When is Michael's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar? Michael's Name Day according to the church calendar: dates by month. Church holiday St. Michael's Day, its dates according to the calendar

The name has an extraordinary influence on every person. Scientists have proven that when it is pronounced, the mood immediately begins to improve, especially if it was said affectionately and friendly. Parents take the choice of their child’s name quite seriously, since it directly affects their child’s further fate, as well as some character traits.

Messengers of the Lord to reveal their plans and carry out their orders, they constitute the first great crowd of worshipers of the living God. To celebrate the archangels, one must draw inspiration from their double faithfulness: to contemplate in order to know God. In fact, it is right and good to offer you our thanksgiving, the eternal and almighty God and give you glory for your angels and your archangels.

The admiration that their faithfulness inspires is reflected back to you, and the magnificence of these spiritual creatures allows us to see how great you are and how you are superior to all beings. With this multitude of blessed spirits who adore you in heaven through Christ our Lord, we sing to you here, proclaiming: Holy One!

The meaning of the name Mikhail

For selection male name should be taken no less seriously than the choice of women, since it is on the shoulders young man bears all the responsibility and protection of your future family, relatives and friends. The name Michael is considered one of the most sacred and pure, it is sweet-sounding and very beautiful. Translated, it means “one who is like God.” In ancient times, people personified Michael with the Lord, who could not bear enmity or hostility, as well as negative emotions.

Saint Michael the Archangel, protect us in battle; be our help against evil and the snares of the devil. We ask him, praying: may God believe him; and you, chief of the heavenly army, by the power of God, return to hell, Satan and other evil spirits who roam the world to lose souls.

Mikhail's name day in March

This prayer has been published in a book from which you can download an extract. The Sanctuary has four types of Prince of Angels. One day, Elvio Emanuele, the wealthy owner of Monte Gargano, one of his beautiful bulls disappeared. After several days of searching, he finally found the bull on the top of the mountain, motionless, at the entrance to an inaccessible cave. Elvio Emanuele, since he could not reach his bull, was overcome with great anger and, drawing his bow, shot him. a poisoned arrow, but the turned dart hit the angry archer, wounded him, and the people were worried, and because they did not have the courage to enter the caves, they went to Bishop Lorenzo to ask him what to do. prayer will be answered, so go to the mountain and dedicate the cave to Christian worship.

Since then the name has become very popular and many boys have been named by it. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, to be just as sincere, righteous, and pure in soul. It is not surprising that in our time Michael’s name day is celebrated, and so often.

Origin of the name

The name Mikhail is pronounced differently in each country. For some it is Michel, for others it is Michael, and for the rest it is Miguel. The name actually comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, agile. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mentality, they are able to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and show self-control and strength of character in any situation. Michael's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people to be soft, easy-going, and friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named by this name, he will be successful in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: lawyer, driver, gardener, livestock breeder.

The meaning of the name Mikhail

However, since the pagan cult was still alive on Mount Gargano, the bishop, hesitant, perhaps fearing that his gesture was misunderstood, differed from the execution of the angelic order. The second appearance occurred two years later. In 492, the Christian city of Siponto was besieged by the pagan army of King Odoacer. Christian defense of the city was a last resort, Bishop Lorenzo, received three months from the enemy king, ordered repentance and prayers. The powerful Archangel appeared again and promised him Siponto's help if they attacked the pagan troops.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is complex. As a rule, such people are sensitive to criticism, but quickly let go of negative emotions. Also, young people treat their parents with great respect, caring for them and fulfilling their wishes. The Mikhails love children very much and enjoy communicating with them. Women are fascinated by their gentleness of character and ability to make concessions. Definitely, the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also delights cute girls.

Folk signs and customs

Sipontini attacked the enemy. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and a sudden storm of sand and hail broke out, which scattered the troops of Odoacer, who was afraid to flee. The city was saved, and Bishop Lorenzo led a procession of thanksgiving and he went up with all the people on the mountain, but did not dare to enter the holy cave of the Archangel.

Congratulations on Mikhail's name day

Enter and, with my help, offer prayers and celebrate the Sacrifice. From the entrance to the cave, San Lorenzo built a church, which was dedicated on September 29. With the advent of the new cult of Michael in the village, ascetics and hermits remained in the small caves of the mountain, devoting themselves to the devotion of the Archangel. Among the earliest ascetics, the most famous is Sant'Aniello, Bishop of Castellammare, who moved from the Campania region near the cave, and the presence of San Germano, Bishop of Capua, was established.

Michael's name day is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are dedicated to martyrs, others to preachers, noble princes, and warriors. The heroes of the occasion, as a rule, do not like to celebrate Mikhail’s name day. But relatives and friends must definitely do small gift to your loved one, as he will definitely appreciate it. Presents can include bronze figurines, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Name Mikhail: meaning, origin, name day

Before he left for Constantinople, he reached the Holy Cave. At the beginning of the year one thousand, there was a visit to San Marino, who was the first master of San Romualdo. In fact, pilgrims, especially in the Middle Ages, identified three types of sanctuaries. In this regard, it should be noted that from France, the Bishop of Sant'Uberto sent a representative of the clergyman of Mont Saint-Michel to Gargano to ask the canons of the sanctuary for a piece of the vermillion pallion and a block of the stone of the angel Grotta. Upon the return of the performance, the holy bishop "after the prodigy, with great piety, repented of the heavenly relics in a luxurious temple."

