Einstein generation of idiots. Albert Einstein - the best quotes from the brilliant physicist. the stupidest predictions for the future of science and technology

Einstein is the darling of fate. His theory of relativity revolutionized our understanding of space and time. But he received the Nobel Prize for his work on the theory of the photoelectric effect. This may be true, because the quantum revolution is more dramatic in its consequences than the relativistic one. And that Nobel work of Einstein, along with more early work Planck laid the foundations of quantum theory. Although Einstein himself never came to terms with the fundamental importance of quantum mechanics and did not accept it, remaining true to the classical picture of the world that “God does not play dice.”

But there was also a third “golden” work by Einstein in 1905 - on the theory of Brownian motion. The conclusions of this work were confirmed in subsequent experiments by Perrin, which finally established the reality of the existence of atoms - an event very important for the science of the early twentieth century. However, the glory of the theory of relativity soon eclipsed this achievement of Einstein, and it is less known to the general public, who have no idea what a technological miracle can arise from the study of Brownian motion.

In his famous 1959 lecture, Feynman predicted that humanity would soon be able to control matter at the atomic and molecular level. Today nanotechnology is magic word, which determines the vector of development of future technology. Already, more than a thousand enterprises are engaged in the production of nanoproducts. But for ultra-small devices, Brownian motion is an indisputable fact and a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: try riding a bicycle during a hurricane. After all, molecules bombard miniature objects with mind-boggling frequency. How can nanodevices function successfully under such conditions?

But nature created nanomachines long ago - any living cell contains them in large quantities. And these nanomachines work extremely efficiently and reliably. How do they manage to resist Brownian motion? The secret is simple: they do not fight Brownian motion, but use it.

Let's imagine a miniature windmill molecular sizes. The molecules randomly bombard the propeller blades, and the wheel turns this way and that, but at the other end of the axle there is a ratchet with a pawl that allows the wheel to turn only in one direction. As a result, we get a Brownian motor, which, as it were, straightens the Brownian motion and rotates only in one direction.

Feynman showed that in thermal equilibrium such a device would not work as required by the second law of thermodynamics. The fact is that the miniature spring that presses the pawl also jerks randomly due to thermal fluctuations and the ratchet cannot


God doesn't play dice.

Our math difficulties don't bother God. He integrates empirically.

Before God, we are all equally wise - or equally foolish.

The Lord God is sophisticated, but not malicious.

Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.


Marriage is an unsuccessful attempt to turn a random episode into something lasting.


Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and problems.


The war has been won, but not the peace.

I don't know what weapon the third one will be fought with world war, but it is absolutely obvious that the fourth - only with sticks and stones.


The only reason for time to exist is to prevent everything from happening at once.


Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I have doubts about the infinity of the first of them.


Only the life that is lived for the sake of other people is worthy.

If you want to lead happy life, you should be attached to the goal, not to people or things.

Life is sacred; it is, so to speak, the supreme value to which all other values ​​are subordinated.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.


The laws of mathematics that have any relation to the real world are unreliable; and reliable mathematical laws have no relation to the real world.

International laws exist only in collections of international laws.


How much we know and how little we understand.

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing, as is great knowledge.


It is high time to replace the ideal of success with the ideal of service.

The ideals that illuminated my path and gave me courage and courage were goodness, beauty and truth.


Truth is that which stands the test of experience.

Finding the truth is more important than having the truth.

I think it is especially important sharing in various ways comprehension of the truth. By this I mean that our moral inclinations and tastes, our sense of beauty and religious instincts contribute to help our mental faculty to reach its highest achievements.


Logic can take you from point A to point B, but imagination can take you anywhere.


It is not easy to say what the truth is, but lies are often easy to recognize.


If people are good only because they fear punishment and desire reward, then we are truly pathetic creatures.


The eternal mystery of the world is its knowability. The very fact of this cognition seems like a miracle.

The most incomprehensible thing about this world is that it is comprehensible.


The moral qualities of a wonderful person are higher value for his generation and for the historical process than purely intellectual achievements. These latter themselves depend on the greatness of the spirit, a greatness that usually remains unknown.


Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the desire for truth and understanding. But the source of this feeling originates from the field of religion. From there comes the belief in the possibility that the rules of this world are rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot imagine a real scientist without a strong belief in this. The situation can be described figuratively as follows: science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.

