Stripes on the laptop screen - what is the reason and what to do? A vertical stripe appears on the monitor - who is causing the problem?

Diagnosing faults on a laptop is always a little more difficult than it is with personal computer, since almost the entire structure of the device is one monolithic block. One of the common troubles that happen with a laptop is streaks appearing on the screen. It seems to be handled with care, and you don’t have to use the laptop all the time, but the problem still arises. Let's consider this problem and ways to solve it in detail.

There are several common reasons why stripes appear on laptop screens:

  • The cable connecting the matrix to the laptop board is damaged (poor contact, broken);
  • Failure of the matrix itself - in this case the matrix will need to be replaced;
  • A malfunction in the motherboard - most often occurs due to overheating of individual components;
  • There is a malfunction in the video card - in some cases repair is possible, in other cases the video card can be replaced.
One way or another, almost all the situations considered will require contacting service center for repairs. At home, there is only the possibility of replacing the video card, and only if it is not built-in. Do-it-yourselfers can, of course, try to replace the cable or matrix on their own, but there are a number of difficulties here, which will be discussed later. You can only try to reinstall the video card driver yourself and without loss, but this should rather be done in order to dismiss one of the supposed but unlikely causes of the malfunction.

Let's try to guess the cause of the problem using several techniques.

  1. At the first stage, for diagnostics at home, we will need a separate monitor, which should be connected to a laptop. If the monitor shows a normal picture without stripes, then the problem lies in a faulty matrix or a damaged cable. If the monitor also produces stripes, it means that you will need repair or replacement of the motherboard or video card.
  2. You can also check in a simple, but somewhat barbaric way, by simply holding the laptop screen with both hands and trying to bend it or press it with your finger - if the stripes change, then the fault is either in the matrix or in the cable.
  3. We check whether the stripes change or disappear when opening and closing the laptop. Changes on the screen in this case indicate that the matrix cable is faulty. It is worth remembering that stripes and dead pixels are completely different problems.

Thus, replacing the matrix is ​​necessary in the following cases:

Repair or replacement of the cable will be required if there are many multi-colored lines on the screen, and the image itself ripples or flickers, and the image changes when opening and closing the laptop.

In this case, the external monitor should show everything correctly.

The motherboard or video card needs to be repaired if:

Multi-colored lines run across the entire screen, usually repeating at certain intervals, while the same picture is created on the connected monitor

There are ripples across the screen, as in the case when the matrix is ​​faulty, but replacing it did not produce results

Now - more about how to solve the problem with stripes on the screen.

If it turns out that the cable is faulty, then there are three solutions.
  1. Send it in for repairs.
  2. Try to find exactly the same cable on sale, but the attempt is unlikely to be successful due to the wide variation in product names.
  3. Try to repair the faulty cable on our own. To do this, you will need a tester, a soldering iron, a stranded wire like MGTF and the appropriate skills or an electronics engineer friend who is ready to help you. The essence of the work will be to use a tester to find damaged wiring and replace the faulty one with a new one. The new wiring will need to be pulled over the old one and soldered at the ends.

The MGTF wire itself includes one or more conductors covered with a layer of fluoroplastic film insulation. Instead of MGTF, you can purchase thin copper wires, but practice shows that MGTF wire is easier to find on sale. It can be found at any radio markets and radio electronics stores.

If it turns out that the reason for the appearance of stripes lies in a malfunction of the video card or motherboard, then we can advise the following.
There are two types of video cards in laptops - integrated (built-in) and external, depending on the laptop model. You can only replace the external video card yourself; it is inserted into the PCMCIA slot. It won’t cost you a lot, but it’s still cheaper than repairs at some service center.

If the video card is integrated, or the motherboard is faulty, then the laptop will have to be taken in for repair. Most likely, the repair will cost you a lot, so be sure to ask the service center representatives to agree on a price in advance. After all, the invoice amount that you will be charged for the service may be close to the price of the laptop itself, but even if it costs you half a laptop, think carefully about whether you really need it? After all, in any case, a refurbished laptop is not new technology, and he can let you down at the most unexpected moment.

If the chip on the video card malfunctions, the service will most likely offer you one of the following options

Warming up the chip– most budget option repair, but there is no guarantee that this will solve the problem, and even if successful, the malfunction may occur again;

Chip reballing– complete dismantling of the chip and its re-installation – in other words, this is a simple re-soldering, but it is called that because of the installation features.

