Rare colors of rats. Breeds of decorative rats. Interesting and educational facts about the life of rats

In the article I will do brief overview varieties of breeds decorative rats. I will give a description of each of them and tell you about the features of care. I'll tell you at what price you can buy a little rat.

Overview of varieties of decorative rats

Domestic rats differ from each other in body type and coat type. There are no breeds as such among these rodents. Among them there are varieties, each of which has a certain appearance.

A parental pair cannot be guaranteed to pass on characteristics characteristic of a variety to its offspring. For example, two rats with standard ears can give birth to a baby Dumbo rat.

Thoroughbred rats are divided according to certain characteristics:

  • Body type (standard and dumbo);
  • Coat type (standard, wavy, sphinx, rex, downy, half sphinx, velor, satin);
  • Color (divided into sections: uniform, silver, ticked, marked, combined, husky, non-standard colors);
  • Markings (presence and location white on the main color);

You can buy a baby rat at a pet store or through an advertisement for a price starting from 100 rubles. A rodent from a nursery may cost more (300 – 1500 rubles), but the health guarantee is higher. In the nursery you can purchase a pet for participation in exhibitions and breeding work.

The decorative rat originated from the wild gray rat - pasyuk.

During the process of domestication, the animals changed their head shape, ear size, coat color and type, temperament and attitude towards humans. A domestic rat is the same pasyuk, only in a domesticated form.

Today there is a Standard for varieties of ornamental rats, which Russian and foreign breeders are working on.



The animal has a proportional, flexible, plastic physique without signs of fragility. Females are somewhat lighter and look more graceful. The length of the animal is up to 26 cm (to the tip of the tail). The length of the tail is proportional to the length of the body (including the head).

The eyes are large, round and shiny. The eye color is in harmony with the coat color according to the standard. Small ears are located at the top of the head and are larger in size than the Pasyuk’s ears. The head is proportional to the body, of sufficient width.

Coat type and color are determined by the general Standard.

The coat fits well and is shiny. The paws and tail are covered with short hair. Light-colored rats have short, velvety fur on their ears.

The antennae are oblong and proportionally located on the cheeks; above the eyes they are shorter and in smaller numbers. In rodents with other types of hair (rexes, sphinxes, etc.), the whiskers may be short, curled and sparse.


Dumbo differs from the standard in the shape of his ear and skull. Dumbo's ears are lowered and are approximately at eye level. The ear is wider and more rounded than the standard one.

The name "dambo" translates as "baby elephant". That is, the ears resemble the ear of a baby elephant.

The ear should be as open as possible. Folds are not allowed. The dumbo ear has two shapes: open and “tulip”, when the upper edge is slightly directed downwards.

The coat type and coat color correspond to the descriptions in the general Standard.

The Dumbo's skull is slightly wider than that of the standard. Due to the position of the ears, the head of this variety looks wide and flat. The back of the dumbo's head has a barely noticeable convexity.

Coat type


The coat is smooth, shiny, tight-fitting; the mustache is long and dense. The paws and tail are covered with fine fur. The ears have short velvet fur. The undercoat is well formed.

Curly (rex)

The hair is dense, thick and forms curls. On the belly the hair is straighter. The amount of hair is less than the standard coat type, or it is absent. The hair is inferior in shine to the standard type.

Tactilely, the hair is slightly coarser than standard, without signs of brittleness or stiffness. The mustache is short and curled.

Wavy (teddy, corduroy)

Thick, soft, even coat, more wavy than curly. Visually, the coat is slightly disheveled, but looks well-groomed. There is a thick undercoat, but the awns are practically absent. The mustache is of good length, with a slight wave.


The skin is almost completely bald; she is healthy, bright and soft. In some areas of the body (on the muzzle, limbs and groin area) pubescence is allowed. There may be folds. The mustache is short and curly.


The body of the animal is covered with short, thin, soft fluff. On the face and lower body the hair is thicker and longer. There is no guard hair. The skin is pleasant to the touch, velvety. The antennae are slightly curled downwards. Bare areas of the body are not allowed.

Half Phinx (double rex) outside the standard

The coat is short and harsh. The mustache is short and curls tightly. Double Rex has two types:

  • The rat has hairless and hairy areas of the body. They may change over time, i.e. bare skin becomes overgrown, and pubescent skin becomes bald.
  • The rodent has short hair only on the face, tail, legs and belly.

Satin (satin, longhair)

The coat is thin, silky, longer than usual. The white color has a yellowish tint. The impression of “shining” wool.