Michael's talismans

Every person knows that, based on the name, you can find out the color that suits its owner, the element, phonosematics and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. He looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man, capable of supporting his soulmate in any situation, sharing with her all his sorrows and problems. Michael's name day is best celebrated in a calm, family atmosphere. This way the man will feel comfortable and at ease. It is believed that the most successful name will be for children born under the zodiac signs of Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for the child it will become blue, and the sacred stone acts as a sacred stone. Touching on the topic of talismans, it should be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, bravery and kindness to the people around him.

It was the year 708, when there were already three centuries of life in the sanctuary of Gargano. The chronicler of the Festival of San Michele, near Turin, tells in two fragments the angelic description and consecration of the "Little Basilica", which was ordered by Michael the Archangel and the pious hermit Giovanni.

It is said that Saint Francis, considering himself unworthy to enter the sacred grotto, sanctified by the intervention of the heavenly Archangel, stopped in prayer at the entrance. He kissed the ground in honor and carved a T-shaped cross into the stone. In the Bible, the sign of Tau is a seal imprinted on the forehead, destined for eternal glorification, and thus St. Francis, with this gesture, it meant that the Holy Grotto was the temple chosen by the Angels for the salvation of many who would be devoted to the heavenly spirits.

Dates of Mikhail's name day

The people have established the dates when they celebrate Michael’s name day. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, name days are celebrated on January 24 (this day was dedicated to the Venerable Saint of Klops). Further celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbuysky, his name day is celebrated on May 20. Then the significant dates are June 3 (Holy Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). The 13th of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and the 25th to the Monk Malein. Then it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (the Holy Blessed Prince Michael). Orthodox name days are also dated October 3, 13, 14, November 21 (Archangel Day). December 5 is dedicated to the great warrior, and the 31st of the same month to the venerable confessor.

When is Angel Michael's Day according to the Orthodox church calendar?

In the same twelfth century, among visitors they could not miss Saint Thomas Aquinas, in love with Angels, called “Doctor Angelic”. This great genius of the history of thought went to Gargano while he was a public reader of philosophy at Foggia. Two other prominent visitors were the Swedes Santa Brigida and her daughter Santa Caterina Virgin.

Archbishop Alfonso Puccinelli called for prayer and fasting and turned to the help of St. Michael, who appeared to him on September 25 of that year: “I am Archangel Michael,” he said. “Anyone who uses the stones of this cave will be freed from the plague and will bless the stones by carving the sign of the cross and my name on them.”

It is not surprising that many rulers wore such unusual name, which combined such different character traits. These include the Russian princes, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also many Mikhails - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, Krug, Zadornov and many others.

When church calendar Mikhail's name day: November 21, September 19 – Michael the Archangel the Archangel; December 5 – Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles; December 31 – Michael of Constantinople, venerable, confessor.

Camillo, a native of Abruzzo, was a quarrelsome young man, a debauchee and a habit of gambling. gambling, and boiled down to a request for alms from San Giovanni Rotondo and Monte Sant'Angelo. To live, he adapted to become a slave of the Capuchins in Manfredonia, here he was converted. He became a Capuchin and went on a pilgrimage to the Grotto. Later, moving to Rome, he founded the Camillian Order and became the patron saint of hospitals.

Michael's name day in January

Sant Alfonso Maria de Liguori, founder of the Redemptorists, stayed in Foggia and, given his great devotion to St. Michael, went to visit San Gerardo Maiella, also very devoted to St. Michael, since he was still a child when the parish priest refused his first communion for his tender age, received at night by the hand of the Archangel of the Holy Host, he went, already Redemptorist, with a group of student-students from Delicato to Monte Sant'Angelo, to worship the heavenly prince, patron of their religious order.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Mikhail:

From the Hebrew language - godlike, “divine, “who is like God?” For Christians, Michael is the Great Prince, standing for the sons of the people, the Angel of mercy for the people before God, the leader of the heavenly army in last battle against the forces of Evil. Michael's name day four times a year.

Modern Michael, just like his divine namesake, is trying to single-handedly resist the forces of evil. He even has a special Personality Symbol - “the one who besieges.” Main character traits: will, activity, health. Totem plant – elm; totem animal - tiger. The type of thinking is “a tiger under the elm”. Obviously, this is why Mikhail constantly withdraws into himself under some tree and looks sternly at others. Overly subjective - rarely tries to put himself in the place of another person.

Mikhail's name day in November

This pilgrimage will take place in the last decade of the fifth century. The Akatista in San Michele, the Slavic-Byzantine liturgy, in the 22nd stanza, sings: “Hail, you who miraculously place your faithful servants in high places in time.” “Rejoice, you who stand invisibly at the height of power and glory. how many are unworthy and harmful.” There is an oral tradition that says that cardinals who come to Monte Sant'Angelo are doomed to become priests. After Holy Mass he paused in prayer, and hastening to his hasty attendants, calling upon him to rise from the buried child, he said, “Let me tarry a little,” here we pray.

