How to make a vacuum cleaner from a plastic bottle. What an inventor! We make a mini USB vacuum cleaner from improvised materials Homemade mini vacuum cleaner

Many of us often sit in front of the computer: some work, others play games, but in any case, sometimes it is necessary to clean up the work or play space, namely computer desk, keyboard, on which dust, crumbs, and so on accumulate. Especially for such cases can be purchased at specialized stores mini USB vacuum cleaner, but you can make it yourself using improvised materials.

Watch the manufacturing process of a mini USB vacuum cleaner in the video:

So, to make our own mini vacuum cleaner we will need a 50 ml syringe, a piece of tin plate, a motor, a felt-tip pen, scissors, a glue gun and a USB cord from an old one. charger, mouse or keyboard.

The first step is to take care of the turbine, which will suck up dust. To do this, you need to cut a circle from a tin plate to fit the internal diameter of the syringe, which, by the way, is equal to the diameter of the syringe piston. To cut a circle, you just need to place the piston on the plate, trace it with a felt-tip pen and cut out the resulting circle with scissors.

After this, you need to divide the circle into eight equal parts, draw another small circle in the middle using a toothpaste cap or medicinal gel.

After this, all that remains is to make radial cuts and slightly bend the turbine blades, making another hole in the very middle for mounting on the motor.

The next thing you need to do is take a regular disk holder and cut off all the excess parts, leaving the middle one and glue the turbine to it using glue gun. After this, all that remains is to attach the turbine to the motor.

In order for air to pass through the body of the mini vacuum cleaner freely and the motor not to be overloaded, you need to make two small slits in the syringe piston and glue the motor strictly in the center.

WITH top part There are no special difficulties with the vacuum cleaner: you just need to glue the neck plastic bottle along with a plug in which you need to make a hole and insert a tube through it.

Making a homemade vacuum cleaner with your own hands is very easy. This device is useful in various everyday situations.

Need a vacuum cleaner urgently? Was it broken or was it not at hand? Did you know that you can make it yourself? To do this, it is enough to have the most ordinary items that are present in any apartment: empty bottles, wires, scraps of tubes, hoses, broken toys that you were sorry to throw away. First of all, you need to get a small worker somewhere electric motor. This is the basics. It can be borrowed from a broken children's toy or any unnecessary electrical appliance. Having obtained it, you can begin making a small vacuum cleaner.

  1. Take a plastic soda bottle and cut off the neck where it expands. From the cut of the neck, measure the excess part and cut it off so that the remaining space is enough for the dust collector and motor.
  2. Fan. You can borrow an old fan from the computer system unit. If there is none, then find a piece of soft metal of a suitable size. Maybe from a can of beer. The main thing is that it can be easily cut with scissors and then bent. The diameter of the fan wings must match the inner diameter of the bottle. Cut out a circle and mark it into 6-8 equal parts. Cut the marking lines, leaving 5-10 mm to the center of the circle.
  3. Make a hole in the center for the motor rotor, and bend the fan blades at an angle so that they suck in air during rotation, and not vice versa. Fasten the fan and motor rotor with glue, trying to avoid distortions in the connection.
  4. Make holes in the bottom of the bottle to allow air flow to escape. Attach the motor to the bottom of the bottle. A plastic cover is useful for this. Glue it to the motor, after threading the wires from it into the hole on the side.
  5. Place the fan inside the bottle and glue it to the bottom. To the top of the bottle inner side glue the seal.
  6. Make a ring from any wire. Place the ring on top of the seal and glue a circle of thin fabric onto it. Cover the structure with the top of the bottle. Then glue a small hose to it. The nozzle can be made from half of an unnecessary plastic bottle.

As you can see, making a homemade vacuum cleaner with your own hands is quite easy. This device is useful in various everyday situations. The power of a small vacuum cleaner, for example, is quite enough to clean the keyboard from dust and bread crumbs. The made device can be easily transported from place to place, not only in the house. It can be used to clean seats and panels inside the car.

At the moment, the market is flooded with not only universal, but also special industrial ones. But if you want to save money on buying them, you can try making your own.

Such devices are quite expensive, but they are necessary during repair work to quickly clean up your workplace after yourself. Using an ordinary vacuum cleaner you will not be able to achieve high quality cleaning, as they are not designed for such garbage.

Household models are not able to quickly and efficiently clean surfaces from oil, chips, fragments of plastic, glass, etc.

Before you make such a vacuum cleaner, you need to decide with the scope of work, since some models are designed for cleaning liquids or even small crushed stones. Once the operating principle has been determined, all other parameters should be considered.

There are many real examples self-creation industrial vacuum cleaners. Consider the option of making it from the old “Rocket” model.

What will you need for the job?

If you have it lying around at home old vacuum cleaner"Rocket", he will be great consumables to create a building (for more details about what else can be built, see the article).

