Fungicidal preparations. Fungicides for plants - description and instructions for use. The product contains two active ingredients

When caring for a garden, you often have to use fungicides. We are talking about special chemicals that are used to combat pathogens that cause the development of fungal diseases, for example, gray rot, powdery mildew and etc.

Depending on the method of influencing pathogenic fungi, several types of fungicides are distinguished: contact and systemic action.

Actions of contact fungicides

When using these drugs, their penetration into plants is prevented. They cover the outer part of the plant; if the reproductive and vegetative organs of the fungus are present on the surface, they are suppressed. All drugs are effective for different periods, which is determined by the length of time the solution remains on the surface of the plant. The best results can be achieved if you carry out processing at least 3-5 times at intervals of 10-12 days.

A feature of contact fungicides is the local nature of the effect. They are not used to treat affected plants, they are designed to suppress pathogens located on the surface or directly in plant tissues. Due to the fact that these fungicides are unable to spread to other parts of the plant, such treatment before fruit formation prevents penetration into them.

Systemic drugs act somewhat differently: as a result of processing, they penetrate into the internal organs of the plant, spread through the tissues, introducing changes in the physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the plant organs. Over time, their decomposition inside plants, which ends with the formation of metabolites. In this state, they begin to have an inhibitory effect on the harmful fungus.

It is believed that the decomposition products that form inside the plants are more harmful than the drug itself. To avoid possible complications, it is best to carry out treatment in gardens and private farms using contact chemicals. Wherein deadline their use is the period when there will be one month left before harvest.

Types of fungicides and methods of their application

In gardening stores, fungicides are offered in various forms: powder, suspension, emulsions, highly soluble in water.

Depending on the composition, the following types of fungicidal preparations are distinguished:

  • Inorganic. Within this group, drugs of hazard class 1-4 for humans and warm-blooded creatures are distinguished;
  • Organic. The main component in them are active microorganisms that inhibit pathogenic fungi.

More preferable to use biofungicides in summer cottages, because in addition to being highly effective, they cause minimal harm to plants.

Chemical fungicides

Often, to effectively control pests, gardeners buy new drugs, especially if they provide high efficiency with a small dose of use. However, it is wrong to do this. Count on good results This is possible only if proven drugs are used. As part of a group of chemical fungicides that have proven their effectiveness when used for protection during the growing season of various horticultural crops, the following can be distinguished:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • copper sulfate;
  • abiga-pik, sun;
  • oxychome;
  • zineb;
  • thiram;
  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • soda ash using adhesive (green soap).

Biological fungicides

In recent years, many contact biological fungicides have appeared on the market. In their manufacture, a slightly different approach is used than in the case of chemicals. The main components of biofungicides are active bacteria, the activity of which has an inhibitory effect on pathogens of fungal diseases.

It is preferable to use biofungicides of contact action, since they do not cause or cause minimal harm to humans, warm-blooded animals, fish and bees. Consumers who are planning to use biofungicides at home should pay attention to the following types of drugs:

Treatment with chemical fungicides of contact action can only be carried out before flowering begins and after harvest. The advantage of biofungicides is that they can be used throughout the growing season. At the same time, there are also drugs on sale that can be used at the stage of crop ripening. It should be borne in mind that contact-acting drugs are effective for preventive purposes. If the drug reaches the causative agent of the disease, this leads to its death. If the plants are already affected by the disease, then they cannot be saved with the help of these drugs.

Rules for working with contact fungicides

Before using a fungicide, you need to take care of your own safety: for this you need prepare closed clothes, rubber gloves and glasses and a hat. After finishing the processing, the clothes are sent for washing, and hands and face must be thoroughly washed with soap.

Plants must be treated with a pre-prepared solution. The exception is situations when the instructions prescribe the use of fresh composition.

In the process of preparing a solution for treating plants, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, maintaining the optimal consumption rate, taking into account the phase of plant development.

Fungicides can be used in the most favorable conditions for this: early morning or evening, provided that it is dry, windless weather.

For the sprayer, you must select the operating mode for fine spraying. The cloud of solution emerging from it should pour onto the plants from below and above.

It is prohibited to use chemical fungicides on those plants whose green parts of the aboveground mass are planned to be consumed. For safety reasons, processing of all crops should be carried out before the flowering and fruit set phase.

Do not clean the containers in which the solution was prepared in bodies of water. Disposal of used pesticides should be carried out only in specially designated areas.

The place where fungicides and other preparations are supposed to be stored chemical composition, must have limited access. Drugs must be placed in sealed packaging.

If the investigator follows the above rules for the use of fungicides, then you can not only prevent the appearance of dangerous pests on the site, but also not cause harm to yourself and the environment.

List of fungicides

Due to the high toxicity of most fungicides offered today, there must be a good reason for a gardener to use them in the home. Before using drugs, it is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the safety rules when using toxic substances.

Oksikhom. A drug consisting from copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. It is a contact systemic fungicide and is used for preventive purposes and to suppress diseases of garden and indoor plant crops. Recommended for use in the fight against late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot, septoria, etc. Non-toxicity makes this drug safe to use.

Preparation of working solution

Plants are treated only with freshly prepared solution. First, you need to pour one third of the volume of water into the sprayer tank, then start the mixing device and pour the required amount of the drug. Afterwards, the rest of the required water is poured in, the solution is mixed well, after which the infected plants are treated with it.

A prerequisite is the purity of the water used to prepare the solution.

The recommended consumption rate is one packet per 2 liters of water. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out three treatments, but a gap of 10-14 days must be maintained between them. Plants can only be treated with a freshly prepared solution based on the drug oxychome. Can be used as a component for preparing complex mixtures.

Advantages of the drug:

  • operates on the system-contact principle;
  • the effect after treatment lasts for two weeks;
  • lack of toxicity, provided that the treatment is carried out in compliance with the recommended doses;
  • cost-effectiveness when used for preventive purposes.

Trichodermin. Included in the group of biological drugs designed to combat fungal and bacterial diseases. The main active component is the spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum and crushed grain substrate. The drug effectively fights more than 60 types of soil pathogens, which are the cause of the development of many known diseases: root and fruit rots, seed infections, macrosporiosis, fusarium, etc.

The positive effect of using the drug is to improve soil fertility, provide plant roots with additional nutrients, and increase seed germination.

Application method:


The problem of protecting plants from diseases is relevant for every gardener. To deal with them faster and without consequences, many use chemicals for this purpose. Fungicides are among the most popular demonstrate high efficiency. However, when choosing them, it is necessary to proceed from a position in order to cause minimal harm to the plant. Therefore, preference should be given to those with the least toxicity. When choosing fungicidal preparations, it is necessary to focus on their recommendations for use. This will help avoid unwanted consequences after processing.

Fungicides, the list of drugs of which will be described below, are means used in crop production to combat plant diseases that are caused by protozoan fungal microorganisms and non-spore-forming bacteria. Any preparations that are used to protect plants from various diseases and pests are called pesticides. Fungicides are one of their varieties. The name is based on 2 Latin words: fungus - mushroom and caedo - to kill.

For those involved in any type of crop production, from farmers and agronomists to amateur flower growers, it is important to be able to choose the right drug. The list of drugs will help you choose the most suitable remedy for the prevention and treatment of plants in crop fields, in the garden or vegetable garden, as well as for indoor flowers.

Classification of fungicides

Depending on the composition, these drugs are divided into:

  • biological fungicides;
  • chemical.