All Mikhails have a lively analytical mind. However, they lack diplomacy. Their favorite saying is: “It’s either pan or bust.” Perhaps they also need to learn a friend’s proverb, the Polish “If it’s too much, it’s not healthy.” They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but it gives them some warmth, which gives them the opportunity to select smart, intelligent friends, whom they sooner or later subjugate to their will.

This story was reported by a Benedictine father who was present at the scene. In the register of famous visitors, the cardinal wrote in Polish: "St. Michael the Archangel protects us in the struggle, against malice and traps, to protect us." The Christian life is not easy, and for the strong, those who go to heaven pass through a narrow door. A pilgrimage made to Monte Sant'Angelo, with corresponding provisions of penance, fasting and prayer, will certainly be worth powerful protection St. Michael and all the Angels, so that we can make the world a “true witness of the Christian faith.” “Go and greet San Michele,” Padre Pio repeated to those who approached him, inviting everyone to visit the Cave of the Archangel, an invitation that Padre Pio imposed on the faithful as a “sacramental penance” at the end of confession and often asked who knew what he was going to go to Monte Sant'Angelo for prayer.

They achieve success easily. Mikhail has been accustomed to very strict discipline since childhood. He works to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays a lot of attention to children, as well as to sick and old people. He likes medicine, as well as trade, where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. He has a lively analytical mind, so he never draws conclusions until he has thoroughly studied all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - he never forgets either the good he has done or the evil done to him. As for his health, Mikhail has enormous vitality. He is healthy and disease resistant. The weak point in his body is the cardiovascular system. His sexuality is very high. He reaches puberty early, but has absolutely no knowledge of psychology. Instead of seducing a woman, he behaves like a caveman

An invitation that Padre Pio still repeats to his devotees, so that they do not forget their duty to fight with courage and generosity the forces of evil through the intercession of Archangel Michael, who always protects us. However, the origin of the cult of Micales Gargano could be expected in the middle of the fifth century, when Christianity, having spread across the surrounding plains, also reached the impenetrable capes.

Mikhail's name day in June

The story is known for three episodes. First, the “bull episode” tells us that one day the rich lord Siponto was tending his flocks on Mount Gargano, when his most beautiful bull suddenly disappeared. Go to the mountain and dedicate a cave to Christian worship. According to tradition, the city of Siponto, besieged by enemy troops, is now close to capitulation. Lorenzo received a truce from the enemy for three days, and he confidently turned to Celeste Condottiero with prayer and repentance. At the end of the third day, Archangel Michael again appeared before the bishop, who predicted a confident and complete victory.

Congratulations on Mikhail's name day:

Congratulations, Mikhail,

Happy name day, have a wonderful day!

So that an angel illuminates your path,

May the night be nothing to you!

I wish you to find love,

May happiness come to you with her!

Let luck help again

Dreams of finding a window soon!

It's not for nothing that they give names.

Our Michael is like God!

This message filled the hearts of the besieged with hope. The defenders emerged from the city and began a furious battle, accompanied by earthquakes, thunderclaps, thunder and arrows of extraordinary intensity. Siponti's victory was not complete, with the destruction of the enemies. The third calling is also called the “episode of initiation.” The Archangel told him that he had already consecrated the cave. Then the bishop of Siponto, together with seven other Apulian bishops, in procession with the people and the priest of Siponto, proceeded to the sacred place.

During the journey, a miracle happened: some eagles, spreading their wings, protected the bishops from the sun's rays. Archbishop Alfonso Puccinelli, not finding a human obstacle to combat the onset of the epidemic, turned to the Archangel or Michele with prayers and fasting. The pastor even thought of forcing the Divine will by leaving a prayer in the hands of the statue of St. Michael, written on behalf of the entire city. Anyone who faithfully held these stones with him would be protected from the plague. The bishop did as he was told.

Always rushing to his doorstep

His beloved family!

He tries his best for everyone

He is famous for his kindness,

And if guests are expected in the house,

He will always help his wife!

Let me tell you, Misha:

You deserve respect

Achieve goals with perseverance,

And don't lose your soul of fun.

May your mind also be sharp,

Let success go hand in hand

And doesn't bother your feelings

Sadness, melancholy or anxiety.

Michael in Hebrew means equal to God. As a child, Mikhail sang in the choir because he has excellent hearing and loves company. Teachers in kindergarten, as well as teachers at school, there are practically no difficulties with him. The boy tries to do everything well and as needed.

Mikhails have a logical mind. They become in demand as teachers, lawyers and military personnel. They orientate themselves in a new environment in the shortest possible time, they are calm, but at the same time they do not like criticism and are sensitive to it. They love animals, and almost always have a pet living with them. Mikhails also adore children, playing with them, pampering them and buying expensive toys.

Mikhailov makes good gardeners. Men cannot stand loneliness. They look after elderly relatives with attention and patience, whose demands are not stressful.