The only thing my long life has taught me is that all our science, in the face of reality, looks primitive and childishly naive - and yet it is the most valuable thing we have.

One of the criteria for the truth of scientific knowledge is the internal perfection of the theory.

Process scientific discoveries- this is, in essence, a continuous escape from miracles.

IN scientific thinking there is always an element of poetry. Real science and real music require a homogeneous thought process.

Science is not and will never be a finished book. Every important success brings new questions. Every development reveals new and deeper difficulties over time.

Science is a drama of ideas.


The only thing that can direct us to noble thoughts and actions is the example of great and morally pure individuals.

About me

I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.

I am a deeply religious atheist. You could say that this is a kind of new religion.


The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.


I have never ascribed to Nature any purpose, purpose, or anything that can be given an anthropomorphic interpretation. Nature is a majestic building, which we are only able to comprehend very incompletely and which excites the soul. thinking man a sense of humble humility. This truly reverent feeling has nothing in common with mysticism.


No problem can be solved at the same level at which it arose.


The real progress of mankind depends not so much on the inventive mind as on consciousness.

Technological progress is like an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal.


Religion, Art and Science are branches of the same tree.

The further the spiritual evolution of humanity advances, the more obvious it seems to me that the path to true religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, the fear of death or blind faith, but through the desire for rational knowledge.


Human freedom in modern world is similar to the freedom of a person solving a crossword puzzle: theoretically, he can write in any word, but in reality he only has to write in one for the crossword puzzle to be solved.


Power always attracts people of low moral character.


The greater my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.


Words were and remain empty words; and, serving the ideal only in words, it is impossible to die for it. But personality is created not by what a person hears and speaks, but by labor and activity.


After all, dying isn't bad either.

I have learned to look at death as an old debt that must be paid sooner or later.


Never act against your conscience, even if state interests require it.


If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.


Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker.


The goal of all the activities of the intellect is to transform some “miracle” into something comprehensible.


The only one smart way teaching people is leading them by example.


Since we scientists are destined for the tragic fate of further increasing the monstrous effectiveness of the means of destruction, it is our most solemn and noble duty to prevent with all our might the use of these weapons for the cruel purposes for which they were invented.

A scientist is like a mimosa when he himself has made a mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers a mistake in others.


No goal is so high as to justify unworthy means to achieve it.


Nothing of value can be born from ambition or a sense of duty. Values ​​arise through love and devotion to people and the objective realities of this world.


Every person is obliged to at least return to the world as much as he took from it.

A person can find meaning in life only by devoting himself to society.

A happy person is too satisfied with the present to think too much about the future.

Man is a part of the whole, which we call the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He feels himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest of the world, which is a kind of optical illusion. This illusion has become a prison for us, limiting us to the world own desires and attachment to a narrow circle of people close to us. Our task is to free ourselves from this prison, expanding the sphere of our participation to every living being, to the whole world, in all its splendor. No one will be able to complete such a task to the end, but the very attempts to achieve this goal are part of the liberation and the basis for inner confidence.


Humanity has every reason to value the proponents of moral values ​​higher than the discoverers of scientific truths.


A person's ethical behavior should be based on empathy, education, and community connections. No religious basis is required for this.

on other topics

Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientific thinker, more than Gauss.

The most difficult thing in the world to understand is income tax.

In response to the question why people were able to create atomic weapons, but cannot establish control over them: - It is very simple, my dears: because politics is much more complex than physics.

In my youth I discovered that thumb feet sooner or later makes a hole in the sock. So I stopped wearing socks.

Great personalities always encounter fierce opposition from mediocre minds.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

The question that puzzles me is: “Am I crazy or everyone else?”

It's very simple. All people believe that this is impossible to do. But there is one brave soul who disagrees with this.

Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more.

Do you really think that the moon only exists when you look at it?

Do you think it's that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all like that.

Outstanding personalities are not formed through beautiful speeches, but by one’s own labor and its results.

Highest musicality in the field of thought.

The highest task of a physicist is to search for such highly universal laws from which, using pure deduction, one can obtain a picture of the world. There is no logical path leading to such laws. They can only be obtained through intuition, based on a phenomenon similar to intellectual love for the objects of experience.

