Why do you dream of a train and a railway? Railway and train interpretation of the dream book

If you dream of a railroad, it means that you will soon discover that your business needs special attention, since your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it.

If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there.

Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream means betrayal in your affairs.

Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track means a time of anxiety and exhausting work.

Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs.

Seeing flooded railroad tracks in a dream clean water, means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a railroad in a dream

Railway - a railway in a dream - a distant road is falling on you or some unexpected guests will arrive.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What do railroad dreams mean?

(See interpretation: road, carriage, train)

If you dream that a train has stopped on the railway tracks, then expect a stop in business and disappointment. If the train starts moving in a dream, then your business will move forward. Reaching your destination station in a dream is very good. This means that your business will end safely and profitably for you. To see crossing rails in a dream is a sign that you are at a loss and don’t know what to do next. Try to choose the right direction in a dream - this will help you advance in your affairs in life. Walking on rails in a dream means that you will move towards your goal in an unconventional way. Dirty or flooded muddy water seeing paths in a dream is a sign of obstacles and unexpected shock. Such a dream predicts to you that your hopes will not come true. However, if the water is clean, free of dirt and debris, and you don’t get your feet dirty or wet, then in reality you will be lucky: you will achieve what you want and successfully pass difficult tests.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream about the Railway

If you dreamed about a railway, the dream means that after some time you will be overcome by uncertainty and doubts associated with your ability to sexually satisfy your partner. You will probably want to change a lot in your life, and above all in the sexual sphere. You should not act impulsively and thoughtlessly - in the future everything will be resolved by itself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does a railroad mean in a dream?

A girl who dreams of a railway will go to rest with friends, and a romantic adventure will await her there. If you dream that the railway is flooded with clear water, this means that you will be separated from your loved one, but after it you will experience a surge of love and, possibly, marriage with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Railway

A railroad in a dream foreshadows a profitable trip at someone else's expense. If in a dream you are driving along it, it means that pretty soon you will find out for yourself what exactly is an obstacle in your affairs, and you will resolutely begin to eliminate these obstacles.

Dreamed railway station indicates that in the coming days you will have to use public transport services.

For a young girl to see herself at a train station in a dream means that she will happily go to her friends vacationing outside the city and have great fun with them there.

A railroad crossing seen in a dream symbolizes your desire for a new goal, which will encounter significant obstacles and difficulties. Walking on sleepers in a dream foreshadows the intensification of your activities in a new direction, which will bring immediate success and high income.

A railway arrow means that at the moment you are standing at a crossroads in life; moving the arrow means making the final choice.

Crossing the railway tracks in front of a rapidly approaching train means the onset of an alarming period in your life, full of painstaking but low-income work.

Driving across a railway bridge over a large, endless river in a dream means that a temporary decline in your affairs will be replaced by a sharp rise. Seeing yourself in a dream as a conductor of a railway carriage means in reality you will have to turn to your closest neighbors for a small favor.

If you dream that you are riding a train through an absolutely hopeless railway tunnel, this means that you will soon be involved in an unusual enterprise that will result in sad events or endless troubles for you. Walking along an underground railway passage in a dream - you will never be able to solve the mystery that you have already been working on for a long time you're scratching your head. Getting lost in such a transition means that you will step on a path that will not lead you to success, but will distance you from it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a railroad mean in a dream?

If a railroad appears in a dream, it’s time to pay attention special attention your affairs: your enemies are trying to take the initiative into their own hands. A blockage on a railway track means betrayal in business. If you walk along the sleepers on the railway track, a time of anxiety and exhausting work awaits you ahead. Walking on rails is a sign that you will achieve great happiness through skillful management of affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Railway

If you dream of a railroad, this means that your business needs especially close attention, since your ill-wisher is interfering with it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Railway

Thanks to your skill, you will achieve great success in your profession.

Imagine a dream railway in every detail. Take your time and look at the rails, the locomotive, the carriages... It is advisable to see the train in reality on the day of sleep.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the Railway predict in a dream?

The railroad is a sign that you should pay special attention to your affairs, otherwise your enemies will try to seize the initiative.

The girl dreamed of a railway - she had a pleasant journey ahead of her.

Walking on rails in a dream means you will achieve great happiness.

If you saw railway tracks flooded with clear water, your joy will be temporarily overshadowed by something.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does it mean to see a railroad in a dream?