Mikhail is an easy-to-communicate person with whom it is not difficult to make peace. The wife should not be offended by him for a long time, because for him great value has the quick-wittedness and kindness of a woman. Mikhail is not greedy and does not drink a lot. Even a small amount of alcohol is enough to make a man become sentimental and give away everything he has. He is not uptight in groups, jokes a lot, sings songs, in other words, is the life of the party.

It is important for him that the woman is open, since he avoids rude representatives of the fair sex. Quite jealous, which he rarely manages to hide.

What is his sexuality?

The development of Mikhail's sexual personality is slow; for a long time he cannot understand himself. He begins to learn the intimate part of his life much later than his peers. It happens that he makes love with his wife for the first time. And before marriage, a man has not yet understood his sexual needs, as well as his possibilities.

It is typical for a man to idealize the weaker sex; in his youth, he considers a woman to be something unearthly that is worthy of worship. As he grows up, he changes his mind and begins to treat the fair sex as a creature that needs a strong shoulder and protection. In lovemaking, Mikhail is rather cold and reserved; he quickly succumbs to lovemaking.

If a man was born in summer time, then he reduces all the pleasures received from intimacy to rare connections that happen as needed. Plus, he is good in bed and can show off his masculine capabilities. If Mikhail was born in cold times, then he does not like external indicators of love, does not say pleasant words, and cannot tolerate affection. All Mikhails are characterized by disgust, which suggests that they avoid casual relationships. They treat their spouses with patience and intelligence. They like affectionate and compliant women.

Mikhail, born in January, loves sex and considers it an important part of communication, which leaves no trace in his soul. He is chasing entertainment, a pleasant time, he has no need for a wedding. And if she still decides to get married, then the wife should prepare for the exaggerated demands that will be made, including sexual ones.

What does the name hide?

For many, the name Mikhail evokes an association with a bear, since he is sometimes called a bear. The bear is a kind fat fellow who is quite dexterous and furious if the need arises. It is characterized not only by clumsiness, heaviness, but also by duality. Mikhail is under the control of a heavy and tight mechanism, so it inevitably has some consequences - indirect movement and slowness, difficulty in fine movements, lethargy.

Mikhail himself is the golden mean; he can be both good and bad. He needs effort on himself to achieve his desires. Mikhail needs to crawl for a long time, even in places where others pass without problems. From the above it follows that the work that Mikhail is engaged in, regardless of the efforts put into it, most often does not receive due recognition and the necessary assessment. Based on this, a man does not feel satisfied with his success, and sometimes irritation and anger for not receiving recognition and success.
It is not without reason that in Rus' this name became the second name of the bear Mikhail Potapych. On the one hand, behind his calmness one can see activity, and in certain cases laziness.

Basically, even at a young age, the boy shows such traits as activity, curiosity, and excitement in games for children. It is difficult for him to focus his attention on a specific subject; he is interested in several activities at the same time: from interests and hobbies to interest in school subjects. And here a lot depends on the adults who provide the child with an environment until he grows up. Also, his activity is most often balanced, thereby making him obedient; adults rarely see whims from a child. His name promotes goodwill, but in many cases there are touchy people.

Most often, touchiness becomes so strong that Mikhail can use his hands, but afterwards he really regrets it and feels guilty.
As he grows up, Mikhail's activity changes to calm poise; he is a good boss in his family, and in his career he shows himself to be a neat and hardworking person, but his touchiness remains with him throughout his life. What speaks about a man’s self-esteem, as well as grievances, often complicate life and interfere with the implementation of many life plans. It is of great importance that touchiness is incompatible with ambitious desires; if Mikhail has set certain goals for himself, then he must prepare for resistance from people around him, and sometimes even for confrontation.

This is a logical law of psychology, and you shouldn’t be offended by it. Most men overcome this confrontation with a sense of humor that borders on irony. Many people find themselves weak in front of these weapons, and these qualities were obtained by Mikhail in required quantity, often among the representatives of this name you can find a satirist and humorist. The best thing for Mikhail is to get rid of pain in pride, which is easy to do with the participation of self-confidence and the ability to see beyond negative qualities people are not motivated by evil, but by misunderstandings.

By nature, men often withdraw into themselves and look at everyone else with reproach. They are too subjective, in rare cases they can put themselves in the place of another. From a psychological point of view, Michaels are ruled by logic, but often lack diplomacy. Pride is their weak point, and many can take advantage of their desire to constantly and anywhere be better than others and not like anyone else. Their will is strong and despotic. Mikhails are very sensitive natures who reach sexual maturity at a young age, but do not know the psychology of a woman and are not able to understand her. Often he does not seduce a woman, but behaves like an ancient man.

In terms of health, Mikhails are considered long-livers. They rarely get sick, having excellent immunity, but it is important to monitor their blood circulation and heart. They are choleric people who know how to completely control their reactions. They take the choice of friends very seriously, who should be smart and intelligent. Loyalty, which they keep throughout their lives, but they do not know friendship in which there is no complete subordination of friends to their will.
They dwell on failures and difficulties for a long time.
They often achieve success in their careers. From a young age they are accustomed to discipline, which is what they demand from others. They work to achieve the necessary, clearly defined task, and not to obtain unexpected discoveries. Most often they work in medicine or trade, where intuition often helps. They also have a cold and strong analytical mind. First, they study the situation in detail, and only then sum up the results.

