What does a Great Dane look like? Types of Great Dane breed: description and price of the dog. Pros and cons

Great Danes are proud, stately handsome men who never go unnoticed by others. When they appear on the street, they attract admiring glances, but do not cause fear. Indeed, dogs with impressive size, however, do not have a vicious character, which makes them attractive to keep. What is known about these extraordinary animals?

The ancestors of Great Danes once lived not in the territory of European countries, but in the east - in Tibet and served the indigenous peoples as shepherds. From them came many modern breeds, including the Asian Shepherd and Tibetan Dane, which were later used to develop Great Danes.

From Central Asia Great Danes penetrated into the territory of India, China and Mesopotamia. In the most ancient states they were depicted on the walls of architectural buildings and houses. There is historical evidence that in those days these giants were used not only for hunting and herding, but also as fighting dogs. And this indicates that at that time these dogs were distinguished by a rather vicious and ferocious disposition.

In the first century AD, Great Danes were real fighters who took part in the military campaigns of the Romans, Greeks, Scythians and Germanic tribes. It so happened that there were more of these dogs in Germany than in other countries. At that time from various types Great Danes stood out among the Great Danes, and they were subsequently taken as the basis for the breeding of Great Danes. They had a more graceful constitution than that of mastiffs, dry and graceful. Great Danes were used as guard dogs and for baiting wild animals.

When the homeland lost interest in this breed, the main gene pool of Great Danes ended up in Germany. German breeders appreciated the quality of the dogs and began work on improving the breed. Selection work was carried out on crossing Great Danes with Great Danes living in the southern lands of Germany.

The result was the “Ulm” dogs, named after the city of Ulm, whose breeders made a huge contribution to the improvement of the breed. But even in the northern part of the state, dogs of this breed were actively bred, so two varieties of mastiff-shaped dogs took part in the exhibition - the Ulm Great Dane and the “improved” Great Dane.

Later, the breeders decided to join forces and create one of the two types of dogs - the Great Dane. This was very symbolic, since at that time the German Empire was proclaimed, and specialists from the north and south began to work together to bring out beautiful dog. In the 79th year of the 19th century, Great Danes received the status of a national German breed.

However, the founding of the Berlin breed club occurred only in 1888, and the adoption of a single standard two years later. According to him, the dog must become a beautiful horse, be strong, huge and elegant. It is worth noting that such a description also applies to modern representatives of the breed.

Today, Great Danes can be found in various countries, including Russia. Despite their gigantic size, they are wonderful companions, as their intelligence, gentle disposition and devotion have no boundaries.

The dog of this breed is large, harmoniously built, proportional, has an expressive head and noble posture. Minimum height for males it should be 80 cm, for females – 72 cm.

Great Dane dog: photo

According to the standard, Great Danes have the following distinctive characteristics:

  • Head The Great Dane has a large, shape characterized by pronounced angles and parallel lines, with well-defined eyebrows. The forehead is high, flat, the transition from it to the muzzle is clearly marked. The nose is moderately wide, colored with black pigment. The muzzle has impressive volume and depth. The upper lip is drooping and dark. The jaw apparatus is powerful, with large white teeth that form a scissor-type bite.
  • Eyes medium in size, with dark brown irises and tight-fitting eyelids. The look is expressive and intelligent. In dogs with blue fur and merle, the standard allows for slightly lighter eye color. In the latter, heterochromia is possible, although this is an undesirable phenomenon.
  • Since 1993, changes have been made to the standard and the previously mandatory procedure has been abolished. Modern Great Danes have medium-sized, high-set ears that hang down and have a slight slant forward. Creases are a disadvantage. In countries where ear cropping is not prohibited, this operation is performed based on the size and shape of the pet’s head.
  • Neck The dogs are long, with dry, well-developed muscles; the scruff and withers are well defined, especially in males. The back is widened, there is a smooth transition into a short convex lumbar region. The dogs' croup, which has powerful muscles, is slightly sloping.
  • Tail set high, thick at the base and gradually tapering to the tip. In length it reaches the tarsal (also called the hock) joint. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down; during movement or when the pet is excited, the tail is held at the level of the back.
  • Rib cage oval, has a decent width and depth, the ribs are voluminous. The abdomen and groin area create a smooth line with a beautiful smooth curve.
  • Limbs(both rear and front) are located parallel to each other. They have muscular shoulders. They end in short, arched, rounded paws, the toes forming a dense lump. The Great Dane moves easily, freely, springily, while its limbs move in a straight line, without wobbling.

The leather is elastic and fits snugly to the body, does not form folds and does not sag. Due to the fact that Great Danes do not have sweat glands, there is no dog smell characteristic of other breeds. The coat is very short, glossy, and has no undercoat.

Great Dane colors

Several types of colors are recognized as standard:

Great Dane training

Many people will find it strange that it is extremely rare to meet a Great Dane owner with a pet at training sites. Yes, these dogs have natural intelligence, but this does not exempt them from training and socialization. The owner of a puppy of this breed should take into account that an uncontrollable giant strong dog will create more significant problems than a poorly trained Yorkshire Terrier.

If the puppy ends up with an inexperienced dog breeder, then it is worth attending professional lessons, and the presence of the owner is mandatory. This will allow you to find the right approach to your pet, and the dog will learn to listen to the owner. Training will require a lot of patience; any manifestations of cruelty are prohibited. Physical methods can cause the dog to be overly fearful or aggressive.

The Great Dane can be influenced by voice, since purebred representatives are very sensitive to intonation changes. You can start training a Great Dane puppy at 2 months of age. First of all, the baby must learn a set of mandatory commands, and this happens quite quickly. A few days are enough for the pet to understand what is required of him, and he will diligently do everything, trying to please the owner. After this, you can proceed to more complex commands. Important to use various ways encouragement – ​​treats, praise and approving glances can encourage your pet to learn.