Railway and rails in a dream: - symbolize certain circumstances that you cannot change.

Driving or walking along the railway without any particular difficulties: a sign that in some matter you should trust fate and not worry in vain.

Difficulties along the way: a warning that the things you are about to undertake do not promise to be easy.

A train accident in a dream: calls on you to abandon some planned business, otherwise it may end in irreparable disaster.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep Railway

You will soon be going on a long trip or business trip.

Being a railway worker yourself means a quarrel with your boss or troubles at work.

Seeing a train means impending concern for one of your relatives and traveling in it.

A train rushing at speed suddenly brakes or derails - a sign of your mistake, a wrong decision.

Being on a train that crashed means you have to give up your principles, go against your will in order to achieve your goal.

Hurry to the train - to the news.

Arriving at the final destination means achieving your goal.

To see a locomotive in a dream - due to family contradictions, you will have difficult communication with relatives.

Electric train - soon you will meet a new acquaintance that will dramatically change your future life.

Railway depot - you will receive help from those you didn’t even count on; being inside it means upcoming troubles and anxiety.

I dreamed of a machinist - a symbol of the slow but sure achievement of the results of your work.

To see a railroad worker with a crowbar - your competitors or ill-wishers are trying to harm you, so you need to make a lot of effort to resist them.

Seeing yourself in a carriage compartment means you have to go on a long trip to solve personal problems or on family issues.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream predict about the Railway?

If you dreamed about the railway young man or a young girl, this is a sign of a pleasant and profitable trip, meetings with friends.

For others, such a dream means reviving the machinations of enemies, their attempts to intercept an important matter.

Be careful! An obstacle on the train's path is betrayal in business.

Crossing the intersections of sleepers and railway tracks is a sign of hard work, worries and worries.

Walking straight along the rails into the distance is a symbol of happiness and success in business thanks to your skill.

Railway tracks covered with water mean temporary setbacks.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

In a dream see a railway

Someone is testing your partner's loyalty.

There may be minor squabbles in the family, but overall your family happiness is strong.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams are considered proof that people exist in several realities at once. During the process of sleep, a person’s subconscious moves from a familiar environment into a subtle and mysterious world. The events that take place there have always occupied the minds of mankind. Not everyone probably knows why a train or a railway is dreamed of. Perhaps such a vision foreshadows a long journey or a way out of a difficult situation. Or maybe it foreshadows dramatic changes in fate. A detailed answer will be given various dream books, including both modern ones and those published several centuries ago.

Modern dream book

Railway rails in a dream symbolize life path. If there are no potholes, it means that you will easily achieve your goals and will not deviate from your chosen path. If you dreamed of a dilapidated railway, then this foreshadows difficulties in finding what you want, as well as unhappiness in love. Most likely, your soulmate will reveal itself to you from an impartial side and greatly hurt your soul.

If you saw that you boarded a train, but it was difficult to pick up speed, then you will be tormented by doubts about a certain business, which should be a source of income. When a train cannot move forward due to an obstacle on the rails, it means that in your environment there is a hypocrite and a traitor who is ready to set you up for his own benefit.

A passenger train in a dream prepares you for a journey or for a new stage in life. An electric train portends interesting acquaintances and pleasant romantic adventures that can develop into something more.

Also, a train in a dream can be a signal that you need to take your work seriously. You probably gave yourself some indulgences and now insidious schemers are ready to “pledge” you to the boss and even take your position, if possible.

If in a dream you saw the entire train, including the locomotive, it means that there is no unanimity among your loved ones. You are in for a long and bitter debate on an issue that is significant to everyone. The main thing in this situation is to maintain a cool head, otherwise the relationship may be ruined forever.

Modern esotericists argue that crossing the railway tracks indicates some eccentricity in the dreamer’s behavior in reality: he goes “against the grain” and consciously destroys outdated traditions. However, this vision does not answer the question of whether it will end successfully or in complete failure.

If in a dream you are trying to run across the tracks close to a moving train, it means that soon you will have useless and boring work, and this worries you. If you walk on rails in a dream, but constantly slip, you will experience failure in business, but do not give up. On the contrary, you will be overwhelmed by the excitement of overcoming obstacles.

