How to cool the air in an apartment. How to cool a room without air conditioning: salvation from the summer heat. Making an air conditioner out of a fan

Many people don't think about cooling their space in the summer because they have the convenience of an air conditioner. But not everyone can afford to install it, so you have to look alternative methods cooling the room. The fan helps almost nothing in this case - it only creates the movement of warm air. But there is one trick, thanks to which the fan ceases to be a stupid thing. For example, if you put a bottle in front of him ice water, this will help keep you cool.

By the way, earlier in the palaces of the shahs in hot countries on the ceilings high rooms hung long fabrics in rows with a small gap. This structure was regularly watered with water - as it evaporated, the wet fabric cooled. You can repeat this now - to make it cooler, you can open the windows when it’s not so hot outside and hang wet fabrics on them. A blowing breeze will disperse coolness throughout the room. But there are other ways - read on about them.

When it’s hot outside, the room also heats up, especially if you don’t close the windows with thick curtains. You can escape the heat if you adhere to certain simple rules. While at home, you should drink water regularly, but it is not recommended to drink cold water; chilled water will do, but not from the freezer. Also, if you are physically very unwell, you can wrap a damp cloth or towel around your neck - this will help lower your body temperature.

Bed linen can be placed in a bag and stored in the refrigerator overnight. This simple but effective trick will make your sleep comfortable.

Next to the bed you can place a basin with cold water for wiping the face and neck upon waking. If the bedroom is on south side, then it is best to paint the walls or stick wallpaper in light shades - they are repulsive sunlight. The same can be done with outside Houses.

It's no secret that electrical appliances emit heat during operation. Some find it difficult to give up working on a computer, but At least occasionally, all devices in the room should be turned off: laptops, TVs, light bulbs, gas stove, washing machine. You can read news on the Internet using your phone, and it’s also convenient to communicate with friends. If you don't need to turn on your computer, it's better to use your phone to reduce the heat.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to always ventilate the room, because it becomes cooler at night. The windows can be opened wide to allow a light draft to enter the bedroom. If installed mosquito net, you can sleep with the windows open.

You can find a humidifier in stores– it helps maintain humidity in the apartment. In addition to the fact that it cools the room by 2-5 degrees, it also humidifies the air, which is very important. It is worth remembering that dry air has an adverse effect on the human body. The mucous membranes begin to thin out, their protective functions decrease, and they allow viruses and bacteria to pass through more easily. Dry air makes it worse to sleep, and problems with skin and hair begin.

Methods for cooling a room


The fan itself cannot cope with its task in hot weather, so it needs to be strengthened. To do this, take a plastic bottle and pour ice water into it.

Before freezing the container, you should pour ¾ salt into the container - this is necessary so that the ice does not break the bottle.

There is nothing complicated further, the frozen container is placed in front of the fan. You can put something under it, for example, a tray, to prevent condensation from spilling onto the floor. You can definitely cool the room this way.


Thick curtains are best solution for rooms without air conditioning. They not only make rooms more comfortable, but also help maintain an acceptable temperature. From 8:00 am (a little earlier or later) you need to close the curtains tightly so that there are no gaps. It is important not to hang curtains made of synthetic materials on windows during the hot season, they only make the situation worse.

Shading film

This method is very good for residents of the southern regions; the only thing that confuses people is the aesthetic appearance this method. The shading coating is glued to the entire perimeter of the windows, most often it has a greenish or bluish tint. Thanks to it, the sun's rays do not penetrate into the room, which is a huge plus in the heat. Some people don't like this method because natural colors they get lost outside the windows.


Ventilation is perhaps the easiest and effective way for room cooling. But in this case, regularity is required. It is advisable to saturate the room with coolness from 4 to 7 am.

At this time the temperature is lowest. Those who are not used to waking up this early can simply open the windows before going to bed.

Some people like to open the windows wide open during the day, but this is a bad idea because the room will turn into inferno.

