Favorite places for nesting of the goldfinch. Goldfinch in your home. Description and brief information about the bird

They adapt perfectly to any conditions

Despite the fact that black terriers, in accordance with the breed standard, have very impressive dimensions, they do not require much space. Being quite unpretentious, they adapt perfectly to any conditions. That is why you can keep them both in an apartment and in the courtyard of a private house. Much more important is the opportunity to walk with the dog, giving it the opportunity to run and frolic. Also, the owner should have enough time to care for his pet. Since the coat of the ChRT is quite thick, it should be washed and combed regularly. To summarize, we can say that, being large dogs, Black Russian Terriers do not need much space. Much more important for them is the time that the owner can devote to them.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Russia

The Black Russian Terrier is a large, athletically built dog, of a rough type, with strong bones and well-developed muscles. The skin is dense, elastic, without folds or sagging. This active, extremely energetic breed is hardy, balanced and at the same time very mobile, with a highly developed protective instinct. Males are larger and more massive than females. Recently gaining international recognition, this dog was created by crossing various breeds. To breed it, starting in 1949, Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer and Bouvier de Flanders were crossed. This fact probably explains her strong constitution. At the beginning of its history, representatives of the black terrier breed were used as service dogs (unofficially, the breed was even called Stalin’s dog). But in the last few decades, the black terrier has become widely used in civil service.

How does the breed characterize the owner?

In the description of the Black Russian Terrier breed, you first of all notice its incredible devotion and love for its owner and his family. But it also requires reciprocal affection from a person. That is why those who make their choice in favor of this breed are people who are able to give their pet all their love. These are people who treat animals with great warmth. It can also be assumed that the owners of the CRT are quite active people. After all, being energetic and hardy dogs, black terriers need constant activity and long walks.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible names: Russian Black Terrier, Black Terrier, Stalin's dog, Tchiorny Terrier, KGB dog, Russian Bear Schnauzer, Chernysh, Chornyi, Stalin’s dog.
  • Adult height: male from 70 to 78 cm, female from 66 to 74 cm.
  • Weight: a male weighs 50-60 kg, a female 45-50 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black.
  • Wool length: medium length, coarse, with dense undercoat.
  • Lifespan: 11-14 years old.
  • Advantages of the breed: unpretentious, friendly, courageous, balanced, loyal, easy to train.
  • Difficulties of the breed: requires regular grooming. If brought up incorrectly, she can be angry and aggressive.
  • Average price: Black Russian Terrier costs from $150 to $700.

History of the origin of the breed

Black Russian Terrier breed often called "Stalin's dog". And all because it was developed in the post-war years in the USSR during his reign. During the war years, a lot of service dogs died, and during this time the country was filled with “traitors to the motherland,” prisoners of war and other prisoners who needed to be protected.

In order to increase the number of guard dogs, in 1949 the Ministry of Defense issued an order that obliged to restore the number of such dogs, as well as to develop a new breed. This must be a breed of strong and hardy dogs, which in any climatic conditions could serve, impeccably obeying the master-guide.

They should be easy to train and unpretentious in food and maintenance. This task was assigned to the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery near Moscow.

The breed was taken as the main breed, to which 17 more breeds were subsequently added, which were available at the nursery at that time. The black terrier has blood from other breeds as well.

The first 43 copies were presented at the All-Union exhibition in 1957. The bred breed group met all the requirements, but the dogs became very attached to one owner, which was not suitable for service in special forces.

It was decided to continue the selection and give the resulting representatives for breeding to other nurseries in the country and to private individuals.

In the 70s, the black terrier already took part in international exhibitions, and in 1981 the breed group was developed into a separate breed. The dogs received worldwide recognition and FSI approval in 1984. In the same year, the first standard was adopted, which was amended in 2010.

Stalin's dog is popular not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders, and its low price makes the breed accessible to a wide range of admirers of large dogs.

Purpose of the breed

First of all, during the breeding of the breed, emphasis was placed on protective qualities. The dogs were intended to work in special services and protect territories. Their dense wool allows them to be used in different climatic conditions: from the cold north to the hot south. Blackies do an excellent job of this task and serve as watchmen, protectors and bodyguards.

The breed can also often be seen at international exhibitions as prize winners.
A good nature and devotion make the black terrier a great family favorite and companion dog.

Character of the Black Russian Terrier breed

Despite their menacing appearance and impressive size, blackies are kind and calm dogs, who are also They treat children very well. These are strong and hardy dogs with a balanced character and excellent instincts. They can play or sleep calmly, but as soon as they sense danger, an ardent protector instantly awakens in them. After the threat has passed, the dogs return to their abandoned affairs as if nothing had happened.

Black terriers become very attached to one of the family members and have difficulty with separation. For them change of owners is undesirable. They are obedient, smart, have a good memory and are easy to train. Blackies are able to quickly make a deliberate decision, but at the same time they are easily controlled.

Them anger and aggression are not characteristic, if they are not purposefully developed in the pet. Also, these qualities can develop during wrong process training. Black terriers get along well with other animals and tolerate any living conditions well.

These physically developed and resilient dogs can be a good companion during bicycle rides and will gladly support the company during a vacation outside the city, especially if there is an opportunity to swim.

