DIY axes for outdoor recreation. Homemade equipment. Crazy Chicken Kite

How to make a homemade barometer from a light bulb with your own hands.

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Searching for treasures using a metal detector, how to look for treasures correctly, where you can find treasures in the ground.

Homemade spit

How to make a homemade spit for cooking on a grill or fire.

Homemade pot

An easy way to make a camping pot. Equipment - a note for tourists.

Camping sauna

How to make a collapsible bathhouse with your own hands

Fish in clay

Recipe for cooking fish in clay

Homemade grill

Drawings of a homemade folding grill.

Tents in nature

A short note about tents and outdoor recreation in them. Which ones to take, how to rest and how not to freeze.

Crazy Chicken Kite

Making your own Crazy Chicken kite

CampCite kite

Drawings and description of making a CampCite kite

How to make binoculars

Homemade binoculars, making homemade binoculars from scrap materials.

Portable sauna

A mobile portable sauna that you can take with you fishing or just anywhere in nature

DIY camping burner

Homemade camping burner made from cans. Easy to make in 20 minutes, works great, no worse than store-bought burners.

Those who like to spend time outside the city, but rarely go hiking, know how difficult it can be to keep matches dry, quickly light a fire or prepare a hot breakfast. However, experienced travelers know how to special effort make homemade items for a hike with your own hands. Each of these devices will make life much easier for beginners and experienced tourists at a minimum cost.

Camping jet stove

Perhaps this is the most expensive tourist homemade product for a hike that will be discussed. The fact is that to make it you will need to purchase two small stainless steel mugs in advance. This stove makes it easy to heat water for tea or fry eggs. Of course, a gas stove is much more convenient in this regard. But the gas may run out, and this small device runs on firewood, which can be found in abundance in any planting.

To work you will need:

  • inexpensive mugs with a diameter of 10 and 12 cm, made of stainless steel;
  • masking tape or a strip of paper;
  • a stainless steel strip 25 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.

In addition, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • marker;
  • pliers;
  • core;
  • metal scissors.

What do we have to do

In order to make such a homemade product for a hike, it is important to act very carefully and in accordance with the following instructions:

  • We start by processing a mug of smaller diameter. First of all, cut off the handle - it will not be needed.
  • Now we carefully grind off the places where it is attached using a grinder using cutting disc. If necessary, we help ourselves with pliers. The result should be a kind of stainless steel glass.

  • Stepping back about one centimeter from the edge of the workpiece, apply masking tape around the circumference. Peel it off again and mark the strip into 12 divisions. This is necessary in order to drill 12 holes around the circumference of the workpiece at the same distance from each other. If you don’t have tape, you can use a regular strip of paper, moistening it a little with water.
  • We transfer the markings back to the mug, paint over the necessary places with a marker and use a drill and drill bit to make small holes.
  • Remove the tape and drill out the resulting holes to a diameter of 10 mm.
  • Let's move on to the bottom of the workpiece. There you need to mark 21 holes. To make it look beautiful and neat, you can outline the outline of the bottom on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern and start by marking the holes there.

  • Having slightly moistened the paper with water, we glue the workpiece to the bottom and core the places of future holes. We mark them with a thin drill, and then increase the diameter of each to 7-8 mm.
  • Now let's start working with the second, larger mug. We turn it over and mark a circle with a diameter of 10 cm in the center on the bottom.
  • We drill a convenient hole in the center of the mug and cut out a circle with metal scissors.
  • In the upper part of the mug, also stepping back a little from the edge, we drill several holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm, evenly distributing them around the circumference.
  • We assemble the stove. To do this, turn the large mug upside down and insert a metal glass with holes made from a smaller mug into the resulting hole (in the normal position, bottom down). It will be difficult for the workpiece to fit in, so you can place a small board on top and gently tap it with a hammer.
  • All that remains is to make a cross. For this you will need a steel strip. We cut it in half, then cut each half in the middle so that the parts can be inserted into one another.

The stove is ready. If you install it on a flat area and heat it, the fuel supply is enough even to boil a kettle. In this case, the handle will remain cool, so that the device can be safely extinguished or moved to the desired location.

"Bombs" for the fire

When considering homemade products for hiking and tourism, it is impossible not to pay attention to lighting a fire. Those who often do this outdoors, especially after rain, know that this is not an easy task. To ensure that the fire always flares up quickly and easily, it is better to stock up on special paraffin “bombs” before going out. They are very easy to make. You will need:

  • egg cartons;
  • cotton fiber, such as cotton wool;
  • wax candles (2-3 pieces).

