Preparing the soil in spring for beginning gardeners. Autumn preparation of the garden for the spring season Preparing the beds for spring in the fall

Preparing the soil in spring: caring for beds

Spring planting young seedlings in open ground and greenhouses require careful preparation. Having equipped the place for planting, it is necessary to begin an important procedure - preparing and improving the quality of the soil for planting vegetable crops.

Preparing the soil for planting in open beds and greenhouses

In the Moscow region, soil preparation work should begin in April, when the soil is sufficiently dry and warm. Since the climate changes every year, you need to be able to independently determine the readiness of the soil for the planting season:

  • it is necessary to monitor the air temperature (10-15 degrees Celsius, best time for preparation);
  • pay attention to the soil itself: it should be dry and not stick to the shovel.

Caring for garden beds in spring

Under the weight of moisture and snow cover, the soil settles. It should be loosened with a rake or cultivator to preserve the absorbed moisture and structure. If the site was planted with winter crops, the land must be cultivated using a harrow. It is best to mulch the area in the fall so that the soil remains loose when spring arrives.

If you did not prepare the beds before winter, then with the arrival of warmth you will need to dig up the area, removing the roots of the weeds. The procedure should be carried out after lunch, when top layer the soil will warm up sufficiently.

After turning over, the bottom layer will also heat up. The dug up bed must be loosened with a rake so that it does not dry out. Residues of vegetation can be sent to compost pit.

You can improve soil quality with the help of microelements. Garden crops are often deficient in iron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. It is necessary to add green sand or algae flour to the soil (can be purchased at a specialized store, or made independently if you have a reservoir), which are rich in these elements.

For this procedure, purified sludge and rotted leaves remaining after cleaning gutters are ideal. This method is completely organic.

How to prepare the soil in a greenhouse

The soil in the greenhouse must be changed periodically, even if crop rotation is observed. If you plan to grow the same plants as last year, this procedure is mandatory.

The top layer of soil is sent to a compost pit and replaced with ready-made humus. The beds are sown with early greens and radishes. When you harvest them in a month, the area will be ready for planting vegetable seedlings.

How to prepare a new area for planting

If you decide to expand the planting area, then you should properly process the virgin soil. To do this, you need to cut the turf in small squares. Using a shovel, make cuts on four sides, and then trim from the bottom.

There are several ways to use the resulting material:

  • The removed turf is sent to the compost pit. The soil at the site of the future garden bed is loosened with a fork and covered with a layer of humus, compost and loose garden soil. In this area it is recommended to plant large-seeded crops, such as: pumpkin, beans or corn;
  • In the absence compost heap, you can turn the pieces of turf over with the grass side down and cover the area with them, then beat it well with a shovel. This place must be covered with black film so that the weeds do not grow and the turf is well rotted. This soil will later be suitable for seedlings of tomatoes or berry bushes.

How to improve the quality of soil for planting garden crops

There are a number of measures to improve the quality of soil for planting garden crops.

  • For the active development of the above-ground parts of plants, nitrogen is necessary, phosphorus is useful for the roots, and potassium helps fight diseases. The description of each crop contains information about the plant’s need for these elements and their proportions;
  • Give preference to organic fertilizers, since synthesized ones only temporarily feed the plants, but do not improve the quality of the soil. Fertilizers of plant and animal origin create and maintain the necessary microflora in the soil;
  • Use compost own production. A properly organized and prepared compost pit will allow you to get quality fertilizer, which can significantly improve the characteristics of the earth without special costs;
  • Use mixed soil with compost for new crops. Each plant has its own ratio of fertilizer and soil. For example, vegetable crops require 20% compost and 80% mixed soil. This will create conditions for good growth seedlings and increase productivity;
  • Crop rotation planning. You should not plant the same crops in the same place year after year, this quickly depletes the soil and weakens it. Create a plant rotation schedule and stick to it every year;
  • Introduction of fungi and bacteria into the soil. Similar supplements can be purchased at specialized stores. Their main task is to improve soil health. For example, the Mycorrhiza fungus helps the root system of plants receive more moisture and essential nutrients, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria enrich the soil with nitrogen.

