New Year's fairy tale impromptu joke for adults. Scenarios for the New Year for adults

Celebrating the New Year 2019 is always more fun and interesting in big company, when many people get together to socialize, cheer up and celebrate everyone’s favorite holiday. But sometimes there are people in the same company who don’t know each other well.

Some may be shy, others, on the contrary, are too noisy, and the result will be confusion. To avoid this trouble, it is advisable to plan interesting activities for all guests. Good fun There will be skits for the New Year 2019, funny and modern.

In a large company, the mood improves, so the skits will be a success. The main thing is to involve as many participants in the process as possible and not be afraid to improvise. In most cases, people quickly get involved in the proposed activity, begin to add something of their own, actively communicate, and the evening goes by very fun.

The best funny scenes for a fun company

These scenes are modern, and they were invented specifically for the New Year holiday. The coming 2019 is the year of the Pig (Yellow Boar), so you can offer guests many scenes related to these animals. Perfect fit funny scenes, riddles and competitions that involve the audience. You can choose the most suitable options for your New Year's scenario.

Funny scene “Wet Spectators”

For the scene you need to prepare 2 opaque containers (for example, jugs), fill one with water and the other with confetti. Then the host rises to make a toast. He says that in some countries, where often it's raining, there is a belief that on New Year's Day, drops of water bring happiness, and every drop that falls on a person becomes a wish fulfilled. Therefore, rain on New Year's Eve is considered great luck. But since it’s cold and there’s no rain, we need to look for other ways to attract happiness.

While speaking, you need to demonstrate that there is water in the jug (for example, pour some into a glass). At the end of the toast, it is necessary to quietly replace the jugs (the assistant can pass the second jug under the table) and, swinging, pour the contents onto the audience. Believing that there is water in the jug, everyone will run away screaming and screaming, but only a rain of confetti will overtake them.

A very positive scene for the Repka company

This skit will require 7 participants and a presenter. Participants are assigned roles: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse and turnip. The presenter tells a story, and the participants depict what he is talking about. The goal is to show the events as brightly and cheerfully as possible.


- Grandfather planted a turnip.

[The grandfather and the turnip appear in front of the audience. They must depict how the grandfather planted a turnip. For example, a turnip can hide under the table.]

- The turnip has grown very, very big.

[The turnip shows from under the table how it grows.]

- Grandfather began to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Calls grandma for help.

Subsequently, according to the narrative, all participants join the action. It’s good if the role of the mouse is played by a child, for example, a little girl. You can tie a napkin for your grandmother instead of a scarf, and invite a lady with the most beautiful manicure to play the role of a cat. When, through joint efforts, the “turnip” is removed from under the table, it should hold a surprise in its hands for all guests. Using this scene you can serve a cake or sweets.


Sketch "Kolobok" in a new way

Participants will be needed: grandfather, grandmother, Kolobok, hare, wolf and fox. The largest participant is selected for the role of Kolobok and sits on a chair in the center of the hall. In this case, Kolobok and the fox can be a couple.


– Grandfather and grandmother baked a kolobok, which turned out cute, but very gluttonous.


- Grandfather, grandmother, I will eat you!

Grandfather and grandmother:

– Don’t eat us, Kolobok, we’ll transfer the apartment to you!

[A hare, a wolf and a fox appear on stage in turn.]


- Hare, hare, I will eat you!


– Don’t eat me, Kolobok, I’ll give you a carrot!

[Hands the bun a bottle or some fruit from the table.]


- Wolf, wolf, I will eat you!


- Don’t eat me, little bun, I’ll give you the hare!

[Catches the hare and hands over the bun.]


- Fox, fox, I will eat you!


- No, little bun, I’ll eat you myself!

[Takes the carrot from the bun and lets the hare go.]


- Oh, what a fox you are! Then marry me!

[Kolobok and the fox sit down on a chair together, and the rest of the participants in the scene gather around.]


- And they began to live and live well and make good money. And the hare was adopted.

Skits for corporate parties with jokes

For a corporate event, it is better to select mass scenes where everyone present is involved in the action. You can act out the following scenes.

Dance skit “Around the World”

It's better to do it when the dancing starts. It will help relax the guests and give a good boost to the subsequent dance evening. The presenter solemnly announces that all those present are invited to travel around the world. Then the melodies are turned on one by one. The host’s task is to bring as many guests to the dance floor as possible. Let's start with Far North- song “I’ll take you to the tundra.” We ride on reindeer, show our horns, the first stop is at a gypsy camp, the song “Gypsy Girl,” etc.

"Tricky Santa Claus"

An actor dressed as Santa Claus approaches the guests and invites everyone to write one wish. Then the recorded wishes are collected in a bag and mixed thoroughly. After this, Santa Claus says that he recently returned from vacation, where he spent all magical power, so guests will have to fulfill their wishes on their own. The leaves are distributed again in random order, and the guests must try to fulfill the wishes that they come across.

Skits for an adult company - old New Year

For adult company Less noisy, but still exciting scenes are required that will attract everyone's attention. For example: intelligence puzzles or small thematic competitions. The following skits with a competitive element are well suited to celebrate the old New Year.

"The Closest"

The host invites several pairs of guests and gives them a tangerine, a Christmas tree ball and a champagne cork. There are 3 compositions for slow dance (15-20 seconds each). During the dance, couples must hold each of the objects between them in turn, without dropping it. The presenter announces: Mandarin symbolizes all the sweetest things that a couple has and the freshness of feelings. Christmas ball symbolizes the fragility of our hearts. A traffic jam can only be stopped if you know each other well. The winners receive a prize and the title “The Closest”.

Scene "New Year's Toast"

Several participants are invited, and each is given a list of words associated with the New Year. For example: “snowflake”, “Santa Claus”, “Snow Maiden”, “fairy tale”, “love”. Participants must make a toast using these words. If words are not enough, you can ask the audience for help and get one additional word 3 times. There is a prize for the funniest toast. The winner is chosen by the number of applause.

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday throughout our lives, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. What's the fun without New Year's games, competitions, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment?!

New Year's games, competitions and skits are the same obligatory attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the New Year is a time of general joy; time when you want to make noise and play. Don't deny yourself - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the New Year 2019

We offer you a wide variety of New Year's entertainment, which can be viewed via the links. They are suitable for corporate events, home parties, and for a close group of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily create an interesting entertainment program from them.

To save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain the People for the New Year? Easily!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading festive events
  • for employees of organizations who are planning to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without the involvement of a toastmaster
  • for those who are planning to spend new year party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun throughout the New Year holidays with family, friends and relatives

The proposed games, competitions and sketches will be more than enough for you not only for entertainment program for this New Year, but also for future ones new year holidays!

All buyers of this collection will receive New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

Skits and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny sketches and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is connected with the wonderful New Year holiday. All sketches have funny and original plots; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer of the festive program; It is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet of signs, nothing unnecessary is printed. Here brief description sketches included in the collection:

Guests from Italy at the New Year's party(a very funny costumed New Year's greeting with original text). Requires a small preliminary preparation. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(impromptu fairy tale with chants, presenter and 7 actors; everyone else present also participates). Especially suitable for corporate New Year celebrations.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Fairy Tale(funny impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(small impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 6 actors).
A long-awaited gift(miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic staff(New Year's theatrical skit, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time An interesting funny scene with an original New Year's plot. Advance preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages
Price: 300 rubles

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Scenario for the New Year's Eve "Musicians of Bremen"


Father Frost
Snow Maiden


In the center of the decorated hall stands christmas tree. In the corner of the hall there is a house of robbers. Robbers enter the hall. The Atamansha is holding fake playing cards in her hands. They sing a song to the music of the songs of the robbers from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

Chieftain: They say we are byaki-buki
We can make some noise
Give me some cards, please?
Tell fortunes for “Moroz”

Robbers in chorus:
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
The work was not in vain!
Oh, la-la! Oh, la-la!
Eh, ma!
People's holiday is coming soon
There's some kind of New Year there,
Santa Claus arranged a Christmas tree
Well, he won’t call us.

Oh, love! Oh, love!
And I love holidays!
Oh, love! Oh, love!
Eh, ma!

Robbers in chorus:
Santa Claus card bit
And we have his outfit
(Show the children Santa Claus' fur coat)
The case will be shut down
The cards tell the truth
Chieftain: Oh la la! Oh, la-la!!
I'll run the show!
Oh la la! Voila!
Eh, ma!

The robbers dance merrily.

Chieftain: Where is your bag?
Has the hour gone wrong?
Coward: Oh, it seems like we're lost.
Yes, it was stolen from us!
Chieftain: What-o-o-o? Stolen?
Who? When?
I should submit it here!
Experienced: (swinging at Coward):
What are you talking about, you've gone crazy.
No one would dare.
Steal from robbers
It's great to get there!
Goofy :
There he is, behind that mountain.
Heavy and big.
He hasn't gone anywhere
Should I drag him here?
Coward: Yes! Let it be visible.
I'll wait here for now.

The chieftain walks around the Christmas tree, looking at the children. Coward, Goofy and Experienced, with great difficulty, drag a huge sack into the hall and place it near the Christmas tree.

Chieftain: Why are the idiots tired?
Oh, you don't like work.
It's time for me to replace you
Form a gang again.
Come on brothers, who is brave here?
(addresses children)
Who is agile and skillful.
Do you want to join us as robbers?
Don't be shy, come over.
We will measure your strength,
We'll check whoever suits us.

Tug of War

Children and robbers tug of war with each other, win,
of course, children.

Chieftain: Oh, strong! Everything will suit me(addresses the children).
You're slackers - study
(addresses the robbers).

I'll sign you all up for the gang,

But it’s late, and now I’m in a hurry.

The business needs to be cranked out

Let's take a look at the palace

We weren't invited to the ball

We'll come to the palace ourselves

And we will arrange a pogrom for them

Beginning of the form

The Bremen musicians leave. The Snow Maiden enters the hall, she wipes her tears with a handkerchief and sings to the music of the king’s songs from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

“...Daughter, eat the diet egg...”


Snow Maiden: The guests have already gathered, New Year is coming soon.
And my grandfather disappeared, something is not working.
My handkerchief was wet with tears.
Where is Grandfather Frost?

No note from him, no message
Oh, and my long wait.
Maybe something seriously happened to him?
Where is Grandfather Frost?

Robbers run into the hall to the song of the group “Avaria” - “New Year”

(in unison) :
The New Year is rushing towards us,
Everything will happen soon
What you dream will come true,
That we will be deceived again
They won't give anything.

Chieftain: Are you waiting for old Frost?
Wait, wait, small fry!
Until you give the ransom,
Can't wait for the old man!

Snow Maiden: Who are they? What do you need?
Nobody invited you!
And where is this fur coat from?
Was it Grandfather who sent you?

Chieftain: I was daydreaming, a lot of honor.
Nobody sent us.

Snow Maiden: What do you want from us?
What do you need? Speak.

Chieftain: We want fun, laughter,
Various games, fun,
And most importantly, gifts
Sweet and bright.

Snow Maiden: Well, guys, what are we going to do?
We need to save Grandfather.
There's nothing to do, you have to

Play with this gang.

Song-game "Macarena".

Game: hee hee hee – ha ha ha

The robbers are advancing on the guys with a song to the music of the bandit song from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

Robbers: Let there be no knife and ax with you,
But both arms and legs are strong
Hard workers
Romantics from the high road.

We don’t want to, oh, we don’t want to give up on you,
Let's not leave so easily
Let's not leave so easily
We will... fight with you.

Santa Claus runs into the hall to the music

Father Frost: Stop, stop,
No need for fights.
The holiday is coming - New Year.
Let's all make peace, let's
Let's get into a friendly round dance.
Just give me back my fur coat
(addresses the robbers)
If you want a holiday.
Snow Maiden: Here comes Grandfather Frost,
We've been waiting for you!
The lights were not lit
(points to the tree)
The ball didn't start.
Father Frost: I forgive robbers
And I invite you to the holiday,
Let's have fun together:
Sing, dance, play, frolic.
Happy New Year!
I invite everyone to the ball
And I declare it open
New Year's carnival!

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year!

Father Frost: Happy New Year!
I wish you all the best!
Happiness, joy, health,
Lots of laughter, kids!
Let's say together
One, two, three
Our Christmas tree, burn!
Let's go around the Christmas tree,
Let's admire it and sing!

Together with the children, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, the Bremen Town Musicians and the Robbers perform the round dance “A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest.”

Father Frost: That made my grandfather happy,
Sang a song, well done,
Now let's play!
Who's brave here, tomboys?
Snow Maiden: Do you still want to play?
You ask Frost:
Come on, Grandfather Frost,
Freeze our hands.

Father Frost: Oh! Favorite game.
Become a kid.
Now it's time to play! Aren't you afraid of frost? Beware, beware! As soon as I blow it, I’ll whistle, and in an instant I’ll let in the frost! Come on, stretch out your hands, stretch them out, and then put them away! Otherwise I’ll freeze it!

Game "Mitten"

Father Frost (sits on a chair near the Christmas tree) : So games, miracles, laughter.
I laughed the loudest.
You never get tired
Will you read me poetry?

Children read poetry.

Father Frost: That made my grandfather happy,
I rested my soul among you,
I have gifts in store for you.
Where is my big bag?

The robbers carry a bag of gifts together.

Father Frost: I had fun with you
But it's time for us to part,
And until next year
We have to say goodbye.
Happy New Year everyone again,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
Enough for a whole year.
Goodbye, kids!

The key to a successful corporate event is a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which absolutely all team members, regardless of position, feel comfortable. In many ways, this is achieved with the help of good humor, for example, funny scenes and funny musical numbers in the script. Even the most high-status members of the team can take part in such funny productions. Most often, the willingness to play comic skit appears for most as part of New Year's corporate events. It is at such holiday parties that colleagues are as relaxed as possible and open to amateur activities. If we talk about which sketches for the New Year 2019 for adults at corporate parties are always relevant, then first of all it is worth noting short numbers on modern themes. Scenes with funny scenes also bring a smile and sincere laughter to colleagues musical accompaniment, rewritten fairy tales, stand-up performances. Great ideas and examples of cool scenes for the New Year 2019 will be found in the next article.

The best New Year's scenes for corporate parties - the coolest ideas and examples, video

If we talk about the most current ideas for cool scenes for a New Year's corporate party, then first of all it is worth noting options on the theme of the holiday. We are talking about traditional characters, traditions, signs, films that are associated with the New Year. For example, you can play with humor the situation of how preparations for the holiday go in the average family. Also relevant will be numbers about how the last pre-holiday days at work are going. In most companies, the end of the year is associated with great stress, when it is important to close all reports and transactions on time. And since corporate parties often take place when all records are closed, you can safely laugh with your colleagues about recent work difficulties.

Examples of cool ideas for the best New Year's scenes for corporate parties

Also on New Year's corporate party You can stage scenes with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. In this case, you can force all members of the team to participate in this number. For example, dancing around the Christmas tree, telling poems to Grandfather Frost, helping build a snowman, etc. Adult employees will definitely enjoy such seemingly childish activities and will help them tune in to the festive atmosphere of the evening. More more examples You will find cool skits for a New Year's corporate party in the following videos.

Funny skits for the New Year 2019 for adults - short musical numbers for corporate events

Some of the most fun numbers for adults at a corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 can be called short musical skits. As a rule, these are small numbers without words accompanied by dynamic music or song. The main emphasis in such scenes is on the facial expressions and gestures of the participants, who try to make everyone present at the celebration laugh. The musical numbers are based on cheerful and funny situations from life that many have encountered at least once in their lives. For example, using the right melody for each participant, you can show how a particular person reacts in certain circumstances. This could be a number about who comes to work in the morning (one is always late, the second sleeps on the go, the third makes coffee for the whole team). It is advisable that real people present at the corporate party be taken as prototypes for the characters in the scene. Then the number will turn out to be even funnier and funnier.

Options for short musical skits for the New Year 2019 for adults at corporate events

Also, instead of music, musical numbers often use cuts of audio tracks from famous films and TV series. With their help, it’s easy to create a whole dialogue for a funny scene, and the participants don’t have to learn a lot of text. The main thing is to choose a relevant topic, for example, choosing a New Year gift for colleagues in shopping center 5 minutes before it closes. Next, we offer you more fun options for short musical skits for corporate parties in honor of the New Year 2019 for adults.

Funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults - converted fairy tales with jokes for corporate events

Another relevant topic for funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for corporate parties is remade fairy tales with gags and jokes for adults. It's quite simple and at the same time interesting option a fun number that can be reproduced in different ways. For example, you can literally rewrite the dialogues of characters from famous children's fairy tales, or you can use clips from films and songs instead of words. In any case, with a sufficient level of artistry from the participants, such a remade fairy tale will turn out to be funny and cool.

Funny ideas for fairy tale scenes with jokes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party

As for the plot for funny fairy tales for a New Year's corporate party, you can take almost any children's work, slightly changing it to suit the interests of adults. It’s good if you manage to beat some winter's tale with the participation of Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman and other traditional characters. But you can also take very simple children's fairy tales, for example, Kolobok or Turnip. In such cases, you should play out the plot on a more modern topic, preferably relating to the working everyday life of the team. For example, instead of a huge turnip, Grandfather (director) and Baba (chief accountant) may be trying to extract the company's annual income. You will find several interesting and funny examples of converted fairy tales for New Year's corporate parties in the following videos.

The funniest scenes for the New Year 2019 - universal options for a fun company, video

It is not at all necessary that the numbers at the corporate party in honor of the New Year 2019 be dedicated to work and the company; funny scenes on universal themes. For example, you can stage a funny number about a typical family and patterns of behavior of spouses, problems between parents and children, important social problems that concern many. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance between good humor and sharp parody, which can touch the feelings of those present.

Cool options for universal scenes for a fun company for the New Year 2019

As for the format of such a cool skit on a universal theme, you can use any: dance, musical, parody, based on pantomime, etc. In the next collection of videos, we tried to collect just such universal versions of cool skits that are perfect for a New Year's corporate party.

Funny and funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig - modern options with video

Humor does not stand still and every now and then new interesting formats of numbers and skits appear, which can also be used for a New Year's corporate party. An example is the stand-up format, which has been gaining popularity recently. As a rule, only one person participates in this performance, but short performances can be arranged for several people. Distinctive feature stand-up - reading jokes on current topics from the speaker's position, which leaves its mark on their interpretation. In other words, the author expresses his opinion on popular issues through the prism of jokes and humor. This format will be especially relevant for a New Year’s corporate party if the team has a person who can joke sharply and is not afraid of the stage.

Funny options for funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig

Also among the modern funny scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig, one can note numbers in the “expectation/reality” format. They can be either on a work topic or play up some everyday situations. Some interesting examples You will find cheerful modern scenes for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig in the following selection.

Play funny scenes Absolutely all team members can attend the New Year's corporate party. Especially if you need to take part in a humorous short number with music and dancing, which is necessarily present in every scenario. Also skits in the format of converted fairy tales on modern style can be used for this holiday format. The main thing is that funny and cool scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults at a corporate party give everyone smiles and good mood! And then you don’t have to worry about the relaxed and relaxing atmosphere of this holiday!