Tree with red leaves and berries. Useful and harmful red berries. Varieties of decorative apple trees

What are the edible wild berries that grow in forests and fields? In this article we will look at the most famous berries.

The berries grow primarily in warm climates and form a family of wild plants. Some berries can be eaten raw, but some must be cooked or processed before they can be eaten. The advantage of berries is that they are rich in vitamins and minerals.

If you know of edible wild berries that are not mentioned in the article, please write them in the comments!

Types of edible wild berries

There are many types of wild berries, although not all of them are edible. A more extensive list of types of berries is in this article.

Cherry plum:

Aronia chokeberry, or Chokeberry : This is a highly branched shrub up to 3 meters high. Not a close relative of mountain ash. Its homeland is the Eastern part of North America, from where it spread to Russia. Edible chokeberry was first grown by I.V. Michurin, he brought her out of numerous experiments. Cultivated rowan berries are slightly larger than wild chokeberry berries.

: Evergreen shrub 1-5 meters high. There are 450-500 species of barberry in the genus. Distributed everywhere except Australia, in the temperate and subtropical zones. In Europe, for many centuries, the berries were used for culinary purposes as a substitute for citrus peels. After all, barberry berries are rich in vitamin C. Today in Europe they are very rarely used. The country in which they are used most often is Iran. In Iran, the berries are used as a seasoning for poultry meat. You can also make drinks, jams, sweets and marshmallows from the berries.

: Hawthorn is a shrub 1-4 meters high. The plant has about 1,250 species, distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in North America. Grown as an ornamental plant. You can make various drinks, jams, etc. from hawthorn.

: Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. It looks like bearberry. It is successfully cultivated in various countries. So, for example, about 50-6 kilograms of berries are obtained from one hundred square meters. Lingonberries are used to prepare fillings for sweets, fruit drinks, and jams. Lingonberry leaves are used in medicine.

: Shrub or small tree that reaches a height of 3-10 meters. Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. It begins to bloom in May-June, and the berries ripen only in August-September. The natural habitat is the Azores Islands, North Africa, Western and Northern Iran, Türkiye, most of Europe, Transcaucasia, in Russia it grows in the south of the European part. Black elderberry is healing plant, unlike red elderberry, which is quite poisonous. You can make jam, jam, and jelly from black elderberry berries. In England, it is used to make a traditional drink. In Switzerland, juice is made from it. It is also used to make a harmless dye and is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens and parks.

: Domestic cherries are derived from wild cherries. The taste of these cherries can be sour, as well as sweet and juicy. They are commonly found throughout Europe. Wild cherry fruits ripen in June. Birds love them very much, hence you can see birds flocking to wild cherries. This can also be used as a sign that the berries are edible. Once you have identified these berries, you will also come back for them year after year. You can also make cherry liqueur from these wild cherries.

: Crowberry is a creeping shrub more than 1 meter long. There is only 1 polymorphic species. Crowberry is distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere and is also present in South America. Crowberry berries do not taste very pleasant, they are sour, but they quench your thirst well. Eaten fresh. They make jam, marmalade, drinks, jams from the berries and use them as seasonings.

: Blueberry is a shrub, up to 1 meter high. It is found in all regions of the Northern Hemisphere with temperate and cold climates, in the tundra, forest zone, often in swamps and peat bogs. In Eurasia, distributed from Iceland and Great Britain to Russia Far East and Japan (in the south the species range reaches Spain, Italy, countries former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Mongolia). In North America - from Alaska to Newfoundland and California. Blueberries are very easily confused with blueberries. In blueberries, the stem grows woody almost to the top, unlike blueberries, and they have a number of other differences. Juice, jam, and wine are made from blueberries.

: They can be found from July to September, sometimes until frost. They are vines and can climb stronger plants. Their leaves are unique. They are considered to be very aggressive vines and tend to form thickets.

When ripe, the fruits are black. Unripe berries are tastier than ripe fruits. These berries are used in cooking various dishes, pies and wine stoppers.

: This is the most delicate of all types of berries. Therefore, they must be eaten as soon as they are picked. They look similar to blackberries, with the only difference being that they look looser. These berries can be used to make cocktails.

: Honeysuckle is a shrub up to 1 meter high. Most species of honeysuckle are distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Honeysuckle berries are eaten fresh, but you can also make pies, compotes, juices, jams, wines, preserves and syrups from them. You can read about honeysuckle juice here.

: They grow on hillsides and open lands. They ripen when they receive maximum sunlight. The difference between wild and domestic berries is only in taste. Strawberries have a rich flavor and are also sweeter than their homemade counterpart.

: Irga (cinnamon) is a deciduous shrub or small tree up to 3 meters high. About 25 species of serviceberry are known. Distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere: Central and Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, North America, Crimea, Japan. Irgu is used dried or fresh in marshmallows, wines, compotes, juices and preserves. Contains vitamin R.

: Viburnum is a shrub or small tree up to 2-3 or 5 meters high. Viburnum is common in Europe, America, Asia and North Africa. In total, about 200 species are known. The bark and fruits of viburnum are used in medicine. Viburnum is used to make jelly, preserves, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, sweets, jellies, bake pies and cook porridge.

: Dogwood this small tree or shrub up to 10 meters high. Dogwood grows in Asia Minor, California, Japan, Central and Southern Europe, Central China and the Caucasus. Dogwood is used in medicine. Industrial oil is made from the seeds of the fruit. Dogwood fruits are eaten fresh. The fruits are used to make jelly, compote, marmalade, preserves, jams and various drinks.