Reballing, of course, will cost more than warming up, but in 99% of cases it will provide a successful result.

Chip replacement- the most expensive option, and it’s not a fact that replacement is justified; often reballing is enough to fix the problem.
One way or another, the choice is yours. You just have to weigh the pros and cons of each option, based on the cost of repairs, the laptop itself, and expert advice.

The motherboard can also fail due to oxidized contacts, overheating or minor corrosion, for example, after spilled tea. Options for solving the problem will be similar to those in the situation with a video card.

The appearance of stripes on a laptop screen falls into the category of complex breakdowns. And if you hope that you will deal with this problem within a few minutes, then unfortunately, this is not the case.

Difficulty of diagnosis

Diagnosing such a problem on a laptop is much more difficult than on a regular computer. This is due, first of all, to the design features of laptops and their more complex structure.

Stripes on a laptop screen can be horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored, and the reasons for their appearance usually lie in problems with the latter’s hardware devices.

You can also see ripples on the screen, skewed images, mirror color rendition (black - gray, red - green, etc.), displaying the image as a negative.

Reasons why stripes appear on a laptop screen

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon:

  • 1. The simplest reason in this situation is overheating of the video card.

For example, this situation happened with the Dell M5110 laptop. In the lower part, in the area of ​​the discrete video card (there are two of them), it got so hot that the leatherette on which it stood began to melt and stick to it.

As a result, the periodic appearance of colored stripes and ripples on the screen. The problem was partially solved by purchasing a stand with laptop coolers. Stripes appear, but very rarely.

  • 2. Complete failure of the video card.

As a rule, the main reason for such a breakdown is also overheating or hardware failure. The power supply copes well with power surges, so this reason unlikely.

In such a situation, either stripes appear on the screen even when the OS is loading, or the laptop does not start at all.

This problem can be solved by repairing or upgrading the video card. This is not easy to do on a laptop; you need to have the skills of at least a novice electronics engineer. But we will talk about these points further.

  • 3. The system board has failed.

The situation is the same as point 2; diagnosing the problem is difficult, but possible. We will talk about this further.

  • 4. The cable has failed.

From the motherboard to the matrix there is a special cable through which the signal is transmitted.

Poor contact at the connection point, burnout or fracture of the cable can cause interruptions in signal transmission to the matrix, hence the appearance of stripes.

  • 5. Problems with the matrix, its failure.

The situation is critical, there is only one way out, the matrix requires replacement.

In this situation, it is a rare case when reinstalling or updating the video card drivers helps, and hoping that this will help is not worth it, it is indeed a rare case.

Diagnosing problems

The most main task In all this, correctly diagnose the cause of the problem.

A complete diagnosis of the reasons for the appearance of stripes on a laptop screen can only be carried out in service centers using special equipment.

But initial diagnosis, which can also tell us a lot, is also possible at home.

Using an additional monitor

An additional monitor can be connected to a laptop via a connector VGA.

There can be two results:

  1. Everything will be displayed normally on the additional monitor;
  2. Similar bars will appear as on the laptop screen.

The result of step 1 tells us that the laptop’s video card is working, problems should be looked for in the matrix and cable of the laptop.

Result 2 tells us that there are problems with the motherboard and video card. In both cases, repairs are inevitable.

Checking the matrix

  • Checking the matrix at home is possible by partially deforming it.
  • Try not to push the monitor screen too much in areas where there are the largest number of stripes.
  • Then, carefully, with both hands, try to slightly bend the screen in a horizontal plane.
  • In both cases, notice how the colors of the stripes change, their contrast and brightness.
  • If changes are visible, then the cause of the breakdown is in the matrix or cable.

When do you need to change the laptop matrix?

We replace the laptop matrix in cases:

  • Provided that a parallel connected monitor is working. If, when the matrix is ​​deformed in the horizontal and vertical planes and its surface is pressed inward, the color rendition of the stripes changes, the stripes disappear and reappear.
  • The presence of stripes is observed at all stages of computer boot - BIOS, WINDOWS.
  • Ripples appeared on the screen, wide white or multi-colored stripes were visible.

  • The matrix displays the image in negative or the colors are being substituted, for example, it should be red, but green is displayed, blue is yellow, black is light gray, etc.