They are highly susceptible to events, although they try to hide it. They have an excellent memory, always remember not only the kindness shown to them, but also the evil they received. Morality comes first for them, and Mikhails do not tolerate jokes on this topic. Men have a low excitability that gives them a certain warmth.

When is Michael’s name day according to the church calendar:

November 21, September 19 – Michael the Archangel Archangel; December 5 – Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles; December 31 – Michael of Constantinople, venerable, confessor.

When is Michael's name day according to the church calendar?: November 21, September 19 – Michael the Archangel the Archangel; December 5 – Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles; December 31 – Michael of Constantinople, venerable, confessor.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Mikhail:

From the Hebrew language - godlike, “divine, “who is like God?” For Christians, Michael is the Great Prince, standing for the sons of the people, the Angel of Mercy for people before God, the leader of the heavenly army in the final battle against the forces of Evil. Michael's name day four times a year.

Modern Michael, just like his divine namesake, is trying to single-handedly resist the forces of evil. He even has a special Personality Symbol - “the one who besieges.” Main character traits: will, activity, health. Totem plant – elm; totem animal - tiger. The type of thinking is “a tiger under the elm”. Obviously, this is why Mikhail constantly withdraws into himself under some tree and looks sternly at others. Overly subjective - rarely tries to put himself in the place of another person.

All Mikhails have a lively analytical mind. However, they lack diplomacy. Their favorite saying is: “It’s either pan or bust.” Perhaps they also need to learn a friend’s proverb, the Polish “If it’s too much, it’s not healthy.” They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but it gives them some warmth, which gives them the opportunity to select smart, intelligent friends, whom they sooner or later subjugate to their will.

They achieve success easily. Mikhail has been accustomed to very strict discipline since childhood. He works to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays a lot of attention to children, as well as to sick and old people. He likes medicine, as well as trade, where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. He has a lively analytical mind, so he never draws conclusions until he has thoroughly studied all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - he never forgets either the good he has done or the evil done to him. As for his health, Mikhail has enormous vitality. He is healthy and disease resistant. The weak point in his body is the cardiovascular system. His sexuality is very high. He reaches puberty early, but has absolutely no knowledge of psychology. Instead of seducing a woman, he behaves like a caveman

Congratulations on Mikhail's name day:

Congratulations, Mikhail,

Happy name day, have a wonderful day!

So that an angel illuminates your path,

May the night be nothing to you!

I wish you to find love,

May happiness come to you with her!

Let luck help again

Dreams of finding a window soon!

It's not for nothing that they give names.

Our Michael is like God!

Always rushing to his doorstep

His beloved family!

He tries his best for everyone

He is famous for his kindness,

And if guests are expected in the house,

He will always help his wife!

Let me tell you, Misha:

You deserve respect

Achieve goals with perseverance,

And don't lose your soul of fun.

May your mind also be sharp,

Let success go hand in hand

And doesn't bother your feelings

Sadness, melancholy or anxiety.

One of the famous holidays today is the day of the angel Michael. People say that he comes to us on a white horse. And this is not surprising, because often the first snow falls on this day. Saint Archangel Michael is considered one of the most revered not only in Christianity, but also in other religions, such as Judaism and Islam.

According to the church calendar of patrons, Michael has many of them, which is why his angel day is celebrated more than once a year. One of the most famous is the celebration of the Council of the Archangel Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Powers. According to the Orthodox calendar, it is celebrated on November 21. This saint is the head of the army of angels, the conqueror of evil spirits and diseases, therefore they often turn to him with prayer for healing. In many places around the world there are healing springs dedicated to this saint. He is also the guardian of paradise, which is why on some icons he is depicted with a sword and a halo made of floral patterns. His angel day is celebrated on November 21 in the Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches. Catholics celebrate it on September 29. Each religion attaches special significance to this saint, and accordingly, the dates on which this angel day is celebrated differ.

On January 24, the name day of Mikhail Klopsky, who lived in the 15th century, is celebrated. This saint voluntarily renounced power and wealth and entered a monastery. He had the gift of prophecy and exposed the vices of people, regardless of rank. On February 27 - the transfer of the relics of Prince Mikhail of Chernigov, and in March, on the 23rd - the martyr Mikhail of Thessaloniki. On June 5 and December 31, respectively, the Saint and St. Michael the Confessor; in July, on the 13th and 25th, the Martyr Michael the Gardener and St. Michael Malein.

There are dates dedicated to the patron saints of this name every month, so everyone celebrates Angel Day closer to their birthday.

Character and meaning of the name

Translated from Hebrew, this name means “who is like God.” The zodiac sign is Libra and the planet is Saturn. The color of the name can be considered blue, the stone is green jasper, the plant is linden, elm and raspberry, and the animal is tiger and bear. In other languages ​​of the world, the translation of the name sounds slightly different. For example, on English Michael will be Michael, in French it is Michel, and in German it is Michael.