: Cranberry is an evergreen creeping shrub, up to 80 centimeters long. Distributed in the tundra, forest-tundra and forest zones of North America, Asia and Europe. There are 4 types in total. Cranberries are consumed fresh. In the USA and Canada, cranberries have been grown on an industrial scale since 1820. There are over 100 types of cranberry drinks. Cranberry is famous for its healing effect, but it is not recommended to use it, for example, for patients with stomach ulcers. The berries are used to prepare jellies, juices, jams, fruit drinks, syrups, jelly, wines, candy fillings, wines and food colorings.

: Knyazhenika is a herbaceous plant up to 35 centimeters high. The fruits are similar to raspberries or blackberries. It blooms in June, and the fruits ripen in July-August. The fruits have a sweet and sour taste, similar to pineapple. Dishes and seasonings made from princeberry have a strong taste. Grows in northern North America and Eurasia. Princes can be consumed fresh. Knyazhenika is used in medicine. Syrup, juice, jam, jelly, liqueurs, ice cream, marmalade and tea are made from princesses.

: herbaceous plant common in coniferous and deciduous forests. The distribution area is the central part of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Caucasus. It blooms in May-June, and the fruits ripen in July-August. The bush reaches a height of no more than 30 centimeters. It is advisable to consume drupes fresh. Vinegar, wine, kvass, fruit drinks, jelly, compote, jam, jelly, juice, syrup are made from the bone fruit and dried. Drupe is a healthy berry; it is rich in vitamins C and P.

: They come from Western Europe or northern Africa. It grows on rocky slopes and is also grown in gardens. It often runs wild and begins to grow in the forest. These berries are green, red or yellow. They are used in jams, puddings, jellies, preserves, wines and marmalades.

: They grow in wildlife, as well as in gardens. They have a rich flavor and are usually hidden under the leaves of plants. They tend to bloom in full sun. If you can collect this wild fruit, it can replace other berries in your recipes, and your dish will be much better and tastier. Raspberries are also used as an alternative to cloudberries and blackberries.

: Evergreen coniferous tree up to 18 meters high. The trunk can reach a width of up to 30 centimeters. Distributed from the Arctic and throughout the temperate zone, to the mountains of the tropical zone. There are about 70 species. It blooms in April-May, and ripens only in autumn. next year. Juniper fruits are actively used in medicine. A talented chef is able to prepare delicious dishes from juniper.

: Edible berries, fruits from May to July. These berries typically grow in semi-shaded areas. The color of these berries varies from orange to orange-pink. These berries, native to America, signal the start of summer and provide an escape from winter food.

: Sea buckthorn is a shrub or small tree, up to 6 or 10 meters high. In Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan there are sea buckthorn groves up to 15 meters high. Distributed in Europe and temperate Asia. Compotes, jelly, juices, jams, wines, marmalade are made from sea buckthorn berries, and tea is prepared from sea buckthorn leaves and the leaves are added to soups and dishes to improve taste. Sea buckthorn oil is made from the fruit.

: Rowan is a tree 4-15 meters high, sometimes up to 20 meters. In total there are 84 species and a large number of hybrid forms. Rowan is common in America, Europe and Asia, mainly in the northern hemisphere of the temperate zone. Do not confuse rowan with black rowan because they are different plants. Kvass, liqueurs, jelly, wine, vinegar and tea mixtures are made from rowan.

: This is a berry that can be eaten raw as soon as it ripens. They are usually used to make jams, jellies, puddings, and ice cream. Very often, people freeze them for later use.


: They got their name because of their color. These berries are colored blue, purple or black. They are found in the wild and are also cultivated. The flowers are bell-shaped. Blueberry bushes typically bear fruit in May. Wild blueberries are native to North America. But the largest reserves of blueberries are in Russia. They are usually consumed in the form of jam.

: Bird cherry trees are short trees. It grows naturally in North Africa, Transcaucasia, Europe and Central and East Asia. Today, bird cherry grows in temperate climates. The berries are eaten fresh. Bird cherry is used to prepare liqueurs, tinctures, pie fillings, and jelly.

: The difference between mulberries and other berries is that they can survive in cold climates, while others can only grow and bloom in warm climates. Mulberries come in different colors, such as black, white and red.

: Rose hip ( Wild rose) is a shrub up to 2 meters high. The record belongs to a shrub growing in Germany in the territory Hildesheim Cathedral, reaching a height of 13 meters. In total, about 400 species are known. Wild rose hips are frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding to the soil. Rosehip is widespread in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere: North Africa, North America, Europe and Asia. Also introduced to Australia and New Zealand. Rose hips are used as medicinal and food raw materials. Juices, tinctures, seasonings, soups, jams, etc. are made from rose hips. In total, more than 100 dishes are known.

Red color in nature is not such a rare phenomenon. Against the background of green foliage, shrubs with a red crown stand out as a bright spot. The variety of blooming flowers of different colors pleases the eye, among which many are red. Planning the design personal plot, do not forget that the red color of plants will stand out favorably among the usual green color.

Red bush photo

Barberry is a common plant that can grow in both hot and cold climates. For planting, choose sunny places, as in the shade, brightly colored leaves become dull. Planting dates are spring and autumn. If you are planting a seedling, with closed system root, can be planted at any time except winter. The composition of the soil should be such that it allows air to reach the roots; swampy areas are not suitable for planting. To provide barberry, optimal conditions, better soil for him there will be earth, turf, sand and humus. It is necessary to prune a little, leaving three buds from the surface of the ground. Watering is needed at intervals of 10 days. When the seedling takes root, reduce watering. It is necessary to feed barberry in the spring. Dig the soil in a circle and fertilize it with organic matter - compost or humus. Diseases that the Barberry bush can be exposed to are powdery mildew, rust, drying of shoots and leaf spotting. In this case, you can apply it by spraying the plant with fungicides, after removing the damaged shoots. Harmful insects - aphids and flower moths. Treatment with Chlorophos. You can also take 100 grams laundry soap and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

Shrub with red flowers, name and photo

Calicant Few people have heard of this shrub with unusual red flowers. Calicanthus grows from two to four meters in height. The crown is unusually spreading. It begins to bloom in June. The flowers resemble the shape of a water lily. An extraordinary aroma emanates from all parts of the calicanth. Having studied the characteristics of this shrub, it can be successfully cultivated in temperate climates.

This shrub will do well in a sunny, open place. Considering the design of the garden, it can be planted next to a tree that does not have a dense crown, so that sunlight penetrated through it. If you live in the southern region, shade; in the northern regions, choose open areas.

Calicanthus is not picky about soil, but grows better on sandy or loamy soils. Required condition, when planting, there is a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole. Watering should be regular, but at the same time, the soil should not be over-moistened. Spraying foliage is necessary when dry hot weather. Feed calicanth once a year, in the spring, with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Calicanthus must be pruned, as otherwise it can grow very large. This shrub overwinters well in areas with harsh winters. Can tolerate temperatures down to minus thirty degrees. But, nevertheless, in order to avoid frostbite, it is recommended to cover with spruce branches (spruce branches). Calicanthus propagates by layering, cuttings and seeds.

Calicanthus is also good because it is resistant to diseases and pests. The biggest misfortune that can happen to calicanthus is root rot. To prevent this from happening, you should not plant in lowlands.

The name of red shrubs, shrubs growing in Russia

Bladderwort. This is the most common plant that can be found in many gardens due to its simplicity and beautiful crown. It got its name because of its bubble-like fruits. The fruits are usually white, look very good against the background of red foliage. It is good to use as a hedge. Grows up to three meters in height.

It is not difficult to care for him. Water regularly, the soil should not dry out. Fertilizer is also necessary. We do sanitary pruning in the spring. Decorative pruning - in autumn or spring. The bladderwort can be given any shape, for example, it will look like a fountain if you cut out all the thin branches at the very base. The rest are just shortened a little. If you decide to plant a bladderwort seedling, prepare a hole in advance so that the soil settles. The root collar should be level with the ground surface. The soil is a mixture of turf, peat and sand. After planting, compact and water well. The vesicular carp tolerates frosty winters well.

Reproduction is by layering, cuttings and also by dividing the bush. You can sow seeds, but this is a very troublesome task. And then, it is unlikely that the bladderwort will inherit bright foliage.

Skumpia - unfortunately, the least common shrub, but it gained fame back in ancient world. It is grown in industrial scale, to obtain fisegine (dye for wool and silk). Crafts are made from wood. But in the garden it also acquires a decorative function. Flowering begins in April, the inflorescences look like fluffy panicles. The second time, mackerel blooms at the end of summer.

Instances with green foliage are most resistant to frost. But there are varieties with a red crown that successfully tolerate harsher climates.

For planting, choose a sunny place, protected from drafts. You can plant it all year round, except winter season. This is due to the fact that its growing season is very long. It can grow on any soil, but the most suitable are loose and neutral. Avoid planting in areas where groundwater flows close to the soil surface. Before planting, you need to soak the roots. Remove rotten and diseased ones. Next, treat the cut areas with fungicide and crushed coal. Soil for planting, would be better suited poor. The hole should be slightly larger than the root system, where you need to pour a couple of buckets of water and let it soak. Then, pour a small mound on the bottom and place a seedling on top, spreading the roots over the mound. The root neck should be 2 centimeters above the ground. Compact the planted bush and water it thoroughly. Fertilizing is necessary for mackerel if the soil is not fertile: nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and phosphorus and potassium in the fall. Pruning - once every two years or less. Usually this is done in the spring. Check all branches and cut off damaged ones (those touched by frost and dry). At the same time, you can form a bush by pruning - young branches are cut by two-thirds, and old ones are cut to fit the stump. Mackerel is one of the plants that are almost not damaged by diseases and insect attacks. Wintering of skumpii occurs successfully, since it can withstand frosts.

Red maple. Despite the fact that this type of maple originally grew in Japan, middle lane, currently, it is successfully grown. It is quite frost and drought resistant. The shape of the crown is interesting; it can be mushroom-shaped or round. The color of the leaves varies, depending on the variety. The palette of red tones pleases the eye. Since Red Maple is very popular, many varieties have been developed, even dwarf ones, which are grown in tubs.

It is better to plant this type of maple on fertile soils, otherwise it will lose its color. Sand and rocky soils are not for him. He also doesn't love much alkaline soils. Red foliage retains its color in sunny places, diffused sunlight is possible. Red maple is usually planted singly

Ornamental red shrubs, photo with name

Barberry Thunberg Coronite. Attracts attention with its foliage and original color. This type It has a superficial root system, so when loosening, you need to be very careful. The Coronita bush grows small, up to 1 meter in height, but it grows wider. This type of barberry can be successfully grown in temperate climates; it tolerates heat and frost well. At the end of spring, Coronita blooms, and by autumn the berries appear. They are not suitable for food, they are only decoration. Coronita can be planted along borders and on alpine hills. Although Coronita can grow in the shade, it is better to choose a sunny place for it so that the leaves do not lose their bright color. During the first time after planting, water regularly.

Photinia - This shrub got its name because shiny leaves(translation from Greek is brilliant). She is originally from Asia. There are many deciduous and evergreen varieties. Shrubs and deciduous trees acquire red foliage. Depending on the variety, the leaves turn red either in early spring or closer to autumn. Basically, these are not frost-resistant shrubs. But there is a variety that can be successfully cultivated in the middle zone, this Photinia woolly . It can grow successfully both in the shade and in the sun. There are no special claims to the soil; soils from acidic to neutral are suitable. It does not tolerate liming and stagnation of water in the roots.

Japanese maple - especially loved by the Japanese. In our gardens, lovers and experts of flora, with pleasure, cultivate it. He has small sizes, and its mushroom-oval shape gives it an extraordinary charm. Also, it can be grown in tubs.

Shrubs with red berries, photo with name

Honeysuckle. Everyone knows this bush with berries that can be eaten. But there is more decorative varieties berries, the berries of which cannot be eaten due to their strong toxicity. Of all the varieties of such honeysuckle, we can distinguish climbing honeysuckle - Honeysuckle. It requires a support on which the branches are fixed in the desired direction. You can use an arch. It is better to plant it in a lighted place; it likes very moist soil. Blooms large beautiful flowers, a smell that can fill the entire garden. After flowering, red berries appear.

Common cotoneaster. Everyone has heard about this shrub, but not everyone knows how to care for it. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to, as it serves as an excellent addition to garden design. Pink or white flowers that produce red berries

This type of cotoneaster tolerates drought and frost well. It is not picky about care, grows on any soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Feed in the spring with nitrogen, and before flowering with superphosphate. For the winter, trunk circle, it is necessary to mulch.

Common barberry. The berries of this shrub are an irreplaceable thing in cooking. Jams, compotes, liqueurs are made from it, and in Georgian and Armenian cuisines, barberry is used as a seasoning for meat. Common barberry blooms in April-May. By the end of summer, berries appear. Plant barberry in lighted places, on neutral soils. Tolerates heat and cold well.

Rose hip. Rose hips have been known since ancient times for their beneficial properties and vitamin C content, which is indispensable for the human body. This shrub grows as in wild conditions, and in the gardens. The roots can go five meters deep. The shrub is fairly unpretentious and will grow well in a sunny place. Flowers, depending on the variety, are different colors and resemble a rose. Rose hips will not only decorate the garden, but will also delight you with the harvest.

Red elderberry. Elderberry is rarely found in gardens. Basically, it is a wild shrub that can be found in the forest and in the most unexpected places. Despite this, elderberry can be successfully cultivated in your own area as an ornamental shrub. It begins to bloom with the appearance of leaves, in May. Red elderberry berries are not edible, and the elderberry itself has a specific smell that repels harmful insects.

Red currant. Currants, delicious and healthy berry, which is also grown on an industrial scale. Loves open sunny places, regular watering and fertilizers. In autumn or early spring, it must be treated against pests and diseases. Powdery mildew, one of the diseases that is difficult to get rid of. There are both folk remedies, and chemical. Chemicals should not be used during the berry growth period. Best time, this is early spring or autumn, when the harvest has already been harvested.

Raspberry. ABOUT beneficial properties oh raspberries, everyone knows. Especially good is jam, which is consumed during a cold. Growing shrubs in your own area is not difficult. Considering natural features, the variety for cultivation is selected. It needs to be planted in flat areas. In the lowlands there will be stagnation of water, and in the higher elevations there will not be enough water. It likes a sunny place; in the shade, shoots with foliage stretch out and obscure the fruits. For better cultivation, raspberries are tied to a support. It grows in one place until 7 years, then a transplant is required.

Shrubs with small red flowers, photo with name

Broom. A fairly unpretentious shrub, which is often planted to strengthen the slopes. Among the variety of varieties, early broom stands out - Boscope Ruby. Does well in sandy and sunny soils. Reaches up to 1.5 meters in height. Care is usual, like for other shrubs - watering, fertilizing the soil. Do not plant near water bodies, as the bush is poisonous.

Honeysuckle seaside Serotina. This type of Honeysuckle is frost-resistant. The flowers are red on the outside and white on the inside. They have a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in June and then again in August. Choose a place for planting that is sunny or shaded. Its versatility lies in the fact that this shrub can be used as a hedge, as well as grown on all kinds of supports.

Japonica. The shrub is unpretentious and can grow in poor soils. It begins to bloom in the spring, when the leaves have not yet appeared. The branches are strewn with red-brown flowers. Loves bright places and is not picky about moisture. Reaches a meter in height. It grows in one place for up to hundreds of years. It produces fruits from which you can make jelly, jam, and marmalade.

Weigel. A distinctive feature of this shrub is that it blooms twice per season. It blooms for the first time in May. Flowering lasts about a month. Second time at the end of August. The Weigela shrub has a strong aroma that comes not only from the flowers, but also from the foliage. Choose an open sunny place for planting and growing. Weigela loves regular watering and fertilizing twice a year - in spring and autumn. The shrub is subjected to pruning after winter, both sanitary and formative.

Shrubs with large red flowers, photo with name

Rhododendron - semi-shrub plant, which has more than 1000 species. The variety of shapes and sizes is amazing. Varieties with red flowers - Fireworks, 'Harlekin', 'Gold Dust', Parkfeuer. The plant does not tolerate open sunlight, so it is better to plant it with north side. This is done in the spring; you can also plant it after flowering has ended. Soils should be well drained, without stagnant moisture.

Climbing rose. A favorite among the flower world is, of course, the rose. Among them there are many species and varieties, each of which is not inferior in beauty to other representatives of flowers. At proper care, the rose is climbing, growing and needs support. The place for it is chosen to be bright, but it can also tolerate partial shade. Regular watering and fertilizing - necessary conditions for successful cultivation. Varieties with red flowers - Santana, Sympathy, Amadeus, Baikal, Don Juan, Red Rambler. Roses winter well in temperate climates, some even without shelter. In spring, the climbing rose must be pruned. Dry and diseased branches are removed. Formative pruning is also needed.

Escallonia red. Escallonia is planted in sunny areas, protected from wind and drafts. Reaches 3 meters in height, width, and can grow up to two meters. It does not tolerate frost well; shelter and mulching of the soil around the bush is required. Prefers slightly acidic soil. Needs formative pruning.

Shrubs with red foliage and flowers, photo with name

Hydrangea oakleaf. An original shrub, with a leaf shape similar to oak, only tougher and elongated. For the winter, it needs shelter and pruning of young shoots to avoid freezing. But it blooms on the shoots of last year, so, if possible, it is better to cover the young branches properly. The soil should be moist and can tolerate slight stagnation of water. Planted in sun and partial shade.

Decorative apple tree Purple. The splendor of flowering is not inferior to Japanese sakura. Root system superficial, so it can grow even where there is a high occurrence groundwater. Choose sunny places for planting. The branches are flexible and therefore can be trimmed well. You can do curly pruning and even run it along a trellis. The apples are small, but quite edible. This variety tolerates frost well.

Barberry Atropurpurea- one of the varieties of Barberry Thunberg. The tallest species reaches 180 centimeters, but grows slowly. In the wild it grows on sandy slopes. The plant is not whimsical, easily adapts to everyone climatic conditions. Frost-resistant and not afraid of drought. Not susceptible to fungal diseases. In a word, a gift for a gardener! Disadvantage: the fruits are not edible.

Bladderwort Mindia. One of the varieties of the Bubblecarp shrub. This variety grows up to 2 meters in height and grows to the same length and width. It grows in one place, maintaining its decorative properties, for up to 30 years. Young leaves, when they first appear, are dark orange in color; closer to autumn, they acquire a burgundy color.

Red bushes in autumn, photos and names

Maiden grapes. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with grapes. An unpretentious vine that can grow many meters. Watering is required only three times per season, but with plenty of water. Grows better in a bright place.

Derain red- initially has green foliage and branches. With the onset of autumn, the bush turns red completely, along with the branches. Red branches look especially good when the leaves have fallen, on white snow. It is better to plant in a sunny place so that the bush has a brighter color. It will grow successfully in any soil, but to preserve its decorative properties, it is better to plant it in fertile soil or feed it regularly.

Staghorn sumac. It is also called Vinegar tree, V Central Asia, sumac, used instead of vinegar. At the beginning, sumac grows in height, but after a few years the growth stops and it expands the crown in width. Sumac has very interesting elongated flowers; birds do not touch them. Sumac does not tolerate winter well, but due to the freezing of branches, new ones grow in their place. In winter, it is desirable that the snow envelops the entire plant.

European euonymus. Variety Red cascade unremarkable in spring and summer. In autumn, his time comes, the euonymus puts on a red outfit. The root system of the euonymus is superficial, so you need to loosen the soil carefully. Frost-resistant variety. Grows on any soil. It has a specific odor that repels insects.

Shrubs and trees with burgundy leaves, photos with names

Hazel Purpurea. The fruits (nuts) of this plant contain 20% protein and can replace meat. This variety of Hazel has an award from the Royal Academy of England. This is a tall and spreading bush. Loves sunny places. Do not plant in wetlands or areas with poor soils. Hazel's winter hardiness is high.

Laropetalum- the plant is of medium size, but can grow up to three meters. It grows in the shade, but needs a few hours of sun. Blooms in early spring with single flowers. Temperatures in winter can be down to minus seventeen degrees. Does not require special care. Grows well in loose neutral soils.

Black elderberry. Varieties with almost black leaves: Black beauty, Black Tower, Black Lace. Quite large bushes, growing up to 2.5 meters. It has a specific aroma that repels insects and rodents. for this reason, it is planted next to cesspools and heaps with compost. loves sunny places with plenty of water.

Puzzlecarp Little Devil. Bubblecarp varieties are striking in their diversity. Foliage can be green, red, pink, purple, burgundy. In a word, any garden can be decorated. Choose varieties that suit you, with foliage of the desired color. And since it is not whimsical, its cultivation, in any case, will be successful.


When choosing plants for the garden, we first of all pay attention to its size and leaf color. But do not forget that multi-colored fruits can also add special charm to the plant. And this is very relevant in autumn time, when the garden falls asleep, and in snowless winter, when the eye wants to dwell on something bright. And today I would like to talk about ten of the most attractive shrubs with colorful fruits in our opinion.


The shrub, 2-3 meters high, blooms very profusely in late spring - early summer. By autumn, the bush is sprinkled with wonderful red fruits, and if they are not collected, then in winter they will decorate the bush and stand out perfectly against the background of white snow. The berries are edible and very healthy, especially for older people, but they have a specific smell. Viburnum tolerates pruning well in early spring. Aphids love it very much, so it’s worth checking in the spring - at the beginning of summer, have voracious insects appeared? and treat with insecticides in time to prevent aphids from spreading throughout the garden.