Character and characteristics of Great Danes

Dogs of this breed are very large, gentle and loyal. One can only envy their patience. Due to their good nature, they are recommended as family pets. They are very loyal to their owners and the best leisure time for them is being with family members. Great Danes do not like loneliness; they need someone from the household to be at home.

Dog breed Great Dane photo

But experts warn that Great Danes can be stubborn and willful, so they need an owner with leadership qualities. In order for a dog to be balanced and self-confident, it must be socialized as early as possible. Great Danes need to be handled and given sufficient time. And this should be taken into account when purchasing a puppy. In addition, Great Danes drool excessively and shed a lot.

Young dogs of this breed are noisy and can cause mischief, so they should be constantly monitored. Dogs need regular exercise. It is necessary to let your pet run around without a leash, and this will require a safe area. The Great Dane will get along well with younger family members, but if there are very small children in the house, problems may arise due to its large size.

As for other pets, you can’t predict a Great Dane’s attitude towards them in advance. They can coexist well with other pets, but sometimes dogs take on a dominant position. In this case, timely socialization of the dog is required. Dogs can treat strangers with indifference, or they can show certain kinds of feelings.

Great Danes can make excellent watchdogs, although they do not bark very often. The main weapon against attackers is large size and power; even the sight of a giant can cause fear. Generally speaking, Great Danes are devoid of aggression and do not strive for dominance, but they do need training. In addition, it is important that the pet learns who is in charge in the house.

Caring for a Great Dane

On average, Great Danes live 8 years, but can increase this period by 4-5 years. Since dogs do not have undercoat, they are kept in a private house or apartment, taking into account their need for spacious room. The coat is short and does not require special care. You can wipe it with a damp cloth 3-4 times a month, removing dirt and dust, and that will be enough. It is recommended to wash your pet or use dry shampoos only if it is heavily soiled.

Great Dane puppies: photos

Great Danes are quite rare, since in most cases they wear down naturally. The eyes should be examined regularly, and existing discharge should be removed with a cotton swab, which should be pre-moistened in chamomile infusion or furatsilin solution.

If your pet has undocked ears, they need to be examined and cleaned. by special means. up to 7 months of age. Great Danes do not like fast running, but long walks on foot will benefit the pet.

How and what to feed your Great Dane

There are two options for feeding Great Danes - natural food or ready-made commercial diets. When choosing ready-made food, it is worth purchasing premium and professional products. These dogs require food for large and giant breeds. At natural feeding The basis of the diet is lean meat (it is first scalded with boiling water) and boiled offal.

You can give sea fish, boiled and boneless, and poultry 2-3 times a week. The pet’s menu also includes fermented milk products, vegetables (except potatoes and legumes), porridge (except corn, pearl barley and millet).

Video about the Great Dane

Great Dane puppy cost

You can purchase a puppy of this breed without documents from random breeders for an average of 12,000-16,000 rubles. But in this case there are no guarantees about the purebred and mental stability of the pet. Puppies sold by professional breeders have all the necessary qualities, but, naturally, their cost is much higher and varies from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Great Danes are not only attractive, beautiful and stately dogs, but also a great responsibility. This must be remembered when choosing such a giant as a pet.

Apollo of the dog world. It's hard to imagine a more regal breed than the Great Dane. He looks like an antique statue, his appearance is mesmerizing and does not leave anyone indifferent.

The Great Dane breed is not purely European, as the name suggests. Their ancestors lived in Tibet several centuries BC. e. Local tribes kept huge dogs to guard livestock, and it was from them that the Tibetan Great Dane, a blood relative of the Great Dane, originated.

From the Tibetan kingdom, along with goods that were in demand, dogs were brought to the territory of South Asia and the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The inhabitants of Babylon especially loved the giant dog. They decorated the walls of houses with images of dogs and paid great attention to them in manuscripts. In the ruins of the royal chambers of ancient Nineveh, where Ashurbanipal ruled, drawings were found depicting Great Danes on the hunt. The dogs knocked down wild deer and horses. Later, the animals began to be used as fighting dogs, very strong and relatively aggressive.

In the first years of our era, giants became famous warriors, they were used in battles by the Hermondors, legionnaires and Scythians. The famous ancient encyclopedia “Geoponics”, published in the 10th century, describes 7 varieties of mastiff dogs. They were called Old German Mastiff, Great Dane and Bullenbeiser.

Scientists suggest that these representatives of the breed were the result of crossing and hunting dogs England. Actually, Great Danes served as the founders for breeding work. They were bred for a long time in Denmark and had a number of advantages relative to the mastiff (lack of drooping lips, grace and mobility).

German breeders began to improve the existing breed, bringing them together with native dogs of the same type. Breeding of mastiffs was carried out both in the north of the country and in the south, so at the 1863 exhibition, which was held in Hamburg, 2 types of improved representatives of the breed were shown. Ulmsky - from the south of the country, where breeding work was carried out, and “improved” (from the northern part). Later the varieties were combined and given the common name Great Dane.

In 1880, a unified breed standard was approved, and the Great Dane lovers club was founded two years earlier.


The Great Dane dog breed has an impressive size and harmonious structure. This is how the very first standard describes him: “He is as stately as a thoroughbred horse, everything about him is proportional and in tune. In his appearance he combines enormous height, colossal power, and grace. It doesn’t have the clumsiness of a mastiff, but it doesn’t have the subtlety of a greyhound either. The Great Dane has a golden mean.”

The height of a male must be at least 80 cm, of a female – 74 cm. The weight of an adult dog can reach 90 kg.