Checking the cable

  • The cable is flexible and this is understandable, because the laptop screen cannot be in the “stowed” position all the time, and this is not a computer. Deformation of the cable occurs constantly, and therefore the probability of its failure is high.
  • Slowly opening and quickly closing the lid and vice versa, observe how the strips “behave.” Any changes on the monitor screen indicate that the source of the problem is the cable.

What does the matrix cable look like for the Asus X51RL laptop.

When do you need to “deal” with a loop?

Condition – a parallel connected monitor shows a clear picture.

  • It is necessary to repair, or better yet change, the matrix cable in cases where the image on the screen is unclear, ripples, flickers periodically, or has a large number of colored and white lines.
  • While the laptop is booting and running, there are vertical columns of white pixels on the screen.
  • Opening and closing the lid “revitalizes” all these errors on the screen.

Video card

The video card requires attention if the laptop screen and a parallel connected monitor display a picture with multi-colored lines, and other errors in the image are also duplicated.

  • At the very beginning of the computer boot, there are no horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored stripes, but when Windows boots, the stripes appear.
  • When Windows boots, the image disappears and a black screen appears.
  • The laptop gets very hot in the area where the video card is located (the motherboard may also get hot).

System board

  • The motherboard requires attention in the same cases as the video card (see above).
  • If replacing the cable, video card and matrix did not correct the situation.
  • Now let's look at ways to solve the problem with stripes on a laptop screen.

Ways to solve the problem


Problems with the cable going to the matrix most often arise in older laptop models. In new models, manufacturers are already using more advanced constructive solutions, thanks to which the trains last a very long time.

This is the difficulty of repair; finding such a cable for an old laptop model will be difficult, but possible.

Before you go to the radio market or electronics flea market, write down the model of the matrix, without this there is no way.

The service center is unlikely to want to sell you such a rare “spare part”, and no one will want to lose a client, but what if you decide to give the laptop to them for repair.

If you find the cable you need, you’re lucky; if not, you can try to do it yourself.

To do this, you will need some minor electronics skills, a soldering iron, solder, rosin, a tester and, most importantly, MGTF type wire.

To ring a loop with a tester, you will have to reach both ends. The repair technology is simple as hell.

We call, find a break (if there is one), and instead of the broken wire, solder a duplicate wire parallel to it.

If there is no break, then the problem lies in more expensive components.

System board

The system board may not fail completely. As a result of overheating separate area The microchip or bus responsible for exchanging data with the video card may fail.

Also pay attention to the PCMCIA slot where the video card is inserted, to see if there are any burnt or oxidized contacts there. After all, they pour tea and coffee onto laptops.

But in any case, repairs cannot be avoided. But first order diagnostics, and if you are offered to re-solder any chip or clean the contacts, you can still agree to this.

Complicated repairs to a burnt-out motherboard are not worth it; it’s easier to replace it with a new one.

Video card

The situation is similar with a video card. A video chip is soldered onto it, which can fail as a result of overheating.

Here you need to follow three paths. Let's consider them in descending order, with respect to the high cost and reliability of the work.

  1. Replace this chip immediately (expensive, but reliable);
  2. Dismantle and reinstall the same chip - Rebowling (in most cases it gives results);
  3. Warming up the chip (pay less, but in 99% of cases the problem will recur after a while).

Everyone decides for themselves which method to use.


Do not forget, before leaving your laptop for service, to agree with the technician on the prices for all types of work performed, or better yet, agree on their contract.

Also, do not forget about the certificate of work performed, which indicates the date of repair, what was changed or what was repaired, as well as the warranty.

Bottom line

Of course, it is impossible to describe all situations when stripes appear on a laptop screen.

The problem is so specific and individual that it requires separate study in each case.

It all depends on the laptop model, matrix type, design features and analysis of how often such problems appear on this particular model.

But if we take in percentage terms what was most often repaired and changed in this situation, then cases with matrix replacement - about 40%, cable replacement or repair - about 20%, video cards - about 20%, motherboard - approximately 20% (with taking into account the failure of the integrated video card).

As we see, in most cases it is necessary to change the matrix, but this is not a cheap undertaking; if the cost of replacing it exceeds 50% of the price of a new laptop, then there is no point in such repairs, it is easier to buy a new one.

But everyone decides for themselves. We wish that your laptop screens always delight you with clear and bright images. Good luck.