Like any other name, Mikhail has both positive and negative traits character. He is very inquisitive, has great willpower, and is easy to get along with. He is active, so he is able to attend several clubs at once in childhood. In addition, when Mikhail is still a child, he already has responsibility, which pleases teachers and parents. But Mikhail cannot stand any criticism of himself, is distrustful and suspects almost everyone of evil intentions. Growing up, the owner of this name cannot remain alone, much less sit at home. He gathers noisy companies around him, and thanks to his sense of humor he almost always becomes the center of attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that he celebrates his angel day on a grand scale. In his heart he considers himself the best, unsurpassed, so he takes failures very hard. Mikhail's name day can be celebrated quite often, but this man, although generous by nature, is not wasteful. Therefore, he will not organize grand celebrations every month.

Folk signs and customs

Angel Michael's Day, which is celebrated on November 21, is popularly considered significant and is shrouded in numerical signs and customs.

Since ancient times, this date has helped people predict the weather for the near future. In addition, by November 21, all agricultural work had already been completed, profits from sales had been received, so it was time for rest and celebration. The housewives prepared very carefully for this day. They prepared many delicious dishes that were served to an endless stream of guests. Pies, jellies, noodles, pork, lamb, veal and other delicacies were served on the table, wine, vodka, beer flowed like a river, and tea was also served to especially honored guests. This angel day is the last big holiday before Christmas, so everyone celebrated it on a grand scale.

People believed that on Michael’s name day, November 21, one could predict the weather for the entire winter and even spring. For example, if the ground is covered with frost, then this means heavy snow, while fog portends sunny and warm weather. There is a sign: what day is the angel Michael, the same will be on Nicholas. If wet snow fell on November 21, it means a rainy spring. Interesting fact is that on this day of the angel the girls wondered about their betrothed. To do this, they sprinkled the bed with flax and said: I am sowing flax on you, Michael, let me know with whom I will sleep.

Good housewives tried to whitewash the house, rub flax and hemp before November 21, and after that they sat down to spin. It was believed that St. Michael himself helps deft work. In addition, this date ended the grazing season for sheep and cows; even the autumn was quite warm. During the day they kept track of who will be the first to enter to the house. If it was a woman, then the farm would produce sheep and heifers; if it was a man, the farm would produce rams and bulls. Mikhail's name day has been a fairly popular holiday since ancient times and has managed to transfer this property through the centuries into the modern world.

Church rules separate the concepts of name day and angel day. Michael's name day is the date when Orthodox Church remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the baptism ceremony was performed specific child, named by this name. The date of the day of the angel Michael is individual; on this day you can come to church and light a candle, remembering the sacrament. What date is the day of the angel Michael, only the closest people can answer, but the dates of the name day are set by the church.

Name Mikhail: meaning, origin, name day

This name comes from Hebrew and means “god-like.” The bearers of this name have such character traits as activity and integrity. Mikhail has good willpower and excellent health. He is usually smart, but very demanding of those around him. Just like his saint, he strives to protect everyone.

For Orthodox Christians, Michael is a special figure - he is an intercessor for mortals in the face of God, and also leads the heavenly forces in battle against the army of evil.

Michaelmas, celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. The people loved him very much. It is on November 21 that the Orthodox Church holds the Council of the Archangel Michael, and this is considered one of major events autumn. Michael is the protector of believers from illness and all temptations.

It has long been believed in Rus' that no evil spirits can resist the Archangel Michael, because as soon as he appears, all the evil spirits hide in holes and caves, or fall underground.

Slavic beliefs associated with this day

Depending on the region, Michaelmas was celebrated in different ways. For example, in Polesie he was respected because they believed that he was a protector from thunder. Therefore, on this day no one chopped, cut or wove anything, so as not to offend the saint. In some areas of Belarus, it was noticed that after Michaelmas, bears hibernate. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter; frosts began from this day. There were signs: if there is frost on this day, the winter will be snowy, if there is fog, there will be a thaw. If the weather is clear on Michaelmas Day, the winter will be cold and frosty.

Michael was also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone who wanted to die easily had to celebrate his day.

When is Angel Michael's Day?

When is Angel Michael's Day according to the Orthodox church calendar?

The name Michael is ancient Jewish, endowed with enormous energy potential. It is believed that Mikhail is the owner of special powers. There are two translation options for this name. The first interprets the name as “equal to God”, the second - “asked from God”. IN European countries men are called by analogous names. among them the most famous are the following: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia, Mitchell is considered a derivative of the name Michael.

  • A man named Mikhail is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator. The Orthodox especially reverence the chief of the seven archangels, Michael. It is believed that Michael is able to fight evil spirits, which are considered the source of various ailments. The Book of Enoch tells that the Archangel Michael patronized the Israeli people.
  • The boy Misha charms those around him with his tenderness and greed for affection. The child uses beauty and insight to achieve his goals. He is not indifferent to beauty and tries to surround himself with beautiful things, among which you can often find objects of art.
  • As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is near him, because it is important for him to be in harmony with others.
A man named Mikhail is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator

When is Michael's name day according to the church calendar, in the Orthodox faith: in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Michael's name day (angel's day) - dates by month:

Some saints are venerated only once a year. The name Mikhail is not one of those. saints with the same name 92 times a year. The main date for every Michael is Angel Day.