  • The shape of the body is as close as possible to a square. The back is muscular, straight and has a smooth transition to a slightly arched lower back.
  • The head is large, but does not seem bulky or heavy. The brow ridges are clearly drawn. The length of the rectangular muzzle should be equal to half the length of the skull. The upper lip overlaps the lower lip. The jaws are strong with two rows of large teeth. Scissor bite.
  • The nose is moderately wide and has black pigmentation.
  • The eyes are brown with close-fitting eyelids.
  • The ears are medium-sized, hanging on cartilage. Since January 1, 1993, dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.
  • The neck is graceful, strong and sculpted with clearly defined withers.
  • The limbs are straight and tall and should not be too thick or graceful. The hind legs are strong and muscular with a clearly defined hock joint, parallel to each other.
  • The coat is short and shiny.
  • There are 5 types of Great Dane colors: brindle, blue, red (fawn), harlequin and black. Slight white markings are possible but not desirable.

When running, the dog moves easily and freely, with a springy, wide stride.

Interesting! The largest dog of this breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Zeus at the age of 3 years had a height at the withers of 111.8 cm. If he stood on his hind legs, his height reached 2.24 meters.

The most large dog in the world


The Great Dane dog is an intelligent pet. A cool-blooded, self-confident person will never bark in vain. In communication with the owner he is playful and sociable. Sometimes it seems that he can read minds, his intuition is so well developed. A devoted comrade is in a hurry to anticipate the owner’s wishes, but will not insist on communication if the person is busy.

Thanks to his calmness and friendliness, he gets along well with his fellow tribesmen and other animals. He will not pay attention to attacks from street dogs, but if necessary, he will be able to stand up for himself.

Treats children with tenderness and patience; sometimes a pet needs to be saved from a baby. In the worst case, the dog will simply leave, but will never snap back. When communicating between a child and a giant pet, it is advisable not to leave them alone; the dog may inadvertently touch the baby and knock him down.

The purpose of the Great Dane is protection and he copes with his duties excellently. But, even having overtaken an ill-wisher on his territory, he will not tear him apart. Having knocked him down, the dog will simply hold him with his paw until the owner arrives.

Despite their size, Great Danes are very sensitive. They need full communication with a person. In the event of a long absence of the owner, they become sad and withdrawn. This is a faithful companion, for whom it is happiness to simply be with his family.


The Great Dane dog breed is smart and intelligent. She is easy to train, but the owner will still need maximum patience and endurance. You will have to spend a lot of time to ensure that your pet obeys unquestioningly. But it's worth it.

Any dog ​​training begins with mutual understanding. Very often, new owners go to extremes: either they humanize their pet, or they don’t notice its needs and only force it to follow commands using harsh measures. In the process of training, the owner first of all learns to understand the animal.

Instilling rules of behavior should begin after the baby has adapted a little to the new place. Tenderly, but firmly, like a child, outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

Dog socialization is perhaps the most important point education. Walking through crowded streets, communicating with relatives and strangers will make your pet more sociable and self-confident.

The Great Dane is responsive to a loving owner; he is the greatest authority for him. If the dog does not see a leader in a person, then he tries on this role for himself. You always need to ensure that this command is followed, otherwise the pet will think that it is not necessary to obey. But it’s not easy to cope with such a giant.

The teaching method is not based on physical violence, but on love and trust. After basic education, you can proceed directly to training. The Great Dane is a good-natured dog, an excellent companion and bodyguard; it is almost impossible to develop anger in them, and it is not necessary. It is enough to pass the OKD, which includes all the main commands.

Great Dane protection

Important! The reward for a completed order should be quick. And the punishment for unacceptable behavior is lightning fast.

How to choose a puppy

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to find a responsible breeder. There is enough information about nurseries and litters on the Internet.

The choice according to the criteria: “he came up on his own”, “the first to be born”, disappears immediately. First of all, the baby must be healthy, physically and mentally.

The puppy's fatness, activity and good appetite indicate physical health. And also:

  • Clean eyes without purulent discharge.
  • Wet nose without dried crusts.
  • Smooth and shiny fur.
  • Absence unpleasant odor from the mouth.

You can assess the mental state by talking with the baby’s mom and dad. Temperament is inherited from parents, and it is quite difficult to spoil it at such an early age. Adult kennel residents should be socialized, calm and warily friendly towards strangers.

Great Dane puppies are ready to leave their parents' home at the age of 45-50 days. By this moment, he should gain weight up to 4-5 kg ​​(depending on the number of babies in the litter).

Having seen the entire litter, it is difficult to determine the best one. Therefore, you need to know some “tricks”:

  • The merle color will not improve over time. Small specks will not grow, and light ones will not acquire a rich shade.
  • Thick paws are not an indicator of future growth, perhaps the baby just eats well. The hind and front legs should be approximately the same in height.
  • Blue eyes will not turn brown, at best yellow.

Choosing a puppy is not an easy task, but it is an exciting one. A professional breeder will always be able to help and advise a baby that meets your needs.

Great Dane puppies can have a price range from 30,000 to 70,000 rubles. It all depends on the reputation of the nursery and the merits of the parents.

If the decision to buy a puppy is made, it is worth talking on forums with owners of the Great Dane breed, photos can also tell a lot about the noble animal.

The Great Dane breed is easy to care for; just wipe the pet's fur with a rubberized mitten to remove dead hairs. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Trim or file nails every month and clean ears and eyes.

Dogs of this breed are quite energetic, but physical activity should be limited until they are 11 months old. Intense jogging and carrying heavy objects can lead to improper formation of the skeleton and even serious injuries.

The main difficulty in keeping a giant is feeding. An adult dog eats 30 kg of dry food per month.

Your pet's natural diet should be nutritious and healthy. Consist of

  • 60% meat (beef, poultry);
  • 15% cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • 15% vegetables.

Important! For full growth, the baby needs mineral supplements and vitamins. Excess or deficiency nutrients and microelements can have a detrimental effect on the development of the puppy and spoil its anatomy.

Health and illness

Unfortunately, even with proper maintenance, the Great Dane dog breed has a short life expectancy. On average 6 -9 years.