Wet fabrics

Cool indoor air can be created without a fan or air conditioner. Previously, when a light breeze blew and it became cool, in order to make the room comfortable, wet fabrics were hung on the windows. But they don’t have to be hung only on windows - they can hang on doors, as long as there is at least a light breeze blowing. If you hang wet fabrics in hot weather, they will dry quickly. Acceptable time for the procedure: early morning.


If you don’t want to cover your windows with foil (many people don’t like this method because aesthetic side), then it can be safely replaced with blinds. They look very cute and are suitable for both the kitchen and bedroom. Windows closed all day block up to 90% of the sun's rays. Roller blinds look quite interesting; in addition, to protect the room from the sun, just pull the cord and leave the windows closed all day.

Extra things

It’s worth looking around to understand how many unnecessary things are “in plain sight” in the room. When it's hot outside, it's very nice to come home and walk on a cool, bare floor. If there is carpet, then it is worth removing it for a while. Soft toys, wall hangings, and unnecessary things even visually make the space smaller, and they also collect dust.

At night, it is advisable to wash the floor - from wet flooring the temperature will drop immediately.

If possible, you can also place bottles of cold water throughout the house and change the contents as needed. This trick will help humidify the air, making it easier to breathe in the heat. Don't forget that when taking a shower hot weather, it always gets a little easier.

Humidified air really helps in the heat - it’s worth taking note. You can buy the spray ready-made or make it yourself. You can hang not only wet fabrics, but also your washed clothes - this way they will dry quickly, humidify the room and, in addition, the air will have a pleasant smell of powder and freshness.

Indoors you can place plants that humidify the air and love moisture. These include: ficus benjamina, bamboo palm, lemon and orange trees. If you have time to care for flowers, then this is a great idea. Home fountains and waterfalls are also used for hydration.

Cooling the air in the summer is one of the top priorities for homeowners. This article will tell you how to use the energy around us for this purpose and make air conditioning practically free.

The importance of ventilation cannot be overestimated. We will not repeat what has been described many times and will focus on our own task - to cool and refresh the air in the house. Traditional systems ventilation can be quite expensive to install due to the cost of components and assemblies, as well as the cost of qualified installation work.

During operation, they consume a significant amount of electricity, especially for cooling the air mass, emit a lot of heat and create noise. The system described in this article is easy to install, energy efficient, does not require special skills and is intuitive. It’s worth noting right away that due to its simplicity, it has limited functions, but it provides for modernization in any area at any convenient time.

In our case, the term “recovery” is a synonym for the word “heat exchange”, therefore the concepts “recuperator” and “heat exchanger” are interchangeable. On physical level the process consists of cooling/heating the air, changing its temperature due to the consumption of thermal energy, and then mixing. How and why this happens, we will look further.

Stable Energy Source

Pursuing the goal of lowering the room temperature in the summer, it is reasonable to ask the question: “Where to give the energy of the heated atmospheric air? How to cool it? Here the forces of nature come to our aid. The fact that at a certain depth the soil temperature is constant will be our main argument when justifying the energy efficiency of the system.

The soil is capable of endlessly exchanging energy - cooling and heating any medium (air, water), but only to its own temperature at a given depth, which remains constant due to the relative stability of the earth's core.

International practice

Of course, we are far from the first who decided to use endless and free energy Earth. IN European countries, which are usually called developed (Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc.) have been using this energy since the beginning of the last century. The successes achieved in this field are impressive.

Heat exchange systems for water below ground level are called “heat pumps.” These underground and underwater devices heat and cool the entire home. Standard projects have been developed for any building and it is possible to convert the house from a traditional (gas, electric) air conditioning system to heat pumps. In a similar, but more primitive way, this energy is used in our country by arranging underground food storage facilities (cellars).

What is good about a natural heat exchanger?

The operation of our recuperator is based on the same physical process as in heat pumps. Focusing on savings, we use this principle, adapting it to our own needs and local realities.

Problems that an adapted autonomous recuperator can solve:

  1. Constant natural ventilation behind closed doors and windows.
  2. Quickly replace indoor air with fresh air.
  3. Cooling the air in the room.
  4. Preparing the air mixture for subsequent actions.


  1. Absolutely environmentally friendly. During installation and operation of the basic system, no toxic materials are used and no thermal emissions occur into the atmosphere.
  2. Safety. The recuperator does not use electric motors (with a power of more than 100 W), chemical agents, or high voltage.
  3. Simplicity and cheapness. For forced ventilation are used only rarely powerful fans power 100 W. Ventilation occurs naturally.
  4. Oxygen is not burned during operation.
  5. Low level noise.


  • the basic system does not provide for filtration, humidity control, heating or other processing of the air mixture (but allows for the possibility of installing appropriate equipment later).

Simple and clear system

Autonomous heat exchanger for country house is a system of ventilation ducts, partially laid underground, included in the supply and exhaust ventilation circuit. In order to create such an “air conditioner”, it is not necessary to understand the intricacies of physical phenomena. Just knowing that it works is enough. You can verify this by going down into any basement, well or subway in the heat.

The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Atmospheric air passes through pipes laid in the ground at a constant temperature (usually from +4 to +10 ° C).
  2. In the underground part, cool soil absorbs thermal energy heated air.
  3. Cooled air is delivered through ventilation ducts to the premises of the house.
  4. At the same time exhaust fan removes saturated and heated air mixture (“old air”) from the room.

According to the principle of construction, such systems are divided into two main types: pipe and bunker.

Pipe - consists entirely of pipes. The design can be varied depending on the conditions of the site. Suitable for reconstructing a house without a spacious basement, but it will require a lot of work earthworks.

Bunker or stone - the heat exchanger is a bunker filled with large stones. Occupies less area than a pipe one (you can arrange it in the basement of the house). Requires a basement or underground space. The best option during new construction.

We create an internal system of ventilation ducts at home

In both cases, the ventilation ducts inside the house will be located approximately the same. Let's start with them.

A primitive supply and exhaust ventilation system consists of external and internal ventilation ducts connected into one network. Air outlets are located in the upper diagonally opposite corners of the rooms. In one there is an inflow, in the other there is an exhaust. In a one-story building, the main air ducts may be located in attic. In a two-story building, the supply and exhaust air ducts of the first floor will pass in boxes inscribed in interior decoration, second floor - in the attic. The location of the main air ducts should be determined for each house individually, taking into account the layout (location of walls and partitions).

Advice. Premises where it is recommended supply and exhaust ventilation: living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, dining room, offices, pantry, recreation rooms, gym. In bathrooms and restrooms there is only an exhaust fan. Not needed at all in corridors, vestibules, halls and loggias.

Rules for calculating the internal ventilation duct system:

  1. Pipe sewer diameter 250 mm for supply distribution and combined outlet channels. Approximate consumption - two lengths of the house + height of the upper ceiling + 20%.
  2. Sewer pipe (gray) with a diameter of 150 mm. Approximate consumption is three times the length of the house + 20%. For two-story house with equal floor area + 50%.
  3. Pipe fasteners (based on the wall material) at the rate of 1 pc. by 70 cm.
  4. Insulation (roll mineral wool) - 1 roll.
  5. Foam, sealant, decorative grilles.
  6. Elbows, revisions, couplings (1 piece per 70 cm).

Attention! Do not use 90° elbows, this will impede the passage of air and create noise. Combine 45° elbows (following the sewer example).

If it is planned to install a pipe heat exchanger in a one-story building, the supply channel will exit from underground into a heat-insulated box outside the building and enter the attic. In a two-story building, it is better to bring it into the building at the bottom of the first floor and install an internal vertical (distribution) channel, which will then be led into the attic space.

When installing a bunker option in the basement of a building, the vertical distribution channel will exit from the bunker directly into the room. It can also be mounted outside.

An example of calculating the consumption of materials for installing internal channels at home

Let's take as an example one-story house with a calculated ventilated area of ​​60 m 2, which will have approximately 100 m 2 of total area and approximate dimensions 8x12 m:

  1. Pipe 250 mm: 2 x 12 + 3 + 20% = 32 m.
  2. Pipe 150 mm: 3 x 12 + 20% = 43 m.
  3. Fasteners: 32 + 43 / 0.7 = 107 pcs.
  4. Elbows, revisions, couplings - take as 1 piece per 3 m: 32 + 43 / 3 = 55/3 = 20 pcs.
  5. Grates: 8 pcs. (2 for each room).
  6. Switches: 4 pcs.
  7. Foam, sealant.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Pipe 250 mm linear m 32 200 6400
Pipe 150 mm linear m 43 150 6450
Elbows, revisions, couplings pcs. 20 40 800
Fasteners pcs. 100 30 3000
Lattice decor pcs. 4 100 400
Switches 2-cl. pcs. 4 120 500
Insulation pack 1 1000 1000
Foam, sealant, etc. 1000
Total material 19550
Job 5000
Total material and work 24550

Tube heat exchanger

In order not to complicate the calculations with mathematical calculations, we will provide data from already conducted tests in an average form, or rather their results.

The basic principle that must be observed when creating a pipe system is that there must be at least one underground channel pipe per room. This will facilitate the operation of the fans due to atmospheric pressure. Now all that remains is to place required quantity pipes in the underground part of the site. They can be laid separately or combined into a common channel (250 mm).

IN this description We propose to take into account not the maximum load, when all rooms are forcedly ventilated at the same time, but the average load, which will be supplied during regular periodic ventilation different rooms(as happens in real life). This means that there is no need to output a separate channel for each room. It is enough to connect 150 mm air ducts from each room to one common 250 mm channel. The number of common channels is taken at the rate of one channel per 60 m2.

Creating a recuperation field

Diagram of the tube recuperator: 1 - fan; 2 — channel in a trench ∅250 mm; 3 — rows of pipes ∅250 mm; 4 - recovery field.

First you need to select the location of the pipes (recovery field). The greater the length of the laid pipes, the more effective the air cooling will be. It should be noted that after the work is completed, this area can be used for planting, landscape design or a children's playground. Under no circumstances should you plant trees on the recuperation field:

  1. We excavate the soil to a freezing depth of plus 0.4 m.
  2. We lay 250 mm pipes with a pitch of at least 700 mm along the axis.
  3. We bring the air intakes to a height of 1 m. It is advisable that they are located in a shaded but well-ventilated place.
  4. Using elbows and adapters, we combine them into a common 250 mm channel, which connects to the house ventilation system (see above).

Attention! In the underground part, use special soil sewer pipes with a thick wall. They do not need to be thermally insulated, but simply covered with soil and spilled with water. Only concreting is allowed if necessary.

Calculation of the amount of work and material consumption:

  1. For a recuperation field we take an area measuring 15x6 m with an area of ​​90 m2.
  2. The volume of excavation soil at a freezing depth of 0.8 m will be: V cat = (0.8 + 0.4) x 60 = 72 m 3.
  3. Volume of a trench 40 cm wide (10 m from the house): Vtr = 1.2 x 0.4 x 10 = 4.8 m3.
  4. Total volume of earthworks: V total = V cat + V tr = 72 + 4.8 = 77 m 3.
  5. 15 m sections: N neg = a / 0.7 = 6 / 0.7 = 9 pcs., where a is the field width.
  6. Total pipe length: L = N negative x 15 + 10 = 9 x 15 + 10 = 145 linear. m.
  7. We accept the consumption of elbows, couplings, adapters 2 pcs. x 15 m = 30 pcs.

Advice. The deeper the heat exchanger is installed, the more efficient its operation will be. More than one tier is allowed.

Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Sewer pipe 250 mm ground linear m 150 250 37500
Elbows, couplings, adapters pcs. 30 50 15000
soil development cube m 77 300 23000
backfill cube m 70 150 10500
Pipe installation work 3000
Total material 52500
Total work 36500
Total work and material 89000
Cost of 1 sq. m 89000 / 60 1500

Bunker heat exchanger

If there are unoccupied basements, they can also be used to construct a hopper (air or heat exchange tank) for a stone heat exchanger. Its action is based on the energy intensity of the stone - it gradually gains temperature environment and balances the flow of passing air. If there is no free space in the basement, the bunker can be arranged in an area outside the house.

Schematic diagram of the bunker heat exchanger: 1 - fan; 2 — pipe Ø250 mm; 3 - protection; 4 — stone Ø200-450 mm; 5 - brick walls; 6 - cover

At a certain place, a pit measuring approximately 2x3x3 m is dug. A trench is made from the exit point of the common channel of the house ventilation system to the pit of the future tank, and a 250 mm pipe is laid into it to a depth of 140 cm, through which cooled air will be discharged from the bunker. Along the wall to which the trench approached, a vertical groove is laid to the bottom for a pipe with a diameter of 250 mm. Then the bottom is laid out with bricks or concreted. The bottom of the air tank must be at least 1 meter deeper than the soil freezing level.

Attention! After installing the bottom of the bunker, a 250 mm outlet pipe should be laid.

The beginning of the outlet pipe protrudes from the wall 1/3 of the distance to the opposite wall and is lined with brick protection. A protective grill is installed on the inlet opening.

Filling the tank

It is better to lay the walls out of brick or cast them from concrete (without slag!), since these materials conduct temperature better than others. Cinder block is not suitable due to its thermal insulation properties. The walls and bottom must be carefully waterproofed (roofing felt) on the outside and plastered on the inside to prevent the penetration of organic matter or moisture. The height of the walls is up to ground level minus 20 cm. An inlet hole is made at the top of any wall and air intake pipes are installed. To facilitate the operation of fans, we recommend installing 3 pcs.

After the solution has hardened, the bunker must be filled with large pebbles. Sizes from 200 to 450 mm in diameter. The stone must be clean of organic matter and washed.

The tank is covered with a “lid” made of solid plank flooring on wooden beams, covered waterproofing materials. Turf is laid on top. Then the outlet pipe is connected to the house ventilation system (to the common ventilation duct) and backfilling is performed.

Calculation of the volume of work and consumption of materials:

  1. With an air tank size of 2x3 m and a depth of 3 m, the volume of soil (excavation and stone for filling) will be: V = 2x3x3 = 18 m 3 + V tr = 22.8 m 3.
  2. Volume brickwork: V treasure = S walls + S bottom x 0.125 = ((2x3) x 2 + (3x3) x 2 + 2x3) x 0.065 = 36 x 0.065 = 2.34 m3.
  3. Total pipe length (10 m from the house): L = (10 + 3) + 10% = 15 m.
  4. Number of elbows - 6 pcs.
Name Unit change Qty Price Total, rub.
Red solid brick cube m 2,3 7000 16000
Pipes 250 mm linear m 15 250 3750
Knee pcs. 6 50 300
Stone cube m 18 1500 27000
Cement/sand/treasure. net - - - 2000
Lid - - - 1000
excavation cube m 22,8 300 7000
tank masonry cube m 2,3 1000 2300
pipe laying linear m 15 100 1500
cover device pcs. 1 1000 1000
Total material 50000
Total work 12000
Total material and work 62000
Cost of 1 sq. m 79550 / 60 1000

The cost of stone for filling a tank may vary depending on the region of construction.

As can be seen from the calculations, the final cost of air conditioning 1 m2 differs for both options. The main selection factor is the level of occurrence groundwater. If it is high, less than 3 m, then it will not be possible to build a bunker heat exchanger. The pipe one is suitable even with a groundwater level of 1.5 meters.

Installation of fans

The system presented here provides for the synchronous operation of two duct fans- supply and exhaust - installed in each air outlet of the room. This makes it possible to quickly deliver cool fresh air into the room and remove the heated one. For effective ventilation, a fan power of 100 W each is sufficient. When choosing a fan, pay attention to the noise level when it operates.

Approximate cost of operation

If you ventilate each room three times during the day for 20 minutes, then we get 1 hour of operation of 8 0.1 kW fans. This is less than 1 kW/hour per day. Per month - 30 kW. At a price of 5 rubles/kW this will be 150 rubles/month.

The service life of recuperators and ventilation ducts at home is limited by the service life of the material. For underground elements - from 50 years, for internal - unlimited.

The system does not require maintenance (except for fans - once every 5 years).


The described scheme can become the basis for more complex system conditioning. It can be gradually included additional elements— filters, heating and cooling elements, more powerful fans, blocks automatic control and others. Prepared underground air mixture It has a stable temperature not only in summer, but also in winter, so it can also be used for heating.

Vitaly Dolbinov,

It's no secret that the best remedy from the heat in the room - air conditioning. Such devices are indispensable in shops, offices and other public places. Recently, equipment has been installed in apartments and houses. But not everyone has it. In this case, you can turn to other methods. Let's find out how to cool your apartment in the heat without air conditioning.

12 ways to cool a room without air conditioning or a fan

1. Close windows and vents when the temperature rises above +25 degrees. Open the windows back when the outside temperature drops below 23-24 degrees above zero. And in the evening and at night it is recommended to arrange drafts and;

2. To cool the room, cover the windows with blackout curtains, curtains or blinds. By the way, it is better to use non-metal blinds, as they get very hot and increase the temperature in the room;

3. Mirror film or special mirror coating, which is applied or glued to window glass, perfectly saves the room from the heat. Unlike curtains and blinds, they allow a small amount of light into the room. In this case, the film or spraying in warm time years reflect most of the sun's rays back. And in winter, on the contrary, inside the room, as a result of which the apartment will be warmer;

4. Try to use technology, lighting and heating devices only if absolutely necessary. This is especially true for the stove and oven;

5. Replace the lamps with modern fluorescent or LED ones. They produce 80% less heat than standard incandescent light bulbs. In addition, they will help save electricity in the apartment;

6. Remove carpets from walls and floors. Walk around the house barefoot;

7. You can cool a room without air conditioning by washing or dampening the floors at night. The temperature in the room will immediately drop;

8. To cool and refresh your bed linen, put the items in the refrigerator in the morning and make them before going to bed. In addition, the set can be hung out in the fresh air in the evening or placed in bed in advance plastic bottles with cold water or a heating pad with ice;

9. Place bottles and containers with cold water around the apartment. Replace the fluid regularly as it warms up. This will help humidify the air and help you breathe easier in the heat. During sleep, you can place containers next to the bed;

10. Humidify the apartment. You can do this by hanging wet sheets or large towels on doors and windows. In addition, spray water from a spray bottle in the rooms or install special automatic humidifiers. How to choose a humidifier for an apartment, see;

11. Install insulation in the apartment. It gives an effect of over five degrees difference compared to the outside temperature. At the same time, the apartment will be warmer in winter and cooler in summer;

12. For a private house with two or three floors, a suitable option would be to plant trees under the windows or grow climbing bushes along the wall. They will create shade and coolness. In addition, such the method will work for an apartment in a low-rise building up to three floors.

How to enhance the fan effect

We looked at how to cool a room without air conditioning and without a fan. However, many apartments have a fan. Choose devices that automatically change the direction of air flow. Then you won't be fooled, and you won't forgive.

Using only one fan will not provide adequate cooling. It creates the illusion of coolness, but does not help in extreme heat. In this case, you can enhance the effect of this device. To do this, place plastic bottles or other containers with cold water or ice in front of the device.

Before freezing or refrigerating, add salt to three-quarters of the bottle's worth of water to prevent the ice from breaking the container. Place the bottles on a tray or in a box to prevent condensation from spilling onto the floor. By the way, the same method is suitable for cooling the car interior. Just put a bag of bottles filled with ice in the back seat.

Many people, especially young children, find it difficult to tolerate heat. In this case, you can use a number of methods to help cool your body both inside and out.

How to better cope with the heat

  • Drink cool and tonic drinks in small portions. Refuse hot food, eat cold okroshka or cold borscht, salads and snacks. It is better to eat lighter meals. In hot weather, freshly squeezed juices, fresh vegetables and fruits are great;
  • Take warm showers regularly. After such water procedures you will immediately feel cool as soon as you get out of the bath. After taking a shower, do not close the door to the bathroom, let the moisture leave the room and humidify the air in the apartment;
  • Wear lightweight clothing made from natural, breathable materials that allow air to pass through. A suitable option there will be cotton and flax. Choose bedding using the same principle. Replace the blanket with a sheet;
  • If you can't sleep in the heat, experts recommend using a buckwheat pillow. This filler does not retain heat like other types. Don't forget to place a container of ice next to your bed and cool your bedding before going to bed;
  • Try to move in the heat as little as possible. Act slowly, deliberately and deliberately.

Humidified air effectively saves in the heat. As we have already said, you can use special humidifiers, containers with cold water and ice, and also hang wet sheets and large towels. You can hang washed clothes and bed linen around the house. It will dry quickly and at the same time humidify the air.

Spray the room regularly cold water from a spray bottle or use hydrogel, which is used for growing flowers. This product is scattered into containers, a little water is added and placed indoors. At least once a day, do wet cleaning, wash the floors and wipe off dust on various surfaces.

Place plants in your home that love moisture and humidify the air, such as ficus or fern. They need to be watered and sprayed regularly. In this case, moisture goes into the ground and in the root only in a volume of 1%. The remaining 99% evaporates through the stems, leaves and flowers. As a result, the air around is moistened.

1. The fact that your house has turned into a branch of the Finnish sauna is to blame for the direct sunlight that penetrates through the windows and heats the air. First of all, curtain the windows or lower the blinds on them. People who have thick white linen curtains live best in the heat. White reflects the sun's rays, and linen, according to folk beliefs and flax sellers, cools the air.

2.Other reliable way prevent the sun's rays - order window tinting. They will stick it on the glass protective film, and you will be able to see your yard in pretty bluish tones (however, you can choose any color in which you prefer to see the neighbor’s old ladies). The main thing is not to overdo it and not to make the tint too thick: in cloudy, dark weather, your home will be dark and dull.

3. For those who are too lazy to tinker with tinting, we suggest tinkering with foil and double-sided tape. The windows facing the street are covered with foil. sunny side, creating a beautiful rustling shadow for yourself. Experts advise gluing the tape not on the glass, but on the frame; the housekeeper who washes your windows will thank you later.

4. The windows you open should be closed to reduce the supply of warm air from the street. It is best to ventilate the room early in the morning, before sunrise, or late in the evening. The most resourceful ones will probably leave the windows open all night.

In the heat, the best treatment is wet cleaning
5. To maintain humidity and coolness, we recommend decorating your interior with wet towels hung here and there. You can simply wet the curtains and sometimes spray them with a spray bottle of water with a refreshing scent of mint or citrus (a couple of drops aromatic oil per bottle of water). As part of the program to increase the humidity in the house, ask the girls who come to you to walk around the territory exclusively in wet T-shirts. And they are cooler, and you have something to explore.

6. Ask the housekeeper to come more often (she can even wear a dry T-shirt). The fact is that in hot weather it is best to do wet cleaning every day: at least wipe door handles cool water. And at the same time ask her to get rid of the carpets (you have carpets, right? front door doesn't count). At temperatures above 25 degrees, it is easiest to walk around the house, like Leo Tolstoy, barefoot. Carpets will spoil the whole feeling of the wonderful chill from the laminate.

7. In addition to everything else, you can buy an air humidifier, but you need to be careful: in the hellish heat, your Finnish sauna has every chance of turning into a Turkish one. But if you've darkened your windows correctly, the humidifier will likely work to your advantage. Don't overdo it: extreme darkness and humidity can breed new life forms in your nest, such as moldy wallpaper.

8. You should make sure that there are no strong sources of air heating in the apartment: the radiators have already been turned off, 4 burners on the kitchen stove are not working at once, the tube TV has been unplugged from the network. Summer is a good time to replace your cave computer with a heating system unit the size of a closet with a convenient tablet.

9.If the above tips no longer help cool the air, it’s time to make homemade air conditioner. We freeze water in plastic bottles and place them on a tray in front of the fan. You can direct the fan jet to the point in space that needs it most. For example, on yourself. The time to change direction is the moment you start looking around for your sweater.

10.You can throw these same plastic bottles with ice into your bed. And before going to bed, put the anti-heating pads back in the freezer. Instead of cotton bed linen, choose silk - silk tends to slightly cool the skin.

11.If you are seriously concerned about problems global warming in your house, plant spreading trees under the windows. Years will pass, and a beneficial shadow from green spaces will fall on the windows. For the same purpose, you can plant a flower garden on the balcony. At the HOA meeting, suggest painting the house in light colors. And what - in hot Arab countries everyone does this.

12.You probably remember from the school physics course that warm air rises to the top. When the heat takes over, occupy the lowest point of space. Lie down on a low sofa or even on a carpetless floor. This is a good place to reflect on the vicissitudes of the weather.


If you have a fan, you can quickly relieve the heat by placing two plastic bottles of frozen water in front of it. Point the blades at them - and after 5-10 minutes the room will become much cooler.

In the absence of a fan, place several open containers of ice around the room. This will help reduce the air temperature by several degrees - although not as quickly as in the first case.


This method has a short-term effect, but can bring a feeling of relief when summer temperatures are already starting to go off scale. Fill a spray bottle with very cold water and spray it periodically in the room you want to cool.

Warning: Don't over-hydrate so you won't have to deal with mold later!

A similar effect can be achieved by using an automatic humidifier or nebulizer that produces cold steam.


Thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through will help protect the room from direct sunlight and prevent the room from overheating. And if you also wet them with cold water, they will give a feeling of freshness and coolness in a stuffy room.

If you're literally melting from the heat, here's a little trick that will make you feel better. Lightly stroke the skin on your hands with your fingertips, causing goosebumps. Do you feel a wave of cold running through you?


What better way to cool the air than cold-producing technology? Of course, you can’t keep the refrigerator open for a long time, but it will help you escape in a hot kitchen (especially if you decide to cook something).


Freeze sheets or bath towels in the refrigerator and hang them around your apartment. You can keep your apartment cool all day long by exchanging “warm” textiles for cool ones.

Wet cleaning

During the hot season, carry out wet cleaning as often as possible. Wipe the floors, window sills, shelves, doors - you will see that it will become much easier to breathe.


Try to deceive the body with essential oils, giving a feeling of coolness and freshness. Place containers of water around the room, adding 2-3 drops of peppermint, lavender, jasmine or orange blossom oil.


You can’t imagine how much operating equipment heats up the air in the room! During the hot summer months, try to disconnect unnecessary equipment from the network - the temperature in the apartment will become much more comfortable.

Light bulbs

Replace regular light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Incandescent lamps get very hot, giving off 95% of their heat, which means that in an hour of operation, a 100-watt light bulb can increase the air temperature in a small room by more than 1 degree.


Disperse the stagnant hot air there is a draft in the apartment, opening as much as possible more windows. And if you install two fans in a room, pointing them at each other, the air temperature in the room will drop by several degrees in a matter of seconds.