There is very little or no guard hair. The coat is shorter than that of the Rex, curled or crimped. The mustache curls tightly.

Description of colors by section


The hair is colored uniformly in one tone. The exception is the ash-blue color. The body has a uniform color without spots or ticking.

  • Black;
  • Blue (Russian blue, smoky);
  • White;
  • Champagne;
  • Blue;
  • Platinum;
  • Russian silver and other solid colors.


The body has a single color. Part of the hair is colored unevenly, in two or more colors (with belts). Among these zone-colored hairs are hairs with a uniform color.

  • Agouti (platinum, Russian blue, blue);
  • Faun;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Amber;
  • Pearl (cinnamon, blue);
  • Topaz.


This section is characterized by alternating silver hairs with hairs of a different color (uniform or ticked). The color is bright and uniform.

  • Silver-mink;
  • Silver - blue;
  • Silver-black;


The color consists of several colors (except white), which are arranged in accordance with the norms prescribed by the Standard.

  • Siamese (blue, Russian blue, mink, black-eyed Siamese);
  • Himalayan (blue or with black eyes);
  • Burmese (Russian, wheat, sable, blue).


A marking is a drawing, i.e. combination of white color with colored areas.

  • Irish;
  • Anglo – Irish;
  • Raincoat (European, with blaze);
  • Hood (or shortened hood);
  • Cap (or cap with a train);
  • Spotted - cloaked (or spotted);
  • Train (or train with blaze);
  • Masked;

Blaze is a white wedge-shaped spot on the face.

Husky (blooming)

This type combines a blaze (in a cloak or train) with a perennial base color. Symmetry and contrast are important components for this marking. Cubs up to 3 weeks of age have a uniform color with a blaze, but later the husky's coat begins to turn silver.

  • Raincoat;
  • Daisy chain;

Non-standard colors

These colors are not recognized by the Rat Club.

  • Dove;
  • Devil;
  • Black devil

An animal with these colors receives marks at the exhibition, but does not receive titles.


Coat color – any. One eye is pink or red, the other is black or ruby.

Other varieties


This is a fairly large rodent, weighing 250-600 grams. Unlike the domesticated form, the pasyuk has a convex forehead and well-defined brow ridges. The pasyuk's tail is thick and its length is shorter than the body. The ears are relatively small. - homogeneous standard agouti.

Pasyukov can be kept at home, including together with a domesticated rat. Some nurseries infuse the blood of wild gray rats into domestic animals or breed only pasyuki.

Pasyuk retained most of his natural instincts. He accepts easily new experience, thinks quickly and survives in the wild.

Tailless rat (Manx)

Manx is the result of a complex mutation. Many associations of rat lovers are against the breeding of this species. Accordingly, it is unrecognized. Tailless Manx are disabled by definition, as they have lost their balance beam. In addition, the tail cools the animal at high temperatures.

As a result of this mutation, the musculoskeletal system and organs of the excretory system are affected. Often the cubs die at an early age or a little later.

All varieties are kept under the same conditions. The features of caring for each rat are also the same. Animals are kept in spacious cages and terrariums, in a warm and dry place, without drafts. The rats are provided with quality food and water, a running wheel and toys.

Guided by the description of the varieties, rodents are given specific name. For example, Albino Self Standard Velveteen means that the rat is a standard albino with a solid color and corduroy coat type. BE Siamese Self Dumbo Rex – Dumbo with black eyes, Siamese color with curly coat type.

The intelligence, sociability and sociality of rats have made them one of the most popular species for home keeping. But here, too, a difficulty arises: you must first select the ideal breed, and... Curly-haired pets are very popular - charming creatures, unlike the usual owners of sewers.

The history of the appearance of the breed is simple: at the birth of a rat with curly hairs, breeders fixed the gene and developed a new variety. It is the structure of the coat that distinguishes rex rodents from their standard counterparts. The body structure and behavioral characteristics are quite close to other varieties.

Description of the external characteristics of the breed:

  • hairs that curl like sheep's;
  • increased wool hardness;
  • individual hairs may bristle;
  • young individuals look disheveled - the final curls have not yet formed;
  • The main places where curled fur is localized are the back and sides;
  • compared to the standard breed, the skin appears duller;
  • in adults, the undercoat falls out, which adds rigidity to the outer hair;
  • the whiskers are also curled and shorter compared to the whiskers of other species;
  • acceptable various options colors, but due to the structure of the coat the spots may merge;
  • a healthy pet is distinguished by a coat without bald patches with curls that are elastic to the touch;
  • the presence of sockets is not allowed by the standards;
  • ears are wide;
  • the tail is fluffy.