  • The most common disease of the giant is gastric volvulus. To avoid this problem, you should not allow physical activity after eating.
  • Cancer diseases. Oncology can begin at any age, but dogs that have crossed the 5-year mark are more often affected. Regular examinations will help identify the disease at an early stage and begin productive treatment.
  • Heart failure. The problem may arise due to the animal being overweight. Diet and systematic ultrasound examination will reduce the risk of death.
  • Dysplasia. It may be genetic or the result of improper feeding.

In addition, Great Danes often suffer from allergies and acne. Eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) are inherited. Great Danes with a large amount of white in their coat are sometimes born deaf.


A unique Great Dane, whose photos evoke only positive emotions, and whose representative appearance evokes respect.

For its loyalty, beauty and intelligence, the Great Dane has become the favorite of the entire planet, Russia is no exception.

The Great Dane has been familiar to everyone since childhood. This giant dog has become a symbol of dignity and aristocracy - it’s not for nothing that famous people became owners of Great Danes.

Height at withers: males minimum 80 cm, females minimum 72 cm
Weight: 45-90 kg


  • Pale yellow. Shades of yellow, from light sand to bright red-gold without white markings and shades of brown, white, gray or blue. A black mask on the face is desirable.
  • Brindle. The main color is shades of fawn, and scattered throughout it vertical stripes black color. There should be no white markings, but a black mask on the face is welcome.
  • Marble. The main color is white, and torn spots of black are “scattered” throughout it. The color “gray marble” (black spots on a gray background) is acceptable, but is undesirable, as are brown or gray spots.
  • Black color. A peculiar symbol of the breed, because many people imagine Great Danes in black. There may be white spots on the chest and paws. The black color also includes the coat color, when the fur on the head and body is black, and on the chest, belly, paws, tail, neck - white. It turns out that the dog seems to be “dressed” in a black cloak.
  • Platten is a color belonging to the black group. The base is white, and rounded black spots are scattered across it.
  • Blue. Gray-blue color with a hint of steel. There may be white spots on the chest and paws. There are no black or fawn shades on blue coats.

General view

  • The coat is short, close-lying, pleasant to the touch, smooth, and shiny.
  • According to the format, the body fits into a square - this is important for males; in females, elongation is allowed.
  • The head is large, harmonious, clearly defined to the smallest detail.
  • The muzzle is not sharp, with a pronounced upper lip.
  • The lips are dark in color; in the merle color, flesh-colored or spotted are allowed.
  • The nose is black, but the color also depends on the color of the dog: marbled Great Danes have a spotted or flesh-colored nose, while blue Great Danes have anthracite (“wet asphalt”) nose.
  • The eyes are expressive, intelligent, medium-sized, almond-shaped.
    The darker the eye color, the better; amber is undesirable. Marbled Great Danes may have eyes different colors or lighter than dogs of other colors.
  • The ears are hanging, set high and, hanging down, adjacent to the cheeks with the lower edge. In Russia, ears are still cropped.
  • The tail tapers to the tip and is long (reaches the hock joint). When moving or in a state of excitement, the dog carries a saber-shaped tail at the level of the back or slightly higher.

History of the breed

According to one version, the ancestors of the Great Dane, asian fighting dogs, came to Europe along with the nomadic tribes of Asia. By crossing with local dogs, they gave rise to the formation of the breed. The second legend says that this giant appeared thanks to the crossing old english bulldog and hunting boar dogs.

Over time, the branches of producers split and produced different types of dogs. One medium-sized type was intended for hunting predators such as bears and wolves. The second type - huge dogs with remarkable strength, were intended for protection. At the same time, the term “Great Dane” used to mean any large and strong dog.

The blood of greyhounds was later added to the second type of dog to make it lighter and more agile. This is how the dogs appeared, which in 1878 received the name “Great Dane”.
The first standard and description of the breed appeared at a dog show in 1880, and 8 years later the first club of breed lovers was organized.

Over time, the exterior standard has changed and been supplemented. Germany has been and remains the main center for the development and improvement of Great Danes: the best breed lines are represented there.

Previously, representatives of the breed were used as service dogs, today they are companions and family friends.

Interesting fact: twice, representatives of the Great Dane breed became the largest dogs in the world - they were Giant George and Zeus. These males reached a height of 110 cm and 111 cm, respectively. So far no one has outgrown them.

Behavior and temperament

The Great Dane is an amazing dog. He inspires respect and demonstrates authority, but inside he is a devoted friend and a meek neat guy who rarely loses his temper. If necessary, he will protect his family members until his last breath, but he is a peace-loving dog and does not seek adventure.

  • friendly;
  • devoted;
  • balanced and reasonable;
  • good security guard;
  • obedient;
  • fearless;
  • not aggressive.

Surprisingly, the owners of Great Danes and those who have dealt with them do not note any disadvantages in the behavior and character of this dog breed with proper training.

A representative of the breed is a faithful companion, nanny for children and a vigilant protector. In a word, general purpose dog. He is suitable as a pet for both a large family and a single person.

This calm dog who behaves with dignity. But physically weak person It is not worth getting such a dog - Great Danes are strong, and during play, not feeling their size, they can drop a person.

A well-mannered dog is patient and caring with children. These qualities are innate, but if desired, they can be developed through persistent training.

The German gets along easily with other pets, but you should not keep him in the same territory as a dominant male, otherwise a showdown cannot be avoided.

Choosing a nickname

The Great Dane is the king among dogs, even a child knows or intuitively guesses this. Therefore, the name of such a dog should be beautiful, proud, and powerful.

Nicknames for males: Caesar, Grand, Gift, Zeus, Neptune, Duke.
Nicknames for bitches: Hera, Athena, Astra, Juno, Selene, Glory.

Despite its size, the Great Dane feels great in a city apartment. He loves soft beds, and if you don't provide him with one, he will take over the sofa or bed. This dog doesn't require much space. He is not annoying and can for a long time lie in one place.