Bottom line

When preparing the soil for planting in the spring, it is worth remembering that each garden culture has its own needs for fertilizers and additives. Regular crop rotation should be carried out, organic fertilizers and retain moisture to avoid soil washout. It is important to take into account the recommended norms of certain microelements indicated on seed packages, and, if necessary, carry out laboratory analysis soil.

They begin preparing for the new gardening season ahead of time. Even in the fall, they carefully dig up the ground and supply it with necessary fertilizers and get rid of garbage. At the end of winter you need to draw up detailed plan preparatory and sowing work, which will allow you to plan future plantings and achieve effective use time with the onset of spring.

When do they start preparing the beds?

Usually everything earthworks the season begins in April. It is impossible to give a more precise date, since much depends on the prevailing weather and the climatic characteristics of your region. Often there is still snow at this time, and the temperature is below zero. You should not rush into the furrow as soon as the snow melts. At this stage, the earth is still very heavy, filled with moisture and cold. You need to wait for the sun to dry and warm the soil, otherwise your gardening will be like mixing mud. The only thing you can do while the earth recovers after a long winter period, - free shrubs and plants from winter protection.

To know the soil is ready, take some in your hands and crumble it. It should break up into small lumps, and not lie as a heavy massive block. You shouldn’t wait for the soil to dry out. If early sowing of crops is planned, then soil preparation begins earlier - when there is still remnant snow. In this case, the beds must be sprinkled with peat or ash, which will speed up the warming of the earth and allow crops to be planted much earlier.

Preparation stages

Spring preparation and its stages primarily depend on the work done in the fall. The better you do in October, the easier it will be for you when the new season begins. Therefore, it is recommended to begin preparing beds for spring immediately after the end of the previous season.

Digging or loosening

What exactly to do and in what sequence depends on the characteristics of the soil and how the area was processed in the fall. If at the end of the previous season the earth was not dug up, then you will have to do this in the spring - many gardeners do just that, while fertilizing the soil with nitrogen-containing fertilizers - this will allow the remains of weeds and other organic matter to decompose. In spring there is no need to dig deep (no more than 15 cm) - more thorough plowing should be left for autumn. Technique is much more important - try to ensure formation turnover so that bottom part appeared on the surface.

After spring digging, the soil should stand for a while and become compacted; vegetables and other plantings cannot be planted immediately. As a rule, 3-5 days are enough, after which you can begin planting work. If the ground was dug up in the fall, then it is loosened. At the same time, it is necessary to remove the roots of weeds as much as possible, otherwise they will quickly fill the space and absorb from the soil the basic nutrients that are so necessary for cultivated plants.

To loosen the soil, use a rotary cultivator or star roller, which easily breaks up earth blocks and makes the soil evenly crumbly. It is enough to “comb” light soil with a regular rake.

What to do with weeds

It is better to put all plant waste that is collected from the beds in the spring into a compost bin. Last year's leaves and various rhizomes, sprouts and flowers of dandelions go here. You can fertilize the compost pit with manure, but in this case you will have to wait until it rots and only then use the resulting humus. Do not put cabbage stumps or tomato roots into compost - all of these can be carriers of diseases. To make the compost ripen faster, do not forget to stir it with a pitchfork on sunny days to saturate the cavities with oxygen.

Soil nutrition

What and how to fertilize the soil in spring is a subject of debate among many gardeners. Some prefer organic fertilizers, others choose mineral ones, and others even make do with proper crop rotation. To understand what exactly is needed, evaluate the soil characteristics - acidity level and moisture supply. Most often used:

  • compost - retains moisture well, saturating the soil nutrients;
  • sand - improves the drainage qualities of clay soil, it is better to use the construction variety;
  • manure - added during digging, helps retain moisture and provides drainage, thanks to high content nitrogen reduces the number of weeds;
  • calcium-containing materials - reduce soil acidity, scattered over the surface before forming beds;
  • peat moss - perfectly retains moisture, used in sandy soil;
  • sawdust is an excellent drainage material that eliminates excess water.