Two types of soap are too difficult for me.

If I knew that I was going to die in three hours, it wouldn't make much of an impression on me. I would think about how best to use those three hours.

If by philosophy we understand the search for knowledge in its most general and broadest form, then it can obviously be considered the mother of all scientific searches. But it is also true that various branches of science, in turn, have strong influence on those scientists who study them, and, in addition, greatly influence the philosophical thinking of each generation.

If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French will say that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.

Why should I remember something when I can easily look it up in a book.

Common sense is the sum of prejudices acquired before the age of eighteen.

The idea of ​​a personified deity has never been close to me and seems rather naive.

When a blind bug crawls along the plane of the ball, it does not notice that the path it takes is curved. I managed to notice this.

As I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any ability for abstract thinking. Dreaming about everything you could achieve in life is important element positive life. Let your imagination wander freely and create a world in which you would like to live.

Mathematics is the most perfect way to fool yourself.

My husband is a genius! He knows how to do absolutely everything except money.

People cause me seasickness, not the sea. But I'm afraid science has not yet found a cure for this disease.

Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.

Our situation on Earth is truly amazing. Everyone appears on it for a short moment, without a clear goal, although some manage to come up with a goal. But from the point of view of everyday life, one thing is obvious: we live for other people - and most of all for those on whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends.

The intellect should not be deified. He has powerful muscles, but no face.

No amount of experimentation can prove a theory; but one experiment is enough to refute it.

Nobody itches unless they itch.

Nothing will bring such benefits to human health and increase the chances of preserving life on Earth as the spread of vegetarianism.

I fear that the day will definitely come when technology will surpass simple human communication. Then the world will receive a generation of idiots.

The liberated energy of the atomic nucleus has called into question many things, including our way of thinking. If man remains unable to think in new ways, we will inevitably move towards an unprecedented catastrophe.

The pioneers of a world without war are young people who refuse to serve in the army.

With such harmony in the cosmos, which I, with my limited human mind, am able to comprehend, there are still people who say that there is no God. But what really angers me is that they quote me in support of such views.

Forgive me, Newton.

Solving physical problems is child's play compared to scientific and psychological studies of children's play.

The word "God" is to me only a manifestation and product of human weaknesses, and the Bible is a collection of venerable, but still primitive legends, which, nevertheless, are rather childish. No interpretation, even the most sophisticated one, can change this (for me).

Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.

Perfect means for unclear ends - characteristic feature of our time.

Reports about my religiosity are completely false. A lie that is persistently repeated! I don't believe in a personalized God. I expressed my attitude towards God clearly and never renounced my words. If any of my statements may seem religious to someone, then this is probably my boundless admiration for the structure of the universe, as far as our science can comprehend it.

The ability to perceive what is incomprehensible to our minds, what is hidden under direct experiences, whose beauty and perfection reaches us only in the form of a reflected weak echo, is religiosity. In this sense, I am religious." In this sense, I am also religious, with the exception that “incomprehensible” does not mean “closed to comprehension.”

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works and no one knows why!

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

Anyone who happily marches to the music in formation has already earned my contempt. He was endowed with a brain by mistake; a spinal cord would have been enough for him. This disgrace to civilization must end. Heroism on command, senseless cruelty and disgusting senselessness called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how low and vile war is. I would rather be torn to pieces than be part of this dirty act. I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder.

I do not believe in a God who rewards and punishes, in a God whose goals are molded from our human goals. I do not believe in the immortality of the soul, although weak minds, obsessed with fear or absurd selfishness, find refuge in such a belief.

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.

I want to be cremated so people don't come to worship my bones.

I feel so in solidarity with all living things that it makes no difference to me where the individual begins and ends.

Do you have a notebook to jot down your brilliant thoughts?
- Brilliant thoughts come to mind so rarely that they are not difficult to remember.

Quotes on the Internet that no one said? It's hard to believe, but they exist. Seven quotes about the future that describe a “bad” future. Sounds too good to be true. That's how it is.

1) “Everything that could be invented has been invented.” — Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of the United States Patent Office in 1899

This is perhaps the most popular "anti-prediction" of our time. Today, it’s hard to imagine making a Powerpoint presentation about business innovation without this quote on the first slide.
What could be the problem with this statement? Nothing, except that it's not true. There is no evidence that Duell ever said such a thing. Debunking of the quote occurs from time to time in books such as Future Hype (2006) And Atomic Awakening (2009). But people still like to quote this absurd prediction.

Sometimes the quote is attributed to other people, as in 1939, when a newspaper columnist attributed the quote to an unnamed "man who retired from the United States Patent Office in 1883." But now, this quote is mostly associated only with Duell and 1899.

There was a joke in a magazine issue Punch 1899, which contained a similar line, but it is unclear how this later came to be applied to the Commissioner of the Patent Office - a man who himself, and this is quite obvious, would never have said such nonsense. And even if there is a small chance that he said something similar (but again, there is no evidence of this), his words were simply taken out of context.

2) “I am afraid that the day will come when technology will surpass simple human communication. And we will get a generation of idiots” - Albert Einstein

People love to put these words in Einstein's mouth. It is as if attributing a quotation to Einstein makes it automatically infallible.
But, as expected, there is absolutely no evidence that Albert Einstein said this. In fact, the origins of this quote can be traced back to movies. Similar quote, a slightly modified version of Einstein's "production" is a quote from the 1995 film Powder.

  • Donald Ripley: "It has become terrifyingly obvious that our technology has surpassed our humanity."
  • Powder: Albert Einstein.
  • Donald Ripley: I'm looking at you, and I think that someday our humanity may actually surpass our technology.

Bottom line: People in the 21st century are bemoaning the fact that technology has overtaken "human interactions" by a misquoted fake Einstein quote from a 90s movie about a fictional genius with paranormal powers. Everything is correct.

3) "640 kilobytes should be enough for everyone." - Bill Gates in 1981

Besides the fact that Gates himself denies authorship, no one can provide any evidence that he said this. Back in the mid-2000s, editor Yale Book of Quotations I tried to track down where this quote came from, but to no avail.
"I've said and done some stupid things, but not that stupid," Gates himself wrote in 1997. "No one in IT will ever say that any amount of memory is enough for all times."

4) “The idea of ​​distance shopping, although quite possible, is doomed to fail.” Time Magazine, 1966

You can make any statement stupid by taking it out of context. In the case of this quote, it sounds as if the conservative magazine failed to foresee the revolutionary development of Internet commerce. In fact, this quote is from a long article about all the amazing technologies and advances that were on the horizon at the time. Time simply collected the opinions of some skeptical (unnamed) futurists about the future of shopping from home.
Quote taken from the magazine issue Time dated February 25, 1966 and, of course, sounds very different in the right context.

“When it comes to shopping, a housewife should be able to connect to the local supermarket via videophone, select a grapefruit, find out the price, all from the comfort of her living room. But among futurists, fortunately, there are skeptics, and they are sure that the idea of ​​remote shopping, although it is quite possible, is doomed to failure, because women love to leave the house, want to examine the product in their hands in order to be able to change their minds. »

The whole article is actually very pro-tech, it has everything from remote cancer treatment by the year 2000 to a videophone, it is far from the techno-reactionary document that they try to make it out to be.
Buzzfeed used part of this quote in an article filled with inaccuracies. But the prevailing view of the future at that time was certainly on the side of home shopping through TV and computers.

5) "It would seem that we have reached the limits of what is possible in the use of computer technology." — John von Neumann in 1949

John von Neumann was a brilliant mathematician and a key figure in history computer technology. So how could he say such a thing? Again, we have a case of a partial quote taken out of context.
Full quote? It would seem that we have reached the limits of what is possible in the use of computer technology, although I would refrain from making such statements, since in five years they may seem stupid."
So, yes, von Neumann was indeed a bit myopic in his vision of the future. But he admitted, in the same sentence, that he was almost certainly wrong.

6) "I think there is room in the world market for maybe five computers." - Thomas Watson, head of IBM in 1943

What's wrong with this quote? There is no evidence that Watson ever said such a thing. Some people have traced the earliest mentions of this quote to the mid-1980s. But even though this quote is introductory words for the majority Powerpoint presentations about the future and technology, no one has yet provided convincing evidence that anyone said it.