In an apartment, dogs are phlegmatic, but outside they love to run and play, so long and interesting walks are needed. The level of load is selected depending on age: puppies and young dogs should not jump or run a lot, as Great Danes are prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. You need to walk with an adult Great Dane 2-3 times a day, one of the walks must last at least an hour. In cold weather, dress your dog in warm overalls.

It is important to feed your Great Dane with small portions of balanced food with a high protein content or super premium food. Include lean meat and fish, cut into small pieces, in your menu. An adult dog is given no more than 800 gr raw meat. Be sure to give your dog vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, pumpkins, and legumes. Don't forget about sour milk.

To avoid joint problems, it is important to give puppies vitamins and chondroprotectors, and also follow the right balance calcium in the body.
Dogs should not be overfed or given pasta, bread, or porridge to avoid digestive problems.

There are no problems with short and smooth hair: 1-2 times a week Clean the dog with a rubber glove brush and wipe with a damp cloth. Nails are trimmed as needed, teeth are brushed 1-2 times a week. Monitor the condition of your eyes and ears: remove excess discharge with cotton or gauze swabs.

Education and training

Great Danes are smart and quick-witted, so teach them correct behavior It’s easy in society and for teams. It is important to start training from puppyhood, because it is difficult to subdue an adult dog. The German can be a little stubborn, but the patience and perseverance of the owner will definitely overcome difficulties. You should not physically punish or treat your dog harshly.

To keep your dog from getting bored, practice and learn new commands. While walking, play ball, go to the forest - but limit young dogs in activity due to joint problems.

Health and life expectancy

Great Danes live on average 6-12 years, while they mature only at 2.5 years. This breed is prone to the following diseases:

  • bloating;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteodystrophy;
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • dermatitis;
  • demodicosis;
  • deafness.

How much does it cost and where to buy

The Great Dane is not a cheap dog. The National Breed Club is registered in Russia, and you can buy a puppy through it.

Puppy price: 40-70 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of dogs of the Great Dane breed.


The Great Dane is rightfully considered the Apollo of the canine world. A powerful giant with a wonderful character simply cannot help but inspire admiration. Unlike other breeds, Great Danes do not depend on fashion trends. They are always popular. Great Danes not only combine all the best qualities of other breeds, but often surpass them. Despite its terrifying size, the Great Dane will become a wonderful friend even to a very young owner.

To date, scientists have not been able to agree on this issue. The only thing that does not cause controversy is that the ancestors of modern Great Danes are the ancient Molossians. The origin of the Molossians still causes a lot of controversy.

German scientists claim that dogs of this breed are descendants of dogs in ancient Germanic tribes. In support, there are rock paintings of some tribes depicting giant dogs reminiscent of a modern Great Dane.

According to another version, accepted by most scientists in the world, the Molossians came from ancient Tibet. This version is also supported by the fact that during excavations in the Middle East, fossil evidence of this was found everywhere.

Mentions of mastiff-like dogs begin in the 7th century BC. From the territory of ancient Tibet, the breed quickly spread throughout the world. Giant dogs were used to guard territories and also as excellent hunters. It was not difficult for the huge animal to knock down a wild donkey or even a boar.

The ancestors of Great Danes participated in battles, and thanks to their size and aggressiveness, they easily won.

Later, due to their inherent aggressiveness, Molossians began to be used in battles. Just by its appearance, the huge dog already inspired fear. Giants clad in armor rushed across the battlefield, ripped open the bellies of horses, easily knocking them down and dealt with the rider. In the first century AD, Molossians were the most popular "fighters". They took part in battles with the Scythians, Greeks and Germanic tribes.

Over time, mastiff-like dogs became more numerous in the territory of modern Germany. It was there that they were most actively involved in the classification of Great Danes and the breeding of new breeds.

Reference. Historians claim that the modern Great Dane is a descendant of the Tibetan Great Dane crossed with the English Greyhound.

The Germans were very active in breeding and improving the Great Dane. Special nurseries were created for breeding dogs. The Great Dane was extremely popular. During World War II, the popularity of these dogs began to decline, and most of the kennels closed. Later, work with the breed resumed.

During the Second World War, the number of dogs decreased sharply, but then breeders began to actively work with the breed.

The famous German Chancellor Otto Bismarck adored Great Danes. This breed is rightfully still considered the pride of Germany.

Appearance of the Great Dane, standard and photographs

At first glance, it is striking that this breed combines elegance, grace, strength and power. An adult dog at the withers reaches 80-90 cm (male) and 70-80 cm (female). The weight of an adult Great Dane is approximately 70-85 kg. Despite their more than impressive size, these dogs are incredibly graceful and agile.

Photo. Great Dane

Great Dane in the photo

The muzzle is elongated, thinner and more graceful than that of the mastiff. Wide, well-developed jaws, long, mobile neck. The ears are small, hanging (if not docked), and a long thin tail. Skin pigmentation depends on color.

Great Dane colors

The breed standard allows the following color options:

  1. Pale yellow. A range of shades from golden yellow to rich brown. The muzzle can be painted in one dark color.
  2. Brindle. Black stripes stand out on the fawn color.
  3. Marble. Also called Harlequin. The color is white with small black spots.
  4. Black. Allows one or more white spots on the chest or feet.
  5. Blue. Light gray color, with few white spots possible.

According to international standards, no deviation from color is allowed.

Even if you have absolutely no experience in communicating with dogs, it will not be difficult for you to make friends with a Great Dane. This breed is distinguished by its friendliness and highly developed intelligence, and is highly trainable.

Despite their impressive size, Great Danes are very friendly and sociable dogs.

Thanks to these qualities, the Great Dane will easily get along with everyone in the household. The dog is not at all vindictive and is a little phlegmatic. She will be happy to lie on the couch or accompany you on a bike ride. The main thing for him is to spend time with his owner. Thanks to its calm and kind character, the Great Dane can be an ideal nanny.