When using fertilizers, it is important to observe moderation - an excess of them is just as harmful to plants as a deficiency. Follow fertilizer application recommendations based on the type of soil and crops you plan to grow.


One of the most labor-intensive procedures, requiring considerable experience and skills from gardeners. Many people prefer to dig up only the ridge itself where the crop will be planted. At the same time, the distance between the ridges remains untouched and the weeds have full control. On the one hand, there is less work: there is no need to open and plow the compressed soil (if the path has always been in this place). But on the other hand, it is this path that becomes the source of the spread of weeds. The grass shamelessly grows into carefully cleaned beds, forcing you to weed again and again. Sawdust or mowed grass can cope with this - they are periodically sprinkled on the rows, which does not allow weeds to appear.

If the territory allows, arrange narrow beds - 50 cm wide and with a boundary of 90-100 cm. With this approach, plants get the maximum solar energy, nutrients and moisture, due to which they grow rapidly without special effort from the human side. In cold regions it is advisable to form raised beds. Their borders are treated with any suitable material: logs, slate, boards, etc. The width of such a bed is 1-1.2 meters, and the height is 50 cm.

Preparing beds for different crops

  • For a rich harvest carrots It is recommended to mix the seeds with a small amount of sand. A good neighbor For the orange vegetable, onions are used - they also add a little sand to it, which, by the way, makes harvesting easier.
  • cucumbers grow well if in autumn or early spring add a good layer of compost (not fresh, but prepared in advance) to the soil. To get rid of various organisms in the soil, it is recommended to steam the soil with boiling water or pour a pinkish solution of manganese shortly before planting.
  • For garlic use either compost or double superphosphate and others mineral fertilizers, depending on the type of soil. Since this is a sun-loving plant, it is recommended to plant it in high, narrow beds. Some gardeners prepare the ground for planting garlic using a mixture of peas, oats and white mustard.
  • For tomatoes The soil must be protected from evaporation - when it is slightly dry, it is leveled with a rake, which speeds up its warming up. After some time, weeds appear on the surface - it is important to remove them completely at this stage. Tomatoes love organic (rotted) and mineral fertilizers.
  • Rich harvest potatoes can be obtained by digging the ground well in the fall and repeating the procedure in the spring, but to a shallower depth. At the same time, you need to add nitrogen fertilizers. After plowing, the bed is harrowed. If the soil is too wet, it is necessary to organize drainage channels and sand the soil.
  • For strawberries treat the ground with a solution copper sulfate(2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). Poultry manure or compost is used as fertilizer. It is advisable to sprinkle the beds with ash or chopped straw (sawdust). Nitrogen fertilizers will not be superfluous either.
  • Noble Harvest beets can be obtained if you generously fertilize the soil with humus or compost - 2-2.5 kg are added per 1 m2. A little ammonium nitrate (17-19 g), superphosphate and potassium chloride will not hurt.

Preparing beds in greenhouses

Typically, the same crops are planted in greenhouses year after year, which requires gardeners special attention to the soil in the greenhouse. It is important to properly prepare the soil so that the next harvest is sufficiently abundant. This requires:

  1. Replace the top layer of soil - remove 10-20 cm and add a purchased or self-prepared mixture (one part turf land accounts for one part river sand, three humus and five peat).
  2. Sow green manure in the inter-row spaces.
  3. Use EM preparations designed to make the harvest environmentally friendly and safe.

Greenhouses are protected from snow in winter, so in spring the soil inside can be dry. To prevent this, add snow at the end of spring. When it melts, the ground will be saturated with moisture and prepared to receive seeds.

Preparing beds using EM technology + video

Recently, there has been more and more talk about processing beds using EM technology. We are talking about mixing cultures of beneficial organisms that create optimal microflora in the soil, creating best conditions for enhanced plant growth. The essence of the technique is to treat the beds with special solutions that saturate the soil with the necessary elements and significantly increase fruit set.

To prepare the land using this technology, it is necessary, as soon as the soil “ripes”:

  1. Treat it with a Fokin flat cutter or hoe.
  2. Water with EM solution at a rate of 1:100. For each square meter there are approximately 1.5-2 liters of this solution.
  3. Sow if desired.
  4. Plant seedlings directly into green manure crops, which are then mowed and used as mulch in other areas.

After such preparation, seeds and seedlings are planted only after 2-2.5 weeks. Such preparation has a particularly beneficial effect on the yield of root crops and melons: the number of rotten fruits and fruits affected by pathogenic microflora is reduced, the natural fertility of the soil is restored, and humus accumulates.

Every day the air gets cooler and the sky gets darker. This means it's time to save bright colors autumn in our homes. Just a few simple and inexpensive accents can make any interior truly cozy and inviting. The queen of autumn, the pumpkin, will help us with this. This universal material, from which a huge amount can be made interesting crafts. Pumpkin decor looks mysterious and attractive. It can be varied endlessly.

Sweet pepper came to Europe in the 15th century from South America and the Europeans liked it so much that today, for example, in Hungary there is even a museum dedicated exclusively to pepper. This vegetable is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes it an indispensable product. healthy eating. In this article I want to talk about my experience of growing bell pepper V open ground. And why I manage to receive every year good harvests this irreplaceable vegetable.

The smell of raspberries for me is firmly associated with childhood - the gentle hands of my grandmother and amazing delicious jam, which was given out in teaspoons and only during a cold. Even then I dreamed of having a lot of raspberries. My dream has come true, every year I harvest a double harvest. The first one is from regular raspberries and forcing of the second year of remontant. And in the fall - the second - 3-5 glasses a day from remontant first-years. I’ll tell you how to care for raspberries in the fall in this article.

Apple mustard from Antonovka, prepared at home with your own hands, will outshine all industrial competitors. The mustard is thick, vigorous, and the mustard seeds add variety to the texture. This seasoning is ideal for meat, fish, and sausage; even just spreading it on a slice of fresh bread will be delicious! It’s not worth preparing large quantities for future use; it’s always better to add a portion of fresh mustard sauce; in just 3 days, the mustard will gain strength and become hot.

Among the countless varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers, there are those, such as the Ramiro pepper, whose popularity is literally worldwide. And if most vegetables on supermarket shelves are nameless, and it is almost impossible to find out about their variety, then the name of this pepper “Ramiro” will certainly be on the packaging. And, as my experience has shown, this pepper is worth letting other gardeners know about it. In connection with which this article was written.

Autumn is the favorite time of many gardeners. The main harvest has already been collected and processed, but the time for rest has not yet come. There is still a lot to do in the garden and beds, but it is important to devote time to the flower garden. There really is something to do here, because many flowers are replanted and propagated in the fall, and the appearance of the flowerbeds will largely depend on the preparation of the soil in the flower beds. ornamental garden V next year. Read about what needs to be done in the flower garden in the fall in this article.

Jellied pie with fruit and sour cream filling is an easy to prepare and very tasty homemade pie that can be prepared in less than an hour. For the filling you can use any fruit or fresh berries, however, I advise you to give preference to sweet and dense ones, for example, as in this recipe - pear, bananas, sweet plums. For preparation you will also need a form with non-stick coating and a low side, a cake pan with a removable bottom is suitable.

Autumn is the most mushroom time. It is no longer hot, and heavy dew falls in the mornings. Since the earth is still warm, and foliage has already attacked from above, creating a completely special microclimate in the ground layer, the mushrooms are very comfortable. Mushroom pickers are also comfortable at this time, especially in the mornings when it is cooler. It's time for both to meet. And, if you haven’t introduced yourself to each other, get to know each other. In this article I will introduce you to exotic, little-known and not always edible mushrooms that look like coral.

Leader in healing properties Aloe vera in our country is still inferior in popularity to the simple, almost invulnerable aloe vera. Even him popular name“Agave” indicates that the plant can withstand almost any kind of care and is very durable. But aloe vera is rarely found on the list of the most decorative species not by chance. To keep it in shape and not grow huge prickly giants, you need to know some secrets of the formation of this plant.

Pumpkin puree with zucchini and apples - tender, creamy, sweet and sour. Puree prepared according to this recipe is suitable for children and dietary nutrition. For kids, you can mix the finished puree with milk or cream, and add a few spoons of soft cottage cheese to it. It is very difficult to determine the taste of pumpkin and zucchini in this dish. The aroma of apples plays the first fiddle, the rest of the ingredients seem to be there, but you need to be an expert in kitchen tricks to name the vegetables included in the puree.

If you are a busy person, but at the same time not devoid of romance, if you have your own plot and are endowed with aesthetic taste, then explore the opportunity to purchase this wonderful ornamental shrub– karyopteris, or Nutwing. He is also “wing-hazel”, “blue fog” and “blue beard”. It truly fully combines unpretentiousness and beauty. Karyopteris reaches its peak of decorativeness in late summer and autumn. It is at this time that it blooms.

Pepper ajvar - vegetable caviar or thick vegetable sauce made from bell peppers with eggplants. The peppers for this recipe are baked for quite a long time, and then they are also stewed. Add to ajvar onions, tomatoes, eggplants. To store eggs for the winter, they are sterilized. This Balkan recipe is not for those who like to make preparations quickly, undercooked and underbaked - not about ajvar. In general, we approach the matter in detail. For the sauce, we choose the ripest and meatiest vegetables on the market.

Despite simple names(“sticky” or “indoor maple”) and the status of a modern substitute indoor hibiscus, abutilons are far from the simplest plants. They grow well, bloom profusely and delight with a healthy look of greenery only in optimal conditions. On thin leaves Any deviations from comfortable lighting or temperatures and disturbances in care quickly become apparent. To reveal the beauty of abutilons in rooms, it is worth finding the ideal place for them.

Zucchini fritters with Parmesan and mushrooms - a delicious recipe with photos of available products. Ordinary zucchini pancakes can be easily turned into a non-boring dish by adding a few savory ingredients to the dough. During squash season, treat your family to vegetable pancakes with forest mushrooms, it is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. Zucchini - versatile vegetable, it is suitable for stuffing, for preparations, for main courses, and even for sweets delicious recipes- compotes and jam are made from zucchini.

September is a time of active harvesting and processing of crops, as well as the time to prepare the garden for the spring season. At the beginning of the month, potatoes, carrots, and beets are dug up; in the second month, zucchini, pumpkins, white roots, and cabbage are harvested.

When the vegetables are harvested and stored in storage, the remaining tops are collected and placed in a compost pit. It's good to have several compost bins to use them alternately. Usually three is enough: in 3 years the compost in the first box has time to mature, and you can use it in the fall to renew the soil in the beds and mulch tree trunk circles trees and shrubs. This will enrich the soil with nutrients and protect the roots from freezing. And put plant debris in the empty box.

Autumn fertilizers.

In August, you should stop adding nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, since they are growth stimulants, and new shoots will not have enough time to prepare for winter. But from the addition of potassium and phosphate fertilizers There's no point in giving up.

In addition, in the fall you can add organic matter: manure, humus. Under fruit trees It is useful to add dolomite flour: it deoxidizes the soil.

We make beds according to the rules.

It's best to make beds late autumn. After all, in the spring you will have a lot of other worries, and you don’t have to dig up the finished bed, just loosen it and use it for planting.

In order for the bed to be warm and fertile, you need to follow a certain sequence when planting it.
There are 2 types of such beds: high, raised above the ground, and regular, just above ground level.

In the first case, it is advisable to build a frame for the bed, into which drainage and other things are laid, and in the second, a trench is dug, less than 40 cm deep and wide. Then the drainage is laid in the trench. If you make high beds, they do not require digging, since the soil in them is bulk. Such beds are easier to process (no need to bend over when weeding), which is very important for older people.

Important! It is necessary to alternate layers of plant organic matter with layers of soil, this will speed up the decomposition process and improve the quality of the soil.

The lower layer consists of small branches, chips and sawdust (at least 30 cm), then a layer of soil (6-10 cm). The next layer is straw, hay, leaves, manure and other organic matter. It is advisable to add earth to this layer. The height is about the same. The last layer is compost. It should be at least 20 cm. The finished bed should be well watered and sprinkled with earth on top: it will be easier for the seeds to germinate.

Such a bed lasts 5-6 years, then it will need to be updated in the same sequence. There is a minimal amount of weeds on it, especially if you mulch already sprouted or rooted plants. The beds require abundant watering, so in the fall you need to loosen them (by 10 cm) and add compost and soil.

Mulching the soil for the winter.

Used for mulching different materials: peat, wood shavings and sawdust, fallen leaves, bark, rotted organic matter. Everything is laid in a layer of 5-10 cm.

Strawberry plantings are covered with a continuous carpet. Berry bushes are mulched within a radius of 50-75 cm, and fruit trees - within a radius of 1 m from the trunk.

You can fill mesh bags with mulch and place them around trees and shrubs. This is convenient if you use mulching as protection from frost and use dense materials that absorb moisture (peat, sawdust). Due to their low thermal conductivity, they will prevent the soil from warming up. And you can remove the bags quickly and easily.

Plan future plantings.

On a suitable day, sit down to rest and plan where and what you need to plant. Consider the compatibility of closely growing crops and the peculiarities of crop rotation. And if you don’t have a specially made water supply on your site, then you can think about the location of the beds in order to save own strength when watering.

If you are pouring water from a well using a pump, then it is wiser to place the beds around the well, thinking through a passage system between them. You can arrange them radially (in a circle) or create a “radial system”. This way you will have to walk less and will need shorter hoses.

Be sure to close the passages between the beds. Boards, stones, sawdust, covering material, roofing felt or geotextiles are suitable. Don't leave the ground bare for the weeds to enjoy.

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For uninformed and novice gardeners, all preparation of beds comes down to only digging up the earth, which may be true if the earth is not depleted long-term plantings, but what should those who, say, just purchased a dacha, where the previous owners had been growing all kinds of crops for many years, do? Or the newly purchased plot, although virgin land, has extremely poor soil? Today, dear summer residents, we actually want to talk to you about how to prepare the beds in the fall, namely, to share the long-term personal experience. A lot of different information and discussions exist on this topic on the Internet, but here we will talk about two simple, but effective ways- how to prepare beds for winter.

Cleaning the garden in the fall

To ensure next year's vegetable harvest, preparing beds in the fall is a necessary and important event. Work in the garden should begin with removing tops and weeds from the beds. Old grass is a favorite wintering place for garden pests and rodents, so preparing beds for winter begins with thoroughly cleaning them.

Tops vegetable plants, plant debris and weeds can be destroyed in two ways:

  • Burn - when plant residues are burned, pathogens are destroyed infectious diseases and pests. The ash can be used to fertilize beds and garden trees.
  • Prepare compost - this method of disposing of weeds takes longer than burning, but the resulting nutrient substrate will help to inexpensively and efficiently increase the fertility of garden beds.

Fertilizer for the garden in autumn

Practices natural farming in unison they urge everyone not to dig the beds under any circumstances. And even more so, you should not plow your plot in the fall, adding manure and other fertilizers - wasted work. It is better to scatter all fertilizers over the surface of the soil, without plowing anything anywhere. If you keep animals and have manure, great. It can be laid out on the vacant beds mixed with tops, leaves or sawdust. If there is no manure, there is no need to spend money on purchasing it (purchased manure very often introduces a huge number of diseases onto the site). It’s better to scatter ash over all the beds: the more, the better. Do not throw away branches when pruning trees and bushes, do not clutter garbage bins with rotten boards, and do not throw away newspapers, paper and cardboard. Burn it all and save the ash - one of the best organic fertilizers.

Mulching the garden in the fall

Another commandment of natural farming: return to the earth everything that you have absorbed. cultivated plants. In order for the soil not to be depleted, but to remain alive and fertile, it must be provided with a large amount of organic matter. When else is there plenty of organic matter, if not in the fall? Leave all the tops on the beds, cover them with a thick layer of leaf litter, pine needles, grass and other mulching materials, and you can cover everything with cardboard on top. Such mulching not only enriches the soil with nutrients, but also protects it from freezing. Don't forget about the tree trunks. They also need to be mulched to insulate the roots. All materials will do, except straw and hay: mice like to live in them.

Sowing green manure in autumn

“Siderata” are plants sown in order to increase soil fertility, protect it from weeds, and rid it of diseases and pests.

How do green manures work in the fall? Some of them gain good green mass by November (mustard, rapeseed, oats, peas) and, freezing in winter, act as mulch, i.e. cover the ground with a soft carpet, rotting it in the spring and introducing additional organic matter into the ground, minerals, which green manures carried from the depths of the arable layer.

Other perennials (rye, alfalfa, sainfoin, lupine) also act as a protective carpet, but in the spring they continue to develop, pierce the ground with their roots, creating a system of capillaries and passages that allow air and moisture to freely penetrate into the soil. Due to this, soil microorganisms, worms, bacteria, and fungi multiply rapidly. All of them create humus, which increases soil fertility. Spring waters flow freely into the depths. There is no trace of erosion. The thick green mass of green manure in spring provides an abundance of organic mulch, which covers the beds. Substances released by some green manures repel pests and prevent diseases from developing.


Preparing beds for winter in a greenhouse

After harvesting in the greenhouse, you need to tidy up here, that is, clear the soil of all waste - seeds, roots, remains of stems and leaves, pests. The last one, by the way, is the most difficult and unpleasant. To destroy larvae of various garden insects The soil in the greenhouse needs to be disinfected.

There are several common methods for this:

  • fumigation with sulfur; (controversial issue)...
  • watering with a solution of 40% carbation and karbofos;
  • digging;
  • manual assembly larvae

Next, the beds in the greenhouse need to be fertilized. To do this, during the digging process, humus, manure, peat, superphosphate or potassium sulfate are added to the soil. The proportions of fertilizers are calculated depending on what will be planted in the greenhouse next year.

The top of the beds should be sprinkled with sand or ash and covered with straw. Another good option preserve the warmth of the earth - cover the greenhouse soil with fallen snow. In the spring it will melt and saturate the dry soil with moisture.

Preparing the flower garden for winter

The rule has long been known: before winter, flowers go away without leaves. Of course, this does not apply to late-flowering bush asters, but order is order, and all above-ground parts of flower crops should be cut off. This is especially true for daylilies. As soon as the leaves turn yellow, soften, or even rot, they must be cut off immediately.

Typically, pruning is carried out at a level of 10 cm. For pruning, we use scissors or pruning shears, but under no circumstances should the leaves be torn off! After pruning, mulch the soil. Oddly enough, daylilies are very responsive to mulching with overgrown dill. That’s why I don’t throw away the dill stems on my site, but simply stack them until it’s time to mulch the daylilies. The stems of phlox also need to be cut off, even if flowering continues. By the way, even at this late time, phloxes can be transplanted to a new place with a lump of earth.

Phloxes love moisture very much, and autumn transplant, especially after the rains, only benefits them. At this time, you can scatter phlox seeds over previously dug soil, without even sprinkling, and in the spring you will get wonderful planting material.

To prolong the flowering of autumn bush asters (they are also called “Octobers”), you can water them warm water with added sugar: 1 teaspoon per liter. Asters will bloom even under the first snow.

In late autumn we begin covering roses and lilies. Our winters are unpredictable, so there is no need to overdo it with excessive insulation. If the winter is mild enough, roses under too much cover will simply die, lilies will soften and lose their ability to germinate.

Therefore, it is enough to trample the soil under the rose bushes and cover them with pine needles, and it is better to chop the spruce paws as finely as possible. The needles themselves will generate heat, mice will not get to the roots, and after snow falls, you just need to pour cone-shaped snowdrifts over each rose bush. Lilies should not be touched at all until the snow falls, and then do the same procedure as with roses.

The soil in a flower garden, as a rule, should be more fertile than even in a vegetable garden. Therefore, it needs to be improved in the fall.


Do not try to prepare the soil for winter in one fell swoop over the entire area,

do it slowly, two or three beds a day,

otherwise your gardening work will turn not into a hobby and joy, but into hard labor.