Curly Rex rat babies look disheveled

The following subspecies stands out separately: the Double Rex rat. According to some sources, the breed has not yet been included in the standards.

Rats are born provided that both parents have the corresponding “curly” gene. Babies' undercoat begins to fall out early childhood, which provokes the appearance of bald spots and makes the breed less popular, although when touched the fur seems plush and soft.

Double Rex Rat

Rex is a curly-haired rat with large round ears.

Dumbo Rex Rat

Other features of rodents

Rexes are highly fertile: the litter can be up to 20 babies. The pregnancy period does not exceed a month.

The size of the average rodent varies from 8 to 20 cm. Females rarely weigh more than 350 g, males are more powerful - their weight can reach 600 g. The size of the rodent is 17-25 cm, the length of the host reaches 12 cm. The shape of the muzzle differs from standard rats: it is wide and dull.

Behavior and habits of the rex rat

Curly rat is excellent as pet. She is perky and cheerful, and at the same time easily shows affection and loves to play with her owners. The main advantages of Rex:

  • remember the “main” owner and demonstrate devotion to him;
  • easily learn different tricks;

The advantages of the species are that they are undemanding in maintenance; rats easily adapt to the daily routine of their owner.

Rex rats have a lively and sociable character.

Curly-haired pasyuks are curious. When letting them run around the apartment, you should be especially careful not to crush them under the door or step on the animals.

Features of home maintenance

Mobility is important for a rat, so it needs a place where it can run comfortably without limiting itself in outdoor games. Considering the high sociality of the species, it is recommended to have several individuals at once.

If it is possible to keep only one curly-haired rat, its cage should contain:

  • swing;
  • house;
  • manholes;
  • various items for entertainment.

Animals are omnivores, however, for good health it is necessary to add to the diet: ready-made industrial feed, vitamins and cereals.

The Rex rat's cage should be equipped with entertainment devices.

The animals are easy to care for: just change food regularly and clean the cage daily. Twice a month the “apartment” needs to be disinfected. Experts recommend giving food in unequal portions: leaving most of it for the evening.

Decorative rats are excellent pets, causing virtually no associations with their wild counterparts that inhabit the basements of houses. When handled correctly, these rodents become absolutely tame, and the wide color palette and variety of varieties make it easy to choose a pet that suits your taste.

Based on their coat type, domestic rats are divided into standard, curly, satin and sphinx. Standard rats are the most common. They have short, smooth and glossy fur various shades. Curly-haired rats have very dense fur and are coarser than standard rats. Satin rats have fine, soft, shiny and longer fur. Sphynxes are almost completely devoid of fur, although fluff may be present on some parts of the body (on the face, limbs, in the groin area). The skin of sphinxes is soft and elastic to the touch.

The color of a decorative rat can be very diverse: monochromatic, multi-colored, with amazing patterns. The names of color and coat structure are often borrowed from dogs and cats; for example, you can easily see a husky or rex rat, and don’t be surprised by such a comparison. As for eye color, they can be black, ruby, red or even multi-colored.

On average, adult male ornamental rats weigh 400-650 g, and females - 250-450. These rodents have a rather dense build and well-developed muscles; they are hardy, dexterous and strong. As a rule, most rats have a very long tail, but there are also tailless rats. When choosing your pet, consider the variety of breeds.


Many consider rats to be the most intelligent and cunning animals not only among rodents, but among all mammals. And it cannot be said that this opinion is unfounded, because rats have more than once demonstrated extraordinary talents in training and the ability to quickly find solutions in unusual situations. These are amazing and unusually smart animals, whose habits are a pleasure to observe.

Decorative rats – best solution for people who want to have pets, but are rarely at home or live in small apartments, where having a large pet is quite problematic. These unusual rodents are in no way inferior in their mental abilities dogs and cats. It is interesting to communicate with them, it is pleasant to observe their behavior.

Domestic rats are playful, active and very mobile. Getting used to their owner, they become very affectionate, calmly allowing themselves to be picked up and stroked. In addition, rats can (and even need to!) be trained. Communication with the owner brings them real pleasure, and an active life filled with games and fun tricks is real happiness.

When choosing the gender of your pet, you should take into account that males, as a rule, are somewhat calmer than females, while females are more playful and active.


The life expectancy of decorative rats is on average 2-3 years.