Despite his amiable and calm character, he is an excellent guard. In case of danger, historically inherent aggression manifests itself, and the Great Dane uses all its power to protect its owner. It is interesting that the command “let a stranger in, but not let him out without the owner” appears even if he was not taught this.

The Great Dane is too noble to get involved in petty squabbles with other dogs. Probably the main character trait of the Great Dane is self-esteem. He will not fuss about underfoot.

Great Danes rarely come into conflict with other dogs, but they prefer to stay away from their offenders.

Despite his peaceful nature, he perfectly remembers everyone who offended him. He doesn’t try to take revenge, he tries to stay away from the offender.

A Great Dane puppy must be trained to wear equipment.

Despite their peaceful nature, due to their size, Great Danes require training no less than others. Training can begin as early as three months. At this age, we are not yet talking about full training in commands, but teaching the puppy the rules of behavior is simply necessary.

The puppy must understand its place, be able to, know that it is forbidden to bite (even in play). It is necessary to immediately wean the puppy from jumping on people. An adult dog can playfully knock down a strong man.

Great Danes love to sleep on the sofa or on the bed with their owner, so if you don’t want to share a bed with him for the next few years, you need to stop such inclinations while still a puppy.

At the age of six months, you can already teach your dog commands. The Great Dane is easy to train, but the command is not an indisputable dogma for him. That is, if he considers the execution of a command harmful or unreasonable, he simply will not respond to it.

It is impossible to force a Great Dane to carry out a command against its will; if it gets tired of communicating, it will turn around and leave.

Great Danes are quite characteristic dogs. If you force him to carry out the same command for a long time, he will simply get bored and leave. No matter what you do next, you will no longer be able to attract his attention.

It is best to start training after an active walk. The dog will lose some energy and will be focused on its activities.

Rules of care and maintenance

First of all, a Great Dane requires a lot of space. If you have a dog in an apartment, you need to take time for regular walks.


Bathe your dog no more than once a month. Human shampoos are not suitable for this, as they will cause dryness and flaking of the skin, which will lead to. It is better to use products for dogs, they are sold at any veterinary pharmacy.

To bathe your Great Dane, you can only use shampoos intended for dogs.

After bathing, you can lubricate the wool with mink oil. The Great Dane does not like water very much, so if possible it is better to use dry shampoos. Once a week you need to comb out the fur with a brush. The Great Dane has short fur and the brush must be used carefully so as not to scratch the dog's skin.

Cleaning ears and eyes

It is carried out approximately once every 2 weeks. Use a cotton pad moistened with oil to carefully remove accumulated dirt from the ear. You should not use hydrogen peroxide or other aggressive agents for these purposes without a veterinarian's prescription. Discharge in the corner of the eye is removed daily with a cotton pad soaked in purified water.

Paws and claws

Dogs' nails wear down naturally during walks. If this is not enough, and the claws grow and bother your pet, you need to periodically trim them with clippers. Paws are washed after every walk warm water and wipe with a soft, clean cloth.

The Great Dane's nails are trimmed as they grow, but they usually wear off on their own during walks.

Oral care

You can brush your teeth with a children's toothbrush, after shortening the bristles on it. Pieces of bone stuck between the teeth are removed with tweezers.

It is better to feed the Great Dane with natural food; the diet should contain a lot of meat.

A puppy up to 4 months old needs to be fed 6 times a day. Then gradually reduce the number of feedings. Adult dog fed 2 times a day.

If possible, it is better to use natural products, avoiding dry food.

For the full development of a Great Dane, its diet must contain:

  • raw or scalded meat;
  • porridge (buckwheat, rice, wheat);
  • cottage cheese (especially important for puppies);
  • eggs;
  • vegetables.

Life expectancy and health

Dogs of this breed, unfortunately, live on average 7-9 years. This is the shortest life expectancy among dogs. Under good living conditions, some live up to 12 years, but these are isolated cases.

The average lifespan of a Great Dane is 7-9 years.

Here are the diseases characteristic of the Great Dane breed:

Photo. Great Dane puppy

Great Dane puppies in the photo

There are several areas worth paying attention to:
  1. Health. The puppy should not have mucous discharge from the eyes and ears. The puppy should be cheerful and active.
  2. Weight. The puppy should not be thin, rather the opposite. The weight of a one-month-old puppy is 3.5-4.5 kg.
  3. Tail. The longer the tail, the taller an adult dog will grow.
  4. Paws. Must be large. The longer and thicker the puppy's paws, the more powerful he will grow.

Prices of puppies and famous nurseries

You should only purchase a Great Dane puppy from a professional nursery.

Great Dane puppies cost an average of $1,000. You can buy a defective puppy; such a dog will cost about $300.

You can buy a puppy in nurseries.

in Kyiv:

  • "Inner Light" http://www.kennel-dog.com/
  • "INDIGOua" http://volson.kiev.ua/rus/main/

In Moscow:

  • “Immorteli” http://www.immorteli.ru/cms/cms.php?/pages/kennel_info/rus
  • “Dalila’s Brand” http://dalilas.ru/yrellag/seippup/

How to choose a pet's nickname

The nickname for a Great Dane should be sonorous, match the proud character of the dog and be combined with the breeding prefix. Suitable names for dogs precious stones, titles or ancient gods.

For boys:

The Great Dane's nickname should be sonorous: a male dog can be called Hercules or Pluto, a girl - Athena or Selena.
  • Agate;
  • Hephaestus;
  • Hercules;
  • Onyx;
  • Lord;
  • Graph;
  • Pluto;
  • Duke.

For girls:

  • Athena;
  • Hera;
  • Selena;
  • Alexis;
  • Gioconda.

Contents of the article:

It is perhaps difficult to imagine a more majestic dog. She is one of the strongest and largest in the world. The distant ancestors of these dogs marched in armor against Egypt alongside the Persian infantry and had great success with Alexander the Great. Today he is the only one who has gone further in grace than all his ancestors and in appearance different from the mastiff. These canine Apollos are the most beautiful among their kind. They always accompanied noble monarchs and glorious warriors. If you have a desire, a home and a fireplace, then you won't find a better living decoration.