And thanks to their noble appearance and discreet manners, they often become winners of exhibitions, both regional and international.

Video with an overview of the Black Russian Terrier breed

What these black giants are like, look at the video.


How to choose a puppy

It's best to adopt a puppy in a nursery or from serious breeders, where you can see both parents at once. You can adopt your pet as early as two months. Ask to provide documents for adult dogs, as well as their certificates and awards, especially if you are planning future visits to exhibitions with your pet.

As a rule, Black Russian Terrier puppies, which are more suitable for this, that is, show class, are considered the most expensive in the litter. By buying a dog in such places, you will receive qualified support in many matters for a long time.

The conditions in which dogs are kept play an important role. Cleanliness and dryness of the room are the main factors correct content pets kids must be strong, well-fed and active, with clean eyes and a wet nose. There may be exceptions if the puppies have recently woken up. The coat should have a healthy shine and be free of bald spots.

When picking up your baby, you should be given a puppy card and a veterinary passport with the date of vaccinations and a note about anthelmintic measures. Don't forget ask what the puppies were fed, since in the next few days it is not advisable to suddenly change the dog’s usual diet, but do it gradually.

Dog names

Nicknames for bitches: Alaida, Bonita, Vesta, Gabri, Lada, Nerry, Felisa and so on.
For a male name would be suitable Ike, Baron, Devdas, Harold, Morgan, Richard, Hart and the like.

Most of the time in caring for the blackie is taking care of the thick coat. If you want to see your pet beautiful and always well-groomed, then her should be combed every day, and during the molting period, sometimes twice a day. Grooming your Black Russian Terrier will help make this task easier. This is done two to three times a year. When participating in exhibitions, grooming is required before each event.

The Black Russian Terrier's haircut pattern is to emphasize the dog's strength and confidence, its powerful body and massive head. Grooming for such strict dogs is done without excessive decorativeness. Long hair remains only on the paws and part of the head, emphasizing the intelligent flat forehead and drooping ears. The mustache, eyebrows and beard are also straightened.

They bathe the black terrier as it gets dirty and periodically treat the coat from. The blackie needs to be cleaned regularly.
Due to their thick coat, black terriers feel good in different weather conditions. In a private home, a spacious enclosure with a comfortable kennel will suit them, in which the dog should not always be present. This breed Not intended for sitting on a chain.

Take care to early train your pet to ask when needed if the pet lives with you in a city apartment. Although such conditions are not very suitable for these dogs. A large terrier living within four walls needs long walks twice a day.

Possible health problems

One of the requirements for the breed concerned its health. Therefore, breeders made sure that black terriers were strong, had strong immunity and were not susceptible to hereditary diseases.

But like everyone else big dogs, blackies sometimes suffer from hip and elbow joints. Diseases of the ears (due to low air supply) and eyes (due to long eyebrows) may also occur.
Should not be ignored, as well as remedies.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

The dog's daily diet should consist of a balanced mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, with a small addition of fat.

  • lean meat or meat by-products;
  • chicken or turkey;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood;

Good memory and intelligence. True, sometimes the Airedale terrier blood makes itself felt, and the dogs begin to show stubbornness and independence in a mild form. Most likely, they do this to test the owner’s strength and stability. This feature can be easily eliminated if you become a real authority for your pet.

At times, reviews from Black Russian Terrier owners are negative and describe their anger and aggressive behavior. This is an unusual behavior for this breed, which often arises from incorrectly chosen methods of education. If you do not have enough experience in keeping such breeds, then in order not to spoil the dog’s psyche, take your pet through a training course with a more experienced instructor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Black Russian Terrier, or Stalin's dog, − unpretentious, balanced breed, which is endowed with excellent memory, quick and thoughtful reactions and the ability to make adequate decisions according to the situation.

Blackies are hardy, fearless, have a strong character and stable nervous system. They play with children with pleasure, but do not forget to carefully guard their owners and their territory at this time. Exactly theirs, since they can be big owners.

Devotedly protecting their owners, black terriers become loyal and reliable friends for a long time.
Such a dog can become quite aggressive in inexperienced hands. To prevent this from happening, the pet needs to be given a lot of time to train.

Here it is worth saying that blackies are smart and obedient, but do not forget about their direct relatives, terriers, who give the breed some stubbornness. If you surround your pet with love and care, you can get a loyal one companion and self-confident protector.

“Blackie,” as lovers of this breed affectionately call their pets, has the anger and remarkable strength characteristic of the breed, but at the same time is easy to learn and has a stable psyche.

According to historical information, the black terrier was bred specifically on the orders of Comrade Stalin. MirSovetov will tell you in more detail about what breed of dogs the Secretary General needed and what the “blackie” actually is.