Decorative rats are unpretentious and clean pets, from which, with proper care, you will never smell an unpleasant odor. They are kept in special spacious cages ( optimal size cages per rat at least 60 liters). It is strictly not recommended to purchase cages for hamsters, because... rats will be cramped in them, and when playing with a wheel designed for a smaller rodent, your pet may be seriously injured. Never keep a rat in a jar or aquarium. Such housing is practically not ventilated, it is extremely difficult to clean, and your mobile animal will be cramped and extremely uncomfortable in it.

Multi-level cages made for ferrets or chinchillas may be a suitable option for rats. In such a home, your pets will have room to spread out.

What items need to be placed in the cage? First of all, this is a drinking bowl, a feeder, a house, a mineral stone for grinding teeth and several toys, thanks to which your animal will not get bored. Rats love to run and climb, so all kinds of obstacles, ladders and passages will be a great gift for your pet. However, it is very important not to overdo the decorations in the cage. Rats need free space to thrive. In a crowded, cramped home, rodents will be very uncomfortable, and restricted movement will negatively affect their health.

A special corn, cellulose or cellulose-mineral filler is poured onto the bottom of the cage. Hay and sawdust - no best alternative filler, since hay does not absorb bad smell, and flares can live in sawdust; in addition, small sawdust gets clogged in the pet’s nose and eyes and causes an allergic reaction. Fillers from coniferous trees have an adverse effect on the respiratory system of rats and are therefore contraindicated for them. Under no circumstances should cotton wool be used. As sad practice shows, rodents often get entangled in it and, trying to free themselves, often injure themselves. If cotton wool gets into the pet’s body, health problems cannot be avoided.

The cage is installed on a stable surface away from drafts, windows, heating devices and sources of loud noise.

Do not forget that the remains of spoiled food must be removed in a timely manner, and the water in the drinking bowl must be replaced with fresh water every day.


The basis of the rodents' diet is grains. Some vegetables and fruits and animal foods (meat and eggs) are also beneficial for them. The ideal solution are ready-made balanced food for rats, because... they contain all the necessary elements and no vitamin-mineral supplements are needed with this diet. Boiled seafood and shrimp can be given to pets in small quantities as treats.

Clean water should always be freely available.

The list of foods prohibited for rats includes sweets (chocolate, etc.), tofu, spinach, cabbage (raw red cabbage and Brussels sprouts), green bananas, sausage, raw artichokes, etc.


Rats, like all rodents, are very fertile. They become sexually mature at the age of 1.5 months, but females can bear healthy offspring without harm to their health only from 5 months of age. The offspring are born for 20-25 days.

In fact, a female can give birth every 1.5 months, and in one offspring there are up to 20 pups. Almost immediately after giving birth, the rat is ready for a new conception. But, of course, you must understand that frequent births are detrimental both to the health of the rat itself and to the health of its cubs. Taking into account such fertility, it is strictly not recommended to keep pets of different sexes in the same cage.

Newborn rat pups should be kept close to their mother for 4-5 weeks. During this period, their immunity will be formed and basic skills will be learned. After 5 weeks, the offspring are separated by gender: females with females, males with males, otherwise unplanned conceptions cannot be avoided.

Oddly enough, among all types of decorative rodents, domestic rats are becoming increasingly popular. These animals are very friendly, easy to care for, do not require much space to keep, and can always cheer you up. Moreover, it is believed that rats are very intelligent creatures, smart, cunning, and have a good memory.

There are a huge variety of rat breeds, which differ in size and type of fur. The main ones are presented in the photo below.

Classification of rats depending on body type

Based on body type, domestic rats are divided into main groups:

Classification of rats by hair type

Depending on the type of fur, decorative rats are also conventionally divided into several groups. In standard animals it shines and lies evenly throughout the body. The tail, fingers and paws of the animal are covered with a short thin fur coat. The ears seem to be shrouded in down, making them very soft and silky. Long vibrissae are located on the cheeks of the animal, and short and thin ones are located above the eyes.

Curly rats. The whiskers of this type of animal are much shorter and curled downwards. On the top of the back, these animals have very curly velvety fur, but less shiny than the standard type. Tummy different types It can be both curly and absolutely straight.

Wavy rats. They differ from the standard breed by the presence of wavy, thick wool, which is very soft and fluffy to the touch. Because of the peculiar waves, sometimes a rat can seem quite unkempt and unkempt.

Downy rats. Characterized by the presence of thin soft fluff instead of wool. The hairs are located throughout the body rather sparsely, and they are also short in length. The mustache is characterized by a curled shape and is short.

Sphinx. The uniqueness of this breed is the absence of wool. These rats are completely hairless. The skin of such animals must have a beautiful, healthy appearance with a bright color. Rodents of this type may be covered with small, thin fluff only in certain parts of the body, for example, above the eyes, or on the cheeks.

Rex. Such animals look very cute because their fur is not evenly laid, but sticks out a little in different directions. There are only a few such rats, but they look very original and impressive. The whiskers of this species of animal have a twisted shape and a rather short length.

Double Rex. This type can be either bald or with fur. Moreover, throughout the life of the animal, in those areas where there was never fur before, it can grow, and vice versa, in fluffy places the villi disappear. The whiskers of this type of rat are generally curled and short in length. Sometimes there are decorative rats of this breed with a double coat. The fluff is often slightly curled and tousled.

Long-haired rats. The fluffiest of all the above animal species, their hairs are of considerable length.

Satin. These rats have beautiful, thin and long fur. This breed is very beautiful, has shiny fluff with a bluish tint. This feature attracts all lovers of pet rats.

Husky. This decorative look having a varied coat color. Most often you can find individuals white-gray color. At birth, these animals mostly have snow-white fur, but over time the color changes. Another feature of this breed is eye color. While standard rats have black eyes, Huskies can have eyes of all shades of red.

Classification of decorative rats depending on color

In this article, we have already looked at what kind of domestic rats there are, depending on their body shape and the type of their fur. But what colors can the hair of your pets have?

IN modern world Many scientists are constantly trying to breed completely new species of domestic rats. This is mainly related to medicine. As you know, these cute creatures are often used in science. Doctors all over the world conduct various experiments on them, thus creating medicines to treat various diseases. Thanks to these animals, scientists have tested a huge variety of medicines that undoubtedly help people survive.

For many years now they have been crossing different types decorative rats, as a result of which hybrid species were bred.

As for the colors of animal fur, they are predominantly white, black, gray, brown, orange, blue, beige, and black and white. The color of the eyes also depends on the color of the hair. Often, rats with white fur have black or red eyes. Species with a blue body tint most often have ruby-colored eyes.

There is also a separate species of rats whose fur has three colors. Such rocks are called mosaic. They are found very rarely in the modern world, therefore they are considered one of the most valuable. Moreover, the colors of this mosaic can be absolutely diverse. Most often, the color contains a white tone or various light shades. Interesting fact That this breed of rats does not pass on its color by inheritance, a tri-colored female may give birth to monochromatic rat pups.

As you can see, there is a huge variety of breeds of decorative pet rats. If you decide to get yourself such an animal, you definitely won’t regret your choice. Once your pet gets used to you, it will become completely tame and dependent on its owners. These creatures are very friendly and do not bite even when handled roughly.

Features of caring for decorative rats

Rats do not require too much space; they only need a small cage with ladders of various shapes, a house, a hammock, a wheel, where they can run or play with any other accessories.

They are also particularly unpretentious in nutrition and are considered omnivores. However, as regards proper diet, then it must definitely be present, since the rodent needs all the useful substances and microelements for good health and good mood. It is enough to feed rats twice a day, morning and evening. At night the portion should be larger.

This is due to the fact that these creatures are nocturnal inhabitants. The diet must contain grains, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Don't forget to regularly change the water in the drinking bowl so that your pet doesn't suffer from thirst.

The main disadvantage of these cute creatures is their short lifespan. In general, rats do not live longer than three years, and this applies to absolutely all breeds. That's why important advice When you buy a pet, choose a rat whose age does not exceed one and a half months.

At proper care, any breed of domestic decorative rat you like will always delight you and your child with excellent health and good mood.

It is rare when the appearance pet can be a sudden and spontaneous action, but even if the animal appeared in the house unplanned, it is impossible to remain indifferent to these cute babies, they will conquer any heart.

Breeds of domestic rats belong to a large genus, with 137 species and 570 subspecies. The rodents themselves belong to the subspecies “gray”, less often “black” rat.

Interesting fact! Gray rats reach a speed of 10 km/h, and they jump 80 cm in height. Moreover, if the animal is scared or angry, it can jump as much as 2 meters in height!

Each subspecies of rodents has its own individual parameters, such as body length and shape, coat structure and color, etc. That's why they simply don't have a common standard. Often there are names borrowed from cats, dogs or other rodents. For example, sphinx, rex or husky.