Historical data on the origin of the Great Dane breed

The Great Dane owes its current winning combination of beauty, poise and nobility to the fanatics of the variety. For many years, specialists have been working to hone the perfection of the species through scrupulous selection work. The pedigree of these Great Danes dates back to huge dogs, whose roots are connected with the oldest ancestors - Tibetan guard dogs.

Versions regarding their breeding and popularization can be found in the works of many famous dog handlers. The guiding principles were taken from the testimony of ancient and modern authors. Big role Archaeological excavations played a role in this issue. Many breeders agree that this type of canine appeared in European countries thanks to the nomadic tribes of Asia, during their aggressive operations, constant movements and trading activities with European peoples.

Subsequently, these dogs, uniting with the indigenous dogs, gave the name to the species, which Latin sounds like "cannies familiaris dekumanus". It is from this that the German hunting dog breeds, the “soupaker”, originate. We can see them in many paintings and graphic canvases of that time. It can be seen that their ears are cropped and they are folded tightly. But with such data, they are flexible, graceful and at the same time with lean muscles. Based on this, most researchers consider Great Danes to be a consequence of the combination of greyhounds and guard dogs in the 12th and 13th centuries. Of course, not all experts are inclined to consider this version correct. Many other dog handlers claim that the ancestors of the Great Dane were pack dogs that were used to hunt wild boars.

In different European countries, such dogs were called differently, and only at the end of the 18th century were they separated into an independent breed in Germany. Since then, in most cases, one comes across images and descriptions of large guard dogs, which can easily be considered Great Danes. From 1891 until almost the present time, the variety has experienced a series of step-by-step external transformations, marking its slow but constant formation.

The golden age for this breed came in the twenties of the 20th century. Count Karl Brazovoll, one of the first ardent admirers and lovers of the species, popularized and developed the Great Danes. His work was invaluable in the formation of the “giants”. The individuals he selected under his Alania brand had excellent physical and behavioral characteristics. In 1923, he also created a club of Great Dane admirers. His main task was the preservation of this breed. Further time was not so serene for these dogs. Second world war did a disservice not only to Great Danes, but to the entire dog industry as a whole. After such a difficult period, there were people who persistently restored the almost lost heritage. Only towards the end of the sixties did Great Danes appear to be worthy of being considered such.

Without the hard work of such worthy people as Count Viderda de Sanclair of Lates on Garda, Great Danes would have disappeared. These amateur breeders have been breeding Great Danes since 1958. They invested all their time and effort into their favorite pastime, as well as the desire to give the breed an extraordinary consistency of outline, at the same time fixing in it such behavioral traits that have always distinguished the serene and balanced Great Danes. Such dogs are difficult to raise and maintain. But despite everything, people continue to love and breed them. Today there are many pets that are as close as possible to the standard and demonstrate themselves brilliantly at national and international competitions.

Characteristics of the appearance of the Great Dane

The dog is built athletically and harmoniously. The muscles are dry, the coat is shiny. They can be companions or guards. Calm and balanced in behavior. According to the criteria, minimum height at the withers is 80 cm for males and 72 cm for females. It is desirable that these values ​​be slightly higher. Weight ranges from 75 kg to 92 kg. The gait is wide and springy.
  • Head oblong, narrow, expressive, well-defined, proportional to body parameters. The cheekbones are beautifully defined. A not deep furrow is visible on the forehead. The occipital protuberance is not very prominent. The brow ridges are obvious, but do not protrude.
  • Muzzle full, rectangular shape, in parallel with the upper line of the skull. The transition from the frontal part to the nose (stop) is well defined. The upper lip should be large. Strong, even white teeth form a scissor bite.
  • Nose thick, well filled. The pigmentation of the nose is black.
  • Eyes Great Dane are small, mid rise. Predominantly dark pigmentation. They have a lively, expressive look.
  • Ears located quite high, have a natural, triangular shape, medium, hanging on cartilage. Their leading edge is adjacent to the cheekbones. If they are docked, they are raised straight up.
  • Neck long, dry, with a beautiful smooth bend. Muscular and strong, slightly bent forward.
  • Frame The shape is close to square. The line of the back is firm and straight. The chest is well developed in width and length. The croup is slightly sloping. The ribs are laid back. The belly is gracefully tucked.
  • Tail It is of medium length, slightly raised above the level of the withers. When resting, the tail should hang down; when the Great Dane is in motion, it should be slightly raised, but not higher than the line of the back.
  • Forelegs- strong and muscular. They stand perfectly vertical. The rear ones are powerful. The hips are wide, rounded with powerful muscles.
  • Paws round, compact. The fingers are short and tightly fitted to each other. The claws are strong, the pads are springy.
  • Coat very short, thick, close to the body, shiny.
  • Skin fits the whole dog well.
  • Color The Great Dane is divided into five varieties: red, brindle, blue, black and merle. Red-haired individuals should have a yellow-golden color. There should be no white spots on the chest. The presence of a black mask on the face is mandatory, and it extends beyond the eye line. The brindle pattern consists of bright black stripes spaced in moderate frequency on a red and gold background. The Blue Great Dane has a steel-blue coloring, with no yellow or black highlights. Black dogs have black, shiny, as if varnished fur. In blue and black individuals, white spots are allowed on the chest and tips of the paws.
Ideal marbled great dane must have a coat with a snow-white background without specks, with black spots of ragged outline, medium size, evenly distributed throughout the body. Their eyes are dark and their nose is black. The difficulty of obtaining ideal characteristics in the same individual has necessitated a more tolerant attitude towards the color of the nose and iris of the eyes. As a result, the eyes may appear lighter or different colors. The nose is allowed to be spotted and pink. Great Danes with extensive black spots on a white background are classified as Black Great Danes. These include black dogs with white spots on the neck, chest, limbs and tail.