Michael's name day in January

  • January 3 - veneration of the memory of the righteous archpriest, martyr. Mikhail Kiselev
  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Mikhail Smirnov, martyr, deacon
  • January 13 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Berezin, priest
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Bleive, archpriest
  • January 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous torment. Mikhail Novoselov
  • January 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Klopsky of Novgorod
  • January 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Samsonov, archpriest
  • January 31 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Kargopolov

Mikhail's name day in February

  • February 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Agayev
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Rybin
  • February 18 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Amelyushkin
  • February 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Popov
  • February 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • February 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Pyataev

As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone around him.

Mikhail's name day in March

  • March 2 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Nikologorsky
  • March 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Gorbunov
  • March 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Razhkin
  • March 12 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Markov
  • March 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Bukrinsky
  • March 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Stroev
  • March 22 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Maslov
  • March 23 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Mavroudis of Thessalonica
  • March 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Okolovich
  • March 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Rostislav (baptized Mikhail) Mstislavich of Kyiv
  • March 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Theologian

Mikhail's name day in April

  • April 11 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Viktorov
  • April 29 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vurliot
  • April 30 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Novitsky

Mikhail's name day in May

  • May 15 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Boris (baptized Michael) of Bulgaria
  • May 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Belorossov

Mikhail's name day in June

  • June 1 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Deinek
  • June 3 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Muromsky
  • June 4 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Borisov
  • June 5 is the day of icon veneration in memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Savvait
  • June 16 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Markov
  • June 18 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Votyakov
  • June 20 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Denisov
  • June 28 is the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail of Kyiv
  • June 29 is the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail Makarov

Archangel Michael

Michael's name day in July

  • July 13 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • July 16 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • July 17 is the day of honoring the memory of Michael of Athens
  • July 22 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Snovidets
  • July 25 is the day of honoring the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Malein

Named after Mikhail in August

  • August 4 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Nakaryakov
  • August 11 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Savvait
  • August 17 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Zhuk
  • August 20 is the day of icon veneration. Mikhail Plyshevsky
  • August 25 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Gareji
  • August 31st is the day of icon veneration. Mikhail Yeregodsky

Mikhail's name day in September

  • September 4 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Lyubertsev
  • September 9 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Voskresensky
  • September 13 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kosukhin
  • September 15 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Trubnikov
  • September 16 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Sushkov
  • September 17 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Bogorodsky
  • September 19 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail
  • September 20 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Michael's name day in October

  • October 1 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Skobelev
  • October 3 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • October 10 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Platonov
  • October 13 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kievsky
  • October 14 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Zovisky (Sevastian)
  • October 15 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Kazansky
  • October 17 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Tverdovsky
  • October 27 - the church honors the memory of the martyrs. Mikhail Lektorsky

Mikhail's name day in November

  • On November 2, the memory of Mikhail Isaev is honored
  • On November 20, the memory of Mikhail Gusev is honored
  • On November 21, the memory of Mikhail is honored
  • On November 23, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Arefiev
  • On November 27, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Nekrasov
  • On November 29, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Abramov
  • On November 30, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Gobron (baptized Mikhail) of Kakheti

Michael's name day in December

  • On December 2, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Kvanin
  • On December 5, the memory of Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskoy is honored
  • On December 7, the memory of Mikhail Bogoroditsky is honored
  • On December 9, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Zelentsovsky
  • On December 20, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Uspensky
  • On December 23, the memory of the martyrs is honored. Mikhail Yakunkin
  • On December 31, the memory of Mikhail Singell (assistant to the bishop) is honored

You will also learn a lot of interesting things about a man named Mikhail from the video.

The name has an extraordinary influence on every person. Scientists have proven that when it is pronounced, the mood immediately begins to improve, especially if it was said affectionately and friendly. Parents take the choice of their child’s name quite seriously, since his future fate, as well as some character traits, directly depends on this.

The meaning of the name Mikhail

The selection of a male name should be taken no less seriously than the choice of a female name, since it is on the shoulders of the young man that all the responsibility and protection of his future family, relatives and friends falls. The name Michael is considered one of the most sacred and pure, it is sweet-sounding and very beautiful. Translated, it means “one who is like God.” In ancient times, people personified Michael with the Lord, who could not bear enmity or hostility, as well as negative emotions.

Since then the name has become very popular and many boys have been named by it. All parents wanted their children to repeat the fate of the saints, to be just as sincere, righteous, and pure in soul. It is not surprising that in our time Michael’s name day is celebrated, and so often.

Origin of the name

The name Mikhail is pronounced differently in each country. For some it is Michel, for others it is Michael, and for the rest it is Miguel. The name actually comes from the Hebrew Mikael. At that time, people believed that there should be no problems with such children. They are obedient, diligent, agile. In addition, people with this name are distinguished by an extraordinary mentality, they are able to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and show self-control and strength of character in any situation. Michael's Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, considering such people to be soft, easy-going, and friendly. It is assumed that if a man was named by this name, he will be successful in military affairs and the most successful professions for him will be: lawyer, driver, gardener, livestock breeder.