Rose hip

Another shrub with large red fruits and a huge storehouse of vitamins on your site. There are many types of rose hips, with different heights and bush shapes, all of which belong to the rose family. IN favorable conditions may become long-lived. Rose hips bloom beautifully, sometimes twice a season, filling the garden with a wonderful aroma. After flowering, fruits appear on the bushes, turning red in the sun in the fall. They may be different sizes: from small oblong to flattened round and quite large. The fruits can be collected and dried in order to support your body during the cold season with a rosehip decoction containing large quantities of vitamin C, or you can leave them on the bush to decorate the garden. Be careful, rosehips are very thorny!

Chokeberry or chokeberry

We have already written about this wonderful plant as the owner, but this shrub with black fruits can also decorate your garden at any time of the year, even in winter. If you don’t pick the berries from it and leave them on the branches, they can easily be preserved until spring. The fruits are completely black, dense, and have a beautiful bluish bloom. The height of the bush varies up to 2-3 meters, it is very resistant to garden pests and conditions of detention, but will bear fruit well in the sun. It grows and reproduces very quickly. The berries are edible, have an astringent taste, they make delicious tinctures, great for adding to jam and compotes.


Shrub with white fruits. It will decorate your garden when the leaves have fallen and it is completely empty. This is when the snowberry comes to the fore. Children do not pass by it, because they love to pick its fruits and burst them on the ground with a pleasant click. The fruits can remain on the bush all winter, decorating the garden until snow falls. Its height reaches 1.5 meters. It is quite unpretentious; you just need to cut out dry and diseased branches in time to maintain its decorative effect. The fruits are inedible, so even though kids love them, you need to be careful and not let them try to eat them.


Another bush with red fruits. Gardeners love it for its abundance of species and beautiful leaves. The height of the bush varies depending on the variety. The fruits of barberry are small and oblong, and by autumn they acquire a deep red or purple color. They abundantly cover the branch along almost its entire length. As a rule, rarely does anyone pick the fruits, and they remain to decorate the fallen bush until spring. The fruits can be eaten when heat treatment Only in a ripe state, unripe berries can cause poisoning.


It is a tall shrub, in some cases reaching the size of a tree and reaching a height of 6 meters. Its fruits are very decorative and can be of different colors: deep orange, brown or dark red. In shape they resemble small apples with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. The fruits can be used as food, they contain useful acids and vitamin B. But if you are not going to do this, leave the berries on the branches and they will certainly decorate your garden in the cold season until they are eaten.


This shrub can decorate your garden with black or red fruits, abundantly showering the bush in September. The berries may well last all winter. They are not eaten. Cotoneaster has different shapes and can decorate not only group plantings, but also an alpine hill if you use low-growing creeping species. It tolerates shaping well and retains its shape for a long time. Possess winter hardiness: aronia cotoneaster, brilliant and common cotoneaster.


This is not a very common plant in our areas, because not all of its varieties are able to survive our cold winters. It is unique in that in September it is abundantly covered with purple fruits. The shrub reaches a height of about 2.5 meters, blooms in mid-summer with pink or purple flowers. Bodiniere and forkwort are suitable for our strip. Rejoice in the delicate color of the bush until late autumn and during the snowless part of winter. In very severe frosts it is still worth covering it, especially for young plants. The shrub is not affected by pests and easily recovers after frostbite.


This shrub with black or red fruits will decorate your garden from September, when the fruits are fully ripe. Depending on the variety, the height can be different and reach from 1-2 to 5 meters. Red berries are inedible, while black ones are used in folk medicine, as they have a huge range of useful properties. Black elderberry can be shaped with good pruning. Elderberry can withstand normal winters, but if the temperature drops too low, parts that were not covered with snow may freeze. After sanitary spring pruning, it is restored quite easily.


A shrub with red fruits of a very interesting shape, remaining on the branches until the snow and even sometimes in winter. There are quite a few types of euonymus and they will differ in size and appearance fruit boxes, but it will always be something unusual. The photo shows the fruits of European euonymus. Euonymus has fairly good winter hardiness and all of them have decorative leaves, variegated or plain.

Here are some shrubs you can keep in mind and plant them in the spring to brighten up that time when the gray filter through which we are forced to look at the world predominates, and this is quite a long period.

House project “Time to create gardens”

Oksana Tsyganova

Among garden plants shrubs that form spectacular decorative berries, can rightfully be called the most patient: in order to reveal their beauty, these plants wait for the coldest time of the year. Then, against the backdrop of the snowy beauty and majesty of winter landscapes, they seem strewn with luxurious beads and stones of regal plants. The most spectacular of the decorative berry bushes are those that flaunt the luxury of a coral necklace on the shoots.

In winter, when there is a catastrophic lack of colors in the garden, and evergreen crowns and bare graphic branches rule the roost, nostalgia for flowering and rich palette garden colors invariably emphasize the gray despondency of frosty days. And only shrubs with decorative fruits enliven this gloomy and harsh picture. Like luxurious jewels, they brightly highlight front gardens, flower beds, terraces, emphasize the graphic restraint of bare crowns and remind us that nature never has periods of calm.

Red fruits are rightfully considered the main berries. winter plants. After all, it is the bright fiery color and energetic palette of scarlet that glows and shimmers so favorably against the background of gray-brown tones of gloomy winter landscapes. Contrasting with the dazzling whiteness of snowdrifts, sparkling in luxurious crystals of frost, coral necklaces made of berries seem to shimmer mysteriously from the inside. Among these crops, there are also plants that combine bright beads of berries with variegated evergreen foliage, which further reveals the beauty of the luminous fruits. Such plants are excellent candidates for the role of soloists, capable of enlivening even the gloomiest garden in winter.

It is considered the absolute favorite of “winter” gardening. This is a spectacular ground cover that creates luxurious tall carpets and does not lose the bright color of its greenery throughout the year. But the main pride of the evergreen cotoneaster of this species is the winter coral necklace of brightly colored fruits, which abundantly dots all the shoots, creating the feeling that someone simply scattered large beads all over it. Dummer's cotoneaster is also perfect for the role of an ampelous ground cover shrub: it effectively hangs shoots from stone flower beds, alpine slides, supporting walls. From more tall species cotoneaster, only Franchet cotoneaster, which reaches a height of two meters, can boast of highly decorative fruits. Its elegant, arched, drooping shoots are decorated with berries until spring.

One of the unique shrubs, the beauty of whose berry beads is emphasized by no less spectacular winter-green foliage, is holly, which has varieties with a wide variety of green and variegated colors. Decorated with a wavy edge with sharp peaks, more or less pronounced at different varieties, the leaves combine the effect of a dense and glossy surface with the most beautiful nuances green color, which only emphasize light spots and edges. And how the fruits of small but very bright coral berries glow against their background! In addition to the luxurious palette of red, holly berries can offer unusual blue, yellow, white, and orange colors. The absolute favorites of garden design are holly, which has a representative varietal palette of pure green cultivars, and Altaclaren holly, which offers the best variegated varieties.

Of the tall shrubs, pyracantha has the most luxurious large fruits that attract songbirds. Among different varieties This shrub, reaching an average of three meters in height, can be found in plants with scarlet, yellow and orange berries, although the most spectacular in the winter garden are the scarlet varieties that look like corals. This thorny evergreen shrub with a bright autumn crown show and an openwork, dense branching texture is most often used in formal gardens where topiary is appropriate.

Landscape outlines of elegant garden silhouettes never go out of fashion, which captivate with the combination of the grace of the crown structure and the bright shine of luxurious brushes like translucent berries, shining in the garden like precious stones. Among the increasingly popular decorative combs of viburnum, almost all of them display luxurious red clusters of berries, but among them there are also black-fruited varieties and plants whose berry beads change color: for example, in wrinkled viburnum, the red fruits gradually turn black.

Bright shiny scarlet beads on the branches, also considered evergreen shrubs with high winter hardiness, they sparkle especially impressively in the rays of the winter sun. This is an ideal shrub for planting in flower beds, with glossy, luxurious, dense, rounded leaves, the berry beads of which are collected in the apical fruit clusters.

If in other shrubs the red necklace of berries gradually decreases and disappears from the garden scene thanks to birds actively feasting on the fruits, the huge, ceramic bead-like berries of the pointed and recumbent ones do not attract them. Due to the inedibility of its berries, this charming shrub with an openwork crown decorates the garden all winter with a luxurious scattering of red pearls. The height of wintergreen usually does not exceed one and a half meters and is distinguished by the bright bluish color of its elongated large leaves.

Wintergreen can be accompanied by varieties of evergreen lingonberry that are more modest in size but also not attractive to birds. This squat shrub, which most often grows in the company of heathers, forms charming thickets of creeping shoots with almost rounded bright leaves that persist in winter, between which bright clusters of red shining berries peek shyly.

The most unusually shaped scarlet fruits are the pride of the euonymus. They appear to be artificial pendants and are very poisonous, but they do not last long in the garden thanks to the birds that adore them. True, in order for the original four-leaf hanging fruits to become a decoration of the garden, it will be necessary to allocate space for tall and massive species of this plant.

Both the wrinkled rose and the rose hip will bring their notes of a scarlet scattering of luxurious berries to the garden: part of the numerous harvest of their fruits, even during the winter, will still remain on the bushes even after the complete loss of leaves. These plants are the most landscape and natural in line representatives of the huge family of garden princesses.

Using berry bushes for decorative purposes in winter is a simple matter. Having carefully examined the garden, note all those plants that will look attractive even after the end of the autumn parade: in the places that are the most “empty” in the winter garden, such shrubs should be carefully planted. Despite the fact that they are covered with a scattering of red pearls horticultural crops They look advantageous against almost any background; their beauty is most fully revealed in combination with winter-green crops: in the company of bright berries, the juiciness and intensity, the freshness of the green color of the wings and individual plants is revealed magnificently.

Shrubs with a scattering of luxurious berries can be used not only in open ground, but also in potted and container compositions that will decorate, and even balconies. For potted compositions It is advisable to use low-growing and winter-green berry bushes, such as wintergreen, hollies, etc., with appropriate warming wrapping of the containers in which they are planted.

How long you can admire the overexposure of coral beads in your garden depends not only on the activity of birds, but also on climatic conditions. If the winter weather is consistently frosty, the berries will remain on the bushes for several months. If periods of thaws and severe frosts cause weather swings, the fruits will quickly lose color and fall off.

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Autumn is the brightest and most beautiful period, when your garden is transformed in a matter of days, changing the color of the foliage from green to brown, yellow and red. How can one explain such a variety of colors?

The thing is that the chlorophyll contained in summer foliage is replaced by other substances: anthocyanins and carotenoids. With the arrival of autumn, stock nutrients in trees it gradually decreases, as a result of which the synthesis of chlorophyll also stops. At this time, other pigments contained in the leaves become noticeable - orange, yellow (carothionides) and red (anthocyanins).

Many gardeners purposefully plant ornamental plants on their plots that will make the garden attractive in the fall. Ornamental trees and shrubs stand out for their beauty and brightness of color, unusual foliage color and amazing fruits.

It is one of the most common and popular shrubs, widely used for decoration. autumn garden. The plant has excellent decorative qualities, and it is also very unpretentious. Some species of this shrub have an unusual bright red tint of leaves and the same color of berries, while others acquire a burgundy color with the arrival of autumn (Thunberg barberry).

Thanks to its decorative properties, barberry looks great both in single and group plantings. In addition, this plant is widely used as a hedge.

Shrubs with red berries do not need pruning, but the formation of the crown makes them more spectacular.

The most common varieties of these shrubs are Ottawa barberry and Thunberg barberry. They get along well with conifers such as pine, thuja, and juniper.

Good autumn compositions are obtained from barberry and yellow deciduous shrubs.

Dwarf barberry is used to create miniature compositions in rocky garden, on the lawn, and also as a border or mixborder. When forming a composition of several plants, it is advisable to follow a simple rule: the variety of forms should be visible from any corner of the garden.

You can purchase this spectacular ornamental shrub at any garden center.

Do not underestimate the role of shrubs in the garden plot. After all, thanks to them, the garden looks more comfortable and lived-in. Such plants smooth out sharp edges well, and their amazing leaves do not require constant care.

Gallery: red-leaved trees and shrubs (25 photos)

The homeland of these ornamental trees for the garden is northeast Canada and southeast Asia. Red maple is widely used by gardeners to create landscape design. Seedlings of this tree can be purchased at any specialized nursery. The red leaf maple has a spectacular crown and purple leaves in autumn period. The shape of the crown is determined by the variety and can be ovoid, round or columnar.

The Japanese have long been engaged in the selection of red maple, as a result of which many varieties of this tree were born.

The most spectacular and beautiful of them are the following varieties:

  • Shirasawa maple;
  • palm-shaped (fan-shaped);
  • Japanese red maple.

Does not like direct sunlight, so it’s better not to plant it on open area, and in partial shade. These trees look good in combination with dark conifers, and can also decorate a recreation area (patio) located next to the house.

Since this type of maple came to us from the east, it is ideal option for garden decoration in Asian style. Under the unique crown of this tree you can plant flowers that grow well in shade and partial shade.

The red-leaved maple has large buds of a bright red hue, so its decorative qualities are manifested not only in the autumn, but also in the spring.

In nature, this plant is found in regions with a very warm climate: in the Caucasus, Crimea, on the Mediterranean coast and southern Russia.

With the onset of autumn, the leaves of this shrub acquire a purple, orange or burgundy hue (the color is determined by the variety). First, redness of the veins is observed, after which the entire leaf turns bright red.

Mackerel is widespread in central Russia, where it is used as ornamental plant. Looks good both in single and group plantings and forms spectacular hedges. It is recommended to grow the plant in sunny areas protected from the wind. Mackerel is resistant to disease, quite hardy, and is rarely affected by pests.

Haircut and crown formation enhance decorative properties bush. Here you can most often find the following types of scumpia:

  • Purpureus;
  • Flame;
  • Grace.

Rouyal Purper is a very popular variety in Europe, but in cooler climates it may freeze slightly.

If your garden plot has rocky soils or slopes, it is better to place it there, and it will serve as an excellent decoration for the landscape. In addition to the pleasant color of the beautiful autumn leaves, this shrub will delight the eye during flowering - fluffy pink panicles are formed from the inflorescences, making the mackerel even more elegant and beautiful.

If your choice fell on this tall shrub, you should keep in mind that the plant is quite grows quickly, so requires space. Over time, a small seedling will turn into a small tree or a spectacular spreading bush.

Decorative apple tree

This tree can rightfully be called Russian sakura - it is magnificent during the flowering period, since it is dotted with a huge number of pink flowers, and when the time comes for the fruits to ripen and they acquire a red tint, perfectly combining with the color of the foliage, this small tree looks very impressive.

The red-leaved apple tree looks especially good in single plantings, but several trees planted along a fence or along a path look just great.

A decorative apple tree will help to place the necessary accents on the garden plot and even highlight a shaded corner.

It should be noted that this species stands out for its unpretentiousness, and also resistance to adverse weather conditions. Such a tree severe frosts are not scary, so it can be grown even in very harsh climates.

Today, there are many varieties of ornamental apple trees that can rightfully occupy a central place in your garden plot. The color of the petals and leaves can be different, as well as the shape of the crown, therefore, before choosing one or another, you should carefully study all the varieties and characteristics of this tree.

Among the many varieties of ornamental apple trees, the following can be distinguished:

  • Riverside, or weeping;
  • Royal Beauty;
  • Royalty;
  • Nedzvetsky;
  • Pioneer.

This is another of the most popular varieties of red-leaved trees, characterized by unpretentiousness and having excellent decorative qualities. Cherry plum has dark burgundy fruits and leaves of the same color. In addition, the red-leaved plum is famous for its good fruiting and lends itself well to cutting and shaping: you can make a beautiful spherical crown.

The tree looks great in a single planting, and also looks impressive as a hedge, the height of which can vary from 60-70 cm to 2 m and above. Cherry plum, like the decorative apple tree, resistant to various diseases and pests.

This tree is great solution for decoration garden plot. Red oak is called Canadian (or holly).

If you have chosen this particular tree, you should remember that oak need space, so it can only be planted in a large area.

Overall plant unpretentious and can grow on any soil except limestone. It is also necessary to monitor the amount of moisture, since oak does not tolerate waterlogging. In the first years, it is recommended to cover the tree for the winter.

Red-leaved beech

The following varieties of this plant exist:

  • Weeping beech. The tree reaches a height of 1-1.5 m, has arched shape crowns and dark red foliage in autumn.