The gray house rat can jump 2 m high

Let's look at the most popular breeds of rats:

  1. Standard. The most common type. The animals have smooth, glossy fur and reach a weight of 500 g. The body is large and elongated, the tail is long and thick at the base. The tail and body are almost equal in length (20 to 24 cm). The ears are moderately large, wide and rounded, squat.
  2. Satin. The fur has a deep shine with a blue tint, the hairs are long, smooth and thin, pleasant to the touch. Outwardly, their smooth hairs resemble satin, which is where the name of this species of rat comes from. This distinctive feature this category will not leave anyone indifferent. The body of these rodents is similar to the standard class.
  3. Dumbo. They were named after a cartoon flying baby elephant with huge ears. Their distinguishing feature– large, round, low-set ears, a sharp muzzle, and a wider head than others. The body is pear-shaped, reminiscent of tailless animals, but dambos have a shorter body and a long tail.
  4. Sphinx. These animals are completely devoid of all fur on their bodies, some do not even have a mustache. Such rodents should not have even the smallest amount of hairs. Their body has many folds and most often has pink. Skin color should be bright and shiny. All that is allowed in completely hairless animals is a small fluff on the lower parts of the limbs, on the cheeks and above the eyes. Adults look like newly born rat pups.
  5. Tailless. This category of rodents is already born without a tail. Even the tiniest tail is unacceptable for this breed. The torso has pear-shaped. This type of rodent was created by chance in 1983 as a result of a gene mutation.
  6. Rex. Rex rats are distinguished from other rats by their thick curly fur and short curly whiskers. The Rex rat has a tougher matte coat, which is less shiny due to curly hair, while the hairs are denser. There are few axial hairs in the cover.
  7. Downy ones. Otherwise, this subspecies is called Fuzz. These rodents have sparse, translucent hair and no guard hairs. Instead of a thick coat, they have fine, downy fur all over their bodies. At the same time, they have short mustaches curled like curls.
  8. Husky. These animals' coat color is not monochromatic, but gray and white. Newly born babies have a white coat, which changes color as they grow older. The body size and structure are the same as most breeds. The eyes are standard shades of red.
  9. Double rex. They have double hair. Their fur is short and translucent, making the skin on the body clearly visible. The fur is twisted in the form of a spiral. On the body, hard axial hairs are mixed with soft downy hairs. These rodents shed frequently, and during these periods areas of the body are often exposed. Coat color may vary. Their mustaches are also short and curled.

On average, domestic decorative rats live 2 years

Wild animals often live only up to a year, often dying from the teeth of predators, from people, and often die from various diseases, cold and hunger. At the same time, the same types of domestic rats do not need to obtain food; they always eat as much as they want, live in a warm place, and are periodically checked by a veterinarian. However, this does not always mean that the pet will be completely healthy and will not get sick with what all rodents usually get sick with.

Therefore, unfortunately, statements that breeds of decorative rats are good care can live up to 4-5 years, lie, the maximum that the strongest and healthiest specimens can live is only 3 years.

Any type of decorative rat needs constant supervision. Locking a rodent in a cage and leaving for a week will not work. Someone must stay with the pet, feed it, change water and bedding. In addition, you cannot constantly keep the animal in a cage; it definitely needs to stretch its legs. And during a walk, you need to watch your pet so that the animal does not try any of the interior items on its teeth.

Pet rats should not be kept in a cage all the time.

When buying this cute animal as a pet at the request of a child, you need to be prepared for the fact that all care and feeding procedures will fall on the shoulders of an adult. However, if you devote enough time to your baby, he will grow up obedient and sociable.

Clean your pet's cage as often as possible - rats love cleanliness

In order for the animal to get used to its owner, it needs to be picked up often and called by name, then it will respond to it. Over time, the pet will get used to it and will happily sit on the shoulder, on the head, or sleep on the hands or lap of the owner. If you want, you can even walk with him on the street, fresh air It will only benefit your pet.

Pet stores offer a wide range of ready-made mixtures for rodents. They are also given natural products. In order for the diet to be complete, it must include vitamins, minerals, and also products of plant and animal origin.

Oats, millet, bread, meat, rye, root vegetables and boiled eggs are included in the main diet of rodents. Cheese, dried fruits and fruits are given less frequently as treats.

The animals eat twice a day; the evening portion should be larger than the morning portion. Foods such as meat should be given no more than twice a week. To grind teeth, there should always be pieces of chalk, salt or strong succulent branches in the cage.

By getting this wonderful animal as your pet, you can be sure that you won’t have to regret your decision, these cute animals will conquer anyone and become family favorites.