Miller's Dream Book

Riding on a train in a dream is an omen of a real journey. The following details indicate how it will turn out:

Motion sickness means difficulties on the road, which will still leave a lot of vivid memories;
Freight train - positive changes and complete material well-being;
Finding on top shelf– in reality, an unpleasant and talkative travel companion is expected, interfering with the enjoyment of the trip;
Get off the platform - expect good news.

Intentionally getting hit by a train in a dream speaks of your determination to sacrifice yourself for the happiness and well-being of another person.

Psychological dream book

Train - to melancholy and an all-consuming feeling of melancholy. If you dreamed about a pregnant girl, then labor will begin soon;
Watching yourself entering a carriage is a sign of sudden turns of fate;
A fast train is a sign that it’s time to give yourself a rest, otherwise serious trouble may occur;
Walking along a railway towards a train means doing a risky business in reality, which can undermine your health and financial situation;
Getting on the train and waiting for it to leave is an omen of empty worries over trifles;
Meeting friends from the train is a sign that you will become an authority and a popular person in narrow circles;
Seeing off friends, on the contrary, indicates a loss of respect. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by real enmity and hatred;
Looking for the right carriage in a dream - in reality something is leading you astray;
An accident on the railway track - you feel moral pressure on yourself. You need to be careful, because a “black” streak may soon begin;
Rushing on a train at high speed means a quick career take-off;
If you get hit by a speeding locomotive in a dream, don’t expect anything good in the near future. Both minor troubles and global catastrophes can occur.
If the path ends abruptly, it means a serious illness that will change your immediate plans.

A toy railway is often dreamed of by those who in reality are busy with something they don’t like and in which they cannot show all their abilities. If you watch yourself with a train in your hands, then you are clearly unpleasant about the unfolding events, but you are not able to change them. According to psychological dream book, after such a dream, a person needs to delay making fateful decisions so as not to experience disappointment due to a mistake made.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream of a train is interpreted in this dream book as an omen of sadness. A train rushing by means changes that you are unlikely to be happy about. The longer it is, the longer the period of blues and depression will be. And if there is no end in sight to the composition, the dreamer is predicted to have a long life and get rid of all ailments.

Family Dream Book

If you dreamed that the train stopped moving, then expect slowdowns in business and disappointment in reality. Has the train started? This means your business will progress. Reaching your destination is the most positive sign that foretells that the business will be completed successfully.

Crossing rails in a dream means a confused state in reality and a complete lack of understanding of what to do next. But if you follow the rails, the goal will be achieved in an unusual way.

Rails stained with mud are a symbol of sudden shock and constantly collapsing obstacles. Your hopes will not come true, and your energy will be wasted. Nevertheless, if the water is crystal clear, without specks and dirt, then in reality you will be lucky: you will overcome obstacles with dignity and will receive great joy as a reward.

Freud's Dream Book

If the sleeper sees a railway, then he will soon be overcome by doubts regarding his ability to satisfy his soulmate sexually. The dreamer will probably want changes, and, first of all, in the sexual sphere. He should not commit eccentric actions, because in the future everything can be resolved without any effort or effort.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to this dream book, dreaming of railway tracks and trains indicates a business sphere. It is worth paying attention and correctly interpreting the following details:

A train rushing forward confidently and dashingly means rapid success in business and unexpected career growth;
A locomotive that stops frequently or moves slowly means things are difficult, there are many professional problems that require close attention and effective solution;
Seeing a freight train means the need to take care of your body and have a good rest, since accumulated fatigue can provoke outbursts of anger;
Meeting a train means a profitable deal with new business partners;
Traveling on a train means you will soon begin implementing a large-scale project.

Esoteric dream book

A train passing by promises a loss of energy, a bad mood, and sometimes even depression. If the sleeper saw railroad tracks, then he will develop self-doubt based on the offensive opinions of others. Under no circumstances should you give in to this feeling, otherwise prolonged mental discomfort may begin.

Loff's Dream Book

The railway implies a clear decision to understand your desires and decide on further actions. Traveling on a train is an omen that difficulties are in store for you, as well as serious changes in love.