While many errors and problems on the computer can be tolerated, defects on the screen (the same stripes as in the picture on the left) cannot be tolerated! Not only do they interfere with your view, but they can also damage your eyesight if you work on such an image on the screen for a long time.

Stripes on the screen can appear for various reasons, but most often they are associated with problems with the video card (many people say that artifacts have appeared on the video card...).

Artifacts mean any distortion of the image on a PC monitor. Most often, they appear as ripples, color distortion, stripes with squares across the entire area of ​​the monitor. So what to do with them?

Right away I want to make a small disclaimer. Many people confuse artifacts on the video card with dead pixels on the monitor (a clear difference is demonstrated in Fig. 1).

A dead pixel is a white dot on the screen that does not change color when the picture on the screen changes. Therefore, it is quite easy to detect by filling the screen with different colors one by one.

Artifacts are distortions on the monitor screen that are not related to problems with the monitor itself. It’s just that the video card sends such a distorted signal to it (this happens for many reasons).

There are software artifacts (related to drivers, for example) and hardware artifacts (related to the hardware itself).

Software artifacts

As a rule, they appear when launching some 3D games or applications. If you experience artifacts when loading Windows (also in), most likely you are dealing with hardware artifacts (about them later in the article).

There are many reasons for the appearance of artifacts in the game, but I will analyze the most popular ones.

1) Firstly, I recommend checking video card temperature at work. The thing is that if the temperature reaches critical values- then everything is possible, from distortion of the picture on the screen to failure of the device.

You can read about how to find out the temperature of a video card in my previous article:

If the temperature of the video card exceeds the norm, I recommend cleaning the computer from dust (and special attention When cleaning, pay attention to the video card). Also pay attention to the operation of the coolers; perhaps one of them is not working (or is clogged with dust and does not spin).

Overheating most often occurs in hot summer months. To reduce the temperature of the system unit components, it is even recommended to open the unit cover and place a regular fan opposite it. This primitive method will help to significantly reduce the temperature inside the system unit.

How to clean your computer from dust:

2) The second reason (and quite common) is drivers for video card. I would like to note that neither new nor old drivers provide a guarantee of good performance. Therefore, I recommend updating the driver first, and then (if the picture is just as bad) rolling back the driver or installing an even older one.

Sometimes using “old” drivers is more justified, and for example, they more than once helped me enjoy a game that refused to work normally with new versions of drivers.

How to update drivers with just 1 click:

3) Update DirectX and .NetFrameWork. There is nothing special to comment here, I will give a couple of links to my previous articles:

4) Lack of shader support will almost certainly result in artifacts on the screen ( shaders- these are a kind of scripts for a video card that allow you to implement various special functions. effects in games: dust, ripples on the water, particles of dirt, etc., everything that makes the game so realistic).

Typically, if you try to run new game on an old video card - an error is displayed stating that it is not supported. But sometimes this does not happen, and the game runs on a video card that does not support the required shaders (there are also special shader emulators that help run new games on old PCs).

In this case, you just need to carefully study system requirements games, and if your video card is too old (and weak), then, as a rule, you won’t be able to do anything (except overclocking...).

5) At overclocking a video card Artifacts may appear. In this case, reset the frequencies and return everything to its original state. In general, overclocking is a rather complicated topic and if not handled correctly, you can easily damage the device.

6) A glitchy game can also cause image distortion on the screen. You can usually find out about this by looking at various player communities (forums, blogs, etc.). If there is such a problem, then you are not the only one who will encounter it. Surely, they will also suggest a solution to this problem (if there is one...).

And hardware artifacts

In addition to software artifacts, there may also be hardware artifacts, the cause of which is poorly functioning hardware. As a rule, you will have to observe them absolutely everywhere you are: in the BIOS, on the desktop, when loading Windows, in games, any 2D and 3D applications, etc. The reason for this, most often, is the detachment of the graphics chip; less often, there are problems with overheating of the memory chips.

For hardware artifacts, you can do the following:

1) Replace chip on video card. Expensive (relative to the cost of the video card), it’s tedious to look for an office that will carry out repairs, it takes a long time to search for the right chip, and other problems. It is still unknown how this repair will be carried out for you...

2) Trying on your own warm up the video card. This topic is quite extensive. But I will say right away that such a repair, even if it helps, will not help for long: the video card will work from a week to six months (sometimes up to a year). You can read about warming up the video card from this author:

3) Replacing the video card with a new one. The fastest and simplest option, which sooner or later everyone comes to when artifacts appear...