Biological fungicides contain certain types of bacteria, fungi or components of plant origin that have an active antifungal effect. Organic fungicides are easy to use, have little toxicity to insects and warm-blooded animals, and can be used in combination with other herbicides. But the effect of their action is relatively short-lived - from several days to a month. Preparations of this type have gained wide popularity among summer residents and gardeners.

Chemical, or inorganic, fungicides consist of various chemical compounds that have a more pronounced fungicidal effect. They are divided into:

  • copper-containing (for example,);
  • sulfur-containing (colloidal sulfur, Tiovit Jet);
  • iron containing ( inkstone);
  • containing compounds of other elements that have a fungicidal effect.

Chemical organic fungicides, such as carbamates ( Consento, Tattu), dithiocarbamates ( Acrobat, Bogatyr), morpholines ( Cabrio Duo), imidazoles ( Mirage) and others. The effect of using chemical fungicides is more obvious and long-lasting, but these drugs can cause damage to both plants and animals. In addition, they pollute the soil for a long time.

Various fungicides remain on the surface parts of the plant or are able to penetrate into the internal tissues. Depending on this, they are divided into

  • contact;
  • systemic.

Contact - form a surface film on plants and actively influence fungal infection only with direct contact.

Systemic fungicides, after contact with the surface, penetrate all tissues of the plant and destroy the pathogenic fungus in any part of it.

Fungicides for plants are produced in the form of powders, tablets, suspensions and concentrated solutions. Each preparation is accompanied by instructions that must be strictly followed when preparing the solution or while spraying the powder. The fungicidal effect of biological preparations is most pronounced in freshly prepared solutions, so they must be used immediately after preparation. Chemical fungicides should also not be stored to avoid poisoning pets or children.

There are preparations for treating soil against fungi that can live in the soil. These fungicides in powder form are poured into the ground when digging it or dissolved in water and applied during watering. Some preparations are used to treat seed material and tubers before sowing. And, of course, the most large group fungicides are used to treat the green parts of plants during the period of active growth. During the season, several preventive sprayings are usually carried out.

Fungicidal preparations are also used to prevent damage to grain or vegetables by fungi during storage in vegetable warehouses or granaries. Universal remedies have been developed that can be used both for the prevention and treatment of mycoses. IN different periods During the growing season, it is recommended to use certain types of fungicides.

Principles of drug selection

When working with fungicidal preparations, it is imperative to observe personal safety measures. You can prepare the solution only with rubber gloves. The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage. Eye protection is provided by glasses.

The choice of antifungal agent must be made taking into account the area of ​​treatment, the types of plants being treated, the degree of toxicity, and the extent of damage to plants and soil. It is worth listening to the advice of agricultural technicians, gardeners and gardeners, and amateur flower growers. Because many types of pathogenic fungi can develop resistance to a particular chemical, medications must be changed from time to time to ensure their effectiveness.

Characteristics of the most popular fungicides

The most popular fungicides:

  1. is a contact-type drug that is effective against many plant diseases caused by bacteria and fungi. The package contains concentrated aqueous suspension. The fungicidal effect is provided by copper oxychloride. This drug is intended for the preventive treatment and treatment of many types of cultivated and wild plants. The toxicity of the drug towards insects is not high. Phytotoxicity is not expressed.
  2. Topaz- systemic fungicide. It is used for the prevention of various mycoses in cultivated plantings in gardens and vegetable gardens. The effect of application was detected when plants were affected by powdery mildew and rust. In glass packaging - concentrated emulsion. The antifungal compound is penconazole.
  3. Screen KS is a new generation contact fungicide that is very effective against late blight of potatoes, apple scab, mildew and black spot of grapes. The release form is a concentrated suspension, the active ingredient is fluazinam. The drug has mild toxicity and is not toxic to plants.
  4. Fitosporin-M- biological fungicide. Contains spores and living cells of Bacillus subtilis. Used to prevent fungal diseases on eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers and others garden crops. Cart of garden, indoor and greenhouse plants. Effective against most known plant mycoses. Maybe joint use with chemical pesticides, fertilizers and growth regulators.
  5. Quadris- a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Contains azoxystrobin. Release form: concentrated suspension. Used against all known plant mycoses. It is used to treat grapes, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as sports lawns.
  6. Profit Gold— the drug acts both on the surface tissues of the plant and in the deep ones. Effective for diseases cultivated plants caused by various fungi. Contains 2 compounds with active antifungal action. Cymoxanil, the main active compound, penetrates the internal tissues of the plant and spreads along with the juice flow to all parts. Famoxadone remains on the surface tissues of the plant for a long time in the form of a film, providing protection against infection. It differs from other drugs in color (brown granules) and a slight specific odor. Packages with different weights of the drug are available for sale.
  7. Thanos- deep action fungicide. A substance with a pronounced antifungal effect - cymoxanil - quickly penetrates the plant tissue. Recovery of the plant when using this drug occurs even 1-2 days after infection. Sold in the form of water-soluble granules. With this drug you can protect potatoes, sunflowers, tomatoes and onions from diseases. The solution is wash-resistant.
  8. Trichodermin- a drug of organic origin. The fungicidal effect of the drug is ensured by the spores of a fungus living in the soil present in its composition, which saves the plant from infection by many types of different pathogenic microorganisms that cause rotting of roots and fruits, late blight and other plant diseases. Trichodermin solution is suitable as a prophylaxis and for indoor plants. It is also used to treat plant seeds before planting. Available in powder form. This drug is safe for both warm-blooded animals and insects, fish, etc. It is not phytotoxic.
  9. Alirin B- an organic preparation containing beneficial soil microflora. Release form: dry powder and tablets. This biological fungicide is used to suppress fungal diseases of plants and the spread of fungal pathogens in the soil. It protects plants from root rot, septoria, rhizoctonia, late blight and many other dangerous and widespread diseases. It is used to restore beneficial soil microflora after the use of toxic pesticides. Suitable for all types of garden crops and indoor plants.

Conclusion and conclusions

Now it has become clear what fungicides are, but before using the selected or recommended drug, it is very important to carefully study the instructions. It is necessary to carefully observe all proportions when diluting. Otherwise, many drugs can cause significant harm to plant crops instead of benefit. When working with chemicals, you should protect yourself with rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

Throughout the growing season, tomatoes are attacked by various fungal diseases. Fungicides will help prevent the development of the disease or cure plants. Chemical manufacturers have produced a large number of drugs, but not all are effective. What fungicides will allow you to quickly cope with fungal diseases?

What are fungicides, their classification

From Latin, “fungicide” is translated as “mushroom” and “kill.” That is, fungicides are substances that are aimed at suppressing and destroying fungi of various origins. Fungal spores are the causative agents of most diseases that infect tomatoes. Depending on the criterion, fungicides are divided into types:

General division of drugs:

  • chemical origin. To destroy fungi, toxic chemical compounds are used, which quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • biological origin. The preparations consist of 90% beneficial living microorganisms that destroy harmful fungi. Biological fungicides are low toxic.

Depending on the properties:

  • inorganic. The composition contains compounds of various heavy metals that block the access of oxygen to fungal spores. Most often found in preparations are: manganese, mercury, sulfur, nickel, copper, iron;
  • organic - harmless to environment drugs that quickly decompose in the soil.

Depending on the direction of action:

  • preventative, which prevent the development of diseases;
  • eradicating fungal spores. Used when the plant is already infected.

The most effective drugs

In order not to waste energy searching for effective fungicides, here is a list and short description the most effective fungicides of chemical and biological origin for the treatment of tomatoes.


Fungicide wide range actions. Available in the form of a suspension. It is based on the chemical substance azoxystrobin. The drug will save tomatoes from: late blight, powdery mildew, alternaria. The effect occurs an hour after processing the tomatoes. When a substance gets on fungal spores, it completely blocks access to oxygen, which leads to their death. The effect after spraying lasts up to 3 weeks. To treat 1 m² of plantings, 800 milliliters of solution are needed. The working mixture is prepared using 5 liters of water and one ampoule of the substance (6 ml).


Spray early in the morning or evening. It is not recommended to spray before or immediately after rain.


A drug with contact-systemic action. The fungicide contains two active substances: mancozeb and dimethomorph. It affects not only the outside, but also penetrates into the plant cells. It comes in the form of granules that need to be dissolved in water. Begins to act on the 3rd day after treatment. Protects tomatoes from late blight, black spot, macrosporiosis. The solution is prepared using 5 liters of water and 20 grams of the drug. “Acrobat” belongs to the second class of toxicity, but does not poison the plants themselves and worms in the soil near tomatoes.


A contact-systemic fungicide that is used for the prevention and treatment of late blight, powdery mildew, and peronosporiasis. The drug contains two active substances mancozeb and metalaxyl. To spray tomatoes, you need to prepare a working solution. Dissolve 25 grams of the drug in a bucket of water and stir until the components are completely combined. "Ridomil" belongs to the second class of danger. Not compatible with other chemicals. For prevention use 200 milliliters per 1 m², and for treatment 1 liter. The effect of the substance on plants will last up to two weeks. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

Agate 25K

A biological preparation that suppresses the development of fungal diseases and also activates the development of tomatoes. Available in paste form. Used for the prevention and treatment of: root rot, powdery mildew, late blight, black spot, etc. To spray tomatoes, you need to dissolve 140 milligrams in 3 liters of water. "Agat 25K" is compatible with other fungicides and pesticides. The period between sprayings is 20 days. In addition to foliar treatment, soaking seeds is widespread (solution: 3.5 grams per 1 liter of water).


Fungicide with the active ingredient fludioxonil. The destruction of fungi occurs within 2 days after spraying, the effect lasts up to one and a half months. The drug has a hazard class of 3. Allows you to prevent or cure: fusarium wilt, root and gray rot, alternaria, powdery mildew. Available in the form of a suspension. To process tomatoes, use a solution based on a Maxima bag (4 ml) and 10 liters of water. The drug continues to act for 3 months from the day of spraying.


A drug with the active ingredient benomyl. It penetrates fungal cells and destroys them from the inside. Protects plants from fungal diseases, insects, mites. Tomatoes will be protected or cured from verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew, septoria blight, late blight, gray rot, fomoz, blackleg. Release form: powder. For spraying, use a solution based on 10 grams of powder (1 sachet) and 10 liters of water. The results of benomyl are noticeable on the third day. Tomato protection after treatment lasts up to 3 weeks. It has a second class of danger and often causes allergic reactions in humans.

Bordeaux mixture

A mixture of slaked lime, water and copper sulfate. One of the most common methods in the fight against fungal diseases of various origins. The working solution for processing tomatoes is prepared on the basis of 100 grams of copper sulfate, 150 grams of lime and 10 liters of water. The consumption per 1 m² is 200 milliliters of the resulting liquid. You can use the “Bordeaux mixture” no more than 2 times during the growing season, every two weeks. Last time tomatoes can be sprayed 20 days before harvest so that the substances have time to evaporate and not harm the human body.


A drug that acts as a fungicide and organic fertilizer for plants. Biological substances allow you to activate growth vegetable crops, increase resistance, and also suppress diseases: scab, late blight, macrosporiosis, fusarium wilt. Available in the form of a liquid suspension. For foliar application, dissolve two caps of the substance in a liter of water. The spraying procedure is repeated every 3 weeks, as necessary. Low toxic. Do not process more than 5 times during the growing season.


A fungicide containing two active substances: famoxadone and cymoxanil. Once on the surface of the leaf plate or stems, the substance penetrates into the plant cells within an hour, which allows you to protect tomatoes for up to a month. The manufacturer produces Thanos in the form of granules. The product quickly and effectively copes with late blight, alternaria, powdery mildew, blossom end rot, gray spot, etc.

Preparation of a solution for processing tomatoes: take 6 teaspoons of granules (6 grams) and dissolve in a bucket of water. Preventive spraying is carried out ten days after transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed. Repeat treatment after two weeks. You cannot spray more than 4 times during the season.

Ridomil Gold

Systemic drug with contact action. Protects plants from attacks of fungal diseases. The main chemical components of the drug are mancozeb and metalaxyl. Effectively resists infection of tomatoes by late blight and alternaria if preventive measures are taken. Mancozeb protects the outer shell of the plant from fungal spores, and metalaxyl provides protection from the inside, penetrating into the cells of leaves, stems and fruits. Available in powder and granule form. Belongs to the second class of danger to humans. Tomatoes are treated with a solution based on 25 grams of powder and 10 liters of water. The resulting liquid is enough to treat 100 m².


Biological agent against fungal and bacterial diseases. Available in powder, paste and liquid form. Used for the prevention and treatment of: Alternaria, powdery mildew, bacterial spot, root rot, peronosporosis, dry or wet rot, late blight, rhizoctonia, fomoz, fusarium wilt, etc. Seeds for planting are soaked in a solution based on half a teaspoon of powder and 100 milliliters of water. To spray tomatoes, 5 grams of powder are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out every 14 days. The drug is safe for the environment.

Luna Tranquility

Long-lasting systemic fungicide. The drug is based on two active ingredients: fluopyram and pyrimethanil. In addition to suppressing fungi, the chemical increases the resistance of tomatoes and helps increase yield. Tomatoes are sprayed 4 times per season. Processing is carried out at intervals of 10-12 days. Preparation of a solution for spraying: dissolve 20 milliliters of the drug in a bucket of water.

The effectiveness of chemical and biological preparations has been tested over years of use. For prevention, choose biological agents. But in case of extreme manifestations of the disease, it is better to use chemicals, the action of which will quickly get rid of the disease.

Recent decades have indeed been marked by an unprecedented increase in viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases of all cultivated plants without exception. Bacterial and viral diseases are practically untreatable, no matter what actions gardeners take. With fungal diseases (late blight, gray rot, other types of rot, powdery mildew, downy mildew, fusarium, clasterospora, root rot, various leaf spots, others) when used correctly, fungicides - contact, systemic.
Fungicidal substances (from the Latin “fungus” - mushroom and “caedo” - I kill), chemical substances capable of completely (fungicidal) or partially (fungistatic) suppressing the development of plant pathogens and used to combat them; one of the groups of pesticides.

Fungicides are classified:
Depending on the chemical properties
they are inorganic (sulfur compounds - lime-sulfur decoction, ground and colloidal sulfur; copper - copper sulfate, copper oxychloride; mercury - mercuric chloride) and organic.
Depending on the effect on the pathogen fungicides are divided into preventive or protective (prevent infection of the plant or stop the development and spread of the pathogen at the site of infection before infection occurs, suppressing mainly its reproductive organs - most fungicides), and medicinal or eradicating (act on the mycelium, reproductive organs and overwintering stages of the pathogen, causing their death after infection of the plant).
Nature of use fungicides are also different: seed protectants (used to combat diseases whose pathogens are spread with seeds or are in the soil), preparations for soil treatment (destroy soil pathogens of plant diseases, especially effective in greenhouses), fungicides for treating plants during the dormant period (they destroy the overwintering stages of the pathogen, are used in early spring before buds open, late in autumn and winter), fungicides for treatment during the growing season (mainly preventative preparations used in summer), for spraying and fumigation of storage facilities, in particular granaries and vegetable storage facilities.
According to the nature of distribution within plant tissues fungicides are contact (local) and systemic (intraplant).
Contact fungicides
Contact fungicides, when applied to plants, remain on the surface and cause the death of the pathogen upon contact with it. Some of them have a local deep effect, for example, they are able to penetrate the outer shells of seeds. The effectiveness of contact preparations depends on the duration of action, the amount of fungicide, the degree of retention on the treated surface, photochemical and chemical resistance, weather, etc.
Contact drugs - such as zineb, polycarbocin, cuprous oxychloride, sulfur, mancozeb, Bordeaux mixture, others are not able to treat already diseased plants, but reliably protect them from infection. Plants do not develop resistance to them - this is their main advantage. But their period of protective action does not exceed 10-12 days before the first heavy rain, after which the treatment is repeated. The frequency of applications for contact fungicides is the highest: from 3 to 6 applications per season. These drugs almost do not penetrate inside the plant, protecting only those places where they are located directly. Therefore, when working with contact fungicides, try to carefully spray not only the surface of the leaves, but also their underside, since many types of fungi begin to germinate precisely from the underside of the leaves.
Systemic fungicides
Systematicity in plant protection means the ability of the active substance to be redistributed from the place of application to other places, parts of the plant, not only on the surface, but inside the plant. Systemic fungicides penetrate into the plant, spread through the vascular system and suppress the development of the pathogen due to direct action on it or as a result of metabolism in the plant. Their effectiveness is mainly determined by the speed of penetration into plant tissue and to a lesser extent depends on meteorological conditions.
These drugs protect plants both outside and inside. Systemic fungicides can have a therapeutic effect, but in the early stages of infection. Within 2-6 hours from the moment of treatment, any precipitation (or watering) is not able to reduce the effectiveness of such preparations. And their protective effect lasts for 2-3 weeks. However, pathogenic fungi very quickly develop resistance to systemic fungicides. To slow down this process, international experts on plant protection products recommend using them no more than twice per season on the same crop. And if additional treatments are required, then you need to use drugs either of contact action, or a systemic fungicide, but of a completely different chemical group.
Chemical groups of systemic plant protection products (analogs are given in parentheses)
1. Azoles (triazoles) - Penetrate deep into the plant leaf, moving behind the growth point, protect young shoots well from diseases, are excellent for treating many types of fungal plant diseases - Alto, Allegro Plus, Baitan, Bumper, Skor (Bogard, Dividend), Sportak, Split, Topaz, Impact, Vincit, Vectra, Bayleton, Tozonit, Vial, Lospel, Real, Premis25, Raxil, Rex, Terrasil, Tilt, Sumi8, Falcon combined fungicide, Folikur combined, Shavit combined. (the drugs contain different active ingredients).
2. Strobirulins - have a systemic effect, penetrate well into plant tissues, are able to move beyond the growth point, protecting the shoots. They are highly resistant to temperature changes and are recommended as an excellent prophylactic agent. They have a wide spectrum of action, applicable to many fungal diseases - Amistar, Zato, Strobi, Flint, Quadris, Cabrio Top (fungicides contain different active ingredients).
3. Benzimidazoles - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to use them by watering, they are well distributed throughout the plant with nutritious juices. Excellent for treating many fungal plant diseases. Can be used as a disinfectant for seedlings and seeds - Ferazim, Terminator, Derozal (Colfugo-Super), Stefazal, Bavemtin, Benlat, Fundazol (Fundozim, Benomyl), Agrotsit, Vial, Vincit, Tecto (Titusim). fungicides contain different active ingredients).
4. Phenylamides – Apron.
5. Anilidopyrimidines – Chorus.
6. Pyrimidinylcarbinols – Rubigan.
7. Dithianols – Delan.
8. Phosphonates – Alyette (Alyufit).
9. Phthalamides – Merpan, Folpan.
10. Hydroxyanilides - have a protective systemic effect, are not phytotoxic to humans and animals, an excellent remedy for rot and powdery mildew - Teldor.
11. Carbamates - have a systemic effect, it is recommended to use an irrigation agent as a prophylactic agent, spreads well throughout the vascular system of the plant - Previkur, Tatu, Topsin-M (they have different active ingredients).
12. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact effect, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antracol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl). (fungicides with different active ingredients).
13. Piperazine derivatives - have a protective and healing effect, good for use against powdery mildew, rot and gray mold - Saprol.
14. Pyrimidinamines - have a systemic effect, are well used against powdery mildew - Rubigan, Milgo, Horus (fungicides with different active ingredients)
15. Imidazoles are effective against powdery mildew and mold - Mirage, Trifmin
16. Derivatives of oxaticarboxylic acids have a systemic effect and are used as a disinfectant for seedlings and seeds - Vitavax, Carboxin
17. Dithiocarbamates: They have a contact effect, are effective in the intervals between treatments for combination with other fungicides - Polycarbacin; Ditan, Acrobat (mancozeb); Antracol; Ridomil-Gold combined (mancozeb, metalaxyl); Cabrio Top (fungicides with different active ingredients).
18. Organophosphorus - effective against downy mildew, powdery mildew and gray mold - Alyette, fosetyl aluminum, Efal, Mitsu Alufite Afugan
19. Acetamides and oxazolidine derivatives: Effective against late blight, alternaria, mildew - Thanos - combined

Like insects, fungi on plants develop resistance to all fungicides of one chemical group at once.

The best plant protection options are:
alternating contact and systemic fungicides;
alternating 2-3 systemic drugs, but from different chemical groups.

They have been produced for many years mixed fungicides, consisting of 2-3 active ingredients, and they are:
simultaneously contact and systemic action (Kurzat R. Odram, Acrobat MC, Ridomil Gold MC, Sandofan M8, Tattu, Oksihom, Pilon, Artemi S, Poliram DF, Artserid, Avixil, others). They are used as contact preparations up to 4 times per season with the concentration of the working solution usually not lower than 0.3-0.4% (30-40 g per 10 liters of water). Please note that lower concentrations of solutions lead to poor results. So this is exactly the case when “you can’t spoil the porridge with oil”... Prepare solutions of fungicides of this group, following the recommendations of the instructions, but it is even better to make them more concentrated than written.
only systemic action, may belong to the same chemical group or to completely different ones. This is done only in order to expand the spectrum of action on harmful fungi. Such fungicides include Mikal, Archer, Ryder, Alto-Super, Falcon, Thanos, and others. They are used no more than twice per season.

Currently time is running active development and production of so-called biological fungicides. Their fundamental difference from chemical fungicides is their non-chemical effect on the pathogen; for example, bacterial preparations contain a certain set of bacteria that can cause the death of a number of types of pathogenic fungi.
There are a lot of types of biological fungicides, the main ones are: Fitosporin, Barrier, Zaslon, Fitop, Integral, Baktofit, Agat, Planzir, Trichodermin. Biological fungicides are characterized by low toxicity and high efficiency.
Basic rules for using medications
1. Spray only in cloudy, windless weather, as well as early in the morning - at dawn or in the evening - at sunset. Precipitation within 4-6 hours after treatment reduces the effectiveness of many fungicides.
2. Be sure to use rubber gloves, because All plant protection products penetrate the skin quite well and are then absorbed into the blood. It is enough to wear a light respirator or bandage on your face.
3. With the systematic use of the same fungicides, their effectiveness may decrease due to the formation of persistent races of the pathogen. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the drug and alternate the fungicides used. Due to great value F. for Agriculture their production is constantly increasing.
4. Try to spray the plants themselves with fungicides, not the soil. A high-quality pneumatic sprayer will help save money, time, and preserve your health. Therefore, do not save on buying a sprayer.
5. It is prohibited to treat with systemic fungicides all green or other crops that use green stems or leaves for food, as well as radishes, daikon, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, cherries, cherries (the last four can be processed only before flowering) , since all these crops absorb toxic compounds very well, they do not have time to get rid of them before they are consumed, even if the waiting periods are observed.
6. The working solution is prepared immediately before use and can be stored for no more than a day.
7. Do not allow any fungicides to get into water bodies, as this leads to the death of all living things in them. Poisons are destroyed more quickly in the surface layer of soil, which is not intended for use for vegetable gardens, hayfields, pastures, and playgrounds. The sun and soil microorganisms are the main destroyers and neutralizers of any toxic compounds.
8. Store fungicides in a dry, dark, preferably frost-free room away from food products. All packages must be sealed, as moisture in the air changes physical properties drugs. The shelf life of biological products is 1-2.5 years, chemicals - 10 years or more, regardless of the expiration date indicated on the container label.

List of fungicides. and instructions for them (the list is incomplete)
Abiga Peak, Sun
Copper-containing contact fungicide with a broad spectrum of action (copper oxychloride 400 g/l.). The drug is intended to combat a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases on vegetable, industrial, fruit, ornamental and flower crops, grapevines, medicinal plants and forest plantations.
The drug is not phytotoxic when used in strict accordance with the developed recommendations.

Acrobat MC
Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (dimethomorph 90 g/kg + mancozeb 600 g/kg). Systemic-contact (local-systemic dimethomorph and contact mancozeb) fungicide used to combat late blight and Alternaria of potatoes, downy mildew of cucumbers, mildew of grapes and as well as a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance).

A systemic fungicide used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases (triadimefon, 250 g/kg). It is used, in particular, to combat powdery mildew (Erysiphe graminis), fusarium (Fusarium spp.), rust fungi (Puccinia spp.), rhynchosporium (Rhynchosporium secalis), septoria (Septoria pp.), pyrenophora spp.), red-brown spot (Helminthosporium avenae), net spot (Drechslera teres), cercosporellosis (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides).
Hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Bordeaux mixture
Broad-spectrum contact fungicide (copper sulfate 960 g/kg + calcium hydroxide 900 g/kg. Designed to protect fruit, vegetable, berry, melon, citrus, ornamental, flower and other crops from a range of diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is low-hazard for bees. It is necessary to process plants in compliance with environmental regulations.

Vitaros, VSK
Fungicide of contact-systemic action, for dressing planting material(98g/l thiram + 198g/l carboxine). An effective remedy for treating bulbs, corms and rhizomes of flower crops before planting and storing. Suppresses the development of pathogens located both on the surface of planting material and inside it.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Ditan M-45
Contact action fungicide to combat late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (mancozeb 800 g/kg). Ditan M-45 is an analogue of Profit. A protective contact preparation for protecting plants from late blight and a number of other diseases.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic and is compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

A fungicide from the strobilurin class with mesostem activity (trifloxystrobin 500 g/kg).
It is used mainly on pome crops, for example, apples and pears, against scab, Alternaria blight, black spot, powdery mildew, moniliosis, phyllostictosis and to prevent diseases during fruit storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Green soap
Preventative against pests and diseases. It is also used as a component of self-prepared plant protection products. Ingredients: water, potassium salts fatty acids, natural fats and vegetable oils.

Kurzat R
Fungicide of contact and local systemic action (copper chloride, 89.5 g/kg, cymoxanil, 42 g/kg). An analogue of the drug Ordan. It is mainly used to protect against late blight on potatoes and downy mildew on cucumbers. The drug has preventive, therapeutic and pathogen spore-suppressing properties.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is moderately stable in soil (class 3), practically non-toxic to soil organisms and birds. The drug is moderately dangerous for bees (class 2).

Kurzat M
Fungicide of contact and systemic action (cymoxanil, 45 g/kg, mancozeb, 680 g/kg). It is used to combat late blight and Alternaria and other fungal diseases: Alternaria, macrosporiosis, dry spot, septoria, rhizoctonia, black spot, pernospora, mildew.
For humans, the hazard class of the drug is 2 (hazardous substance). Low risk for bees. (3rd grade).

Contact fungicide (fludioxonil, 25 g/l.). It is used for treating flower bulbs and other planting material (corms, seed potatoes) from rot before planting and during storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). Not flammable. Not phytotoxic. Toxic to fish, do not allow to enter water bodies.

Copper sulfate
Copper-containing contact fungicide with a broad spectrum of action (copper sulfate, 960 g/kg). Fungicide for combating diseases of berry, fruit (stone and pome) ornamental crops, bushes. Designed for use on private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Systemic contact fungicide with a wide spectrum of action (copper oxychloride 670 g/kg + oxadixil 130 g/kg). Oxychome is used to combat diseases caused by fungi of the oomycete subclass. Well suited for protecting potatoes and tomatoes from late blight and macrosporiosis, and cucumbers from mildew (downy mildew).
Hazard class: 1. Dangerous substance.

Fungicide of contact-systemic action to combat late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (copper chloride, 689 g/kg + cymoxanil, 42 g/kg). A two-component fungicide with local-systemic action to protect potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes in open and protected soil, grapes and a number of other plants from a range of diseases.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Previkur, VK
A fungicide with systemic properties, having both protective and growth-stimulating properties (propamocarb hydrochloride, 607 g/l.). It has a wide spectrum of activity against pathogens of root rot and downy mildew (Pythium, Phytophthora, Aphanomyces, Bremia, Peronospora, Pseudopeonospora spp). It has a stimulating effect, increases the plant's resistance to infection, stimulates the rooting of cuttings, growth and flowering of plants.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance), has a mild irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Profit, JV
Fungicide to combat late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (mancozeb, 800g/kg). The drug is enriched with manganese and zinc.
Hazard class: for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). The drug is not phytotoxic and is compatible with most other drugs. Not dangerous for bees, earthworms and soil microorganisms.

Profit Gold, VDG
Fungicide of contact-systemic action to combat late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (cymoxanil 250 g/kg + famoxadone 250 g/kg). Cymoxanil is quickly absorbed by the leaves and penetrates the plant, while famoxadone remains on the surface of the leaves for a long time. Designed for use on private farms.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Rajok, KE
Systemic fungicide with long-term preventive and protective effect (difenoconazole, 250 g/l). Used for protection fruit crops from powdery mildew, scab, leaf curl, coccomycosis, clasterosporiosis. Can be used to combat late blight and alternaria on potatoes and tomatoes. It is also used in the fight against powdery mildew. An analogue of the drug "Skor".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance). The drug is not toxic to birds and bees. The drug is toxic to fish.

Ridomil gold, VDG, SP
Fungicide of contact-systemic action to combat late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (mefenoxam, 40 g/kg + mancozeb, 640 g/kg). Mefenoxam provides internal protection: systemic and translaminar action - protection of treated and untreated plant parts, new growth and tubers, high level effectiveness against fungi from the class of oomycetes (pathogens of downy mildew), rapid decomposition in the soil. Mancozeb provides external protection and is an effective contact fungicide and a key part of the anti-resistance strategy.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous substance). When using the drug in strict accordance with the recommendations developed by the company, there is no risk of phytotoxicity. The drug is slightly toxic to birds and bees, but toxic to fish

Rovral, JV
Contact action fungicide against a complex of diseases (iprodione, 500 g/kg). Rovral is effective against a wide range of pathogens: Alternaria, Botrytis, Oxysporum, Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Monilia, Phoma, Pleiochaeta, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Sclerotium, Septoria, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Typhula. When spilling soil, it has a systemic effect.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). Prohibited for use in sanitary zone fishery reservoirs. Practically not dangerous for bees - hazard class 4.

Skor, KE
Systemic fungicide with long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effects to combat scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, late blight and alternaria and other fungal diseases (difenoconazole 250 g/l.). A drug with long-term preventive and pronounced therapeutic effects. An analogue of the drug "Rayok".
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tattu, KS
Contact-systemic action fungicide (mancozeb, 301.6 g/l, propamocarb hydrochloride, 248 g/l). The drug, due to microelements (manganese, zinc) included in mancozeb, stimulates photosynthesis, which accelerates growth processes and increases plant resistance. Propamocarb hydrochloride disrupts the biosynthesis of membrane structures and slows down the germination of spores and the development of mycelium.
Hazard class: 2 (hazardous compound), has a slight irritant effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Teldor VG
Fungicide of local-systemic action (fenhexamide, 500 g/kg). A preparation for the control of Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea), Moliniosis (Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia laxa), White rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) on fruit and berry crops and grapes. It is used from the earliest stages until harvesting. The drug also increases the safety of fruits during transportation and storage.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Tilt CE
Systemic fungicide with growth-stimulating activity (propiconazole, 250 g/l.). The drug Tilt enters plants through leaves and stems, thanks to its systemic action. The drug not only has a long-lasting protective and healing effect, but also stops the further development of the pathogen and suppresses sporulation in it. In addition, the drug has growth-regulating activity. Attention! No more than one treatment with Tilt should be carried out per growing season.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous compound). The drug is non-toxic to birds, slightly toxic to bees, toxic to fish.

Thiovit jet, VDG
Contact fungicide and acaricide (sulfur, 800 g/kg). A product for protecting vegetable, fruit, flower crops and vineyards from powdery mildew, some other diseases and mites.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Topaz, CE
Systemic fungicide to combat powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases (penconazole, 100 g/l.). Best results gives prophylactic use at the beginning of the growing season to suppress the primary infection of the powdery mildew pathogen, as well as to prevent the spread of the disease or at the first signs of the onset of the disease.
Hazard class: 3 (moderately hazardous substance).
The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class 3), non-toxic for birds and beneficial insects, and dangerous for fish. Not phytotoxic.

Topsin-M SP
Systemic fungicide with preventive and therapeutic action (methyl thiophanate, 700 g/kg). The drug belongs to substances close to benzimidazoles (benomyl), penetrates into plants, is absorbed by the root system, and is transformed into carbendazim. It is most effective when used as a preventative treatment, before the pathogen develops. It has a negative effect on soil nematodes and a number of aphid species. The drug is not effective against downy mildew.
Hazard class for humans - 2 (hazardous substance). Does not irritate skin and mucous membranes. Low danger to birds and bees, hazard class 3. Toxic to fish. Toxic to lacewing eggs.

Fundazim SP
Broad-spectrum systemic fungicide (benomyl, 500 g/kg). An analogue of the drug "Fundazol". During the entire season, no more than 2 treatments by spraying and watering are allowed, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1–2 seasons.

Fungicide and protectant with a wide spectrum of systemic action against a large number of fungal diseases of seeds and leaves of plants. Fundazol has both protective (preventive) and medicinal properties. During the entire season, no more than 2 treatments by spraying and watering are allowed, since after that the pathogens develop resistance! To overcome resistance, it is necessary not to use drugs from the benzimidazole class for 1–2 seasons.
Hazard class: Benomyl (benorad, basezol, fundazim) has a hazard class 2 (hazardous compound) for humans and fish. The drug is low toxic to soil organisms and birds.

Fungicide of systemic-local and contact action (copper oxychloride, 900 g/kg). A drug for combating plant diseases: scab of apple and pear trees, late blight of potatoes and tomatoes, rot of plum fruits, peach leaf curl, mildew of grapes, downy mildew of onions and cucumbers, rust and spotting of ornamental and flower crops and pathogens of fungal diseases.
The drug Hom has a hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance).

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) used for treating seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes flower plants at a concentration of 0.1-0.15% for two hours. Can be used for health-improving watering of seedlings, seedlings and adult plants at the root in the fight against blackleg, fusarium, and bacteriosis. Used to disinfect equipment and tools.

Soda ash(linen) is used to combat powdery mildew. For spraying, prepare a 0.3-0.5% solution. For better adhesion, soap is added to the soda solution.


Alirin – B, TAB
Biological fungicide for suppressing fungal diseases in soil and on plants (soil microflora - Bacillus subtilis VIZR-10, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and effect to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, it effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment

A complex preparation that has the advantages of a contact biological fungicide and stimulant (Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas aureofaciens, pine extract and a set of macro and microelements). Albit is a complex drug that has the advantages of analogue drugs (Agat-25k, pseudobacterin, phytosporin, planriz, silk, crystallon, humates).
Hazard class: 4 (low hazardous substance).

Gamair, P, Tab.
Biological bactericide for suppressing bacterial and some fungal diseases in soil and on plants (Bacillus subtilis M-22 VIZR, titer 109 CFU/g), similar in composition and effect to phytosporin. Recommended: as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, it effectively suppresses pathogens of bacterial diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Glyocladin, Tab
Analogue of Trichodermin.
Biological fungicide for suppressing pathogens of fungal diseases in the soil (fungal culture Trichoderma harziannum VIZR -18). Recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent when applied to the soil, it effectively suppresses pathogens of fungal diseases on all types of garden crops and indoor plants.
Hazard class - 4 (low hazardous substance). Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment.

Biological fungicide for the treatment and prevention of root infections of indoor flowers and ornamental plants. Soil health improver. Growing from spores in moist soil, the fungal mycelium suppresses about 60 types of soil pathogens that infect the soil and cause root rot.
Hazard class - 4. Safe for humans, animals, fish, bees, beneficial entomofauna and the environment. Does not have a phytotoxic effect on protected plants. Does not accumulate in plants and soil, which contributes to the production of environmentally friendly products

Fitolavin, VRK
Systemic biological bactericide (phytobacteriomycin). Used for the prevention of root rot, vascular bacteriosis, diseases such as blackleg, fire blight, angular leaf spot, bacterial rot of tubers, vascular bacteriosis on cucumber, bacterial blossom end rot, Alternaria blight on tomatoes, moniliosis, scab, fusarium blight, anthracnose.
Hazard class: - 3 (moderately dangerous compound). Has an irritating effect.

Fungal diseases- This is enough serious problem any gardener. If you discover that your plant is infected with a fungus, you need to take immediate action, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to save the plant. This may indicate gray coating on the leaves of the plant. In this case, special preparations come to the aid of all gardeners - fungicides. What are fungicides, what they are, how to use them - we will tell you in this article.

Traces of leaf damage by a fungal disease

What is a "fungicide"?

First you need to figure out what it is. Fungicides- These are chemical preparations for treating plants; they belong to a large group of pesticides. Translated from Latin language"fungicide" means "kills fungi." They suppress the development and destroy fungi harmful to plants.

How fungicides work is still not known exactly. The vast majority of these drugs act directly on fungi and their spores, disrupting their normal life processes. Some fungicides disrupt the reproduction processes of fungi, some block the synthesis of proteins and other substances necessary for the life of the fungus, and some disrupt the normal process of fungal cell division.

What types of fungicides are there?

There are many different classifications of fungicides. All drugs according to the production method are divided into chemical and biological. The former are produced artificially from chemical compounds. And the second group is made on the basis of live bacteria that are pathogenic for fungi. The advantage of biological ones is that they are less harmful and toxic compared to chemical ones. It is because of this benefit that natural fungicides are often used by gardeners.

Another one classification of fungicides- according to the mechanism of action. There are two groups of fungicides:

— preventive (they protect plants from harmful fungi);

- medicinal (treat sick plants).

Leaves affected by fungus

Depending on the active ingredients, the composition contains organic and inorganic fungicides.

Inorganic fungicides contain salts of sulfur, copper, iron, potassium, manganese and other substances.

Organic fungicidal products are based on organic matter. They have a number of advantages: such preparations do not contain heavy metals and other harmful chemicals, are easily decomposed by soil inhabitants and are well combined with other pesticides. But organic fungicides also have negative sides- they are not durable and are very quickly washed out of the soil. They are also not particularly effective and sometimes they are not enough to cure a diseased plant. On the contrary, their inorganic “brothers” act for quite a long time and differ quick action and efficiency.

Fungicidal preparations are used for various purposes. They can be used to treat the plants themselves directly (during the growing season or dormancy), to treat seeds before planting for prevention, and they can also treat the soil. But there are also combined preparations that are suitable for complex treatment of seeds, adult plants, and soil.

Different fungicides have different localization on the plant. Those fungicides that remain on the surface and act upon direct contact with the fungus are called contact, or local. But the effect of such fungicides depends on the amount of the drug, on chemical resistance, and also on the weather, because the drug is easily washed off from the surface of plants by rain.

Another group of fungicides are systemic (or intraplant), they spread inside the plant, destroying pathogenic fungi from the inside. These fungicides no longer depend on the weather; their effectiveness is determined only by how quickly the drug penetrates the plant.

Mode of application

Fungicides can be applied in three different ways.

The first is seed treatment before planting. This is done either using dry powder or a solution of fungicide in water.

The second method is spraying adult plants. In this case, treatment is carried out with a fungicide solution, usually this is done in spring and autumn (as a preventative measure), and also when the plant is infected with a fungus and needs to be cured.

You can also apply the dry preparation or its solution directly to the soil before planting the plant. This treatment will destroy any fungi that may be in the soil and prevent infection of the plants.

All fungicides must be used strictly according to the instructions so as not to harm the plant. You also need to remember that many fungicides are classified as substances of medium danger. But there is no need to worry, if you handle fungicides correctly, they can only harm fungi.

That is why it is very important to follow safety precautions when working with fungicides: protect your hands with gloves, wear protective clothing, and wash your hands thoroughly after work. Also be sure to isolate children and pets from the premises.

List of drugs


Consento is an effective systemic fungicide for the control of late blight, Alternaria and peronospora, available in the form of a suspension.
The product has unique activity against a large number of fungi that infect seeds, seedlings, leaves and fruits of plants, and also has a preventive and therapeutic effect.
Easy to use: the drug is diluted with water according to the instructions and sprayed evenly until the leaves of the plant are completely wetted.
Begins to act from the first day after treatment.

Abiga Peak

This is a chemical from the group of contact fungicides. It is based on copper oxychloride. This element, when released, directly affects the vital activity of the fungus, slowing down the processes of its growth and respiration. Copper also prevents the synthesis of important proteins, which also kills the fungus.

Acrobat MC

This is a drug with a systemic contact type of effect.

Its active components are the chemicals dimethomorph and mancozeb. It comes in the form of granules that dissolve in water.

Gardeners use it to combat late blight, Alternaria and other diseases.

This natural preparation, which contains strains of bacteria Bacillus subtilis.

It can be found commercially in tablet or powder form.

"Alirin-B" is used to treat diseases such as late blight, powdery mildew, scab, gray rot and many others. This fungicide affects the vital processes of the fungus, suppressing them. Positive side effects include an increase in the amount of ascorbic acid and a decrease in the amount of nitrates in the crop.

It can be used to treat plants or as a prophylactic agent to protect plants from pathogenic fungi.


Chemical fungicide, the active substance of which is triadimefon. Available in powder form. Differs in systemic action.

It will help cope with fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, fucariasis, rust, septoria and many others. Triadimefon in this fungicide inhibits the growth of the fungus and also disrupts the synthesis of compounds necessary for the fungus. Thus, this drug helps fight diseases.

Bordeaux mixture

This is a broad-spectrum fungicide designed to protect a wide variety of crops from fungal infections. It is quite effective and safe for plants. The solution is quite simple to prepare; it stays on the plants for a long time, without losing its potency.

Available in the form of a water-soluble powder.


This is a contact-systemic drug intended for treating seeds before planting.

Available in the form of a solution in ampoules. The main active substance is thiram + carboxin.

Lasts for a long time. The preparation contains a dye, which facilitates the processing process.


This biological fungicide is based on colonies of Bacillus subtilis bacteria. It is used to exterminate fungi both on plants and in the ground. In terms of action, it is an analogue of another fungicide - “Fitosporin”.

Gamair is commercially available in the form of tablets and powder.

This fungicide is used both to successfully combat pathogenic fungi and bacteria, and to prevent diseases in garden and indoor crops.


This fungicidal drug is an analogue of another - trichodermin. This drug is made based on the culture of the fungus Trichoderma harzianum, as well as bacteria that have a positive effect on the soil. "Glyokladin" fights fungi in the soil, preventing plant infection. The fungal culture in this fungicide multiplies in the soil, thereby suppressing the growth of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The fungal culture itself is harmless to plants; it is destructive only to pathogenic organisms.

This drug can be found on sale in tablets and also in the form of suspensions.

TO positive properties This drug can also be attributed to the fact that it is safe, capable of restoring the soil, and is also highly effective. "Glyokladin" is able to cleanse the soil of harmful chemicals after the use of pesticides.

Green soap

This is a natural fungicide made from vegetable oils and animal fats, as well as potassium salts of fatty acids. Although it is called “Green Soap”, this preparation is not soap, but only consists of the same components as real soap.

This drug is used by gardeners to prevent the appearance of fungi and harmful insects on plants. After treatment, it covers the leaves and branches of the plant, like a film, preventing pests and fungi from multiplying on it.

Based on “Green Soap”, they are made at home various solutions for processing plants.

Green soap should only be used for spraying plants; it is not recommended to apply it to the soil.


The effectiveness of the action is ensured by the main substances - copper oxychloride and cymoxanil.

Copper oxychloride works from the inside, covering the plant with a protective layer, preventing infection by fungi and pests. Cymoxanil, on the contrary, acts from inside the plant, quickly spreading throughout the plant and destroying the fungus.

Together these two components provide effective treatment and plant protection. The drug suppresses the proliferation of the fungus, disrupts its vital functions, and also has an antibacterial effect.

"Kurzat" is mainly used to combat late blight and powdery mildew.

Sold as a water-soluble powder.


This drug is from the group of contact fungicides. Gardeners use it to treat bulbs and tubers before planting, and it also helps prevent bulbs from rotting during storage.

The active substance of this fungicide, fludioxonil, is very similar in composition to antibiotics. It kills pathogenic fungi and soil microorganisms without affecting beneficial soil microflora in any way.

Protects crops from scab, various rots, blackleg and other diseases.


Fungicide of contact-systemic action. Sold in powder form, used for spraying plants. Made from copper oxychloride and oxadixyl. It is used to successfully combat late blight, macrosporiosis, and peronosporium on plants both in the garden and in the apartment.

It has a very fast action, the effect is visible after a couple of hours. That is why it is recommended to be used to treat advanced cases of fungal diseases.

It is important to remember that Oxychom cannot be combined with other fungicidal drugs. It is a toxic drug, so plant treatment must be carried out at least 20 days before harvest.


A complex drug that has both systemic and contact effects. It is based on copper oxychloride and cymoxanil. Due to the combination of these components, “Ordan” performs several tasks at once: copper oxychloride is responsible for eradicating fungus and also has a bactericidal effect; Cymoxanil treats the plant and also protects them from re-infection.

One of the distinctive features of this product is that it is not addictive to fungi. Pathogenic organisms cannot adapt to this drug, which is why it is always effective.


The spectrum of action of Previkura is quite wide. It helps to cope with peronosporiasis, various types of root rot, as well as other fungal diseases. Its main difference from other fungicides is its ability to act as a plant growth stimulator. It affects the plant immune system and protects against subsequent infections. It is used for both garden crops and indoor flowers.

Profit Gold

Fungicide with a systemic mechanism of action. Its two active ingredients, cymoxanil and famoxadone, provide effective treatment for various fungal infections. Cymoxanil penetrates the plant and acts on the fungus from the inside, blocking its development. And the second component is responsible for influencing the fungus from the outside. Famoxadone kills the fungus and its spores, and also forms a thin film over the plant. It is this systemic action that helps quickly and effectively overcome fungus on plants, even in difficult cases. The effect of the drug is long-lasting.

Gardeners use Profit Gold to combat late blight, powdery mildew, anthracnose and other fungal diseases. This fungicide is also used to treat and protect indoor flowers.


This drug is similar in action to the drug "Skor". "Rayok" is absorbed by plants, so it makes it easier to fight diseases. Another advantage of this drug is that it begins to act very quickly, literally within a few hours. It is also resistant to being washed away by rain.

The basis of this fungicide is difenoconazole. This substance directly affects the synthesis of the genetic material of the fungus and disrupts it. Because of this, the fungus gradually dies.

Cures garden trees and other plants from scab, Alternaria and powdery mildew.

It is commercially available as an emulsion.

Quite effective contact fungicide. Two active ingredients, mefenoxam and mancozeb, effectively fight the fungus, protecting the plant both outside and inside.

Mefenoxam penetrates the plant tissue, reaches the lesion and destroys the fungus. Mancozeb comes to his aid, acting outside the plant, enhancing the effect of the first active substance. Together they quickly help get rid of the disease.

This fungicide is effective in the fight against late blight, peronospora, and also copes well with downy mildew. Quickly decomposes in the soil without harming beneficial organisms.

This drug is produced in granules, they are dissolved in water and a solution is obtained for spraying plants.


This is a contact fungicide intended for the local treatment of fungal diseases. The affected areas are lubricated with the drug solution. You can also water the ground with it before planting plants.

Mechanism of action: the active substance iprodione stops the reproduction and germination of spores, and also negatively affects the development of the fungus.

This fungicide is effective against verticellosis, fucaria, late blight, and powdery mildew in various garden and garden crops.

"Rovral" can be used in small doses for preventive treatment of plants. It is also recommended to treat seeds before long-term storage.

Available in powder form.


"Skor" is used for the treatment and prevention of scab, powdery mildew, various types of spots, moniliosis, coccomycosis.

This fungicide can be used to treat plants in all phases of development.

The big advantage of this drug is its speed of action.

It can be found on sale in the form of an emulsion.


The active ingredient of this fungicide is methyl thiophanate. Spreading throughout the plant, this component stops the growth of the fungus and also blocks the processes of sporulation.

Penetration into the plant occurs through the root system.

In addition to fungi, it also destroys insect pests (for example, aphids), as it also has an insecticidal effect.

The positive aspects of this drug also include: speed of action; the ability to use this drug both for the treatment and prevention of fungal diseases; efficiency; safety for people and plants.

This drug will work better and faster if it has already been used previously as a prophylactic agent.

Available in the form of an emulsion, as well as a water-soluble powder.


This is a biological fungicide made from natural ingredients. He became an excellent alternative chemical pesticides.

This drug is based on a strain of saprophytic fungi Trichoderma lignorium. This fungus, when it gets on the substrate, begins to actively grow and multiply. In the process of its life activity, it releases special substances - natural antibiotics. These substances have a negative effect on the harmful fungus, leading to its death.

Other positive qualities of the drug also include the fact that it is completely safe for people and animals, does not accumulate in fruits, and is also able to increase the amount of harvest. In addition to fighting fungi, it has a beneficial effect on the soil and also accelerates plant growth.

The effect of the drug is quite long - it lasts about a month.

"Trichodermin" is effective against more than fifty different pathogens of fungal diseases.

Available in powder and suspension form.


This natural fungicide is made from the bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Antibiotics secreted by these bacteria have a detrimental effect on pathogenic fungi that have infected your plants.

Effective against many fungal diseases, including black rot, rust, root rot, late blight and many others.

It is practically non-toxic, which allows it to be used for treating indoor flowers. Its additional effect is to stimulate plant growth.

Available in three forms - powder, paste, solution.


This fungicide is based on copper oxychloride.

Can act as an analogue Bordeaux mixture. But the main difference from it (unfortunately, negative) is that “Hom” is very easily washed off with water from plants, so it is not durable.

Used to combat late blight, peronosporosis, spotting.

Mechanism of action of the drug: after treating the plant, the drug reaches the foci of fungal infection and penetrates their cells. There, the fungicide affects the synthesis of substances important for the fungus, and this causes the death of the fungus.

This fungicide is not addictive to pathogenic organisms, so it is always effective in combating them.


"Horus" is a fungicide with a systemic type of action. It is based on cyprodinil.

Designed for spraying crops, after treatment it forms on plants thin layer, protecting them from infection.

It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as scab, coccomycosis, moniliosis, leaf curl and some others.

The advantages of the drug also include the fact that it is active even in low temperatures, non-phytotoxic, economical, easy to use.

Here is a list of most fungicides used to treat and protect plants from fungal diseases. After reading it, you will have an idea of ​​what fungicides are, how they can help your plant, and which fungicide is best to choose to save your plants.