Dream book of symbols

In this dream book, particular importance is attached to details:

Many trains - a series of turning points will soon come;
Railway tracks with sharp turns are a difficult period;
A systematically moving train - persistent attempts to achieve the ideal and the presence of a detailed goal;
Many attached carriages are a symbol of longevity;
A train where you are a passenger is an adventure that promises big profits.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

The train means that you will have to submit to circumstances and the will of other people. No matter how you try to change your fate, nothing will work. The only way out is humility in front of circumstances, and then everything will be resolved in an unexpected way. Missing the train means trying to avoid change. Entering the carriage means returning to your usual existence. Getting out of the carriage means being assigned to a new position.

At all times, people paid close attention to dreams: they were given great value, they were seen deep meaning and omen, they were perceived as games of the subconscious. But there were no people indifferent or indifferent to their dreams.

Especially if the dream is quite mysterious and, one might say, metaphorical. For example, it is very interesting to find out what trains and railroads mean in dreams. After all, if you succumb to logical thinking, then you can interpret a dream about a railroad and trains rushing along it as a harbinger of future changes in life. Is this really so?

If a person dreams of trains moving along the railway, this may mean that:

  1. changes in life are coming soon;
  2. you have to go on an unplanned (and sometimes, on the contrary, very long-awaited!) trip;
  3. waiting for changes in career growth;
  4. you need to change something in your life;
  5. Difficult choices have to be made.

If a person dreams that he is walking along railway rails , this may indicate the dependence of his success on the ability to correctly and skillfully manage affairs.

Any obstacles on the railway track, which the sleeping person dreamed of, will indicate possible difficulties in life. If, despite the size or shape of obstacles (these could be rocks, cliffs, water, sticks, broken sleepers, faulty rails, etc.), a person clearly sees the railway tracks - this is good sign that he will be able to cope with all the difficulties and return everything to its true course.

If a person stands at a railway crossing in a dream waiting for the tracks to open and sees trains rushing quickly past in front of him - such a dream tells that a person will have to be patient and wait for an important issue that worries him to be resolved.

Interpretation of dreams in different dream books

It would seem that such a prosaic dream as a railway and trains can be interpreted without any dream books. Each person can intuitively understand why and why he had a particular dream. But, nevertheless, various dream books offer their own interpretations of dreams, sometimes quite different from each other. Let's see what popular dream books interpret about trains and railways.

Miller's Dream Book

Referring to this dream book, we can confidently say that the railway represents a symbol of long life, great trip. In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to important little things such a dream:

  • if you dreamed that you were traveling in a train carriage, - in fact, you also have to go on a big or small trip;
  • motion sickness on the train, unpleasant sensations - difficulties will be encountered along the way;
  • the train is moving too slowly– excessive excitement about an important, promising matter, a desire to speed up the resolution of any situation;
  • freight train with many cars– to favorable changes, to profit;
  • train standing at the station for a long time, - stagnation in life, a stop in business or career growth.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud interpreted almost all dreams based on the two main human drives - libido and martido. These drives can also be recognized in dreams about railroads and trains:

  • see a train passing by, following him with your gaze, seeing someone off on the platform - to a quick change of sexual partner, to separation;
  • travel on a train for a long timefamily life got bored, bored, lost the former interest in the partner;
  • see yourself happy on the train, see beautiful landscapes through the window - family life will be happy, interesting, eventful bright emotions and events;
  • move from carriage to carriage in a dream in search of your place - to fleeting hobbies, to a long choice of a partner.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, dreams of trains and railway tracks speak of the situation in the business sphere of a person’s life. It is important to correctly interpret some details:

  • dream about a locomotive rushing confidently forward– quick success, career growth, things will go uphill;
  • slow moving, frequently stopping train– things are going hard, there are a lot of work problems that need to be solved;
  • meet the arriving train– to business cooperation, a profitable offer;
  • travel by train- there is an important matter ahead;
  • see a freight train– accumulated fatigue, need for rest.

Dream book of symbols

In this dream book, much attention is paid to details:

  • many trailer cars– to a long and happy life;
  • a large number of trains at the station– many events await;
  • smoothly moving train– having a clear goal, the desire to improve, to move forward;
  • railway with sharp turns– difficult time in life, changes.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

traveling on a train is an important invitation; pass the carriages - count down the years (months); the train itself is time; getting on the train - new things to do; to be late, to miss - strong doubts; loss of hope; inactivity; see Station and Road.

