Interpretation of the dream ambulance in dream books. Why do you dream about an ambulance: positive and negative meanings according to different dream books

According to dream books, the emergency ambulance service in night dreams is a multi-valued symbol. Everything that comes with such a dream promises a poor state of the body or the implementation of plans. For interpretation, the complete plot of the dream plays an important role.

As indicated Esoteric dream book, an ambulance is a chance to prevent major problems in reality. Most likely, this will become possible with the help of relatives or old friends who are ready to provide support at the first opportunity.

Reanimation machine

Seeing an ambulance in a dream, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book, means the emergence of misunderstandings between the dreamer and his boss. Probably, this attitude of the dreamed personality is interconnected with the dreamer’s future career growth.

Watching from the sidelines as the intensive care unit rushes to respond to a call with a siren blaring, according to the Modern Dream Book, this foreshadows the fulfillment of your deepest desire. The car itself in a dream embodies your dream that it achieves its goal, bypassing all the difficulties - a traffic light on the way, other cars.

Sometimes the dream of an ambulance with flickering lights and a siren on reflects the dreamer’s state of anxiety. In most cases, the excitement and omen of misfortune that the dreamed vision carries is unreasonable and unfounded. In addition, such a plot indicates the depression of the dreamer, who feels despondency and orphanhood in reality.

Who needed medical care?

I dreamed about how you did it yourself, this means, according to the Family Dream Book, the difficulties of relatives and friends can have Negative influence on mutual relationships in your family.

Providing medical care in a dream without actually being an employee promises acceptance of a lucrative offer of mutual work. If someone called an ambulance for you, your work colleagues, including your superiors, will fully approve of the proposed plans.

According to Miller's dream book, everything you dream of calling an ambulance to your home reflects in real life deterioration in the health of a sleeping person. Perhaps you should take a few days to relax by taking unpaid time off from work. For a pair of lovers, such a dream foreshadows a difficult stage in the relationship.

Work in the emergency room

According to the Esoteric Dream Interpreter, what one dreams of working in an ambulance represents the sleeping person as a good-natured and attentive person, capable of providing help to everyone who needs it.

Being the driver of such a vehicle in a dream is considered a sign that the lives of many people depend on the dreamer, and he, feeling such an obligation, makes every effort to help them. If you dreamed that you were going to a call yourself, this means that you are feeling exhausted, which is caused by frequent calls for help. There is no need to refuse people, because supporting them is your purpose in life.

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Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about an ambulance in a dream according to 2 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the symbol “ Ambulance» according to 2 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Universal dream book

Ambulance siren- causes alarm, unless, of course, you are lying in a ditch, and the ambulance is not coming to your aid. In this case, the siren will be a pleasant song. So, in a dream, does an ambulance represent support, salvation and relief from pain? Is she coming to you or to someone else? Who needs help or what needs to be saved?

Possibly an ambulance- symbolizes that something in your life requires immediate attention. To understand what exactly, remember the place where the ambulance was in your dream.

Possibly an ambulance- a warning sign that you should be careful. Perhaps this is a warning of impending danger. For example, if in a dream an ambulance is on its way to your children, it means that you need to be more attentive to them.

If in a dream you yourself are an ambulance driver- Do you identify yourself with the savior? Are you taking your friend to the hospital? If so, who? In real life, are you concerned about his well-being? If in a dream someone else is driving the ambulance and you are being taken, perhaps you think that this person can save you.

"Ambulance" seen in a dream- can also be a symbol of wish fulfillment. Perhaps she represents your desire, not paying attention to the red traffic light, the rules traffic and speed limit, rush towards your goal along a clear and free path.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Ambulance according to the dream book?

Ambulance - promises in reality the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

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Video: Why do you dream about an ambulance?

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Did you dream about an ambulance, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about an ambulance in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! I dreamed that I pushed some woman, and she grabbed onto me and we fell from the balcony together. And an ambulance came for me. There were no significant injuries, but my insides hurt and they took me to the hospital. Thanks in advance!

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at home and heard the sound of an ambulance siren, I looked out the window and there they brought my husband in an ambulance and carried him home on a stretcher, and the doctors said that his heart had seized. And I look at him, there are bruises on his face yellow color.Thank you!

    A familiar man whom I know, for some reason in a different guise, but I know that it is him, in a dream we feel mutual love to each other, and we are in the museum. Then I leave to look for a bus to leave this place. And when I return halfway for it, people around me, including me, are attacked by a crazy woman with an awl (they take it out of her forehead) and a hammer. Then there’s a pause, I’m lying in the ambulance, not very injured, and at this time the man is frantically looking for me in the ambulances, of which there were many, and finds me, enters the car and, relieved to find me, sits down next to me and calms down.

    Intensive care unit near the bank, my mother and I are sitting in the bank and I see my loved one, I come up and hug him. I understand that an unfamiliar man has become ill in the bank, there are men’s shoes. Then the ambulance rides in the distance.

    I had a dream, as if my former classmate fell from the stairs from the 3rd floor and broke everything, then I ran around looking for a phone to call an ambulance, but the ambulance had already arrived and I only heard the siren

    I was walking home past the post office on the road, I saw chips and broke them with my foot, then I turned back and saw a boy lying down, went up to him and began to ask what was wrong with him, called an ambulance for a long time, could not dial the number on the phone, laid the boy on his back and talked to him

    My boyfriend and I were standing near my house and an ambulance arrived at the neighbors, we all stood watching, only the doctors ran out of the ambulance and ran to the house where the car stopped and down the street from the house where they stopped, I didn’t see where they ran, then we everyone was standing there, I went into the yard and I came out, my boyfriend was talking to another girl, I went up to them and that’s it

    4 years ago our grandfather died, and today I dreamed that he had a stroke, he was very ill, we called an ambulance and while we were waiting for the ambulance I met two guys and sat in their car

    I saw something like a parade of suddenly flying many fighters low above the ground. , the last one even touched me. Behind them are ambulances, also rushing to help those who may have been hit by planes. There were also many government-class cars, all of them were driving along a narrow road, some drove onto the lawn and were in a hurry somewhere, as if they were chasing fighters. Then I woke up

    My brother and I are leaving somewhere, he seems to drive a car poorly. at some point he appears in my arms, I know that this accident happened, I cry, he turns pale, an ambulance arrives and takes him away. I’m trying to catch up with her and remember the road to where he is being taken away, I remember only the ambulance number “12”. then I find myself at home and in the drawers I look for his documents, but when I rummage through the chest of drawers, sorting through things, I notice a lot of orange things and for some reason I think that I will need to take them. Dad comes and says that most likely this accident was caused by my brother’s enemies. I cry all my sleep.

    I called an ambulance for a man I knew, he felt bad, he was choking and no one wanted to help him, and I called the ambulance 2 times and said that I think he had something with his bronchi and I saw her arrive, but he was already feeling better

    I dreamed about it. that at work they didn’t count my salary and I started crying a lot, to such an extent that I began to choke and had some kind of seizure, I had to call an ambulance. Then I woke up

    I dreamed that I was swimming in a very deep pool and the water seemed clean, and there was someone else in the pool besides me and clearly male. I was swimming and a piece of cat hair hit me near my face, it got into my mouth, I began to choke and drown. This is the one who pulled me out and called an ambulance in which they took me away

    I had a dream, as if I had seriously injured my finger, and I saw the wound... But there was no blood, the injury was terrifying.. I called an ambulance, but the ambulance did not arrive for a long time, and never arrived...

    Hello! I dreamed that my husband was taken away by an ambulance with some other guy, but I didn’t see what happened. I also got into this ambulance, saw my husband on a stretcher and that’s it. And then we were already home

    I look out the window of an apartment I know and see that there are a lot of parked ambulances along the building (about 50) and more cars continue to drive up and drive up (in total there are about a hundred of them)

    My children and I, who are already adults now, and in the dream we are teenagers, are hiding from someone on the loggia of an unfamiliar house, but for some reason I am sure that the city is Alma-Ata and then my son falls out of the loggia, and when he returns bloodied, he is already an adult. I call in a panic. ambulance and demand the owner of the apartment to give the address which I dictate into the phone receiver

    My boyfriend and I were at my house, then I suddenly saw that I had a small belly, I touched it and felt the hand of a child. We went for a walk, I started to feel my stomach and felt something sharp in my stomach, in the navel area, I started touching and something sharp pierced my navel, I felt bad, they called an ambulance, but while she was driving, I took it out of my navel a huge fish bone that was covered in fish. The ambulance has arrived. They put me on a gurney, fastened my arms with belts, and took me to the hospital. The paramedic started pestering me. My stomach hurt wildly in my sleep.

    I dreamed that my friend was sitting in the ambulance with her 6-year-old nephew. The car is getting ready to drive away. And the child’s mother is also my friend, the sister of the one who is sitting in the car, roaring while sitting on the asphalt.

    Hello, Tatyana, please tell me what this dream is about, dad abruptly runs out of the room and says look out the window if the ambulance has arrived, I look and see that my sister is lying on the asphalt, there was blood on her head, I was very worried and the ambulance was already arriving, and next to her husband is sitting. and I suddenly stood up after this dream, my heart began to beat faster. I called my sister and asked how she was, she replied that she was fine.

    The beach is for some reason cloudy and rainy. I work in a cafe on the beach, where the products are much more rare than “Exotic”, even such that you doubt their real existence. The work is not dusty - there are few clients. But then for some reason a party begins and a party on the beach. I see a large crowd of people dancing, and I notice my beloved girl in it. I run to her, grab her and start circling her. She slips out of my hands and someone bumps into her. She falls onto the hard asphalt, blood is visible all around, I scream, it’s raining, she’s unconscious. Soon an ambulance arrives, but I am not allowed to see it. This is where it all ends.

    I was on the street and saw an accident between a motorcycle and a car, smoke started coming out, then I called an ambulance, but gave my home address, it was as if I had moved home and in the house, in the apartment I saw this accident, I was looking at the same place, then when the ambulance drove up to the window, then I began to understand that this was a hallucination, I began to lose the picture of the accident, a woman doctor came into the house and I began to explain why I called the ambulance, that there was an accident, but it seemed to have disappeared….

    Hello, I had this dream today from 02.08 to 03.08. Please, I’m very interested in what this dream was about. I dreamed that I was walking with friends near the tram tracks, and suddenly the tram started moving, everyone managed to run away. when the tram started to slow down it didn’t hit much right leg. And I fell to the ground. Friends ran up to me and started asking me “how am I feeling and if I have any pain.” Then they took me to a bench and started calling an ambulance, but they couldn’t get through to them for a long time, but eventually they got through.
    I’ve been thinking about this dream all day and I still can’t forget this dream. My heart hasn’t been in the right place for two hours now... I’m constantly thinking about this dream. What should I do please tell me?!. I know your help is only paid... and it’s a shame...

    I dreamed that I was lying down and felt sick and my stomach hurt like a woman. then I looked at the balcony, the ambulance had arrived and I saw not an ambulance but an intensive care unit. They looked at me and said I needed treatment. then the ambulance left. what does it mean?

    I dreamed that my dad, who hasn’t lived with us for 25 years, beat my mom with a hot frying pan, she was taken away in an ambulance and there was also the police, and at that moment I was arguing with my enemy and took the thing from her! Why is all this?

    they were sitting on a bench talking about something, then I had to go to the store and sell cookies to the granny and I assumed that they would beat him up, I wanted to quickly return to him but didn’t have time, an ambulance arrived and brought him on the couch, all broken, with his head re-bent and his nose was bandaged, there was no blood..... I picked him up in my arms, all in tears and carried him to the bed, then I woke up all scared, everything is fine with my husband

    My brother and I swam on a lake, very similar to the sea, but without waves, and at the bottom there were some large multi-colored pebbles. The bottom and water in the lake were light. Evening came suddenly. At some point my dad comes. He silently swims to the middle of the lake, and there he begins to seem to be spinning, then disappears under the water. He is gone for several minutes, but then he suddenly emerges, as if something had thrown him up. He quickly swims to shore. Having arrived, he says that something happened to him, I can’t make out what, something about his legs, He feels bad, I talk to him so that he doesn’t close his eyes. Suddenly a woman in a swimsuit appears and I ask you to look after my dad, while I run to look for my phone. The place where I was looking for the phone resembles our dacha. I found a phone, but I can’t get through to the ambulance, it’s as if the phone didn’t have a call function and I just pressed the numbers on the screen. Then I ran up to my dad, but he had his eyes closed, and the woman sat next to him and said that she didn’t know how it happened.

    I dreamed that my boyfriend was visiting me, then I went to the store, and he fainted and they called an ambulance for him. I saw her, but didn’t have time to go with them. Then I got there myself. He lay unconscious for some time. I’m done cried for a while.
    But then he woke up as if nothing had happened and everything became fine

    Hello, my name is Olesya! Today (from Tuesday to Wednesday) I had a dream that I was with my mother and youngest daughter We are in some room, there are no doors, only the window sill, there is no furniture either, just bare walls and floors. Mom is standing in the middle of the room, a rattlesnake crawls along the wall and moves towards me and my daughter, my daughter and I jump onto the windowsill, and the snake turns and moves towards mom .Mom stands motionless and the snake crawled up Mom’s leg, into her bosom, all over her body and on her face it had already crawled under the skin and seemed to fit in a ball on her head. And the snake bit my mother. While the snake was moving along the floor, it changed color, at first it was light brown, then it turned pink and blue (striped). Then the ambulance arrived and for some reason my mother was carried feet first on a stretcher covered with a white cloth to the ambulance. Please help me interpret the dream, I’m very worried because my mother and I have problems with health (especially my mother). I often dream prophetic dreams, and this dream was very vivid and I don’t know what it could mean.

    man, I know him. He’s not there. In some kind of bustle at home, there’s a lot of people. This man and I seem to have a warm relationship with a claim to either a strong friendship or a close relationship. I suggest he rest, lie down in another room, tightly squeezing the key in my fist , such, from the time of NEP. He refuses and immediately lies down on the bed in common room. Very tired. I head towards the exit, he asks where he called me. I show the key and go out into the entrance. On the landing, he suddenly catches up with me and kisses me firmly on the lips, then he begins to settle down, I along with him. And then I notice that there is a puddle under him. Sorry, he's peeing. In fear, I start screaming for an ambulance to be called. It seems that they arrived, they somehow took him out, but it’s already vague, nothing concrete

    I dreamed that my colleagues and I were at work and calling an ambulance for someone, whom I couldn’t remember, and twice the woman answered, I don’t remember what, and the third time a man answered the phone and gave the exact address of the work. There was no particular anxiety in the dream.

    hello. I dreamed that I was driving in a car (not driving), the road was clear, I turned my head to the side and literally immediately back and realized that we were crashing (eventually crashing) into an ambulance. It was standing sideways, blocking the road. This ambulance was overloaded stretcher to another ambulance standing on the side of the road

    Hello, at first I dreamed that my teeth were falling out, and I was spitting them out, and they were crumbling. Then worms appeared in my mouth, I pulled two out, and shouted to my mother, “Mom, call an ambulance.” Then I remember the doctors arriving, and I lay down on a gurney, IVs hanging, and my consciousness seems to turn off for a while. Then I open my eyes and my mother sits next to me and says they managed to save you, just a little more and you would have died.

    hello, I dreamed that I was walking on the street of our city and I felt very bad that I crawled a block and saw an ambulance, getting into it, they asked me what happened, I couldn’t answer anything, I cried and woke up with tears in my eyes and couldn’t calm down for 5 minutes. What is this? could it mean? I’m just in a situation right now, I’m very worried

    I dreamed that my kidneys hurt. (In my life I have acute kidney failure). An ambulance arrived, they put me on a gurney and took me to the hospital. A woman doctor and a man doctor were sitting in the car with me. I was taken to the hospital, put into a room and I was there alone. I called for help but no one came. and I woke up

    In a dream I saw 4 ambulances, they drove past me)
    There were no signals or sirens)
    I don’t remember anything before or after)
    I was just walking along the road, and they rushed past, I counted them)
    Thanks in advance)

    I was walking home from the store, where I had left my wife with an old school friend. Halfway through the journey, for some reason, I was overcome with jealousy that while I was in the store, my friend and wife could betray me and that I myself allowed this moment. I abruptly ran home and for some reason I ran to the house where I lived 3-4 years ago. Near this house (more precisely, adjacent to the end of this house there was an old and abandoned one-story building that was constantly being rented out), meaning a pharmacy warehouse where, during the Soviet era, large quantities of medicine and baby food were stored. When I started to run around him, I saw that one ambulance had arrived close to the entrance on one side, and on the other side a second ambulance had arrived and very quickly, on a cart, orderlies were bringing a girl who looked like my wife to it. I ran after the orderlies and caught up with them near the car, where I saw my wife lying (conscious, but with tubes in her nose). I started screaming and asking what happened and where are they taking my wife??? The orderlies said it was nuclear poisoning and that the baby in her womb was already dead. I knew nothing about this child, and having known my wife for many years, she, too, had no idea about him. Then they shouted for me to move away and, having come to my senses, I went to the duty hospital #103 (I had never encountered a hospital with that number in my life). I followed the ambulance with my eyes and started screaming hysterically at the sky... After that I woke up...
    Decipher it, I'm going through something!!!
    Thank you…

    Hello! In a dream, the skin on my face began to bubble, inflate into bubbles and burst, and I became worried. I told my husband. They called an ambulance, it arrived in 5 minutes, and my whole body was covered with pimples, purulent. There were many of them. Like chickenpox. One pimple turned into an ulcer and began to bleed. The doctors gave an injection and everything seemed to stop. And they began to calm me down, saying it happens, usually in pregnant women. And before going to bed, I was thinking a lot about a possible pregnancy. thanks in advance

    An ambulance came to our house because I have an allergy on my face, the doctor, having examined my face, said that it was better to give me an injection and go to the hospital, I ran to my room, locked myself in, my dad came in and started to calm me down, and he said that the brigade had already left, I left the room with a calm soul and that’s it... I don’t remember anymore, or there was no continuation

    My brother and I were in some building, we were walking, talking, there was a feeling that someone was watching us) then something suddenly went wrong, my brother disappeared out of sight, some man chased me, I ran very fast and in the end I find myself at home, my mother is at home, then I go home and want to close the gate, but it turns out to be broken) I’m afraid that they will find me, I sit waiting, then an ambulance arrives with a siren and with my dad, he is unconscious, I yell at my mother that it’s an ambulance, The ambulance arrived, and dad was there, to which mom replied: I don’t need an ambulance yet, what could this mean?

    I dreamed that I suddenly had appendicitis and my parents called an ambulance. It took me a long time to pack my things and the ambulance was waiting for me for a long time. When I approached the car, I saw the doctor and she said something like “Why are you taking so long to get ready, life is more important.” Then we went in the car and there were 2 more young girls and doctors, one of them seemed to be out of her mind and constantly rubbed herself against me.

    Well, I walk my dog ​​in it, and on the street, not in yards, the pavement is under my feet. I feel bad, a girl is walking with me, but I couldn’t see her face. I feel bad to such an extent that I can’t hear almost anything, I command the dog “Near”, and she is already nearby, they are looking at me with scythes. And I fall on something that interferes with the cars. I see how they take me into an ambulance. There they bandage my hand and inject something into my neck and I wake up. In the same position as I was lying in that car.

    I dreamed that we were going to school, it was winter, but we were dressed lightly, two cars passed by, we hoped that he would pick us up and take us, but no.
    Then we gradually walked, there was a man with us, the husband of our teacher, suddenly an ambulance rushes by, and the man says that he needs to run to help. He hands me his cap and jacket. We are walking, we have a lot of things, we have gathered somewhere, some strange things, a lot of crystal, a samovar, there was a small red dog, alive. There are so many things, I can’t remember them all. And I distribute these things among everyone. We need to bring them to school and the man's jacket is among these things. During the entire period that I have already described: it got dark, we approached the bridge, and in total we walked 200 meters.
    On the bridge, two acquaintances attacked us, took away our things, almost dropped my yellow sneakers into the water, but then they come with us. Then the picture: it’s getting light, we’re walking, cars are arriving, and I see a car with dad’s friends, and I say, well, that’s it, we’re finished, we’re already pretty late for school, then we got to dad and mom’s work, a doctor is sitting on the street and vaccinates employees.
    We dragged all the junk inside, placed it on the stairs, everything around was light, I went up to my mother and said: “We’ll leave it here, and then we’ll take it away,” she answered something, and we started taking things, apparently she didn’t allow it, we started to disassemble everything again and first take it out onto the street, there were about 10 of us people, and more and more things were added. Then I woke up.

    At first I dreamed of a deceased father in a good mood who pointed to a moving ambulance and the number 124962 was clearly marked on it. Or 124965 I don’t remember exactly, and after that it became so easy and remember these numbers in your head, but why is it unclear

    I was with my boyfriend near my house, there was some kind of holiday and there were a lot of people at our house. The young man and my sister and I were talking and he said that I was pissing him off, while he put his hand on my leg, I told my sister that why then should we start dating if a person pisses him off, then my mother came and he told her story about this situation, then I couldn’t restrain myself, I said that I was writing to me anyway, I cried, threw a rag at him and went home, but he seemed to have a cold, I was sitting at home, there were a lot of people and my mother came and said that goes to a neighbor's house to play some kind of game, I asked her to tell my young man come home, I was sure that he would not leave, since I had his car keys, I waited for a long time, but he did not come, after which I went outside, saw an ambulance in which my boyfriend was sitting and looking at a window that looked out on the other side of the road and he didn’t see me, the ambulance went with a siren

    In general, in my school now many people have chickenpox, about 60 people, maybe this is a dream, or is there something more important?

The Romans believed that dreams were messages from the Gods and many of them were subject to mandatory interpretation by the Roman Senate. It mattered to them great importance, especially in times of war. And among the Egyptian pharaohs, all dreams were considered sacred.

Diagnosis and prediction of diseases in sleep

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams begin to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know: your subconscious mind advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely emerging disease, compare the content of your dream with the interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good dream, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens the door to the wonderful world of dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that the person is currently in a severe traumatic situation. This is why every intrusive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Ambulance in a modern dream book

Dreaming of an ambulance means that complications have arisen in your life in matters that you are not able to solve on your own and are counting on the help of strangers. You will be able to avoid unexpected troubles, but only if you can promptly take advantage of the offered help from colleagues, loved ones and friends. An ambulance with a siren on, quickly approaching in a dream, symbolizes the difficulties and troubles that inevitably await you. Sometimes such dreams can in reality indicate a fatal disease.

Ambulance in Miller's dream book

If you saw an ambulance in a dream, in real life someone nearby needs help and support. You are warned about the danger that threatens someone. You can take part and save someone who has reached a dead end of their own delusions. In addition, you can become a wish-granter if you saw yourself in a dream as a doctor or nurse, going to a call in an ambulance. If you are being driven in a car to medical institution- beware of any health-related changes, take care of your physical fitness, do not take unnecessary risks. There is a risk of receiving injury incompatible with life as a result of an accident

Ambulance in Vanga's dream book

An ambulance in a dream symbolizes concerns about health in real life. Thoughtless actions, negligence and irresponsibility can lead to disastrous consequences concerning not only health, but also your youth, and for girls - beauty. If an ambulance in a dream arrived at your call, it is a sign that the help you need in reality will arrive in a timely manner and to the right place. You will get the required attention from your life partner.