Features of a person with this name

The character of a man with this name is complex. As a rule, such people are sensitive to criticism, but quickly let go of negative emotions. Also, young people treat their parents with great respect, caring for them and fulfilling their wishes. The Mikhails love children very much and enjoy communicating with them. Women are fascinated by their gentleness of character and ability to make concessions. Definitely, the advantages include indifference to alcohol and sociability. Sometimes men become sentimental, which also delights cute girls.

Michael's name day is celebrated many times a year. Some dates are dedicated to martyrs, others to preachers, noble princes, and warriors. The heroes of the occasion, as a rule, do not like to celebrate Mikhail’s name day. But relatives and friends should definitely give a small gift to their loved one, as he will definitely appreciate it. Presents can include bronze figurines, original photo frames, soft toys and much more.

Michael's talismans

Every person knows that, based on the name, you can find out the color that suits its owner, the element, phonosematics and much more. Mikhail makes a positive impression on others. He looks like a kind, gentle, emotional man, capable of supporting his soulmate in any situation, sharing with her all his sorrows and problems. Michael's name day is best celebrated in a calm, family atmosphere. This way the man will feel comfortable and at ease. It is believed that the most successful name will be for children born under the zodiac signs of Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio and Aquarius. The most suitable color for a child will be blue, and the sacred stone will be. Touching on the topic of talismans, it should be noted that for Mikhail this is a bear, which is a symbol of courage, bravery and kindness to the people around him.

Dates of Mikhail's name day

The people have established the dates when they celebrate Michael’s name day. There are a lot of them, and each of them has its own, unique meaning. In the first month of the new year, name days are celebrated on January 24 (this day was dedicated to the Venerable Saint of Klops). Further celebrated on February 27 and March 23. In honor of Mikhail Ulumbuysky, his name day is celebrated on May 20. Then the significant dates are June 3 (Holy Blessed Prince) and July 5 (St. Confessor). The 13th of the same month is dedicated to the martyr, and the 25th to the Monk Malein. Then it is celebrated on August 11 and September 8 (the Holy Blessed Prince Michael). Orthodox name days are also dated October 3, 13, 14, November 21 (Archangel Day). December 5 is dedicated to the great warrior, and the 31st of the same month to the venerable confessor.

It is not surprising that many rulers bore such an unusual name, which combined such different character traits. These include Russian princes, church leaders and powerful emperors. Among the stars there are also many Mikhails - Boyarsky, Porechenkov, Shufutinsky, Dobrynin, Krug, Zadornov and many others.

When is Michael's name day according to the church calendar?: November 21, September 19 – Michael the Archangel the Archangel; December 5 – Michael of Bulgaria, Equal to the Apostles; December 31 – Michael of Constantinople, venerable, confessor.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Mikhail:

From the Hebrew language - godlike, “divine, “who is like God?” For Christians, Michael is the Great Prince, standing for the sons of the people, the Angel of Mercy for people before God, the leader of the heavenly army in the final battle against the forces of Evil. Michael's name day four times a year.

Modern Michael, just like his divine namesake, is trying to single-handedly resist the forces of evil. He even has a special Personality Symbol - “the one who besieges.” Main character traits: will, activity, health. Totem plant – elm; totem animal - tiger. The type of thinking is “a tiger under the elm”. Obviously, this is why Mikhail constantly withdraws into himself under some tree and looks sternly at others. Overly subjective - rarely tries to put himself in the place of another person.

All Mikhails have a lively analytical mind. However, they lack diplomacy. Their favorite saying is: “It’s either pan or bust.” Perhaps they also need to learn a friend’s proverb, the Polish “If it’s too much, it’s not healthy.” They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but it gives them some warmth, which gives them the opportunity to select smart, intelligent friends, whom they sooner or later subjugate to their will.

They achieve success easily. Mikhail has been accustomed to very strict discipline since childhood. He works to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays a lot of attention to children, as well as to sick and old people. He likes medicine, as well as trade, where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. He has a lively analytical mind, so he never draws conclusions until he has thoroughly studied all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - he never forgets either the good he has done or the evil done to him. As for his health, Mikhail has enormous vitality. He is healthy and disease resistant. The weak point in his body is the cardiovascular system. His sexuality is very high. He reaches puberty early, but has absolutely no knowledge of psychology. Instead of seducing a woman, he behaves like a caveman

Congratulations on Mikhail's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Michael's name day and congratulate Michael on Angel's Day.

Congratulations, Mikhail,

Happy name day, have a wonderful day!

So that an angel illuminates your path,

May the night be nothing to you!

I wish you to find love,

May happiness come to you with her!

Let luck help again

Dreams of finding a window soon!

It's not for nothing that they give names.

Our Michael is like God!

Always rushing to his doorstep

His beloved family!

He tries his best for everyone

He is famous for his kindness,

And if guests are expected in the house,

He will always help his wife!

Let me tell you, Misha:

You deserve respect

Achieve goals with perseverance,

And don't lose your soul of fun.

May your mind also be sharp,

Let success go hand in hand

And doesn't bother your feelings

Sadness, melancholy or anxiety.