7) "There is no reason why anyone would want to keep a computer in their home" - Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation in 1977

Olsen may have said this at the conference World Future Society in 1977, but again, this is an example of a quote taken out of context. As Snopes explains, he didn't mean personal computers, but instead talked about huge computers that would control the entire house. And this kind of skepticism was justified, given all the promises that were made by futurists in the 1970s about how their houses would be included in the overall control network in the 1980s.

In some ways, Olsen was rejecting science fiction ideas about what we now call the Internet of Things. And if the techno-utopians turn out to be right about the smart home in the next decade, the quote still has plenty of time to be wrong.

Einstein quote exposed.

"I'm afraid that the day will definitely come when technology will surpass simple human communication. And the world will get a generation of idiots."

This phrase seemed dubious, since I had never seen it in print before (I once had a project dedicated to quotes from famous personalities and I had to re-read a lot of quotes).
First of all, I went searching in the Russian-language segment of the Internet... The search for the original source turned out to be useless, since this phrase was replicated in Russian on over 100,500 resources (including information ones).

I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.

I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.

This fact strengthened my suspicions about the authenticity of this phrase.

In the printed edition of "The Ultimate Quotable Einstein" (there is nowhere more authoritative, the link is in the title of the post) this quote is also missing.

During a short investigation, it was possible to establish that a similar phrase first appeared in the film “Powder” (1995):

Donald Ripley: It’s become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity.
Jeremy Reed: Albert Einstein.
Donald Ripley: I look at you, and I, I think that someday our humanity might actually surpass our technology.

The original phrase sounded like this:

Our world faces a crisis as yet unperceived by those possessing power to make great decisions for good or evil. The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward an unparalleled catastrophe.

"Atomic Education Urged by Einstein" page 13, line 6.

1. A. Einstein never uttered phrases about idiots;
2. You can safely send someone who will prove the opposite;
3. Don't trust quotes on the Internet.


Born on March 14, 1879 in the German city of Ulm. Physicist, one of the founders of modern physical theory, creator of the Special and General theories relativity, laureate Nobel Prize in physics 1921. Died April 18, 1955 in Princeton, USA.

More about the name Albert


God is cunning, but not malicious.

Marriage is an attempt to create something lasting and lasting out of a random episode.

In my youth I discovered that my big toe would eventually make a hole in my sock. So I stopped wearing socks.

The eternally unknowable in the world is that which seems understandable to us.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person who doesn’t know this - he makes a discovery.

Do you really think that the moon only exists when you look at it?

The war has been won, but not the peace.

For the simpletons, Einstein explained his theory of relativity as follows: “This is when Zurich stops at this train.”

Only the life that is lived for the sake of other people is worthy.

The only thing my long life has taught me is that all our science, in the face of reality, looks primitive and childishly naive - and yet it is the most valuable thing we have.

The only thing that can direct us to noble thoughts and actions is the example of great and morally pure individuals.

The only smart way to teach people is to lead by example.

If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.

There are two infinite things - the Universe and human stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the Universe.

The life of an individual has meaning only to the extent that it helps to make the lives of other people more beautiful and noble. Life is sacred; it is, so to speak, the supreme value to which all other values ​​are subordinated.

Common sense is the sum of prejudices acquired before the age of eighteen.

Nothing of value can be born from ambition or a sense of duty. Values ​​arise through love and devotion to people and the objective realities of this world.

The true value of a person is determined by the extent to which he has freed himself from selfishness and by what means he has achieved this.

There is only one path to greatness, and that path is through suffering.

Every person is obliged to at least return to the world as much as he took from it.

Quantum mechanics is truly impressive. But my inner voice tells me that this is not ideal yet. This theory says a lot, but still does not bring us closer to unraveling the secret of the Almighty. At least I'm sure He doesn't roll the dice.

Mathematics is the most perfect way to fool yourself.

International laws exist only in collections of international laws.

The world cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding.

People cause me seasickness, not the sea. But I'm afraid science has not yet found a cure for this disease.

The real progress of mankind depends not so much on the inventive mind as on consciousness.

Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the desire for truth and understanding. But the source of this feeling originates from the field of religion. From there comes the belief in the possibility that the rules of this world are rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot imagine a real scientist without a strong belief in this. The situation can be described figuratively as follows: science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind.