History of the black terrier

It was the end of the 1940s when the famous Soviet dog kennel “Red Star” received a “state order” for a new breed of dogs. Outwardly, it should have been a large “terrier” dog, with thick dark hair. By character - hardy, fast, efficient, amenable to various training, aggressive, but controllable dog. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself gave this “order” to the dog handlers. In his understanding, the new Soviet breed of dog should be large, but not take up much space, be ferocious with strangers, but obedient in the hands of the owner, be able to swim and dive, sneak up silently and run fast, have a lightning-fast reaction (well, so that if something happens - instantly gnaw the enemy's throat). And also - to make as little sounds as possible, not to “smell” like a dog, not to shed, and, finally, to simply be an outwardly beautiful dog. In general, the dog should have turned out to be unique.

The dog handlers, having received the “order,” were surprised and even frightened. It is impossible to refuse, and it is also impossible to agree and not comply. So the employees of “Red Star” took two breeds as a basis - the Rottweiler and the Giant Schnauzer, and then began to crossbreed the best of the best representatives different breeds. And although it is officially believed that the ancestors of the black terrier are the Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Airedale Terrier, Newfoundland and East European Shepherd, in fact, as cynologists themselves recall, a total of about 17 breeds took part in the “Black Russian Terrier” project. Among them are such breeds as St. Bernard, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, Laika, as well as large mongrels.

By the mid-1950s, the breed group “Black Terrier” appeared, which was also called the “Russian Bearcat Schnauzer”. The dog handlers practically managed to fulfill Stalin’s “order”. “Practically”, because the black terrier, despite its external severity, is at heart a big teddy bear who adores its owner, and is not at all a killer.

Appearance of a black terrier

The Black Terrier is a large, well-built dog with a height at the withers of 68 to 76 centimeters and a weight of 45-60 kilograms. This is a powerful, physically developed dog with a square body, strong back, voluminous head and strong jaws. Previously, the tails of “blackies” were docked, leaving one vertebra, but today this procedure is not necessary.

The coat has a thick but short undercoat, as well as long guard hairs with a break. On the body, the fur can reach a length of 15 centimeters, and on the muzzle it forms a thick beard, eyebrows and mustache. The color is exclusively black. 30% gray hair is not considered a fault, unlike the black and tan color that is sometimes found in dogs of this breed.

Character of the black terrier

  1. Black terriers are very smart animals.
  2. The black terrier has considerable dignity of its own.
  3. If there are several black terriers in the house, then you will immediately notice that in this pack there is a clear hierarchy, where each dog strictly knows its place.
  4. The Black Terrier is a reliable dog that has excellent performance.
  5. “Blackies” are quite charming and friendly creatures who even know how to smile with all 42 snow-white teeth.
  6. In case of danger that threatens the owner, this “teddy bear” instantly turns into a ferocious and merciless beast.
  7. It is worth noting that the little black one, no matter how Comrade Stalin wanted it, does not cripple his enemy - at least not right away. He first warns, and only after the dog is “not understood” can he explain more strictly - using teeth, for example.
  8. Black Russian Terriers are highly trainable - dog experts say that a dog of this breed can literally remember from the first time what its owner wants from it.
  9. The Black Terrier loves children - he is happy to replace even a pony with them.
  10. Chernysh loves his owner very much and is madly devoted to him, but the respect of this wayward dog will have to be earned.

Caring for a black terrier

The black terrier feels great both in an apartment and in a house. When living in an apartment, do not forget about long walks and physical activity. If you decide to keep your blackie exclusively on the street, you need to keep in mind that this is not a chain dog. The black terrier needs freedom of movement, because this breed was bred as a watchdog and guard dog.

The black cat's coat is simply luxurious - it needs to be brushed regularly. Since the dog practically does not shed, the dog needs trimming during shedding.

Raising and training a black terrier

  1. The black terrier is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This is a person with whom you need to find mutual understanding.
  2. “Blackie” will never carry out a command at the reflex level, like, say, a shepherd dog. The dog will think over every order of the owner - you need to prepare for this. Your pet is not slow-witted, this is a feature of the breed.
  3. The black terrier is an intellectual dog, therefore an intellectual approach is needed to training.
  4. Never say a command “just like that,” because the dog will definitely react to it, but if you don’t praise the pet or can’t explain why this command is needed, then the “darling” may stop responding to your orders. By the way, experts advise not to even pronounce the dog’s name “just like that” - well, this dog doesn’t like aimless shaking of air.
  5. “Blackie” must definitely learn an obedience course. But in order to develop your pet both physically and intellectually, it is advisable to start engaging in some kind of sports and applied types of training.
  6. Black terriers make excellent watchmen and bodyguards, police officers and rescuers, guards and guard dogs.

Black Terrier Health

The black terrier is in good health. The following diseases can be mentioned as specific diseases of this breed:

  • otitis;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • dysplasia of the hip or elbow joint.

Among the diseases described above, dysplasia and atrophy are inherited, therefore, when purchasing a puppy, you need to make sure that its parents do not have genetic diseases. Even if the baby’s parents have never suffered from dysplasia, carefully monitor the pet - if he suddenly begins to limp, you must immediately contact a veterinary hospital, where experienced specialists, if necessary, will prescribe the correct treatment.

With retinal atrophy, the dog quickly begins to go blind. Blind blacklings practically do not feel handicapped, since their leading senses are still smell and hearing.

It is worth noting that “blackies” suffer from infectious diseases, like all other dogs, but this is rather an omission of the owner, rather than a feature of the breed.