In addition, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • bandage;
  • pipe 200 mm long and 40 mm in diameter;
  • metal scissors;
  • plastic bucket with lid and handle;
  • glue;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill.
  • scotch;
  • self-tapping screws

Let's start creating a construction vacuum cleaner

Initially you need to do garbage disposal, which needs improvement. Armed with a screwdriver, unscrew the wheels from the base of the vacuum cleaner and tightly seal all the resulting holes with tape. After the nameplate is removed, its hole must also be sealed with tape.

All fasteners are removed. Now, using a grinder, you need to free the body from all rivets and install a plug, previously wrapped with insulating tape. Next, make a hole in the bottom using a drill, 43-45 mm in size. A gasket is used as a gasket, approximately 3-5 mm in thickness.

In a trash container that has been converted, you need to add a gasket, a centering pipe and a bucket lid. Take a 2 mm drill and use a drill to make holes that will later hold the lid.

Next, holes are made outside the suction pipe. Before doing this, you need to make marks at an angle of 15 degrees. Using metal scissors, make a hole. After this, we attach the pipe using self-tapping screws. For maximum tightness, it is necessary to thoroughly saturate the bandage with glue and wrap it around the nozzle.

The nuances of such a device

In order to assemble your construction vacuum cleaner, you need to have on hand power unit, the revolutions of which must be at least 6,000. As for the available material, it can almost always be found at home. As a donor for the engine, you can use not only an old vacuum cleaner, but also a washing machine.

Some craftsmen use it for homemade vacuum cleaner power units from kitchen machines, but do not forget about their tendency to frequent breakdowns due to inability to withstand high loads.

If the power unit is found, then you need to take care of it tightness. You will also need a fan. Very often, an ordinary bucket is used as a body for a vacuum cleaner, in which a hole is made. Naturally, you need a container for garbage and a filter that can be used.

The presented videos show several variations of assembling a construction vacuum cleaner. It is recommended to study them if you decide to create a homemade model.

There are times in life different situations. If you suddenly need to use a mini vacuum cleaner, you can save on the purchase and make it yourself.

1. Trace the label along the top and bottom lines. Cut out the part of the bottle where the label was marked.

2. Take an old empty spray can or tin, remove the bottom and top, then cut down the middle to make a rectangular sheet.

3. Measure and cut a circle from the tin according to the diameter of the bottle.

4. Leaving a place in the middle for a small motor, draw a tin circle and make cuts to make 8 sectors. Each of them needs to be slightly bent. Make a small hole in the center.

5. Now attach the motor to the resulting improvised fan.

6. Using a drill and a large drill bit, make 3 rows of holes at the bottom of the bottle.

7. Glue the cap from another bottle to the motor, after threading the wires from the motor into the hole on the side.

8. Place the fan inside the bottle and glue it to the bottom. Glue the seal to the top of the bottle on the inside.

9. Make a ring from wire with such a diameter that it fits into the bottle and can be placed tightly on top of the seal. Glue a circle of thin fabric onto the ring.

10. Place the ring in the bottle on the seal and tightly close the structure with the top of the bottle.

When conducting construction work, or during processing wooden products(this is not uncommon even in modern apartment), a large amount of dust rises into the air. It settles on everyone horizontal surfaces, it is impossible to remove this debris with a broom and a wet rag.

It is best to remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner

It is not realistic to use a household vacuum cleaner during repairs or construction work; the filter of a conventional unit instantly becomes clogged. At one time, a cyclone-type vacuum cleaner was invented, which works on the principle of a separator: heavy particles of debris are separated from medium-contaminated air and settle in a container, bypassing the filter element.

Relatively clean air passes through the filter without contaminating it too quickly. This technology has found its application in both stationary ventilation systems(for example, in sawmills or flour mills), and in household electrical appliances.

Take away construction dust Using a cyclone vacuum cleaner is more convenient, but a household unit will only help clean the floor after drilling a few holes in the wall. For large-scale construction, a professional device is required.

You can only remove cement dust or prepare the surface for pouring a liquid floor using a construction vacuum cleaner.

This technique does its job perfectly, but you have to pay a lot of money for it. If professional cleaning is needed irregularly, you can make a construction vacuum cleaner yourself.

Two concepts for construction vacuum cleaners

The task of any vacuum cleaner, especially a construction one, is to remove as much dust and debris as possible without raising dust into the air. In this regard, designers are struggling with various filters, two of which are the main ones. Let's consider them.

Device with water filter

Aqua vacuum cleaners are produced industrially, including for the home. The essence of the work is as follows: the input flow of contaminated air passes through a container of water, dust remains in the liquid, and from the outlet pipe we receive purified air.

Homemade water filter for a regular vacuum cleaner - video

Advantages this method: perfect cleaning even from the smallest particles. Disadvantages: greater power of the unit is required (a significant part of the energy is lost in overcoming the resistance of water), water vapor has a detrimental effect on the electric motor.

Important! If you use such a vacuum cleaner to remove construction dust containing gypsum or cement, you must immediately pour out dirty water after cleaning. Otherwise, the sediment may harden.

For production you will need following materials:

  1. plastic container with tight-fitting lid
  2. plastic sewer pipes suitable diameter
  3. sealant
  4. aluminum tape (you can use tape to connect floor insulation or linoleum).