Nationalism is a childhood disease. This is the measles of humanity.

Our math difficulties don't bother God. He integrates empirically.

It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.

It is not easy to say what the truth is, but lies are often easy to recognize.

Nothing will bring such benefits to human health and increase the chances of preserving life on Earth as the spread of vegetarianism.

Morality is the basis of all human values.

Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten.

I would not recommend forming a team of inventors due to the difficulty of identifying the real inventor; I think that all that can come out of this is a society of idlers hiding from work.

Before God, we are all equally smart, or rather, equally stupid.

Finding the truth is more important than having the truth.

As long as the laws of mathematics remain certain, they have nothing to do with reality; as soon as they have something in common with reality, they cease to be defined.

The process of scientific discovery is, in essence, a continuous flight from miracles.

The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to its former limits.

Religion, Art and Science are branches of the same tree.

The most difficult thing in the world to understand is income tax.

It's time to replace the ideal of success with the ideal of service.

The most incomprehensible thing about this world is that it is comprehensible.

Human freedom in the modern world is similar to the freedom of a person solving a crossword puzzle: theoretically, he can enter any word, but in reality he must enter only one in order for the crossword to be solved.

Make it as simple as possible, but not simpler than that.

Words were and remain empty words; and, serving the ideal only in words, it is impossible to die for it.

But personality is created not by what a person hears and speaks, but by labor and activity.

Perfect means for unclear ends are a characteristic feature of our time.

Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

Anyone who happily marches to the music in formation has already earned my contempt. He was endowed with a brain by mistake; a spinal cord would have been enough for him. This disgrace to civilization must end. Heroism on command, senseless cruelty and disgusting senselessness called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how low and vile war is. I would rather be torn to pieces than be part of this dirty act. I am convinced that murder under the pretext of war does not cease to be murder.

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker.

You will never solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it.

A scientist is like a mimosa when he notices his own mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers someone else’s mistake.

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, and not a specialist.

Man is a part of the whole, which we call the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He feels himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest of the world, which is a kind of optical illusion.

Quotes about technology

This illusion has become a prison for us, limiting us to the world of our own desires and attachment to a narrow circle of people close to us. Our task is to free ourselves from this prison, expanding the sphere of our participation to every living being, to the whole world, in all its splendor. No one will be able to complete such a task to the end, but the very attempts to achieve this goal are part of the liberation and the basis for inner confidence.

A person can find meaning in life only by devoting himself to society.

A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.

The greater my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.

What can a fish know about the water in which it swims all its life?

To break through a wall with your forehead, you need either a long run-up or many foreheads.

Ethical behavior should be based on sympathy for people, education and social connections; a religious basis is not needed at all.

It's very simple, my dears: because politics is much more complex than physics.

I have learned to look at death as an old debt that must be paid sooner or later.

I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.

I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.

I want to be cremated so people don't come to worship my bones.

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If a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind, then what does an empty desk mean?

Albert Einstein

I fear that the day will definitely come when technology will surpass simple human communication. Then the world will receive a generation of idiots.

Albert Einstein

Our situation on Earth is truly amazing. Everyone appears on it for a short moment, without a clear goal, although some manage to come up with a goal. But from the point of view of everyday life, one thing is obvious: we live for other people - and most of all for those on whose smiles and well-being our own happiness depends.

Albert Einstein

Words were and remain empty words; and serving the ideal only in words, it is impossible to die for it. But personality is created not by what a person hears and speaks, but by labor and activity.

Albert Einstein

Since mathematicians took up the theory of relativity, I myself no longer understand it.

Albert Einstein

If you want to change something small in your life, change your attitude, but if you want big changes, change your mindset.

Albert Einstein

Learn from yesterday, live today, hope for tomorrow.

10 stupidest predictions for the future of science and technology

The main thing is not to stop asking questions... Never lose your sacred curiosity.

Albert Einstein

Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and problems.

Albert Einstein

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.

Albert Einstein

The world is dangerous not because some people do evil, but because some people see it and do nothing.

Albert Einstein


Albert Einstein was a great physicist. He opened a lot
physical laws and was ahead of many scientists of his time. But people call
his genius is not only for this. Professor Einstein was a philosopher who clearly understood
laws of success, and explained them as well as his equations. Here are ten
quotes from a huge list of his wonderful sayings. Ten gold
lessons you can use

in your daily life.