That's all for me. Good PC work to everyone and fewer errors :)

Modern devices are becoming more comfortable to use every year. Agree, it’s nice to sit down to work at a computer with a monitor that has an ideal image and high-quality color rendition. But what if a line appears on the monitor? What if there are several of them? Before you act, you need to find the problem that is causing the streak or streaks.


To be frank, not a single virus in the world, software failure, or even the lack of some drivers has ever been or will be the cause of streaks appearing on the screen of a computer or laptop. Stripes on the monitor are the result of the negative influence of some computer elements or even their incorrect interaction with each other.

Their character actually means a lot too. In some cases, they can be used to determine whether the problem is in the monitor itself and should be replaced, or in something else.


Problems with your monitor are a great time to check and clean your equipment. Professionals strongly recommend discarding any idea that the problem is in the drivers or the incorrect operation of some programs. This is just a technical question. Why is there such an emphasis on this? Because after the stripes appear, many people turn off the computer and think that it cannot be turned on. Since the problem is in the hardware, the machine continues to work. She's just waiting to be fully diagnosed.

Horizontal or vertical stripes on the monitor may appear due to overheating of the equipment or even breakdown.

Careful inspection

The monitor and computer are connected by one insidious cable - this is VGA. Many devices have holes on the sides of the connector so that this cable can be screwed tightly, but not always. That is why many people suggest starting the search for the cause of the band on the monitor by checking its connection. The cable should “sit” firmly and evenly, no wobbles, and so on. In addition, its surface must be free of any damage. If you see that the cable is pinched or torn, then you can safely change it - further use may be associated with the appearance of defects in the image.


If you encounter the problem described, ask yourself how long ago you cleaned your computer or laptop. And it's not just about running a vacuum cleaner over the device. It is important to regularly thoroughly clean your computer or laptop using a brush and a vacuum cleaner, or a good compressor, and completely replace the thermal paste in the necessary places.

This will allow the equipment not to heat up and operate as smoothly as possible. But what if the streaks on the monitor do not go away even after cleaning?


What is this? These are small cables that connect different parts of the computer to each other. Vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor can be the result of incorrectly or poorly connected cables, and sometimes their complete breakdown.

First, check every millimeter for physical damage. There are quite a few reasons for their occurrence, so we will not focus on this. If you find a tear, a black dot, a suspicious bend, or anything else that raises doubts, check the cable on another device and, if your guess is confirmed, replace it with a new one.

Make sure that each cable is not only in its place (it might even be possible to confuse them experienced master), but also inserted correctly. This is quite painstaking work, but in some cases it helps to get rid of the problem.

The cause of incorrect operation may be oxidation of the contact surface of the cable. To fix it, remove the cable from the connector and wipe the contacts with a regular eraser.

Video card

The video card is the processing center for all images. It is malfunctions in the operation of this small part of the device that most often cause various stripes on the monitor. In order to exclude the video card as the cause of the ripples, you need to check whether it is working correctly.

The check includes:

  • cleaning the board from dust using cotton swabs;
  • removing and returning the board and all connecting cables;
  • checking all wires, which must be intact, without various creases, and so on;
  • working with a cooler that should be free of dust and foreign objects.

If after all the manipulations described above it seems that the card is working properly, try connecting it to another computer, for example, to your friend or relative’s device. If the same stripes appear when you connect your board to another computer, you have found the cause of the described problem. What to do? Take your computer to a service center or buy and install a new video card yourself that matches the parameters of your computer.

However, streaking is not always a problem with the video card. Sometimes it's the monitor itself.

Monitor is faulty

Horizontal stripes on your monitor may be caused by the display device itself. In some cases, this unpleasant pattern appears due to physical damage. What are we talking about? These are falls of the monitor itself, impact of any part of it with something or something, and so on. The streaks that result from this are often colored.

In addition to direct physical impact in the form of blows, negative impact The monitor is exposed to direct sunlight, high humidity or temperature. Any violation of operating rules can also cause stripes.

How can you tell if a vertical line on your monitor is a problem with the screen itself? As one famous hero said: “Elementary, Watson!” You just need to connect the monitor to another computer. You don't need any skills or talents for this!

To understand how to “treat” a device, you need to know how it works.