I dreamed about a train

according to Miller's dream book

A train in a dream foreshadows a journey. Seeing yourself on a train that is barely dragging forward, since there are no rails under it, means that serious worries await you because of a business that will eventually become the source of your well-being and wealth. If you see a freight train in a dream, it means that changes for the better await you. Seeing yourself on the top bunk of a sleeping car means that you will soon have a trip with an unpleasant companion and you will waste money that could be used with great benefit.

Why do you dream about a freight train?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

material worries.

Why do you dream about going?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

riding - success in the main business, acquaintance (for a woman); on a bicycle - postponed matters; riding in a company of ladies - deception; riding a stallion on a bad road without stumbling - well-deserved honor and respect; the type of crew you are traveling in - the type of relationship; motorcycle - personal relationships; the sound of the engine - as it works, so will things go; terrain - type of obstacles or vice versa - help if the terrain is favorable; see Horse; in the carriage - gossip.

Why do you dream about a train station?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be at the station is a road; to see - an unexpected visit, meeting; meeting someone is hope, a new thing; accompanying a friend is a proposal.

I dreamed about the railway

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a railway, it means that you will soon discover that your business needs special attention, since your enemies are trying to seize the initiative in it. If a girl dreams of a railroad, it means that she will go on a trip to visit her friends and have a wonderful time there. Seeing a barrier on a railway track in a dream means betrayal in your affairs. Walking through the intersection of sleepers on a railway track means a time of anxiety and exhausting work. Walking on rails in a dream is a sign that you will achieve great happiness thanks to your skillful management of affairs. Seeing railway tracks flooded with clear water in a dream means that misfortune will temporarily darken the joy of life, but it will be reborn again, like a phoenix from the ashes.

Seeing trains in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Trains – vehicles moving over rough terrain at a relatively low speed. Passengers, as a rule, are in close company with fellow travelers, and therefore the trip is often perceived as romantic. Dreams of this nature reflect the dreamer’s hope for a love affair. The dream may unfold as an affair with a fellow traveler. In a dream, a railway station, like a metro station, is a place where many lines intersect, and therefore a place of life choice.

Seeing a metro station in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Being at the final station of a transport system such as the metro is associated with alternative choice. When in real life we have to make an important decision, places of confusion and confusion often appear in dreams. In most cases, sleep is a good testing ground. various options choice, and with greater impartiality than the real world allows. The first question to ask about a subway station is: Do you have the option of riding one train, multiple trains, or none of the trains? Who is on the subway with you? Do they decide which train to take, or do you just guide them through the station?

Why do you dream about the subway?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be in an empty Metro hall is someone’s patronage.

The meaning of a dream about an electric train

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a traveling train in a dream - a dream warns that if you continue to delay, they will no longer need your help, and you may be late. To prevent this from happening, pay close attention to your sleep and, without delaying it, try to fix everything. What are we talking about? Most likely, one of your “exes” needs support. Try to provide it as quickly as possible and do not be afraid of judgment from others. If you dream that you missed the train, then such a dream promises you a chance meeting with a person with whom you will later fall in love, and the sympathy will be mutual.

I dreamed about a carriage

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a carriage in a dream means that you will not be very happy in your marriage; troubles will age you prematurely. Riding in a carriage down the mountain is a prediction of many works that will cause you anxiety and cause losses. Riding up in a carriage portends an improvement in your property affairs. Traveling in a heavily loaded carriage means that duty keeps you on a high moral level, despite the attempts of others to shake you. Drive by dirty water- a sign of terrible misfortune. Seeing a closed carriage means that you are threatened with secret betrayal that will interfere with your business. If a young woman dreams that she is riding in a carriage close to a dangerous embankment, this is a warning against rash actions, which, if she fails to resist, will bring upon her the anger and contempt of many people. If she is traveling in a sleeping car, this is an incentive for her to have more control over her actions in real life, restraining herself from frivolity.

It can be difficult to correctly interpret what a train means in a dream. After all, such a plot turns out to be very ambiguous. It can promise a person a long trip or suggest that going through life’s journey in splendid isolation is not the best idea.

Why do you dream about a train - interpretation in various dream books

In Miller's dream book, the train symbolizes travel.