The man who never failed, never tried
do something new.

Most people don't try anything new because
fear of making mistakes. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Often the person who is the victim
defeat, learns how to win more than the one to whom success comes

2. Education is what remains after
you forget everything you learned at school.

In 30 years you will definitely forget everything you
I had to study it at school. You will only remember what you have learned yourself.

3. In my imagination I am free to draw like an artist.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination spans the entire world.

When you realize how far humanity has come since
cave times, the power of imagination is felt on a full scale. What we have
now, achieved through the imagination of our forefathers. What we will have in
the future will be built with the help of our imagination.

4. The secret of creativity is the ability to hide sources
your inspiration.

The uniqueness of your creativity often depends on
how well you know how to hide your sources. You can be inspired by others
great people, but if you are in a position where the whole world is looking at you, your ideas
must look unique.

5. A person's worth should be determined by what he gives, and
not what he is capable of achieving. Try to become not successful, but valuable

If you look at the world famous people, then you can
to see that each of them gave something to this world. You have to give to have
opportunity to take. When your goal is to add value to the world, you
rise to the next level of life.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if
There are no miracles and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you
you can do whatever you want and you won't have


100,000 Gamers and Physicists Proved Einstein Wrong

If you live as if everything is a miracle, then
you will be able to enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this
world. If you live in two ways at the same time, your life will be happy and

7. When I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to
conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any
abstract thinking abilities.

Dreaming about everything you could achieve in life is
an important element of a positive life. Let your imagination wander freely
and create a world in which you would like to live.

8. To become a perfect member of a flock of sheep, you must first
It's your turn to be a sheep.

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need
start doing business right now. Want to start, but afraid
consequences will lead you nowhere. This is true in other areas as well.
life: to

To win, first of all you need to play.

9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then you need to start playing
the best.

Learn the rules and play the best. Simple, like everyone else

10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity
it was not given to man by chance.

Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and others
people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new things and analyze
own growth.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Once, in correspondence with Charlie Chaplin, Einstein admiringly remarked: “Your film “Gold Rush” is understood throughout the world, and you will certainly become a great man.” Chaplin answered him: “I admire you even more. Nobody understands your theory of relativity, but you still became a great man.”

website I collected the coolest statements of the scientist - because they relate to life in the most direct way.

  1. There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the Universe.
  2. Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.
  3. Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works... and no one knows why!
  4. There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.
  5. Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten.
  6. We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid.
  7. Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.
  8. I don’t know with what weapons the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones.
  9. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, while imagination embraces the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.
  10. There is no point in continuing to do the same thing and expect different results.
  11. You will never solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it.
  12. Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker.
  13. Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person who doesn’t know this - he makes a discovery.
  14. Life is like driving a bicycle. To maintain balance, you must move.
  15. The mind, once expanded its boundaries, will never return to its former limits.
  16. People cause me seasickness, not the sea. But I'm afraid science has not yet found a cure for this disease.
  17. A person begins to live only when he manages to surpass himself.
  18. Strive not to achieve success, but to ensure that your life has meaning.
  19. Mathematics is the only perfect method to lead oneself by the nose.
  20. The greater my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.
  21. If you want to lead a happy life, you must be attached to a goal, not to people or things.
  22. International laws exist only in collections of international laws.
  23. Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.
  24. The only thing that prevents me from studying is the education I received.
  25. I survived two wars, two wives and Hitler.
  26. The question that puzzles me is: am I crazy or is everything around me?
  27. I never think about the future. It comes on its own soon enough.
  28. The most incomprehensible thing about this world is that it is comprehensible.
  29. A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.
  30. All people lie, but it’s not scary, no one listens to each other.
  31. If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French will say that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.
  32. Do you think it's that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all like that.
  33. Imagination is the most important thing, it is a reflection of what we attract into our lives.
  34. I'm too crazy not to be a genius.
  35. To break through a wall with your forehead, you need either a long run-up or many foreheads.
  36. If you can't explain something to a six-year-old child, you don't understand it yourself.
  37. Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere...
  38. To win, you first need to play.
  39. Never memorize anything you can find in a book.
  40. If a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind, then what does an empty desk mean?