Everything is done very simply. Place a ball of cotton wool into the cells of the cardboard stencil - it is better to tear it and compact it a little. Melt the candles in an unnecessary tin can in a water bath, after cutting them into pieces.

Pour melted wax into the cells with cotton wool, wait until everything hardens. Using a utility knife, cut the stencil into pieces and wrap each “bomb” in cling film. Each piece set on fire with a match or lighter will burn stably for at least twenty minutes. This is quite enough to dry the wet brushwood a little and light a fire.

Bottle filter

And here's another one useful homemade product for a hike. With its help, you will not be left without tea, even if the entire supply is drinking water will be used up. The main thing is that there is a small river or river nearby.

To make a simple filter you need to prepare:

  • plastic bottle;
  • a small ball of cotton wool or 3-4 cotton pads;
  • plastic bag;
  • a piece of cloth, for example a clean handkerchief;
  • a package of activated carbon - if you don’t have it, a few charcoals from yesterday’s fire will do.

Operating procedure

Creation scheme homemade filter very simple:

  1. We cut off the bottom of the bottle and make several holes in the cork. Screw on the cork and turn the bottle upside down.
  2. We plug the neck with a wad of cotton wool or place 2-3 disks there.
  3. The next layer is crushed activated carbon tablets. The more there are, the better. If you use charcoal, then the pieces should be broken a little so that they lie as tightly as possible to each other.
  4. Cover the coal again with cotton pads or cotton wool.
  5. To prevent the filter from becoming clogged, place a clean handkerchief on top.
  6. U plastic bag cut off a corner or make holes in it. Place the cellophane in the bottle.
  7. Now add a layer of clean river sand. If there are small pebbles on the shore, you can also use them, placing them in the topmost layer.

Note! The layers should be such that there is room on top for water.

The filter from scrap materials is ready. The water obtained in this way must be boiled (at least ten minutes) to completely get rid of various microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria.

Hot gun without electricity

It happens that while on a hike you need to fix something urgently. How to do it? Your best bet is to grab some hot gun rods from home. But how to use them? Now you'll find out.

To make a camping hot pistol you will need:

  • lighter;
  • can;
  • insulating tape.

Make it so useful and the necessary homemade product It’s very easy for a hike:

  • Using a knife, we cut off the bottom and top of the can, and cut it lengthwise so that we get a sheet of thin tin;
  • we roll a small bag out of it and fasten it with electrical tape;
  • cut off the tip so that the glue passes into the hole;
  • using electrical tape, screw a lighter onto the bottom like a pistol trigger;
  • Insert a glue stick into the hole.

The device is ready! Now it will be very easy for you to seal a torn boot or make minor repairs to your equipment.


If Big city- it's not your thing, you like to travel or want to start, then you may need some information about what you can do in extreme conditions to survive.

There are many ideas on how to make things that will help you on your trip.

You can do a lot with your own hands useful tools, and you can find out about some of them below.

1. Quickly ignite a fire for active tourism

In wet weather, you may have problems starting a fire. So that this does not bother you, make preparations that will help you quickly and easily light a fire.

You will need:

Fuzz (threads) sticking to clothing or cotton fiber

Cardboard packaging for eggs

Wax from old candles

1. Place the fiber into the egg holes.

2. Melt the candle wax.

3. Pour the melted wax onto the fibers in the carton.

4. Wait for everything to cool and dry.

5. Cut out the blanks as shown in the image.

When lit with a match or lighter, each of these blanks will burn for up to 20 minutes.

You will need:

Two identical plastic jars

Baking paper

Wire or rope to create a handle

Small battery operated candle

Glue stick

Adhesive tape

Drill or awl

Super glue

1. Clean the jars of any debris and grease. You only need one jar lid.

2. Measure and cut three pieces of baking paper to fit inside the jar.

3. Glue the ends of all three parts together to form a tube that can be conveniently inserted into the jar.

4. Make a hole on opposite sides of one plastic lid (from a jar).

5. Insert the wire into the holes and bend it to form a handle.

6. Do big hole in another cover. This time the holes are on top.

7. Insert the candle inside the hole (there will be a switch outside). Secure the structure with glue.

8. Now glue the lid with a handle to the bottom of the jar, and simply screw the top lid (with the candle) back to the jar.