Monitor design and repair

As you know, the image itself is a set of colored dots. In order to accurately display them on the screen, special chips are built into the monitor that give commands to the pixels and they turn on or, conversely, turn off. These “drivers” are located on the display matrix and each of them is responsible for its own zone.

The matrix cable, through which the signal to reproduce the picture is transmitted, is attached with a special substance - it is a kind of glue with a conductive effect. It is this part of the device that is the weak link, which most often fails. Once the traces peel off from the driver on the cable, thin vertical lines appear on the monitor.

In some cases, adjusting the monitor brightness or making minor repairs can help. The latter includes gluing, or rather, pressing the upper part of the monitor (the cable to the matrix body using, for example, a spacer). But this is only a short-term solution to the problem.

Unfortunately, repairing a broken monitor is not cheap. Why? Thin vertical stripes on the monitor indicate an imminent replacement of the matrix, the cost of which is 80% of the total price of the device. Some people find it makes more sense to simply purchase a new monitor.

Examine the monitor itself

Although at the beginning of the article it was said that stripes are a physical problem, there is a case when the problem is in the monitor itself. What are we talking about? A black stripe on the monitor on either side is an incorrect setting of the unit. This problem happens quite often and does not pose any danger.

To cure your monitor from this “illness”, you can use the most simple advice. Which one? Use the monitor buttons. Any device has an automatic setup button, which will solve this problem in a matter of moments. To be sure to press the right key, study the instructions for your device. This will allow you to determine what resolution your monitor should work with. If your system is set to the wrong resolution or aspect ratio, banding can be easily eliminated correct setting parameters of the image produced by the video card.

By the way, using some other buttons you can adjust the brightness of the monitor that is optimal for your eyes.

Dead pixel

In addition to unpleasant vertical or horizontal stripes on the monitor, many people are really annoyed by the so-called dead pixels. Nowadays, a number of methods have been created that in some cases can save the situation.

  1. "Massage". Hearing an offer to give a damaged pixel a massage, many will raise one eyebrow and start calling a doctor for the person who suggested it. Nevertheless, on various forums you can often come across suggestions from users to gently rub the pixel with a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. There is practically nothing on the Internet about whether this method works. Often it can't help, but it's still worth trying without trying too hard.
  2. A program for adjusting the monitor and eliminating “dead” pixels. This option is more professional, although it does not always solve the tasks assigned to it. The principle of operation of programs for eliminating a broken element is filling it with pixels various colors and shades. According to the developers, the problem should disappear from the monitor after half an hour of running the program. Constant changes in the parameters of the signal output to the pixel should act as a “wedge”, knocking it into normal operation.
  3. Combination of both methods.

If none of this works, you have two options - put up with it or buy a new monitor.

Setting up equipment

In fact, not only the black line on the monitor can interfere comfortable work at the computer. If your device does not display colors correctly, you may experience some trouble. For example, if your work is related to photography, then the colors that an inaccurate monitor shows when displaying the picture on a normal screen can ruin your reputation as a specialist. And if you use a computer for entertainment, then your eyes will get tired many times faster. So what should you do?

  • Adobe Gamma. This program was previously part of Photoshop. Why this is not the case now is partly clear from its design, because it evokes warm feelings of nostalgia for CRT monitors. It was written for them. However, some people find this program excellent and suitable for use with modern systems display information, and no one is going to argue with them.
  • Atrise lutcurve. An inexpensive program in Russian, which is understandable thanks to numerous tips from the author.
  • PowerStrip. The advantage of this program is considered to be the ability to work with a wide variety of video cards with access to more than five hundred parameters of this part of the computer. With it you can adjust not only color rendition, but also the clock frequency and performance of the monitor.

These are just a few options that can improve your life. By the way, in some cases they can also eliminate streaks on the monitor.


Whatever one may say, the comfort of using not only the monitor, but the entire computer as a whole is the user’s job. This article clearly shows the relationship between regular computer maintenance and the years of its operation, because with a clean processor or video adapter heatsink, the likelihood of equipment overheating is significantly reduced.

In addition, it is very important to ensure that the monitor itself is not subjected to any tests in the form of direct exposure to sunlight, heating equipment, high humidity and so on.

If it so happens that stripes have appeared on your monitor, you have taken out all the cables, put them in place, but the situation has not changed, and you have no idea what and how it works in the computer, we strongly recommend that you contact a service center. This option will make your life much easier.

A monitor is the most important device for working with a computer, which allows you to see all the actions on the screen. Unfortunately, the monitor is not always pleasing with its correct operation. Below we'll look at what causes vertical stripes to appear on your monitor, and whether there's anything you can do about it.
As a rule, suddenly appearing vertical stripes on the screen of users’ computers occur for two groups of reasons: software and hardware. In the first case, the software installed on the computer was to blame, and in the second, there were problems with the monitor itself or its connection to the system unit.

A little advice: before you start moving on to ways to solve the problem, try connecting your monitor to another computer - this way you can understand whether the problem is the computer itself, or a malfunction in the monitor.

Software problems

Reason 1: missing video card drivers

If you just reinstalled Windows or updated your video card drivers, but then encountered vertical stripes on your monitor screen, you can assume there are problems with the drivers.

To solve this problem, you will need to install fresh video card drivers. First of all, open the menu "Control Panel" and go to the section "System".

In the left area of ​​the window, click on the item "Device Manager".

Expand the tab "Video adapters". If the name “VGA adapter” or the name of your video card appears next to it, but with a yellow exclamation mark, this indicates that the drivers are not working. If the drivers have been installed, right-click on the graphics adapter and select "Delete".

A confirmation window will appear on the screen, where you will need to check the box next to "Uninstall driver programs for this device".

Once the removal is completed successfully, you will need to restart your computer. From this point on, you can start downloading and installing the latest version of video card drivers (if you haven’t worked with video card drivers at all after installing Windows, you will immediately need to proceed to downloading them, without preliminary procedure removal described above).

You can download video card drivers from the official website of the manufacturer of your graphics adapter (specifically for your model). If you are the owner of a laptop, then the graphics drivers will be downloaded from the laptop manufacturer’s website.

After downloading the required driver distribution, you will need to run it by installing it like any other program, and then be sure to restart the computer.

Reason 2: incorrect resolution settings

The problem with vertical stripes may arise because the computer settings are set to the wrong resolution.

To check this, right-click on any free area of ​​the desktop and select the item from the context menu that appears. "Display Options".

Please note that further steps are discussed using Windows 10 as an example. If you have a different version operating system, then the name and location of the settings may be different.

In the settings window that appears, click the button « Additional options screen".

Hardware problems

Reason 3: video card failure

If possible, connect your monitor to any other computer. If the vertical stripes have disappeared, but you do not suspect software problems, you can assume that the problem lies with the video card, which may have failed.

Next, you will need to disconnect the video card from your computer, and then insert it into another computer that you are completely confident in its functionality. If the situation with the monitor is similar, you have once again confirmed your guess.

In this case, you will need to try to visually inspect the video card to see if it is covered in dust, and if the contacts are dirty. If the problem is in the contacts, clean them with an eraser and also get rid of all visible dirt. After this, the video card did not work? Then you will not be able to help it in any way: either contact a service center to have it repaired, or replace the video card.

Reason 4: Incorrect monitor connection

Check whether your monitor is connected to the computer correctly: the cable connecting the monitor must be fully plugged in on both sides. We recommend that you additionally use a different outlet for the monitor - it is quite possible that it simply does not have enough power.

If there is any type of damage on the connected cable, the cable must be replaced.

Reason 5: Motherboard failure

A sudden power surge, severe overheating, or a simple manufacturing defect can cause the motherboard to fail.

In this case, of course, if you connect the monitor to another computer, it will work fine. Except for problems with the video card, you should suspect the motherboard - and here everything is already sad, and you won’t be able to help it on your own; you will definitely need to contact a service center (and the sooner the better).

Reason 6: Monitor malfunction

If on other computers the monitor still produces the same reaction with vertical stripes, we can assume that the problem lies in the monitor itself.

Alternatively, try pressing top part monitor with your finger - if the stripes disappear, this may indicate that a cable is coming off the matrix body in the monitor (but this step may not work).

In this case, you will need to take the monitor itself directly to a service center, where they can more accurately diagnose and solve the cause of the problem, or try to disassemble it yourself (of course, if you have at least some experience). If the problem is insufficient contact of the cable with the matrix body, you will need to use something to seal the gasket at the exit point.

As a rule, these are the main reasons for the appearance of vertical stripes on the monitor.