Ambulance in Freud's dream book

Seeing an ambulance in a dream means experiencing the collapse of your secret thoughts and desires. Your hopes will be cut short, your loved one will disappear from your life, and you will look in vain for an opportunity to confess your feelings. If you are driving an ambulance in a dream, it means that in reality you will be able to regulate the subconscious impulses of the soul, easily shed your complexes and help your partner to be open with you, for which the chosen one will appreciate you.

Fatigue is the best pillow.

Benjamin Franklin

If you saw a medical car in a dream, do not ignore this sign. It’s worth figuring out why you dream about an ambulance - the interpretation of this dream can be different, it all depends on the details that the dreamer happened to see in his night dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Opportunities will appear to overcome difficulties and get rid of troubles - this is what a dream with an ambulance portends.

Relatives or good friends will help you cope with your problems.

Interpretation taking into account the details of the dream

A dream where you watch how an ambulance with a flashing light and a sound signal overtakes others vehicles, promises the fulfillment of a dream in real life.

Get ready for difficulties and anxiety if you saw doctors in an ambulance in your dreams. Be careful and attentive to avoid an accident or accident.

In reality, to solve problems, you will need the support of loved ones - this is why in a dream you watch an ambulance arrive.

If you had a need to call an ambulance in a dream, then in reality there is a high probability that the troubles of your family and friends may negatively affect you. Difficulties in business are possible, but they will be less significant than family problems.

Be wise and tactful.

A signal about the deplorable state of your affairs, the need to help everyone, to work as hard as you can - this is what you dream of about an ambulance rushing to a call. Be patient for the long term.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you called “S. P." to yourself - news that will surprise; to another - to a quarrel with a colleague; work for S. P." - perform a civic act.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Ambulance - You see an ambulance in a dream - the dream foretells you will soon become ill.

It’s as if you are calling an ambulance by phone - the dream warns: you are careless about your health; health must be protected while it is strong. It’s as if you are being taken by ambulance to the hospital - having seen such a dream, you can consider that you have lost your most devoted friend. You see yourself as a driver or an emergency doctor - you will actually have to help one of your friends.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Alarm vehicles (ambulance, fire engine) - Severe anxiety, restlessness of the sleeper, more often unfounded and associated with one’s own outbursts of emotions, passions for various reasons (“fire engine”) and a cry for help (“ambulance”) in connection with the sensation loneliness, loss, helplessness, despair, depression. Much less often they report a real disaster or accident.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Ladies' dream book

First aid - concern about the health, well-being of relatives or relationships with them.

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Online dream book

Ambulance - promises in reality the fulfillment of a cherished dream. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo:

Why do you dream about an ambulance?

Universal dream book

An ambulance siren is alarming, unless, of course, you are lying in a ditch and the ambulance is not on its way to help you. In this case, the siren will be a pleasant song. So, in a dream, does an ambulance represent support, salvation and relief from pain? Is she coming to you or to someone else? Who needs help or what needs to be saved?

Perhaps an ambulance symbolizes that something in your life requires immediate attention. To understand what exactly, remember the place where the ambulance was in your dream.

Perhaps the “ambulance” is a warning sign that you should be more careful. Perhaps this is a warning of impending danger. For example, if in a dream an ambulance is on its way to your children, it means that you need to be more attentive to them.

If in a dream you yourself are an ambulance driver, do you personify yourself with a savior? Are you taking your friend to the hospital? If so, who? In real life, are you concerned about his well-being? If in a dream someone else is driving the ambulance and you are being taken, perhaps you think that this person can save you.

An “ambulance” seen in a dream can also be a symbol of wish fulfillment. Perhaps it represents your desire, regardless of red traffic lights, traffic rules and speed limits, to rush towards your goal along a clear and free path.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.