Great Dane behavior

Despite such a gigantic appearance, the Great Dane, with proper training, is a peace-loving dog. He is immensely devoted to his owner and loves communication very much. He has his inherent pride and will never stoop to baseness. You can trust a dog with the most precious thing - your child. They treat children very lovingly. You can safely leave your baby in a stroller with a good trained Great Dane, he will be under reliable protection. But dogs not only protect, but also know how to play. Being giants, dogs are very calm about food. Pets will never wander through garbage dumps in search of food and are unlikely to follow a command just for the sake of a treat.

Great Dane Health

Great Danes are a giant breed of dog, so their main health problems affect their diet at a young age. Great Danes grow up to eighteen months of age. Therefore, intense loads can cause great harm to them. In their diet, first of all, attention is paid to complete protein and calcium content. The remaining components of the diet are selected evenly and carefully. This approach will help avoid the problem of rickets.

If a large load is given during training to young animals before they reach eighteen months of life, then they develop problems with joints and bones. The dog may suffer from hip dysplasia. This disease is characterized by improper formation of the joint and causes severe suffering to the animal. Therefore, observation of puppies begins at three or four months of age. The growth and development of the pet takes place under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Of course, like other dogs, they are predisposed to certain diseases. Their eyes and oral health require constant monitoring. If stones are present, they must be removed by a veterinarian. Great Danes are also prone to hypothermia and are prone to colds. It is not difficult to monitor the health of your Great Dane if you start with “young teeth”. If you follow all the rules, you can watch with pleasure how the dog gains strength and beauty.

Caring for a Great Dane

A question that interests many guardians of cleanliness and order is dog hair. With the right attention, even if your dog is a huge Great Dane, you will have a clean home.
  1. Wool Such pets shed moderately, so it is not difficult to monitor their external condition. To do this, you will need a rubber or natural bristle massage brush. Regular use of cleaning powder, express shampoo or grooming spray without the use of water is more beneficial for dogs with this type of hair and size. Dogs are very large and it costs something to wash such a colossus, but frequent bathing deteriorates the quality of the coat.
  2. Ears It's better not to ignore it. Check them and clean them regularly. Special sprays and lotions will help you during the manipulation. When cleaning your ear, do not reach far into the ear canal with the ear swab to avoid damaging it.
  3. Eyes inspect. As soon as you notice slight redness, you need to wet a cotton swab with a soothing solution and wipe towards the inner corner. If the procedure does not help, then to avoid complications, immediately contact your veterinarian. He will examine the pet, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
  4. Teeth require increased attention. They must be cleaned twice a week. Buy a special brush and edible brush for your pet at the pet store. toothpaste. Give us bones from veins and rubber toys for prevention.
  5. Claws at home it is necessary to trim regularly. Even frequent walks on the street do not ensure that the Great Dane wears down its claws. For such manipulation, special nail clippers are used.
  6. Feeding large dogs should be special. If you are overweight, joint diseases can occur. Great Danes often have food allergies. With volume feeding, there may be gastric volvulus, which is typical for this breed. Therefore, they should not be fed food from the human table or anything else. It is necessary to clearly balance the diet. With a small portion, it should be high in calories. If you are not ready to monitor the balance of your dog’s diet and its health on a daily basis, it is better to use ready-made super-premium food. To prevent food allergies, choose foods that are grain-free or contain minimal grains. If you strictly follow the manufacturers' recommendations and give your pet limited portions, you will avoid problems with overeating, resulting in excess weight gain and joint diseases. To prevent diseases of the bone system, puppies must be given vitamins and chondroprotectors. Also, do not forget about the intake of calcium into the body. Great Danes should receive twenty percent more nutrients and calories than other large dog breeds.
  7. Walks must be long lasting. The large size and athletic appearance of this dog requires maintaining good physical shape. Great Danes need to run out well, and not just walk imposingly through the park on a leash. Every day in the mornings and evenings you need to walk at least two and a half kilometers. Small puppies under five months of age are not particularly stressed so that there is no unnecessary stress on their developing ligaments, legs and spine.
The Great Dane feels good in a city apartment, and those who think that it fills the entire space are mistaken. Adults of this breed are self-sufficient. They will not wander around the apartment or rush from room to room. The pet has its own bedding and longer time days when he is in the house, he will sleep in the resting place assigned to him. Until the age of one and a half years, Great Danes are more energetic and need to play, but then this problem goes away.

Great Dane training

Raising a Great Dane is a responsible task, if only because otherwise the lack of hearing will turn out to be very large and strong. However, no special difficulties are required to train such pets. When working with him, it is imperative to apply such principles as love and severity. After all, from a small twelve-kilogram puppy a hundred-kilogram dog grows. If you don’t set certain limits on what is possible or not, then you will raise a real monster and, believe me, you will not be able to cope with him either by force or by word.

A Great Dane, like any other dog, needs to be trained consistently and patiently. A person must be aware that the little puppy we love cannot be placed on our neck. A large large dog will dominate, demand more attention to it and put itself above its owner, especially a male. All family members should behave equally consistently when working with a pet. Developing his habits also includes feeding. The fact is that handouts from the table can seriously harm the dog.

The largest Great Dane was one hundred and eighteen centimeters tall at the withers. When he stood on his hind legs, he reached a height of two meters and twenty-four centimeters.

Buying a Great Dane puppy

If you are thinking about whether to get such a dog or not, then you must remember that the size of the dog is far from average. Think about how much you can adjust your life routine to suit the little “giant”. A growing puppy is not allowed to be brought up and is alone. For example, if the owner left for work at eight in the morning and arrived at seven. He needs care. This is not how a physically and mentally healthy dog ​​will grow up. The cost of a Great Dane can range from $600 to $1000.

For more details about the Great Dane, watch this video: