Paint color optima color alligator characteristics. ALLIGATOR - Water-dispersion paints, decorative plasters, primers. Decorative paint "ALLIGATOR - RAUH TEX"

Packing: 0,75
Package: 1

Kohler paint Tex

Color paint for water-dispersion paints, resistant to washing.

No. 01 red,
No. 02 orange,
No. 03 yellow,
No. 04 golden,
No. 05 emerald green,
No. 06 blue,
№07 green apple,
No. 08 red-brown,
No. 09 ocher,
No. 10 coffee,
No. 11 black,
No. 13 chocolate brown,
No. 14 green,
No. 15 beige,
No. 16 tobacco,
No. 17 blue sea,
No. 18 burgundy,
№19 sea ​​wave,
No. 20 lilac,
No. 21 pink

Designed for manual tinting of water-dispersion paints (all tones) and facade paints (only tones No. 8-16).
For interior work can be used as an independent paint. Painted surfaces can be washed repeatedly with a soft foam sponge (as indicated on the label)

Consumption per 1 layer 5-8m2/l, depending on color (color paint consumption as DIY paint), consumption of tinted material - depending on the type of paint and type of surface to be painted
Dry residue About 50% depending on color
Density 1.25 – 1.40 kg/l depending on color
Thinner Water
Application method
Apply by roller, brush or spray.
Drying time at (20±2) °C and relative humidity (65±5)% 1 hour. The next layer can be applied after 4-6 hours
Gloss Matt

Preliminary preparation
Clean the surface from loose old coatings, grease, dirt and dust.
To obtain a more durable and durable coating and reduce paint consumption, it is recommended to prime the prepared surface with the “Universal Impregnating Acrylate” primer TEX.
Conditions for painting
The surface to be painted must be dry and clean, the temperature of the surface, paint and air must be at least 5°C, and the relative humidity below 80%. Tinting
Mix the color paint with white water-dispersion paint.
The shade of tinted paint depends on the type of material being tinted.
When painting large surfaces, it is recommended to pre-mix required quantity tinted paint in one container to ensure a uniform tone (at least for painting in 1 layer).
Paint with tinted paint in accordance with the application technology. Apply color paint with a brush, roller or spray.

Wash working tools with water.

The paint is fire and explosion proof, has no unpleasant odor.
Avoid contact with eyes; if contact occurs, rinse with plenty of water and keep out of the reach of children.
Carry out work in a ventilated area.
Use rubber gloves to protect your hands.

How to dispose of empty containers household waste.
Do not pour any remaining paint into sewers or waterways.

At a temperature not lower than 5°C in a tightly closed container, protected from moisture, heat and direct sunlight.
Shelf life: 3 years from the date of manufacture in original, unopened packaging

Technical information Siligator Stress-free façade paint for weather-resistant façade coverings, reinforced with silicone resin. A material with good diffusion ability, especially suitable for application to various surfaces, including mineral bases . Indicators Density w-Wert sd-Wert approx. 1.6 0.07 approx. 0.08 kg/m² h0.5 m When indicating indicators, we are talking about average values. Due to the use of natural raw materials in our products, the actual value of individual deliveries may vary slightly without affecting the quality of the products. Color: White Gloss level: Matte Binder: Copolymer dispersion of synthetic resins and polysiloxane emulsion Ingredients: Titanium dioxide, fillers, additives, special extenders Packaging: 12.5 l Scope: For external use only Dilution Water Storage: In a cool place, but not freezing. Cleaning of instruments: Immediately after use with water. Compatibility: Can be mixed with all Alligator materials on the same binder base. However, please note that these properties may vary. Drying time: In dry, warm weather - after 2 - 3 hours it is touch dry. After 4 – 5 hours the layer can be repainted. At colder temperatures, drying time increases accordingly. Average consumption: Approx. 180 – 220 ml/m For a more accurate calculation, it is recommended to do a test application on site. Corresponding tinting: Full-color dyes OPTIMA - COLOR Abton - and Volltonfarben. When adding tinting paints, the indicated properties will change. Temperature limit: + 5° C for all ratios of ambient temperature and substrate for application. 2 Facade paint Siligator 1 of 2 Properties: Siligator is weatherproof according to VOB, part C, DIN 18363. The product complies with water absorption class W 3 (low water absorption) as well as class V 1 (high water vapor diffusion) according to EN 1062. The product does not form internal stress and produces a mineral appearance. It is a good filler and resistant to aging. Has excellent adhesion to smooth, difficult-to-coat substrates. The coating is resistant to alkalis and, therefore, resistant to saponification. Application: The material can be applied by brush, roller or spraying. When painting, pay attention to the uniform application and distribution of the material so that the layer thickness required for durability is achieved. Technical instructions for use: Do not apply in direct sunlight, strong wind or on heated substrates. Suitable substrates: All common mineral substrates (plasters, concrete, masonry). Requirements for the base: The base must be clean, dry and load-bearing. The VOB directives, part C, DIN 18363, para. 3. If necessary, pre-treat the base with an appropriate primer from the Alligator program in accordance with the specified technical data. Volatile organic compound content: Be sure to read the safety data sheet before use! EU limit value for the content of volatile organic compounds of this product: (Kat. A/c) 75 g/l (2007) / 40 g/l (2010). This product contains max.< 1 г/л ЛОС. Код продукта: M-DF02 Состояние: 01.13 Данные по напылению: Динамическое давление в барах: 200 (120)/угол распыления: 50° / величина сопла в мм: 0,53 / размер сита в мешах: 60/ Разбавление: 5% воды. Класс опасности для воды: 1 Общие указания: Не давать в руки детям. Не вдыхать пары при распылении. Во время использования не принимать пищу и напитки, не курить. Во время нанесения и сушки позаботиться о хорошем проветривании. При попадании на кожу и в глаза промыть водой. Не допускать попадания в канализацию, водоемы и почву. Утилизация: Утилизировать согласно предписаниям органов местного управления. Засохшие остатки могут утилизироваться вместе с хозяйственным мусором. Фасадная краска Siligator 2 из 2

Vapor-permeable, stress-free, dispersion facade paint with high diffusion and water-repellent properties, reinforced with silicone resin. The composition includes algicidal and fungicidal additives. Gives the surface a mineral appearance.

Type of material: Highly diffusible, stress-free dispersion façade paint with mineral appearance surfaces for weather-resistant façade coverings, reinforced with silicone resin.
- Color: White
- Gloss level: Matt
- Density: 1.650
- Binder: copolymer acrylic dispersion
- Pigment: titanium dioxide and special extenders
- Packaging: 12.5 l / 5 l
- Application: for outdoor use
- Properties: Weather resistance according to VOB part C, DIN 18363. The product belongs to class W 3 (low absorbency) and class V 1 ( high vapor permeability) according to EN 1062. The product is stress-free and creates an optically mineral coating. Very good filling and resistance to industrial gases. Thanks to a thin layer, it forms high-quality coating. Due to preservative additives, the material is protected from the formation of gray and green plaque.
- Possible tinting paints: Optima-Color tinting and full-color paints. When adding tinting paints, these properties will change.
- Compatibility with other paints: With all Alligator dispersion paints on the same binder base, but still as a result of this the specified characteristics change.
- Dilution: water
- Average consumption: For an accurate calculation, make a test application on site.
- Storage: Store in a dry, cool place, but do not overcool
- Lower limit of application temperature: + 5º C for ambient and substrate temperatures
- Preparation of the substrate: The substrate must be dry, clean and properly prepared: treatment in accordance with VOB, part C, DIN 18363, paragraph 3. Treatment is carried out with the appropriate primer from the ALLIGATOR product range, in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- Application data: head pressure in bar: 200 (120) nozzle size in inches: 0.021 nozzle size in mm: 0.53 spray angle: 50 deg. mesh sieve number: 60 dilution degree: 5% water
- Directions for use: Do not use in case of direct sunlight, strong wind or very hot substrate.
- Attention: Do not give to children. Do not inhale fumes. It is not allowed to eat, drink or smoke while painting. During the painting and drying process, ensure ventilation. In case of contact with eyes or skin, rinse immediately with water. Do not allow to enter sewers, water or soil.
- Drying time: In dry warm weather after about 2-3 hours - dry to touch, re-paint after about 4-5 hours. In colder weather, increase the drying time accordingly.
- Cleaning of tools: with water immediately after use.
- Disposal: Disposal of liquid residues is carried out through collection points of the relevant city service. Dried material remains are disposed of along with household waste.


