman, ancient Greek and modern art. This gives it the right to be considered one of the most colorful styles of landscape design. In it you can see forged or wicker furniture in light colors, ceramic containers for plants or decorations: flowerpots, pots, amphorae, molds. They are located throughout the territory, some of them are buried in half or laid at an angle, giving them the appearance of antiquity. The entire garden is designed in a single harmonious style, adhering to one concept.


Considering that the Mediterranean climate is different from ours, you should select plants that will have a southern appearance, but can be grown in our region.

Most often in such gardens you can see citrus and palm trees. They are planted in large pots and put indoors for the winter. Topiaries and hedges are made from, and various types. They are also used to make individual figures in the shape of a ball, cone or spiral.

To create shaded areas and vertical plantings, as well as to decorate buildings and objects, liana-like plants are used: tecoma. They entwine arbors and supports and have a spectacular appearance during flowering.

Many exotic plants planted in separate pots, which are transferred to a separate room for the winter. These include: olive, and others. Such plants will not only decorate the garden, but will also produce useful fruits.

Shrubs are planted as hedges or as individual elements. These are such as:, and others.

A garden of this style cannot exist without flowers, which are planted in large quantities. They, as a rule, should be bright and fragrant. Annual and perennial plants are planted: , , , Gloria, and others.

A special place is reserved for fragrant herbs such as:

Big role Water elements play in the garden: pool, fountain, pond, water cascade, stream. They are placed in the recreation area, not far from the gazebo or bench in such a way that it turns out good review from a place of relaxation. The sound of falling water and the coolness from the pond will add even more comfort and pleasure.

In some places in the garden, amphorae and pots decorated with flowers are installed. They are installed straight or at an angle, chipped and cracked, giving the appearance of antiquity. Antique sculptures and ceramics are emphasized by plants and stand out against the general background with bright spots.

Another common garden element is the patio. It is placed on south side garden In the original, such a platform offers a view of the sea, but in our region, instead of the sea, there may be beautiful view on a garden, hill or lawn. To create the effect of the close presence of the sea, furniture and some objects are decorated in a marine style, painted in white and blue.

When decorating the platform and gazebo, natural materials are used: reeds, tiles, straw. The overall picture is complemented by sun loungers, rocking chairs and beach umbrellas.

A mandatory item in a garden of this style are Greek or Roman sculptures that repeat the originals.