3. What should a tourist do in the cold - hand warmer

You will need:

Calcium chloride (or something that contains it)

2 packages different sizes with clasp

1. B big package sprinkle some calcium chloride.

2. Take some water into a small bag.

3. Place the small bag inside the larger one.

4. Upon contact with coolness, calcium chloride begins to heat up, and you get a comfortable hand warmer.

4. Wood-burning stove made from tin cans for lovers of outdoor activities and tourism

You will need:

2 cans(diameter approximately 7.5 and 10 cm)

Metal cutting scissors

Can opener

Screwdriver or awl


1. Cut the bottom from a large jar. Make holes in it to turn it into a ring.

2. Place the ring on a jar of smaller diameter.

3. Make several holes in a small jar (top and bottom, large and small).

4. Insert the small jar into the larger one.

5. Mobile stove for lovers of extreme tourism

You will need:

Small metal box

1. Cut the cardboard so that it fits comfortably in the tin box.

2. Melt the wax.

3. Fill the cardboard with wax. Fill so that there are no empty holes.

Ready. It will burn long and hard.

6. What a tourist needs: one thing fresh coffee bags

You will need:

Paper for straining coffee infusion

Dental floss

Measuring spoon

1. Place straining papers in measuring spoon.

2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee.

3. Use dental floss to secure the coffee paper.

4. Cut off the excess (if the tail of the paper is long).

5. Place all pouches in a ziplock bag to help them last longer.

To brew coffee, use coffee bags in the same way as tea bags:

1. Place the bag in a cup and pour boiling water over it.

2. Wait a few minutes.

* Boiling water can be poured for you free of charge on the plane, airport, cafe and other places.

3. Before drinking coffee, remove the bag and throw it in the trash.

7. Very interesting ideas: mobile toilet paper holder

When it rains, toilet paper can get wet. But if you make a holder like this, you can get rid of this problem.

1. Prepare a wide plastic jar.

2. Remove the lid and put toilet paper inside.

3. Make holes at the top and bottom and insert wire to make a handle.

4. Cut an oblong hole to insert the paper.

8. How to make an organic spray to repel bugs from plants

You will need:

1 head of garlic

1 small onion

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

1 liter of water

1 tablespoon liquid olive soap

1. Place the garlic and onion in a blender and blend until liquid.

2. Add 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to the contents.

3. Cover the mixture and leave for 1 hour.

4. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and add 1 tbsp. l. olive soap.

5. Fill your spray bottle and you can use the contents to repel bugs from your plants.

9. DIY compass

This craft can be done with your child, it is so simple.

You will need:

Plastic cover

Magnet (rod)

A piece of cork or foam

Some water

1. Use a knife to cut a piece of champagne or wine cork.

2. Pass the needle along the magnet several times, but only in one direction. If you did this enough times, the needle will also become a magnet.

3. B plastic cover pour water.

4. Place the cut circle from the cork on the water, and place a needle on top. Take your time, make sure the needle lies flat.

Soon the needle will begin to rotate slowly and its tip will begin to point north.

10. DIY snowshoes

11. DIY water filter

12. DIY hammock

Everyone loves tourism. And if someone claims that he doesn’t like it, it means that he simply lacks comfort in the field. A selection of homemade ideas for hiking will help you find comfort in a forest clearing. It is not difficult to make these things with your own hands. And the tourist will only need available materials.

Fire and hearth

A camping trip is impossible without a fire, so the list of must-have crafts consists of “fiery” accessories. For example, a small burner made from a tin can.

On such a fire you can easily prepare a dish for one person or boil water. It is important to remember that the container gets hot, and you should not grab it even half an hour after use.

If you equip the grill from an old refrigerator metal legs, you can get a mini-barbecue for a quick lunch. When there is no time to make a fire, such a device will save a tourist from hunger.

Another option for a compact fire is a tin with a folded piece of cardboard. The device will burn due to the air in the cavities of the corrugation. For best result You can impregnate the paper with flammable fuel. You can't cook dinner over such a fire, but you can warm your hands.

This structure will help support the fire. As it burns, the wood will be fed into the fire, rolling toward the center.

Amenities and comfort

A long hike involves staying in a tent. Tourists will find this compact holder useful. toilet paper. To make it you will need a plastic cup of a suitable size. Most likely, a new roll will not fit into the container, so it makes sense to stock up on already started packages.

In order not to struggle with plastic utensils and not to carry heavy utensils to the mountains, it is recommended to shorten an ordinary spoon and fork. The handle of the device is wrapped with paracord according to the bracelet weaving pattern. The resulting keychain can be attached to a backpack or waist bag.

And if you left the utensils at home, you can make a spoon in five minutes using a plastic bottle. It should be cut according to the pattern shown in the photo.

The model of such a washstand is most likely familiar to everyone from childhood. But the idea still helps out tourists and summer residents.

This preparation is made from dry leaves and natural rope will help you light a fire even after rain.

Lifehacks for tourists will be excellent instructions on how to find comfort in the field. To do this, you only need available materials and a little time.