The ALLIGATOR plant was founded in 1959. It specializes in the production of water-based products such as dispersion paints, decorative plasters, primers. Fully automated, computer-controlled production lines, multi-stage quality control of raw materials and finished products allow ALLIGATOR to be one of the leading manufacturers of dispersion paints in Europe.
At the beginning of its existence, the company's production was focused on volume sales, so, for example, the general consumer was served as well as the professional one. In the early 80s in Germany, a market division occurred in the construction market building materials at the professional and household level (sale of materials through retail chains).
After the reorganization, ALLIGATOR materials began to be positioned and supplied only to the professional market.
ALLIGATOR materials are shipped from the factory directly to a professional construction company or to a specific site. At the same time, the tasks of disseminating and tracking the scope professional materials The objects are handled by Grosshaendlers, who supervise specific regions of the country.
Only a few manufacturing companies carry out all deliveries construction companies directly from the factory. The company's priority policy - modernization and expansion of production, development of new products of high quality, led to the fact that the plant became one of the leading manufacturers, as well as to the recognition of the ALLIGATOR brand among professional builders. Innovations introduced by the ALLIGATOR plant have at different times significantly influenced the development of the paint and varnish market in Europe.

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Dry mixtures, bulk materials

Paints, enamels, varnishes, plasters, primers, antiseptics

The ALLIGATOR plant was founded in 1959. It specializes in the production of water-based products, such as dispersion paints, decorative plasters, and primers. Fully automated, computer-controlled production lines, multi-stage quality control of raw materials and finished products allow ALLIGATOR to be one of the leading manufacturers of dispersion paints in Europe.
At the beginning of its existence, the company's production was focused on volume sales, so, for example, the general consumer was served as well as the professional one. In the early 80s in Germany, the construction market was divided into professional and household levels (sale of materials through retail chains).
After the reorganization, ALLIGATOR materials began to be positioned and supplied only to the professional market.
ALLIGATOR materials are shipped from the factory directly to a professional construction company or to a specific site. At the same time, the tasks of distributing and monitoring the scope of application of professional materials to objects are carried out by Grosshaendlers, who supervise specific regions of the country.
Only a few manufacturing companies make all deliveries to construction companies directly from the factory. The company's priority policy - modernization and expansion of production, development of new products of high quality, has led to the fact that the plant has become one of the leading manufacturers, as well as to the recognition of the ALLIGATOR brand among professional builders. Innovations introduced by the ALLIGATOR plant have at different times significantly influenced the development of the paint and varnish market in Europe.

The Cayman company represents on the domestic market trademark ALLIGATOR since 1994. Over the past 17 years, ALLIGATOR materials have proven their uniqueness on many architectural monuments during restoration and reconstruction, as well as on new construction sites in Russia. The materials have successfully passed tests in the harsh Russian climate, Far North(Novaya Zemlya Island) and the Siberian region (Norilsk, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, etc.), as well as on Antarctic sites (painting in the temple Patriarchal Metochion Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Fr. Waterloo).
In 1996, the ALLIGATOR plant was one of the first, among the leading manufacturers of water-dispersed finishing materials, received a certificate for high quality products by International standards ISO 9001 and advances in security environment according to ISO 14001 standards.

Regardless of the price level, all ALLIGATOR products are of high quality and are positioned on the professional construction market.

To meet the ever-increasing demands of modern consumer market ALLIGATOR, as in the past, continues to invest in production development, in the development of new products and new technologies.

Chronology of development.

Date of foundation of the plant.
Rolf Missner acquires the company Leim-Chemie, based in Hereford-Dybrock. In the same year, it was decided that the range of products would be reoriented towards environmentally friendly pure materials. The plant begins to work with dispersive organic binders.

The plant's laboratory is developing protective coating for wood on water based(prototype of Diffundin paint).

The plant decided to use paint as packaging in plastic buckets, oval shape. The plant was the first among all manufacturers of paints and varnishes to offer painters their products in containers, the shape of which significantly changed and optimized the manufacturability of the use of paints and varnishes.

Renaming the plant to "ALLIGATOR".
First participation in the largest exhibition international exhibition FARBE under a new name.

ALLIGATOR develops formulations and begins to produce primers and decorative plasters:
solvent-based primers: transparent and pigmented;
Artoflex - decorative plasters
Kristallitputz is a solvent-based decorative plaster made from colored natural stones with the possibility of being used in a thermal protection program made from polystyrene foam.

ALLIGATOR develops formulations and begins to produce elastic, polymer systems for bridging cracks on facades

Modernization of production. Creation of the first automated production of large batches in Germany with the formation of raw material reserves in a silo.

Development decorative covering"Flocking" mixed with a transparent binder Multi-Brillant fein (the prototype of dry flocking applied by spraying with a gun).

IN 1973 a cementless thermal protection system was developed and certified.


  • Development and implementation of the Malacryl repair system, eliminating the appearance of nicotine stains, water leaks, etc., by creating an insulating layer.
  • Development and production of the first colorless water-based wood coating, as well as the production of water-based protective paint for wood - the Diffundin program.