  1. If a person simply observed such an object from the side, he will soon have to get ready for a long journey. This can be either a work trip or a trip to see your significant other after a virtual acquaintance.
  2. If there are no rails under a moving train, it means that in reality the business that is now causing the dreamer a lot of trouble and trouble will eventually become a source of his wealth.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a freight train is associated with material worries that will appear in the life of the sleeper due to the fault of others. He may even have to take on other people's financial obligations due to his weak character and inability to refuse loved ones.

Did you have to travel on a train at a very slow speed? Loff's work notes that this is an important sign for a man or woman. In real life, a person takes too long to respond to requests from family and friends for help. If he continues in the same spirit, he will be late and those around him will have serious troubles due to his fault. For this reason, the sleeper will suffer from pangs of conscience for a long time.

Train ride in a dream

If a person dreams of traveling by train in a comfortable, cozy carriage, this is an excellent sign. In reality, success awaits him in all his endeavors and he will certainly be able to realize everything he has planned. Therefore, you need to act boldly and decisively, without postponing things until later.

Did you have to travel on a train in an unknown direction? Such a plot promises a man or woman fatigue from routine, empty chores and dissatisfaction with his life.

A trip on a locomotive abroad is a dream of a very bold, decisive act that will completely change the entire life of the sleeper. But there is no need to worry about this; the changes will ultimately turn out to be joyful and successful.

Seeing railways in a dream

For a woman, the railway foreshadows a meeting with an interesting gentleman who will live in another city or even country. The girl will have to make a difficult decision about moving or giving up her love for the sake of her comfort zone.

If the railway in a dream turns out to be flooded with water, it means that temporary obstacles will arise on the sleeper’s path to the goal. You need to enlist the help of friends to overcome them faster.

The appearance of a road with very frequent rails suggests that in order to solve problems, a person will need to remember past experiences in overcoming the same difficult situations.

Dream about being late for a train

Stories about being late for a train foreshadow a temporary crisis in real life.

It will seem to the sleeper that failures are pursuing him in all areas, but in fact such a crisis will be useful.

It will help the sleeper get out of his comfort zone and find himself in something new. As a result, an active process of self-development will begin.

If a person tries to jump on the train on the move, but does not have time at the last second, then in reality he will soon be overtaken by depression. The sleeper will feel apathy towards everything and only new acquaintances and vivid emotions will help him get out of this state.

Train accident

If in a dream a person sees a train accident in which his loved ones die, it means that in reality they should pay more attention. The dreamer himself suffered - you need to be more careful with money in real life. Even the smallest debts should be avoided.

Jumping out of a burning train while moving is a sign of betrayal of your significant other. Most likely it will be treason.

If the accident happened during the dreamer’s long trip by train, then he should be more attentive to his health. In this case, the road symbolizes the life of a man or woman and the dream suggests that an “accident” in the form of a serious illness is possible on it.

Leaving train

It’s great if in a dream about a departing train a person sees someone extending their hand to him from the carriage. This is a clear sign that in real life the sleeper will receive help from others. The responsiveness of other people will allow him to get out of the current difficult situation faster and easier.

Did you manage to catch up with the departing train and jump on it? Soon the dreamer will feel an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, but the peak of his activity must be spent wisely. For example, starting a new business of your own, which a person has long dreamed of.

Train carriages

Empty train cars symbolize problems in business. This is a hint that they can be solved only when a person finds like-minded people and stops trying to cope with everything alone.

Sometimes even the comfort of the cars you see affects the final interpretation of the dream:

  • cargo and dirty, they promise a person serious financial problems;
  • reserved seat seats suggest that the sleeper will have to save money;
  • a coupe portends prosperity over a long period of life.

A very bad sign is a carriage that has become detached from the train while moving. One minor mistake made by the sleeper will significantly worsen a person’s affairs. Cars falling into a cliff suggest that the dreamer will be in serious danger due to his own frivolity.

Why do you dream about waiting for a train?

Did you dream that you were waiting for a train? In reality, in the very near future it is worth abandoning any financial transactions, since there is a huge risk of deception. To wait for the promised profit, a person will have to wait a very long time or even sue his partner.

Does the train take a long time to arrive at the station due to a traffic jam on the rails? In reality, one of the ill-wishers is actively putting a spoke in a person’s wheels, preventing him from achieving his goals. Modern dream books suggest that you need to check not only your competitors, but also your friends for loyalty to the common cause. Perhaps there is an envious person among them, significantly spoiling the dreamer’s life.