Development and implementation of a dowel into the thermal protection system that meets all necessary conditions- VWS-Dubel.

Possibility of connecting to water paint binders based on alkyd and acrylic resin, which determines the high weather resistance of the coating with minimal water absorption, led to the creation of the new ALLIGATOR product - Restan paint.

Transition of the production focus of ALLIGATOR from the mass market of paints and varnishes to the professional one. Focus on specialized wholesale trade. Positioning "ALLIGATOR for professional painters."

Development and production of the first self-adhesive glass wallpaper Surtech SH.

Development latest technology dry method of applying flocks "Multi-Brillant-Floc" and its introduction to the professional market.

Production of water-dispersion paints that do not contain solvents and volatile substances harmful to health, with the designation “LF” and “LEF”.


  • Invention of pigmented primer paint.
  • Application of FLEX-STREICH reinforcement - the predecessor of the crack bridging system.
  • Development of a water-based material system for wood protection - Diffundin. Hermiton paint tinting is a prototype of today's tinting systems (Abtonsystem). Use of electronic data processing EDV in production.

Fire at the Enger plant, 3900 m2 destroyed production areas.

Inclusion in the ALLIGATOR product range of product systems - Kieselit ( silicate materials), Miropan (silicone materials).

Restoration of the Enger plant.
Construction of a new administrative building with a communications center and new offices. Construction of technological, laboratory and administrative buildings.

ALLIGATOR is the first among the leading manufacturers of paints and plasters to undergo certification according to DIN ISO 9001 standards. The ALLIGATOR plant is recognized for its high quality products, rational use raw materials and environmental protection.

Opening and launch of restored, expanded and modernized production facilities in Enger.

Expansion. Base joint venture with a paint and varnish plant in Shanghai to produce a product for the Chinese domestic market. Optimization of production and creation of the ALLIGATOR product line for the Chinese market.

Almost everything facade paints ALLIGATOR includes additives that protect the surface from mold and mildew.

Entry of ALLIGATOR into the concern - a group of independent enterprises - D.A.W.-Gruppe (Owner and head of the holding, Dr. Muryan). Together with Alligator, the concern includes: LACUFA, CAPAROL, ALPINA, NERCHAU and other companies.


  • Modernization of production.
  • Optimization of small batch production and factory tinting techniques. Development of advanced color range tinting. Creation of a branded color card ALLIGATOR 5000.

Development and production of a range of decorative plasters for interior work that meet the highest environmental requirements.


  • Creation of a professional technology center based on production. Professional support for a professional product. Development of a set of training seminars. Regular master classes. Possibility of developing new modern technologies based on the technology center.
  • Restructuring of the DAW group of enterprises.

As part of the merger, ALLIGATOR FARBWERKE GmbH merges with the DAW group of companies.

Development and implementation into production wide range products with updated recipes (in accordance with the requirements for the product standard of EN norms). Expansion of the line of basic products, allowing to expand the range of tinting.

Development and presentation of a 21st century product - Kieselit-Fusion - silicate paint based on nanotechnology, at the international exhibition Farbe - 2005.
Production of a product of the latest technology.

Development of Anti-Graffiti programs. Output to construction market professional systems for cleaning and protecting surfaces from graffiti.

Expansion of the range decorative materials exclusive coatings Art-Stucco and Art-Velluto.

  • Transferring cutting-edge Carbon technology, which has undergone ten years of testing in the fields of aerospace and racing, to façade surfaces. The addition of carbon fibers makes the ALLIGATOR artocell thermal protection system capable of bearing extreme loads. The highest strength combined with optimal elasticity made it possible to create a long-lasting and stable system.


  • The tinting program for the tinting machine has been modified by introducing additional dye.
  • An ideal Kieselit capillary-active system has been developed to prevent the formation of mold in old buildings and new construction: Kieselit-Klima-System. This system has the following qualities: alkaline, highly vapor-permeable, gradual moisture release, does not contain preservatives, does not contain solvents and plasticizers, does not contain fungicidal substances.
  • Expansion of the range of decorative plasters for interior work with an innovative product for residential and office premises - Art Nobile. Decorative interior plaster on a silicate basis, can be tinted in 34 tones, wear-resistant, does not contain solvents and plasticizers. High alkalinity provides natural protection against mold and mildew.


  • Improvement of the properties of the Allitex SG LEF (Seidenlatex) product by changing wet abrasion resistance class 2 to class 1.